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Cross Section of the Artery, Vein and Capillary

Artery Vein Capillary

Arteri Vena Kapilari

Artery Vein Capillary

Function Carries blood out of the Carries blood into the Carries blood into cell
fungsi heart(except pulmonary heart (except pulmonary and from cell into blood
artery) vein) Membawa darah ke sel
Membawa darah keluar Membawa darah masuk dan dari sel ke dalam
daripada jantung ( kecuali ke jantung (kecuali vena darah
arteri pulmonary) pulmonary)
Type of carried blood Carries oxygenated blood Carries deoxygenated Carries oxygenated blood
Jenis darah yang (except pulmonary artery) blood (except pulmonary from the artery and
dibawa Membawa darah vein) deoxygenated blood to
beroksigen (kecuali arteri Membawa darah tidak the vein
pulmonari) beroksigen ( kecuali vena Membawa darah
pulmonari) beroksigen dari arteri
dan membawa darah
tidak beroksigen dari
Blood pressure High pressure blood Low pressure blood Blood flows very slowly
Tekanan darah (tekanan darah yang tinggi) (tekanan darah yang because the blood
rendah) pressure in the capillary is
very low.
(Aliran darah rendah
kerana tekanan darah
sangat rendah)
Blood flowing rate Fast Slow Very slow
Kadar pengaliran Laju lambat Sangat lambat
Thickness of blood Has thick, muscular, strong Has thin, less muscular Has porous and thin wall
vessel wall and elastic wall and less elastic wall to facilitate the exchange
Ketebalan dinding Mempunyai dinding yang Dinding yang nipis, of gases and digested
saluran darah tebal, berotot, kuat dan kurang berotot dan food and removal of
elastic kurang elastik waste products
Dinding yang berongga
dan nipis untuk
memudahkan pertukaran
gas dan bahan tercerna
serta pembuangan bahan
Lumen size Small Big Very small
Saiz lumen kecil Besar Sangat kecil
Existence of valve No Yes No
Kewujudan injap Tidak Ya Tidak
Humans have a double circulatory system. Blood passes through the heart twice as it circulates in the body

Path 1 : from the heart to the lungs and back again to the heart

The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from different parts of the body and pushes it into the right
ventricle. The right side of the heart then pumps blood to the lungs to collect oxygen and remove carbon

Path 2: from the heart to the rest of the body again to the heart

The oxygenated blood returns to the left atrium and flows into the left ventricle. Then the left side of the heart
pumps blood to the rest of the body to supply oxygen to the cells and to collect carbon dioxide

Comparison between oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood

Oxygenated blood Differences Deoxygenated blood

Higher Concentration of dissolved oxygen Lower

Lower Concentration of dissolve carbon Higher

Bright red Colour Dark red

Carried by all arteries except Mode of transport Carried by all veins except
pulmonary artery pulmonary vein
Carried from the heart to all parts Place of transport Carried from all parts of the body
of the body to the heart
Flows swift ender high pressure Speed and pressure Flows slowly under low pressure

Transport oxygen to all tissues Function Expels carbon dioxide from all body
In blood leaving the lungs Where are they found Blood from all parts of our body
except the lungs

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