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Viscosidade é um força de atrito interno que aparece no

deslizamento de camadas fluidas umas sobre as outras,
dando origem a tensões tangenciais.

É um fato experimental que um fluido real em contato com um sólido

permanece em repouso em relação à superfície de contato, de modo
que é arrastado com ela. Assim, o fluido em contato com a placa
superior se desloca com velocidade v0.

A placa inferior e o fluido em contato com ela permanecem em repouso.

A experiência mostra que, neste caso, a velocidade varia linearmente
entre esses dois extremos no espaço entre as placas

v0 na direção horizontal para a

v(y) = y
d direita

A tensão tangencial F/A necessária para manter o

deslocamento da placa superior com velocidade v0 é
dada pela lei de Newton da viscosidade

F dv
A dy

ou seja, a tensão é proporcional à taxa de variação

espacial da velocidade.

Para velocidades baixas o escoamento é laminar.


F dv v0
Nesse caso, como =⌘ e v(y) = y , temos que
A dy d

F v0
A d

ou seja, a tensão é constante.


Escoamento de um fluido viscoso em um cano cilíndrico.


Escoamento em torno de um obstáculo cilíndrico.

Não viscoso Viscoso


Escoamento laminar

Escoamento turbulento

Figure 4.
stress, the
initely, ex

Podemos mostrar que Viscous Behavior { Flow

d v Unlike solids, liquids cannot support

= (taxa
shape. They must be cont
dt d Otherwise, they will flow under the sh
Therefore, the way in which liquids def
ou seja tinuous deformation). Recall when a
deformation ! on a solid, we call it an e
F v0 d a shear stress causes a continuously inc
=⌘ =⌘
A d dtthis flow. Flow is not elastic behavior, b
Figure 4.9 appears the same as Fi
elastic shear on a solid. However, the s
Quando maior a velocidade maior a ideal
taxaviscous behavior in a liquid. W
de cisalhamento.
surface with area A is a flat plate res
taxa de cisalhamento
136 4 Rheological Properties

Table 4.11. Magnitudes and examples of shear rates 132

process shear rate example
!˙ /s−1 F
sedimentation of small 10−6 . . . 10−4 fruit juice, medical suspensions
solid particles
sedimentation of larger 10−4 . . . 10−1 paint pigment, ceramic suspensions, in
solid particles spice particles in dressing
flow caused by surface 10−2 . . . 10−1 dessert toppings, paint film, coatings,
flow caused by gravity 10−1 . . . 101 pouring out of containers, flow of paint,
dripping off excess coating
extrusion processing 100 . . . 103 snacks, cereals, tooth paste, noodles,

1 2
pet food, polymers 4.3
roller drum processing 10 . . . 10 rolling of dough
pouring 101 . . . 102 out of bottles, food, cosmetics S eViscous
a m eBehavior
s m a t e{n sFlow
ão de
dipping 101 . . . 102 dipping of confectionary in chocolate
101 . . . 102
cisalhamento for aplicada,
q uUnlike
a n t o solids,
m a i o rliquids
a t a cannot
x a d e su
chewing / swallowing food, feed, pharmaceutical products
flow through pipe 100 . . . 103 pumping of liquds
stirring / mixing 101 . . . 103 liquids holding any shape.
cisalhamento, maisThey must b
painting, brushing 102 . . . 104 paint, lip gloss, nail polish, spreads Otherwise,
varia o ângulo. they will flow unde
surface smearing 102 . . . 104 skin creams, salves, bath gels, hand lotion
spraying (aerosols) 103 . . . 106 spray drying, spray painting, fuel injection Therefore, the way in which liqu
wet milling 103 . . . 105 grain processing, food suspensions, mustard tinuous deformation). Recall w
roller (pressing) 104 . . . 106 printing of newspapers, lithography,
homogenization 105 . . . 106 fluid milk, soft-scrub scouring creams
deformation ! on a solid, we cal
(high pressure nozzle) a shear stress causes a continuo
lubrication 103 . . . 107 motor oil, machine oil, axle grease
calandering 103 . . . 107 polymer films, rubber sheeting
this flow. Flow is not elastic beh
Figure 4.9 appears the sam
Fluidos newtonianos

F d
A dt
138 4 Rheological Properties

Figure 4.11. Flow behavior curve (up-

per diagram) and viscosity curve
A diagram) of aéNewtonian
viscosidade dada pela inclinação
fluid. The slope ! of the upper curve
da reta.
F/A is constant for all shear rates.

P a r a fl u i d o s n e w t o n i a n o s , a
viscosidade é constate.

Fluidos newtonianos
" $̇
Examples of common Newtonian fluids are listed in Tabl

Table 4.12. Newtonian fluids, examples

material !20 ◦ C /mPa · s
carbon dioxide 0.0148
nitrogen 0.0177
water 1.002
ethanol 1.20
milk 2
olive oil 84
glycerol 1490

Sometimes the kinematic viscosity % is used instead

Os materiais são bem
cosity !. descritos pela viscosidade
The transformation simply is: no regime
de escoamento
! laminar.
% =
Fluidos não-newtonianos

Se a inclinação da curva não for constante, o fluido é

chamado de não newtoniano.
140 4 Rheological Properties

Figure 4.12. Flow behavior curves.

1: Newtonian, 2: pseudoplastic (shear
thinning), 3: dilatant (shear thicken-
ing), 4: Bingham plastic (linear with
yield stress), 5: Herschel–Bulkley
F/A or mixed plastic (pseudoplastic with
yield stress)

Figure 4.13. Viscosity curves
1: Newtonian, 2: pseudoplastic,
3: dilatant, 4: Bingham plastic,
5: Herschel–Bulkley
Fluidos não-newtonianos

4.3 Viscous Behavior – Flow 141

Figure 4.14. Newtonian fluid (1), and

non-Newtonian fluids (2,3) in com-

is necessary to say “viscosity at shear rate zzz.” It would be far more useful,
however, to provide the total flow behavior curve or viscosity curve. There are
A viscosidade de fluidos não-newtonianos depende da taxa
ways to specify a total flow behavior curve with numerical values for the con-
stant parameters in the mathematical equations describing the flow behavior
de cisalhamento (velocidade).
curves (see later in the chapter).
For a very small interval in the range of shear rates of interest, a nonlinear
flow curve may be approximated by a linear function. That means a non-
Newtonian fluid can be treated approximately as a Newtonian fluid within a
small interval of shear rates. Whether an approximation is acceptable depends
on many factors like the type of material, the nature of question being asked,
and the intended use of the result.
Fluidos não-newtonianos

viscosidade aumenta à medida que a solução concentrada de amido,

taxa de cisalhamento aumenta. mel cristalizado

viscosidade diminui à medida que a

Pseudoplástico molho de tomate, tinta
taxa de cisalhamento aumenta.

o fluido apresenta uma tensão de “clara em neve”, manteiga

cisalhamento mínima sólida, batom
viscosidade diminui com o passar do
Tixotrópico tempo se a taxa de cisalhamento é ketchup

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