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Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: Correlation or Misspecification?

Author(s): Abagail McWilliams and Donald Siegel

Source: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 21, No. 5 (May, 2000), pp. 603-609
Published by: John Wiley & Sons
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3094143 .
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Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 603-609 (2000)


1School of Management, Arizona State University West, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
2The University of Nottingham Business School, Nottingham, U.K.

Researchers have reporteda positive, negative, and neutral impact of corporate social responsi-
bility (CSR) on financial performance. This inconsistency may be due to flawed empirical
analysis. In this paper, we demonstratea particularflaw in existing econometric studies of the
relationship between social and financial performance. These studies estimate the effect of CSR
by regressingfirm performance on corporate social performance, and several control variables.
This model is misspecified because it does not control for investmentin R&D, which has been
shown to be an important determinant of firm performance. This misspecification results in
upwardlybiased estimates of the financial impact of CSR. When the model is properly specified,
we find that CSR has a neutral impact on financial performance. Copyright ? 2000 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

In recent years, customers,employees, suppliers, financialperformance,in an effort to assess the

communitygroups,governments,and some share- validity of concernsregardinga tradeoffbetween
holders have encouraged firms to undertake investmentin CSR and profitability.
additional investments in corporate social Existing studies of the relationshipbetween
responsibility(CSR). Some firmshave responded CSR and financialperformancesuffer from sev-
to these concernsby devoting more resourcesto eral important theoretical and empirical limi-
CSR. Other companies' managershave resisted, tations. One major concern is that these studies
arguing that additional investment in CSR is sometimes use models that are misspecified in
inconsistentwith theireffortsto maximizeprofits. the sense that they omit variablesthat have been
The resultingcontroversyhas inducedresearchers shown to be important determinants of
to examine the relationshipbetween CSR and profitability.One such variableis the intensityof
R&D investmentby the firm. In this paper we
discuss the correlationbetween CSR and R&D,
Key words: corporate social responsibility; firm per- and how to appropriately estimate the impact of
formance; product differentiation; R&D; specification CSR on financialperformance.
to: AbagailMcWilliams,Schoolof Manage-
ment,ArizonaStateUniversityWest,PO Box 37100, Phoenix,
AZ 85069-7100,U.S.A.

Received 15 January 1999

Copyright ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Final revision received 29 October 1999
604 A. McWilliams and D. Siegel

