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Fight Club Lawyer (Part II)

Greetings and salutations my fellow Americans,

The purpose of this missive is to point out a few reasons why “Foreclosuregate” and its consequences
should be of grave concern to all of us. Pay attention deadbeats, pin-striped banking weasels, GSE
enablers, congressional puppets, pet judges, robo-lawyers, etc. For maximum effect cue Carl Orff’s “O

Rather than parse this into hyper-technical fork-tongued Wall Street lingo and all the obvious virtues that
come with it, my preference is Main Street lingo. Remember Main Street?

To sum things up Main Street got hosed. Not just a plain old run of the mill hosing either. The wherefores
are lost in terms such as Credit Default Swaps, REMIC, servicer, sub-servicer, master-servicer (doesn’t
that sound diabolical), trustee, special purpose vehicle, MERS…ok enough. This kind of crap is best left
for professionals and Main Street has no business understanding any of this. It’s dangerous to fool around
with. Besides, when any of these terms become “insufficient” a new one pops out of nowhere in the form
of an innovation. Usually, for a handsome fee, these innovations are supported by well-healed and really
smart “Non-Thinking Profit Tanks”. I kind of like that term myself and shamelessly purloined it from a
fellow ZHer.

There are basically two ways to address this problem that I believe to be at the root of our collective
financial sclerosis:

The first path is bad and it is the path we are on now. Everything and I do mean everything, must pass
through one’s own political prism before it becomes truth. Look at the political hay being made over the
tragic events unfolding in Japan. This stems from some sort of national neuro-atrophy and basing all
“truths” on political beliefs would seem rather unreliable. The bottom line here is while a small few are
sneaking away with all the money (whatever that is these days) most of us on Main Street are busy
arguing over non-issues. That environment is perfect for sneaking away with money.

The second path is good and not the path we are on now. The direction of that path can be found in a three
inch by five inch booklet that never leaves my desk. It can be read cover to cover in fifteen minutes or
less and it is called The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of
America. We are, and must strive to remain a nation of laws, not men.

Allow me the liberty of quoting our third President, Thomas Jefferson:

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the
American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by
deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all
property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing
power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
If we accept that we are still a nation of laws (if you’re still with me…hang in there…I’m almost done)
we must wield those laws with full vigor. The oligarchs pull them like a gun, but for some reason (see
path #1) they are allowed to bend them, twist them, even ignore them. When fitting they create new ones
or remove those that are in their way.

Now, they actually taunt us. Have a look at this piece from Business Insider and tell me you are not
angry. It’s noteworthy that Deutsche was Hitler’s favorite bank and used their innovations to fund the
Gestapo and other contributions to society, the Auschwitz Death Camp being one shining example. After
suffering years of concealed shame they admitted as much in 1999. (Right after it was revealed by
historians.) The idea of engaging these two pictured below in a spirited “debate” is titillating.

Deutsche Banker Suspended For Taunting Protestors With A £10 From His Office Window

We know where this quote comes from and it’s even more valid today than it was in 1999:

“Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I
see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white
collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't
need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great
Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised
on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we
won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.”
How apropos…my phone rings and I actually answer…and it’s a staffer from Senator X’s office alerting
me to some very important matter. The phony needs my money support to straighten things out (this is
true and God is my witness). I politely interrupt the young lady and express my disgust with politicians,
every last one of them and urge her to pass the word to all the good little Senators to clean out their desks
and never come back. She wryly replies she’s been hearing quite a bit of that sentiment lately and thanks
me for my time.

Where was I? Oh yeah, I was getting very, very pissed off. It’s time to take this fight out of the basement
and into the courts. With gusto. In case you missed the first round of Fight Club Lawyer here’s a handy

Foreclosure Fight Club | George Babcock to Mark Harmon "Send Your Minions that I May Lay Waste to
them Before Me"

“Dear Mr. Harmon,

Please be advised that I have been retained by Mr. Conley regarding the notice of illegal
foreclosure you mailed to him on February 4, 2011. The chain of title to this property and the note is
like a walk down the yellow brick road. Is Harmon Law the Wizard of Title? You display extreme
indifference to the law by noticing a foreclosure on this property. As you know, I take great pride in
defending my clients against the evil forces that guide your actions. Mr. Conley is a personal friend. It is
my intention to be even more pugilistic in this matter. It is disgusting and I will make sure that whoever
violates his property rights is knocked out of the ring. No TKOs will be accepted. A full fledged, right
cross to the chin of the beast.

