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Bringing business back to Pitkin Avenue.


AUGUST, 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Executive Summary ....................................................................................... 1
! "#$%#&$'!()!*%(+$,, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.!
! "#$%#&$'!()!/&01&02,!)%(3!40567,&,!501!85%9$:!;5:5------------------------------------------------------------------------------<!
! "#$%#&$'!()!=$+(33$015:&(0, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->!
! ?(0+6@,&(0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A!
Section 1: Introduction .................................................................................. 7
! *%(B$+:!C(56, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D!
! ?(33@0&:7!E0,&2F:,G8!8$:F(1(6(27-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H!
Section 2: Analysis & Summary of Findings ............................................... 11
! I%51$!4%$5!40567,&,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..!
! J@,&0$,,!8&K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <L!
! *F7,&+56!?(01&:&(0,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <<!
! ;$#$6(M3$0:!"MM(%:@0&:&$, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <N!
! 4++$,, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <D!
! G:59$F(61$%!E0:$%#&$',---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <H!
! 8$%+F50:!E0:$%#&$',--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><!
Section 3: Consumer Survey Findings......................................................... 43
! G@335%7!()!G@%#$7!/&01&02,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O>!
! J@,&0$,,!8&K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OO!
! I%50,M(%:5:&(0!501!*5%9&02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OP!
! G5)$:7!501!G$+@%&:7------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AL!
! 8$1&5!501!85%9$:&02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.!
! Q(@61!R&,&:!8(%$!"):$0!/(% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A<!
! J$,:!501!Q(%,:!()!*&:9&0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A>!
Section 4: A Framework for Action ............................................................. 55
! GF(%:SI$%3!=$+(33$015:&(0, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AA!
! T(02SI$%3!=$+(33$015:&(0, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AD!
! ?(0,@3$%!G@%#$7!/(%3!U!;5:5!
! G&:$!85M!
! G701&+5:$1!;5:5!
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Executive Summary

E0! 85%+F! ()! <L.LV! :F$! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! JE;! W*4JE;X! %$:5&0$1! YCG?! C%(@M! 501! T5%&,5! "%:&Z!
• *%(#&1$!1$:5&6$1!1$3(2%5MF&+!501!35%9$:!15:5!
• ?(3M6$:$!5!+(3M%$F$0,&#$!+(0,@3$%!,@%#$7!!
• *%(#&1$! 50567,&,! 501! 2@&150+$! &0! 50! $))(%:! :(! &0)(%3! 5! )%53$'(%9! )(%! )@%:F$%!

IF$! ,:5:$1! (^B$+:&#$! ()! :F&,! ,:@17! &,! :(! M%(#&1$! :F$! *4JE;! '&:F! +(3M%$F$0,&#$! 35%9$:! 501!
,@%#$7! 15:5! :F5:! +50! ^$! @,$1! ^7! *4JE;! ,:5))! :(! )@%:F$%! &0)(%3! JE;! 5+:&#&:&$,-! ! Q$! +(33$01!
&,! ():$0! :F$! 65+9! ()! &0)(%3$1! )$$1^5+9! :F5:! 9$$M,! 6(+56! %$:5&6$%,! )%(3! &3M%(#&02! ,56$,!

• _#56@5:$!MF7,&+56!+(01&:&(0,!!
• 4,,$,,!566!^@&61&02,!501!#5+50:!M%(M$%:&$,!&0!:F$!1&,:%&+:!
• 40567Z$!:%51$!5%$5!1$3(2%5MF&+,!!
• 40567Z$!:%51$!5%$5!$+(0(3&+,!

August 2010 —1—

Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

• ?(01@+:!&0:$%#&$',!'&:F!+(33@0&:7!,:59$F(61$%,V!&0+6@1&02!&01&#&1@56,!%$M%$,$0:&02!
• ?(01@+:!&0:$%#&$',!'&:F!3$%+F50:,!501!^@,&0$,,!('0$%,!!
• G@%#$7!GF(MM$%,!501!`(0SGF(MM$%,!!

IF$! 35%9$:! 15:5V! ,:59$F(61$%! &0:$%#&$',V! 3$%+F50:! &0:$%#&$',! 501! ,@%#$7! )&01&02,! %$)6$+:! 5!

! IF$! M%&35%7! +(0+$%0,! %$65:$! :(!

(#$%566! 3$%+F501&,$! b@56&:7V!
1&#$%,&:7! ()! :F$! 3$%+F501&,$! 3&KV!
501! 5$,:F$:&+,! ()! :F$! ,:%$$:! &0,()5%!

! IF$! %$:5&6! 3&K! ,@))$%,! )%(3! 65+9! ()!

^5650+$c&:! &,! 3&,,&02! ,$#$%56!
+5:$2(%&$,! ()! %$:5&6! 501! &:! &,! (#$%S
5^@0150:! &0! (:F$%,-! ! IF(,$!%$:5&6$%,!

! IF$%$! &,! @03$:! 1$3501! &0! :F$,$! %$:5&6! +5:$2(%&$,]! $0:$%:5&03$0:V! ,M$+&56:7! 2%(+$%7V!

! IF$!*&:9&0!4#$0@$!GF(MM$%!:$01,!:(!^$!(61$%!WNH!M$%+$0:!5%$!52$!>A!501!(61$%X!501!
6$,,! 5))6@$0:! W:F$! 35B(%&:7! +(3$! )%(3! F(@,$F(61,! '&:F! 500@56! &0+(3$! 6$,,! :F50!
f<AVLLLX-! ! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! )5&6,! :(! 5::%5+:! 7(@02$%V! 3(%$! 3(^&6$! ,F(MM$%,V! 5,! '$66! 5,!

—2— August 2010

Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

! IF$! b@56&:7! ()! %$:5&6! ())$%&02,! 501! :F$! 6$#$6! ()! +@,:(3$%! ,$%#&+$! M%(#&1$1! ^7!
3$%+F50:,! 5%$! ,(%$67! 65+9&02-! ! 8$%+F50:,! :F5:! M%(#&1$! F&2F$%! b@56&:7! 3$%+F501&,$!

! E0:$%#&$',! 501! ,@%#$7! 15:5! )&01! 5! ,:%(02! 1$,&%$! )(%! ^%501! 053$,V! 501! &3M%(#$1!

! GF(MM$%,! '50:! M(,:$1! 501! )5&%! %$:@%0! M(6&+&$,-! ! Q$! F$5%1! (#$%! 501! (#$%! 525&0! :F5:!
,F(MM$%,! '50:! %$:5&6$%,! :(! ,$66! F&2F$%! b@56&:7! M%(1@+:,! 501! :(! ,:501! ^$F&01! :F$&%!
3$%+F501&,$! ^7! ())$%&02! 5! )5&%! %$:@%0! M(6&+7-! ! ;$,M&:$! :F$! )5+:! :F5:! `$'! a(%9! ?&:7!
(%1&050+$! %$b@&%$,! :F5:! 3$%+F50:,! 1&,+6(,$! :F$&%! %$:@%0! M(6&+&$,V! 3507! 1(! 0(:! M(,:!

! I%51$!5%$5!%$,&1$0:,!'50:!#56@$V!0(:!+F$5MV!6('Sb@56&:7!3$%+F501&,$-!!

5+:&#&:&$,! :(! $0,@%$! :F5:! :F$7! ,@MM(%:! &3M%(#$3$0:,! &0! %$:5&6! ,56$,-! ! IF$%$)(%$V! (@%!
%$+(33$015:&(0,! )(+@,! (0! F('! :(! &3M%(#$! :F$! ,F(MM&02! $0#&%(03$0:! &0! 5! '57! :F5:! '&66!

• !"##$%&'()*+,$-.*/+0&%1&%2,+)"+'"##$%&)/+,)(3*4"51*-,+(%1+#*-'4(%),6!!"#$%!:F$!
501SM(07\! ,F('! :F5:! +(33@0&+5:$,! :F$! ,@%#$7! )&01&02,! :(! :F(,$! 'F(! M5%:&+&M5:$1! &0!

August 2010 —3—

Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

• 711-*,,+ )4*+ 84/,&'(5+ (88*(-(%'*+ "0+ ,)"-*0-"%),>!!
IF$! *4JE;! ,F(@61! 1$#$6(M! 5! M650! :(! 511%$,,! :F$!
5$,:F$:&+,! 501! 5MM$5%50+$! ()! :F$! +(%%&1(%-! ! IF&,! &,!

• 9%,$-*+ )4()+ #(-3*)&%2+ (%1+ 8-"#")&"%(5+ *.*%),+

#**)+ (+ :1"$;5*+ ;"))"#<5&%*=6& 8(#&02! )(%'5%1V!
*4JE;d,! 35%9$:&02! $))(%:,! ,F(@61! )(+@,! (0! $#$0:,!
:F5:! ^$0$)&:! 3$%+F50:,! 501! 3$$:! +(33@0&:7S

• >-&"-&)&?*+ @"-1<"0<#"$)4+ (%1+ ,"'&(5+ #*1&(6! ! Q$!

$0+(@%52$! :F$! *4JE;! :(! 1$#$6(M! 5! ,(+&56! 3$1&5!

• A*('4+)4*+'$,)"#*-+)4-"$24+)(-2*)*1+(1.*-)&,&%2>&!Q$!%$+(33$01!M65+&02!51,!501!
1$#$6(M&02! 5! 35%9$:&02! +53M5&20! ,M$+&)&+5667! )(%! :F$! 1&,:%&+:! :F5:! +50! 5MM$5%! (0! 6(+56!

• B*.*5"8+ #"-*+ )(-2*)*1+ ;$,&%*,,+ -*)*%)&"%+ (')&.&)&*,6! ! g$6M! 3$%+F50:,! )&01! '57,! :(!

• >$-,$*+)(-2*)*1+-*)(&5+-*'-$&)#*%)+&%+)@"+,)(2*,C+
o !"#$%&'%()$"*+%,$$#"-$*./!h!*@%,@$!$5:&02!501!1%&09&02!$,:5^6&,F3$0:,!)&%,:-!!IF$%$!
:(! 1%&66! 1('0! :(! &1$0:&)7! M%(M$%:7! ('0$%,! '&:F! #5+50+&$,! 'F(! 5%$! '&66&02! :(!

—4— August 2010

Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

o !"#$%0'%()$"*+%,$$#"-$*./!h!*@%,@$!$0:$%:5&03$0:-!!Q$!^$6&$#$!:F5:!&3M%(#$3$0:,!
:(! :F$! :$050:! 3&K! ,F(@61! 56,(! &0+6@1$! )&01&02! 501! 1$#$6(M&02! $0:$%:5&03$0:!

• 711-*,,+ ,)-**),'(8*+ (*,)4*)&',6! ! IF$! *4JE;! ,F(@61! 56'57,! 9$$M! 50! $7$! (M$0! )(%!
(MM(%:@0&:&$,! :(! )@01! 501! $K$+@:$! 5! M650! )(%! &3M%(#$3$0:,! :(! :F$! MF7,&+56!

"@%! :%51$! 5%$5! 50567,&,! ,@22$,:,! :F5:!
'F&6$! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! &,! 5::%5+:&02! 6(+56!
%$,&1$0:,! 'F$0! &:! &,! +(0#$0&$0:V! :F$%$! &,!
'(%9! :(! ^$! 1(0$! :(! $0,@%$! :F5:! &:!
^$+(3$,! 5! ,F(MM&02! 1$,:&05:&(0! ()!

August 2010 —5—

Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

This page intentionally left blank.

—6— August 2010

Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Section 1

E0! 85%+F! ()! <L.LV! :F$! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! JE;! W*4JE;X! %$:5&0$1! :F$! YCG?! C%(@M! 501! T5%&,5! "%:&Z!
&0! 50! $))(%:! :(! @01$%,:501! :F$! ,:%$02:F,V! '$590$,,$,V! (MM(%:@0&:&$,! 501! ,:%$02:F,! ()! :F$!
&0)(%3$1! ^7! ^(:F! 35%9$:! 15:5! 501! &0M@:! ,(6&+&:$1! )%(3! ,:59$F(61$%,V! 3$%+F50:,! 501!
%$,&1$0:,-! ! IF$! %$56! #56@$! ()! :F&,! '(%9! &,! :F$! 5^&6&:7! :(! @,$! :F$,$! )5+:,! :(! &0)(%3! *4JE;!

'&1$! 501! 3$%+F50:S,M$+&)&+! &3M%(#$3$0:,! :F5:! '&66! ,@^,:50:&#$67! &3M%(#$! :F$! ,F(MM&02!
$KM$%&$0+$i! <X! &1$0:&)7! 35%9$:&02! (MM(%:@0&:&$,! :(! F$6M! ^@&61! %$:5&6! ,56$,! )(%! $K&,:&02!
^@,&0$,,$,! 501i! >X! 5::%5+:! 0$'! ^@,&0$,,! 501! $0+(@%52$! 511&:&(056! 1$#$6(M3$0:! '&:F&0! :F$!

1$:$%3&0$! :F$&%! ,5:&,)5+:&(0! '&:F! +@%%$0:! %$:5&6V! 5! ,@%#$7! ()! 3$%+F50:,! :(! 1$:$%3&0$! :F$&%!
*4JE;-! ! IF$,$! 2(56,! '$%$! 5++(3M6&,F$1! :F%(@2F! :F$! 1$M6(73$0:! ()! M5%:! (0$! ()! :F$!

August 2010 —7—

Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

501! 5,,$,,! :F$! %$:5&6! 35%9$:M65+$! :(! 1&,+(#$%! @0:5MM$1! (MM(%:@0&:&$,! 501! M%(#&1$! 5! )5+:S

IF$! (^,$%#5:&(0,V! )&01&02,V! +(0+6@,&(0,V! 501! ,:%5:$2&$,! +(0:5&0$1! '&:F&0! :F&,! 1(+@3$0:! 5%$!

• 9.(5$()*+84/,&'(5+'"%1&)&"%,'!Q$!+(01@+:$1!'569&02!:(@%,!()!:F$!1&,:%&+:!:(!$#56@5:$!

• 7,,*,,+ ;$&51&%2,+ (%1+ .('(%)+

8-"8*-)&*,'! "@%! )&$61! :$53! +(01@+:$1! 5!
#&,@56! 5,,$,,3$0:! ()! $#$%7! +(33$%+&56!
^@,&0$,,! &0! :F$! 1&,:%&+:V! :F$0! 1$#$6(M$1!
5! 15:5^5,$! 1$,+%&^&02! $5+F! +(33$%+&56!
^@&61&02V! ^@,&0$,,V! 501! #5+50+7! &0! :F$!

—8— August 2010

Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

• D%)*-.&*@+ '"##$%&)/+ ,)(3*4"51*-,'! *4JE;! ,:5))! &1$0:&)&$1! 5! )$'! 9$7! &01&#&1@56,!
&0:$%#&$',! '&:F! :F$,$! &01&#&1@56,! :(! 6$5%0! :F$&%! #&$',! ()! :F$! 1&,:%&+:d,! M%$,$0:V! 501!

• D%)*-.&*@+ #*-'4(%)+ (%1+ ;$,&%*,,+ "@%*-,'! *4JE;! M%(#&1$1! 5! 6&,:! ()! <>! 3$%+F50:,!
501! +(33$%+&56! M%(M$%:7! ('0$%,V! 501! <L! ()! :F$3! 52%$$1! :(! ,M$59! '&:F! @,-! ! IF$&%!

! E$-.*/+E4"88*-,+(%1+F"%<E4"88*-,'!"@%!+(0,@3$%!,@%#$7!^$250!&0!4M%&6!<L.L!501!
+6(,$1! &0! Y@67! <L.L-!! IF$! ,@%#$7! '5,! 5#5&65^6$! (06&0$! 5:! '''-*&:9&0G@%#$7-+(3" 501!
'$%$! 1&,:%&^@:$1! 5:! .<! %$:5&6$%! 6(+5:&(0,V! >! +(33@0&:7! 2%(@M,V! <! +F@%+F$,V! 5):$%!
,+F((6! M%(2%53,! 501! 5:! ,$0&(%! +$0:$%,-! ! *%&0:$1! )67$%,! M%(3(:&02! :F$! ,@%#$7,! '$%$!

• 7%(5/?*+ )-(1*+ (-*(+ 1*#"2-(84&','! Q$! +65,,&)&$1! 501! 1$,+%&^$1! &01&#&1@56,! '&:F&0!

• 7%(5/?*+ )-(1*+ (-*(+ *'"%"#&','! Q$!

50567Z$1! F('! 3@+F! &,! ^$&02! ,M$0:! (0!
M5%:&+@65%! %$:5&6! +5:$2(%&$,V! &0+6@1&02!
F('! 3@+F! ()! :F5:! ,M$01&02! (++@%,! &0!
:F$! :%51$! 5%$5! 501! F('! 3@+F! ()! &:!

August 2010 —9—

Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

This page intentionally left blank.

— 10 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Section 2
Analysis & Summary of Findings

IF$! ^5,&+! )(@015:&(0! ()! %$:5&6! 35%9$:! 50567,&,! &,! :F$! [I%51$! 4%$5V\! 'F&+F! &,! 1$)&0$1! 5,! :F$!
2$(2%5MF7! )%(3! 'F&+F! 5:! 6$5,:! DL! M$%+$0:! ()! 5! 1&,:%&+:d,! %$:5&6! ,56$,! (%&2&05:$-! ! l0('&02! 5!
(%! +(@61! M5:%(0&Z$! :F$! 1&,:%&+:-! ! IF&,! &0! :@%0! 566(',! @,! :(! M&0M(&0:! +(0,@3$%! ,M$01&02! 501!
&1$0:&)7! %$:5&6! 25M,! &0! :F$! 35%9$:M65+$-! ! IF&,! &0)(%35:&(0! &,! :F$0! @,$1! :(! 1$)&0$! 5! 6$5,&02!

8507! )5+:(%,! 1$:$%3&0$! 5! 1&,:%&+:d,! :%51$! 5%$5-! ! E0! :@%0V! 1&))$%$0:! 9&01,! ()! %$:5&6$%,! F5#$!
)%(3! 5! 3@+F! ,3566$%! :%51$! 5%$5! :F50! 5! 65%2$! 1$M5%:3$0:! ,:(%$V! 'F&+F! 357! 1%5'! )%(3! 50!
$0:&%$! %$2&(0-! ! R$01(%,! ()! $#$%7157! 0$+$,,&:&$,! (067! %$b@&%$! 5! 6(+56! 5@1&$0+$! W+(0,&1$%! :F$!

August 2010 — 11 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

QF&6$! :F$%$! 5%$! 5! 0@3^$%! ()! '57,! :(! 1$)&0$! :%51$! 5%$5V! )(%! :F&,! ,:@17! '$! F5#$! 1$:$%3&0$1!

+(1$,-! ! 40(:F$%! .>! M$%+$0:! +(3$! )%(3! Z&M! +(1$! ..<>>V! &01&+5:&02! :F5:! ,(3$! GF(MM$%,! 5%$!

Figure 1: Trade Area Map


— 12 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


Demographic Analysis
Trade Area: 0.25 mile 0.5 mile 1.0 mile
Population 9,500 39,100 150,600
Households 3,200 12,300 51,900
No vehicle in HH 81% 78% 73%
Internet access 74% 74% 76%
Median Age 23.6 25.8 28.7
Age 35 to 54 21% 22% 24%
Age 55 or older 17% 17% 17%
White alone 7% 6% 5%
Black alone 79% 81% 81%
Other race alone 11% 9% 9%
Two or more races 3% 3% 4%
Hispanic (any race) 23% 20% 18%
Median HH income $15,700 $17,800 $27,300
Average HH income $27,800 $31,400 $40,300
HH income <$25,000 65% 59% 47%
$25,000 to $75,000 HH income 26% 33% 39%
$75,00 or more HH income 9% 9% 14%

&,! M%&35%&67! 4)%&+50S43$%&+50V! %502&02! )%(3! DP! M$%+$0:! &0! :F$! L-<AS3&6$! :%51$! 5%$5! :(! H.!

'F$%$! <L! M$%+$0:! ()! %$,&1$0:,! 5%$! 52$! AA! 501! (61$%-! ! E:! &,! 56,(! 6('$%! :F50! `$'! a(%9! ?&:7!
(#$%566! 'F$%$! <<! M$%+$0:! ()! %$,&1$0:,! 5%$! 52$! AA! 501! (61$%-! ! 8(%$(#$%V! 'F&6$! :F$! 3$1&50!
52$! '&:F&0! :F$! &33$1&5:$! :%51$! 5%$5! &,! <>-N! 7$5%,V! :F$! J%((9670! 3$1&50! 52$! &,! >>-.! 7$5%,!

August 2010 — 13 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


• IF$!0@3^$%!()!F(@,$F(61,!'&:F(@:!5!#$F&+6$!1)-#)"2)2!

• IF$!0@3^$%!()!F(@,$F(61,!'&:F(@:!&0:$%0$:!5++$,,!*/-#)"2)2!!

• IF$!3$1&50!52$!*/-#)"2)2!

• `(:5^67V! :F$! 3$1&50! 501! 5#$%52$! F(@,$F(61! &0+(3$! */-#)"2)2! ,&20&)&+50:67! 5,! 7(@!

85%9$:! G$23$0:5:&(0V! 56,(! 90('0! 5,! M,7+F(2%5MF&+! 50567,&,V! &,! 5! 3(1$! ()! 50567,&,! :F5:!
2%(@M,! F(@,$F(61,! 501! M$(M6$! &0:(! M%()&6$,! ^5,$1! (0! ,&3&65%! &0+(3$,V! :5,:$,V! 6&)$,:76$!

— 14 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Economic Analysis

Psychographics 0.25 mile 0.5 mile 1.0 mile

High Rise Renters 86% 67% 49%
City Strivers 8% 19% 39%

HH Spending 0.25 mile 0.5 mile 1.0 mile

Retail spending $10,500 $11,700 $14,100
Retail (non-dining) 8,600 9,800 10,700
Eating & drinking 1,700 1,900 2,300
Women’s apparel $259 $288 $339
Children’s apparel $158 $173 $200
Footwear $106 $117 $135
Child care $178 $178 $199
Household furnishings $630 $721 $883
Household operations $482 $554 $683
Transportation $3,568 $4,094 $,996
Vehicle maint./repairs $332 $380 $463
Entertainment/recreation $1,190 $1,352 $1,639
Rec. fees & admissions $223 $223 $314
:F$! L-<AS3&6$! :%51$! 5%$5V! :F$! M$%+$0:52$! ()! g&2F! =&,$! =$0:$%,! 1$+%$5,$,! 35%9$167! 501! &,!

• ;&#$%,$!3&K!()!%5+$!501!$:F0&+&:7!

• g(@,$F(61!:7M$,!5%$!35&067![,&026$!M5%$0:\!501![,&026$!M$%,(0\!

• IF$! M%$,$0+$! ()! 7(@02! +F&61%$0V! 51@6:! +F&61%$0! 501! (:F$%! %$65:&#$,! &0+6@1&02!
2%501M5%$0:,! ^((,:,! :F$! 5#$%52$! )53&67! ,&Z$! :(! >-A>V! ,(3$'F5:! F&2F$%! :F50! :F$! m-G-!

• 8(,:! $3M6(7$1! %$,&1$0:,! '(%9! &0! ,$%#&+$V! M%()$,,&(056! 501! ())&+$e513&0&,:%5:&#$!


August 2010 — 15 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

• J$+5@,$! ,(! 3507! 3@,:! +5%$! )(%! +F&61%$0! 5:! F(3$V! M5%:S:&3$! '(%9$%,! 5%$! B@,:! 5!

• _6$3$0:5%7!501!F&2F!,+F((6!$0%(663$0:!&,!:7M&+5667!5^(#$!5#$%52$!

• T5+9!()!M5%9&02!501!)@01,!M%$#$0:!3(,:!F&2F!%&,$!%$0:$%,!)%(3!('0&02!5!#$F&+6$i!3(,:!

• IF$7!'5:+F!+5^6$!IR!():$0V!M5%:&+@65%67!M%&3$S:&3$!0$',!M%(2%53,!501!3(#&$,!

• E0:$%0$:!5++$,,!(%!('0&02!5!M$%,(056!+(3M@:$%!&,!@0@,@56-!!IF(,$!'F(!F5#$!&0:$%0$:!
5++$,,! '&66! 1('06(51! 3@,&+i! F('$#$%V! :F$! @,$! ()! ,35%:! MF(0$! :$+F0(6(27! &,! 6&9$67!

• IF$7!^@7!F(@,$F(61!&:$3,!501!5MM5%$6!5:!1&,+(@0:!,:(%$,!501!5))(%15^6$!1$M5%:3$0:!

• IF$7! ^@7! 0$+$,,5%7! ^5^7! 501! +F&61%$0d,! +6(:F$,i! F('$#$%V! :&2F:! ^@12$:,! 6&3&:! :F$&%!

• IF$7!1(!0(:!1&0$!(@:!%$2@65%67!

&0! 35%9$:,! '&:F! g&2F! =&,$! =$0:$%,! &0! M5%:! ^$+5@,$! :F&,! 2%(@M! F5,! :F$! F&2F$,:! M(M@65:&(0!
1$0,&:7! ()! 566! :F$! :5M$,:%7! ,$23$0:,V! %$,@6:&02! &0! F&2F$%! :F50! 5#$%52$! +(0+$0:%5:$1!

"@%! )&01&02,! ,@22$,:! :F5:! g&2F! =&,$! =$0:$%,! ,F(M! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! )%$b@$0:67! ^$+5@,$! &:! &,!

— 16 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

b@&+967! 5,! '$! 3(#$! (@:! :(! :F$! L-AS! 501! .-LS3&6$! :%51$! 5%$5,-! ! ?(3M5%$1! :(! g&2F! =&,$!
(61$%! 501! F5#$! F&2F$%! &0+(3$! 6$#$6,! 501! 0$:! '(%:F-! ! ":F$%! +F5%5+:$%&,:&+,! ()! :F&,! 2%(@M!

