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Name: Melissa Adams

Date: November 9, 2010

Grade Level/Subject: 5th grade – Language Arts

Prerequisite Knowledge: Students should know about sentence structure, subjects of sentences, and nouns.

Approximate Time: 30 minutes

Student Objectives/Student Outcomes:

- Students will be able to list or suggest words that show action or movement.
- Students will identify action verbs from sentences.

Content Standards:
State Goal 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes.
3. A.1 – Construct complete sentences which demonstrate subject/verb agreement; appropriate capitalization and
punctuation; correct spelling of appropriate, high-fluency words; and appropriate use of the eight parts of speech.

Materials/Resources/Technology: English book, white board, white board markers, copies of both worksheets

Opening of lesson (4 minutes):
- Have students open their books to page 96. Once the students are quiet, begin the lesson. Lately in English we
have been looking at parts that make up a sentence. So we have gone over subjects and predicates and recently
we’ve gone over nouns. Today we are going to start the next unit by looking at verbs.

Procedure (20 minutes):

- Verbs are words that show or convey action. They tell us what the subject is, has, does, or feels. Write
this sentence on the board – ‘I play baseball every Saturday’. What is the subject of this sentence? (I)
What is the verb of the sentence? (Play) it is play, because it is an action, something that can be done
physically. This is why we call them action verbs.
- Ask one of the students to read the first bullet point on the top of page 96. So let’s look at those
sentences. Go over the four sentences under the bullet and have students tell what the verb is. Let’s look
at the sentence on the board again. What is the subject? Right, and what is it that the subject does or
did? Good, Play, which is the action verb. It tells us what the subject did or does. Make sure they
understand the concept of action verb.
- On the board write the word Dogs_____. Ask students what is it that dogs do? Generate a list of verbs
that monkeys do. (ex. Run, swim, bark, sleep, jump, etc.)
- Okay, back on page 96, who can read the second bullet point for us? Choose a student that raises their
hand quietly. Right, so in that sentence ‘the coach thought about the players in the field’, what is the
verb? Thought. Yes, because the coach is performing an action, he is thinking we just can’t see that
- Let’s make a list of other non-physical action verbs. They are words that tell us a subject or someone is
doing something but we can’t physically see it. Like ‘look’. (ex: likes, learn, appreciate, remembers,
enjoys, admire)
- Check for understanding. Make sure they know what is going on and how to find the action verb.
- Let’s go ahead and practice some of the problems on page 96 then. From here go through problems 1-
10 on pages 96, have the students read the sentence and tell what the action verb is. Only call on
students who have their hand raised and are quiet.
- If there is still time left, continue and go over 11 – 20 on page 97.
Summary/closing (6 minutes):
- If you remember one thing from today remember that action verbs tell us something a person can do
with their body or mind. They also can tell us what objects and animals do. Does that make sense?
- Everyone get out their planners and open to Tuesday’s English. Pass out homework while they do this.
Have the students write down worksheet 36 and 37 for English in their planner.
- Let’s go ahead and take a look at the worksheets together. On the first worksheet all you are doing is
finding the action verb in the sentence and writing it on the blank. If it helps you or makes it easier, you
can underline the subject of the sentence then work from there to figure out what the subject did or
does. Flip over to the second worksheet. Listen up because this one is kind of complicated. Read the
directions at the top from someone’s page. Make sure everyone knows how to play tic-tac-toe or how it
is won. Then explain that they are looking for the person who won, but used only action verbs. So they
need to find the action verbs and decide if team ‘x’ or ‘o’ won.

- Students will be assessed on their classroom participation and cooperation and attention.
- Students will be assessed on the completed homework assignment they turn in the following day.

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