I look forward to a response although I am quite certain you will not engage me as is your habit.
Send your minions that I may lay waste to them before me.

I hope that this letter is circulated as has been your habit in the past. I like my enemy to know
that I am at its doorstep.”

Now the rest of you lawyers…get out there and start lawyering. If it’s your first night at Fight Club…you
have to fight. No pillow fights – bare knuckles required or you’ll have to tap out.

Directly following my chart (It lacks citations because I made it up…at least I admit it) will be the results
of one day’s worth of fighting by one lawyer emailed to me. Seven pin-striped puppets file hocus-pocus
“Motions to Dismiss” all seven denied. This very rarely happens but it did. In one day.

I pulled out my email address not out of fear. It’s not much of a hardship cleaning it out but I really hate
spam…and most of the email I get as well. You will need your own Pacer account to really smell what is
in this sewer. Go short on title insurers…if they can’t fix them they have to pay. They cannot fix.

Have a nice day and God Bless America, Inc.

The market likes stability…seems to have flat-lined. Phew!

Government Credibility
U.S. Dept. of Absurdities
-10% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Government Credibility
U.S. Dept. of Absurdities

Enjoy! Bitchez!

Email begins here:

How fucking awesome is this? The Babcock Pirate Ship strikes again. How many Motions to Dismiss
are denied? Who is better than me?

From: cmecf@rid.uscourts.gov [mailto:cmecf@rid.uscourts.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 4:33 PM
To: cmecfnef@rid.uscourts.gov
Subject: Activity in Case 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM Zarra v. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems,
Inc et al Order on Motion to Dismiss

This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT
RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is unattended.
***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States
policy permits attorneys of record and parties in a case (including pro se litigants) to
receive one free electronic copy of all documents filed electronically, if receipt is required
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charges, download a copy of each document during this first viewing. However, if the
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U.S. District Court

District of Rhode Island

Notice of Electronic Filing

The following transaction was entered on 3/15/2011 at 4:33 PM EDT and filed on 3/15/2011
Case Name: McLaughlin et al v. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc et al
Case Number: 1:10-cv-00123-JNL -LDA
Document Number: 37

Docket Text:
PROCEDURAL ORDER denying without prejudice (10) Motion to Dismiss in case
1:10-cv-00123-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in
case 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (11) Motion to Dismiss
in case 1:10-cv-00193-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (12) Motion to
Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00195-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (8) Motion to
Dismiss; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00440-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (3) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00468-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (5) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00483-
JNL -LDA; Set Deadlines: (PNC to Show Cause in writing for deconsolidating the
Iadmimarco case (CA 10-440) from the others on or before 3/25/2011; Iadimarco
may respond to PNC's submission by 4/8/11; each party is allotted up to 10 pages
for its submission). So Ordered by Joseph N Laplante on 3/15/11. Associated
Cases: 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM et al.(Barletta, Barbara)

Case Name: Zarra v. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc et al

Case Number: 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM
Document Number: 55

Docket Text:
PROCEDURAL ORDER denying without prejudice (10) Motion to Dismiss in case
1:10-cv-00123-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in
case 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (11) Motion to Dismiss
in case 1:10-cv-00193-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (12) Motion to
Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00195-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (8) Motion to
Dismiss; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00440-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (3) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00468-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (5) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00483-
JNL -LDA; Set Deadlines: (PNC to Show Cause in writing for deconsolidating the
Iadmimarco case (CA 10-440) from the others on or before 3/25/2011; Iadimarco
may respond to PNC's submission by 4/8/11; each party is allotted up to 10 pages
for its submission). So Ordered by Joseph N Laplante on 3/15/11. Associated
Cases: 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM et al.(Barletta, Barbara)

