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Kwaśniewski, M., Takahashi, M. & Li, X., Volume changes in sandstone under true triaxial compression conditions.

ISRM 2003–Technology roadmap for rock mechanics, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2003.

Volume changes in sandstone under true triaxial compression

Kwaśniewski M. 1, Takahashi M. 2, Li X. 3
Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland 1,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan 2
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth, Kyoto, Japan 3

Prismatic samples of a medium-grained sandstone from Śląsk Colliery (Upper Silesian Coal Basin,
Poland) were tested under uniaxial compression, conventional triaxial compression and true
triaxial compression conditions. The conventional triaxial compression tests were carried out at
confining pressure (p) equal to 12.5, 25.0 and 37.5 MPa. In the true triaxial compression tests the
minimum principal stress (σ3) was equal to 25.0 MPa and the intermediate principal stress (σ2) was
1.5, 2 and 2.5 times higher than σ3. Results of the studies show that confining pressure strongly
inhibited dilatant behavior of rock samples tested under conventional triaxial compression
conditions; the increasing confinement resulted in the growing compaction of the rock material.
The effect of dilatancy was also highly suppressed by the intermediate principal stress. While
important dilatant, negative volumetric strain corresponded to the peak differential stress at low
intermediate principal stress conditions, at high intermediate stresses the rock material was
damaged to much lesser extent. As a result, faulting of rock samples in the post-peak region was
much more violent and was accompanied by a strong acoustic effect.

Les échantillons parallélépipédiques du grès à grains moyens de la mine ‘Śląsk’ (Bassin Houiller
de Haute Silésie, Pologne) ont subi les essais de compression monoaxiale (compression simple),
de compression triaxiale conventionnelle (compression triaxale de révolution) et de compression
triaxiale vraie. Les essais de la compression triaxiale conventionnelle ont été effectués à la
pression de confinement de 12,5, 25,0 et 37,5 MPa. Dans les essais de compression triaxiale vraie
la contrainte principale minimale (σ3) était de 25,0 MPa et la contrainte principale intermédiaire
(σ2) était 1,5, 2 et 2,5 fois supérieure de σ3. Il résulte des essais que la pression de confinement
inhibe fortement le processus de dilatance dans les échantillons testés dans les conditions de
compression triaxiale conventionnelle; l’augmentation de la pression provoquait l’augmentation
du compactage du matériau rocheux. Le phénomène de dilatance était également limité de façon
significative par la contrainte principale intermédiaire. Alors que l’importante déformation
volumique négative correspondait à la contrainte différentielle ultime avec les faibles contraintes
principales intermédiaires, dans les conditions de fortes contraintes intermédiaires, le matériau
rocheux subissait l'endommagement de façon beaucoup moins importante. En résultat, la rupture
des échantillons rocheux au stade post-maximum était beaucoup plus violente et accompagnée
d’un fort effet acoustique.

Prismatische Probekörper des mittelkörnigen Sandsteines aus dem Bergwerk ‘Śląsk’ (das
Oberschlesische Kohlengebiet, Polen) wurden unter der einaxialen Druckbeanspruchung,
konventionellen dreiaxialen Druckbeanspruchung und der echten dreiaxialen Druckbeanspruchung
geprüft. Konventionelle dreiaxiale Druckversuche wurden bei dem Manteldruck von 12,5 25,0
und 37,5 MPa durchgeführt. Bei den echten dreiaxialen Druckversuchen betrug die kleinste
Hauptspannung (σ3) 25,0 MPa und mittlere Hauptspannung (σ2) war 1,5-, 2- und 2,5-mal höher als
σ3. Aus den durchgeführten Versuchen ergibt sich, dass der Manteldruck die Dilatanzentwicklung
bei den Probekörpern unter der konventionellen dreiaxialen Druckbeanspruchung stark bremst; die
Erhöhung des Druckes rief die ansteigende Kompaktion des Gesteinsmaterials hervor. Die
Dilatanz wurde auch durch die mittlere Hauptspannung beschränkt. Während die wesentlichen
volumetrischen, dilatanten Verformungen der Grenzdifferenzspannung bei den niedrigen mittleren
Hauptspannungen entsprachen, bei den hohen mittleren Hauptspannungen wurde das
Gesteinsmaterial viel weniger beschädigt. Im Ergebnis war der Scherbruch der Gesteinsproben im
Post-Peak-Bereich viel heftiger und mit kräftigen akustischen Effekten verbunden.

