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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

04 January 2007
Profile Display ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Customer profiles - general description ............................................................................. 4
Merged profile display (company/traveller) default (JGU).................................................... 4
List of profile data sections ............................................................................................... 4
Display company, traveller and agency profiles (PD, PDN, PDGN, PDY, PDI, PDF, PDL).......... 4
Search for profiles within agency chain/coporation (PDA) .................................................. 5
List profiles used to create PNR/PNRs created from profile (RTU, RLP) .............................. 5
Profile history display (PH, PHT, PHC) ................................................................................. 5
Short cut entries from displayed profile (PDT, PDC, PDY, PDZ, PDM, PDL, PH, PPD)............... 5
Profile lists (PLC, PLT, PLF, PDL, PLX, PDZ, PDMD) ................................................................ 6
Scrolling commands – profile lists (PDMD, PDMU, PDMB, PDMT, PDMS)................................ 6
Print profile (WRA).............................................................................................................. 6

Profile Transfer ................................................................................................................................... 7

Profile transfer - general description .................................................................................. 7
Profile transfer commands (from displayed profile) (PT, PTO, PF, PO)................................. 7
Blind transfer of data (without displaying the profile first) (PB) .......................................... 7

Profile Expert Mode ........................................................................................................................... 8

Profile expert mode - general description .......................................................................... 8
Profile expert mode - commands (PM, PMP, PME, PE, PER, PEE, PI, PIR, PIE) ....................... 8
Create new profile (PCN, PYN) ............................................................................................ 8
Update profile (PPS, PCN and PNR update commands)......................................................... 8
Re-associate all profiles from one company to another (PA, PE)......................................... 9
Profile creation/update from PNR (PC, PU) ......................................................................... 9
Profile copy/update in expert mode (PCP, PUP) .................................................................. 9
Update non-transferable profile data (PN, PAS, PIV, PCE, PID, PCN, PCO, PIN, PFO, PPR, PGL)10
Global profile search and update (PGA, PGC, PGT, PGN, PGL, PLG, PGS, PGU, PGE, PGX) .... 11
Deactivate customer profiles (PX, PLX, PR) ....................................................................... 11

Travel Choice .................................................................................................................................... 12

Travel Choice - general description ................................................................................. 12
Personal preferences – Travel Choice display types (JGU) ............................................... 12
Automatic use of Travel Choice ....................................................................................... 12
Geographical Travel Choice region codes ....................................................................... 13
User defined Travel Choice region codes (PLU, PPH)........................................................ 13
Define Travel Choice trip categories (PTP) ....................................................................... 13
Define Travel Choice traveller categories (PTV)................................................................ 14
Overview of transaction codes for Travel Choice preference updates .............................. 14
List of options available for Travel Choice preference update transactions ..................... 14
Travel Choice - overview of which options may be used for which transactions ......... 15-16
Update Travel Choice air policies/preferences (PPA, PPI, PPK, PPT, PXK, PXA, PXT) ........... 17
Update Travel Choice car policies/preferences (PPC, PPI, PXC, PCI).................................. 17
Update Travel Choice hotel policies/preferences (PPH, PPI, PSH, PXH, PHI, PHB) ............... 18
Display Travel Choice preferences (PPD) ......................................................................... 18
Hotel biasing in Travel Choice (PLB, PHB)......................................................................... 19
Management Profile (PDO, PHO, PE, PER, PHO, PIR) ..................................................................... 20
Organization Profile/Policy Arranger .......................................................................................... 21
General description ......................................................................................................... 21
Display organization profile by search key (PDZK)............................................................ 21
Display company organization profile by organization name (PDZC) ................................ 21
Display agency organization profile (PDZY) ...................................................................... 21
Other display methods – organization profile (PDZR, PDZ, PLZ) ........................................ 21
Booking merged display – organization profile (PDBN)..................................................... 21

Changes made in this version (4January2007) compared to last version

9 Added clarification and example for trip category in traveller profile (page 13).
9 Added clarification and example for traveller catetory in traveller profile (page 14).
9 Added air policy example with traveller category (page 16).
9 Added car policy example with traveller category (page 16).
9 Adced hotel policy example with traveller category (page 17).
Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Profile Display HE PROFILES

Customer profiles - general description:

In Amadeus Central System Profiles you can store all permanent information relating to your clients.
There are three kinds of profiles; company profiles, individual traveller profiles and agency profile. The
traveller profiles may be associated to a company. Examples of information stored; phone-numbers,
addresses, form of payment, frequent flyer numbers, fare elements, seat preferences, specific
security, etc. Most items can be transferred to a PNR in one input.