Case Name: Beaudoin v. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. et al

Case Number: 1:10-cv-00193-JNL -LDA
Document Number: 49

Docket Text:
PROCEDURAL ORDER denying without prejudice (10) Motion to Dismiss in case
1:10-cv-00123-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in
case 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (11) Motion to Dismiss
in case 1:10-cv-00193-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (12) Motion to
Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00195-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (8) Motion to
Dismiss; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00440-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (3) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00468-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (5) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00483-
JNL -LDA; Set Deadlines: (PNC to Show Cause in writing for deconsolidating the
Iadmimarco case (CA 10-440) from the others on or before 3/25/2011; Iadimarco
may respond to PNC's submission by 4/8/11; each party is allotted up to 10 pages
for its submission). So Ordered by Joseph N Laplante on 3/15/11. Associated
Cases: 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM et al.(Barletta, Barbara)

Case Name: O'Hern v. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. et al

Case Number: 1:10-cv-00195-JNL -DLM
Document Number: 50

Docket Text:
PROCEDURAL ORDER denying without prejudice (10) Motion to Dismiss in case
1:10-cv-00123-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in
case 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (11) Motion to Dismiss
in case 1:10-cv-00193-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (12) Motion to
Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00195-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (8) Motion to
Dismiss; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00440-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (3) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00468-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (5) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00483-
JNL -LDA; Set Deadlines: (PNC to Show Cause in writing for deconsolidating the
Iadmimarco case (CA 10-440) from the others on or before 3/25/2011; Iadimarco
may respond to PNC's submission by 4/8/11; each party is allotted up to 10 pages
for its submission). So Ordered by Joseph N Laplante on 3/15/11. Associated
Cases: 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM et al.(Barletta, Barbara)
Case Name: Iadimarco v. National City Mortgage et al
Case Number: 1:10-cv-00440-JNL -DLM
Document Number: 40

Docket Text:
PROCEDURAL ORDER denying without prejudice (10) Motion to Dismiss in case
1:10-cv-00123-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in
case 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (11) Motion to Dismiss
in case 1:10-cv-00193-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (12) Motion to
Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00195-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (8) Motion to
Dismiss; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00440-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (3) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00468-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (5) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00483-
JNL -LDA; Set Deadlines: (PNC to Show Cause in writing for deconsolidating the
Iadmimarco case (CA 10-440) from the others on or before 3/25/2011; Iadimarco
may respond to PNC's submission by 4/8/11; each party is allotted up to 10 pages
for its submission). So Ordered by Joseph N Laplante on 3/15/11. Associated
Cases: 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM et al.(Barletta, Barbara)

Case Name: Fonseca et al v. GMAC Mortgage, LLC et al

Case Number: 1:10-cv-00468-JNL -DLM
Document Number: 32

Docket Text:
PROCEDURAL ORDER denying without prejudice (10) Motion to Dismiss in case
1:10-cv-00123-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in
case 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (11) Motion to Dismiss
in case 1:10-cv-00193-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (12) Motion to
Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00195-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (8) Motion to
Dismiss; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00440-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (3) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00468-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (5) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00483-
JNL -LDA; Set Deadlines: (PNC to Show Cause in writing for deconsolidating the
Iadmimarco case (CA 10-440) from the others on or before 3/25/2011; Iadimarco
may respond to PNC's submission by 4/8/11; each party is allotted up to 10 pages
for its submission). So Ordered by Joseph N Laplante on 3/15/11. Associated
Cases: 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM et al.(Barletta, Barbara)

Case Name: Houey v. GMAC Mortgage Corporation et al

Case Number: 1:10-cv-00483-JNL -LDA
Document Number: 33
Docket Text:
PROCEDURAL ORDER denying without prejudice (10) Motion to Dismiss in case
1:10-cv-00123-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in
case 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (11) Motion to Dismiss
in case 1:10-cv-00193-JNL -LDA; denying without prejudice (12) Motion to
Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00195-JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (8) Motion to
Dismiss; denying without prejudice (17) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00440-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (3) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00468-
JNL -DLM; denying without prejudice (5) Motion to Dismiss in case 1:10-cv-00483-
JNL -LDA; Set Deadlines: (PNC to Show Cause in writing for deconsolidating the
Iadmimarco case (CA 10-440) from the others on or before 3/25/2011; Iadimarco
may respond to PNC's submission by 4/8/11; each party is allotted up to 10 pages
for its submission). So Ordered by Joseph N Laplante on 3/15/11. Associated
Cases: 1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM et al.(Barletta, Barbara)

