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We have noted that, irrespective of the type of problem, the solution
involves formulation and solution of a set of simultaneous equations governing
the phenomenon being analyzed. For example, in case of a single stage linear
deformation analysis, the ultimate need was to formulate & solve the equations
governing the equilibrium of the idealized system, as defined in equation 1.
[k ] [ δ ] = [F ] KK ( 1 )

δ] is the nodal displacement vector of the idealized system,

Wherein, [δ
[F] is the nodal load vector of the idealized system,
[k] is the structural stiffness matrix of the idealized system.
With ‘N’ as total nodal degree of freedom, eq.1 represents ‘N’
simultaneous equations, with ‘N’ unknowns. It thus has unique solution.
Computational exercise with respect to eq.1 involves following features:
a) For each element of the idealized system the element stiffness
matrix [ke] and the element nodal vector [Fe] are derived.
b) [k] is developed by superpositioning [ke] of the elements meeting at
the nodes of the idealized system.
c) [F] = [F]1 + [F]2 ; wherein, [F]1 is derived by superpositioning [Fe] of
the element meeting at the nodes of the idealized system; whereas,
[F]2 represents the load components directly applied at the nodes of
the idealized system.
d) The set of simultaneous equations are solved, subject to the
prescribed nodal restraints on solution, the displacements at the free
nodes & reactive components at the restrained nodes are
Most straight forward approach to the problem would be to implement
the algorithm. It solves the problem in two sequential steps. In the first step the
complete set of equations is formulated; & in the second step the step is
solved. In the early stage of Finite Element development, this two step
approach was invariably adopted, in the formulation of the Finite Element
analysis softwares. As the computational technology evolved, however, more
efficient solution strategies emerged. Of these the most widely accepted

algorithm was the Frontal Solution technique, promoted by Bruce Trons in
1970. As of today the Frontal algorithm is an integral component of majority of
the finite element softwares, marketed in the world. In Frontal algorithm, the
formulation and solution of the set of equations progress simultaneously;
consequently it provides a most natural solution strategy.
In this chapter the Frontal algorithm & its computer implementation is
thoroughly discussed. By the way of illustration details pertaining to the single
stage embankment analysis presented in chapter 3 of the text are utilized.

Principles of Elimination:
In the frontal solution technique, equations are solved by the Gauss’s
method, which involves two stages of operations. In the first stage the
equations are reduced through forward elimination of variables; & in the
second stage the values of the variables are established through the process
of back substitution. In this section we shall discuss the principles of forward
elimination. For the sake of illustration we consider eq.1, with N=5; such that,
details are as shown in eq.2

k 11 k 12 k 13 k 14 k 15   δ1   F1 
k k 22 k 23 k 24 k 25  δ  F 
 21  2  2
k 31 k 32 k 33 k 34 k 35  δ 3  = F3  KK( 2 )
     
k 41 k 42 k 43 k 44 k 45  δ 4  F4 
k 51 k 52 k 53 k 54 k 55   δ 5  F5 

In a conventional Gauss’s solution scheme, the solution of eq.2 will be

undertaken by eliminating sequentially the variables ( δ 1 , δ 2 , δ 3 , δ 4 , δ 5 ) & by

deriving the values ( δ 5 , δ 4 , δ 3 , δ 2 , δ 1 ) through back substitution. We shall

recognize at a later stage that, in the frontal solution technique, elimination of

the variables would follow a random order. For example, the variables may be
required to be eliminated in the order ( δ 2 , δ 5 , δ 1 , δ 4 , δ 3 ) . Consequently,

through the back substitution the values of ( δ 3 , δ 4 , δ 1 , δ 5 , δ 2 ) would get

established, i.e. in the reverse order.

Let us assume that we need to eliminate variable δ3 from the set of
equations in eq.2. In theory, we could achieve this by considering any of the

equation from the set from the view point of requirements in the frontal solution
technique. We shall consider the third equation, wherein, the diagonal
coefficient k33 happens to be the multiplier to the variable δ3 being eliminated.
It may be noted that the sequential elimination process in the conventional
application of the Gauss’s method, employs invariable such diagonal
coefficients referred to as pivot, while undertaking the process of elimination.
We shall thus begin by extracting the third equation from the set of
equation. That is:
k 31 δ 1 + k 32 δ 2 + k 33 δ 3 + k 34 δ 4 + k 35 δ 5 = F3 KK ( 3 )