Merged profile display (company/traveller) default: HE JGU

Each sales agent may choose to have company and traveller profiles displayed separately or merged

Company and traveller, merge display .........................JGU/PMG-C

- separate display..........................................................JGU/PMG-N

List of profile data sections:

PNR Transferable data GLO Global search GEN General information
DOC Documents NOT Profile notes FFN Frequent flyer numbers
ITI Itinerary FOL Follow up PRI Priority information
AIR Air travel policies HOT Hotel policies CAR Car policies
STO Pre-stored entries PTV Traveller category TRA Travel management info

Display company, traveller and agency profiles: HE PD

Display company profile ................................................PDN/COMPANY
- exact name match only ...............................................PDN/COMPANY/
- traveller profile ............................................................PDN/-FOX
- individual traveller associated to a company ..............PDN/COMPANY-FOX
- traveller with guest company profile ...........................PDGN/COMPANY-FOX
- by passenger number in PNR.....................................PD/2
- own agency profile ......................................................PDY
Display profile with air preferences only .......................PDN/-FOX,AIR
- car preferences ...........................................................PDN/-FOX,CAR
- hotel preferences ........................................................PDN/-FOX,HOT
- document data (traveller profile only) .........................PDN/-FOX,DOC
- combination.................................................................PDN/-FOX,PNR,HOT,CAR
Profile from different office ............................................PDN/OSLXY3456/-FOX
Display by record locator (default traveller) ..................PDR/ABC123
- company profile...........................................................PDRC/DEF456
- by index.......................................................................PDI/INDEX
- by index, different corporate code ..............................PDI/YY3/INDEX
- by frequent flyer number .............................................PDF/SK-EBG000000026
Select from name list.....................................................PD3
Redisplay list of profiles ................................................PDL
- latest profile.................................................................PD
Print displayed profile....................................................WRA/PD

Note: For profile history, replace PD with PH. PH is only valid when either company or traveller
profile is displayed, not for merged (company and traveller together) display.

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Profile Display, continued HE PROFILES

Search for profiles within agency chain/corporation: HE PDA

Search within own corporation (agency chain) .............PDA/-FOX
- offices in specific city only...........................................PDA/CPH/-FOX
- search within associated corporation .........................PDA/SE/YY2/-FOX

Note: Corporate code must be specified even when it is the same corporate code as your own

List profiles used to create PNR/PNRs created from profile:

List PNRs created from displayed profile......................RTU
- from specified profile record locator ...........................RTU/ABC123
List profiles used to create displayed PNR ...................RLP

Profile history display: HE PH

Profile history for displayed profile ................................PH
- if merged - traveller, or company ................................PHT or PHC

Note: For profile history, replace PD (from list of Profile display commands) with PH. PH is only
valid when either company or traveller profile is displayed, not for merged (company and
traveller together) display.

Short cut entries from displayed profile: HE PD

Display traveller only .....................................................PDT
- company only..............................................................PDC
- agency profile..............................................................PDY
- organization profile......................................................PDZ
Change to merged display ............................................PDM
Redisplay previous list ..................................................PDL
Display profile history ....................................................PH
- if merged - traveller, or company ................................PHT or PHC
- air preference section only..........................................PD,AIR
- preferences (after use of TC-option) ..........................PPD
- pre-stored section only ...............................................PD,STO
- PNR page only............................................................PD,PNR
- notes category C only.................................................PD,NOT/C

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Profile Display, continued HE PROFILES

Profile lists: HE PL
List all company profiles................................................PLC
- traveller profiles...........................................................PLT
- travellers from specific company ................................PLT//COMPANY
Display follow-up list......................................................PLF
- profile from list.............................................................PD3
- back to list from displayed profile................................PDL
List deactivated profiles ................................................PLX
Select from name list.....................................................PD3
Display organization profile from list .............................PDZ3
Redisplay list of profiles ................................................PDL
- latest profile.................................................................PD
Print list of all travellers .................................................WRA/PLT
- list of all companies.....................................................WRA/PLC
- profiles from line 1500 and forward ............................WRA/PDMS1500
- list of all associated travellers to company .................WRA/PLT//COMPANY