• "):$0! $3M6(7$1! &0! ,$%#&+$! (%! F$56:F! +5%$! &01@,:%&$,V! 5,! +&#&6! ,$%#50:,! (%! &0!

• T&#$!&0!1$0,$67!M(M@65:$1V!,$::6$1!0$&2F^(%F((1,!

• =$67!(0!M@^6&+!:%50,M(%:5:&(0!501!():$0!1(!0(:!('0!50!5@:(3(^&6$!

• GF(M! 5:! 'F(6$,56$! +6@^,! )(%! 3(,:! ()! :F$&%! 2%(+$%&$,V! ^5^7! M%(1@+:,! 501! +F&61%$0d,!

"@%! )&01&02,! ,@22$,:! :F5:! 'F$0! ?&:7! G:%&#$%,! F5#$! +F(&+$,! ()! 'F$%$! :(! ,F(MV! :F$7! 5%$! 6$,,!
&:! '&66! ^$! 0$+$,,5%7! :(! ())$%! 2%$5:$%! #5%&$:7! ()! %$:5&6! +5:$2(%&$,! 501! $0F50+$1! b@56&:7!

M%(1@+:,V! )((1V! 501! +6(:F&02! 3(,:! )%$b@$0:67-! IF$7! 56,(! ,F(M! 5:! 1&,+(@0:! ,:(%$,! 501!

August 2010 — 17 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

IF$! +5M:@%$! %5:$! 50567,&,! $,:&35:$,! :F$! 53(@0:! 501! ,M$01&02! ^7! +5:$2(%7! ()! %$:5&6! :F5:!
:F5:! 5%$! +@%%$0:67! )6('&02! (@:! ()! :F$! +(33@0&:7-! ! "@%! )&01&02,! +50! ^$! ,@335%&Z$1! 5,!

,56$,-! ! E)! '$! 6((9! 3(%$! +6(,$67! 5:! &01&#&1@56! %$:5&6! +5:$2(%&$,V! :F$%$! &,! ,(3$! %$:5&6! ,56$,!
,@%M6@,! &0! 5@:(3(^&6$S%$65:$1! 2((1,! 501! ,$%#&+$,! '&:F&0! @%^50! +(33$%+&56! 1&,:%&+:,! 6&9$!
5,,$,,3$0:! :F5:! :F$! 1&,:%&+:! &,! :F$! 35&0! ,F(MM&02! 1&,:%&+:! )(%! 6(+56! %$,&1$0:,! 501! &,! 56,(!

:%51$! 5%$5! :F$%$! &,! 5MM%(K&35:$67! f<A-A! 3&66&(0! &0! %$:5&6! 501! %$,:5@%50:! ,56$,! 6$5952$V!
,@22$,:&02! :F5:! 'F$0! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! &,! (0$! 53(02! 5! )$'! ,&3&65%67! +(0#$0&$0:! +(33$%+&56!
1&,:%&+:,V! ,F(MM$%,! 5%$! +F((,&02! :(! ,F(M! $6,$'F$%$-! ! 4++(%1&02! :(! :F$! 35%9$:! 15:5V! :F$!

• _6$+:%(0&+,!501!5MM6&50+$,!
• GM$+&56:7!)((1!,:(%$,!
• J$$%V!'&0$!U!6&b@(%!,:(%$,!

— 18 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

• GF($!,:(%$,!
• Y$'$6%7eT@2252$!
• GM(%:&02!2((1,V!^((9,!U!3@,&+!,:(%$,!
• ;$M5%:3$0:!,:(%$,!501!2$0$%56!3$%+F501&,$!
• /6(%&,:,!
• "))&+$!,@MM6&$,!
• /@66!,$%#&+$,!%$,:5@%50:,!Wf<-O!3&66&(0X!
• T&3&:$1!,$%#&+$!%$,:5@%50:,!Wf<-P!3&66&(0X!

QF&6$! &:! &,! @06&9$67! :F5:! 507! ^@,&0$,,! '&:F&0! :F$! :%51$! 5%$5! '(@61! ^$! 5^6$! :(! +5M:@%$! .LL!
M$%+$0:! ()! %$:5&6! ,56$,! 6$5952$V! :F$! M%$,$0+$! ()! ,(3$! %$:5&6! 6$5952$! 1($,! ,@22$,:!
(MM(%:@0&:&$,! )(%! ^(:F! $K&,:&02! 501! 0$'! ^@,&0$,,$,! :F5:! +50! ^$! )@%:F$%! &0#$,:&25:$1-! ! /(%!
$K53M6$V! +5:$2(%&$,! '&:F! 3(%$! 3(1$,:! 53(@0:,! ()! 6$5952$! 357! ())$%! (MM(%:@0&:&$,! )(%!
%$:5&6$%,! :(! ())$%! 3(%$! 1$,&%5^6$! M%(1@+:,! 501V! :F$%$)(%$V! (#$%:59$! 6$,,! 1$,&%5^6$! +@%%$0:!
^@,&0$,,$,-! ! 8(1$,:! 6$5952$! 357! 56,(! ,@22$,:! (MM(%:@0&:&$,! )(%! %$:5&6$%,! M%$M5%$1! :(!
$0252$! &0! 3(%$! 522%$,,&#$! 35%9$:&02! :5+:&+,! 'F(! 5%$! 5^6$! :(! 5::%5+:! +@,:(3$%,! )%(3!

:F$! .S3&6$! %51&@,V! :F$! 1&,:%&+:! &,! )5&6&02! :(! 3$$:! :F$! 0$$1,! ()! :%51$! 5%$5! %$,&1$0:,-! ! m03$:!

• 4@:(!M5%:,!U!5++$,,(%&$,!!
• ?6(:F&02!!
• m03$:!1$3501!)(%!)@66S,$%#&+$!%$,:5@%50:,!%$5+F$,!f.H-P!3&66&(0!501!f.P!3&66&(0!)(%!

August 2010 — 19 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Sales Leakage by Trade Area and Retail Category*

Total retail trade 0.25 mile 0.5 mile 1.0 mile
Demand $33 $144 $708
Supply $70 $118 $400
Unmet demand -$37 $26 $308
Retail goods 0.25 mile 0.5 mile 1.0 mile
Demand $28 $120 $593
Supply $60 $105 $342
Unmet demand -$33 $15 $251
Eating & drinking 0.25 mile 0.5 mile 1.0 mile
Demand $5 $24 $115
Supply $9 $14 $58
Unmet demand -$4 $10 $57
*In millions of dollars

IF$! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! +(33$%+&56! 1&,:%&+:! &,! 5! )5&%67! ,@++$,,)@6! +(33$%+&56! 1&,:%&+:! '&:F! )$'!
#5+50+&$,-! ! 4#$%52$! %$0:,! %502$! )%(3! f>A! :(! fAL! M$%! ,)-.! ! IF$! 3(,:! #56@5^6$! %$:5&6! ,M5+$,!
501! =(+95'57! J(@6$#5%1c90('0! 5,! :F$! [.LLo! ?(%0$%\-! IF&,! &0:$%,$+:&(0! &,! 'F$%$! :'(!
35B(%! ^@,! 6&0$,V! :F$! J.O! 501! JNLV! &0:$%,$+:-! ! I(2$:F$%! :F$,$! :'(! ^@,! %(@:$,! +5%%7! (#$%! D!
3&66&(0! %&1$%,! 5! 7$5%-! ! IF&,! &,! 50! &3M(%:50:! 15:5! M(&0:V! $,M$+&5667! 2&#$0! (@%! )&01&02,! :F5:! OA!

.LLo! ?(%0$%! &0! (%1$%! :(! :59$! 51#50:52$! ()! :F$! F&2F$%! )((:! :%5))&+! 501! #&,&^&6&:7! 5:! :F5:!

!2010 Retail Report, New York City, CPEX Real Estate http://www.cpexre.com/documents/CPEXRealEstate2010RetailReport.pdf

— 20 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


40567,$,! ()! :F$! ^@,&0$,,! 3&K! 501! %$:5&6! 6$5952$! 15:5! ,@22$,:,! :F5:! +$%:5&0! 9$7! ^@,&0$,,!
,:(%$,! (%! ,M(%:,! ,@MM67! ,:(%$,X-! ! IF$,$! 3&,,&02! +5:$2(%&$,! 359$! :F$! *&:9&0! ,F(MM&02!
$KM$%&$0+$! 6$,,! +(0#$0&$0:! 501! 6$,,! 1$,&%5^6$-! ! /(%! &0,:50+$V! &:! &,! 0(:! M(,,&^6$! :(! 3$$:! 5!
F5%1'5%$! (%! F(3$! &3M%(#$3$0:! 0$$1,! 501! :F$%$! &,! 0(! ,M(%:,! ,@MM67! ,:(%$! &0! :F$!

1&,+(@0:$1V! 0(0S^%501! 3$%+F501&,$-! ! 8507! ()! :F$3! ^5%25&0! '&:F! :F$! %$:5&6$%,! :(! %$1@+$!
M%&+$,! $#$0! )@%:F$%V! 501! :F&,! &,! $))$+:&#$!^$+5@,$!,(!3507!()!:F$!%$:5&6$%,!5%$!+5%%7&02! :F$!
4#$0@$-! ! E0! $))$+:V! :F$! (#$%S%$M%$,$0:5:&(0! ()! +$%:5&0! %$:5&6! +5:$2(%&$,! %$,@6:,! &0! +@::F%(5:!
+(3M$:&:&(0! 53(02! %$:5&6$%,! )(%! 5! 05%%('! ^5,$! ()! ,F(MM$%,! 6((9&02! )(%! $K5+:67! :F$! ,53$!

August 2010 — 21 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


:F$! '&0:$%! 501! (^,$%#$1! :F5:! ,$#$%56!
,&1$'569,-! ! IF$! 3(,:! +(33(0! ,&2052$!


Q$! 56,(! 0(:$1! :F$! 5^,$0+$! ()! ^651$! ,&20,-! ! J651$! ,&20,! 5%$! 3(@0:$1! M$%M$01&+@65%! :(! :F$!
,:(%$d,! )5p51$V! 5:! (%! 5^(#$! :F$! F$&2F:! ()! :F$! ,&20! ^501-! ! IF$7! 5%$! ():$0! @,$1! :(! 5::%5+:!
:(! :F$! )%(0:! ()! :F$! ^@,&0$,,-! ! J651$! ,&20,!
+(33$%+&56! 1&,:%&+:,-! ! 46(02! *&:9&0!
+50(M7! ,&20,V! :$3M(%5%7! ,&20,V!
)%57$1e)51$1e15352$1! ,&20,V! 501! ,&20!

— 22 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

+6@::$%! &0! 2$0$%56-! ! WPPq! 852&+V! 53(02! 3507! (:F$%,V! $#$0! %$M$5:$1! &:,! ^501! ,&20-X! ! IF$!

,@+F! +F5(,! ()! +(6(%,V! 35:$%&56,V! 501! ,:76$,! ()! ,&20! :F5:! :F$! (#$%566! $))$+:! &,! :(! +(0)@,$!
+(33@0&+5:&(0-! ! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! &,! 50! @%^50! 1&,:%&+:! 501V! :F$%$)(%$V! ,F(@61! ^$! (M$0! :(!

C$0$%5667! ,M$59&02V! :F$! ,$6$+:&(0V! b@56&:7! 501! M%&+$! 5%$! :((! 05%%('67! 6&3&:$1! :(! 5::%5+:! :(!
0$'! ,F(MM$%,-! ! =$:5&6$%,! 2$0$%5667! %$)$%$0+$1! :F$! +@::F%(5:! 05:@%$! ()! :F$! %$:5&6!
$0#&%(03$0:V! 3(,:! ()! 'F&+F! +50! ^$! 5::%&^@:$1! :(! :F$! %$65:&#$67! 05%%('! %502$! &0! ,$6$+:&(0!
+(0,@3$%,-! ! Q$! F$5%1! 525&0! 501! 525&0! :F5:! 6('Sb@56&:7! 3$%+F501&,$! '5,! 5! M%(^6$3V! 501!
:F$! 65+9! ()! 3$%+F501&,$! %$:@%0! M(6&+&$,! )@%:F$%! 1$2%51$! +@,:(3$%,d! +(0)&1$0+$! &0! :F$!
b@56&:7! ()! 2((1,! 501! ,$%#&+$,! ^$&02! M@%+F5,$1-! ! /(%! 3507!
+(0,@3$%,V! :F$! )5&6@%$! :(! 5++$M:! %$:@%0,! &,! :50:53(@0:! :(! 50!
@0'&66&020$,,! :(! ,:501! ^$F&01! :F$! M%(1@+:! ^$&02! ,(61-!!
&0! :F$! ,:(%$! (%! M%&0:$1! (0! :F$&%! %$+$&M:,V! M(,$,! 5! M(,,&^6$!

Q$! 56,(! 0(:$1! :F5:! ,:(%$)%(0:! 1&,M657,! 501! #&,@56!

3$%+F501&,&02! '$%$! ():$0! 6('! b@56&:7! 501! :((! +6@::$%$1! :(!

August 2010 — 23 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

3$%+F50:,! 5%$! 5::$3M:&02! :(! M@,F! :F$! $0#$6(M$! (0! ,:(%$! F(@%,V! ^@:! 3(,:! +F((,$! :(! +6(,$!

G)$'+C0*6H! '5,! :F$! ,&026$S65%2$,:! %$:5&6!
+5:$2(%7! WA>! ^@,&0$,,$,XV! '&:F! :F$! 65%2$,:!
^@,&0$,,$,X-! ! g('$#$%V! 5,! M%$#&(@,67!
0(:$1V! :F$%$! '5,! 5! 1&,:&0+:! 65+9! ()! b@56&:7!
56:F(@2F! '&:F! ,(3$! $K+$M:&(0,! W$-2-V!
Y&337! Y5ZZXV! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! +6(:F&02!

WOXV! B$'$6%7! WOXV! 5++$,,(%&$,! W<XV! 501! @0&)(%3,! W.X-! ! g$%$V! 525&0V! b@56&:7! '5,! ,5+%&)&+$1! :(!

IF$! [DI%30"$+9\! +5:$2(%7! )$5:@%$,! :F$,$! ,@^S+5:$2(%&$,! (0! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$]! 1%7S

GJ"+0*6& "*5& 5/0*;0*6H! 5MM$5%,! 5:! )&%,:! ^6@,F! :(! ^$! 51$b@5:$V! '&:F! .D! ^@,&0$,,$,! &0! :F&,!

— 24 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


Q&:F! %5%$! $K+$M:&(0V! :F$! (:F$%! %$:5&6! 3$%+F501&,$! +5:$2(%&$,! )(@01! F$%$! W)@%0&,F&02,V!
$6$+:%(0&+,V! 1&,+(@0:! 1$M5%:3$0:! ,:(%$,X! ())$%! 6&3&:$1! b@56&:7! 501! ,$6$+:&(0V! 56:F(@2F! &:! &,!
0(:5^6$! :F5:! GF(MM$%,! Q(%61! F5,! ^$$0! &0:%(1@+&02! '&:F! ,@++$,,! 3(%$! ^%501S053$!

G=%+"0$& ,%/.03%,H! 5%$! 05%%('67! 6&3&:$1! :(! ^$5@:7! 501! ^509&02V! 56:F(@2F! :F$%$! &,! 5! 273!
&0:(! :F$! 1&,:%&+:V! 56:F(@2F! :F$! 5++(@0:&02! ,$%#&+$,! 5%$! ,$5,(056! &0+(3$! :5K! M%$M5%$%,! 'F(!

*&:9&0! 4#$0@$! &,! 5! ,:%(02! +(33$%+&56! 1&,:%&+:! '&:F! 6&3&:$1! #5+50+&$,-! ! QF&6$! '$! )(@01! >D!
#5+50+&$,! ()! +(33$%+&56! ,:(%$)%(0:,! 1@%&02! (@%! 5,,$,,3$0:! &0! /$^%@5%7V! 5! ,&20&)&+50:!
+6@,:$%! ()! :F$,$! '5,! )(@01! '&:F&0! :F$! (61! T($',! IF$5:%$! ^@&61&02V! 'F&+F! &0+6@1$,! :F$!
35,,&#$! )(%3$%! :F$5:$%! ,M5+$! 501! ,$#$%56! #5+50:! ,:(%$! ,M5+$,! 5'5&:&02! %$1$#$6(M3$0:-!!
1&,:%&+:-! ! IF$%$! &,! (0$! #5+50:! ^@&615^6$! 6(:! &0! :F$! 1&,:%&+:V! &0! :F$! OLL! ^6(+9! ()! =(+95'57!

C$0$%5667V! #5+50+7! &,! #$%7! 6('V! 5! %$)6$+:&(0! ()! :F$! F&2F! 6$#$6! ()! +(0,@3$%! 5+:&#&:7! 'F&+F! &,!
56,(! %$)6$+:&#$! &0! :F$! F&2F! %$0:,-! ! E0! )5+:V! (0$! 3$%+F50:! ,M(9$! ()! M57&02! f>Ae,)V! 501! ()! F&,!

August 2010 — 25 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report



C&#$0! :F$! %$65:&#$67! 6('! #5+50+7! %5:$V! &0S)&66! 1$#$6(M3$0:! M%(#&1$,! :F$! 3(,:! ,&20&)&+50:!

MHI+ A"'3(@(/+ 7.*%$*>& & 4! #5+50:! ,@%)5+$! M5%9&02! 6(:! $K&,:,! 56(02! :F$! OLL! J6(+9! ()!


g(@,&02! 4@:F(%&:7! 5:! :F$! +(%0$%! ()! Q5:9&0,! G:%$$:! 501! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! :F5:! ,$%#$,! :F$!
%&,$! ,:%@+:@%$! +(@61! &0+6@1$! ,(3$! %$,&1$0:&56! @,$V! 501! M(,,&^67! 5! M5%9&02! 1$+9! :(!

— 26 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Q$! &1$0:&)&$1! 5! )$'! 9$7! %$1$#$6(M3$0:! (MM(%:@0&:&$,-! ! IF$! *4JE;! ,F(@61! +(0,&1$%! :F$,$!

52(XV! ^@:! :F$! 5%:S1$+(! ,:76$! ()! :F$! $K:$%&(%! &,!
'(%:F! M%$,$%#&02-! ! *(9(! *5%:0$%,V! TT?! F(61,!
1$#$6(M3$0:! %&2F:,-! ! QF$0! '$! ,:5%:$1! :F&,!
M%(B$+:V! :F$! M%(M(,56! &0+6@1$1! 5! 3&K$1! @,$!
1$#$6(M3$0:! ,:%@+:@%$1! 5,! 5! %$,&1$0:&56! +(01(!
'&:F! 0$5%67! HOVLLL! ,b@5%$! )$$:! ()! %$,&1$0:&56!
%$0:56! ,M5+$V! 501! 5! +(33$%+&56! +(01(! '&:F!
5MM%(K&35:$67! NDVLLL! ,b@5%$! )$$:! ()! 6$5,5^6$!


46:F(@2F! :F$%$! &,! 0(! 1&%$+:! ,@^'57! 5++$,,V! :F$%$! &,! #$%7! 2((1! ^@,! 5++$,,! :(! 0$5%^7! ,@^'57!
,:5:&(0,-! ! IF$! %$,&1$0:&56! 1$0,&:7! ()! :F$! 1&,:%&+:! 3$50,! :F5:! :F$! ^@,$,! 5%$! '$66! @:&6&Z$1! 501!

August 2010 — 27 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

2009 Bus Ridership
Bus Local Annual Average Average Average
Route Rank* Total Weekday Saturday Sunday Notes
B7 119 2,035,784 6,736 3,382 2,487 Runs along Saratoga (north/south) to J/Z at
Halsey to 3 at Saratoga
B12 25 6,920,765 21,609 14,523 11,508 Runs along New York Avenue (east/west) from
3 at Sutter, to L at Atlantic, to J at Alabama
B14 107 2,544,156 7,907 5,880 3,906 Runs along Pitkin (east/west). Starts at 3, 4 in
Crown Heights to L Sutter Ave
B60 55 4,584,501 14,418 9,632 7,189 Runs along Rockaway (north/south) from 3 to C
Source: New York MTA, http://www.mta.info/nyct/facts/ridership/ridership_bus.htm
*Local Rank of 194 local routes throughout the city

,@++$,,! ()! +(33$%+$! (0! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$-! ! E0! :(:56V! '$! &0:$%#&$'$1! +(33@0&:7! 6$51$%,V! M(6&+$!
())&+&56,V! ^@,&0$,,! ('0$%,V! :$050:! %$M%$,$0:5:&#$,V! %$M%$,$0:5:&#$,! ()! 0(0SM%()&:! 2%(@M,! 501!

IF$! &0:$%#&$',! M%(#&1$1! :F$! +(0,@6:50:! :$53! '&:F! &0S1$M:F! &0,&2F:! &0:(! :F$! +F566$02$,! 501!

.- QF5:! &,! :F$! &0:$%S%$65:&(0,F&M! ()! :F%$$! 2%(@M,! :F5:! 5%$! &3M(%:50:! :(! +(33$%+$]!
%$,&1$0:,V! ^@,&0$,,! +(33@0&:7V! 501! 6(+56! 2(#$%03$0:r! ! Q(@61! ^@,&0$,,! M$(M6$! +566!

<- R&,&(0]!'F5:!&,!7(@%!#&,&(0!)(%!:F$!)@:@%$!()!+(33$%+$!(0!*&:9&0!4#$0@$r!!QF5:!'(@61!

>- QF5:!5%$!:F$!,:%$02:F,!501!'$590$,,$,!5^(@:!1(&02!^@,&0$,,!&0!*4JE;r!!QF5:!5%$!:F$!

— 28 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

O- QF5:! :F&02,! W$-2-V! )$,:&#56,V! $#$0:,V! ,56$,V! 35%9$:&02V! $:+-X! F5#$! ^$$0! ,@++$,,)@6! 5:!

A- QF5:! %$,(@%+$,! 1(! 7(@! F5#$! F$%$! :F5:! '$! ,F(@61! @,$! :(! 5+F&$#$! 7(@%! #&,&(0r! ! QF5:!

E0! (%1$%! :(! $0+(@%52$! +501&1! 1&,+@,,&(0V! &0:$%#&$'$$,! '$%$! 5,,@%$1! :F5:! :F$&%! +(33$0:,!

R$*,)&"%+ KC+ S4()+ &,+ )4*+ &%)*-<-*5()&"%,4&8+ "0+ )4-**+ TUV+ 2-"$8,+ )4()+ (-*+ 3*/+ )"+
'"##*-'*C+ -*,&1*%),L+ ;$,&%*,,+ '"##$%&)/L+ (%1+ 5"'(5+ 2".*-%#*%)W+ + S"$51+ ;$,&%*,,+

• G:59$F(61$%,! 2$0$%5667! F$61! 5! M(,&:&#$! #&$'! ()! :F$! *4JE;! $))(%:,! ^@:! 0(:$1! :F5:!

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()! +566,! :F$7! %$+$&#$! 5%$! &0! %$,M(0,$! :(! 3$%+F50:e+@,:(3$%! 1&,M@:$,! 501! )%$b@$0:67!
&0#(6#$! 3$%+F501&,$! %$:@%0,-! ! IF$! )5&6@%$! ()! 3507! 3$%+F50:,! :(! M@^6&+&Z$! (%! 5++$M:!
3$%+F501&,$! %$:@%0,! '5,! :F$! 3(,:! )%$b@$0:67! +&:$1! %$,&1$0:! 501! ,:59$F(61$%!

R$*,)&"%+ IC+ X&,&"%C+ @4()+ &,+ /"$-+ .&,&"%+ 0"-+ )4*+ 0$)$-*+ "0+ '"##*-'*+ "%+ >&)3&%+ 7.*%$*W+

E0:$%#&$'$$,! 2$0$%5667! ,F5%$1! 3(1$,:! 1$,&%$,! )(%! 1&,:%&+:! &3M%(#$3$0:,V! 053$67! 5! +6$50V!
,5)$! 1&,:%&+:! '&:F! 5! F&2F$%! b@56&:7V! 3(%$! 1&#$%,$! 3&K! ()! ^@,&0$,,$,-! ! GM$+&)&+! +(33$0:,!

August 2010 — 29 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

• 8(%$!%$:5&6!+F(&+$,!
• J$::$%!b@56&:7!%$:5&6!())$%&02,!
• E3M%(#$1!$0:$%:5&03$0:!())$%&02,V!&0+6@1&02!5!3(#&$!:F$5:%$!!
• 8(%$!,&:S1('0!1&0&02!(M:&(0,!
• ?6$5%$%!%$:@%0!M(6&+7!
• 8(%$!+(0#$0&$0:!F(@%,V!&0+6@1&02!$#$0&02!F(@%,!
• 4!,5)$%!$0#&%(03$0:!(#$%566V!&0+6@1&02!^%&2F:$%!,:(%$!6&2F:,!5:!0&2F:V!,$$S:F%(@2F!25:$,!

R$*,)&"%+ UC+ S4()+ (-*+ )4*+ ,)-*%2)4,+ (%1+ @*(3%*,,*,+ (;"$)+ 1"&%2+ ;$,&%*,,+ &%+ >7NDBW+

• C%$5:!)((:!:%5))&+!
• C((1!:%5&0e^@,!+(00$+:&(0,!
• C((1!M(6&+$!+(#$%52$!W&0+6@1&02![J@,&0$,,!;&,:%&+:!"))&+$%,\X!
• G(3$!2((1!,:(%$,!
• ?@,:(3$%,!5%$!%$,M(0,&#$!:(!^@,&0$,,$,!:F5:!())$%!F(,M&:56&:7!501!+@,:(3$%!,$%#&+$!

! `(! %$:@%0! M(6&+7V! M((%! %$:@%0! M(6&+7i! %$:5&6$%,! 5%$! 0(:! '&66&02! :(! ,:501! ^$F&01! :F$&%!
! I((!3@+F!)5,:!)((1!
! ?6(:F&02!&,!()!M((%!b@56&:7!
! *((%!%$M@:5:&(0!!
! `(!,:%$$:,+5M&02!W)6('$%!M(:,V!:%$$,V!$:+X!