Introduction have been undertaken with the aim of clarifying, in both a
qualitative and quantitative sense, the dilatant behavior of
It has long been accepted that dilatancy is a microcracking- different granulometric varieties of Coal-Measure
related phenomenon that can be treated as an important sandstones under general triaxial stress conditions. The
precursor of the brittle failure of rocks. Dilatancy is overall objective of the studies is to elucidate the role of
interpreted as being due to the development of pervasive dilatancy in the mechanism of rockbursts and its association
microcracking within the rock, with a concomitant increase with possible premonitory signs of dynamic manifestations
in void space or voidage. It is understood as the increase of of rock pressure in mines. Of crucial importance is
volume relative to elastic changes caused by deformation1 establishing a sound physical basis for reliable
or the inelastic increase in volume during deformation interpretation of various geomechanical and geophysical
under applied differential stress9. measurements usually taken in mines where rockburst
The phenomenon of dilatancy in rocks is of hazard is likely to occur.
considerable practical importance since it is associated with
possible premonitory signs for earthquakes, mining-induced
Previous work
rockbursts and mine collapses. In general, dilatancy-related
precujrsory phenomena (premonitory anomalies) include: The early findings on basic qualitative and quantitative
crustal deformation (rapid uplift rates, anomalous ground features of dilatancy in rocks under uniaxial and axi-
tilts), changes in density of the earth and in the gravity symmetric triaxial stress conditions have been discussed
field, changes in the velocity of seismic waves, lowering of and summarized by Paterson9.
the groundwater level, emission of radon and other gases, Mogi8 was the first to study, in detail, the volumetric
changes in the magnetic field and electrical resistivity of the changes in rocks under true triaxial compression conditions.
earth, changes in pore pressure and flow rate, seismic The development of an ingenious, novel triaxial
anisotropy and acoustic emission. compression technique4-7 enabled him to measure all
principal stresses and strains of rocks under general triaxial
stress states. On the basis of experimental results obtained
for Mizuho trachyte, Inada granite and Yamaguchi marble
Mogi found that lateral strain in the direction of the
minimum compressive stress (σ3) is larger than lateral strain
in the direction of the intermediate stress (σ2). He showed
that in true triaxial tests, as σ2 is increased from σ3 to σ1, the
dilatant lateral strain parallel to σ2 is progressively
suppressed until eventually all dilatancy occurs by
expansion in the σ3 direction. This effect, called anisotropic
dilatancy and explained as the opening of microcracks
perpendicular to the minimum principal stress, inspired
Mogi to propose a mechanism of the development of
different types of faults, depending on the orientation of
Fig. 1. Basics of the volumetric deformation of rocks at principal stresses.
different stress levels: OD - threshold of relative dilatancy The significant influence of σ2 on the dilatant behavior
or onset of dilatancy (C'), TD - threshold of absolute of rocks was also observed by Takahashi and Koide11 in
dilatancy, F - peak differential stress or ultimate strength. their true triaxial compression tests on Shirahama sandstone
(Note that increase in volume is taken as a negative samples. It was found that the onset of dilatancy (C')
increment of volumetric strain.) increases and the dilatant volumetric strain decreases with
increasing intermediate principal stress.
Although much research has been done to reveal A similar observation was made by Haimson and
characteristic features of the volume changes in rocks under Chang3 for Westerly granite. A gradual increase in the
triaxial stress conditions, there are few studies that have dilatancy onset (C') relative to the limiting or peak major
systematically investigated the effect of confining pressure, principal stress (Fσ1) was observed as the intermediate
of minimum principal stress and of intermediate principal principal stress was raised, from 0.48 Fσ1 when σ2=60 MPa
stress on the dilatant behavior of rocks. In particular, data to 0.65 Fσ1 when σ2=249 MPa. The strong effect of
for sedimentary rocks, including medium-grained clastic intermediate principal stress on the volumetric strain was
rocks, are scarce. The phenomenon of dilatancy in also revealed by Chang and Haimson2 for the KTB
sandstones is of considerable practical importance for amphibolite, a rock extracted from a superdeep hole drilled
mining and petroleum engineering. It is among sandstones near Windischeschenbach in Northern Bavaria within the
that coal seams most frequently occur. The sandstones are framework of the German Continental Deep Drilling
also reservoir rocks for oil and natural gas. A knowledge of Program (KTB). Dilatancy onset in this rock generally
the mechanical properties of these rocks and of their increased with the magnitude of σ2. For instance, for
behavior at depths is thus very important for the efficient σ3=100 MPa the onset of dilatancy increased steadily from
and safe extraction of natural energy resources. In this 0.38(σ1-σ3)max for σ2=σ3 to 0.78(σ1-σ3)max for σ2=600 MPa.
paper initial results will be presented of the studies that The researchers concluded accordingly that the