The same is preserved to facilitate the operations associated with the

back substitution process.
On elimination of the variable δ3 the original set of five equations gets
reduced to a set of four equations, with the coefficients of the remaining four
equations in the set, i.e. the equations other than the one shown in eq.3 getting
appropriately modified. While undertaking the modifications, it is however
necessary to identify the nature of variable being eliminated. In context with the
finite element solution, a variable which happens to be a nodal degree of
freedom having freedom to develop is a free variable. On the other hand if it is
subjected to boundary conditions, it will have a prescribed value. The
modifications referred to above depend upon, whether the variable being
eliminated is a free variable or a variable with the prescribed value.

a) Free Variable:
From eq.3 it follows that;
F3 k k k k
δ3 = − 31 δ 1 − 32 δ 2 − 34 δ 4 − 35 δ 5 KK ( 4 )
k 33 k 33 k 33 k 33 k 33
On substituting eq.4 into remaining four equations of eq.2, the set of
equations gets modified to the on shown in eq.5
[k ] [ δ ]
* *
= [F ]
KK ( 5 )
Wherein, * denotes the modifications due to elimination of δ3. The
details are thus as shown in eq.6

k 11
* *
k 12 0 *
k 14 *
k 15   δ1  F1* 
 * * * *  δ   *
k 21 k 22 0 k 24 k 25   2 F2 
 0 0 0 0 0  0 = 0 KK ( 6 )
 *     *
k 41 k *42 0 k *44 k *45  δ 4  F4 
k * *
k 52 0 *
k 54 * 
k 55  δ 5  F * 
 51   5
NOTE: ‘0’ denotes absence.
The coefficients k ij* & Fi* are as defined in eq.7

k i3 k 3 j
k ij* = k ij −
k 33
k i3
Fi* = Fi − F3 KK ( 7 )
k 33
We could generalize the above process in the following manner:
In a set containing ‘n’ equations defined by eq.1, δm the (m+n) variable
could be eliminated through the (m+n) equation of the set. This involves
extraction of the (m + n) equation & its preservation. It also leads to the
absence of this equation from the set. The remaining coefficients are modified
to k ij* & Fi* as shown in eq.8.

k im k mj
k ij* = k ij −
k mm
k im
Fi* = Fi − Fm KK (8 )
k mm
Having undertaken these modifications, kim is set to zero. The set thus
gets transformed to (n-1) no. of equations.

b) Prescribed Variable:
In case of a prescribed variable, the modifications get considerably
simplified, because the process of elimination involves direct substitution of the
prescribed value of the variable. We should however recollect that a prescribed
nodal parameter does not reduce the no. of unknowns, because a prescribed
nodal displacement introduces unknown nodal reactive component.
Let δ3 = ∆ . Now, leaving the third expression that has been extracted &
preserved (for calculating reactive component at the back substitution stage)
the condition δ3 = ∆ is substituted in the remaining four equations. Assuming
eq.6 to be symbolic representation of the modified set of equations, we should

note that in the modified set k ij* = k ij , i.e. the original coefficients kij remain

unaffected. On the other hand the coefficients Fi get modified to Fi* as defined
in eq.9
Fi* = Fi − ∆.k i3 KK ( 9 )

We could generalize the process in the following manner:

In a set containing ‘n’ equations defined by eq.1, δm the (m+n) variable
with a prescribed value of ∆ is eliminated by extracting & preserving
expressions unaffected.
But, Fi should be modified to Fi* as defined in eq.10
Fi* = Fi − ∆.k im KK( 10 )
Having undertaken these modifications, kim is set to zero. The set thus
transformed to (n - 1) no. of equations. In the subsequent developments, we
shall be continuously referring to eq.8 & eq.10.

Essence of Frontal Solution Technique:

We shall now present the basic concepts of Frontal Solution Technique.
Let us consider a finite element idealization comprising of three triangular
elements & five nodes as shown in Fig.1.

4 5

1 3

1 2 3

Fig. No. 1 Illustrative Idealization for Essence of

Frontal Solution Technique

Assuming a single nodal degree of freedom denoted through ‘φ’; the

governing set of equations are as presented in eq.11.
[A].[φ] = [B] KK ( 11)

The details of the equations are given below:

 A 11 A 12 0 A 14 0   φ1  B 1 
A A 22 A 23 A 24 A 25  φ  B 
 21  2  2
 0 A 32 A 33 0 A 35  φ 3  = B 3  KK ( 12 )
     
