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Two Days Workshop on Research Methods –

Department of Commerce – School of Management –

Pondicherry University

SPSS Data Analysis Inputs

Data Characteristic Parametric Test Non Parametric Test

One Sample One Sample T test

Independent Sample Independent Sample T test Mann Whitney

Paired Paired sample T test Willcoxen sign rank test

More than two data sample One way ANOVA Kruskal Wallis test

When data is repeated Repeated Measures Fried Man ANOVA


Testing Procedures in SPSS

I. One sample T test:

There will be only one sample with predetermined mean value.

First: We go to Analyze
Second: Compare mean, in compare mean we choose one sample T test.

II.Independent Sample T test:

Here, there will be two set of data. The data should be defined with values in variable
view and the data have to be entered in data view.
To do the test, we go to analyze, and choose compare mean where independent
sample test to be clicked before the group value should be defined.
If it is non parametric in nature then we can go for Mannwhitnet U test.
Testing Procedure:
Parametric paired sample test:
Compare mean
Paired sample test
Parametric paired sample test(Mannwhiney Test)
Nonparametric test
Legacy Dialogue
2 independent samples

III .Paired Sample T test

In paired sample T test the data of the same sample is observed in two different
times,in this case we use paired sample T test, but if the data is non parametric in
nature then the non parametric test called Willcoxen test is to be performed.
Parametric paired sample test:
Compare mean
Paired sample test

Non Parametric(Willcoxon non parametric paired sample test)

Nonparametric test
Legacy dialogue
2 related samples


When data set is more than two samples,we cant use T test,so here the one way
ANOVA is performed.But if the data set is nonparametric in nature we have to use
the test called Kruskal Wallis test.
Testing Method:
One way ANOVA:
One way ANOVA
Testing Method in Kruskal Wallis:
Non Parametric test
Legacy dialogue
K independent samples
Defining group Minimum to maximum

V Repeated measures ANOVA

This repeated measure ANOVA in parametric test and Friedman ANOVA in
non parametric test could be performed when data set is repeated in
Testing Procedure(Parametric)

General linear model
Repeated measure

Testing Procedure ( Non Parametric-Friedman Test)

Nonparametric test
Legacy dialogue
K related samples
Friedman test

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