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IBEW 332

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Vol.1 Issue 6 December 2003

Business Manager’s Report

I would like to thank everyone who helped with phone banking,
passing out flyers and getting out the vote in the recent recall election.
We did a great job in Santa Clara County and the polls showed it.
The Bay Area vote was 67% against the recall, unfortunately it
wasn't enough. Labor is not sure where we stand with the new
Governor but he has surrounded himself with people from the Wilson
administration. Some are good and others not so good, it's a wait
and see. Sadly, Chuck Cake of the Department of Industrial Relations
and Henry Nunn of the California Apprenticeship Committee will

lose their jobs. I would like to say a special thank you to Jim
Williams who did a fantastic job of recruiting volunteers and organizing Local 332's efforts
against the recall. Brother Williams was presented with a plaque on behalf of Local 332
and it's members in appreciation of his hard work and dedication.

Jay and I recently attended an Organizing Conference in Chicago where President Ed

Hill reported that the IBEW has lost 30,000 members in the last year. President Hill
emphasized the need for more organizing throughout the country. The I/O position is that
in those locals where the Business Manager or other officers of the local do not want to
organize, the officers will be removed or the local's jurisdiction might be downsized. The
new theme is the "Power of E", the E stands for Education of Electricians for the purpose
of organizing. We must remove the barriers that exist to organizing the unorganized. At

Local 332 we continue to make Organizing a priority. We are interviewing for a second
Continued on next page

Picture Contest

Do you know who these guys are? Any idea when this picture was taken? Please call or e-mail Liz at
ejesinger@ibew332.org with your answers. The first person to answer correctly wins a Local 332 Sweat-
shirt, so hurry and get your answers in. The winner will be announced in the next issue of the Local 332
Newsletter. (Persons pictured do not qualify) . Last issue winner on page 4
2 December 2003

Local 332 Newsletter Business Managers Report

Published by: Continued from front page

IBEW Local 332 organizer and hope to have someone on staff soon. We
have also signed several new Contractors recently and are
2 1 2 5 C a n o a s G a r d e n Av e n u e , S u i t e 1 0 0 engaged in talks with others.
San Jose, CA 95125

Te l e p h o n e … … . . . ( 4 0 8 ) 2 6 9 - 4 3 3 2
Local 332 has received our renewal rates for Health & Welfare
Fax...................(408)979-5500 for 2004. The rate increase from our providers averages
E-Mail:ejesinger@ibew332.org 18%. The rate per member is now $787.41 per month.
W E B P a g e a d d r e s s : w w w. 3 3 2 . o rg The Trust is monitoring this very closely and I will provide
updates on this matter.
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed for lunch daily 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. In the last newsletter I spoke about the Tri-Trades joint
effort on securing jobs through filing Environmental Impact
Dispatch Hours: Reports (EIR's). The three we've inquired about have already
Monday – Friday 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. & 4
p.m. to 5:00 p.m. started people asking, what are the Trades doing and why
Dispatch Hotline 979-5533 are they doing this? We want Project Labor Agreements.
Editorial Staff A Special Called Meeting was held on October 29, 2003
Rober t V. Tragni..........................Executive Editor
Elizabeth Jesinger........................Managing Edito r to discuss reducing the retirement age from 60 to 58 at a
cost of $0.75 per hour. There was a great turn out and
Contributing Writers much discussion was held on the pros and cons of this proposal.
Vi n c e C o s e n t i n o Ana Medina The motion to reduce the age was passed overwhelmingly
Don Dixon Dick Perez
John Sawtelle with a vote of 350 voting for the reduction in retirement
Constitutional Officers age and 6 members against. Accordingly, effective January
G e r a l d E . P f e i f f e r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P re s i d e n t 1, 2004 the wage rate for Inside Journeymen will be reduced
R o b e r t S e a b e rg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vi c e P re s i d e n t by $0.75 per hour to $41.82. Apprentice rates will be re-
E a r l Ta l b o t t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tre a s u re r
Robert V. Tragni.................................Financial Secretary computed accordingly.
A l a n Wi e t e s k a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e c o rd i n g S e c re t a r y
Local 332 had it's first ever Old Timer's Night on October
Executive Board 17 at Lou's village, with close to 200 persons in attendance.
Ti n a B e s t Kevin Kavanaugh
Mark Cosentino Bruce Ramirez It was a great event and great fun for everyone. Pins were
Jay James presented to members with 40 or more years of service, so
there was a mix of actives and retirees. The retirees got to
ADDRESS CHANGES visit and catch up with old friends they hadn't seen in years
When changing your address, please complete this form
in some cases. We've received a number of cards and letters
and mail it directly to the Union Office. We, in turn will
from the Old Timer's thanking us for the great time and the
notify the Stephen Chelbay Company/United Administrative memories. We hope to be able to continue this tradition
Services and the IBEW Journal. and are looking forward to next year's event.