 A 41 A 42 0 A 44 A 45  φ 4  B 4 
 0 A 52 A 53 A 54 A 55   φ 5  B 5 

Wherein, the coefficients of [A] & [B] are generated by the

superpositioning technique. We should note that being a normal finite element
formulation [A] is symmetrical, i.e. Aij = Aji.
Before the advent of the Frontal Solution Technique the entire set of
simultaneous equations were formulated & the same was then solved through
φ1, φ2, φ3, φ4, φ5) were eliminated
Gauss’s method. In this the variables (φ
φ5, φ4, φ3,
sequentially through the forward elimination process, & the values (φ
φ2, φ1), were established through the back substitution process.
Frontal Solution Technique also employs Gauss’s method, but it differs
from the above mentioned sequential technique in an important manner. In the
Frontal Solution Technique the entire set of equations is not required to be
formulated before hand. A closer examination of eq.9 & eq.10 would reveal
that once the equation employed in carrying out the elimination is completely
formed, the modifications to the coefficients of the remaining equations depend
only on a summation process. And the order in which such summations are
carried out is immaterial to the ultimate solution. The Frontal Solution
Technique takes advantages of this fact, by eliminating a variable as soon as
its governing equation is completely formed.
In case of the problem of Fig. No. 1, the solution by the Frontal Solution
Technique progresses by calling the elements 1 , 2 & 3 respectively.

Element 1 :
The analysis begins by activating element 1. Due to this a set of three
equations as shown below gets generated:
 A 111 A 112 A 114   φ1   B11 
 1  φ   1
 A 21 A 122 A 124   2 = B 2  KK( 13 )
 A 131 A 142 A 144  φ 3  B 14 
  

Wherein, the superfix 1 attached to various coefficients denotes element

1. From Fig. No. 1 it is clear that only one element i.e. the element 1

meets at the node -1. This means the equation with respect to φ, is completely
formed on activating the element 1. Consequently, φ1 be eliminated at this
stage of analysis. Therefore, equation corresponding to φ1 is extracted &
preserved as shown in eq.14 (a), whereas the other two equations get
modified due to the elimination of φ1 as shown in eq.14 (b):
(a) '
A 11 φ 1 + A 12
φ 2 + A 14
φ 4 = B 1'

x x x  x x
(b) x A * * 
A 24 φ  = B *  KKK ( 14 )
 22   2  2
 x A *42 A *44  φ 4  B *4 

1) ‘X’ denotes the vacancy created by the extraction of equation related to
φ1. In this process the row & column of [A] get vacated.
φ1’. Due to
2) ‘∗’ denotes the modifications due to elimination of ‘φ
symmetrical character of [A], A *42 = A 24

Element 2 :
We should note that the next step of the analysis begins with residual
characteristics, as per eq.14 (b), & the residual portion of the idealization as
shown in Fig. No. 2(a). This is because in the previous step element 1 was
considered, therefore the same goes out of the analysis.

4 5

3 3

2 3 2 3
(a) (b)

Fig. No. 2 Illustration for the Frontal Solution Process

Now element 2 is activated, wherein its characteristics are
superpositioned over the residual characteristics of the previous step. The
resulting set of equations is as shown in eq.15.
 A 255 A 252 A 254  φ 5   B 25 
 2  φ   * 2
 A 25
A 22 + A 222 *
A 24 + A 224   2 = B 2 + B 2  KK ( 15 )
 A 245 A *42 + A 242 A *44 + A 244  φ 4  B *4 + B 24 
  
1) Superfix ‘2’ denotes element 2.
2) Vacant space of the residual block is utilized to accommodate the
characteristics of node 5. Economy of required core space for managing
the equation is thus obvious.
It follows from Fig. No. 2 (a), that at this stage of the analysis only one
element meets at the node 4. This means on activating the element 2, the
φ4’ is completely formed, hence ‘φ
equation with respect to ‘φ φ4’ can be eliminated.
φ4’ is extracted & preserved as
Towards this the equation corresponding to ‘φ
shown in eq.16 (a), whereas the remaining equations get modified due to
φ4’ as shown in eq.16 (b).
elimination of ‘φ
(a ) A 245 φ 5 + ( A *42 + A 242 )φ 2 + ( A *44 + A 244 )φ 4 = (B *4 + B 24 )

 A 55
** **
A 52 x φ 5  B 5* * 
 **  φ  = B * * 
(b)  A 25 A 22 x  2  2 KKK( 16 )
 x x x   x   x 
  
1) ‘X’ denotes the vacancy created by extracted of equation related to ‘φ
In this both 3rd row and 3rd column are vacated.
φ4’. As [A] is
2) ‘∗∗’ denotes the modifications due to elimination of ‘φ
symmetrical A 52 = A 25

Element 3 :
In the final step, we are left with the residual characteristics as defined
in eq.16 (b) & the residual portion of the idealization as shown in Fig. No. 2(b).
Now the element 3 is activated, wherein, its characteristics are superpositioned

over the residual characteristics of the previous step. The resulting set of
equations is as shown in eq.17.
 A 55
+ A 355 **
A 52 + A 352 A 353  φ 5  B 5* * + B 35 
 **  φ   ** 3
 A 25 + A 25 + A 322 = B 2 + B 2 
3 **
A 22 A 323   2 KK ( 17 )
 A 335 A 332 A 333  φ 3   B 33 
  
Wherein, superfix 3 denotes element 3.
We should note that at this stage of analysis at each node of the
element only one element, viz. element 3 meets. Therefore, equations
governing each of them are completely formed. The remaining variable could
therefore be eliminated one after the other. With this the elimination stage gets
completed & values of all the variables could be established through back
substitution process.