Scrolling commands – profile lists:

Scrolling within block of names - up/down....................MU or MD
- top/bottom ...................................................................MT or MB
- to specific line number ................................................MS43
- to next block of names ................................................PDMD
- to previous block of names .........................................PDMU
- to last block of names .................................................PDMB
- to first block of names .................................................PDMT
- to specific line in another block...................................PDMS43

Print profile:
Print displayed profile....................................................WRA/PD
- profiles from line 1500 and forward ............................WRA/PDMS1500
- list of all associated travellers to company .................WRA/PLT//COMPANY
- list of all travellers .......................................................WRA/PLT
- list of all companies.....................................................WRA/PLC

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Profile Transfer HE PROFILES

Profile transfer - general description:

A single command transfers all or selected items of the profile. The customer profile does not have to
be displayed - the last one on your screen will be transferred. Elements marked with an S in the
profile display (PD) are selectable, i.e. it is necessary to specify these elements in order to transfer
them to the PNR. Automatic lines are marked with an A.

Profile transfer commands (from displayed profile): HE PT

Profile transfer all automatic items................................PT
- all transferable items...................................................PT*
- all automatic and selectable line 8 and 9....................PT*8,9
- line 1, 2, 3, 8, 10 only..................................................PT1-3,8,10
- line 5, associate to passenger 1 .................................PT5/P1
- all automatic items except line 9.................................PTX9
- all transferable items except line 9 .............................PT*X9
- add data to element (SRSPML)..................................PT7*-SALAD BUT NO FISH*
- add office ID to element 4 (TK-element).....................PT4*15NOV/KKNYY22365*
- option element, for specific date .................................PT5*27AUG*
- all automatic items, except name ...............................PTO
- specific items, no name, associated ...........................PTO4,8/P3
- frequent flyer numbers only ........................................PF
- pre-stored entry...........................................................PO12
- several pre-stored entries ...........................................PO4,6

Note: When transferring pre-stored entries, the screen is cleared and the command is entered on
the top of the screen. The command may be modified before entered.

Note: It is advisable to select only the elements necessary for each PNR, and also to use X in order
not to transfer elements. Otherwise the PNR will be cluttered with unnecessary and confusing

Note: Do not transfer frequent flyer data for airlines not represented in the itinerary, as this will
restrict future possible name changes unnecessarily.

Note: The free text from FP is not transferred to the PNR.

Blind transfer of data (without displaying the profile first): HE PB

Transfer all automatic data only....................................PBN/-FOX
- exact match.................................................................PBN/-FOX/
- from a list of profiles....................................................PB2
Transfer all transferable data ........................................PBN/-FOX*
Transfer several profiles (from list) ...............................PB1,4,5

Note: Please refer to information regarding display of customer profiles for list of options available.

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Profile Expert Mode HE PROFILE EXP

Profile expert mode - general description:

Expert Mode is used solely to create new profiles and update existing profiles. In Expert Mode you
are only allowed to perform entries related to profiles, HELP-entries, MPGG and RE.

Profile expert mode - commands: HE PM

Access Profile Expert Mode..........................................PM
Temporarily exit PE Mode.............................................PMP
Exit Profile Expert Mode................................................PME
End of Transaction to profile update .............................PE
- and redisplay...............................................................PER
- and exit PE Mode........................................................PEE
Ignore update ................................................................PI
- and redisplay...............................................................PIR
- and exit PE Mode........................................................PIE

Create new profile: HE PCN

Create new company profile .........................................PCN/NEW COMPANY
Create agency profile ....................................................PYN/SUN TRAVEL

Update profile:
Note: Profile element updates are performed in exactly the same way as for PNR-elements.

Add name element ........................................................NM1FOX/SUE MRS

- contact element...........................................................APB22121212
- RM-element ................................................................RMtext
- FP-element with free text ............................................FPCCDC12345678912345/-text

Note: The free text from FP is not transferred to the PNR.