— 30 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

! `$'!F(@,&02!@0&:,!
! "61!T($',!IF$5:%$!5,!5!M(:$0:&56!1$#$6(M3$0:!(MM(%:@0&:7!
! 8(%$!^509!,$%#&+$,!5%$!0$$1$1!

! *@^6&+!,5)$:7!501!:F$!M$%+$M:&(0!
! ;&))&+@6:7!^@,&0$,,$,!F5#$!&0!6(51&02!501!@06(51&02!3$%+F501&,$!
! T(&:$%&02!
! GF(M6&):&02!

R$*,)&"%+ MC+ S4()+ )4&%2,+ T&6*6L+ *.*%),L+ ,(5*,L+ #(-3*)&%2L+ *)'6V+ 4(.*+ ;**%+ ,$''*,,0$5+ ()+

?(33@0&:7! ,:59$F(61$%,! 501! 3$%+F50:! ,:59$F(61$%,! 52%$$! :F5:! %$+$0:! ,$5,(056!


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5! 1&))$%$0:! 5MM%(5+F! 501! 2$0$%5667! M%5&,$! 5+:&#&:&$,! :F5:! ^%&02! M$(M6$! :(! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$V!

• 8(%$!$#$0:,!)(%!:F$!+(33@0&:7V!&0+6@1&02!7(@02!3(:F$%,!501!)53&6&$,!
• 41#$%:&,&02!(0!+(33@0&:7!+5^6$!,F(',!501!%51&(!
• Y@67!G&1$'569!G56$V!501!3(%$!,&1$'569!,56$,!&0!2$0$%56!
• G$0&(%!;57!W1&,+(@0:,!(0$!157!5!'$$9X!!

August 2010 — 31 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


• *(6&+$! %$M%$,$0:5:&#$,! ())$%$1! :F$! @,$! ()! 5! +%&3$! M%$#$0:&(0! ())&+$%! 'F(! '(@61! 1(!

• G(3$! %$+(33$01$1! :F5:! 3$%+F50:,! 2$:! 3(%$! &0#(6#$1! '&:F! :F$! +(33@0&:7-! ! IF$7!

IF$! ?(0,@6:50:,! &0:$%#&$'$1! :'$0:7! W<LX! 3$%+F50:,! :(! ^$::$%! @01$%,:501! :F$! ^@,&0$,,!
+6&35:$! &0! :F$! 1&,:%&+:V! &1$0:&)7! 5%$5,! ()! 3$%+F50:! +(0+$%0V! 501! @0+(#$%! (MM(%:@0&:&$,! :(!
&0+%$5,$! %$:5&6! ,56$,! 501! &3M%(#$! :$050:! 3&K! 56(02! :F$! 6$02:F! ()! :F$! %$:5&6! +(%%&1(%-! ! IF$!

Q$! )(@01! :F5:! :F$%$! 5%$! :'(! 9&01,! ()! %$:5&6! 56(02! :F$! +(%%&1(%-! ! QF&6$! :F$! 35B(%&:7! ()!
%$:5&6$%,! 5%$! &01$M$01$0:67! ('0$1V! :F$,$! ,3566$%! [&01$M$01$0:,\! 5%$! &0:$%,M$%,$1! '&:F!
65%2$%! %$2&(056! 501! 05:&(056! [^%501S053$\! +F5&0,! WGF(MM$%,! Q(%61V! l&1! ?&:7V! T@+&66$!
=(^$%:,V! $:+-X-! ! IF$,$! :'(! %$:5&6! 2%(@M,c:F$! ,3566! [&01$M$01$0:,\! 501! :F$! 65%2$%! [^%501!

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,:%5:$27V! :F$! JE;! ,F(@61! 0(:! ^$! 5)%5&1! ()! &1$0:&)7&02! 501! %$5+F&02! (@:! :(! ^(:F-! ! Q$!
%$+(33$01V! F('$#$%V! :F5:! %$+%@&:&02! $))(%:,! )(+@,! (0! M%$b@56&)&$1! %$:5&6$%,! 'F(! 5%$!

— 32 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


E:! &,! +6$5%! :F5:! :F$! ,(@%+$! ()! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$d,! (#$%%&1&02! ,:%$02:F! 5,! 5! %$:5&6! 1&,:%&+:! &,! :F$!
$K+$66$0:! )((:! :%5))&+! )(@01! 56(02! :F$! ,:%$$:-! ! 8507! 3$%+F50:,! 5::%&^@:$1! :F$&%! 1$+&,&(0! :(!
6(+5:$! :(! :F$! 1&,:%&+:! :(! )((:! :%5))&+-! ! Q$! )(@01! :F5:! 6(+5:&(0! 1$+&,&(0,! 1&))$%$1! 53(02!
%$:5&6$%,-! ! 4! 0@3^$%! ()! 3$%+F50:,! 5MM6&$1! ^5,&+! +%&:$%&5! :(! :F$&%! ,&:$! ,$6$+:&(0! +%&:$%&5c
M%&35%&67! :F$! M%$,$0+$! ()! 51$b@5:$! )((:! :%5))&+! 501! 50! 50567,&,! ()! :F$! +(3M$:&:&(0! :F5:!
,@22$,:$1! (MM(%:@0&:&$,! :(! M%(#&1$! ,$%#&+$,! (%! 2((1,! 'F$%$! 6&::6$! +(3M$:&:&(0! $K&,:$1!
WT@+&66$! =(^$%:,X-! ! ":F$%,! 1$3(0,:%5:$1! 6$,,! ,(MF&,:&+5:&(0! &0! :F$&%! ,&:$! ,$6$+:&(0! +%&:$%&5V!

$#&1$0+$! ()! )((:! :%5))&+! &0! :F$! 5%$5-! ! 85%9$:&02! 35:$%&56,V! )(%! &0,:50+$V! ,F(@61! &0+6@1$! )((:!

8$%+F50:,! :F5:! ,$$3! :(! ^$! ,:%@226&02! +F5%5+:$%&Z$! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! 5,! 5! +@::F%(5:! %$:5&6!
M%&+$! M(&0:! %5:F$%! :F50! (0! 3$%+F501&,$! b@56&:7! (%! +@,:(3$%! ,$%#&+$-! ! Q$! ^$6&$#$! :F$,$!

August 2010 — 33 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

2@5%1$1! ^7! :F$,$! 3$%+F50:,V! 'F&+F! 357! ^$! %$65:$1! :(! 5! +(33(0! +(3M65&0:! 53(02!
3$%+F501&,$! %$:@%0,-! ! Q$! ^$6&$#$! :F5:! :F$%$! 357! ^$! :((! 3507! %$:5&6$%,! :F5:! ,F5%$! ^(:F!
QF&6$! :F$! $+(0(3&+! 1('0:@%0! F5,! 5))$+:$1! 3(,:! ()! :F$! 3$%+F50:,! '&:F! 'F(3! '$! ,M(9$V!
:F$! '$59$%! %$:5&6$%,! '$%$! 3(%$! 5M:! :(! ^653$! $K:$%056! )5+:(%,! )(%! :F$&%! )5&6@%$! :(! ,@++$$1-!!
Q$59$%! %$:5&6$%,! '$%$! 3(%$! 6&9$67! :(! 2%&M$! :F5:! +@,:(3$%,! [(067! +5%$! 5^(@:! M%&+$\! 'F&6$!

&0! :F$! 0$&2F^(%F((1V! ^@:! :F$,$! %$,&1$0:,! 'F(! F5#$! 1&,M(,5^6$! &0+(3$! 5%$! +F((,&02! :(!

G&3M67! M@:V! :F$! ,:%$$:! '(%9,! )(%! :F$! %&2F:! %$:5&6$%-! ! IF$! )@0153$0:56,! ()! F&2F! M$1$,:%&50!
:%5))&+V! F&2F! M(M@65:&(0! 1$0,&:7! 501! F&2F! 522%$25:$! ,M$01&02! M('$%! 359$! )(%! 5! M('$%)@6!
3&K-! ! =$:5&6$%,! ,@+F! 5,! GF(MM$%,! Q(%61! 5%$! 5! :$,:53$0:! :(! :F$! 5^&6&:7! :(! $0:&+$! 5! 3(%$!
1&,+$%0&02! +@,:(3$%! :(! :F$! 1&,:%&+:-! ! 4,! :F$! %$+$,,&(0! F5,! +5@,$1! ,F(MM$%,! :(! &0+%$5,&0267!

QF&6$! +(0+$%0,! 5^(@:! ,5)$:7! 501! ,$+@%&:7! '$%$! +&:$1! ^7! ,(3$! 3$%+F50:,V! '$! )(@01! :F5:!

— 34 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

:F$,$! %$:5&6$%,! 5%$! @,&02! ,5)$:7! 501! ,$+@%&:7! +(0+$%0,! 5,! 50! $K+@,$! )(%! M((%! M$%)(%350+$-!!
IF$! )5+:! :F5:! (:F$%! 3(%$! ,(MF&,:&+5:$1! %$:5&6$%,! 5%$! ,@++$,,)@667! 5::%5+:&02! +@,:(3$%,!
,@22$,:,! :F5:! :F$! ,:%$$:! '(%9,! )(%! %$:5&6$%,! 'F(! 90('! F('! :(! '(%9! '&:F! :F&,! +6&$0:$6$-!!
G5)$:7! 501! ,$+@%&:7! 1(! 0(:! ,$$3! :(! ^$! )@0153$0:56! (^,:5+6$,! :(! %$:5&6$%,! 'F(! @01$%,:501!

+(0+$%0,! '$%$! 6$,,! 6&9$67! :(! ^$! %5&,$1! ^7! 3(%$! ,@++$,,)@6! %$:5&6$%,-! ! E0! :F$! &01@,:%7V! &:! &,!
2$0$%5667! 5++$M:$1! :F5:! DL! M$%+$0:! ()! 6(,,! &,! :F%(@2F! $3M6(7$$! :F$):-! ! G(! M$%+$&#$1!
[M5,,&02! :F$! ^@+9\-! ! IF&,! &,! 0(:! :(! ,@22$,:! :F5:! :F$):! &,! 0(:! 5! M%(^6$3V! ^@:! :F5:! :F$! 3(%$!
,@++$,,)@6! %$:5&6$%,! F5#$! )(@01! '57,! ()! 511%$,,&02! :F&,! M%(^6$3c&0+6@1&02! M(,:&02!

IF$! 1&,:%&+:d,! [.LLo! ?(%0$%\! &,! :F$! &0:$%,$+:&(0! ()! *&:9&0! 501! =(+95'57-! =$:5&6$%,V!
053$! 3$%+F501&,$V! %$M$5:$167! :(61! @,! ()! :F$&%! &0:$%$,:! &0! %$6(+5:&02! 5,! +6(,$! :(! :F&,!
?(%0$%V\! ,@22$,:&02! :F5:! ^%501S053$! %$+(20&:&(0V! M$%F5M,! 3(%$! :F50! +(0#$0&$0+$V! F$6M,!
1%5'! +@,:(3$%,! &0:(! :(! :F$&%! ,:(%$,-! ! IF$,$! ^%501S053$! %$:5&6$%,! +@%%$0:67! )@0+:&(0! 5,!

August 2010 — 35 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

%$+(20&:&(0! +50! :F$0! ^$! ,:$$%$1! :('5%1,! :F$![.LLo! ?(%0$%\! 'F$%$! :F$7! '&66! ^$0$)&:! )%(3!

:F$! +(%%&1(%! '&:F! 50+F(%! %$:5&6-! ! 4:! :F$! $5,:$%0! $01! ()! :F$! +(%%&1(%! :F$%$! &,! 56,(! 5! 6(02S
,:501&02! #5+50:! ^@&61&02! :F5:! 3&2F:! M%(#&1$! ,&3&65%! (MM(%:@0&:&$,-! ! IF$,$! 65%2$%! ,M5+$,!
(@:'5%1! )%(3! :F$! [.LLo! ?(%0$%V\! &0+%$5,&02! M$1$,:%&50! :%5))&+! 56(02! :F$! 6$02:F! ()! :F$!

:F5:! ,(3$! %$:5&6$%,! ,5'! &%'-*(,*,& &0! %$:5&6! ,56$,! 1$,M&:$! +F566$02&02! $+(0(3&+! :&3$,-! ! G(V!
'F5:! 5%$! :F$,$! 3$%+F50:,! 1(&02! %&2F:r! ! _#$0! &0! 1&))&+@6:! $+(0(3&+! :&3$,V! ^@,&0$,,$,! :F5:!
)(66('! ,(6&1! %$:5&6! M%5+:&+$,! W%$#&,&:&02! 3$%+F501&,$! 3&KV! M%(#&1&02! $K+$M:&(056! +@,:(3$%!
,$%#&+$! 501! $0252&02! &0! :5%2$:$1! 35%9$:&02! 501! M%(3(:&(0X! '$%$! 5^6$! :(! '$5:F$%! :F$!
,:(%3-! ! G:(%$,! :F5:! +(0,&,:$0:67! M%(#&1$! 2((1! +@,:(3$%! ,$%#&+$! 1&1! ^$::$%! :F50! (:F$%,-!!
,M$01! :F$&%! 3(0$7-! ! E0! (:F$%! +5,$,V! 3$%+F50:,! F5#$! %$,M(01$1! :(! +@,:(3$%! %$b@$,:,! 501!
F5#$! +F502$1! :F$&%! 3$%+F501&,$! 3&K! :(! &0+6@1$! 3(%$! ^%501S053$! 2((1,! 501e(%! ^%501S

— 36 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

053$! 2((1,! 5:! 6('$%! +(,:-! ! C$0$%5667V! 'F5:! '$! )(@01! &,! :F5:! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! +(0:&0@$,! :(!

J@,&0$,,$,! :F5:! %$M(%:$1! 5! 1)-#)"2)! &0! %$:5&6! ,56$,! (#$%! :F$! M5,:! 7$5%! &0+6@1$! :F(,$!
$+(0(3&+! +6&35:$! W)(%! $K53M6$V! 3$%+F50:,! 'F(! +5:$%! :(! :F$! :%5#$6$%! 1&1! 0(:! )5%$! ,(! '$66V!
1$,+%&^$! :F$&%! +@,:(3$%,! 5,! '&66&02! :(! 0$2(:&5:$! M%&+$,-! ! Q$! (^,$%#$1! :F5:! :F$,$! %$:5&6$%,!

":F$%! ^@,&0$,,$,! :F5:! +(3M65&0$1! ()! 6('$%! %$:5&6! ,56$,! 5%$! ,&3M67! ^51! %$:5&6$%,-! ! IF$&%!
$KM$%&$0+$! 'F$0! M$(M6$! 5%$! +@::&02! ^5+9! :F$&%! ,M$01&02! 501! 5%$! 3(%$! 1&,+$%0&02! '&:F!
'F$%$! :F$7! ,M$01! :F$&%! 3(0$7-! ! E:! &,! 56,(! :%@$! :F5:! &0! M((%! $+(0(3&+! :&3$,! ,@+F! 5,! :F$,$V!
,F(MM$%,! ,$$9! ^$::$%! b@56&:7! 3$%+F501&,$! 3(%$! ,(! :F50! :F$7! 1(! 'F$0! :&3$,! 5%$! 2((1V!
^$+5@,$! )$'$%! 2((1,! :F5:! 5%$! M@%+F5,$1! 3@,:! M$%)(%3! '$66! 501! ^$! 1@%5^6$-! ! 4,! 5! %$,@6:V!
:F$,$! ,:(%$,! 5%$! ,$$&02! ,&20&)&+50:! %$1@+$1! ,56$,! 501! ,(3$! 357! 2(! (@:! ()! ^@,&0$,,-! ! IF&,!
1$,&%5^6$! %$:5&6$%,! 501! M%(#&1$! :F$! *4JE;! '&:F! (MM(%:@0&:&$,! :(! )&66! :F(,$! ,M5+$,! '&:F!

IF$%$! 5%$! %$:5&6$%,! 'F(V! 1$,M&:$! ,$66&02! F&2F$%! b@56&:7! 501! ,6&2F:67! F&2F$%! M%&+$1!
3$%+F501&,$! :F50! :F$&%! 6('S+(,:! +(3M$:&:(%,V! 5%$! 5^6$! :(! ,@%#&#$V! :F%&#$! 501! 2%('-!!
8(%$(#$%V! :F$! ,@++$,,! ()! 3$%+F50:,! :F5:! ,$66! 2((1,! :F5:! 5%$! 3(%$! @0&b@$! 501! 1&))&+@6:! :(!

August 2010 — 37 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


(0! :F$! 4#$0@$! )(%! (:F$%! M@%M(,$,! 501! &:! &,V! :F$%$)(%$V! 0$+$,,5%7! :(! 2&#$! :F$3! %$5,(0,! :(!

=$:5&6$%,! 'F(! F5#$! )(+@,$1! ,(3$! 5::$0:&(0! :(! :F$&%! 35%9$:&02! $))(%:,! )&01! :F$! M57())! '$66!
M%&0:! 501! 1&,:%&^@:$! +&%+@65%,! 501! )67$%,V! 501! &01&+5:$! :F5:! :F$,$! 5%$! 53(02! :F$! 3(%$!
$))$+:&#$! 35%9$:&02! :((6,-! ! 8(%$! ,(MF&,:&+5:$1! %$:5&6$%,! 9$$M! +@,:(3$%! 15:5! W&0+6@1&02!
MF(0$! 501! $35&6X-! ! ":F$%! %$:5&6$%,! %$67! (0! [F&2F! :(@+F! 35%9$:&02\c:F$,$! 5%$! 35%9$:&02!

IF$! 1$,&%$! (0! :F$! M5%:! ()! ,F(MM$%,! :(! )$$6! '50:$1! 501! ,M$+&56! ,F(@61! 0(:! ^$!
501! +@,:(3$%! ,$%#&+$V! :F&,! 6$#$6! ()! $K:%5! $))(%:! ,:501,! (@:! &0! 5! +%('1-! ! =$:5&6$%,! :F5:!
%$:5&6$%,! 501! :F$! +(33@0&:7! &0! 5! ^&22$%V! ^(61$%! 501! 3(%$! $))$+:&#$! '57-! ! _0252$1!

— 38 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


5:! ^((,:&02! %$:5&6! ,56$,-! ! G(3$! %$:5&6$%,! $KM%$,,$1! &0:$%$,:! &0! $KM6(%&02! +%(,,SM%(3(:&(0!

• 4,! 0(:$1! 5^(#$V! :F$! ,@++$,,)@6! %$:5&6$%,! 5%$! 1&,:%&^@:&02! +&%+@65%,! 501! )67$%,-! ! IF$!
*4JE;! +(@61! '(%9! '&:F! %$:5&6$%,! :(! M@:! :(2$:F$%! 5! +((M$%5:&#$! )67$%! )(%! 3$%+F50:,!

• IF$! *4JE;! +50! 51#50+$! $S85%9$:&02! $))(%:,! (0! ^$F56)! ()! 5! +(66$+:&#$! ()! 6(+56!
:(! ^@&61! 50! $S85%9$:&02! 15:5^5,$! 501! @,$! :F&,! :(! 65@0+F! ,$5,(056! $S85%9$:&02!
+53M5&20,! :F5:! &0+6@1$! 1&,+(@0:,! 501e(%! +(@M(0,-! ! YCG?! F5,! ,@++$,,)@667! 65@0+F$1!

• IF$! *4JE;! +50! &0&:&5:$! 5! +@,:(3$%! 6(756:7! +5%1! )(%! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! 3$%+F50:,-! ! IF$%$!
^@:! '(@61! ^$! 5^6$! :(! M5%:&+&M5:$! &0! 5! M%(2%53! 6$1! ^7! :F$! *4JE;-! ! IF&,! 9&01! ()!

,$66! (0! :F$! ,&1$'569XV! 3(,:! 3$%+F50:,! $KM%$,,$1! 5! 65&,,$ZS)5&%$! 5::&:@1$! :('5%1,! *4JE;!
$#$0:,-! ! C$::&02! %$:5&6$%,! :(! $0252$! &0! JE;! 5+:&#&:&$,! &,! ():$0! 5! +F566$02$! &0! $0#&%(03$0:,!
'F$0! :F$%$! &,! )%$b@$0:! ,:5))! :@%0(#$%! 501! $#$%7! 0$'! JE;! 1&%$+:(%! 3@,:! 1$#$6(M!
%$65:&(0,F&M,! )%(3! ,+%5:+F-! ! QF$0! %$:5&6$%,! 5%$! 6$,,! $0252$1V! :F$%$! &,! 3(%$! 6&9$67! :(! ^$! 5!

August 2010 — 39 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

3&,35:+F! '&:F! %$,M$+:! :(! 'F5:! 5+:&#&:&$,! :F$! JE;! M@%,@$,! 501! 'F$:F$%! :F$,$! 5+:&#&:&$,!

(M$%5:&02! (0! :F$&%! ('0c():$0! &0! +@::F%(5:! +(3M$:&:&(0! '&:F! )$66('! *4JE;! 3$%+F50:,-!!
E0,:$51! :F$7! ,F(@61! ,$$! :F$! 35%9$:&02! ,:%$02:F! :F5:! :F$7! +(@61! 1$%&#$! ^7! M5%:&+&M5:&02!
+((M$%5:&#$67! &0! *4JE;V! :(! 359$! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! 5! ,F(MM&02! 1$,:&05:&(0! :F5:! '(@61! ^$0$)&:!
566! :F$! 3$%+F50:,! :F$%$-! ! *4JE;! ,F(@61! #&$'! :F$,$! %$+(33$015:&(0,! )(%! +((M$%5:&#$!
35%9$:&02V! &0:$%0$:! ,56$,V! 501! ,35%:! MF(0$! 35%9$:&02! 5,! :((6,! :(! $K+&:$! :F$,$! &,(65:$1!

8$%+F50:! %$+(33$015:&(0,! )(%! '57,! &0! 'F&+F! :F$! 4#$0@$! +50! ^$! &3M%(#$1! '$%$! 6((,$67!

IF$! )&%,:! &,! (11&)&"%(5+ #(-3*)&%2+ (%1+ (1.*-)&,&%2! :(! 1%&#$! &3M%(#$1! %$:5&6! ,56$,-! ! QF&6$!
,(3$! 3$%+F50:,! 1&,:%&^@:$! :F$&%! ('0! )6&$%,! 501! +(01@+:! :F$&%! ('0! :5%2$:$1S35%9$:&02V!

IF$! ,$+(01! 5%$5! ()! %$+(33$01$1! &3M%(#$3$0:,! &0+6@1$! '4(%2*,+ )"+ )4*+ '$--*%)+ )*%(%)+
M$1$,:%&50! :%5))&+! :(! :F$! 1&,:%&+:! 501! '(@61! ,$%#$! 5,! 0$'! %$:5&6,! 50+F(%,! )(%! :F$! 4#$0@$-!!

— 40 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

IF$! :F&%1! 5%$5! ()! &3M%(#$3$0:! &0+6@1$,! ,*&?&%2+ "88"-)$%&)&*,+ )"+ (1.(%'*+ '()(5/)&'+
,M5+$! '&:F! 5! ^%501S053$! %$:5&6$%! ,F(@61! ^$! 5! M%&(%&:7! )(%! :F$! *4JE;! 5,! :F$! M%(B$+:!

)(%! $KM50,&(0V! 3$%+F501&,$V! )5p51$! &3M%(#$3$0:,V! ,@MM(%:! '&:F! 6&b@&15:&(0! ()! ,:56$!
:@%0&02! 1('0! 6(50! 5MM6&+5:&(0,V! $K&,:&02! ^@,&0$,,$,! F5#$! 0('F$%$! :(! :@%0! )(%! +5M&:56! :(!
2%('! :F$&%! ^@,&0$,,$,-! ! G(3$! ^@,&0$,,! ('0$%,! $KM%$,,$1! &0:$%$,:! &0! )5p51$! &3M%(#$3$0:!


401! )&05667V! 3$%+F50:,! $KM%$,,$1! &0:$%$,:! &0! 2*%*-(5+ &#8-".*#*%),+ )"+ )4*+ 8$;5&'+ -*(5#V!
&0+6@1&02! &0)%5,:%@+:@%$! 501! ^5,&+! +6$506&0$,,! 56(02! :F$! +(%%&1(%-! ! G@22$,:&(0,! )%(3!
3$%+F50:,! &0+6@1$1! &3M%(#$1! 6&2F:&02! 5:! 0&2F:! W'F&+F! 511%$,,$,! :F$! ,$+@%&:7! +(0+$%0! 5,!
'$66XV! 511&:&(056! M5%9&02! :F5:! 566(',! ,F(MM$%,! 3(%$! :F50! (0$SF(@%! :&3$! 6&3&:,! 5,! '$66! 5,!
3$:$%,! :(! M%$#$0:! 3$%+F50:,! )%(3! M5%9&02! (0! *&:9&0V! &3M%(#$1! :%5,F! %$3(#56V! 501! ^$::$%!

E Consult Corporation, “Commercial Corridors: A Strategic Investment Framework for Philadelphia, March 2009”

August 2010 — 41 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

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— 42 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Section 3
Consumer Survey Findings

,@22$,:! '57,! :(! &3M%(#$! :F$! ,F(MM$%! $0#&%(03$0:! 'F&6$! ,&3@6:50$(@,67! M%(#&1&02!

IF$! +(0,@3$%! ,@%#$7! '5,! 1&,:%&^@:$1! 5:! %$:5&6! ,:(%$,! 56(02! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$V! 5%$5! +(33@0&:7!
2%(@M,V! +F@%+F$,V! $6$3$0:5%7! ,+F((6,V! 5):$%S,+F((6! M%(2%53,V! 501! ,$0&(%! +$0:$%,-! ! IF$!

