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Grade: 1
Unit 2 Actions in progress
Session: November 15th to
Specific Aim: 19th
By the end of the sessions, Ss will be able to write and say sentences describing who the owner of specific
objects is by following correct grammar structures.
Activities Objective Material Procedure
Who is the owner? To listen for details 15 min Board, markers, Ss are going to write on their notebooks a
Ss notebook. list of objects and the name of two people:
Sully and Mike.
Ss are going to listen a short text in order to
know who the owner of each object is: Mike
or Sully.
To match objects with 15 min Ss should be able to match the objects with
subjects subjects.
To write correct 20 min Ss are going to write sentences by following
sentences. the already studied grammar structure:
This is Mike’s blue backpack.
This is Sully’s red sharpener.
These are Sully’s crayons.
To promote student’s 50 min Cardboard, markers, Ss are going to write sentences in order to
autonomy. Ss use colors, tape, say who the owner is by working on teams
practice language freely. English-Spanish and using clothing vocabulary.
dictionary Once Ss have written their sentences
checked them with the T, They are going to
draw in cardboards related pictures and
write the sentences.
To share what you learn 50 min Ss are going to present their team-work with
with the rest of the class. their classmates.
Pages 56-58 will be assigned if it is necessary.

Sirenia Soria Gutiérrez

Lic. Docencia de Idiomas Coordinador
Grade: 1
Unit 2 Actions in progress
Specific Aim: Session: November 8th to 12th
To get Ss familiar with the vocabulary and context of the unit they are going to work with
as well as to present assessment criteria and conditions of evaluation.
Activities Objective Material Procedure

Unit 2 background To present the purpose of 10 min Board and markers T is going to talk about what Ss are going to
info the unit, topics and goals. Ss notebook learn and study along the whole unit,
purpose and goals.
Assessment Criteria To talk about how Ss are 15 min T is going to present the unit 2 assessment
going to be evaluated criteria, the aspects considered to be
along the unit 2 evaluated and the importance of each one.
Final project To present to Ss what a 15 min Pictionary samples. T is going to talk about what a Pictionary is
presentation Pictionary is and show some examples of last projects
created for Ss like them.
Conditions of To talk about Ss 10 min Board and markers T is going to talk about Ss responsibilities’
evaluation. responsibilities’ and plan Ss notebook and Ss are going to write them down.
some long-time activities.
Unit 2 vocabulary 20 min Ss are going to write a list of vocabulary
To introduce new they are going to work with along the whole
vocabulary to Ss. semester.
Family words 35 min English-Spanish Ss are going to classify the list of
To classify words. dictionary, Ss book vocabulary in family words: clothing,
accessories, food, actions, and school items.
Group work To design a Pictionary by 50 min Cardboards, Ss are going to draw pictures related to the
Pictionary working in team. markers, tape, vocabulary of the unit by working on teams.
colors, white Discipline, teamwork, and creativity is
sheets… going to be monitored.

Sirenia Soria Gutiérrez

Lic. Docencia de Idiomas Coordinador


Grade: 1
Unit 2 Actions in progress
Specific Aim: Session: November 22nd to
By the end of the sessions, Ss will be able to use possessives in order to say who the owner is of specific 26th
objects such as clothing, accessories or school items.

Activities Objective Time
Material Procedure
To reinforce the possessive 15 minutes Ss notebook Ss are going to choose 20 objects from the general
Possessives affirmative structure. Dictionary vocabulary list unit 2 and write down. Mainly clothes
Practice # 2 Unit 2 and accessories.
vocabulary Ss are going to divide the objects among four people
10 minutes Colors, markers. by matching them.
Ss are going to write sentences by using this for
20 minutes singular nouns and these for plural nouns and the
possessive structure (‘s).
Checking practice To check for understanding 15 minutes Ss are going to show their works for being checked
#2 of possessives and correct and corrected. T is going to ask questions and answer
mistakes and/or errors. doubts.
Reading and writing To practice spelling and 15 minutes Ss notebook Ss are going to write a short text about a rock band. It
activity reading for details. Dictionary is going to be read and commented.
To set on context studied 15 minutes Ss are going to identify the members of the band, their
vocabulary. belonging and draw a picture of them.
To introduce possessive 20 minutes Ss are going to write sentences using possessive
adjectives his/her. adjective his/her. T is going to monitor Ss.
To practice writing.
Ss book time To reinforce the already 30 minutes Ss book Ss are going to work pages 56-60 about relative
studied. pronouns and possessives.


Sirenia Soria Gutiérrez

Lic. Docencia de Idiomas Coordinador

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