Add OP-element............................................................OPCPHYY2123/text
- frequent flyer element .................................................FFNSK-EBS123456789
Rearrange elements 10-12 after line 6 .........................RS6,10-12
Insert element after line 5 .............................................RS5,RCVIP
Change element from selectable to automatic .............6/*A
- from automatic to selectable.......................................3/*S
Add pre-stored command (max 90 characters) ............PPS/CSALS./VT-ECMN/CD-123456
Add frequently used segment (automatic) ....................SSSK904S/CPHOSL*A
- open segment .............................................................SOYWYJFKSEA
Change profile element 3..............................................3/H33141516
Delete profile element 5 ................................................XE5
Change associated company........................................4/COMPANY
Delete company association .........................................XE4
Associate traveller to an existing company...................PCN/COMPANY

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Profile Expert Mode, continued HE PROFILE EXP

Re-associate all profiles from one company to another:

1. Re-associate profiles .................................... PA/COMPANY A/COMPANY B
2. Confirm re-association .................................. PE

Note: The system will indicate how many profiles are affected both in step 1 and step 2.

Note: Re-association of all profiles from one company may be restricted to certain sign-in codes.

Profile creation/update from PNR: HE PC

When creating or modifying a profile from a PNR you automatically enter Expert Mode.

Create traveller profile from PNR, name 1,

all transferable elements...............................................PC/-1
- specified elements ......................................................PC/-1,8,10-12
- all elements except the selected.................................PC/-1,X5,9-11

Create company profile from PNR ................................PC/COMPANY

Create, and add traveller to specified company ...........PC/COMPANY-1
- specified elements ......................................................PC/COMPANY-1,5-8
- all except specified elements......................................PC/COMPANY-1,X6-8

Note: When updating an existing profile from a PNR, replace PC with PU.

Note: You may not specify both elements to be included and elements to be excluded in the same

Profile copy/update in expert mode: HE PCP

Create a traveller profile from an existing one ..............PCP*T/-FOX/ED MR
- with all automatic PNR-elements................................PCP*T/-FOX/ED MR,PNR/A
- except PNR-elements .................................................PCP*T/-FOX/ED MR,XPNR
- with selected line numbers .........................................PCP*T/-FOX/ED MR,3,6,9-12
- except selected line numbers .....................................PCP*T/-FOX/ED MR,X2,4-5,7-8
- associated traveller profile ..........................................PCP*T/IBM-FOX/ED MR
- a company profile........................................................PCP*C/IBM

Note: By replacing PCP with PUP you can update an already existing profile.

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Profile Expert Mode, continued HE PROFILE EXP

Update non-transferable profile data:

Profile notes (NOT): HE PN
The notes elements can be categorised by use of numbers 0-9 and letters A-Z. These categories can
be used when displaying only one part of notes, for example PD,NOT/C.
The notes stored may be modified by use of Insert, Delete, Move, Copy.

Access profile notes ......................................................PN

Exit profile notes............................................................PNE
Redisplay notes.............................................................PND

Note: To save the text that you have entered in the notes section, press <enter> after typing the

Documents section (DOC):

Store passport information.............. PAS/CO-DK/NR-DP341782/IS-11JAN1995/EX-11JAN2015
- visa information........................ PIV/CO-NO/NR-RZ589383773/IS-13JUN2002/EX-13OCT2007
- driving licence ........................................................ PCE/CO-SE/NR-GT28374765/IS-15JAN1997
- identity card.................................... PID/CO-LT/NR-Y57567464/IS-01JAN1995/EX-31DEC2015

General information (GEN):

Associate to existing company profile...........................PCN/COMPANY HE PCN
- nationality....................................................................PCO/LV HE PCO
Create index, unique numbers and/or letters................PIN/INDEX HE PIN

Other non-transferable profile elements (FOL): HE PFO

Create elements to follow-up page (FOL)....................PFO/text/30SEP08

Other non-transferable profile elements (PRI): HE PPR

Create priority information (PRI)...................................PPR/text

Other non-transferable profile elements (GLO): HE PGL

Create global search keyword (GLO) ..........................PGL/text

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Profile Expert Mode, continued HE PROFILE EXP

Global profile search and update:

The global search allows you to search for profiles containing specific data to the specified element,
and will send a list of all profiles matching the search criteria. The list may then be approved for
change, modified or deleted.