There are basicallytwo types of empiricalstudies
of the relationshipbetweenCSR and financialper- PERFi= long-run economic or financial per-
formance.One set of studiesuses the event study formance of firm i (measures of
methodology to assess the short-run financial accountingprofits)
impact (abnormalreturns)when firms engage in CSPi = a proxy for corporatesocial responsi-
socially responsibleor irresponsibleacts (see, for bility of firm i (based on an index of
example, Clinebell and Clinebell, 1994; Hannon social performance)
andMilkovich,1996;Posnikoff,1997;Teoh,Welch SIZEi proxy for the size of firm i
andWazzan,1999;Worrell,Davidson,andSharma, RISKi=a proxy for the "risk" of firm i
1991; Wright and Ferris, 1997). The results of (debt/assetratio)
thesestudieshavebeen mixed.Forexample,Wright INDi = industryof firm i (4 digit SIC code)
and Ferrisfound a negativerelationship; Posnikoff
reporteda positive relationship;and Teoh et al. The inclusion of the industrydummy (IND) is
found no relationshipbetween CSR and financial to control for some industry-levelfactors that
performance,when examining divestituresfrom have been shown to explain variation in firm
SouthAfricaduringthe Apartheidcontroversy(see performanceacross industries,such as economies
McWilliams,Siegel and Teoh, 1999, for a dis- of scale and competitiveintensity.2We hypothe-
cussionof these studies).Otherstudiesare similarly size thatEquation1 is misspecifieddue to omitted
inconsistenton the relationshipbetweenCSR and variables,becauseit does not controlfor a firm's
shortrun financialreturns(McWilliamsand Siegel, rate of investmentin R&D and the advertising
1997, providesa theoreticaland empiricalcritique intensityof its industry.A more appropriatespec-
of the use of the event study methodologyfor ificationis:
examiningthe impactof CSR).
A second set of studies examines the nature PERFi= f
of the relationship between some measure of
corporatesocial performance,CSP (a measureof
CSR), and measures of long term firm perfor- (2)
mance, using accountingor financialmeasuresof
profitability(see, for example,Aupperle,Carroll, where the additionalcovariatesare:
and Hatfield, 1985; McGuire, Sundgren and
Schneeweis, 1988; and Waddock and Graves, RDINTi = R&D intensity of firm i
1997). The results from these studies have also (R&D expenditures/sales)
been mixed. Aupperleet al. foundno relationship INDADINTi= advertising intensity of the
between CSP and profitability,McGuire et al. industryof firm i
found that prior performancewas more closely
relatedto CSP than was subsequentperformance, Excluding R&D in the econometricmodel is
and Waddockand Graves found significantposi- especially problematic,because there is a long
tive relationshipsbetween an index of CSP and standingtheoreticalliteraturelinking investment
performancemeasures such as ROA in the fol- in R&D to improvementsin long-runeconomic
lowing year. performance(Griliches, 1979). In these models,
The inconsistencyof the resultsfromthese stud- R&D is consideredto be a form of investmentin
ies of the relationshipbetween CSR and perfor- "technical"capital.Investmentin technicalcapital
mance is not surprising,given the natureof the resultsin knowledgeenhancement,which leads to
models that form the basis for the empiricalesti- productand process innovation.This innovative
mation.For example,Waddockand Graves(1997) activityenablesfirmsto enhancetheirproductivity.
estimatethe followingeconometricmodel:'
2We will argue that a very specific type of industry effect-
'Note that many studies simply examine correlation coef- industry advertising intensity-must also be (separately) con-
ficients, but with causal implications. trolled for, because it is so closely associated with CSR.

Copyright ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 603-609 (2000)
Research Notes and Communications 605

There is strong empiricalevidence to support ingredientsand productionmethodsthat promote