&0! :F$&%! ('0! ^5+975%1-! ! T(+56! %$,&1$0:,! %$,(6@:$67! +(0)&%3$1! :F$&%! %$6@+:50+$! :(! ,F(M! 56(02!
:(! '(%9! +6(,$67! '&:F! :F$! 3$%+F50:,! :(! +%$5:$! &0+$0:&#$,! )(%! :F$,$! &01&#&1@56,! :(! #&,&:! *&:9&0!
3(%$! ():$0! 501! ,M$01! 3(%$! 1&,+%$:&(05%7! 1(665%,! M$%! #&,&:-! ! E0! 511&:&(0V! 50! &3M%(#$1!

August 2010 — 43 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


/(%! (@%! M@%M(,$,V! :F$! 1&))$%$0+$,! ^$:'$$0! :F$,$! :'(! ,F(MM$%! +5:$2(%&$,! 5%$! 3(%$!
:F50! `(0SGF(MM$%,-! ! E:! &,! 6&9$67! :F5:! (61$%! GF(MM$%,c'&:F! 3(%$! 6&3&:$1! 3(^&6&:7! 501!

501! ,M$01&02! M5::$%0,-! ! `(0SGF(MM$%,! #&,&:! :F$! 1&,:%&+:! 6$,,! )%$b@$0:67V! 1&0$! F$%$! 6$,,!
+F((,$! :(! ,M$01! :F$! 1(665%,! :F$7! F5#$! ,$:! 5,&1$! )(%! 1&0&02! (@:-! ! J(:F! GF(MM$%,! 501! `(0S

E3M%(#&02! :F$! +@%%$0:! ^@,&0$,,! 3&K! &,! 50! &3M(%:50:! M5%:! ()! &3M%(#&02! :F$! ,F(MM&02!
$0#&%(03$0:! 56(02! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$-! ! 46:F(@2F! O<! M$%+$0:! ()! GF(MM$%,! W>>! M$%+$0:! ()! `(0S
GF(MM$%,X! ,57! :F5:! :F$! %$:5&6! 3&K! &,! :F$! [^$,:! :F&02\! 5^(@:! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$V! 5! ,:522$%&02!
35B(%&:7! WH>! M$%+$0:X! '50:,! :(! ,$$! 0$'! %$:5&6! ^@,&0$,,! 56(02! :F$! 4#$0@$-! ! IF$%$! &,! 50!


A*,8"%1*%),+ @(%)+ R$(5&)/+ N-(%1+ F(#*+ 788(-*5+ (%1+ E4"*,+ ()+ Z"@+ >-&'*,6! ! J(:F!

— 44 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

IY! 85KK! 501! 85%,F566d,V! )(%! &0,:50+$V! :7M&+5667! ,$$9! >LVLLL! ,)! ()! ,56$,! ,M5+$-! ! Q&:F! :F$!
$K+$M:&(0! ()! :F$! 65%2$! 1$#$6(M3$0:! ,&:$,! 56(02! :F$! ,:%&MV! :F$%$! &,! 6&3&:$1! (MM(%:@0&:7! )(%!
%$:5&6$%,! %$b@&%&02! )6((%! M65:$,! :F&,! 65%2$-! ! QF5:! '$! +50! ,@%3&,$! )%(3! :F&,! &0)(%35:&(0! &,!
:F5:V! 7$:! 525&0V! :F$%$! &,! 5! ,:%(02! 1$,&%$! 53(02! 6(+56! %$,&1$0:,! )(%! M65+$,! :F5:! ())$%! 6('$%S
:F%$$! M$%+$0:! ()! ,@%#$7! %$,M(01$0:,! '(@61! #&,&:! 3(%$! ():$0! &)! ())$%&02,! &0+6@1$1! +6(:F&02!

A*,8"%1*%),+ @(%)+ !4&51-*%[,+ !5")4&%2+ A*)(&5*-,6! ! IF$! ,@%#$7! 15:5! +(0)&%3,! 'F5:! (@%!
:5M$,:%7! 35%9$:! ,$23$0:,! ,@22$,:-! ! QF&6$! :%51$! 5%$5! %$,&1$0:,! ()! 566! &0+(3$,! +(0:&0@$! :(!
)$'! +F&61%$0d,! +6(:F&02! %$:5&6$%,! 56(02! :F$! ,:%&M-! ! ! _&2F:7! M$%+$0:! ()! GF(MM$%,! 501! `(0S
GF(MM$%,! '(@61! #&,&:! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! 3(%$! &)! :F$%$! '$%$! 3(%$! ,:(%$,! ())$%&02! +F&61%$0d,!

A*,8"%1*%),+ @(%)+ E8"-)&%2+ \""1,+ (%1+ N""3,6! ! 85%9$:! 15:5! ,@22$,:,! :F5:! :F$%$! 357! ^$!

,(3$! @03$:! 1$3501! )(%! ,M$+&56:7! )((1,V! ^@:! :F$! 35%9$:! 15:5! 1($,! 0(:! ,@22$,:! %$:5&6!
(MM(%:@0&:&$,! )(%! 2%(+$%7! ,:(%$! %$:5&6$%,-! ! IF&,! 3&2F:! ,@22$,:! 50! &01&+5:&(0! ()! 1&,,5:&,)&$1!

August 2010 — 45 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


)53&67! %$,:5@%50:,-! ! G@%#$7! F&2F6&2F:,! :F5:! %$65:$! :(! %$,:5@%50:,! 501! 1&0&02! &0! 2$0$%56!

3(%$! $5:&02! (M:&(0,! &,! +6$5%67! &3M(%:50:! :(! GF(MM$%,! 501! `(0SGF(MM$%,! 56&9$-! ! E0! )5+:V! H<!
%$,:5@%50:,! 501! DL! M$%+$0:! ^$6&$#$! :F5:! &:! &,! E)#F% *D9.#$"/$! :(! 5::%5+:! 3(%$! )@66S,$%#&+$!

A*)(&5+ E(5*,+ Z*(3(2*+ B()(+ E$22*,),+ _88"-)$%&)&*,+ 0"-+ F*@+ A*,)($-(%),6! ! I7M&+56! ,56$,!
,$%#&+$! %$,:5@%50:,! &0! :F5:! 5%$5! 5%$! 359&02! 3(%$! :F50! 1(@^6$! :F5:! 53(@0:V! 5:!
fOOLVLLLe7$5%-! ! Q$! M(,&:! :F5:! )@66S,$%#&+$! %$,:5@%50:,! &0!:F&,!5%$5!5%$!,$66&02!,&20&)&+50:67!
6$,,! :F50! &01@,:%7! 5#$%52$! 1@$! :(! :F$! )5+:! :F5:! :F$7! 5%$! 6&9$67! &01$M$01$0:67S('0$1! 501V!

IF$! 35%9$:! 15:5! ,@22$,:,! :F5:! :F$%$! &,! f.L! 3&66&(0! &0! @03$:! 1$3501! )(%! )@66S,$%#&+$!

— 46 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

E)! :F$! *4JE;! +F((,$,! :(! %$+%@&:! )@66S,$%#&+$! %$,:5@%50:,V! :F$7! ,F(@61! )&%,:! )(+@,! (0!
5%$! 6(+5:$1! &33$1&5:$67! (@:,&1$! ()! :F$! 1&,:%&+:c501! :F$0! M%(,M$+:! )(%! %$,:5@%50:,! :F5:!
+5%%7! 053$! %$+(20&:&(0! 501V! :F$%$)(%$V! F5#$! :F$! 5^&6&:7! :(! M@66! +@,:(3$%,! )%(3! :F$! 65%2$%!

A*)(&5+ E(5*,+ Z*(3(2*+ &,+ F")+ )4*+ _%5/+ !"%,&1*-()&"%+ S4*%+ D)+ !"#*,+ )"+ 7))-(')&%2+
A*,)($-(%),6! ! E:! &,! &3M(%:50:! :(! 0(:$! :F5:! 'F&6$! :F$%$! &,! @03$:! 1$3501! )(%! ,&:S1('0!
%$,:5@%50:,V! :F$,$! $,:5^6&,F3$0:,! +50d:! ^$! 6(+5:$1! B@,:! 507'F$%$c:F$%$! 5%$! MF7,&+56!
%$b@&%$3$0:,! ,@+F! 5,! #$0:&02V! F((1,V! 9&:+F$0,! 501! %$5%! 5++$,,! :(! +(0,&1$%-! ! /&::&02! (@:!
5! %&,97! ^@,&0$,,-! ! *@^6&,F$1! ,:@1&$,! ,@22$,:! :F5:! :F$! )5&6@%$! %5:$! ()! %$,:5@%50:,c^(:F!
)%50+F&,$1! 501! &01$M$01$0:cF(#$%,! 5%(@01! NL! M$%+$0:! &0! :F$! )&%,:! :F%$$! 7$5%,! ()!
(M$%5:&(0-! ! E0! :F$! )5+$! ()! ,@+F! 15@0:&02! ,:5:&,:&+,! 501! &0! :F&,! +F566$02&02! 6$01&02!
4#$0@$V! (MM(%:@0&:&$,! )(%! %$,:5@%50:,! '&66! 6&9$67! +(3$! )%(3! :F$! +6(,@%$! ()! $K&,:&02! )((1!

"@%! ,@%#$7! )@%:F$%! +(%%(^(%5:$1! (@%! ,:59$F(61$%! &0:$%#&$',! 501! 1$3(2%5MF&+! )&01&02,-!

5%$! 0(:! 51$b@5:$67! 3$:-! ! G:59$F(61$%! &0:$%#&$',! ,$$3! :(! +(0)&%3! :F&,! )&01&02-! ! G(3$!

August 2010 — 47 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

IF$%$! &,! 5! 3@+F! ,:%(02$%! M%$,$0+$! ()! +F&61%$0! :F50! :F$! J%((9670! 5#$%52$-! ! I'$0:7S(0$!
M$%+$0:! ()! :%51$! 5%$5! %$,&1$0:,! 5%$! @01$%! :F$! 52$! ()! .LV! #$%,@,! (067! .A! M$%+$0:! )(%! 566! ()!
J%((9670-! ! IF$! 1&,:%&+:! 56,(! F5,! 5! F&2F$%! M$%+$0:52$! ()! +F&61%$0! @01$%! :F$! 52$! ()! .O! W><!
M$%+$0:! #,-! <<! M$%+$0:! )(%! J%((9670X! 501! @01$%! .P! WO>! M$%+$0:! #$%,@,! >L! M$%+$0:! )(%!

+(0:&0@$! :(! ,M$01! 3(0$7! (0! +F&61%$0d,! +6(:F&02-! ! E0! )5+:V! +F&61%$0d,! +6(:F&02! &,! ,$$0! 5,! 5!

IF$! 1&,:%&+:d,! %$65:&#$67! 05%%('! ^@,&0$,,! 3&K! 1($,! 0(:! &0+6@1$! $0:$%:5&03$0:!
$,:5^6&,F3$0:,! :F5:! 3&2F:! F$6M! :(! 2$0$%5:$! 511&:&(056! M$1$,:%&50! :%5))&+! &0! :F$! 1&,:%&+:V!



• ;$3501!)(%!5!3(#&$!:F$5:$%!&,!F&2F!5:!.!&0!$#$%7!<!%$,M(01$0:,!

— 48 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

• !IF$!5%$5!F5,!5!F&2F$%S:F50S5#$%52$!+(0+$0:%5:&(0!()!.L!:(!.P!7$5%!(61,!W53(02!:F$!

• IF$!.S3&6$!5%$5!,M$01,!5^(@:!f>-A!3&66&(0!(0!3(#&$!:F$5:$%!:&+9$:,!500@5667!W5!:7M&+56!

IF$! 5%$5! &,! '$66! ,$%#&+$1! ^7! M@^6&+! :%50,M(%:5:&(0! 501! $5,&67! 5++$,,&^6$! ^7! +5%-! ! ":F$%!

%$,M(01$0:,! &01&+5:$1! :F5:! :F$7! '569! (%! ^&9$! :(! :F$! 1&,:%&+:V! )(66('$1! +6(,$67! ^7! >H! M$%+$0:!

>(-3&%2+ &,+ F")+ )4*+ ^",)+ >-*,,&%2+ !"%'*-%6! ! "067! >A! M$%+$0:! ()! %$,M(01$0:,! 1%&#$! :(! :F$!
1&,:%&+:V! ,(! &)! (067! (0$! b@5%:$%! +50! [%5%$67\! )&01! M5%9&02V! :F&,! $b@56,! P! M$%+$0:! ()! 566! ,@%#$7!
,F(MM$%,! 5'57-! ! J5,$1! @M(0! :F$,$! %$,M(0,$,! 501! (@%! (^,$%#5:&(0,V! &:! &,! 3(%$! 6&9$67! :F5:!

^*-'4(%),+ E)-$225*+ )"+ 2*)+ ^*-'4(%1&,*+ B*5&.*-&*,+ @&)4"$)+ D%'$--&%2+ !",)5/+ >(-3&%2+
`&'3*),-! ! 8$%+F50:,! $KM%$,,$1! +(0+$%0! 5^(@:! 1$6&#$%&$,! 501! %$)$%$0+$1! :F$! +F566$02$,! :F$7!
)5+$! &0! 2$::&02! 1$6&#$%&$,! ()! 3$%+F501&,$! &0:(! :F$&%! ,:(%$,! '&:F(@:! &0+@%%&02! )&0$,! :F5:!

August 2010 — 49 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

IF$! ,@%#$7! )&01&02,! 1(! 0(:! ,@22$,:! $#&1$0+$! ()! 35B(%! ,5)$:7! +(0+$%0,cM5%:&+@65%67! 1@%&02!
,F(MM&02! F(@%,c56:F(@2F! '$! 5+90('6$12$! :F5:! :F$! ,@%#$7! '5,! +(3M6$:$1! ^$)(%$! 5! %$+$0:!
@M:&+9! &0! #&(6$0:! 5+:&#&:&$,! 56(02! :F$! +(%%&1(%-! ! ":F$%! ,5)$:7! 501! ,$+@%&:7! ,@%#$7! F&2F6&2F:,!

&3M%(#$! :F$! M$%+$M:&(0! ()! ,5)$:7! 56(02! :F$! +(%%&1(%-! ! =$,M(01$0:,! &01&+5:$1! :F5:! :F$7! )$$6!
3@+F! 3(%$! ,$+@%$! 5:! C5:$'57! ?$0:$%! 501! l&02,!
*65Z5V! :'(! 0$5%^7! +(3M$:&02! +(%%&1(%,V! :F50! :F$7!
0@3^$%,! 5%$! ,(! 3@+F! ^$::$%! 5:! :F$! ,F(MM&02!
+$0:$%,! M%(^5^67! F5,! 3(%$! :(! 1(! '&:F! 5$,:F$:&+,!
501! 5MM$5%50+$! :F50! 5+:@56! %$M(%:,! ()! +%&3&056&:7!

,F(MM$%,-! IF&,! 3$50,! ,@MM(%:&02! 3$%+F50:,! &0! 359&02! &3M%(#$3$0:,! :(! :F$&%! #&,@56!
3$%+F501&,&02V! 511%$,,&02! +6$506&0$,,V! :%5,F! 501! 1$^%&,! 56(02! :F$! +(%%&1(%V! 501! &3M%(#&02!

E"#*+ 9.*%),+ (-*+ G$-)&%2+ A()4*-+ )4(%+ G*58&%2+ B&,)-&')+ E(5*,6! ! Q$! 1&1! 0(:$! :F5:! :F$!
M$%+$0:52$! ()! &01&#&1@56,! 'F(! M$%+$&#$! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! 5,! [#$%7! @0,5)$\! */-#)"2)2! 1@%&02!

— 50 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

J(:F! M,7+F(2%5MF&+! 15:5! 501! ,@%#$7! )&01&02,! ,@22$,:! :F5:! ,@%#$7! %$,M(01$0:,d! M%&35%7!
@,&02! :%51&:&(056! 3$1&5! (@:6$:,-! ! I$6$#&,&(0! &,! :((! +(,:! M%(F&^&:&#$! &0! :F&,! 35%9$:! 501!
0$',M5M$%,! 501! 1&%$+:! 35&6! 1(0d:! F5#$! :F$! &3M5+:-! ! IF$! 3(,:! M(M@65%! M%&0:! 3$1&5! (@:6$:,!

S"-1<"0<^"$)4+ B-&.*,+ A*)(&5+ E(5*,6+ QF5:! :F$! ,@%#$7! )&01&02,! 1(! ,@22$,:! &,! :F5:! '(%1! ()!
(0$! M$%+$0:! ()! %$,M(01$0:,! &01&+5:$1! :F5:! :F&,! '5,! :F$&%! M%&35%7! ,(@%+$! ()! 0$',! (0! *&:9&0!
,(+&56! 0$:'(%9&02! :(! ,F5%$! &0)(%35:&(0-! ! 85%9$:&02! $))(%:,! 6&9$! :$K:&02V! I'$$:&02V! /5+$^((9V!

B&,)-&')+ E(5*,+ 9.*%),+ 788*(5+ )"+ E4"88*-,+ (%1+ F"%<E4"88*-,+ 75&3*L+ ^"-*+ `4(%+ ")4*-+ NDB+
7')&.&)&*,6! ! g(6&157! 501! G&1$'569! G56$,! 5%$! :F$! 3(,:! '$66! 5::$01$1! $#$0:,-! ! I'(S:F&%1,! ()!
b@&:$! 5,! $))$+:&#$! )(%! 1%5'&02! `(0SGF(MM$%,-! ! /(%! $K53M6$V! 'F&6$! AA! M$%+$0:! ()! GF(MM$%,!

;$,M&:$! :F$! 5MM5%$0:! 5MM$56! ()! G@33$%! *65Z5,! 501! :F$! g566('$$0! *5%51$! 53(02! :F$!
6$,,! ()! 5! 1%5'-! ! 4++(%1&02! :(! :F$! ,@%#$7V! :F$,$! $#$0:,! 5::%5+:$1! :F$! ,3566$,:! M$%+$0:52$! ()!

August 2010 — 51 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

2%('&02! :F$&%! %$:5&6! ,56$,! 5+:&#&:7-! ! QF&6$! '$! 90('! :F$,$! :'(! 5%$! 0(:! 3@:@5667! $K+6@,&#$V!
,(3$:&3$,! :F$,$! (^B$+:&#$,! 357! ^$! 5:! (11,-! ! Q$! $0+(@%52$! :F$! *4JE;! :(! 359$! $))(%:,! :(!

'F&+F! '(@61! 1%5'! :F$3! :(! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$-! ! Q$! 50:&+&M5:$1! :F5:! ,(3$! ()! :F$,$! %$,M(0,$,!

E$-.*/+ A*,8"%,*,+ A*05*')*1+ A*)(&5+ E(5*,+ Z*(3(2*6! ! IF$! %$,M(0,$,! +(&0+&1$! '&:F! (@%! :%51$!
5%$5! %$:5&6! ,56$,! 6$5952$! )&01&02,-! ! G@%#$7! %$,M(01$0:,! %$,(@01&0267! +566$1! )(%! 3(%$! )%$,F!

F"%<E4"88*-,+ S(%)+ (+ ^"-*+ 788*(5&%2+ `*%(%)+ ^&Y6! QF&6$! GF(MM$%,! :$01! :(! ^$! 3(%$!
65+9,! 50! 5MM$56&02! ,$:! ()! %$:5&6! 501! %$,:5@%50:! ())$%&02,-! ! `(0SGF(MM$%,! M65+$1! 3(%$!
$3MF5,&,! :F50! GF(MM$%,! (0! [5::%5+:&02! 0$'! %$:5&6! ^@,&0$,,$,\! 501! [5::%5+:&02! 3(%$! )@66!

GF(MM$%,! W053$67! M%(#&1$! M$1$,:%&50! 53$0&:&$,V! &3M%(#$! 6&2F:&02! 501! :F$! 5MM$5%50+$! ()!
&0! :F$! 5MM$5%50+$! ()! ,:(%$)%(0:,! 501! )5p51$,V! ,@22$,:&02! :F5:! :F$7! :((! '(@61! 6&9$! 5! 3(%$!

— 52 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


• G@%#$7!%$,M(01$0:,!(#$%'F$63&0267!'50:!&3M%(#$1!b@56&:7V!&3M%(#$1!,$6$+:&(0!501!

• =$,M(01$0:,! 351$! 3$0:&(0! ()! GF(MM$%,! Q(%61V! :F$! :F$5:$%V! ^509,V! 501! ,$#$%56!

• *&:9&0!&,!5MM$56&02!:(!3507!GF(MM$%,!^$+5@,$!&:!&,!+(0#$0&$0:!:(!'F$%$!:F$7!6&#$-!

• IF$!%$:5&6!())$%&02,!'F$%$!,&3@6:50$(@,67!1$,+%&^$1!5,!^(:F!:F$!^$,:!501!:F$!'(%,:!()!

• =$,M(01$0:,!%$M$5:$167!&01&+5:$1!:F5:!*&:9&0!4#$0@$!0$$1,!&3M%(#$3$0:,!&0!,5)$:7V!

QF5:! &,! M%(3&,&02! &,! :F5:! :F$! 3(,:! ,&20&)&+50:! &,,@$,c3$%+F501&,$! b@56&:7V! %$:5&6! ,$6$+:&(0V!
8(%$(#$%V! :F$! +(0+$%0,! %5&,$1! 5%(@01! ,5)$:7V! ,$+@%&:7V! 501! 1&,:%&+:! 5MM$5%50+$! 5%$! 566!
&0:$%%$65:$1-! ! 411%$,,&02! :F$! 5$,:F$:&+,! 501! MF7,&+56! &3M%(#$3$0:! &,,@$,! W&0+6@1&02! #&,@56!

August 2010 — 53 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

This page intentionally left blank.

— 54 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Section 4
A Framework for Action

IF$! %$+(33$015:&(0,! (@:6&0$1! F$%$! 5%$! 0(:! &0:$01$1! 5,! 5! +(3M%$F$0,&#$! M650! ()! 5+:&(0-!!
=5:F$%V! :F$7! 5%$! &0:$01$1! :(! M%(#&1$! &0&:&56! 2@&150+$! :(! :F$! *4JE;! 501! M%$,$0:! 5! ^5,&+!
)%53$'(%9! )(%! )@%:F$%! 5+:&(0! &0! M@%,@&:! ()! 5! ,&3M6$! (^B$+:&#$]! 50! &0+%$5,$! &0! %$:5&6! ,56$,! )(%!
,F(M! 56(02! *&:9&0! 3(%$! )%$b@$0:67V! )(%! 6(02$%! ,:%$:+F$,! ()! :&3$V! 501! :(! ,M$01! 3(%$! 3(0$7!


"#$%! :F$! +(@%,$! ()! :F$! 0$K:! )$'! 3(0:F,V! :F$! *4JE;! 0$$1,! :(! :59$! ,(3$! :&3$! :(! 1$#$6(M! 5!
:F$! M%(+$,,V! &0+6@1&02! 6(+56! ,:59$F(61$%,! 501! :F$! 3$%+F50:! +(33@0&:7-! ! IF$! ?(33@0&:7!
,:@17! &,! +(3M6$:$-! ! Q$! F&2F67! %$+(33$01! :F5:! :F$! *4JE;! :59$! 51#50:52$! ()! :F&,!
,3566! ,+56$! %$+(33$015:&(0,! &0+6@1$1V! +(66$+:! $35&6! (%! MF(0$! 0@3^$%,! &0! (%1$%! :(! 2%('!

August 2010 — 55 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

GF(MM$%,! $KM%$,,$1! ,&20&)&+50:! +(0,:$%05:&(0! (#$%! :F$! ,:5:$! ()! :F$! 1&,:%&+:d,! MF7,&+56!
'(%9&02! 1&%$+:67! '&:F! 5! )$'! ,$6$+:$1! 3$%+F50:,! 501! M%(#&1&02! ,$%#&+$,! :(! F$6M! &3M%(#$!
,:(%$)%(0:! 1&,M657,-! ! IF$! M(6&+$! 56,(! ())$%$1! :F$! ,$%#&+$,! ()! :F$&%! +%&3$! M%$#$0:&(0! ())&+$%!
'F(! &,! 5#5&65^6$! :(! M%(#&1$! ,:(%$! 5@1&:,-! ! G3566! 2%50:,! +50! ^$! M%(#&1$1! :(! 3$%+F50:,! :(!

F5#$! &01&+5:$1! 5! 0$$1! :(! ,$$! 3(%$! #56@$! )%(3! :F$! *4JE;! 5+:&#&:&$,-! ! G(V! 'F&6$! $#$0:,! 6&9$!
5,! 2%$5:! ,$66&02! (MM(%:@0&:&$,! )(%! 3$%+F50:,-! ! IF$! ,@%#$7! )(@01! :F5:! ,$66&02! $#$0:,! W6&9$!

*%&(%&:&Z$! 35%9$:&02! $))(%:,! :F5:! M(,&:&(0! :F$! *4JE;! :(! +5M&:56&Z$! (0! '(%1S()S3(@:F!
1&,+%$:&(05%7! &0+(3$! :F50! GF(MM$%,-! ! 43(02! :F&,! 2%(@MV! '(%1S()S3(@:F! &,! :F$! ,:%(02$,:!
35%9$:&02! :((6! )(%! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! ^@,&0$,,$,-! ! Q$V! :F$%$)(%$V! $0+(@%52$! :F$! *4JE;! :(!
(M:&(0! '(@61! ^$! :(! 5,,$,,! F('! *&:9&0! 4#$0@$! 3$%+F50:,! 501! :F$! 1&,:%&+:! 5,! 5! 'F(6$! 5%$!
%$#&$'$1! (0! +$%:5&0! '$^! ,&:$,! 501! ^6(2,-! ! IF&,! '(@61! &0+6@1$! &1$0:&)7&02! &0:$%0$:! ,&:$,!

— 56 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


Q$! 0('! 90('! :F5:! M%&0:! 3$1&5! 501! :$6$#&,&(0! 5%$! 6$,,! $))$+:&#$! 51#$%:&,&02! #$F&+6$,! 501!
:F5:! 5! ,&20&)&+50:! 0@3^$%! ()! GF(MM$%,! @,$! M@^6&+! :%50,M(%:5:&(0! :(! 5%%&#$! 5:! *&:9&0-!!
IF$%$)(%$V! '$! %$+(33$01! M65+&02! 51,! 501! 1$#$6(M&02! 5! 1&,:%&+:S,M$+&)&+! 35%9$:&02!

