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Today is Wednesday, 10th of June 2020

English Course Level 1

Lesson: 01
Summary: Greetings (Saudações)

In This lesson, we will learn how to greet people and make some polite questions after
you greet somebody.

Hi! (olá)
Hello! (olá)
Good morning. (Bom dia)
Good afternoon (Boa tarde)
Good evening (Boa noite)
How are you? ( como estás)
Iam fine. ( estou bem)
Iam not Fine ( Não estou bem)
Iam sick. ( estou doente)
Iam bad. ( estou mal)
Iam so-so (estou mais ou menos. normal)
How was your night? ( como foi a tua noite?)
My night was good. ( a minha noite foi boa)
Did you sleep well? ( dormiste bem?)
Yes, I did. ( sim, dormi)
No, I did not. (Não dormi bem)

Listen the audio of this lesson, and revise all the items. Bye-bye for today.


1. Revise this lesson until you memorize it.

Worked out by: Teacher Joveta

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