Illustrative Computations
With a view to provide in depth prescription of the Frontal Solution
Technique, we shall present complete set of computational details related to
the frontal solution for the single stage embankment analysis considered. The
idealization details are as shown in Fig. No. 3.

4 5

1 3

1 2 3

Fig. No. 3 Illustrative Problem

The details regarding [ke] & [Fe] of the four element are reproduced
here below for the sake of convenience as shown in Table 1.

Table No. 1(a) : [ke] of elements 1, 3 and 4
448 448 -88 268 -356 -716

448 1118 -268 1026 -180 -2144

-88 -268 448 -448 -356 716

268 1026 -448 1118 180 -2144

-356 -180 -356 180 716 0

-716 -2144 716 -2144 0 4288

Table No. 1(b) : [ke] of elements 2

716 0 -356 -180 -356 180

0 4288 -716 -2144 716 -2144

-356 -716 448 448 -88 268

-180 -2144 448 1118 -268 1026

-356 716 -88 -268 448 -448

180 -2144 268 1026 -448 1118

Table No. 1(c) : [Fe] of elements 1, 2, 3 & 4


− 400

− 400

− 400

The base nodes were assumed to be completely restrained in both x &

y direction. For better appreciation of the Frontal Solution Technique we shall
however assume that the base nodes (1, 2, 3) rather than completely

restrained, suffer vertical displacement of -0.1m. Thus the boundary conditions
u1 = 0.0; u2 = 0.0; u3 = 0.0;
v1 = - 0.1m; v2 = - 0.1m; v3 = - 0.1m
These nodal displacements represent uniform settlement of the
embankment; hence in the final result all the six nodes would display additional
vertical displacement of -0.1m. The strains and stresses induced in the dam
would be same as the ones estimated. Thus, emphasizing a basic structural
concept that rigid body motion of a structure does not induce additional
stresses in the structure.
Elimination Phase: In the elimination phase of the frontal solution technique,
the elements are activated sequentially to formulate the equations; & to
eliminate the variables in the appropriate manner, with a view to present the
computational details in comprehensive manner. We shall adopt the notations
having following character.
a) Algorithm
Let us assume that the analysis is completed up to ith element, & we are
considering the operations in respect of activating of (i+1)st element. In this
connection, we should note the following points:
1. Let [kR]I & [FR]I represent respectively the residual stiffness matrix &
residual nodal load vector, at the completion of the analysis up to ith element.
2. Let [kei+1] & [FeI+1] be the element stiffness matrix and element load
vector respectively, of the active element, i.e. (i+1)st element.
3. We superposition [kei+1] & [FeI+1] respectively over [kR]I & [FR]I, and
define the condition of equilibrium at that stage through eq.18.
[k A ]i+1 [ δ A ]i+1 = [FA ]i+1 KK (18)
δA]i+1 represents vector of active nodal variables,

[FA]i+1 represents active load vector,
[kA]i+1 represents active stiffness matrix.
4. We eliminate from eq.18 all the variables for which the governing
equations are completely formulated. This involves extraction & preservation
of such completely formulated equations for making them available at the

back substitution stage. And modifications of the coefficients of remaining
equations. With this, we shall be left with the residual stiffness matrix [kR]i+1
& residual load vector [FR]i+1. The process is continued till all the elements
are considered.
b) Computational Details
We shall now demonstrate the application of the algorithm presented in
(A) above, by presenting the computational details in respect of the illustrative
problem under consideration.
1. Activate Element 1
We begin the analysis by activating element 1. As the element is the
first one to be handled, the residual stiffness matrix [kR]0 = 0 & the residual
nodal load vector [FR]0 = 0. (The outer suffix ‘0’ denotes zero or initial
condition) Consequently the assembled stiffness matrix [kA] & the assembled
nodal load vector [FA]1 are respectively equal to the element stiffness matrix
[k1e] & the element load vector [F1e].
Nodal connections for the element 1 are (1, 2, 4), which defines
[δ A ]1 = [δ 1e ], [k A ]1 = [k 1e ], [FA ]1 = [Fe1 ]. These are available from Table 1. Thus the

equations of equilibrium for the active assemblage are as presented in Table

no. 2 (a).
Table no. 2 (a)
 448 448 − 88 268 − 356 − 716   u1   0 
 448 1118 − 268 1026 − 180 − 2144   v   − 400 3
  1  
 − 88 − 268 448 − 448 − 356 716  u 2   0 
   = 
 268 1026 − 448 1118 180 − 2144   v 2   − 400 3
 − 356 − 180 − 356 180 716 0  u 4   0 
     