Search for all profiles ....................................................PGA///AP;92;0492

- all company profiles ....................................................PGC///AP;92;0492
- all traveller profiles ......................................................PGT///AP;92;0492
- all travellers associated to specific company..............PGN//IBM/FP;CASH;CHECK
Add a global search keyword to a profile......................PGL/GOLF
Search for all profiles with a specific keyword
in RM-element...............................................................PGA//GOLF/RM;GOLF;GOLF
Display global search list ..............................................PLG
Display profile from status list .......................................PD4
Redisplay list .................................................................PDL
Move profile from «update» to «not update» ................PGS2
- from «not update» to «update»...................................PGU2
Approve displayed list ...................................................PGE
Approve selected lists ...................................................PGE4,6-8
Delete list ......................................................................PGX4

Deactivate customer profiles: HE PX

Deactivation of customer profiles move the profiles from the list of active profiles into the list of
deactivated profiles. After 30 days the profiles are completely deleted, and can no longer be

Deactivate displayed profile ..........................................PX

Blind deactivate:
- company profile and all attached travellers ................PXN/ABC COMPANY
- exact match.................................................................PXN/ABC COMPANY/
- traveller .......................................................................PXN/-FOX
- name associated to company .....................................PXN/ABC COMPANY-FOX
- from list........................................................................PX3
- by frequent flyer number .............................................PXF/SK-EBG123456789
Display list of deactivated profiles.................................PLX
Reactivate profile from list.............................................PR4
- after displaying profile .................................................PR

Note: Traveller profiles that have not been used (displayed, updated or transferred) within the last
700 days will automatically be deleted from the system. A profile deleted this way cannot be

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Travel Choice HE PROFILE

Travel Preference Manager - general description:

Travel Preference Manager is designed to enable storage and automatic utilisation of the customer’s,
or the travel agency’s, policies and the traveller’s personal preferences. All updates are made in
Expert Mode.

The hierarchy between types of profiles:

1. Company profile
2. Traveller profile
3. Agency profile

Different policies and preferences may be stored for different trip purposes, and traveller categories,
as well as variations depending on destination, either city code, country or geographical area. The
most exact criteria are applied. It is important to update the company profile with policies applying to
all travellers, whereas personal preferences are placed in the traveller profile. The agency profile may
be applied when the customer does not have any policies updated.

The stored policies and preferences may be used both to customise displays and to automatically add
stored options to the sell transaction (air, car and hotel segments). When applying Travel Preference
Manager to availability displays, there is a choice of display types:

9 Enriched display is a neutral display with additional information regarding the customer’s
policies and preferences shown at the top, in the correct order.

9 Preferred display is a biased display where the system has applied all policies with additional
information regarding the customer’s policies and preferences shown at the top, in the correct

9 Air only: Twin display is a combination of preferred display on the top half of the screen: with
a neutral display at the bottom half of the screen.

Note: If no policies apply the display will be neutral and with no information regarding policies and
preferences at the top.

Personal preferences – display types: HE JGU

Each agent can set personal preference for display type. The preference may be set differently for air,
car and hotel.

Twin preference for air ..................................................JGU/CSA-T

Enriched preference for car ..........................................JGU/CSC-E
Preferred preference for hotel.......................................JGU/CSH-P

Automatic use of Travel Preference Manager:

Automatic use of Travel Preference Manager is possible. If this facility is switched on the consultant
does not have to add /TC when retrieving displays and making reservations. The preferences from
the displayed profile will always be used automatically. The default can be set to handle air, car
(displays, booking and/or car voucher) and hotel (displays and/or booking) individually, through
separate office profile switches.

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Travel Choice, continued HE PROFILE

Geographical region codes:

When updating policies and preferences it is possible to define exactly which geographical area or
destination it is applicable for. The most specific destination (e.g. IATA city code is more specific than
a country code) will be applied.

ATLAN Atlantic (BM/FK/SH)

CAMER Central America (BZ/CR/GT/HN/MB/NI/PA/SV)
NAMER North America (CA/CB/MX/US)

User defined region codes:

The agency chain may have their own region codes.

