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Activity 1.Read and understand each questions and expound your answer.

1. How to pick the right gardening tools for the garden?

As I understood the question above and as I read the topic provided, in my experience in planting and using tools.
We pick the right gardening tools for gardening depending on what kind gardening style we want and what kind of plant.
There are many different types of tools for gardening and each has a special purpose. Digging tools, like shovels and
spades, can be used to cultivate, plant, or clear a plot. Long handled shovels reduce the need to squat or kneel but there
is still no substitute for a spade for up close digging. A hoe chops out weeds and makes neat rows while a spading fork
breaks up soil clods and turns compost piles with ease. There is various type of cultivators available too. As hand tools,
these are useful in the vegetable garden as you get it ready for spring. Rakes come in the flexible style, useful for raking
up leaves or the hard rake option which breaks up soil or even thatches the lawn. Most reputable garden centers can give
you advice about the most durable tools and their purposes. They will also have a wide range of garden tools for
beginners who just want to get their hands dirty and don’t require heavy duty equipment. Just don’t forget to pick up a pair
of gloves while you’re there.

2. Is it necessary to use gardening tools?

Yes, it is very necessary to use gardening tools.
Using proper gardening tool can make you safe and avoid you to any harm.
The reason why there is specific tools for each type of gardening to properly plant and for the plant to properly grow.
Using gardening tools will help us perform the gardening easily, properly and safely.




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Activity 1. Discuss and collect picture of the different types of gardening.

Butterfly gardens-  is a

way to create, improve,
and maintain habitat
for lepidopterans includ
butterflies, skippers,
and moths.[2] Butterflies
have four distinct life
stages—egg, larva,
chrysalis, and adult. In
order to support and
sustain butterfly populations, an ideal butterfly garden contains habitat for
each life stage. 
Container gardens- Container
gardening is when plants are
grown in containers such as
pots rather than into the
ground. Container gardening
is for urban areas where
having an actual garden is not
possible. It is space-efficient
and mobile, so it can be
arranged to fit wherever you
choose to set up your garden.
The beauty of container gardening is that you can reuse old containers around
your home for your garden, so it’s budget and environmentally friendly. Container
gardening is also great because it benefits urban birds!

Organic gardening-  Organic gardening is essentially gardening

without using synthetic products like fertilizers and pesticides. It
involves the use of only natural products to grow plants in your
garden. Organic gardening replenishes natural resources as it
uses them. In organic gardening, you consider your plants as part
of the larger natural system that begins with the soil and includes
water supply, the wildlife; insects and people. Everyone wants
the food we serve to our families as well as our environment to
be safe and healthy. A good organic gardener strives to ensure
that his or her activities are in harmony with the natural
ecosystem and aims at minimizing exploitation as well as
replenishing all the resources consumed by his or her garden.

Indoor gardens-
Indoor gardening
is a technique
used to grow
plants indoors.
gardening uses
no soil at all.
Instead, it relies
on growing plants
in water (usually
attached to a
substrate), and
the use of
additives to provide the nutrients that would come from soil if the plants
were grown outdoors.
Rock garden- A rock garden, also known as a rockery or
an alpine garden, is a small field or plot of ground designed to
feature and emphasize a variety of rocks, stones, and boulders.
The standard layout for a rock garden consists of a pile of
aesthetically arranged rocks in different sizes, with small gaps
between in which plants are rooted. Typically, plants found in rock
gardens are small and do not grow larger than 1 meter in height,
 though small trees and shrubs up to 6 meters may be used to
create a shaded area for a woodland rock garden. If used, they
are often grown in troughs or low to the ground [2] to avoid
obscuring the eponymous rocks. The plants found in rock gardens
are usually species that flourish in well-drained, poorly
irrigated soil.

1.1 Activity 1. Answer the following questions


1.What is personal hygiene?

ANSWER: Personal hygiene refers to maintaining cleanliness of one's body and

clothing to preserve overall health and well-being.
Personal hygiene is how you care for your body. This practice includes bathing, washing your hands, brushing
your teeth, and more. Every day, you come into contact with millions of outside germs and viruses.Personal
hygiene practices can help you and the people around you prevent illnesses.
Good personal hygiene is one of the best ways to protect yourself from getting gastro or infectious diseases such
as COVID-19, colds and flu. Washing your hands with soap removes germs that can make you ill. Maintaining
good personal hygiene will also help prevent you from spreading diseases to other people.