intermediate principal stress appears to extend the pre- and 5.87%, respectively. Average uniaxial compressive
dilatant range of the pre-failure behavior for a given σ3, strength of the rock is about 90 MPa.
which results in a suppression and retardation of the Under uniaxial compression conditions Śląsk sandstone
microfracturing process. displays highly dilatant features. When loaded to stress

Fig. 2. Schematic view of the specimen assembly used in true triaxial tests: a - view in direction 3 (σ3), b and c - view in
direction 2 (σ2), d and e - view in direction 1 (σ1); 1 - top steel end piece, 2 - rock sample, 3 - thin copper foil, 4 - thin
teflon foil, 5 - silicone rubber jacket, 6 & 11 - lateral (σ2) steel end pieces, 7 - bottom steel end piece, 8 - strain gaged
displacement transducers for measuring axial strain (ε1), seated in sockets fixed to the top and bottom end pieces, 9 - strain
gaged displacement transducer for measuring lateral strain ε3, seated in coned sockets 12 cemented onto the sample, 10 -
strain gaged displacement transducers for measuring lateral strain ε2, seated in sockets fixed to the lateral end pieces.

levels above the threshold of absolute dilatancy, it

Test material undergoes an important, permanent, absolute increase in
A macroscopically homogeneous, massive, medium-
grained, Carboniferous sandstone from Śląsk Colliery in the
Preparation of specimens
Upper Silesian Coal Basin was selected for the studies. It is
a quartz arenite with predominantly angular grains, From large rock blocks taken from the strata at a depth of
cemented with clayey and dolomitic matter. about 975 m, specimens in the form of rectangular prisms
The mineralogical composition of the rock, determined of the dimensions of about 35.5 mm × 35.5 mm × 70.5 mm
on the basis of a microscopic analysis of a thin section is as were cut using a laboratory cutting machine with a
follows (in % vol.): quartz - 79.6, orthoclase - 2.8, diamond-impregnated sawblade. Both ends of each
plagioclase - 0.9, rock fragments - 1.7, dolomite - 5.4, illite specimen, and all the side walls were next flattened, and a
- 7.5, muscovite - 2.1. pair of faces were made parallel to each other and
Bulk density and porosity of Śląsk sandstone, measured orthogonal to the other pairs by means of a surface grinder
by mercury intrusion porosimetry, are equal to 2.438 gcm-3

with a diamond disk; water was used as a flushing and increase of the differential stress the volumetric strain
cooling agent. Finally, the edge of a square base of the normally starts to decrease and the volume of the rock
specimens reached a length equal to 35.0 mm, whereas the becomes greater and greater, that is the rock undergoes
specimen height was equal to 70.0 mm. The deviation from absolute dilatancy (Fig. 1). This understanding of the notion
parallelism of the end faces and opposite sides of the of the threshold of absolute dilatancy should be stressed
specimens did not exceed 0.01 mm.