 − 716 − 2144 716 − 2144 0 4288   v 4   − 400 3
[k A ]1 [δ A ]1 = [FA ]1
We should note that node 1 is appearing in the analysis for the last time;
hence the governing equations in respect of (u1, v1) are completely formulated.
In view of this, we shall eliminate (u1, v1) from the set of equations presented in
Table no. 2 (a).

Elimination of u1

u1 has a prescribed value of u1 = 0, hence following operations are
performed. The expression against u1 form Table no. 2 (a) is extracted &
preserved as shown in eq.19.
448 u1 + 448 v 1 − 88 u 2 + 268 v 2 − 356 u 4 − 716 v 4 = 0 + Fx R1 = Fx R1 K ( 19 )
Wherein, Fx1R denotes the reaction due to the restraint over u1. This is
added to formulate the extracted equation properly. It should be emphasized
that in eq.19 u1 is known & Fx1R is unknown.
As u1 has a prescribed value kij the coefficients of the remaining
equations of [kA]1 are unaffected by elimination of u1. Further as the prescribed
value of u1 is equal to zero, it follows from eq.10 that, the coefficients of the
remaining portion of [FA]1 are also unaffected. With all these, the residual
matrices governing the equations of equilibrium acquire the details as shown in
Table no. 2 (b).
Table no. 2 (b)
X X X X X X  X  X 
 X 1118 − 268 1026 − 180 − 2144   v   − 400 3
   1  
 X − 268 448 − 448 − 356 716  u 2   0 
   = 
 X 1026 − 448 1118 180 − 2144   v 2   − 400 3
 X − 180 − 356 180 716 0  u 4   0 
     
 X − 2144 716 − 2144 0 4288   v 4   − 400 3
‘X’ in the table indicates the vacancies created by the extracted
Elimination of v1
v1 has a prescribed value of v1 = - 0.1, hence following operations are
performed. The expression against v1 form Table no. 2 (b) is extracted &
preserved as shown in eq.20.
− 400
1118 v 1 − 268 u 2 − 1026 v 2 − 180 u 4 − 2144 v 4 = + Fy R1 K ( 20 )
Wherein, Fy1R denotes the reaction due to the restraint over v1. It
should be noted that v1 is known, whereas Fy1R is unknown.
As v1 has a prescribed value kij the coefficients of the remaining
equations in Table no 2 (b) are unaffected by the elimination of v1. On the
other hand the remaining coefficients Fi of the nodal load vector are modified

as per eq.10. With this the residual set of equations are as shown in Table no
2 (c).
Table no. 2 (c)
X X X X X X  X  X 
X X X X X X  X  X 
    
X X 448 − 448 − 356 716  u 2   − 26.8 
   = 
X X − 448 1118 180 − 2144   v 2   − 30.73 
X X − 356 180 716 0  u 4   − 18 
     
 X X 716 − 2144 0 4288   v 4   − 347.73

Active Front Width

Before undertaking the operations with respect to the subsequent
elements, let us define an important parameter of Frontal Solution technique
called Front Width. The number of rows (or column) of [kA] in Table no 2 (a) is
called its active front width. As [kA], is of the size (6 x 6) the active front width =
6. The implication of this parameter would get clarified with the progress of

2. Activate Element 2
We continue the analysis by activating the element 2. Now, the details
in Table no 2 (c) represents the residual characteristics [kR]1, [ δ R ]1, [FR]1 & the
residual idealization as shown in Fig no. 4.

4 5

2 3

Fig. No. 4 Active Element 2 followed by element 3

Over the residual characteristics, we superposition the characteristics of

the active element, i.e. element 2, as shown in Table no. 3(a). Thus [ke2] &

[Fe2] are appropriately superpositioned. Keeping in view that [ δ R 2] represents
the nodal displacement vector, with respect to the element nodes (2, 5, 4).

