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1. Beginning with a new bucket add a thin even layer of Bokashi Bran to the bottom (approx 1/8 C)
2. Place your first layer of food waste in the bottom no deeper than 2-3 inches
3. Add an additional layer of Bokashi Bran to the top of this layer
4. Press firmly down (potato masher is excellent for this) to exclude as much air as possible
5. Continue layering your food waste
6. When finished place plastic, wax paper, plate, or some other cover over the top of the food (to keep air off of
the surface) and press down
7. Place air tight lid on bucket and store until next time it is needed (the warmer the storage place the faster the
fermentation process occurs)
8. When you have more waste, retrieve your bucket, open the lid, remove the cover, and continue layering (2-7
above) until bucket is full
9. Drain liquid from bucket every 2-3 days (liquid may not always be present) See Below
10. Once bucket is full, allow contents to ferment for an additional 2 weeks
11. Drain off bucket liquid one last time (liquid may not be present)
12. Dig a trench or hole in the garden, raised beds, compost pile, soil box, etc 12“ deep
13. Pour the contents of bucket into hole/trench, spread evenly, mixing some soil into waste with shovel and cover
everything with remaining soil
14. Plant directly over hole/trench in 2 weeks

Pro-Kashi Bokashi Bran and drained Bokashi liquids are living products. Both contain millions of beneficial
micro organisms, enzymes, vitamins, and bioactive nutrients. Their uses go beyond the composting of your
kitchen wastes.

Liquid uses:
1. Clear slow drains and remove odors. Pour directly into drain undiluted, leave overnight.
2. Rejuvenate septic system. Pour liquid into drain or toilet and flush with water.
3. Water plants and soil. Soil watering or drench, dilute 1 TBL liquid to 1 L water; foliar feeding, dilute 1
TSP liquid to ½ gallon and mist all plant leaf surfaces.
4. Lawn. Dilute 2 TBL per gallon of non-chlorinated water, spray on lawn surface for foliar feed and thatch

Alternative ProKashi Bokashi Bran uses:

1. Potting mix. Add approximately 5 to 10% by volume to add beneficial organisms, make fertilizer more
plant available, and lighten soil (similar to vermiculite).
2. Garden soil. Work into top 2-3 inches of soil in garden bed, planter pots, raised beds, window boxes, etc..
3. Garden wastes. Sprinkle into leaf piles, over dormant grasses, over seasons end garden wastes, during
fallow and winter seasons.
4. Lawns. Spread lightly over active lawns before or just after rain.
5. Pet uses. Add to cat litter box sand/clay to control odors; use in pet cages requiring bedding, spread in
chicken pens and coops.
6. Compost Piles. Use to activate standard compost piles, bins, spinner units.

For additional information, help, support, and photographs, please visit us at our website:


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