1:10-cv-00123-JNL -LDA Notice has been electronically mailed to:

George E. Babcock george.babcock@babcocklawoffices.com

Patricia A. Buckley pbuckley@benjestlaw.com

1:10-cv-00123-JNL -LDA Notice has been delivered by other means to:

1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM Notice has been electronically mailed to:

Brian S. Grossman bgrossman@princelobel.com, csullivan@princelobel.com,

karonis@princelobel.com, pscottreed@princelobel.com, vderby@princelobel.com

Corey J. Allard callard@allardlaw.com

David M. Rosen drosen@princelobel.com, dolson@princelobel.com,

gdorlando@princelobel.com, mambers@princelobel.com, vderby@princelobel.com

George E. Babcock george.babcock@babcocklawoffices.com

1:10-cv-00162-JNL -DLM Notice has been delivered by other means to:

1:10-cv-00193-JNL -LDA Notice has been electronically mailed to:

Brian S. Grossman bgrossman@princelobel.com, csullivan@princelobel.com,

karonis@princelobel.com, pscottreed@princelobel.com, vderby@princelobel.com

David M. Rosen drosen@princelobel.com, dolson@princelobel.com,

gdorlando@princelobel.com, mambers@princelobel.com, vderby@princelobel.com
George E. Babcock george.babcock@babcocklawoffices.com

1:10-cv-00193-JNL -LDA Notice has been delivered by other means to:

1:10-cv-00195-JNL -DLM Notice has been electronically mailed to:

Brian S. Grossman bgrossman@princelobel.com, csullivan@princelobel.com,

karonis@princelobel.com, pscottreed@princelobel.com, vderby@princelobel.com

David M. Rosen drosen@princelobel.com, dolson@princelobel.com,

gdorlando@princelobel.com, mambers@princelobel.com, vderby@princelobel.com

George E. Babcock george.babcock@babcocklawoffices.com

1:10-cv-00195-JNL -DLM Notice has been delivered by other means to:

1:10-cv-00440-JNL -DLM Notice has been electronically mailed to:

Brian S. Grossman bgrossman@princelobel.com, csullivan@princelobel.com,

karonis@princelobel.com, pscottreed@princelobel.com

David M. Rosen drosen@princelobel.com, dolson@princelobel.com,

gdorlando@princelobel.com, mambers@princelobel.com, vderby@princelobel.com

George E. Babcock george.babcock@babcocklawoffices.com

Michael B. Doherty mdoherty@preti.com, stenaglia@preti.com

1:10-cv-00440-JNL -DLM Notice has been delivered by other means to:

1:10-cv-00468-JNL -DLM Notice has been electronically mailed to:

Brian S. Grossman bgrossman@princelobel.com, csullivan@princelobel.com,

karonis@princelobel.com, pscottreed@princelobel.com

David M. Rosen drosen@princelobel.com, dolson@princelobel.com,

gdorlando@princelobel.com, mambers@princelobel.com, vderby@princelobel.com

George E. Babcock george.babcock@babcocklawoffices.com

1:10-cv-00468-JNL -DLM Notice has been delivered by other means to:

1:10-cv-00483-JNL -LDA Notice has been electronically mailed to:

Brian S. Grossman bgrossman@princelobel.com, csullivan@princelobel.com,

karonis@princelobel.com, pscottreed@princelobel.com
Corey J. Allard callard@allardlaw.com

David M. Rosen drosen@princelobel.com, dolson@princelobel.com,

gdorlando@princelobel.com, mambers@princelobel.com, vderby@princelobel.com

George E. Babcock george.babcock@babcocklawoffices.com

1:10-cv-00483-JNL -LDA Notice has been delivered by other means to:

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