Fig. 3. Examples of stress-strain curves of Śląsk sandstone tested under CTC (a) and TTC (b) conditions.

very clearly here, the more so as since the pioneering work

Experimental program of Brace, Paulding and Scholz1, the onset of dilatancy,
commonly designated C' (OD in Fig. 1), is treated by many
Samples of the medium-grained Śląsk sandstone were as the stress level at which the curve relating volumetric
subjected to loading and unloading tests to/from different strain to differential stress starts to deviate from the elastic
levels of differential stress (σ1-σ3) in the pre- and post- reference line towards the negative or dilatant quadrant of
failure stage under uniaxial compression (σ1>σ2=σ3=0), strain-stress coordinates.
conventional triaxial compression (σ1>σ2=σ3=p>0) and true
triaxial compression conditions (σ1>σ2>σ3>0). The
Apparatus and testing procedure
conventional triaxial compression tests were carried out at
confining pressures (p) equal to 12.5, 25.0 and 37.5 MPa. In The triaxial tests were carried out using the servo-
the true triaxial compression tests the minimum principal controlled true triaxial compression apparatus developed by
stress (σ3) was equal to 25.0 MPa and the intermediate the second author in the 1980s10, as a modernized version
principal stress (σ2) was 1.5, 2 and 2.5 times higher than σ3. of Mogi's original design, at the Geological Survey of Japan
The objective of the present study was to determine the (which in 2001 was incorporated into the newly established
effect of confining pressure and of intermediate principal National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
stress on the differential stress - volumetric strain Technology in Tsukuba).
characteristics of rocks: In the triaxial cell of the apparatus, three principal
• the threshold of dilatancy; stresses can be generated independently in rock samples.
• the volumetric strain at the threshold of dilatancy and The maximum and intermediate stresses are each induced
at peak stress; by a pair of rigid pistons, while the minimum principal
• the permanent volumetric strain induced in rock stress is induced by oil pressure (for technical details see
samples loaded to different differential stress levels in Takahashi and Koide11). The axial or vertical load, as well
the pre-peak and post-peak regions. (Due to space as load in direction 2, i. e. the direction of the intermediate
limitations in the present paper, the issue of permanent principal stress, are applied through prismatic end pieces
volumetric strain will be discussed in another article.) made of toughened tool steel. It should be noted that the
It should be noted that the term ‘threshold of dilatancy’ height of the lateral end pieces is 4 mm shorter than the
is used in this paper to denote the differential stress level height of the specimen to allow for the deformation of the
(σ1-σ3) at which the contractant (positive) volumetric rock. To eliminate friction, between each of the lateral end
strain attains maximum value, i.e. the volume of the rock pieces and the specimen, a thin strip of teflon (0.05 mm)
material tested reaches minimum and the instantaneous was inserted. To prevent the teflon from penetrating the
Poisson's ratio assumes a value equal to 0.5. With further


rock at high loads, the walls of the specimens were thresholds of dilatancy the tested samples had a smaller and
protected with a thin (0.05 mm) copper foil (Fig. 2). smaller volume.
The pair of faces exposed to the action of the confining Results of true triaxial compression tests show that
pressure of oil, and all other uncovered areas of the lateral strain ε2, that is strain induced in the direction of the
specimen assembly were coated with a few millimeter layer intermediate principal stress (σ2), is significantly smaller
of silicone rubber (Fig. 2). This formed a tight jacket than lateral strain ε3 (Fig. 3b). The macroscopic shear
protecting against the entry of the confining liquid into the fractures formed at an acute angle to the major principal
voids in the rock. stress and parallel to the intermediate one.
During loading and unloading, the axial load (i.e. the Both ultimate strength and threshold of absolute
load acting in the direction of σ1) was applied to rock dilatancy increase as the intermediate principal stress
samples with a constant displacement rate of the vertical increases (Fig. 4b). However, this effect is considerably
piston equal to 5.8·10-4 mms-1. Axial (ε1) and lateral strains weaker than that caused by the increasing confining
(ε2 and ε3) were measured and recorded, thus providing a pressure. In particular, the ultimate strength does not seem
basis for the calculation of the volumetric strain (εV). Strain to increase any more at intermediate principal stresses
gaged displacement transducers shown in Fig. 2 were used higher than 50 MPa. Similarly, the volumetric
for strain measurement. deformability of the rock tested was affected by