Table no. 3 (a)

 448 448 − 356 − 716 − 88 268  u5   0 
 448 1118 − 180 − 2144 − 268 1026  v   − 400 3 
   5  
− 356 − 180 716 + 448 0 − 448 − 356 − 356 180 + 716  u2   0 − 26.8 
   =  
− 716 − 2144 + −448 4288 + 1118 716 + 180 − 2144 − 2144  v 2   (− 400 3) − 30.73 
 − 88 − 268 − 356 − 356 716 + 180 448 + 716 − 448 + 0  u4   0 − 18 
     
 268 1026 180 + 716 − 2144 + 2144 − 448 + 0 1118 + 4288  v 5  (− 400 3) − 347.73 

The coefficients of [ke2] & [Fe2] are derived from Table no.1. We should note
the following points:
a) In Table no. 3(a), the free terms are picked up from Table no. 2(c); & the
same belong to the residual characteristics, whereas the terms within
the parenthesis represent the contribution from the active element 2.
δA]2, [FA]2 will have the
b) From Table no. 2(c), it follows that [kA]2, [δ
accommodations in respect of the nodes 2 & 4, which are present
already. As the node 5 gets introduced into the analysis for the first
time, provision will have to be made for accommodating the related
characteristics. Fortunately, we could utilize the vacancies created by
elimination of (u1, v1) for the purpose. Thus, without exceeding the
active front width of 6, the node 5 gets accommodate into the analysis.
c) Carrying out the algebraic sum of the terms in Table no. 3(a), the
equations of equilibrium for the active assemblage gets established as
shown in Table no. 3(b).
Table no. 3 (b)
 448 448 − 356 − 716 − 88 268  u 5   0 
 448   
1118 − 180 2144 − 268 1026   v 5   − 400 3 

 − 356 − 180 1164 − 448 − 712 896  u 2   − 26.8 
  = 
 − 716 − 2144 − 448 5406 896 − 4288   v 2   − 164.06 
 − 88 − 268 − 712 896 1164 − 448  u 4   − 18 
    
 268 1026 896 − 4288 − 448 5406   v 4   − 481.06

From Fig. No. 4, it follows that none of the active nodes viz, nodes (2, 4, 5) are
appearing for the last time; hence there is no scope for the elimination process.

The details in Table no. 3(b), thus automatically represents the residual
characteristics [kR]2, [ δ R ]2, [FR]2.

3. Activate Element 3
We continue further the analysis by activating the element 3. As in the
previous step, none of the nodes could be eliminated, Fig. No. 4 continues to
represent the residual idealization. Now, [ke3] & [Fe3] are available in Table no.
1, & the same are superpositioned over [kR]2 & [FR]2 respectively. The result
represents [kA]3 & [FA]3 the characteristics for the active assemblage. Towards
δ3e] is defined by the element nodes (2, 3, 5), hence [δ
this process [δ δA]3 gets
accordingly modified. The entire process is similar to the one considered
earlier while activating the element 2. The results are presented in Table no.
Table no. 4 (a)
 1164 448 − 712 − 896 − 88 268 − 356 180  u5   0 
 448
 5406 − 896 − 4288 − 268 1026 716 − 2144 v 5   − 800 3 
− 712 − 896 1612 0 − 712 896 − 88 268  u2   − 26.8 
    
− 896 − 4288 0 6524 896 − 4288 − 268 1026  v2  − 297.39
 − 88 − 268 − 712 896 1164 − 448 0 0  u4   − 18 
    
 268 1026 896 − 4288 − 448 5406 0 0  v 4   − 481 
− 356 716 − 88 − 268 0 0 448 − 448  u3   0 
    
 180 − 2144 268 1026 0 0 − 448 1118  v3   − 400 3 

We should note the following points:

a) Locations for the degree of freedom related to the nodes (2, 4, 5) are
already available as per Table no. 3(b).
b) As node no 3 is appearing in the analysis for the first time, it would be
necessary to make provision for accommodating its characteristics.
Now, within the frame work of the residual blocks, vacant spaces do not
δA]3 would get increased. In this
exist, hence the sizes of [kA]3, [FA]3 & [δ
process the active front width also gets increased to 8.
Degree of freedom (u2, v2, u3, v3) related to nodes 2 & 3 are eliminated one
after the other because these nodes are appearing in the analysis for the last
time. It may be noted that each of the eliminatable variables has prescribed
values; hence as demonstrated earlier the equations could be modified. In

Table no. 4(b), (c), (d) & (e), the set of equations resulting from the elimination
of u2, v2, u3 & v3 are respectively presented. The corresponding expression
extracted prior to each stage of elimination are shown in eq.21 (a), (b), (c) &
(d) respectively.
(a ) − 712u 5 − 896v 5 + 1612u 2 − 712u 4 + 896 v 4 − 88u 3 + 1026 v 3 = − 26.8 + Fx R2
(b) − 896u 5 − 4288 v 5 + 6524 v 2 + 896u 4 − 4288 v 4 − 268u 3 + 1026 v 3 = − 297.39 + Fy R2
(c) − 365u 5 + 716 v 5 + 448u 3 − 448v 3 = − 26.8 + Fx R3
(d) 180u 5 − 2144 v 5 + 118v 3 = − 30.73 + Fy R3
KKK ( 21)
Wherein, ( Fx , Fy , Fx , Fy ) denoting reactions induced due to the
2 2 3 3

restraints over (u2, v2, u3, v3), are added to formulate the extracted equations
completely. We should note that (u2, v2, u3, v3) are known, whereas
( Fx R2 , Fy R2 , Fx R3 , Fy R3 ) are unknowns.