List own region codes ...................................................PLU

Set up policy for own region code.................................PPC/DN-#SEUROP/CO-EP

Note: User defined region codes start with the character # (displayed as capital Æ or Ä in

Note: User defined region codes apply to air and car product only.

Define trip categories:

Define trip category SLS for sales ...............................PTP/SLS/SALES
- MKT for marketing .....................................................PTP/MKT/MARKETING
Add trip category to applicable traveller profile.............PTP/SLS

Note: Trip categories are defined per company profile, as well as in the associated traveller profiles
where applicable, and should thereafter be specified in the policies in the company and/or
traveller profiles. The code BIZ (business) is added by default to all profiles, the rest must be
defined per company.

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Travel Choice, continued HE PROFILE

Define traveller categories:

Define traveller category DIR for directors ...................PTV/DIR/DIRECTOR
- MGR for managers.....................................................PTV/MGR/MANAGER
Add applicable category to traveller profile...................PTV/DIR

Note: Traveller categories are defined per company profile, as well as in the associated traveller
profiles where applicable, and should thereafter be specified in the policies in the company
and/or traveller profiles.

Overview of transaction codes for preference updates:

PPA Policy Preference Airline Company/Traveller/Agency

PPC Policy Preference Car Company/Traveller/Agency
PPF Policy Preference Fare Company/Traveller/Agency
PPH Policy Preference Hotel Company/Traveller/Agency
PPI Policy Preference Information Company/Traveller/Agency
PPT Policy Preference airporT Company/Traveller/Agency
PXA Policy eXcluded Airline Company/Traveller
PXC Policy eXcluded Car Company/Traveller/Agency
PXH Policy eXcluded Hotel Company/Traveller/Agency
PXK Policy eXcluded Kabin Company/Traveller/Agency
PXT Policy eXcluded airporT Company/Traveller/Agency
PPK Policy Preference Kabin Company/Traveller/Agency
PCI Policy Car Sell Information Company/Traveller/Agency
PHI Policy Hotel Sell Information Company/Traveller/Agency
PSC Policy Smoking Car Traveller
PSH Policy Smoking Hotel Traveller

List of options available for preference update transactions:

The list below contains all options that might be used when updating policies and preferences. See
Overview of which options may be used for which transactions for a table with a complete

A-Airline AI-Information AR-Area BT-Bed type

C-Class/Corporate code CD-Corporate number CO-Company CT-City name
DOM-Domestic DN-Destination DP-Deposit ED-End date
EFT-Total flying time F-Fares FF-Facilities FT-Frequent traveller
G-Guarantee GT-Greater than HN-Hotel name ID-ID number
K-Cabin LT-Lower than N-Non-smoking OR-Origin
P-Priority PC-Promotional code QU-Rate range RC-Rate code
RT-Room type S-Service type SD-Start date SI-Suppl. Information
SR-Rate code SQ-Spec. equipment TP-Trip type TV-Traveller type
VT-Vehicle type Y-Smoking

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Travel Choice, continued HE PROFILE

Overview of which options apply for which transactions – air and fares:

Air Fares
A x x
AI x x
C x x
DN x x x x
ED x x x
F x
FC x
GT x
K x x
LT x
OR x x
P x
R x
RQ x
S x x
SD x x x
TP x x
TV x x
XP x

Note: Some options are not permitted for all types of profiles. Airport codes are allowed for PPA
and PXA only. The option C has a different meaning in the air product (class) than the fare
product (corporate negotiated code).

Note: The priority is: 1) airport 2) city 3) country 4) region.

The command entered by the agent decides which policy should be used. If city code (e.g.
NYC) is entered, the policy added for NYC is used instead of the policy stored for the airport
code (e.g. JFK).’

Note: Validity periods entered in SD/ED-options are shown in the air product only (when using
/TC). Number of months (6M), weeks (6W) or days (100) may be used in ED.

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Travel Choice, continued HE PROFILE

Overview of which options apply for which transactions – cars and hotel:

Cars Hotel
AI x x
AR x
BN x
BT x
CD x
CO x x x x x x
CT x
DN x x x x
DP x
ED x x x x x x x x
FF x
FT x x
G x x
HN x
ID x x
N x x
P x x
PC x
QU x
RC x
RT x
S x x
SD x x x x x x x x
SI x x
SQ x
SR x
TP x x
TV x x
VT x
Y x x

Note: The priority is: 1) airport 2) city 3) country 4) region.

