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& XXXII Reunion Argentina XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de FISIOLOGIA VEGETAL Tal 15 de noviembre 2018 / Cordoba / Argentina Conocimiento para el desarrollo sustentable, equitativo y soberano. LIBRO DE RESUMENES BY SOCIEDAD Organiza ARGENTINA] www. rafv-clafv2018.0rg va FisioLocia | WWW. fisiologiavegetal.org VEGETAL os77i7a3s XXXII Reunion Argentina /2¥1 Congreso Latinoamericano de FISIOLOGIA VEGETAL LIBRO DE RESUMENES MALATE DEHYDROGENASE AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH ALUMINUM STRESS IN HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY (VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM L.) MALATO DESHIDROGENASA Y SU RELACION CON ELESTRES POR ALUMINIO EN ARANDANO ALTO {(VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM L), CCARCAMO-FINCHEIRA, Pac" REYES-DIAZ, Marjorie” ‘ALBEROI, Miren® OMENA-GARCIA, Rabeca® NUNES- ESI Adriano INOSTROZA-BLANCHETEAU, Claudio® "Programa de Dect en CenciesAgpecuanas Facutad de FecursosNatales Universidad Catia de Temuco, PO. Bor ‘56:0 Temuco: ‘Deparimento de Gecias Quimiasy Recursos ‘atures. Facultad de Ingenta yCencias, Umversdad do 2 Fonte, PO. Ba 54-0, Femuc; Cente o Pan Sa intraton ‘and Naira Rescue Btecholgy, BREN UFRO. Unwerstad ‘ls Ftv, femuca, PO, Bo 4-0, Tera Departamento Bag etal Umer cer Vi, 657.000 ose; Mec Planck Pater Goup atthe Deparment of Pant Bboy. Urversiade Fedral de Vicasa, 36570000 Wi 352M, Departmen de Cenias AgipecuarasyAcucaes, Facitad de Recursos Naturales, Unierslad Catoia de T enuca, PO. Box SED, Femuco. ppazcarcamof@gmailcom alate dehydrogenase (MOH) is oe ofthe enzymes be- longing tothe tricarboxlic acid cycle Its rlated with the generation of organic acid, the improvement of photosynthetic performance, as well a, tolerance to phygatoc aluminum (A). At ow pH aluminum da mages rot groat, disrupts metabolism and photos- ynthesis. Highbush blueberry is an important crop Species cullvated inte south of Chile, In this study, the activity of MDH-NAD and MDH-NADP dependent. malate concentration and photosynthesis were evalua- ted in ive cultivars of highbush blueberty under 200 1M of AUIS at pH 4.5, in utitve solution for 0-48 h petod. The results showed that activity of MDH-NAD presented significant cifferences among te cultivars, Georeasing with Al at 24 h in Duke, Camellia and Cargo, Regarding MDH-NADP not significant ciferences (50.65) was fund, whereas Camelia increases its ac- tivity at 24h unde Al stess. Malate showed significant citferences (P<0.08) between cultivars and treatments, increasing concentration at 24 and 48 h under Al teat- ments, Photosynthesis showed a decrease (P<0.05) in Brigitta, Starand Duke cuvars under AP. These ests allow us to stablsh that depending onthe cultivar Al de- Crease MDH activity enhancing malate concentration and decreasing totsythesis, Acknowledgments: FONDECYT 11160355 and FONDECYT 1171286 PRELIMINARY EVALUATION OF FOUR CULTIVARS OF [MEGATHYRSUS MAKIMUS (JACQ) B.KSIMON & ‘S.W.LIACOBS TO WATER STRESS IN NUTRITIVE ‘SOLUTION EVALUACIGN PRELIMINAR DE CUATRO CULTIVARES DDE MEGATHYRSUS MAXIMUS (JACQ) B.K.SIMON & S.W.LIACOBS AL ESTRES HIDRICO EN SOLUCION NUTRITIVA ‘SOUZA, Suzy Mary Lima de’ JANK, Liana? LAURA, Valdemir Antono® "UFMS, Rua UFMS, S/N Campo Grans - MS; “EMBRAPS, ‘Radio Maia, SIN, Campo Grande — MS suzymls@hotmail com Para la frajeras, el agua es uno de Ins facores de- ‘erminantes de la productivida, lave puede ser agra- vado en la region intertropcal, por la irregularidad de llvias,levando al estréshidico estacional. Compa ramos ia produccion de biomasa seca de cuatro culti- vares de Megethyrsus maximus (Zuri, Taman) Monbagay Mass bao pencils yd “0,5 -1, OMPa en solucinnutiiva completa y cre- ‘ida sn estes, con politilenglicol 6000 (para aleanzar ely deseado) ys calcula inhiicin de a produc ‘ion de biormasa bajo ests. El experimento fue con ducido en casa de vegetacion, completamente casvalizada, con cuatro repeticiones. Las medias fue fon comparadas por el test Scott-Knat. Enel yyw 0,5, MPa, Mombaca present la mayor inhibicion de craci- mmiento (80.3% a), sin embargo, Zuri (73,5% B)y Mas sai (70,6% b) no difieron entre si; Taman present la menor inhibicion (12.4% c). En yw — 1,0 MPa todos las cultivars dierian: Mombaca(inhibicion a $1,6% a), Zur (86,3% b) Massai (67.6% c)y Tamani (20,8 % 4). Se concluye que bajo yw de -1,0 NP2 hay mejor diseriminacign da tolerancia dels cltivares al dé- {iit hidrico y, entre los cuttivares evaluades, Tamani fue la mas tlerante MORPHOPHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND ‘GENETIC GROUPING OF SUGARCANE UNDER WATER DEFICIENCY CaRaCTERSTICAS MOREOFISIOLORICAS [AGRUPAMIENTO GENETICA DE CANA DE AZUCAR ‘BAJO DEFICIENCIA HIDRICA DE ALMEIDA SILVA, Marcelo; LUIZ SANTOS, Hariane FCMUNESP. Av, Universiti, n° 3780-18510-034- Botucatu-SP harianeluiz@ gmail.com The intense water restriction isthe main limiting factor 140 