Table no. 4 (b)

 1164 448 x − 896 − 88 268 − 356 180  u5   0 
 448 5406 x − 4288
 − 268 1026 716 − 2144 v5   − 800 3 
 x x x x x x x x x  x 
    
− 896 − 4288 x 6524 896 − 4288 − 268 1026  v2  − 297.39
 − 88 − 268 x 896 1164 − 448 0 0  u4   − 18 
    
 268 1026 x − 4288 − 448 5406 0 0  v4   − 481 
− 356 716 x − 268 0 0 448 − 448  u3   0 
    
 180 − 2144 x 1026 0 0 − 448 1118  v3   − 400 3 

Table no. 4 (c)

 1164 448 x x − 88 268 − 356 180  u5   − 89.6 
 448
 5406 x x − 268 1026 716 − 2144   v5   − 695.46
 x x x x x x x x x  x 
    
 x x x x x x x x x  x 
 − 88 − 268 x x 1164 − 448 0 0  u4   71.6 
    
 268 1026 x x − 448 5406 0 0   v 4   − 909.66
 − 356 716 x x 0 0 448 − 448  u3   − 26.8 
    
 180 − 2144 x x 0 0 − 448 1118   v3   − 30.73 

Table no. 4 (d)
1164 448 x x − 88 268 x 180  u 5   − 89.6 
 448
 5406 x x − 268 1026 x − 2144   v 5   − 695.46
 x x x x x x x x  x   x 
    
 x x x x x x x x  x   x 
 − 88 − 268 x x 1164 − 448 x 0  u 4   71.6 
    
 268 1026 x x − 448 5406 x 0   v 4   − 909.66
 x x x x x x x x  x   x 
    
 180 − 2144 x x 0 0 x 1118   v 3   − 30.73 

Table no. 4 (e)

1164 448 x x − 88 268 x x   u 5   − 71 . 6 
 448 5406 x x − 268 1026 x x   v 5   − 909 . 86 

 x x x x x x x x  x   x 
    
 x x x x x x x x  x  
x 
 − 88 − 268 x x 1164 − 448 x x   u 4   71 . 6 
    
 268 1026 x x − 448 5406 x x   v 4   − 909 . 86 
 x x x x x x x x  x   x 
    
 x x x x x x x x   x   x 

4. Activate Element 4
In the final step we activate element 4. Its element characteristics [ke4] & [Fe4]
are available in Table no. 1. These are superpositioned over the residual
characteristic [kR]3 & [FR]3 represented in Table no. 4(e), to derive [kA]4 &
δ4e] & [δ
[FA]4. Towards this [δ δA]3 are defined by the nodes (4, 5, 6). The details
of the resulting set of equations are presented in Table no. 5(a).
Table no. 5 (a)
 1612 0 − 356 716 − 176 0  u 5   − 71.6 
 0 6524 180 − 2144 0 2052   v   − 1043.19
  5  
 − 356 181 716 0 − 356 − 180  u 6   0 
   = 
 716 − 2144 0 4288 − 716 − 2144   v 6   − 400 3 
 176 0 − 356 − 716 1612 0  u 4   71.6 
     