The command entered by the agent decides which policy should be used. If city code (e.g.
NYC) is entered, the policy added for NYC is used instead of the policy stored for the airport
code (e.g. JFK).’

Note: Validity periods entered in SD/ED-options are shown in the air product only (when using
/TC). Number of months (6M), weeks (6W) or days (100) may be used in ED.

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Travel Choice, continued HE PROFILE

Update air policies and preferences:

Destination GB, airline, cabin, for manager .................PPA/TV-MGR/DN-GB/A-BA/K-C
- with validity dates........................................................PPA/A-AF/OR-PAR/SD-15OCT02/ED-6M
Information line..............................................................PPI/S-A/AI-IT NBR FOR HIGH COMM
Preferred cabin..............................................................PPK/K-C
- depending on flying time, for directors........................PPK/EFT-5/LT-KY/GT-KC/TV-DIR
- exception for domestic trips ........................................PPK/DOM-Y
Preferred airport ............................................................PPT/ARN
Excluded cabin..............................................................PXK/F
- airline...........................................................................PXA/A-CX
- airport ..........................................................................PXT/BMA

Update fare policies and preferences:

Add fare discount code .................................................PPF/R-
- negotiated fares corporate code .................................PPF-/C-
- preferred currency ......................................................PPF/FC-DKK
- add fare type code (up to 3)........................................PPF/RQ-PEX,APEX
- add expanded parameter............................................PPF/XP-NR
Use negotiated fares by default ....................................PPF/NEGO-Y
- published fares by default...........................................PPF/NEGO-N

Expanded parameters available:

NAP No advance purchase NR No restrictions
NPE No penalty NRF Non-refundable

Destination GB, airline, cabin, for manager .................PPA/TV-MGR/DN-GB/A-BA/K-C

Update cars policies and preferences:

Preferred companies, for directors ...............................PPC/TV-DIR/CO-ZI,AL,ZD
Destination US, company, car type, priority..................PPC/CO-AL/DN-US/VT-CCMN/P-1
- the second priority.......................................................PPC/CO-ZR/DN-US/P-2
Information line..............................................................PPI/S-C/AI-PREFERS ITALIAN CARS
Excluded car company..................................................PXC/CO-ZL
Options to be added at sell time ...................................PCI/CO-ZE/CD-123456/BN-987654
- promotional code ........................................................PCI/CO-ZE/PC-HOLIDAY
- for a period of time from specified date ......................PCI/CO-EP/CD-98765/SD-15PR02-6M

Note: All options for a direct sell may be added in PPI and modified before <enter> to include
segment information or location code and dates.

Note: Some options added in PCI for use at sell time, are also used to display the applicable rates
(ID, CD, PC)

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Travel Choice, continued HE PROFILE

Update hotel policies and preferences:

Preferred hotel chains, for managers ...........................PPH/TV-MGR/CO-HI-RT
Destination, company, priority.......................................PPH/DN-EUROP/CO-BW/P-2
City name on specific destination .................................PPH/DN-LAX/CT-BEVERLY HILLS
Rate range and facilities ...............................................PPH/DN-LON/QU-150/FF-LAU
Information line..............................................................PPI/S-H/AI-BOOK CONF ROOM
No-smoking room..........................................................PSH/N
Excluded hotel chain .....................................................PXH/CO-AC,HW
Options to be added at sell time ...................................PHI/CO-RD/G-BS/SR-ABC-DEF-GEH
- valid for all hotel chains ..............................................PHI/SR-ABC-DEF-GEH-IJK
Add property to biasing list............................................PHB/CY-LON/CO-HI/ID-601

Note: See Hotel biasing in Travel Choice for more information about how to specify
the exact order of hotel displays. It is not possible to combine preferences and biasing.

Note: The system can handle up to 8 rate codes in the SR-option, and will automatically add rate
codes from the agency profile, provided that the maximum number is not exceeded.

Note: Travel Preference Manager offers the possibility to set a list of properties per destination as
biased (fixed order). This is possible in all types of profiles. The biased properties are
identified in the multi property hotel display (PREF heading) with C, T or A, depending on
which profile the property is set up as biased. The same property may be biased in more than
one profile, showing for instance C+A in the display.