"0$! 9$7! )&01&02! :F5:! $3$%2$1! )%(3! :F$! ,:@17! '5,! ,&20&)&+50:! 1&,,5:&,)5+:&(0! '&:F! :F$!
&3M%(#&02! :F$! b@56&:7! 501! ,$6$+:&(0! ()! 3$%+F501&,$! 501! &3M%(#&02! +@,:(3$%! ,$%#&+$-! ! E0!
M5%:&+@65%V! '$! )(@01! 5! ,&20&)&+50:! 0@3^$%! ()! +(3M65&0:,! %$65:$1! :(! :F$! 65+9! ()! 5! %$:@%0!
M(6&+7-! ! `$'! a(%9! ?&:7! (%1&050+$! %$b@&%$,! :F5:! 3$%+F50:,! 1&,+6(,$! :F$&%! %$:@%0! M(6&+7! :(!
3500$%! &0! 'F&+F! :F$! M@%+F5,$! '5,! M5&1-! ! *4JE;! ,F(@61! &0)(%3e%$3&01! &:,! 3$%+F50:,! ()!

Q$! ^$6&$#$! :F5:! :5%2$:$1! %$:5&6! %$+%@&:3$0:! $))(%:,! +50! 359$! 5! ,&20&)&+50:! 1&))$%$0+$! 56(02!
*&:9&0-! ! g('$#$%! '$! 5%$! +(20&Z50:! :F5:! $))(%:,! :(! &3M%(#$! :$050:! 3&K! )566! @01$%! 6(02S:$%3!
(^B$+:&#$,! ^$+5@,$! ()! :F$! 6(02$%! 6$51S:&3$! 501! 6$#$6! ()! (%250&Z5:&(056! +5M5+&:7! %$b@&%$1! :(!
&,! M%$M5%$1! :(! 3(#$! 5F$51! '&:F! 5! M650! )(%! :5%2$:$1! %$:5&6! %$+%@&:3$0:% W&-$-V! &1$0:&)7! '&66&02!

August 2010 — 57 —
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


>(-)+ K+ b+ A*)(&5+ 7))-(')&"%C+ >$-,$*+ *()&%2+ (%1+ 1-&%3&%2+ *,)(;5&,4#*%),+ 0&-,)6+ + IF$%$! &,!

:$050:! 3&K! ,F(@61! 56,(! &0+6@1$! )&01&02! 501! 1$#$6(M&02! $0:$%:5&03$0:! (M:&(0,! 56(02! :F$!

QF&6$! 35B(%! ,:%$$:,+5M$! &3M%(#$3$0:,! 357! 0(:! ^$! #&5^6$! 5:! :F&,! :&3$V! :F$! *4JE;! ,F(@61!
)@01&02! :(! 1$#$6(M! 5! +(3M%$F$0,&#$! ,:%$$:,+5M$! &3M%(#$3$0:! M650-!

— 58 — August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report


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• *,$52601(5!/0107!G#&%(!.!G#'(!CF4($521&)(%!

August 2010
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Tell us what you want on Pitkin Avenue.


1. In what zip code do you live?

2. The Pitkin Avenue Business Improvement District is working on programs aimed at

revitalizing and/or improving Pitkin Avenue. Please rate the importance of accomplishing VERY SOMEWHAT NOT
the following on Pitkin Avenue: Important Important Important
a. Create local job opportunities ! ! !
b. Improve the appearance of storefronts and building façades ! ! !
c. Attract new retail businesses to Pitkin Avenue ! ! !
d. Attract more full service, sit-down restaurants to Pitkin Avenue ! ! !
e. Attract more fast food (counter service) eating places to Pitkin Avenue ! ! !
f. Focus efforts on retaining existing businesses ! ! !
g. Attract more shoppers to Pitkin Avenue ! ! !
h. Provide trees, planters, etc. along Pitkin Avenue ! ! !
i. Provide benches, trash cans, and other amenities along Pitkin Avenue ! ! !
j. Improve lighting and sidewalk/storefront illumination along Pitkin Avenue ! ! !
k. Provide more public parking spaces on/near Pitkin Avenue ! ! !
l. Make no changes. Pitkin Avenue is fine the way it is. ! Agree ! Disagree
We’d like to know which new businesses would make you want to shop on Pitkin Avenue more often. Please name…
4. TWO restaurants or types of eating and drinking places that you’d like to have on Pitkin Avenue:

a. b.

5. TWO retail stores or types of businesses that you’d like to have on Pitkin Avenue:

a. b.

6. Thinking of your children’s interests, please name TWO retail stores or types of activities that you’d like offered on Pitkin Ave:

a. b.

7. Please name TWO entertainment or leisure activities (other than those for children) you’d like offered on Pitkin Avenue:

a. b.

8. Besides stores, restaurants and entertainment, what OTHER CHANGES would make Pitkin Ave. more appealing to you?

a. b.

9. What types of goods or services are most limited or difficult to find in the area?

a. b.

10. If the businesses on Pitkin Avenue stayed open late one evening EACH MONTH
as part of a planned “shopping event”, would you take advantage of that event? ! ! !

Copyright 2010 JGSC Group, LLC / Community Insights™ Please continue !


11. What is the BEST feature of Pitkin Avenue?

12. What is the WORST aspect of Pitkin Avenue?

13. Would you shop Pitkin Avenue more often if it offered more of the following
types of stores, merchandise or services?
a. Full service, sit-down restaurants !! !! !!
b. Outdoor dining / sidewalk cafés !! !! !!
c. Salads / soups !! !! !!
d. Taverns / brew pubs / sports bars !! !! !!
e. Clothing (Juniors, Misses, Women) !! !! !!
f. Clothing (Men, Young Men) !! !! !!
g. Clothing (Children) !! !! !!
h. Footwear !! !! !!
i. Uniforms, work wear !! !! !!
j. Jewelry, watches !! !! !!
k. Books, magazines !! !! !!
l. Musical instruments & supplies !! !! !!
m. Computers, printers, software, supplies !! !! !!
n. General electronics !! !! !!
o. Housewares / home goods / home décor !! !! !!
p. Major appliances !! !! !!
q. Televisions, audio, video equipment !! !! !!
r. Mattresses, beds, futons !! !! !!
s. Bicycles & related merchandise !! !! !!
t. Sporting goods and equipment !! !! !!
u. Gifts, greeting cards !! !! !!
v. Office / school supplies !! !! !!
w. Toys, games, hobbies !! !! !!
x. Bakeries, patisseries !! !! !!
y. Butcher shops, meat & poultry markets !! !! !!
z. Fish / seafood markets !! !! !!
aa. Fresh produce markets !! !! !!
bb. Specialty foods markets (ethnic, gourmet, health food) !! !! !!
cc. Liquor, wine, spirits store !! !! !!
dd. Doctors, family practice physicians !! !! !!
ee. Dentists, dental services !! !! !!
ff. Optical goods / eye care !! !! !!
gg. Pharmacy / drug store !! !! !!
hh. Vitamins / nutritional supplements !! !! !!
ii. Dance studios / instruction !! !! !!
jj. Martial arts / gymnastics instruction !! !! !!
kk. Cosmetology school / training !! !! !!
ll. Banks, financial institutions !! !! !!
mm. Computer repairs / service !! !! !!
nn. Locally-owned businesses !! !! !!

Copyright 2010 JGSC Group, LLC / Community Insights™ !"#$%#&'()*+),# !!

14. For each of the following, please rate its importance to Pitkin Avenue’s IMPORTANCE
success as a local shopping destination. [1=LOWEST; 5=HIGHEST Importance] LOWEST HIGHEST
1 2 3 4 5
a. Standard hours of operation (specific days of week and hours of day)
for all retail businesses on Pitkin Avenue !! !! !! !! !!
b. Improved level of customer service !! !! !! !! !!
c. Established merchandise return policies at stores along Pitkin Avenue !! !! !! !! !!
15. Which of the following are the PRIMARY reasons you come to Pitkin Avenue? [Check all that apply.]
[1]! Visit the stores/shops/businesses [4]! Personal business / medical appointment [7]! I work there

[2] ! Go to the eating and/or drinking places ! Meet/visit friends/family, socialize

[5] ! Other [specify]:

[3] ! Attend a community event ! I live there


16. Which of the following are the MOST important reasons that you DO NOT shop on Pitkin Avenue more often? [Check all that
[1]! Too few stores or places to shop [5]! Merchandise return policies [ 9] ! Parking
[2]! Too few eating places [6]! Poor / unsatisfactory customer service [10] ! Other [specify]:
[3]! Quality of merchandise [7]! Store hours are uncertain / inconvenient

[4]! Selection of merchandise / stores [8]! My time / limited schedule

17. During a typical MONTH, about how many times do you patronize these VISITS TYPICAL $
businesses and about how much money do you usually spend PER VISIT? PER MONTH SPENT PER VISIT

a. Restaurants or eateries in all locations

b. Restaurants or eateries along Pitkin Avenue
c. Stores or businesses on Pitkin Avenue
d. Stores or businesses at Gateway Center
e. Stores or businesses at Kings Plaza
f. Other favorite (frequent) shopping area [specify]:

18. When you come to Pitkin Avenue to shop or visit any of the businesses here, what mode of transportation do you use?
[1] ! Drive [2] ! Walk or bicycle! ! Train!
[3] ! Bus!
[4] ! Taxi or car service!

a. If you drive your car to visit stores, restaurants or businesses on Pitkin Avenue, is adequate parking available?
[1]! Always [2]! Usually [3]! Sometimes [4]! Rarely [5]! Never [6]! Don’t drive

19. Which of the following Pitkin Avenue events do you attend? [Check all that apply.]
[1]! Block parties [2]! Christmas tree lighting [3]! Fashion show [4] ! Sidewalk sales
[5]! Halloween parade [6]! Holiday sales [7]! Summer plazas


20. Please rate your sense of security… SECURE SECURE INSECURE INSECURE
a. in your home neighborhood !! !! !! !!
b. while shopping or dining along Pitkin Avenue !! !! !! !!
c. while shopping or dining at Gateway Center !! !! !! !!
d. while shopping or dining at Kings Plaza !! !! !! !!
e. while attending community events on Pitkin Avenue !! !! !! !!
f. at Zion Triangle Park !! !! !
!! !
!! !
! ! !

21. Which of the following are your PRIMARY sources for Pitkin Avenue news and events information?
[1]! Television [2]! Newsletters or other mailed materials [3]! Radio [which station?]:
[4]! Newspaper [5]! Word of mouth / recommendations by family/friends [6]! Internet [which site?]:

22. Of all the newspapers that you read, which ONE do you read MOST OFTEN?
! ! !
! ! !

23. How often do you visit the Pitkin Avenue website (www.PitkinBID.org)?
[1] ! Often [2] ! Sometimes ! Rarely
[3] [4] ! Never

Copyright 2009 JGSC Group, LLC / Community Insights™ !"#$%#&'()*+),# !!


24. What is the name of the neighborhood were you live?

25. Do you own or rent your current home? 26. What is your gender?
! Own!
[1] ! Rent!
[2] ! Female
[1] [2] ! Male
27. Which of the following represents your age group?
! Under 18
[1] [2] ! 18 to 24 ! 25 to 34
[3] ! 35 to 44
[4] ! 45 to 54
[5] [6]! 55 to 64 ! 65 or older

28. How many persons live in your household? # of Adults [18 and over]: # of Children [under 18]:

29. Which of the following best represents your ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD income?
[1]! Less than $15,000 per year [2]! $15,000 to $24,999 per year [3]! $25,000 to $34,999 per year ! $35,000 to $49,999 per year

! $50,000 to $74,999 per year

[5] ! $75,000 to $99,999 per year
[6] [7]! $100,000 or more per year
Thank you for participating!
Your responses will help us better understand what we can do to Pitkin Avenue more appealing.

Consumer Survey Results

Completed Surveys Count Margin

All Responses 241 6.4%
Shop Here (Visit 3+ times a month) 68 12.1%
Don't Shop Here (Visit 0-2 times a month) 73 11.7%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q1. Home zip code (Distance) (211) (56) (70)
11212 - 0.0 Miles 63% 66% 56%
11233 - 1.17 miles 15% 13% 17%
11207 - 1.23 miles 6% 9% 4%
11208 - 2.37 miles 3% 2% 4%
11213 - 1.27 miles 2% 4%
11206 - 3.17 miles 1% 2% 3%
11221 - 2.12 miles 1% 2%
11236 - 1.57 miles 1% 3%
11203 - 1.23 miles 1% 3%
11216 - 2.17 miles 1% 3%
11225 - 2.05 miles 1% 2%
11239 - 1.97 miles 1% 1%
11217 - 3.62 miles 0% 1%
11226 - 2.42 miles 0% 2%
11231 - 4.67 miles 0% 1%
11367 - 6.77 miles 0% 1%
11374 - 5.41 miles 0% 1%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q2. How important is it to... % Very Important (235) (67) (73)
Retain existing businesses 94% 92% 96%
Create local job opportunities 93% 95% 93%
Provide pedestrian amenities 87% 85% 83%
Improve lighting 86% 85% 86%
Attract new retail business 83% 80% 83%
Improve facade appearance 82% 89% 79%
Attract more shoppers 79% 78% 82%
Provide more parking spaces 78% 76% 79%
Attract more full service restaurants 70% 64% 72%
Provide landscaping along Pitkin 69% 72% 69%
Attract more fast food 40% 39% 39%
Do nothing. It's fine as is. (% Agree) 8% 3% 7%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q4. Restaurants that should locate on Pitkin (197) (59) (71)
Fast Food & Carry-Out 45% 56% 41%
Casual/Upscale Restaurants 36% 42% 32%
Other Eating & Drinking Places 17% 17% 15%
Seafood 17% 14% 21%
Ethnic/Regional Cuisine 12% 10% 13%
Casual/Family Restaurants 10% 10% 13%
Donut/Bagel, Ice Cream, Snack Food Shops 9% 8% 13%
Vegetarian/Health Food Eateries 8% 10% 3%

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Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q4. Restaurants that should locate on Pitkin Ave. (cont'd) (197) (59) (71)
Buffet/Cafeteria Style 6% 5% 4%
Delicatessens, Sandwich Shops 4% 7%
Taverns/Brew Pubs/Sports Bars 4% 8%
Pizzeria 3% 2% 6%
Coffee Shops/Cafés 3% 4%
Have Enough/Don't Want Any 3% 4%
Steakhouse 3% 2% 3%
Diners 2% 2% 4%
Salads, Soups 2% 5% 1%
Themed Eating Places 2% 3% 1%
Convenience Stores 1%
Outdoor Dining/Sidewalk Cafes 1% 2%
Fine Dining 1%
Independent Restaurateurs 1%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q5. Stores that should locate on Pitkin Ave. (196) (62) (69)
Discount Department Stores 24% 26% 26%
Department Stores 19% 19% 17%
Off Price/Closeout Retailers 15% 19% 19%
Clothing (Family) 13% 15% 16%
Clothing (Teens, Young Adults) 11% 13% 13%
Footwear 11% 15% 3%
Clothing ( Juniors, Misses, Women) 8% 11% 1%
Clothing (Children, Infants) 7% 3% 9%
Sporting Goods, Camping, Fitness Equipment 7% 8% 7%
Books, Magazines 5% 2% 10%
Electronics (General) 5% 6% 6%
Office Supplies & Stationery 5% 3% 10%
Clothing (NEC) 4% 3% 3%
Health/Gourmet Foods 4% 6%
Banks, Financial Institutions 3% 4%
Grocery Stores/Supermarkets 3% 6% 1%
Housewares/Home Goods/Home Décor 3% 3% 4%
Warehouse Clubs/Mass Merchandisers 3%
Hardware, Tools 2% 5% 1%
Other Apparel & Accessories 2% 2% 1%
Art & Craft Supplies 2%
Bakeries & Patisseries 2% 2% 1%
Cell Phones, Pagers 2% 3%
Hair/Beauty Supplies, Cosmetics 2% 2% 3%
Home Improvement & Lumber 2% 3%
Mall/Strip Mall 2% 3%
Pharmacy/Drug Store 2% 3%
Shoe Repair 2% 2% 3%
Toys, Games, Hobbies 2%
Fish/Seafood Markets 1%
Furniture 1% 1%

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Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q5. Stores that should locate on Pitkin Ave. (cont'd) (196) (62) (69)
Have Enough/Don't Want Any 1% 1%
Health Clubs, Gyms, Fitness Centers 1%
Jewelry, Watches 1% 3%
Pets & Supplies 1% 1%
Realtors 1% 2%
Accessories 1% 1%
All Other Services 1% 1%
Butcher Shops, Meat & Poultry Markets 1%
Candy/Nut Shops, Confectioners 1%
Caterers, Banquet Facilities 1% 2%
CDs, DVDs, Videos, Records (Purchase) 1%
Clothing (Men, Young Men) 1% 2%
Coffee Shops/Cafés 1% 1%
Computers, Printers, Software, Supplies 1% 2%
Donut/Bagel, Ice Cream, Snack Food Shops 1%
Dry Cleaners, Laundromats 1%
Fabrics, Sewing & Needlework 1%
Florists, Gift Bakets, Balloons 1% 2%
Fresh Produce Markets 1% 2%
Gas Stations 1% 1%
Gifts, Greeting Cards 1% 1%
Movie, Video Game Rental 1% 2%
Other Store Categories 1% 1%
Specialty Boutiques 1% 1%
Thrift/Consighment/Used Merchandise 1%
Variety Store/General Mdse. 1%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q6. Kids' stores & activities that should be on Pitkin Ave. (175) (57) (65)
Clothing (Children, Infants) 33% 37% 26%
Themed Eating Places 21% 23% 25%
Sports Center, Batting Cages, Mini Golf, Funplex 15% 7% 18%
Parks & Playgrounds 11% 9% 12%
Arcades, Billiards, Bowling 9% 9% 14%
Other Arts, Entertainment, Amusement 8% 5% 14%
Clothing (Family) 7% 9% 8%
Recreation/Community Centers 7% 14% 8%
Books, Magazines 7% 4% 8%
Toys, Games, Hobbies 5% 7% 3%
Skating (roller/ice/board) Facility 5% 4% 6%
Movie Theater 3% 4% 3%
Fast Food & Carry-Out 3% 4%
Footwear 3% 4%
Martial Arts, Gymnastics Instructions 3% 5% 3%
Other Recreation & Sports 3% 6%
Baby Products & Furniture 2% 2% 2%
Child Care, Preschool 2% 4% 3%
Sporting Goods, Camping, Fitness Equipment 2% 2% 2%

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Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q6. Kids' stores & activities that should be on Pitkin Ave. (cont'd) (175) (57) (65)
Dance Studios/Instructions 2% 2% 3%
Health Clubs, Gyms, Fitness Centers 2% 5%
Other Specailty Retail & Services 2% 2% 2%
Schools 2% 4%
Clothing ( Juniors, Misses, Women) 1% 2%
Department Stores 1% 2%
Off Price/Closeout Retailers 1% 2%
Party Supplies 1% 3%
Beauty Salons, Day Spas 1% 2%
Candy/Nut Shops, Confectioners 1% 2%
Caterers, Banquet Facilities 1% 2%
Community Activities/Events 1% 2%
Discount Department Stores 1% 2%
Family/General Practice Physicians 1% 2%
Grocery Stores/Supermarkets 1%
Live Theater, Performing Arts 1% 2%
Musical Instruments & Supplies 1% 2%
Other Apparel & Accessories 1%
Other Health & Medical 1%
Pets & Supplies 1% 2%
Variety Store/General Mdse. 1% 2%
Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements 1% 2%
Warehouse Clubs/Mass Merchandisers 1% 2%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q7. Entertainment/leisure activities wanted on Pitkin Ave. (180) (54) (67)
Movie Theater 47% 46% 49%
Arcades, Billiards, Bowling 29% 30% 36%
Books, Magazines 10% 9% 13%
Nightclubs, Comedy Clubs 9% 9% 7%
Sports Center, Batting Cages, Mini Golf, Funplex 8% 9% 7%
Themed Eating Places 7% 4% 9%
Other Arts, Entertainment, Amusement 7% 6% 3%
Health Clubs, Gyms, Fitness Centers 6% 9% 3%
Dance Studios/Instructions 5% 10%
Taverns/Brew Pubs/Sports Bars 4% 4% 9%
Parks & Playgrounds 4% 4% 4%
Live Theater, Performing Arts 3% 2% 1%
Skating (roller/ice/board) Facility 3% 6%
Beauty Salons, Day Spas 3% 6% 3%
Other Recreation & Sports 3% 4%
Coffee Shops/Cafés 2% 4% 3%
Community Activities/Events 2% 4%
Movie, Video Game Rental 2% 2% 1%
Art studios, galleries, musums 2% 2% 1%
Recreation/Community Centers 2% 4% 1%
CDs, DVDs, Videos, Records (Purchase) 1%
Concert/Live Band Venue 1% 2% 1%

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Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q7. Entertainment/leisure activities wanted on Pitkin Ave. (cont'd) (180) (54) (67)
Electronics (General) 1% 2% 1%
Have Enough/Don't Want Any 1% 3%
Lawn/Garden Supplies/Equipment 1% 1%
Mall/Strip Mall 1% 2% 1%
Martial Arts, Gymnastics Instructions 1% 1%
Safety/Security 1% 1%
All Other Services 1% 1%
Art & Craft Supplies 1%
Casual/Family Restaurants 1%
Casual/Upscale Restaurants 1% 2%
Department Stores 1% 2%
Fabrics, Sewing & Needlework 1% 2%
Health/Gourmet Foods 1% 2%
Home Improvement & Lumber 1% 2%
Musical Instruments & Supplies 1%
Office Supplies & Stationery 1%
Other Eating & Drinking Places 1%
Public Amenities/Facilities 1%
Retail Mix/Merchandise/District 1% 2%
Seafood 1%
Sporting Goods, Camping, Fitness Equipment 1%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q8. Other changes that should be made to Pitkin Ave. (163) (50) (63)
Safety/Security 23% 22% 22%
Aesthetics/Appearance 21% 22% 29%
Public Amenities/Facilities 11% 10% 10%
Landscaping/Trees/Greenery 10% 12% 14%
Parking 7% 10% 11%
Movie Theater 7% 4% 2%
Retail Mix/Merchandise/District 7% 4% 8%
Building Facades/Storefronts 4% 6% 6%
Parks & Playgrounds 4% 6%
Streets/Roads/Traffic 4% 10%
Atmosphere/Appeal/Attitudes 3% 3%
Banks, Financial Institutions 3% 6%
Jobs/Job Training Programs 3% 4% 2%
Mall/Strip Mall 3% 6% 2%
Public Transportation 3% 8%
Arts, Entertainment, Amusement 2% 6%
Business/restr. Hours 2% 2% 5%
Community Activities/Events 2% 2% 3%
Dance Studios/Instructions 2% 2% 2%
Recreation/Community Centers 2% 2%
Books, Magazines 2% 2%
Fresh Produce Markets 2% 2% 3%
Recreation & SportsNEC 2% 2% 2%
Beauty Salons, Day Spas 1% 2%

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Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q8. Other changes that should be made to Pitkin Ave. (cont'd) (163) (50) (63)
Blight/Vacancies/Run Down 1% 2%
Child Care, Preschool 1%
Clothing (NEC) 1% 2%
Eating & Drinking Places NEC 1% 2%
Ethnic/Cultural/Diversity 1% 2%
Footwear 1% 3%
Grocery Stores/Supermarkets 1% 3%
Live Theater, Performing Arts 1%
Loitering 1% 2%
Market/Promote Area 1% 2%
Outdoor Dining/Sidewalk Cafes 1% 4%
Photography & Portraiture 1% 2%
Streetscapes/Hardscapes 1% 4%
Arcades, Billiards, Bowling 1% 2%
Art & Craft Supplies 1% 2%
Bakeries & Patisseries 1% 2%
Barber Shops 1% 2%
Bike/Walking/Jogging Paths 1% 2%
Butcher Shops, Meat & Poultry Markets 1%
Casual/Family Restaurants 1% 2%
Casual/Upscale Restaurants 1% 2%
CDs, DVDs, Videos, Records (Purchase) 1%
Coffee Shops/Cafés 1% 2%
Computers, Printers, Software, Supplies 1% 2%
Concert/Live Band Venue 1% 2%
Dentists, Dental Services/Clinics 1% 2%
Donut/Bagel, Ice Cream, Snack Food Shops 1% 2%
Electronics (General) 1% 2%
Family/General Practice Physicians 1% 2%
Farm Market 1% 2%
Health/Gourmet Foods 1%
Home Improvement & Lawn/Garden NEC 1%
Musical Instruments & Supplies 1%
Nail Salons, Manicures, Pedicures 1%
Nightclubs, Comedy Clubs 1%
Progress/Improvements 1% 2%
Specialty Retail & Services NEC 1%
Travel Agent 1%
Video Games (Purchase) 1% 2%
Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements 1% 2%