 0 2052 − 180 − 2144 0 6524   v 4   − 1043.19

We should note the following points in this context:
a) Locations for the degree of freedom related with nodes 4 & 5 are
already available as per Table no. 4(e).
b) Node 6 is appearing in the analysis for the first time. Vacant spaces are
however available to accommodate its characteristics. As the available
vacancies are more than the ones required for the purpose, we have an
option. For example, the vacancies in between the characteristics of
nodes 5 & 4 may be chosen or the ones available at the end portion of
[kR]3, [FR]3 could be utilized. As the former option involves active front
width of 6, which happens to be lesser than the active front width of 8
required in the later option, we choose the former alternative.
Degree of freedom (u4, v4, u5, v5, u6, v6) related to the nodes (4, 5, 6) are
eliminated one by one; because in this final stage all the nodes appear for the
last time. As these are free nodal degree of freedom, at each stage of
elimination the process is governed by eq.8 in Table no. 5(b), (c), (d), (e) & (f),
the set of equations resulting from the elimination of u4, v4, u5, v5 & u6
respectively are presented. Table no. 5(f) thus contains only one equation, with
one variable v6. To complete the process of elimination, at various stages the
equations are extracted & preserved to keep them ready for the back
substitution process. The details are shown in eq.22:
(a) − 176u 5 − 356u 6 − 716v 6 + 1612u 4 = 71.6
(b) 2052v 5 − 180u 6 − 2144 v 6 + 6524 v 4 = − 1043.19
(c) 1592.78u 5 − 394.87u 6 + 637.82v 6 = − 63.78
(d) 5878.65 v 5 + 236.62u 6 − 1469.71v 6 = − 715.07
(e) 525.02u 6 = 0
(f ) 2642.62v 6 = − 597.59
KKKK ( 22 )
Table no. 5 (b)
 1592.78 0 − 394.87 637.82 x 0  u 5   − 63.78 
 0 6524 180 − 2144 x 2052   v   − 1043.19
  5  
 − 394.87 180 637.4 − 158.12 x − 180  u 6   15.81 
   = 
 637.82 − 2144 − 158.12 3969.95 x − 2144   v 6   − 101.53 
 x x x x x x  x  x 
     
 0 2052 − 180 − 2144 x 6524   v 4   − 1043.19

Table no. 5 (c)
 1592.78 0 − 394.87 637.82 x x u 5   − 63.78 
 0 5878.65 236.62 − 1469.71 x x   v   − 715.07 
  5  
 − 394.87 236.62 632.43 − 217.28 x x u 6   − 12.97 
   = 
 637.82 − 1469.71 − 217.28 3265.43 x x  v 6   − 444.36
 x x x x x x x  x 
     
 x x x x x x   x   x 

Table no. 5 (d)

x x x x  x  x 
 x 5878.65 236.62 − 1469.71  v   − 715.07
   5 =  
x 236.62 534.54 − 59.17  u 6   − 28.78 
     
 x − 1469.71 − 59.17 3010.05   v 6   − 418.82

Table no. 5 (e)

x x x x  x  x 
x x x x  x  x 
   = 
x x 525.02 0  u 6   0 
     
x x 0 2642.62  v 6   − 597.59

Table no. 5 (f)

x x x x  x  x 
x x x x  x  x 
   = 
x x x x  x  x 
     
x x x 2642.62  v 6   − 597.59

Back Substitution phase:

Equations that have been extracted at various stages of elimination,
constitute the basic record through which the values of the unknown nodal
parameters are established. This means, at the free nodes the displacements,
whereas at the restrained nodes the reactions are computed. All these are
derived through the second basic stage of Gauss’s solution scheme viz. the
back substitution phase.
We begin the process of back substitution from eq.22 (f) & proceed
backward to the eq.22 (e), (d), (c), (b) & (a); thereby establish the values of the
nodal displacements v6, u6, v5, u5, v4 & u4 respectively. These nodal

displacements, along with the prescribed values of displacements at the
restrained nodes, are utilized to carry out the back substitution process further;
by operating through eq.21, eq.20 & eq.19. The complete set of results are
presented in Table no.6

Table no. 6 (a)

Nodal Displacements
Node 1 2 3 4 5 6
u (m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.0505 0.0505 0.00
v (m) -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.1782 -0.1782 -0.2261

Table no. 6 (b)

Fx R1 Fx R2 Fx R3 Fy R1 Fy R2 Fy R3

73.87t 0.0 -73.87t 309.91t 980.18t 309.91t

NOTE: In the above problem, vertical displacement of -0.1m was prescribed at

the restrained nodes, i.e. v1 = v2 = v3 = -0.1m, for demonstrating certain
inherent aspect of elimination of prescribed variables. These displacements at
the restrained nodes being of identical nature & magnitude, constituted
prescribed rigid body movements of the embankment section. In view of this
solution with v1 = v2 = v3 = 0, will differ from the present results in the following
a) ‘u’ at all the nodes would be identical to the ones as shown in Table no.
b) ‘v’ at all the nodes would be less by -0.1m, to the ones shown in Table
no. 6(a)
c) Reactions at the restrained nodes would be identical to the ones shown
in Table no. 6(b).

Gauss’s elimination technique for the solution of simultaneous
equations has inherent advantage in offering resolution facilities, for the types
of problems under consideration, need for the resolution arise due to two basic
possibilities. These are:
a) The amount of prescribed displacements may be different from the one
already considered.
b) The load vector may change from the one considered earlier.
In the set of equations governed by [k] & [F], the resolution does not affect
the modifications in [k], while undertaking the elimination phase. It changes
only the details in the [F] vector. We should note that in the elimination phase
the modification to [k] is labor intensive; hence, in the resolution, due to saving
in this computational effort, the solution takes.


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