A ratification meeting was held on November 4, 2003 for
Sound & Communication members. Members from all Bay
Social Security No. ___________________________Card No. ________________________ Area locals met at Local 332 and discussed the package
Name: being proposed. Members present voted to accept the proposal
(Please Print) which provides for a three year agreement with increases
totaling $4.40 over the life of the agreement. In addition
___________________________________________________________________________________ to language changes throughout the agreement, a Public Works
(City) (State) (Zip) Compliance Fund will be instituted with $.020 per hour being
Telephone No.:________________________________________________________ contributed ($0.10 from member $0.10 matching funds from
(Area Code)
the employer).
Effective Date: ______________________________________________________________
Residential members met on November 13, 2003 to discuss
Member Signature:_______________________________________________ their upcoming wage allocation which is tied to work hours.
A second meeting is scheduled for November 24.
Please mail this form to:
IBEW Local 332 Congratulations to Brother Semyon Solomon. Brother Solomon
2125 Canoas Garden submitted a photograph to the 2003 IBEW Photo Contest
and won first place!! Brother Solomon's photo was selected
Avenue, Suite 100 by a panel of judges from over 150 entries received. Look
San Jose, CA 95125 for the photo in the December issue of the IBEW Journal.
December 2003 3

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

D o n a l d K . D i x o n S r.
Training Director

From my side, things are going great here at the JATC. We have all of the 1st year,
2nd year, three of the four 3rd year and four of the six 5th year classes in day school,
with very positive results. The balance of the apprenticeship classes are ongoing
night classes, as in the past.
Our summer journeyman classes were well received and 44 certificates were awarded
for the PLC and the LonWorks classes. The summer CAD class is continuing thru
the fall. We plan on expanding the offerings for next year, an in-house CPR/First
Aide program, expanded certification prep classes, and Fire Alarm upgrade classes,
to name a few.
Please keep watching this column for news of a Safety Fair in the early spring, we plan to offer
an opportunity for all to attend an assortment of safety classes here at the Bern Court campus.
PLATT Electrical Supply, along with Ideal tools, have become great supporters of our program.
They have graciously donated three tool boards with a variety of Klein, Ideal, Fluke, Greenlee,
3M and Dottie tools and materials, which are on display in the halls of the JATC. With the help
of these and our other training partners, this program will continue to be one of the leading
Electrical Apprenticeship in the country.

Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride (part 1)

This is a Record of My Experiences September 20 - October 5 2003
My name is Ana Medina. I was born Non-violent protest is a lesson learned health benefits, medical, dental, vision.
in Mexico City, Mexico. I am a United from the tradition of the Civil Rights
St a t e s c i t i z e n . I a m a m o t h e r. I a m Movement. Wo r k e r s h a v e a r i g h t t o a p e n s i o n p l a n
a u n i o n m e m b e r. I a m a n i m m i g r a n t . that will provide the worker with an
I a m a F r e e d o m R i d e r. The Immigrant Workers Freedom Riders i n d e p e n d e n t c o m f o r t a b l e r e t i r e m e n t .
have taken the spirit of that lesson
The Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride t o r i d e t o Wa s h i n g t o n D . C . a n d N e w C i v i l R i g h t s m e a n s t h a t h u m a n b e i n g s
was conceived to commemorate and York City, to promote basic civil rights deserve respect of their civil rights whether
pay tribute to the Spirit of the Original for all. d o c u m e n t e d o r n o t . We n e e d t o e n s u r e
1961 Freedom Rides of the U.S. Civil When immigrant workers are denied civil liberties and due process for all,
Rights Movement civil and worker rights, they are often including immigrants. Voter registration
f o r c e d t o w o r k f o r l o w e r w a g e s a n d and political education will ensure political
The Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride n o b e n e f i t s . T h i s s i t u a t i o n n o t o n l y participation of new American citizens.
was conceived as a non-violent vehicle forces immigrant workers into substandard
to bring civil rights and immigration living conditions, but also lowers Continued on
next issue
policy concerns to Washington lawmakers the standard of living for all workers.
and to the country as a whole. 1234567890123456789012
12345678901234567890123 The Purpose of the Immigrant Workers 1234567890123456789012
12345678901234567890123 Freedom Ride Was to Focus Attention 1234567890123456789012
on; Workers right, Civil rights, Immigration 1234567890123456789012
reform, and Family reunification. 1234567890123456789012
12345678901234567890123 Wo r k e r s r i g h t s i n c l u d e t h e r i g h t t o
12345678901234567890123 organize and negotiate for better wages 1234567890123456789012
12345678901234567890123 and better working conditions. Workers 1234567890123456789012
12345678901234567890123 also have the right to negotiate for 1234567890123456789012
4 December 2003