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Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q9. Difficult-to-find goods on Pitkin Ave. (173) (55) (67)
Fresh Produce Markets 16% 15% 15%
Books, Magazines 10% 16% 6%
All Other Services 9% 5% 3%
Eating & Drinking Places NEC 8% 7% 9%
Banks, Financial Institutions 6% 5% 9%
Health/Gourmet Foods 6% 5% 4%
Office Supplies & Stationery 6% 4% 9%
Butcher Shops, Meat & Poultry Markets 5% 5% 4%
Fish/Seafood Markets 5% 5% 4%
Clothing (NEC) 5% 7% 3%
Footwear 5% 4% 3%
Hardware, Tools 4% 5% 4%
Public Transportation 4% 7% 4%
Arts, Entertainment, Amusement NEC 3% 9%
Florists, Gift Bakets, Balloons 3% 2% 6%
Parking 3% 2% 6%
Shoe Repair 3% 2% 3%
Grocery Stores/Supermarkets 3% 2% 6%
Movie Theater 3% 5% 3%
Public Amenities/Facilities 3% 4% 3%
Casual/Upscale Restaurants 2% 2% 3%
Clothing ( Juniors, Misses, Women) 2% 2% 3%
Computers, Printers, Software, Supplies 2% 3%
Fast Food & Carry-Out 2% 4% 3%
Sporting Goods, Camping, Fitness Equipment 2% 4%
Warehouse Clubs/Mass Merchandisers 2% 2% 3%
Bakeries & Patisseries 2% 3%
Cell Phones, Pagers 2% 1%
Clothing (Children, Infants) 2% 3%
Community Activities/Events 2% 5%
Dentists, Dental Services/Clinics 2% 2% 3%
Discount Department Stores 2% 4%
Employment Agencies/Services 2% 4% 1%
Health & Medical NEC 2% 2% 1%
Pharmacy/Drug Store 2% 1%
Apparel & Accessories NEC 1% 1%
Art & Craft Supplies 1% 2%
Buffet/Cafeteria Style 1% 1%
Candy/Nut Shops, Confectioners 1% 2%
Child Care, Preschool 1% 2% 1%
Dry Cleaners, Laundromats 1% 1%
Electronics (General) 1% 2% 1%
Gas Stations 1% 2%
Gifts, Greeting Cards 1% 2%
Home Improvement & Lumber 1% 1%
Housewares/Home Goods/Home Décor 1% 2%
Mall/Strip Mall 1% 4%
Martial Arts, Gymnastics Instructions 1% 2%

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Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q9. Difficult-to-find goods on Pitkin Ave. (cont'd) (173) (55) (67)
Nail Salons, Manicures, Pedicures 1% 1%
Parks & Playgrounds 1% 3%
Printing/Copying/Shipping Services 1% 1%
Safety/Security 1%
Sports Center, Batting Cages, Mini Golf, Funplex 1% 2%
Travel Agent 1% 1%
Vegetarian/Health Food Eateries 1% 2% 1%
Arcades, Billiards, Bowling 1% 2%
Auto Parts/Accessories 1% 1%
Auto Repairs, Body Shop 1%
Beauty Salons, Day Spas 1% 1%
Bridal, Formal, Special Occasion 1%
Car Wash/Detailer 1% 1%
Check Cashing Agencies 1%
Clothing (Men, Young Men) 1%
Clothing (Teens, Young Adults) 1%
Coffee Shops/Cafés 1%
Computer Service/Repair 1% 1%
Computers & Electronics NEC 1% 2%
Convenience Stores 1%
Dance Studios/Instructions 1% 1%
Department Stores 1% 2%
Donut/Bagel, Ice Cream, Snack Food Shops 1% 2%
Ethnic/Regional Cuisine 1% 2%
Fabrics, Sewing & Needlework 1% 2%
Family/General Practice Physicians 1% 1%
Farm Market 1%
Food & Beverages NEC 1% 1%
Hair/Beauty Supplies, Cosmetics 1% 1%
Housing Stock 1% 2%
Lawn/Garden Supplies/Equipment 1% 1%
Lawyer, Legal Services 1%
Musical Instruments & Supplies 1% 2%
Pets & Supplies 1% 2%
Realtors 1%
Recreation & Sports NEC 1% 1%
Retail Mix/Merchandise/District 1%
Specailty Retail & Services NEC 1% 1%
Tailors, Dressmakers & Alterations 1% 2%
Toys, Games, Hobbies 1% 1%
Variety Store/General Mdse. 1% 1%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q10. Would visit Pitkin Ave for late night shopping event (226) (66) (72)
Yes 69% 74% 75%
Maybe 27% 23% 24%
No 4% 3% 1%

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Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q11. Best feature of Pitkin Ave. (146) (52) (55)
Retail Mix/Merchandise/District 34% 42% 33%
Specific Building/Location/Asset 21% 23% 18%
Access/Location/Proximity 13% 13% 9%
None/Nothing 12% 4% 22%
Atmosphere/Appeal/Attitudes 4% 2% 5%
Ethnic/Cultural/Diversity 3% 2% 5%
Public Transportation 3% 2% 4%
Safety/Security 2% 2% 2%
Aesthetics/Appearance 1% 2%
Architecture/History 1% 2%
Building Facades/Storefronts 1% 2%
Business/restr. Hours 1% 2%
Progress/Improvements 1%
All Others 4% 2% 2%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q12. Worst feature of Pitkin Ave. (154) (49) (57)
Retail Mix/Merchandise/District 24% 16% 33%
Safety/Security 17% 24% 10%
Aesthetics/Appearance 15% 12% 16%
Specific Building/Location/Asset 8% 12% 5%
Loitering 7% 12% 3%
Parking 6% 4% 9%
Streets/Roads/Traffic 5% 6% 7%
Blight/Vacancies/Run Down 5% 8% 2%
Jobs/Job Training Programs 2% 2%
Atmosphere/Appeal/Attitudes 1% 2%
Building Facades/Storefronts 1% 2%
Business/restr. Hours 1% 2%
None/Nothing 1% 2%
Walkability 1% 2%
Ethnic/Cultural/Diversity 1% 2%
Everything 1% 2%
Housing Stock 1% 2%
Politics/Political Atmosphere 1% 2%
Public Transportation 1%
All Others 1%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q13. Would visit Pitkin Ave more for... (% saying "Yes") (230) (68) (72)
Fesh produce markets 86% 85% 85%
Clothing (Juniors, Misses, Women) 83% 88% 83%
Footwear 82% 89% 79%
Full service, sit-down restaurants 82% 86% 83%
Fish / seafood markets 81% 79% 79%
Banks, financial institutions 81% 79% 81%
Clothing (Children) 80% 83% 83%

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Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q13. Would visit Pitkin Ave more for... (cont'd) (230) (68) (72)
Specialty food markets (ethnic, gourmet, health food) 79% 80% 83%
Bakeries, patisseries 79% 81% 73%
Computers, Printers, Software, Supplies 77% 72% 77%
Office / school supplies 77% 77% 75%
Housewares/Home Goods/Home Décor 76% 75% 75%
Vitamins / nutritional supplements 76% 74% 74%
Butcher Shops, Meat & Poultry Markets 76% 75% 72%
Clothing (Men, Young Men) 76% 78% 78%
Books, magazines 74% 72% 73%
Gifts, greeting cards 74% 69% 77%
Pharmacy / drug store 73% 66% 71%
Televisions, audio, video equipment 72% 75% 71%
Optical goods / eye care 72% 73% 68%
General electronics 72% 74% 76%
Locally-owned businesses 72% 69% 68%
Toys, Games, Hobbies 72% 75% 69%
Martial arts / gymnastics instruction 72% 77% 65%
Computer repairs / service 71% 67% 76%
Dentists, Dental Services/Clinics 71% 71% 68%
Dance studios / instruction 70% 66% 68%
Major appliances 70% 71% 68%
Doctors, family practice physicians 69% 69% 66%
Sporting goods and equipment 68% 66% 66%
Salads / soups 65% 66% 60%
Mattresses, beds, futons 64% 59% 61%
Jewelry, watches 63% 65% 60%
Uniforms, work wear 63% 65% 57%
Outdoor dining / sidewalk cafes 62% 66% 63%
Cosmetology school / training 62% 63% 53%
Bicycles & related merchandise 61% 63% 57%
Musical Instruments & Supplies 57% 51% 51%
Taverns / brew pubs / sports bars 49% 48% 56%
Liquor, wine, spirits store 41% 35% 35%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q14. Importance to success of Pitkin Ave. [1=Low, 5=High] (227) (66) (72)
Standard hours of operation 3.8 3.82 3.87
Improved level of customer service 4.1 4.17 4.22
Merchandise return policies 3.9 3.73 4.17

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Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q15. Primary reasons to visit Pitkin Ave. (228) (68) (72)
Visit the stores/shops/businesses 65% 79% 63%
I live there 40% 41% 32%
Go to the eating and/or drinking places 25% 28% 17%
Meet/visit friends/family, socialize 21% 26% 17%
Personal business/medical appointment 20% 21% 24%
I work there 14% 16% 11%
Attend a community event 13% 13% 7%
Other reason 9% 10% 13%
All Shoppers Non-Shoppers
Specified "other reason" (17) (6) (7)
gym 1% 1% 3%
shopping 1% 3%
location 1% 1% 1%
walk 1% 1%
banking 0% 1%
church 0%
Community Meeting (i.e. Community Board 16) 0% 1%
not many other choices 0% 1%
only for emergency needs 0% 1%
spouse works there 0% 1%
transfer to a bus 0%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q16. Most important reasons to NOT shop on Pitkin Ave. (217) (60) (72)
Quality of Merchandise 52% 48% 58%
Selection of merchandise/stores 48% 48% 56%
Too few stores or places to shop 48% 50% 53%
Parking 44% 35% 43%
Poor/unsatisfactory customer service 43% 45% 47%
Too few eating places 40% 35% 44%
Merchandise return policies 39% 48% 39%
Store hours are uncertain/inconvenient 32% 35% 32%
My time/limited schedule 18% 27% 21%
Other (specify) 8% 5% 14%
All Shoppers Non-Shoppers
Specified "other" reason (14) (4) (7)
always shop there 0% 1%
no public restrooms 0% 1%
no variety 2% 1% 3%
people 0%
safety 2% 3% 4%
too far 0% 1%

07/12/10 Page 11 of 16
Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q17. Monthly visits & expenditures (171) (68) (73)
Dining at any location: visits 5.4 6.0 3.9
Dining on Pitkin Ave: visits 3.1 4.2 1.4
Percent that don't dine on Pitkin Ave 33% 27% 40%

Shopping at Gateway Center: visits 3.7 3.6 3.4

Shopping at King's Plaza: visits 3.1 3.5 2.9
Shopping at other area: visits 4.4 5.2 3.8
Shopping on Pitkin Ave: visits 3.6 6.2 1.3
Percent that don't shop on Pitkin Ave 9% 16%

Dining at any location: spending $56.13 $57.72 $56.30

Dining on Pitkin Ave: spending $16.95 $17.33 $12.57

Shopping at Gateway Center: spending $155.06 $131.16 $166.16

Shopping at Kings Plaza: spending $102.55 $100.07 $97.62
Shopping at other area: spending $162.56 $182.33 $146.39
Shopping on Pitkin Ave: spending $66.04 $75.98 $49.78
All Shoppers Non-Shoppers
Specify "other shopping area" (49) (18) (23)
downtown Brooklyn 4% 9% 3%
34th St 2% 1% 4%
Atlantic Mall 2% 4% 3%
Fulton Mall 2% 1% 3%
Atlas 1% 1%
Flatbush Ave. 1% 1% 1%
Green Acres Mall 1% 1% 1%
Manhattan 1% 1%
Myrtle Ave 1% 1%
city 0% 1%
Cityline 0% 1%
Dollar Tree 0%
Downtown Court 0% 1%
Downtown Fulton Street 0% 1%
Downtown/Atlantic Mall 0%
Dress Barn 0% 1%
Kings Plaza 0% 1%
Macys 0% 1%
New Jersey 0% 1%
NJ outlets 0% 1%
outlets 0% 1%
Roosevelt 0% 1%
Staten Island Mall 0% 1%
Target 0% 1%
upstate NY 0% 1%

07/12/10 Page 12 of 16
Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q18. Mode of transportation to Pitkin Ave. (232) (67) (73)
Walk or bicycle 59% 67% 58%
Bus 38% 36% 29%
Drive 35% 27% 41%
Taxi or car service 10% 7% 7%
Train 7% 7% 5%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q18a. Parking availability (137) (38) (55)
Always 5% 7%
Usually 4% 5%
Sometimes 21% 21% 20%
Rarely 26% 21% 29%
Never 18% 24% 15%
Don't drive 26% 34% 24%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q19. Events attended on Pitkin Ave (157) (49) (45)
Holiday sales 64% 65% 67%
Sidewalk sales 40% 55% 36%
Block Party 27% 35% 22%
Christmas tree lighting 21% 18% 11%
Fashion show 16% 22% 4%
Summer plazas 14% 14% 13%
Halloween parade 10% 16% 2%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q20. Sense of security... (% answering "Very" or "Somewhat" secure) (213) (61) (72)
Home neighborhood 69% 69% 73%
Shopping or dining along Pitkin Ave 55% 63% 54%
Shopping or dining at Gateway Center 91% 89% 96%
Shopping or dining at Kings Plaza 90% 88% 92%
Attending community events on Pitkin Ave 59% 63% 63%
At Zion Triangle Park 58% 64% 54%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q20. Sense of security... (% answering "Very Insecure") (54) (18) (17)
Home neighborhood 11% 11% 6%
Shopping or dining along Pitkin Ave 11% 10% 10%
Shopping or dining at Gateway Center 3% 4%
Shopping or dining at Kings Plaza 5% 8%
Attending community events on Pitkin Ave 16% 14% 14%
At Zion Triangle Park 19% 19% 15%

07/12/10 Page 13 of 16
Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q21. Primary source of Pitkin Ave news and events info (213) (64) (68)
Word of mouth/recommendations by family/friends 71% 75% 74%
Television 25% 20% 25%
Newspaper 22% 14% 25%
Newsletters or other mailed materials 20% 19% 16%
Radio 5% 6% 3%
Internet 4% 2% 9%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q21. Radio stations, by name (3) (0) (1)
98.7 0%
WBLS 0% 1%
WWRL 1600 0%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q21. Web sites, by name (2) (0) (2)
Brooklyn Ink 0% 1%
Pitkin Ave Bid 0% 1%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q22. Favorite newspaper (186) (60) (68)
Daily News 69% 75% 71%
New York Times 11% 8% 12%
New York Post 10% 5% 10%
none 2% 3% 1%
AM News 2% 2% 1%
AM NY 1% 1%
Amsterdam 1% 1%
Canarsie Digest 1%
Caribbean Life 1%
Caribbean Times 1% 2%
Daily Post 1%
El Diario 1% 2%
Final Call 1% 2%
free papers 1% 1%
Our Time Press 1% 2%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q23. How often respondent visits Pitkin Ave BID website (227) (66) (73)
Often 7% 5% 5%
Sometimes 7% 6% 8%
Rarely 15% 15% 16%
Never 71% 74% 70%

07/12/10 Page 14 of 16
Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q24. Name of respondent's neighborhood (209) (58) (68)
Brownsville 53% 48% 54%
East New York 9% 14% 6%
Ocean Hill 6% 7% 4%
Bedford Stuyvesant 4% 6%
Canarsie 4% 3% 6%
Bushwick 3% 2% 4%
Crown Heights 3% 7% 1%
Bristol St. 1% 1%
Brooklyn 1% 2%
Pitkin Ave 1%
Sethlow 1% 2% 1%
Sutter Ave 1% 3%
between Pitkin & Powell 0% 1%
Browns Heights 0%
Buffalo 0% 2%
Cypress Hills 0%
Downtown Brooklyn 0% 1%
E 98 0%
East Flatbush 0% 1%
Euclid Ave. 0% 1%
Flatbush 0% 2%
Flushing 0%
Glenmore House 0% 2%
Liberty Ave 0%
Linden 0% 2%
New Horizon Village 0% 2%
Prospect Heights 0%
Reed Look 0% 1%
Rego Park, NY 0% 1%
Royland Blvd 0%
Spring Creek 0% 1%
The 90s 0% 2%
The Renaissance 0% 1%
Thomas S. Boyland Street1 0% 1%
Washington Heights 0%
Watkins 0% 2%
White Park 0% 1%
Williamburg 0%
Wyona 0%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q25. Own or rent current home (220) (64) (69)
Own 26% 23% 32%
Rent 74% 77% 68%

07/12/10 Page 15 of 16
Consumer Survey Results

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q26. Respondent gender (218) (61) (67)
Female 79% 80% 75%
Male 21% 20% 25%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q27. Age group (231) (65) (72)
Under 18 6% 8% 10%
18 to 24 6% 6% 7%
25 to 34 16% 18% 15%
35 to 44 18% 18% 25%
45 to 54 20% 22% 24%
55 to 64 13% 9% 11%
65 or older 22% 18% 8%

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q28. People in household (223) (64) (71)
Adults 2.2 2.2 2.2
Children 1.9 1.8 1.8

All Shoppers Non-Shoppers

Q29. Annual household income (201) (61) (63)
Less than $15,000 20% 26% 14%
$15,000 to $24,999 21% 25% 16%
$25,000 to $34,999 15% 18% 11%
$35,000 to $49,999 18% 18% 17%
$50,000 to $74,999 12% 7% 22%
$75,000 to $99,999 10% 7% 13%
$100,000 or more 2% 6%

07/12/10 Page 16 of 16
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Site Map
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Rings: 0.25, 0.5, 1 Miles

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 1
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Market Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring
Radius: 0.25 Miles Radius: 0.5 Miles Radius: 1 Miles
2000 Total Population 9,033 37,203 141,533
2000 Group Quarters 319 1,659 3,894
2009 Total Population 9,567 39,120 150,637
2014 Total Population 9,838 40,099 155,075
2009 - 2014 Annual Rate 0.56% 0.5% 0.58%

2000 Households 3,001 11,687 47,325

2000 Average Household Size 2.9 3.04 2.91
2009 Households 3,194 12,324 50,418
2009 Average Household Size 2.89 3.04 2.91
2014 Households 3,287 12,645 51,921
2014 Average Household Size 2.89 3.04 2.91
2009 - 2014 Annual Rate 0.58% 0.52% 0.59%
2000 Families 2,205 8,451 33,751
2000 Average Family Size 3.44 3.63 3.46
2009 Families 2,313 8,785 35,494
2009 Average Family Size 3.45 3.65 3.48
2014 Families 2,366 8,955 36,330
2014 Average Family Size 3.45 3.66 3.49
2009 - 2014 Annual Rate 0.45% 0.38% 0.47%

2000 Housing Units 3,088 12,483 51,587

Owner Occupied Housing Units 5.8% 9.3% 13.6%
Renter Occupied Housing Units 90.7% 84.4% 78.2%
Vacant Housing Units 3.6% 6.3% 8.2%
2009 Housing Units 3,311 13,310 55,726
Owner Occupied Housing Units 6.6% 10.5% 15.3%
Renter Occupied Housing Units 89.9% 82.1% 75.2%
Vacant Housing Units 3.5% 7.4% 9.5%
2014 Housing Units 3,390 13,575 56,861
Owner Occupied Housing Units 7.4% 11.6% 17.1%
Renter Occupied Housing Units 89.6% 81.5% 74.2%
Vacant Housing Units 3.0% 6.9% 8.7%

Median Household Income

2000 $11,591 $13,440 $19,592
2009 $15,718 $17,799 $25,868
2014 $16,279 $18,761 $27,344
Median Home Value
2000 $151,250 $156,269 $165,596
2009 $296,154 $296,654 $319,034
2014 $355,833 $349,901 $372,074
Per Capita Income
2000 $6,656 $8,322 $10,042
2009 $9,344 $10,628 $13,028
2014 $10,223 $11,504 $13,949
Median Age
2000 23.6 24.7 27.5
2009 24.7 25.8 28.3
2014 25.2 26.4 28.7

Data Note: Household population includes persons not residing in group quarters. Average Household Size is the household population divided by total households.
Persons in families include the householder and persons related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption. Per Capita Income represents the income received
by all persons aged 15 years and over divided by total population. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census of Population and Housing. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 8
Market Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring
Radius: 0.25 Miles Radius: 0.5 Miles Radius: 1 Miles
2000 Households by Income
Household Income Base 2,940 11,848 47,569
< $15,000 57.0% 52.6% 42.8%
$15,000 - $24,999 17.6% 15.2% 15.4%
$25,000 - $34,999 8.2% 10.8% 12.0%
$35,000 - $49,999 4.5% 8.0% 11.7%
$50,000 - $74,999 6.7% 7.5% 10.6%
$75,000 - $99,999 4.3% 3.5% 4.0%
$100,000 - $149,999 1.3% 1.6% 2.4%
$150,000 - $199,999 0.3% 0.2% 0.5%
$200,000+ 0.3% 0.7% 0.5%
Average Household Income $21,432 $24,872 $29,245
2009 Households by Income
Household Income Base 3,191 12,319 50,410
< $15,000 48.1% 44.1% 35.2%
$15,000 - $24,999 16.7% 14.4% 13.5%
$25,000 - $34,999 12.4% 12.0% 11.7%
$35,000 - $49,999 7.4% 10.2% 12.8%
$50,000 - $74,999 6.2% 10.4% 14.7%
$75,000 - $99,999 4.9% 4.7% 6.8%
$100,000 - $149,999 3.2% 3.0% 3.7%
$150,000 - $199,999 0.6% 0.6% 0.9%
$200,000+ 0.4% 0.6% 0.7%
Average Household Income $27,833 $31,404 $37,741
2014 Households by Income
Household Income Base 3,284 12,638 51,913
< $15,000 46.9% 43.6% 34.7%
$15,000 - $24,999 16.9% 13.6% 12.5%
$25,000 - $34,999 10.8% 10.7% 10.0%
$35,000 - $49,999 7.7% 10.4% 13.0%
$50,000 - $74,999 7.2% 11.7% 16.3%
$75,000 - $99,999 5.5% 5.2% 7.4%
$100,000 - $149,999 3.6% 3.3% 4.0%
$150,000 - $199,999 0.8% 0.8% 1.2%
$200,000+ 0.5% 0.8% 0.9%
Average Household Income $30,437 $33,925 $40,360
2000 Owner Occupied HUs by Value
Total 184 1,190 6,965
<$50,000 4.3% 3.2% 4.5%
$50,000 - 99,999 0.0% 6.2% 9.3%
$100,000 - 149,999 44.6% 33.5% 24.7%
$150,000 - 199,999 31.0% 36.7% 31.7%
$200,000 - $299,999 20.1% 18.9% 25.1%
$300,000 - 499,999 0.0% 0.6% 3.4%
$500,000 - 999,999 0.0% 0.0% 0.6%
$1,000,000+ 0.0% 0.8% 0.6%
Average Home Value $167,608 $173,285 $181,456
2000 Specified Renter Occupied HUs by Contract Rent
Total 2,854 10,595 40,532
With Cash Rent 97.9% 98.2% 98.4%
No Cash Rent 2.1% 1.8% 1.6%
Median Rent $257 $314 $479
Average Rent $321 $372 $464

Data Note: Income represents the preceding year, expressed in current dollars. Household income includes wage and salary earnings, interest, dividends, net rents,
pensions, SSI and welfare payments, child support and alimony. Specified Renter Occupied Housing Units exclude houses on 10+ acres. Average Rent excludes units
paying no cash rent.

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census of Population and Housing. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 8
Market Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring
Radius: 0.25 Miles Radius: 0.5 Miles Radius: 1 Miles
2000 Population by Age
Total 9,034 37,200 141,534
Age 0 - 4 9.5% 9.6% 9.3%
Age 5 - 9 11.4% 11.4% 10.4%
Age 10 - 14 11.9% 11.6% 10.0%
Age 15 - 19 11.8% 10.3% 9.1%
Age 20 - 24 7.5% 7.5% 7.9%
Age 25 - 34 12.8% 12.6% 14.1%
Age 35 - 44 12.4% 13.3% 14.5%
Age 45 - 54 8.8% 9.6% 10.4%
Age 55 - 64 7.4% 7.3% 7.2%
Age 65 - 74 4.0% 4.2% 4.4%
Age 75 - 84 1.9% 2.0% 2.1%
Age 85+ 0.6% 0.6% 0.7%
Age 18+ 59.4% 60.8% 64.7%

2009 Population by Age

Total 9,571 39,118 150,635
Age 0 - 4 9.7% 9.8% 9.4%
Age 5 - 9 10.4% 10.3% 9.5%
Age 10 - 14 10.9% 10.4% 9.0%
Age 15 - 19 11.7% 10.5% 9.3%
Age 20 - 24 7.8% 8.0% 8.1%
Age 25 - 34 12.4% 12.4% 13.7%
Age 35 - 44 10.8% 11.3% 12.5%
Age 45 - 54 9.8% 10.5% 11.7%
Age 55 - 64 9.7% 9.2% 8.9%
Age 65 - 74 4.1% 4.6% 4.8%
Age 75 - 84 1.9% 2.1% 2.3%
Age 85+ 0.8% 0.8% 0.9%
Age 18+ 61.2% 62.9% 66.4%

2014 Population by Age

Total 9,839 40,100 155,073
Age 0 - 4 9.7% 9.8% 9.4%
Age 5 - 9 10.4% 10.3% 9.6%
Age 10 - 14 10.9% 10.4% 9.1%
Age 15 - 19 10.8% 9.4% 8.2%
Age 20 - 24 8.0% 8.3% 8.5%
Age 25 - 34 12.7% 13.0% 14.0%
Age 35 - 44 10.2% 10.7% 11.6%
Age 45 - 54 9.1% 9.6% 10.9%
Age 55 - 64 10.6% 10.1% 9.8%
Age 65 - 74 5.0% 5.5% 5.6%
Age 75 - 84 1.9% 2.1% 2.4%
Age 85+ 0.8% 0.9% 0.9%
Age 18+ 61.8% 63.6% 67.0%

2000 Population by Sex

Males 42.4% 43.0% 43.6%
Females 57.6% 57.0% 56.4%
2009 Population by Sex
Males 42.4% 43.1% 43.8%
Females 57.6% 56.9% 56.2%
2014 Population by Sex
Males 42.5% 43.1% 43.9%
Females 57.5% 56.9% 56.1%

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census of Population and Housing. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 8
Market Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring
Radius: 0.25 Miles Radius: 0.5 Miles Radius: 1 Miles
2000 Population by Race/Ethnicity
Total 9,033 37,204 141,532
White Alone 6.8% 5.7% 4.7%
Black Alone 79.3% 81.2% 82.1%
American Indian Alone 0.4% 0.4% 0.4%
Asian or Pacific Islander Alone 0.3% 0.6% 0.7%
Some Other Race Alone 10.4% 9.1% 8.5%
Two or More Races 2.8% 3.0% 3.5%
Hispanic Origin 22.5% 20.1% 18.2%
Diversity Index 58.8 55.0 52.5

2009 Population by Race/Ethnicity

Total 9,568 39,120 150,635
White Alone 7.0% 5.7% 4.7%
Black Alone 78.8% 80.9% 81.8%
American Indian Alone 0.3% 0.4% 0.4%
Asian or Pacific Islander Alone 0.4% 0.7% 0.8%
Some Other Race Alone 10.5% 9.1% 8.6%
Two or More Races 3.0% 3.2% 3.8%
Hispanic Origin 22.4% 19.9% 18.0%
Diversity Index 59.2 55.2 52.7

2014 Population by Race/Ethnicity

Total 9,837 40,100 155,075
White Alone 7.1% 5.8% 4.7%
Black Alone 78.4% 80.5% 81.4%
American Indian Alone 0.3% 0.4% 0.4%
Asian or Pacific Islander Alone 0.4% 0.7% 0.8%
Some Other Race Alone 10.6% 9.2% 8.7%
Two or More Races 3.1% 3.4% 4.0%
Hispanic Origin 22.6% 20.0% 18.1%
Diversity Index 59.7 55.7 53.2

2000 Population 3+ by School Enrollment

Total 8,633 35,160 134,083
Enrolled in Nursery/Preschool 3.7% 2.7% 2.7%
Enrolled in Kindergarten 2.1% 2.4% 2.3%
Enrolled in Grade 1-8 19.7% 19.8% 17.6%
Enrolled in Grade 9-12 11.8% 10.1% 9.2%
Enrolled in College 4.1% 4.7% 5.4%
Enrolled in Grad/Prof School 0.1% 0.3% 0.6%
Not Enrolled in School 58.3% 59.9% 62.3%

2009 Population 25+ by Educational Attainment

Total 4,736 19,958 82,433
Less than 9th Grade 10.6% 11.0% 10.5%
9th - 12th Grade, No Diploma 25.3% 23.6% 21.0%
High School Graduate 43.9% 40.1% 37.9%
Some College, No Degree 11.7% 13.9% 14.9%
Associate Degree 3.8% 4.1% 5.7%
Bachelor's Degree 4.2% 5.6% 7.3%
Graduate/Professional Degree 0.7% 1.7% 2.7%

Data Note: Persons of Hispanic Origin may be of any race. The Diversity Index measures the probability that two people from the same area will be from different race/
ethnic groups.