this hypothesis,using a wide varietyof measures CSR. For example,naturalfood companiesplace
of long-runeconomic performance.These results labels on their products signifying the use of
are robustto differenttime periods and levels of organic,pesticide-freeingredients;cosmetic firms
aggregation.3For example, using data from over boast of animal-freetesting; manufacturingcom-
2000 firms,Lichtenbergand Siegel (1991) report panies display "madein the USA" stickers;and
a strongpositivecorrelationbetweenR&D invest- radio and television commercialstell us to "look
ment and growth in total factor productivity. for the union label." Labels that refer to CSR
Clarkand Griliches(1984) find similarresults at attributesalso create new (socially responsible)
the line-of-businesslevel, using the PIMS data- productcategoriesin the perceptionof consumers.
base. Ben-Zion (1984), Guerard,Bean, and And- The examplesabove applyto processand prod-
rews (1987), Guerard, Stone, and Andrews uct innovations, both of which are valued by
(1988), and Hall (1999) report similar positive some consumers.For instance,the "organic,pes-
associations between R&D, accounting profits, ticide-free"label simultaneouslyindicatesthe use
and long-term shareholderreturns (and other of organic methods, which constitutesa process
proxies for long-termfinancialperformance).4 innovationby the farmer, and the creation of a
If R&D has a positive impacton firmperform- new product category, or a product innovation
ance, then the coefficient on any variablethat is by the naturalfoods retailer.If the naturalfoods
strongly positively correlatedwith R&D will be company is vertically integrated,it engages in
overestimatedwhen R&D is omitted from Equ- both CSR-relatedprocess and productinnovation
ation 1 (Theil, 1971: 549). We hypothesizethat simultaneously.Each of these examples under-
R&D and CSP are positively correlated,since scores the point that some consumerswant the
many aspects of CSR create either a product goods they purchase to have certain socially
innovation,a process innovation,or both. responsibleattributes(productinnovation),while
some also value knowing that the goods they
The link between CSR and R&D purchaseare producedin a socially responsible
manner(process innovation).
Investment in CSR promotes product differen- Consumer-orientedCSR may also involve
tiationat the productand firm levels. Some firms intangibleattributessuch as a reputationfor qual-
will producegoods or services with attributesor ity or reliability.The presumptionis that firms
characteristicsthat signal to the consumer that that actively supportCSR are more reliable and
the company is concerned about certain social their products are of higher quality. This is
issues. Also, many companieswill try to establish especially important for food products. For
a socially responsiblecorporateimage. Both of example, some restaurantsserve "free range"
these strategies will encourage consumers to chickenand beef. "Freerange"meat productsare
believe that, by consumingthe product,they are perceived to be of higher quality than conven-
directly or indirectlysupportinga cause. tional meat products.Presumably,this is because
These strategiesare effective with those con- they have a more naturaltaste, due perhapsto
sumers who wish to championfirms that devote their closer proximity to a naturalstate (in the
resourcesto CSR. Consequently,many products sense that the animals roam more freely) or
have labels that indicate the use of certain because they are not injected with hormonesor
antibiotics.By promotingtheiruse of "freerange"
chicken and beef, restaurantssignify to their
3See Lichtenberg and Siegel (1991) and Griliches (1998) for
patrons that they are concerned about product
comprehensive reviews of existing empirical studies of the
relationship between R&D and productivity growth. quality (use of the finest ingredients) and also
4Evidence on the short-run impact of R&D on stock prices about more humanetreatmentof animals.
(event studies) is mixed. Early event studies (Chan et al., There is strong evidence that many (but cer-
1990, Austin, 1993) found that announcements of increases
in R&D expenditures and patent awards enhance share prices. tainly not all) consumers value CSR attributes.
The results of recent event studies (Sundaram et al., 1996, Therefore, an increasing number of companies
Chung et al., 1998, and Chung and Wright, 1998) cast doubt incorporateCSR into their marketingstrategies,
on such broad generalizations. These authors report that the
short-run stock market response to unexpected changes in to exploit the appealof CSR to key segmentsof
R&D will depend on firm characteristics and strategic factors. the market, such as "baby-boomers"or "gener-
Copyright ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt.J., 21: 603-609 (2000)
606 A. McWilliamsand D. Siegel