XXXII Reunidn Argentina / XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de FISIOLOGIA VEGETAL LIBRO DE RESUMENES. forthe good development of sugarcane, implying tobe necessary the use of drought tolerant germplasm The crossing of parents with favorable agronomic charac- teristics and maximum genetic distance between them makes it possible to obtain a new cultivar with exce- lent heterotic potential. In this experiment the ability of marpo-physolgical characteristics to distinguish 10 sugarcane genotypes between tolerant and suscep- tible was evaluate. At 60 day after planting, the tveatmens without water deficiency were started, ves- sels maintained with ideal content of water forthe de- velopment of plants, and with water deficiency, pots maintained with 50% ofthe ideal moisture content The evaluations mere performed 0 and 75 days after ‘he beginning ofthe treatments, Correlations were made between the results to calculate the genetic is- {ance beeen the genotypes and subsequent grouping ty the Tocher optimization method. The determinant vatiables forthe quantification of genetic distance were: shoot dry matte, chlorophyll content and stoma- tal density on the abaval surface. The cultivars 728855035, CTC2, RBY2579 and SP89-1115 showed drought tolerance in most of variables. The most pro- ising crosses are: SP89-1115 andor CTC2, crossed with RB92579 and/or RB8S5085. PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF FOUR ‘TROPICAL NATIVE TREE SPECIES UNDER SUN ‘AND SHADE CONDITIONS. ‘CARACTERIZACION FISIOLOGICA DE CUATRO SPECIES DE ARBOLES NATURALES TROPICALES BAJO CONDICIONES DE SOL Y SONBRA MORAES, Marcela Aparecida de; HABERMANN, Eduardo; MARTINEZ, Carlos Alberto FFCLRP University of Sac PaulaSPRiberdo Pret, ‘Sto Pau, Brazil marcela apmoraes@gmil.com The high light intensity, high temperature, and water deficits compromise the establishment of plantlets in reforestation projects. This study aimed to investigate ‘the physiological responses ofa pioneer species Gecro- ia pachystachya, (Cp) and three non-pioneer species Cedrela fissilis, (Cf), Myracrodruon urundewva, (Mu) ‘and Myroxyon peruiferum, (Mp), under two light con- ditions (sun and shade. After two months, ight res- ponses curves (AQ) and the Fv/Fm ratio (maximum quantum efficiency of PSI) were measured with a pho- tosynthesis system model LI-6800 (UI-COR) and an OS30P Fluorometer, respectively. The highest net pho- ‘tosynthetic rate (Amax) and gross photosynthetic rate (Gmax) was observed inthe pioneer species (Cp) grown 141 under sun conditions, The lonest Amax and Gmax was ‘ound in all species under shade, No significant dife- rences between species and light conditions were ob- setved in Oyeld and light compensation point (LCP) In Gp andMu, the respiratory rate was higher under shade. Fast recovery of Fu/Fm ratio were observed in the non-pioneer species Mu and Mp We concluded that these species have mechanisms to adapt to high light environments, so, we recommend the use ofthese spe- cies in retorestation programs, but the Np species must be used when there is already a sub-frest condition. SOYBEAN OIL COMPOSITION VARIES WITH HEAT AND WATER STRESS AND THE POD POSITION LA COMPOSICION DEL ACEITE DE SOJA VARIA ‘CON ESTRES TERMICO E HIDRICO Y LA POSICION DELAVAINA YEAS, Rodolfo’ ERGO, Veronica® MAESTRI, Damian* RONDANIN|, Deborah! LASCANO, Ramiro VEGA, Claudia® CARRERA, Constanza S IFRGY-CIAP-INTA,5119:“FCEFWN-SECHT-UNC, 5016: CEP UNC/ CONICET, 5016; ‘FAUBAY CONICET, 1417. FCEF N-UNC/ CONICET, 5016; EEA INTA Manted, 5988; ‘TIRGV-CIAP-INTA CONICET, 5119 veasrodolfo@ gmail.com objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la incidencia del es- trés termico (EM), hidrico (EH) y su combinacion (ETH) durante el tlenado,analizando la variabilidad Dosicional de vainas en tallo principal. Acosecha se determind el perfil de acidos grasos (AG) en granos de vvainas coetaneas provenientes del tercio superior (ES) interior (ED. Bajo EH y EHxET la concentracion del Acido oeico (01) aument6 (~12%), mientras que los ‘cidos linolecoy linolénico (Ln) disminuyeron (8.5 y 11,5%, respectivamente) comparaco con el control La temperatura del canopeo ascendia 3 a S'C en EH y ETxEH,respecto al contol (30°C), sefalando limitacion de as plantas estresadas hidricamente para relrigeray, pudienda causa alteraciones en procesos metabolicas felacionados con la desaturacidn de los AG polinsatu- rados. A través de los tratamientos se evidencié un efecto posicionalsignificativo, exhibiendo los granos del ES mayor Ol (25.2%) y relacion OV (3.86) res- pecto al El (22,6% y 3,32, respectivamente). Coinci- dentemente, el El 'se\ caracteri por _ menor Aisponibilidad de luz (400 ymol/m-2s-1) vs ES (1970 mol/m-2s-1)y por lo tanto, menor fuente de energia para la biosintesis de AG. Los resultados muestran una respuesta diferencal de ios AG a través de los estratos en condiciones de EH y ETxEH.

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