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census of Population and Housing. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 4 of 8
Market Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring
Radius: 0.25 Miles Radius: 0.5 Miles Radius: 1 Miles
2009 Population 15+ by Marital Status
Total 6,600 27,201 108,648
Never Married 53.5% 51.7% 49.5%
Married 31.1% 32.1% 35.9%
Widowed 8.1% 8.3% 6.6%
Divorced 7.3% 7.9% 8.0%

2000 Population 16+ by Employment Status

Total 5,835 24,464 97,258
In Labor Force 36.8% 42.8% 50.9%
Civilian Employed 24.4% 30.9% 39.9%
Civilian Unemployed 12.4% 11.9% 11.0%
In Armed Forces 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Not in Labor Force 63.2% 57.2% 49.1%

2009 Civilian Population 16+ in Labor Force

Civilian Employed 65.7% 72.2% 78.1%
Civilian Unemployed 34.3% 27.8% 21.9%

2014 Civilian Population 16+ in Labor Force

Civilian Employed 74.8% 80.1% 84.7%
Civilian Unemployed 25.2% 19.9% 15.3%

2000 Females 16+ by Employment Status and Age of Children

Total 3,577 14,883 57,964
Own Children < 6 Only 7.6% 6.5% 8.3%
Employed/in Armed Forces 1.8% 2.2% 3.3%
Unemployed 2.2% 1.4% 1.5%
Not in Labor Force 3.5% 2.8% 3.5%
Own Children < 6 and 6-17 Only 11.3% 10.8% 9.0%
Employed/in Armed Forces 3.1% 3.3% 3.7%
Unemployed 1.9% 1.8% 1.4%
Not in Labor Force 6.3% 5.6% 3.9%
Own Children 6-17 Only 21.3% 20.8% 19.8%
Employed/in Armed Forces 6.4% 8.8% 10.1%
Unemployed 1.9% 2.0% 2.1%
Not in Labor Force 13.0% 10.1% 7.6%
No Own Children < 18 59.8% 61.9% 62.9%
Employed/in Armed Forces 11.8% 14.7% 21.0%
Unemployed 6.4% 7.0% 6.0%
Not in Labor Force 41.7% 40.2% 35.9%

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census of Population and Housing. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 5 of 8
Market Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring
Radius: 0.25 Miles Radius: 0.5 Miles Radius: 1 Miles
2009 Employed Population 16+ by Industry
Total 1,581 8,281 42,453
Agriculture/Mining 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Construction 4.8% 3.5% 4.4%
Manufacturing 3.2% 3.6% 3.8%
Wholesale Trade 0.9% 1.4% 1.9%
Retail Trade 9.4% 9.7% 8.2%
Transportation/Utilities 8.7% 8.5% 7.9%
Information 2.4% 2.5% 2.2%
Finance/Insurance/Real Estate 7.5% 8.9% 8.0%
Services 57.6% 56.3% 57.8%
Public Administration 5.5% 5.6% 5.9%
2009 Employed Population 16+ by Occupation
Total 1,583 8,279 42,451
White Collar 46.3% 48.2% 48.1%
Management/Business/Financial 5.1% 6.6% 6.7%
Professional 11.7% 12.8% 14.6%
Sales 11.7% 10.8% 8.8%
Administrative Support 17.8% 18.0% 18.0%
Services 34.7% 35.8% 35.6%
Blue Collar 19.0% 16.0% 16.2%
Farming/Forestry/Fishing 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Construction/Extraction 5.1% 4.2% 4.6%
Installation/Maintenance/Repair 5.4% 2.8% 2.8%
Production 2.6% 2.8% 3.0%
Transportation/Material Moving 5.9% 6.3% 5.8%
2000 Workers 16+ by Means of Transportation to Work
Total 1,359 7,170 37,154
Drove Alone - Car, Truck, or Van 15.9% 18.2% 17.2%
Carpooled - Car, Truck, or Van 3.1% 5.0% 6.9%
Public Transportation 63.8% 64.9% 66.9%
Walked 15.7% 9.5% 7.1%
Other Means 0.7% 1.2% 0.7%
Worked at Home 0.8% 1.1% 1.2%
2000 Workers 16+ by Travel Time to Work
Total 1,358 7,169 37,155
Did Not Work at Home 99.2% 98.9% 98.8%
Less than 5 minutes 0.2% 1.3% 1.2%
5 to 9 minutes 4.3% 3.1% 2.6%
10 to 19 minutes 9.9% 8.7% 8.1%
20 to 24 minutes 9.4% 8.7% 7.6%
25 to 34 minutes 12.4% 15.8% 17.1%
35 to 44 minutes 11.6% 7.2% 7.5%
45 to 59 minutes 23.2% 21.5% 21.6%
60 to 89 minutes 18.6% 20.4% 22.1%
90 or more minutes 9.5% 12.2% 11.1%
Worked at Home 0.8% 1.1% 1.2%
Average Travel Time to Work (in min) 44.8 48.2 48.4
2000 Households by Vehicles Available
Total 3,041 11,800 47,560
None 80.9% 78.4% 72.6%
1 16.4% 17.4% 21.5%
2 1.7% 2.8% 4.5%
3 0.4% 0.8% 0.9%
4 0.0% 0.0% 0.1%
5+ 0.6% 0.6% 0.4%
Average Number of Vehicles Available 0.3 0.3 0.4
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census of Population and Housing. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 6 of 8
Market Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring
Radius: 0.25 Miles Radius: 0.5 Miles Radius: 1 Miles
2000 Households by Type
Total 3,001 11,688 47,324
Family Households 73.5% 72.3% 71.3%
Married-couple Family 18.2% 19.0% 22.7%
With Related Children 11.5% 11.7% 13.6%
Other Family (No Spouse) 55.2% 53.3% 48.6%
With Related Children 43.0% 41.1% 36.5%
Nonfamily Households 26.5% 27.7% 28.7%
Householder Living Alone 24.0% 25.0% 24.8%
Householder Not Living Alone 2.5% 2.7% 3.8%

Households with Related Children 54.5% 52.8% 50.1%

Households with Persons 65+ 17.6% 18.4% 17.9%

2000 Households by Size

Total 3,001 11,687 47,325
1 Person Household 24.1% 25.0% 24.8%
2 Person Household 20.7% 21.3% 23.4%
3 Person Household 20.0% 19.2% 19.9%
4 Person Household 15.7% 15.3% 14.9%
5 Person Household 10.4% 9.8% 9.2%
6 Person Household 4.4% 4.9% 4.4%
7+ Person Household 4.7% 4.6% 3.5%

2000 Households by Year Householder Moved In

Total 3,041 11,800 47,558
Moved in 1999 to March 2000 11.7% 12.8% 14.2%
Moved in 1995 to 1998 27.2% 28.6% 29.3%
Moved in 1990 to 1994 13.7% 13.8% 17.8%
Moved in 1980 to 1989 17.5% 18.5% 18.3%
Moved in 1970 to 1979 15.8% 15.0% 11.8%
Moved in 1969 or Earlier 14.1% 11.3% 8.5%
Median Year Householder Moved In 1991 1992 1993

2000 Housing Units by Units in Structure

Total 3,148 12,648 51,784
1, Detached 0.9% 1.2% 1.9%
1, Attached 3.2% 6.1% 7.0%
2 3.4% 6.7% 11.2%
3 or 4 4.3% 10.4% 20.6%
5 to 9 6.8% 7.2% 10.0%
10 to 19 8.7% 9.3% 10.0%
20+ 72.6% 58.9% 39.1%
Mobile Home 0.0% 0.0% 0.1%
Other 0.1% 0.1% 0.0%

2000 Housing Units by Year Structure Built

Total 3,123 12,654 51,793
1999 to March 2000 0.4% 0.4% 1.0%
1995 to 1998 1.2% 2.0% 2.9%
1990 to 1994 2.5% 3.5% 3.6%
1980 to 1989 5.0% 10.0% 7.8%
1970 to 1979 10.7% 12.3% 13.6%
1969 or Earlier 80.1% 71.7% 71.1%
Median Year Structure Built 1958 1961 1957

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census of Population and Housing.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 7 of 8
Market Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring
Radius: 0.25 Miles Radius: 0.5 Miles Radius: 1 Miles

Top 3 Tapestry Segments

1. High Rise Renters High Rise Renters High Rise Renters

2. City Strivers City Strivers City Strivers
3. City Commons City Commons City Commons

2009 Consumer Spending shows the amount spent on a variety of goods and services by households that reside in the market
area. Expenditures are shown by broad budget categories that are not mutually exclusive. Consumer spending does not equal
business revenue.
Apparel & Services: Total $ $2,820,942 $11,972,107 $57,017,580
Average Spent $883.20 $971.45 $1,130.90
Spending Potential Index 35 39 45
Computers & Accessories: Total $ $287,734 $1,248,349 $6,096,157
Average Spent $90.09 $101.29 $120.91
Spending Potential Index 39 44 53
Education: Total $ $1,896,548 $8,170,129 $39,882,369
Average Spent $593.78 $662.94 $791.03
Spending Potential Index 47 53 63
Entertainment/Recreation: Total $ $3,800,986 $16,657,499 $82,633,314
Average Spent $1,190.04 $1,351.63 $1,638.96
Spending Potential Index 37 42 51
Food at Home: Total $ $7,098,003 $30,252,447 $144,309,003
Average Spent $2,222.29 $2,454.76 $2,862.25
Spending Potential Index 49 54 63
Food Away from Home: Total $ $4,761,455 $20,520,660 $99,494,605
Average Spent $1,490.75 $1,665.10 $1,973.39
Spending Potential Index 45 50 59
Health Care: Total $ $4,118,107 $18,309,026 $91,660,780
Average Spent $1,289.33 $1,485.64 $1,818.02
Spending Potential Index 34 39 48
HH Furnishings & Equipment: Total $ $2,012,907 $8,894,393 $44,509,105
Average Spent $630.22 $721.71 $882.80
Spending Potential Index 29 33 41
Investments: Total $ $1,070,598 $4,982,433 $27,042,702
Average Spent $335.19 $404.29 $536.37
Spending Potential Index 23 28 37
Retail Goods: Total $ $28,408,999 $124,754,863 $618,576,877
Average Spent $8,894.49 $10,122.92 $12,268.97
Spending Potential Index 35 39 48
Shelter: Total $ $23,379,715 $100,078,348 $482,407,406
Average Spent $7,319.89 $8,120.61 $9,568.16
Spending Potential Index 47 52 61
TV/Video/Sound Equipment: Total $ $1,739,503 $7,492,510 $36,174,145
Average Spent $544.62 $607.96 $717.48
Spending Potential Index 45 50 59
Travel: Total $ $1,898,352 $8,434,632 $42,854,998
Average Spent $594.35 $684.41 $849.99
Spending Potential Index 32 37 46
Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs: Total $ $1,060,409 $4,685,331 $23,364,822
Average Spent $332.00 $380.18 $463.42
Spending Potential Index 35 41 50

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index represents the amount spent in the area relative to a national average of 100.

Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 8 of 8
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
Ranked by Households
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles
Top Twenty Tapestry Segments
Tapestry segment descriptions can be found at http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/community-tapestry.pdf

Households U.S. Households

Cumulative Cumulative
Rank Tapestry Segment Percent Percent Percent Percent Index

1 61. High Rise Renters 85.6% 85.6% 0.7% 0.7% 12904

2 45. City Strivers 7.8% 93.4% 0.7% 1.4% 1056
3 64. City Commons 5.9% 99.3% 0.7% 2.1% 875
4 65. Social Security Set 0.6% 99.9% 0.6% 2.7% 97
5 66. Unclassified 0.1% 100.0% 0.0% 2.7% 4305
Subtotal 100.0% 2.7%

Total 100.0% 2.7% 3,668

Top Ten Tapestry Segments

Site vs. U.S.
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0

66. Unclassified

65. Social Security Set

64. City Commons U.S.

45. City Strivers

61. High Rise Renters

Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles
Tapestry Indexes by Households Tapestry Indexes by Population

Index Index
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 900010000110001200013000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000100001100012000
01 01
02 02
03 03
04 04
05 05
06 06
07 07
08 08
09 09
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27
Tapestry Segments

Tapestry Segments

28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31
32 32
33 33
34 34
35 35
36 36
37 37
38 38
39 39
40 40
41 41
42 42
43 43
44 44
45 45
46 46
47 47
48 48
49 49
50 50
51 51
52 52
53 53
54 54
55 55
56 56
57 57
58 58
59 59
60 60
61 61
62 62
63 63
64 64
65 65
66 66

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
LifeMode Groups
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles
Tapestry LifeMode Groups 2009 Households 2009 Population

Number Percent Index Number Percent Index

Total 3,194 100.0% 9,567 100.0%

L1. High Society 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

01 Top Rung 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
02 Suburban Splendor 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
03 Connoisseurs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
04 Boomburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
05 Wealthy Seaboard Suburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
06 Sophisticated Squires 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
07 Exurbanites 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L2. Upscale Avenues 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

09 Urban Chic 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
10 Pleasant-Ville 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
11 Pacific Heights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
13 In Style 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
16 Enterprising Professionals 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
17 Green Acres 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
18 Cozy and Comfortable 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L3. Metropolis 249 7.8% 149 813 8.5% 162

20 City Lights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
22 Metropolitans 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
45 City Strivers 249 7.8% 1056 813 8.5% 1059
51 Metro City Edge 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
54 Urban Rows 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
62 Modest Income Homes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L4. Solo Acts 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

08 Laptops and Lattes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
23 Trendsetters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
27 Metro Renters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
36 Old and Newcomers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
39 Young and Restless 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L5. Senior Styles 20 0.6% 5 75 0.8% 8

14 Prosperous Empty Nesters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
15 Silver and Gold 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
29 Rustbelt Retirees 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
30 Retirement Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
43 The Elders 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
49 Senior Sun Seekers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
50 Heartland Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
57 Simple Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
65 Social Security Set 20 0.6% 97 75 0.8% 167

L6. Scholars & Patriots 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

40 Military Proximity 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
55 College Towns 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
63 Dorms to Diplomas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
LifeMode Groups
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles
Tapestry LifeMode Groups 2009 Households 2009 Population

Number Percent Index Number Percent Index

Total 3,194 100.0% 9,567 100.0%

L7. High Hopes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

28 Aspiring Young Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
48 Great Expectations 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L8. Global Roots 2,733 85.6% 1046 7,983 83.4% 855

35 International Marketplace 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
38 Industrious Urban Fringe 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
44 Urban Melting Pot 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
47 Las Casas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
52 Inner City Tenants 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
58 NeWest Residents 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
60 City Dimensions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
61 High Rise Renters 2,733 85.6% 12904 7,983 83.4% 11397

L9. Family Portrait 189 5.9% 76 529 5.5% 60

12 Up and Coming Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
19 Milk and Cookies 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
21 Urban Villages 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
59 Southwestern Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
64 City Commons 189 5.9% 875 529 5.5% 757

L10. Traditional Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

24 Main Street, USA 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
32 Rustbelt Traditions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
33 Midlife Junction 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
34 Family Foundations 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L11. Factories & Farms 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

25 Salt of the Earth 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
37 Prairie Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
42 Southern Satellites 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
53 Home Town 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
56 Rural Bypasses 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L12. American Quilt 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

26 Midland Crowd 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
31 Rural Resort Dwellers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
41 Crossroads 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
46 Rooted Rural 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

66 Unclassified 3 0.1% 4305 167 1.7% 1202

Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The Index is a
comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by
segment. An index of 100 is the U.S. average. Tapestry segment descriptions can be found at http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/community-

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 4 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
Urbanization Groups
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles
Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2009 Households 2009 Population

Number Percent Index Number Percent Index

Total 3,194 100.0% 9,567 100.0%

U1. Principal Urban Centers I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

08 Laptops and Lattes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
11 Pacific Heights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
20 City Lights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
21 Urban Villages 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
23 Trendsetters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
27 Metro Renters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
35 International Marketplace 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
44 Urban Melting Pot 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U2. Principal Urban Centers II 3,191 99.9% 2118 9,400 98.3% 1766
45 City Strivers 249 7.8% 1056 813 8.5% 1059
47 Las Casas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
54 Urban Rows 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
58 NeWest Residents 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
61 High Rise Renters 2,733 85.6% 12904 7,983 83.4% 11397
64 City Commons 189 5.9% 875 529 5.5% 757
65 Social Security Set 20 0.6% 97 75 0.8% 167

U3. Metro Cities I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

01 Top Rung 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
03 Connoisseurs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
05 Wealthy Seaboard Suburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
09 Urban Chic 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
10 Pleasant-Ville 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
16 Enterprising Professionals 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
19 Milk and Cookies 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
22 Metropolitans 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U4. Metro Cities II 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

28 Aspiring Young Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
30 Retirement Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
34 Family Foundations 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
36 Old and Newcomers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
39 Young and Restless 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
52 Inner City Tenants 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
60 City Dimensions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
63 Dorms to Diplomas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U5. Urban Outskirts I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

04 Boomburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
24 Main Street, USA 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
32 Rustbelt Traditions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
38 Industrious Urban Fringe 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
48 Great Expectations 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 5 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
Urbanization Groups
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles
Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2009 Households 2009 Population

Number Percent Index Number Percent Index

Total 3,194 100.0% 9,567 100.0%

U6. Urban Outskirts II 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

51 Metro City Edge 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
55 College Towns 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
57 Simple Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
59 Southwestern Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
62 Modest Income Homes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U7. Suburban Periphery I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

02 Suburban Splendor 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
06 Sophisticated Squires 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
07 Exurbanites 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
12 Up and Coming Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
13 In Style 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
14 Prosperous Empty Nesters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
15 Silver and Gold 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U8. Suburban Periphery II 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

18 Cozy and Comfortable 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
29 Rustbelt Retirees 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
33 Midlife Junction 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
40 Military Proximity 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
43 The Elders 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
53 Home Town 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U9. Small Towns 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

41 Crossroads 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
49 Senior Sun Seekers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
50 Heartland Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U10. Rural I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

17 Green Acres 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
25 Salt of the Earth 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
26 Midland Crowd 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
31 Rural Resort Dwellers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U11. Rural II 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

37 Prairie Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
42 Southern Satellites 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
46 Rooted Rural 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
56 Rural Bypasses 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

66 Unclassified 3 0.1% 4305 167 1.7% 1202

Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the settlement density of the immediate neighborhood. The Index is a
comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by
segment. An index of 100 is the U.S. average.

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 6 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
Ranked by Households
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles
Top Twenty Tapestry Segments
Tapestry segment descriptions can be found at http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/community-tapestry.pdf

Households U.S. Households

Cumulative Cumulative
Rank Tapestry Segment Percent Percent Percent Percent Index

1 61. High Rise Renters 68.5% 68.5% 0.7% 0.7% 10337

2 45. City Strivers 19.4% 87.9% 0.7% 1.4% 2633
3 64. City Commons 9.2% 97.1% 0.7% 2.1% 1356
4 65. Social Security Set 2.8% 99.9% 0.6% 2.7% 431
5 66. Unclassified 0.0% 99.9% 0.0% 2.7% 2232
Subtotal 99.9% 2.7%

Total 99.9% 2.7% 3,664

Top Ten Tapestry Segments

Site vs. U.S.
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0

66. Unclassified

65. Social Security Set

64. City Commons U.S.

45. City Strivers

61. High Rise Renters

Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles
Tapestry Indexes by Households Tapestry Indexes by Population

Index Index
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 1000011000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
01 01
02 02
03 03
04 04
05 05
06 06
07 07
08 08
09 09
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27
Tapestry Segments

Tapestry Segments

28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31
32 32
33 33
34 34
35 35
36 36
37 37
38 38
39 39
40 40
41 41
42 42
43 43
44 44
45 45
46 46
47 47
48 48
49 49
50 50
51 51
52 52
53 53
54 54
55 55
56 56
57 57
58 58
59 59
60 60
61 61
62 62
63 63
64 64
65 65
66 66

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
LifeMode Groups
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles
Tapestry LifeMode Groups 2009 Households 2009 Population

Number Percent Index Number Percent Index

Total 12,325 100.0% 39,120 100.0%

L1. High Society 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

01 Top Rung 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
02 Suburban Splendor 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
03 Connoisseurs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
04 Boomburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
05 Wealthy Seaboard Suburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
06 Sophisticated Squires 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
07 Exurbanites 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L2. Upscale Avenues 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

09 Urban Chic 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
10 Pleasant-Ville 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
11 Pacific Heights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
13 In Style 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
16 Enterprising Professionals 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
17 Green Acres 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
18 Cozy and Comfortable 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L3. Metropolis 2,397 19.4% 371 7,102 18.2% 347

20 City Lights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
22 Metropolitans 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
45 City Strivers 2,397 19.4% 2633 7,102 18.2% 2262
51 Metro City Edge 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
54 Urban Rows 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
62 Modest Income Homes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L4. Solo Acts 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

08 Laptops and Lattes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
23 Trendsetters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
27 Metro Renters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
36 Old and Newcomers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
39 Young and Restless 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L5. Senior Styles 343 2.8% 23 730 1.9% 18

14 Prosperous Empty Nesters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
15 Silver and Gold 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
29 Rustbelt Retirees 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
30 Retirement Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
43 The Elders 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
49 Senior Sun Seekers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
50 Heartland Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
57 Simple Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
65 Social Security Set 343 2.8% 431 730 1.9% 397

L6. Scholars & Patriots 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

40 Military Proximity 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
55 College Towns 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
63 Dorms to Diplomas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
LifeMode Groups
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles
Tapestry LifeMode Groups 2009 Households 2009 Population

Number Percent Index Number Percent Index

Total 12,325 100.0% 39,120 100.0%

L7. High Hopes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

28 Aspiring Young Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
48 Great Expectations 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L8. Global Roots 8,448 68.5% 838 26,508 67.8% 695

35 International Marketplace 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
38 Industrious Urban Fringe 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
44 Urban Melting Pot 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
47 Las Casas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
52 Inner City Tenants 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
58 NeWest Residents 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
60 City Dimensions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
61 High Rise Renters 8,448 68.5% 10337 26,508 67.8% 9255

L9. Family Portrait 1,131 9.2% 117 4,599 11.8% 128

12 Up and Coming Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
19 Milk and Cookies 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
21 Urban Villages 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
59 Southwestern Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
64 City Commons 1,131 9.2% 1356 4,599 11.8% 1610

L10. Traditional Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

24 Main Street, USA 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
32 Rustbelt Traditions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
33 Midlife Junction 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
34 Family Foundations 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L11. Factories & Farms 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

25 Salt of the Earth 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
37 Prairie Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
42 Southern Satellites 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
53 Home Town 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
56 Rural Bypasses 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L12. American Quilt 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

26 Midland Crowd 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
31 Rural Resort Dwellers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
41 Crossroads 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
46 Rooted Rural 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

66 Unclassified 6 0.0% 2232 181 0.5% 319

Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The Index is a
comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by
segment. An index of 100 is the U.S. average. Tapestry segment descriptions can be found at http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/community-

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 4 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
Urbanization Groups
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles
Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2009 Households 2009 Population

Number Percent Index Number Percent Index

Total 12,325 100.0% 39,120 100.0%

U1. Principal Urban Centers I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

08 Laptops and Lattes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
11 Pacific Heights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
20 City Lights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
21 Urban Villages 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
23 Trendsetters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
27 Metro Renters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
35 International Marketplace 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
44 Urban Melting Pot 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U2. Principal Urban Centers II 12,319 100.0% 2119 38,939 99.5% 1789
45 City Strivers 2,397 19.4% 2633 7,102 18.2% 2262
47 Las Casas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
54 Urban Rows 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
58 NeWest Residents 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
61 High Rise Renters 8,448 68.5% 10337 26,508 67.8% 9255
64 City Commons 1,131 9.2% 1356 4,599 11.8% 1610
65 Social Security Set 343 2.8% 431 730 1.9% 397

U3. Metro Cities I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

01 Top Rung 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
03 Connoisseurs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
05 Wealthy Seaboard Suburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
09 Urban Chic 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
10 Pleasant-Ville 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
16 Enterprising Professionals 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
19 Milk and Cookies 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
22 Metropolitans 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U4. Metro Cities II 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

28 Aspiring Young Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
30 Retirement Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
34 Family Foundations 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
36 Old and Newcomers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
39 Young and Restless 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
52 Inner City Tenants 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
60 City Dimensions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
63 Dorms to Diplomas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U5. Urban Outskirts I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

04 Boomburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
24 Main Street, USA 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
32 Rustbelt Traditions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
38 Industrious Urban Fringe 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
48 Great Expectations 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 5 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
Urbanization Groups
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles
Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2009 Households 2009 Population

Number Percent Index Number Percent Index

Total 12,325 100.0% 39,120 100.0%

U6. Urban Outskirts II 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

51 Metro City Edge 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
55 College Towns 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
57 Simple Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
59 Southwestern Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
62 Modest Income Homes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U7. Suburban Periphery I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

02 Suburban Splendor 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
06 Sophisticated Squires 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
07 Exurbanites 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
12 Up and Coming Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
13 In Style 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
14 Prosperous Empty Nesters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
15 Silver and Gold 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U8. Suburban Periphery II 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

18 Cozy and Comfortable 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
29 Rustbelt Retirees 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
33 Midlife Junction 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
40 Military Proximity 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
43 The Elders 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
53 Home Town 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U9. Small Towns 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

41 Crossroads 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
49 Senior Sun Seekers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
50 Heartland Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U10. Rural I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

17 Green Acres 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
25 Salt of the Earth 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
26 Midland Crowd 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
31 Rural Resort Dwellers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U11. Rural II 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

37 Prairie Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
42 Southern Satellites 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
46 Rooted Rural 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
56 Rural Bypasses 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

66 Unclassified 6 0.0% 2232 181 0.5% 319

Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the settlement density of the immediate neighborhood. The Index is a
comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by
segment. An index of 100 is the U.S. average.