News From NorCal The scope of work for the NorCal apprentices to
Vince Cosentino,Regional TrainingDirector learn are Fire Alarm, Data/Telephone, Pro Sound/
Video, Life Safety, Electronic Systems Basics and
NO CHANGES ON WECA APPLICATION FOR S&C Construction Safety. At this time we do not know
APPRENTICESHIP what exact subjects will be in the state certification
My question to Mr H. Nunn, Chief of DAS on October 14 test. NorCal will keep researching for methods to
was; Will the DAS respond to NorCal's objection to this provide classes and resources for all S&C
WECA S&C apprenticeship application ? Mr Nunn's people to pass the eventual State VDV Certification.
answer was, "Because of the political climate at this time
(i.e. Govenor election) answers may be delayed." NORCAL FILEMAKER SERVER SYSTEM (TO
THE EXISTING METHODS OF TEACHING BASIC Since 1998 NorCal has provided each S&C Local
ELECTRONICS. the ability to access a single computer via a standard
A company called UCANDO has developed a "live action" modem on the web to review all local apprentice's
series of CD's that can help with basic presentation and records. Many Inside Electrical locals have converted
instruction of the following: DIRECT CURRENT, ALTER- to Union Manager and this means at some time in
NATING CURRENT AND SEMI-CONDUCTORS. the future it would be logical to convert the existing
NorCal will provide each of the nine S&C Locals with a FileMaker records to the new system. This would
set of the 3 CD's at the next Committee/Trust Meeting on make the process of computer record keeping a
November 25, 2003. simpler task.

We h a v e b e e n i n f o r m e d b y t h e I / O t h a t t h e 4 t h D i s t r i c t i s a t t e m p t i n g t o c o m p i l e r e c i p e s f r o m L o c a l
Unions across the country in hopes of producing an IBEW Cookbook.

T h e b o o k t o b e e n t i t l e d " We l c o m e t o a Ta s t e o f I B E W " w i l l r e q u i r e m o n t h s o f p r e p a r a t i o n w i t h a
projected completion time for sale of books by June 1, 2004. The book is being published in an effort
to raise funds for the 2006 International Convention.

They are asking that members submit their favorite recipe as soon as possible and have set a January
1 , 2 0 0 4 d e a d l i n e f o r r e c i p e s . Yo u r n a m e , L o c a l a n d D i s t r i c t n u m b e r w i l l b e p r i n t e d i n t h e c o o k b o o k
along with each recipe selected for print.

Forms for submitting recipes have been received and are available through Local 332. They would
l i k e r e c i p e s s u b m i t t e d o n t h e s e f o r m s o r o n a d i s k i n " M i c r o s o f t Wo r d " f o r m a t .
Please contact Liz at (408) 979-5526 for forms or for additional information.

B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r B o b Tr a g n i
S c h e d u l e d H o l i d a y s & N o n Wo r k D a y s presents plaque of appreciation
December 2003, January 2004 t o B ro t h e r J i m Wi l l i a m s a t t h e
November 3, 2003 Membership
Holiday Date I Res. S/C MH Meeting.
Christmas Day 12/25 X X X X
N o n Wo r k D a y 12/26 X X
N e w Ye a r s D a y 1/1 X X X X
D r. M . L . K i n g J r. 1/19 X X X X
J a nDu eacreym- bMe ar r 2c h0 0230 0 3 5

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Local 332
IBEW/NECA sponsored legislation relating
to the implementation of Electrical Certification was
signed into law by Governor Gray Davis. The measure
allows the California Apprenticeship Council (CAC)
Holiday Party
to extend the deadline for certification if they determine
that more time is needed to process the applications, S a t u r d a y, D e c e m b e r 1 3 , 2 0 0 3
give the tests and certify the electrician. 11 : 0 0 A M - 2 : 0 0 P M

It is important to note that the legislation does NOT Photos with Santa
AUTOMATICALLY CHANGE THE DEALINE for certification, Crafts for the Kids
it only ALLOWS, IF NECESSARY the CAC to extend Refreshments
the deadline if they determine that more time is needed
to implement the program.