2. What are the different types of personal hygiene?

ANSWER: There are many types of personal hygiene. The following list is
a good starting point for someone looking to build a personal hygiene routine:
1. Dental- Dental hygiene involves more than just having white teeth.
A good dental hygiene routine can help prevent issues such as
gum disease and cavities. It can also prevent bad breath.
2. Body- Several million sweat glands cover the human body. When
bacteria break down sweat, the process creates a smell or body odor.
3. Hand washing- Regular hand washing is one of the best ways to avoid spreading communicable diseases.
4. Nails- Fingernails may harbor dirt and germs, contributing to the spread of bacteria. It is easier for dirt and germs to
collect under longer nails, so keeping them short can help reduce the risk of spreading infections.
5. Ear hygiene- Ear wax accumulates in the ear canal that leads from the outer ear to the ear drum.
As the secretion comes out of the ear it collects dust particles from the air. Daily washing with soap and water is
enough to keep the outer ear clean.
6. Hair hygiene (hair care)
The hair follicles from which the hair grows produce oil from the sebaceous glands that keeps the hair smooth.
The scalp (the skin covering the head) also has numerous sweat glands and is a surface
for the accumulation of dead skin cells. The oil, sweat and dead cells all add together and can make the hair
greasy and look dirty unless you wash it regularly.
7. Hair cleaning.
Head hair is a good harbor for head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) and nits (eggs of head lice). The head louse
is a tiny insect that lives by sucking blood. Children are especially prone to lice
infestation. Lice spread from one head to another when there is close contact as in school environments. They
make the scalp itchy and are a cause of annoyance, irritation and embarrassment.
3. What do you think is the most common problem of personal hygiene?

In my own observation the most common problem of personal hygiene are poor Hand washing and Dental care.
Poor hand washing in our day to day lives substantially increases our risk of passing on bacteria which can cause
vomiting, diarrhea and other debilitating, and sometimes life-threatening infections. Hand washing also helps to
prevent the spread of viral infections, such as norovirus, rotavirus, influenza and the current Covid-19 virus.
Poor dental care is also a risk factor for several serious health issues, including heart disease. Poor hygiene
habits can also affect your self-esteem.


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Activity 1. Answer the following with questions in your own understanding.

1. Why is it necessary to teach personal hygiene to students?

ANSWER: It is very necessary to teach personal hygiene to students because is an important form of self-care that will
ensure that your child will lead a healthy life. Forming good hygiene practice from early childhood can have a positive
effect on your child's growth and development. Students will also learn to be independent and boost their confidence and
self-esteem. Especially now a days that personal hygiene is the most important thing to avoid spreading viruses and keep
us away from any illness.

2. How would you teach proper hygiene in areas that has difficulty in clean water
supply? Cite 1 example.

ANSWER: We have to focus on preschoolers in teaching personal hygiene because they are prone to bacteria. To make
sure preschoolers have good personal hygiene, teach them to wash their hands before eating or preparing food, after
going to the toilet, and after playing or touching animals or dirty things.  Use water and soap over hands and wrists. Dry
hands thoroughly. Your child will need to bathe or shower regularly.
Improving sanitation facilities in most remote areas is also the best way to help them to make sure that they can apply
proper personal hygiene also, by providing toilets and latrines that flush into a sewer or safe enclosure. Promote good
hygiene habits through education. Proper hand washing with soap and water can reduce diarrhea cases by up to 35

Activity 1. Create a school hygiene routine diagram




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1.3 Activity 1. Read and answer the following questions.

1. What is teaching strategy?





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2. State the importance of preparing the working room and equipment’s before the

ANSWER: The importance of preparing the working room and equipment’s before the
Activity for student is so many. Getting the shop room ready for the
conduct of shop classes is for the mobility of students are studied with considerations
to the students’ safety as well as yours. Secondly, this will give options
for access to tools, materials, and wash. This is to organize and arrange the students and make them comfortable during
classes. Keeping the room well organized and accessible to student help teachers to easily perform and teach student as
well. This is for the benefits of the student and teachers in all aspect.

3. State the importance of Teaching home economics and industrial arts?

ANSWER: The importance of Teaching home economics and industrial arts to student is to discover and develop their
Innovative, Creative and resourceful skills and talents.
Teaching Industrial arts for grade school students the primary role of Industrial Arts education is to expose students to a
variety of industrial and engineering technologies that improve their understanding of the industrial and engineered world.
This will help them in their future as well and they can apply to their daily lives .


1. Why is the terms innovation, creativity and resourcefulness related to




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2. How does local resources important factor in assigning projects?


Activity 1. Create a step by step teacher preparation in teaching EPP/TLE.




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