Fig. 4. Effect of confining pressure (a) and intermediate principal stress (b) on the ultimate strength (F) and the threshold of
absolute dilatancy (TD) of Śląsk sandstone.

Experimental results and discussion intermediate principal stress to a much lesser extent. As is
shown in Fig. 6, values of volumetric strain at the threshold
Examples of stress-strain curves obtained from the of absolute dilatancy (TDεV), equal to about 0.2% for
conventional and true triaxial compression tests on samples σ2=37.5 MPa, increase by only about 0.1% with σ2
of Śląsk sandstone are shown in Fig. 3a and 3b, increasing to 62.5 MPa. As these are contractant strains,
respectively. increasing the intermediate principal stress resulted in a
Tests in which the minimum (σ3) and intermediate (σ2) small decrease in volume of the tested samples at the
principal stresses were equal (the conventional triaxial (slightly increasing) threshold of absolute dilatancy.
compression tests) revealed a typical monotonic increase in However, at differential stresses higher than the threshold
the strength of Śląsk sandstone as the confining pressure of dilatancy an important increase of the volume of the rock
was raised from 0 to 37.5 MPa (Fig. 4a). The influence of occurred, particularly at low values of the intermediate
confining pressure on the dilatancy threshold was similar,
principal stress. At σ2=37.5 MPa, dilatant volumetric strain
with the ratio TD(σ1-σ3)/(σ1-σ3)max increasing, at a gradually
(FεV) of about -0.2% corresponded to the differential stress
decreasing rate, from 0.68 for unconfined conditions to 0.87
at strength failure of the tested sandstone (Fig. 6).
for confining pressure equal to 37.5 MPa.
Increasing the intermediate principal stress led to a
To higher confining pressures correspond also higher
significant weakening of the effect of dilatancy; in the case
values of the volumetric strain at the threshold of absolute
of samples tested at intermediate principal stress equal to
dilatancy (Fig. 5). These are positive values, which means
62.5 MPa, values of the volumetric strain at peak
that greater compaction of rock material corresponds to
differential stress were close to zero. It can be inferred from
higher confining pressures, thus at higher and higher
this observation that at high intermediate principal stresses

the process of microcracking and deterioration of the rock The effect of dilatancy was also suppressed by the
was arrested to some extent. Suppression of dilatancy under intermediate principal stress. While important negative,
high intermediate principal stresses was additionally dilatant strain corresponded to the peak differential stress at
evidenced by an auditory observation: faulting of rock low intermediate principal stress conditions, at high
samples in the post-peak region was much more brittle and intermediate stresses the rock material apparently
violent, and was accompanied by a strong acoustic effect. underwent microcracking to a much lesser extent and
behaved in an increasingly brittle manner.

The authors thank Miss Ruriko Arai from the Laboratory of
Rock Deformation, Research Center for Deep Geological
Environments, AIST, for her unfailing readiness to help and
gracious cooperation during the entire course of the study.
The excellent machine work of Mr Ireneusz Szutkowski
from the Laboratory of Rock Mechanics, the Silesian
University of Technology, was essential for the successful
preparation of the prismatic rock samples. Dr Weiren Lin
carried out the mercury intrusion porosimetry
measurements at the AIST.

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