ationX" shoppers.We need only look at the rapid (Powell, 1996; Rumelt,1991; Schmalansee,1975;
growthof such socially responsiblecompaniesas Waring, 1996), the consensus is that industry
Ben & Jerry's,the Body Shop, and HealthValley factors "matter,"in the sense that they explain
to confirmthe importanceof CSR in marketing. a non-negligiblepercentageof the variationin
Supportof CSR may also be used to create a profitability across firms. Thus, INDADINTi
reputationthat a firm is reliable and honest, and should be included in the model, along with
some consumers may assume that the products "size" and "risk,"as a controlvariable.
of a reliable and honest firm will be of high If our conjectures are true (corr (RDINT,
quality.Therefore,advertisingthatprovidesinfor- PERF)> 0, corr (RDINT, CSP) > 0), then the
mation about CSR attributesmay be used to consequencesof omittingR&D from Equation1
create a reputationfor quality or reliability or are clear. As noted in Theil (1971), if an omitted
honesty-all attributes that are important,but regressor,in this case RDINT,is positivelycorre-
may be difficultfor consumersto determine.Such lated with both the dependentvariable (PERF)
advertisingmakes consumers aware of product and the includedregressor(CSP), then the coef-
differentiation(quality) based on CSR attributes. ficient on CSP, in the misspecifiedEquation 1,
For example, New United Motor Manufactur- will be overestimated.
ing, Inc., or NUMMI,the innovativejoint venture Simply put, the positive and significantcoef-
between Toyota and GeneralMotors, was estab- ficient on CSP, as reportedby Waddock and
lished in Fremont, Californiain 1984 to build Graves (1997), could simply reflect the impact
small cars for both companies.The NUMMIplant of R&D on firm performance.It is impossibleto
implementedmany of the latest Japanese"lean isolate the impact of CSP on firm performance
manufacturing"methods (process innovation), unless the model is properlyspecified.A similar
and producedthe Geo Prism, the prototypefor argument could be made for other omitted
GM's new generation of small cars (product regressors,such as advertisingintensity, if they
innovation). Furthermore, through its unique are also positively correlatedwith CSP and firm
partnership with the United Auto Workers performance.
(UAW), NUMMI also implemented a number
of progressive workplace practices, such as a
strong emphasis on teamwork and employee EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS
empowerment. The bottom line is that some
consumersperceived that NUMMI cars, such as To assess the validity of the results reportedin
the Geo Prism, were superior to traditional, studies that employ Equation 1 (Waddock and
American-madecars, in terms of quality and Graves, 1997), we estimate the model outlined
reliability. More germanely, many customers in Equation 2. For this estimation, we linked
also believed that by purchasingthese cars, they Compustatdatato informationon corporatesocial
were demonstratingtheir supportof progressive performanceprovidedto us by the firmof Kinder,
human resource managementpractices and the Lydenberg, and Domini (KLD), which began
UAW. compiling this informationin May 1991. KLD
providesratingsof corporatesocial performance,
The link between advertising and firm or CSP (a measure of corporate social
performance responsibility),for portfolio managersand other
institutionalinvestors who wish to incorporate
The remainingindependentvariablein our pro- social factors into their investment decisions.
posed model-Equation 2- (INDADINTi) is Many of these social investorswant to "screen"
designed to serve as a proxy for the extent of their portfoliosto exclude companiesthat violate
product differentiationat the industrylevel and their social principles. In this context, CSP is
entry barriersthat might serve to enhance firm definedas a (0,1) variable;a firm is either soci-
profitability.Entry barriers are a shared asset ally responsibleor it is not, based on the "screen"
across firmsin an industry,becauseentrybarriers applied.For example, an investmentfirm that is
are an industrylevel construct(McWilliamsand managing a portfolio for evangelical Christians
Smart, 1993). While there is considerabledebate will avoid companiesin the gamblingand alco-
regardingthe magnitudesof industrylevel effects hol industries.
Copyright? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 603-609 (2000)
Research Notes and Communications 607

KLD uses a combinationof surveys, financial that estimationof Equation1 constitutesa speci-
statements,articles on companiesin the popular ficationerrorthat may resultin an overestimation
press, academicjournals(especiallylaw journals), of the impact of CSP on financialperformance.
and government reports to assess CSP along This overestimationarises because CSP is posi-
eleven dimensions:military contracting,nuclear tively correlated with R&D, which has been
power, gambling, tobacco, alcohol, community foundto be a strongdeterminantof improvements
relations, diversity, employee relations, environ- in economic performance.
ment, and productquality(innovation/R&D),and We argue that firm-levelinvestmentin R&D,
non-U.S. operations (usually environment and and additionalindustryfactors (advertisinginten-
labor relations).5Based on this information,the sity as a proxy for barriersto entry) should also
firm constructedthe Domini 400 Social Index be included in the econometricspecification.To
(DSI 400), the functionalequivalentof the Stan- explicitly test our hypothesis that Equation 1 is
dard and Poors 500 Index for socially respon- misspecified,we examine variantsof Equation2,
sible firms. including the rate of firm level investment in
In orderto be eligible for the DSI 400, a firm R&D and industrydummyvariables(4 digit SIC)
must derive less than 2% of its gross revenue in the model (with advertisingintensity included
from the productionof military weapons, have as a control variable). These findings are
no involvementin nuclearpower, gambling,to- presentedin Table2.
bacco, and alcohol, and have a positive recordin The results confirm our hypothesis regarding
each of the remainingsix categories.For example, the importanceof including R&D and industry
a firm that implementsrecycling and pollution- factors in a model that attempts to "explain"
preventionprograms,provides donationsto con- corporateperformance.As shown in column (1),
servationorganizations,and demonstratesconcern when R&D and industry factors are excluded
for the environmentin its day-to-dayoperations, from the model, the coefficienton CSP is positive
is regardedas having a positive recordalong the and statisticallysignificant.However,when R&D
environmentaldimension. A firm that actively and industryfactors are added to the model, the
promotesminoritiesand women to top managerial magnitudeof the coefficient diminishesdramati-
positions and membershipon the boardof direc- cally and is no longer significant.Additionally,
tors will receive a similar positive score along the "fit"of the model improves,as shown by the
the diversity dimension.Our measureof CSP is increase in the adjustedR2. Thus, our findings
a dummyvariable,with a value of 1 if a firm is underscorethe importanceof using the appropri-
included in the DSI 400 in a given year (for ate specificationwhen estimatingthe "return"on
having passed the "social screen");0 otherwise. CSR investment.6
Our data series, createdfrom a linkage of the
KLD data and Compustat,contains524 firms.To
simplify the econometricanalysis and to ensure DISCUSSION
comparabilitywith existing studies, each of the
variablesin Equation2 is computedas an average Over the last 3 decades, the pressureon firms to
annual value for the years 1991-1996, a time engage in corporatesocial responsibility(CSR)
period that correspondsto the overlap of the has increased.Many managershave respondedto
Compustatand KLD files. Table 1 presentsdefi- these pressures,but many have resisted. Those
nitions, descriptive statistics, and a correlation who resist typically have invoked the trade-off
matrix for the three key variables:PERF, CSP, between socially responsiblebehavior and prof-
and RDINT. itability.Managementresearchershave responded
Several stylized facts are evident from Table 1. to this by attemptingto demonstratethe effect of
The most strikingresultsare thatR&D, CSP, and CSR on profitability.However, the results of
financial performanceall appear to be strongly
positivelycorrelated.This supportsour hypothesis 6A caveat is in order. Our result of no financial impact from
CSR may be a result of the lack of a good measure of CSR.
We use the KLD rating system, which relies heavily on
SAdditional detail on the KLD file and the social "screens" negative screens and includes philanthropic activities. A more
is presented in Waddock and Graves (1997) and Kinder and business-oriented definition of CSR might yield a different
Domini (1997). result. We thank a reviewer for pointing this out.