Display preferences:
After a display with /TC-option .....................................PPD
- for specific trip category..............................................PPD/TC-TRN
Specific product.............................................................PD,HOT
For specific air display ..................................................PPD/AN15APRNCE
- hotel display ................................................................PPD/HALON15MAR-2

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Travel Choice, continued HE PROFILE

Hotel Biasing in Travel Preference Manager HE PLB

Up to 150 hotel properties may be stored for each city or airport code per profile. The properties may
also be prioritised so that they are displayed in a specific order in the hotel availability list. The
resulting hotel availability display will show which properties that are biased and in which profile they
are biased (C, T or A). Hotel Biasing rules can be stored in all types of profiles. However, in a single
profile the hotel policy rule and the hotel biasing rule cannot be specified for the same city or airport.

Display city/airport biasing list.......................................PLB

- starting from the letter M .............................................PLB/M
Display biasing list for a specific city/airport .................PHB/LON
- from PLB list................................................................PHB3
Add city/airport code .....................................................PLB/CY-LON,PAR,AMS,LAX
- property to the displayed biasing list...........................PHB/CO-HI/ID-601
- property to the displayed profile..................................PHB/CY-LON/CO-HI/ID-601
- with traveller category and priority number.................PHB/CY-LON/CO-HI/ID-601/TV-DIR/P-6
Change priority number ................................................6/P-3

Note: Properties may only be added to existing city/airport list in profile. Therefore store the code
with PE before adding properties.

© Copyright Amadeus Scandinavia Page 19 of 21 02.10.2006

Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Management Profile HE PROFILE MAN

Management profile: HE PROFILE MAN

The management profile gives you the ability to control which elements from a customer profile that
are transferred automatically (indicator A), which elements that need to be selected (indicator S), and
which are mandatory (indicator M).

Display management profile .........................................PDO HE PDO

- at another office ..........................................................PDO/KKNYY2265
Modify transfer indicator to S (in PE Mode)..................6/*S
- to automatic ................................................................6/*A
- to mandatory ...............................................................6/*M
End of Transaction and file management profile ..........PE
- and redisplay...............................................................PER
Display management profile history..............................PHO
Ignore update and file management profile ..................PI
- and redisplay...............................................................PIR

Note: When creating a profile you may override the management profile and make elements of that
specific profile selectable. However, all other customer profiles of your office have that
element as automatic.
Note: When creating a profile you may override the management profile and make elements of that
specific profile selectable. However, all other customer profiles of your office have that
element as automatic.

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Chapter 7 – Amadeus Customer Profiles

Organization Profile/Policy Arranger HE PDZ

Organization profile/policy arranger - general description: HE PDZ

An Organization Profile can only be created or modified by the administrator, with the graphical user
interface (GUI) Amadeus Policy Arranger.

Display organization profile by search key: HE PDZ

- within your own office..................................................PDZK//ABC12
- in another office ..........................................................PDZK/STOYY2123/ABC12

Display company organization profile by organization name: HE PDZ

- within your own office..................................................PDZC//VOLVO
- in another office ..........................................................PDZC/CPHXX2123/CARLSBERG
- within corporation(s) ...................................................PDZC/YY2,XX2/TELENOR
- within corporation, specific city ...................................PDZC/OSL/YY2/TELENOR

Display agency organization profile: HE PDZ

- within your own office..................................................PDZY//HAPPY TRAVEL
- in another office ..........................................................PDZY/STOYY2123/HAPPY TRAVEL
- within corporation(s) ...................................................PDZY/YY2,XX2/HAPPY TRAVEL
- within corporation, specific city ...................................PDZY/STO/YY2/HAPPY TRAVEL

Other display methods – organization profile: HE PDZ

Display organization profile by record locator...............PDZR/F8K72X
- from a displayed company/agency profile ..................PDZ
Display list of organization profiles................................PLZ
- in another office ..........................................................PLZ/STOYY2123
Display organization profile from a list ..........................PDZ1

Booking merged display – organization profile: HE PDBN

Display bookingmerged display, company profile.........PDBN/-ABC COMPANY
- traveller .......................................................................PDBN/-SMITH

© Copyright Amadeus Scandinavia Page 21 of 21 02.10.2006

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