It is also important to note that it was IBEW/NECA

who sponsored and pushed for Electrician Certification
legislation. The Certification program is another tool
for us to use in combating the non-union element. Certification
assures Contractors/Customers that the work is being Pension Meetings
performed by a skilled, licensed electrician.
There will be Pension Meetings as follows:
U n f o r t u n a t e l y, o u r m e m b e r s a r e s l o w t o g e t w i t h t h e We d n e s d a y, J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 0 4 - 5 : 3 0 P. M .
program. Many feel that it's not something to worry Wa c h o v i a I n v e s t m e n t S e m i n a r
about. Well the truth is that contractors will start asking
to see your certification when you are dispatched to S a t u r d a y, J a n u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 0 4 - 9 : 0 0 A . M .
Wa c h o v i a I n v e s t m e n t S e m i n a r
them for employment. Members not meeting the certification And
criteria will most likely be turned back. Pre-Retirement Seminar
S O U N D & C O M M U N I C AT I O N S
In addition to holding classes at the apprenticeship, HEALTH & WELFARE
classes are now being conducted at Local 332 on Wednesdays OPEN ENROLLMENT
immediately following Dispatch. Any member wishing
to attend may do so simply by showing up. How much There will be an open enrollment period from November
1, 2003 through January 31, 2004. Members wishing
easier can we make this? to change health plans must do so by January 31, 2004.
A mailer has gone out to all S & C members. No reply
We need all members certified and the sooner the better! is necessary if you do not wish to make any changes.

The monthly reserve bank deduction will be $570.00

per month effective December 1, 2003. This change
was determined necessary to protect the solvency
of your Trust.

Golf Schedule

J A N . 1 7 t h . S AT. CLUB RANCHO CANADA, EAST 9:30 A.M. $82.00 cart incl. 11/22/2003

JAN. 18th.SUN. CLUB RANCHO CANADA, WEST 9:30 A.M. $72.00 cart incl. 11/22/2003

6 December 2003

Old Timers
Timers Nite

Brother Semyon Solomon who is pictured

here receiving a 40 Year Service Pin
at the recent Old Timer's Night dinner,
submitted a photo into the IBEW Photo
contest and won first place. Look for
the photo in the December issue of the
Journal. Brother Solomon is a past
president of IBEW Local 332. (Pictured
left to right, President Gerald Pfeiffer,
Business Manager Bob Tragni, Semyon


There will be an open enrollment period from Decem
through December 15, 2003. Members wishing to
Members who self-pay dues please note that I/O dues are amount of their Part B contribution may do so by co
being increased by $1.00 per month effective January 1, 2004. Classification Change Request and returning it to L
December 15, 2003. Changes will be effective Janua

Accordingly, monthly I/O dues effective January 1, 2004 will Please note that Travelers who elect Outgoing Recip
be $24.30 r e m a i n i n t h e W h i t e C a t e g o r y.

The next open enrollment period will be in June 2004 (

effective July 1, 2004).
December 2003 7



Tu e s d a y, D e c e m b e r 2, 2003 - 5:30 p.m.
Tu e s d a y, J a n u a ry 6 , 2 0 0 4 - 5 : 3 0 p . m .


We d n e s d a y, D e c e m b e r 3 , 2 0 0 0 3 - 5 : 3 0 p . m .
David L. Johnson (Retired) Wednesday, January 7, 2003 - 5:30 p.m.
mber 1, 2003
change the Roy J. Durbin (Retired)
ompleting a
ocal 332 by Curtis C. Fletcher (Retired) All Meetings are held at the Union Hall
ary 1, 2004. unless otherwise noted:
Don Wilkinson (Retired)
procity must Lawrence "Red" Pitchford(Retired) 2 1 2 5 C a n o a s G a r d e n Av e n u e
Robert Lizotte (Retired) San Jose, CA 95125
(for changes
Gerald L. Gardner (Retired)
December 2003

T h e L o c a l 3 3 2 A g r e e m e n t i s p a y i n g b i g d i v i d e n d s w i t h m a n y l a rg e p r o j e c t s i n t h e w o r k s .
One such project is a 12 acre, 250 unit apartment complex with three (3 story buildings
with underground garages) and one on slab, four story building. Also included on the
premises will be a community center with a recreation room, pool facilities and all on site

Foreman Nick Lara stated that this will be a two year

p ro j e c t a n d w i l l need up to tw elve m en in the f utur e to
man the job. Presently there are two Local 332 wiremen,
Joey Jardine and Jaya Tressler working on the site.
The Evans Lane Apartments are located off of Almaden
Expressway and Canoas Garden Avenue. Another sizeable
project just coming out of the ground for H A Bowen
is a 150 unit apartment complex at Branham Lane and
Monterey Road.

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday

International Nonprofit

Brotherhood of
U.S. Postage
Electrical San Jose, CA
Permit NO. 1133

Workers, Local 332

2125 Canoas Garden Ave., Suite 100
San Jose, California 95125

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