Copyright ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 603-609 (2000)
608 A. McWilliams and D. Siegel

Table 1. Definitions of key variables, descriptive statistics, and correlations (N = 524 firms)

Variable Definition Mean Std Dev PERF CSP RDINT

PERF Financial Performance -0.011 1.043 1.000

CSP Corporate Social 0.619 0.345 0.356** 1.000


RDINT R&D to Sales Ratio 0.011 0.949 0.403** 0.449*** 1.00

All variablescomputedas annualaveragesover the period 1991-1996.

*p 0.10;**p- 0.05; ***p 0.01

Table 2. Regression results from estimation of variants ation that includes CSP (a measure of CSR) as
of Equation 2 (N = 524 firms, standard errors in a determinant of firm performance, but not R&D
parentheses) will result in upwardly biased estimates of the
CSP variable.
Dependent (1) (2) (3)
Variable: PERF To test our hypothesis, we estimated two mod-
els. The first was the same specification as Wad-
Coefficient on 0.141*** 0.104 -0.062 dock and Graves and the second was one in
CSP (0.052) (0.106) (0.059) which we included R&D intensity. Our results
confirm that CSP and R&D are highly correlated,
Coefficient on - 0.145*** 0.263***
RDINT (0.050) and that, when R&D intensity is included in the
equation, CSP is shown to have a neutral effect
Industry Dummies No No Yes on profitability. This should not be surprising,
(4 digit SIC) because many firms that actively engage in CSR
included are also pursuing a differentiation strategy,
AdjustedR2 0.10 0.19 0.29
involving complementary strategic investments in
*p - 0.10; **p 0.05; ***p 0.01 R&D. This makes it difficult to isolate the impact
Note: All regressions include controls for size, risk, and of CSR on performance without simultaneously
advertisingintensity,which are computedas annualaverages controlling for R&D. Therefore, we caution read-
over the period 1991-1996.
ers to be wary of models that claim to "explain"
firm performance, but do not include important
strategic variables, such as R&D intensity.
empirical studies of the relationship between CSR
and profitability have been inconclusive, reporting
positive, negative, and neutral results. REFERENCES
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