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 6 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
Ranked by Households
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles
Top Twenty Tapestry Segments
Tapestry segment descriptions can be found at http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/community-tapestry.pdf

Households U.S. Households

Cumulative Cumulative
Rank Tapestry Segment Percent Percent Percent Percent Index

1 61. High Rise Renters 48.4% 48.4% 0.7% 0.7% 7300

2 45. City Strivers 38.5% 86.9% 0.7% 1.4% 5210
3 64. City Commons 9.1% 96.0% 0.7% 2.1% 1338
4 34. Family Foundations 1.8% 97.8% 0.8% 2.9% 213
5 65. Social Security Set 1.8% 99.6% 0.6% 3.5% 275
Subtotal 99.6% 3.5%

6 35. International Marketplace 0.5% 100.1% 1.3% 4.8% 35

7 66. Unclassified 0.0% 100.1% 0.0% 4.8% 1273

Total 100.1% 4.8% 2,056

Top Ten Tapestry Segments

Site vs. U.S.
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0

66. Unclassified

35. International Marketplace

65. Social Security Set

34. Family Foundations U.S.

64. City Commons

45. City Strivers

61. High Rise Renters

Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles
Tapestry Indexes by Households Tapestry Indexes by Population

Index Index
0 50010001500200025003000350040004500500055006000650070007500 0 500 1000150020002500300035004000450050005500600065007000
01 01
02 02
03 03
04 04
05 05
06 06
07 07
08 08
09 09
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27
Tapestry Segments

Tapestry Segments

28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31
32 32
33 33
34 34
35 35
36 36
37 37
38 38
39 39
40 40
41 41
42 42
43 43
44 44
45 45
46 46
47 47
48 48
49 49
50 50
51 51
52 52
53 53
54 54
55 55
56 56
57 57
58 58
59 59
60 60
61 61
62 62
63 63
64 64
65 65
66 66

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
LifeMode Groups
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles
Tapestry LifeMode Groups 2009 Households 2009 Population

Number Percent Index Number Percent Index

Total 50,418 100.0% 150,637 100.0%

L1. High Society 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

01 Top Rung 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
02 Suburban Splendor 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
03 Connoisseurs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
04 Boomburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
05 Wealthy Seaboard Suburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
06 Sophisticated Squires 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
07 Exurbanites 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L2. Upscale Avenues 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

09 Urban Chic 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
10 Pleasant-Ville 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
11 Pacific Heights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
13 In Style 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
16 Enterprising Professionals 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
17 Green Acres 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
18 Cozy and Comfortable 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L3. Metropolis 19,400 38.5% 734 58,149 38.6% 737

20 City Lights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
22 Metropolitans 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
45 City Strivers 19,400 38.5% 5210 58,149 38.6% 4811
51 Metro City Edge 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
54 Urban Rows 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
62 Modest Income Homes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L4. Solo Acts 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

08 Laptops and Lattes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
23 Trendsetters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
27 Metro Renters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
36 Old and Newcomers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
39 Young and Restless 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L5. Senior Styles 897 1.8% 14 1,383 0.9% 9

14 Prosperous Empty Nesters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
15 Silver and Gold 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
29 Rustbelt Retirees 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
30 Retirement Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
43 The Elders 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
49 Senior Sun Seekers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
50 Heartland Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
57 Simple Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
65 Social Security Set 897 1.8% 275 1,383 0.9% 195

L6. Scholars & Patriots 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

40 Military Proximity 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
55 College Towns 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
63 Dorms to Diplomas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
LifeMode Groups
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles
Tapestry LifeMode Groups 2009 Households 2009 Population

Number Percent Index Number Percent Index

Total 50,418 100.0% 150,637 100.0%

L7. High Hopes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

28 Aspiring Young Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
48 Great Expectations 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L8. Global Roots 24,635 48.9% 597 73,339 48.7% 499

35 International Marketplace 231 0.5% 35 740 0.5% 32
38 Industrious Urban Fringe 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
44 Urban Melting Pot 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
47 Las Casas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
52 Inner City Tenants 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
58 NeWest Residents 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
60 City Dimensions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
61 High Rise Renters 24,404 48.4% 7300 72,599 48.2% 6583

L9. Family Portrait 4,563 9.1% 116 15,146 10.1% 109

12 Up and Coming Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
19 Milk and Cookies 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
21 Urban Villages 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
59 Southwestern Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
64 City Commons 4,563 9.1% 1338 15,146 10.1% 1377

L10. Traditional Living 909 1.8% 21 2,414 1.6% 19

24 Main Street, USA 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
32 Rustbelt Traditions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
33 Midlife Junction 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
34 Family Foundations 909 1.8% 213 2,414 1.6% 177

L11. Factories & Farms 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

25 Salt of the Earth 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
37 Prairie Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
42 Southern Satellites 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
53 Home Town 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
56 Rural Bypasses 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

L12. American Quilt 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

26 Midland Crowd 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
31 Rural Resort Dwellers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
41 Crossroads 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
46 Rooted Rural 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

66 Unclassified 14 0.0% 1273 206 0.1% 94

Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The Index is a
comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by
segment. An index of 100 is the U.S. average. Tapestry segment descriptions can be found at http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/community-

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 4 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
Urbanization Groups
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles
Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2009 Households 2009 Population

Number Percent Index Number Percent Index

Total 50,418 100.0% 150,637 100.0%

U1. Principal Urban Centers I 231 0.5% 6 740 0.5% 6

08 Laptops and Lattes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
11 Pacific Heights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
20 City Lights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
21 Urban Villages 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
23 Trendsetters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
27 Metro Renters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
35 International Marketplace 231 0.5% 35 740 0.5% 32
44 Urban Melting Pot 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U2. Principal Urban Centers II 49,264 97.7% 2072 147,277 97.8% 1758
45 City Strivers 19,400 38.5% 5210 58,149 38.6% 4811
47 Las Casas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
54 Urban Rows 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
58 NeWest Residents 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
61 High Rise Renters 24,404 48.4% 7300 72,599 48.2% 6583
64 City Commons 4,563 9.1% 1338 15,146 10.1% 1377
65 Social Security Set 897 1.8% 275 1,383 0.9% 195

U3. Metro Cities I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

01 Top Rung 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
03 Connoisseurs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
05 Wealthy Seaboard Suburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
09 Urban Chic 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
10 Pleasant-Ville 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
16 Enterprising Professionals 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
19 Milk and Cookies 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
22 Metropolitans 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U4. Metro Cities II 909 1.8% 17 2,414 1.6% 16

28 Aspiring Young Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
30 Retirement Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
34 Family Foundations 909 1.8% 213 2,414 1.6% 177
36 Old and Newcomers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
39 Young and Restless 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
52 Inner City Tenants 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
60 City Dimensions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
63 Dorms to Diplomas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U5. Urban Outskirts I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

04 Boomburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
24 Main Street, USA 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
32 Rustbelt Traditions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
38 Industrious Urban Fringe 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
48 Great Expectations 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 5 of 6
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile
Urbanization Groups
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles
Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2009 Households 2009 Population

Number Percent Index Number Percent Index

Total 50,418 100.0% 150,637 100.0%

U6. Urban Outskirts II 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

51 Metro City Edge 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
55 College Towns 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
57 Simple Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
59 Southwestern Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
62 Modest Income Homes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U7. Suburban Periphery I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

02 Suburban Splendor 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
06 Sophisticated Squires 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
07 Exurbanites 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
12 Up and Coming Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
13 In Style 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
14 Prosperous Empty Nesters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
15 Silver and Gold 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U8. Suburban Periphery II 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

18 Cozy and Comfortable 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
29 Rustbelt Retirees 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
33 Midlife Junction 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
40 Military Proximity 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
43 The Elders 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
53 Home Town 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U9. Small Towns 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

41 Crossroads 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
49 Senior Sun Seekers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
50 Heartland Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U10. Rural I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

17 Green Acres 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
25 Salt of the Earth 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
26 Midland Crowd 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
31 Rural Resort Dwellers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

U11. Rural II 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

37 Prairie Living 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
42 Southern Satellites 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
46 Rooted Rural 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0
56 Rural Bypasses 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0

66 Unclassified 14 0.0% 1273 206 0.1% 94

Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the settlement density of the immediate neighborhood. The Index is a
comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by
segment. An index of 100 is the U.S. average.

Source: ESRI

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 6 of 6
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Demographic and Income Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles
Summary 2000 2009 2014
Population 9,033 9,567 9,838
Households 3,001 3,194 3,287
Families 2,205 2,313 2,366
Average Household Size 2.90 2.89 2.89
Owner Occupied HUs 179 218 250
Renter Occupied HUs 2,822 2,976 3,038
Median Age 23.6 24.7 25.2

Trends: 2009-2014 Annual Rate Area State National

Population 0.56% 0.15% 0.91%
Households 0.58% 0.18% 0.94%
Families 0.45% 0.01% 0.74%
Owner HHs 2.78% 1.10% 1.19%
Median Household Income 0.7% 1.19% 0.80%
2000 2009 2014
Households by Income Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
< $15,000 1,675 57.0% 1,534 48.1% 1,539 46.9%
$15,000 - $24,999 517 17.6% 532 16.7% 555 16.9%
$25,000 - $34,999 240 8.2% 396 12.4% 356 10.8%
$35,000 - $49,999 131 4.5% 237 7.4% 252 7.7%
$50,000 - $74,999 196 6.7% 199 6.2% 238 7.2%
$75,000 - $99,999 125 4.3% 157 4.9% 181 5.5%
$100,000 - $149,999 38 1.3% 103 3.2% 118 3.6%
$150,000 - $199,000 8 0.3% 20 0.6% 27 0.8%
$200,000+ 10 0.3% 13 0.4% 18 0.5%
Median Household Income $11,591 $15,718 $16,279
Average Household Income $21,432 $27,833 $30,437
Per Capita Income $6,656 $9,344 $10,223
2000 2009 2014
Population by Age Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
0-4 860 9.5% 926 9.7% 950 9.7%
5-9 1,030 11.4% 999 10.4% 1,026 10.4%
10 - 14 1,072 11.9% 1,044 10.9% 1,074 10.9%
15 - 19 1,064 11.8% 1,121 11.7% 1,062 10.8%
20 - 24 678 7.5% 743 7.8% 785 8.0%
25 - 34 1,160 12.8% 1,187 12.4% 1,252 12.7%
35 - 44 1,124 12.4% 1,035 10.8% 1,001 10.2%
45 - 54 795 8.8% 937 9.8% 892 9.1%
55 - 64 664 7.4% 926 9.7% 1,042 10.6%
65 - 74 362 4.0% 397 4.1% 489 5.0%
75 - 84 171 1.9% 183 1.9% 188 1.9%
85+ 54 0.6% 73 0.8% 78 0.8%
2000 2009 2014
Race and Ethnicity Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
White Alone 618 6.8% 667 7.0% 702 7.1%
Black Alone 7,159 79.3% 7,544 78.8% 7,716 78.4%
American Indian Alone 32 0.4% 31 0.3% 31 0.3%
Asian Alone 28 0.3% 34 0.4% 38 0.4%
Pacific Islander Alone 3 0.0% 3 0.0% 3 0.0%
Some Other Race Alone 940 10.4% 1,005 10.5% 1,045 10.6%
Two or More Races 253 2.8% 284 3.0% 302 3.1%
Hispanic Origin (Any Race) 2,031 22.5% 2,148 22.5% 2,222 22.6%
Data Note: Income is expressed in current dollars.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census of Population and Housing. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 2
Demographic and Income Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Trends 2009-2014
Annual Rate (in percent)


1.5 State


Population Households Families Owner HHs Median HH Income

Population by Age

7 2009
6 2014
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+

2009 Household Income 2009 Population by Race



$50K-74K (6.2%)
$35K-$49K (7.4%)
$75K-99K (4.9%) (3.2%)
$25K-34K (12.4%) $150-199K+ (0.6%)
$200K+ (0.4%) 40


$15K-$24K (16.7%) 20


<$15K (48.1%) 0 7
Black 0.3
Am. Ind. 0.4 0
Asian 10.5
Other 3
2009 Percent Hispanic Origin: 22.5%

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 2
Demographic and Income Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles
Summary 2000 2009 2014
Population 37,203 39,120 40,099
Households 11,687 12,324 12,645
Families 8,451 8,785 8,955
Average Household Size 3.04 3.04 3.04
Owner Occupied HUs 1,157 1,397 1,577
Renter Occupied HUs 10,530 10,927 11,068
Median Age 24.7 25.8 26.4

Trends: 2009-2014 Annual Rate Area State National

Population 0.5% 0.15% 0.91%
Households 0.52% 0.18% 0.94%
Families 0.38% 0.01% 0.74%
Owner HHs 2.45% 1.10% 1.19%
Median Household Income 1.06% 1.19% 0.80%
2000 2009 2014
Households by Income Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
< $15,000 6,229 52.6% 5,435 44.1% 5,510 43.6%
$15,000 - $24,999 1,802 15.2% 1,775 14.4% 1,722 13.6%
$25,000 - $34,999 1,275 10.8% 1,480 12.0% 1,346 10.7%
$35,000 - $49,999 948 8.0% 1,256 10.2% 1,312 10.4%
$50,000 - $74,999 890 7.5% 1,280 10.4% 1,483 11.7%
$75,000 - $99,999 410 3.5% 576 4.7% 653 5.2%
$100,000 - $149,999 193 1.6% 364 3.0% 413 3.3%
$150,000 - $199,000 20 0.2% 79 0.6% 101 0.8%
$200,000+ 81 0.7% 74 0.6% 98 0.8%
Median Household Income $13,440 $17,799 $18,761
Average Household Income $24,872 $31,404 $33,925
Per Capita Income $8,322 $10,628 $11,504
2000 2009 2014
Population by Age Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
0-4 3,586 9.6% 3,827 9.8% 3,925 9.8%
5-9 4,247 11.4% 4,019 10.3% 4,131 10.3%
10 - 14 4,308 11.6% 4,072 10.4% 4,172 10.4%
15 - 19 3,835 10.3% 4,103 10.5% 3,761 9.4%
20 - 24 2,801 7.5% 3,140 8.0% 3,328 8.3%
25 - 34 4,679 12.6% 4,865 12.4% 5,208 13.0%
35 - 44 4,944 13.3% 4,437 11.3% 4,309 10.7%
45 - 54 3,555 9.6% 4,112 10.5% 3,847 9.6%
55 - 64 2,717 7.3% 3,614 9.2% 4,032 10.1%
65 - 74 1,561 4.2% 1,795 4.6% 2,188 5.5%
75 - 84 733 2.0% 810 2.1% 852 2.1%
85+ 234 0.6% 324 0.8% 347 0.9%
2000 2009 2014
Race and Ethnicity Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
White Alone 2,118 5.7% 2,238 5.7% 2,333 5.8%
Black Alone 30,223 81.2% 31,647 80.9% 32,288 80.5%
American Indian Alone 156 0.4% 149 0.4% 149 0.4%
Asian Alone 200 0.5% 240 0.6% 265 0.7%
Pacific Islander Alone 18 0.0% 19 0.0% 19 0.0%
Some Other Race Alone 3,373 9.1% 3,567 9.1% 3,694 9.2%
Two or More Races 1,116 3.0% 1,260 3.2% 1,352 3.4%
Hispanic Origin (Any Race) 7,483 20.1% 7,800 19.9% 8,020 20.0%
Data Note: Income is expressed in current dollars.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census of Population and Housing. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 2
Demographic and Income Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Trends 2009-2014
Annual Rate (in percent)

1.4 Area
1.2 State
1 U.S.
Population Households Families Owner HHs Median HH Income

Population by Age

7 2009
6 2014
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+

2009 Household Income 2009 Population by Race



$50K-74K (10.4%) 60
$35K-$49K (10.2%)
$75K-99K (4.7%) (3.0%)
$150-199K+ (0.6%) 50
$200K+ (0.6%)
$25K-34K (12.0%)


$15K-$24K (14.4%)
<$15K (44.1%)
0 5.7
Black 0.4
Am. Ind. 0.6 0
Asian 9.1
Other 3.2
2009 Percent Hispanic Origin: 19.9%

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 2
Demographic and Income Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles
Summary 2000 2009 2014
Population 141,533 150,637 155,075
Households 47,325 50,418 51,921
Families 33,751 35,494 36,330
Average Household Size 2.91 2.91 2.91
Owner Occupied HUs 7,005 8,499 9,711
Renter Occupied HUs 40,320 41,919 42,210
Median Age 27.5 28.3 28.7

Trends: 2009-2014 Annual Rate Area State National

Population 0.58% 0.15% 0.91%
Households 0.59% 0.18% 0.94%
Families 0.47% 0.01% 0.74%
Owner HHs 2.7% 1.10% 1.19%
Median Household Income 1.12% 1.19% 0.80%
2000 2009 2014
Households by Income Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
< $15,000 20,377 42.8% 17,741 35.2% 18,018 34.7%
$15,000 - $24,999 7,331 15.4% 6,803 13.5% 6,505 12.5%
$25,000 - $34,999 5,716 12.0% 5,889 11.7% 5,196 10.0%
$35,000 - $49,999 5,557 11.7% 6,448 12.8% 6,729 13.0%
$50,000 - $74,999 5,031 10.6% 7,392 14.7% 8,455 16.3%
$75,000 - $99,999 1,903 4.0% 3,418 6.8% 3,837 7.4%
$100,000 - $149,999 1,152 2.4% 1,873 3.7% 2,089 4.0%
$150,000 - $199,000 252 0.5% 475 0.9% 605 1.2%
$200,000+ 250 0.5% 371 0.7% 479 0.9%
Median Household Income $19,592 $25,868 $27,344
Average Household Income $29,245 $37,741 $40,360
Per Capita Income $10,042 $13,028 $13,949
2000 2009 2014
Population by Age Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
0-4 13,122 9.3% 14,160 9.4% 14,506 9.4%
5-9 14,651 10.4% 14,296 9.5% 14,828 9.6%
10 - 14 14,109 10.0% 13,533 9.0% 14,051 9.1%
15 - 19 12,937 9.1% 13,949 9.3% 12,681 8.2%
20 - 24 11,141 7.9% 12,266 8.1% 13,205 8.5%
25 - 34 19,896 14.1% 20,683 13.7% 21,787 14.0%
35 - 44 20,493 14.5% 18,760 12.5% 18,057 11.6%
45 - 54 14,763 10.4% 17,572 11.7% 16,890 10.9%
55 - 64 10,186 7.2% 13,391 8.9% 15,234 9.8%
65 - 74 6,275 4.4% 7,210 4.8% 8,658 5.6%
75 - 84 3,039 2.1% 3,517 2.3% 3,734 2.4%
85+ 922 0.7% 1,298 0.9% 1,442 0.9%
2000 2009 2014
Race and Ethnicity Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
White Alone 6,718 4.7% 7,082 4.7% 7,365 4.7%
Black Alone 116,150 82.1% 123,161 81.8% 126,245 81.4%
American Indian Alone 584 0.4% 574 0.4% 574 0.4%
Asian Alone 910 0.6% 1,071 0.7% 1,178 0.8%
Pacific Islander Alone 87 0.1% 92 0.1% 92 0.1%
Some Other Race Alone 12,094 8.5% 12,958 8.6% 13,485 8.7%
Two or More Races 4,989 3.5% 5,697 3.8% 6,136 4.0%
Hispanic Origin (Any Race) 25,749 18.2% 27,145 18.0% 28,009 18.1%
Data Note: Income is expressed in current dollars.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census of Population and Housing. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 2
Demographic and Income Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Trends 2009-2014
Annual Rate (in percent)


1.5 State


Population Households Families Owner HHs Median HH Income

Population by Age

7 2009
6 2014
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+

2009 Household Income 2009 Population by Race



$50K-74K (14.7%)
$75K-99K (6.8%) 60
$100K-$149K (3.7%)
$150-199K+ (0.9%) 50
$35K-$49K (12.8%) $200K+ (0.7%)

$25K-34K (11.7%)

<$15K (35.2%) 10

$15K-$24K (13.5%) 0 4.7

Black 0.4
Am. Ind. 0.7
Asian 0.1 8.6
Other 3.8
2009 Percent Hispanic Origin: 18.0%

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 2
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Retail MarketPlace Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles
Summary Demographics
2009 Population 9,567
2009 Households 3,194
2009 Median Disposable Income $14,732
2009 Per Capita Income $9,344

Industry Summary Demand Supply Leakage/Surplus Number of

(Retail Potential) (Retail Sales) Retail Gap Factor Businesses
Total Retail Trade and Food & Drink (NAICS 44-45, 722) $33,018,776 $70,372,079 $-37,353,303 -36.1 168
Total Retail Trade (NAICS 44-45) $27,539,490 $60,612,605 $-33,073,115 -37.5 135
Total Food & Drink (NAICS 722) $5,479,286 $9,759,474 $-4,280,188 -28.1 33

Demand Supply Leakage/Surplus Number of

Industry Group (Retail Potential) (Retail Sales) Retail Gap Factor Businesses
Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers (NAICS 441) $5,203,611 $1,009,489 $4,194,122 67.5 1
Automobile Dealers (NAICS 4411) $4,558,440 $0 $4,558,440 100.0 0
Other Motor Vehicle Dealers (NAICS 4412) $173,857 $0 $173,857 100.0 0
Auto Parts, Accessories, and Tire Stores (NAICS 4413) $471,314 $1,009,489 $-538,175 -36.3 1

Furniture & Home Furnishings Stores (NAICS 442) $952,254 $7,095,700 $-6,143,446 -76.3 14
Furniture Stores (NAICS 4421) $570,701 $5,923,002 $-5,352,301 -82.4 10
Home Furnishings Stores (NAICS 4422) $381,553 $1,172,698 $-791,145 -50.9 4

Electronics & Appliance Stores (NAICS 443/NAICS 4431) $968,811 $1,352,483 $-383,672 -16.5 6

Bldg Materials, Garden Equip. & Supply Stores (NAICS 444) $785,547 $4,277,675 $-3,492,128 -69.0 3
Building Material and Supplies Dealers (NAICS 4441) $778,314 $4,277,675 $-3,499,361 -69.2 3
Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Stores (NAICS 4442) $7,233 $0 $7,233 100.0 0

Food & Beverage Stores (NAICS 445) $6,799,610 $19,898,642 $-13,099,032 -49.1 22
Grocery Stores (NAICS 4451) $5,445,593 $17,671,723 $-12,226,130 -52.9 14
Specialty Food Stores (NAICS 4452) $927,924 $1,494,026 $-566,102 -23.4 6
Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores (NAICS 4453) $426,093 $732,893 $-306,800 -26.5 2

Health & Personal Care Stores (NAICS 446/NAICS 4461) $1,477,541 $7,079,870 $-5,602,329 -65.5 12

Gasoline Stations (NAICS 447/4471) $3,601,623 $2,993,235 $608,388 9.2 2

Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores (NAICS 448) $2,116,048 $9,419,789 $-7,303,741 -63.3 40
Clothing Stores (NAICS 4481) $1,708,836 $8,226,999 $-6,518,163 -65.6 29
Shoe Stores (NAICS 4482) $238,655 $582,720 $-344,065 -41.9 5
Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Stores (NAICS 4483) $168,557 $610,070 $-441,513 -56.7 6

Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores (NAICS 451) $342,714 $1,108,316 $-765,602 -52.8 10
Sporting Goods/Hobby/Musical Instrument Stores (NAICS 4511) $184,760 $452,171 $-267,411 -42.0 6
Book, Periodical, and Music Stores (NAICS 4512) $157,954 $656,145 $-498,191 -61.2 4

Data Note: Supply (retail sales) estimates sales to consumers by establishments. Sales to businesses are excluded. Demand (retail potential) estimates the expected amount spent
by consumers at retail establishments. Supply and demand estimates are in current dollars. The Leakage/Surplus Factor presents a snapshot of retail opportunity. This is a measure
of the relationship between supply and demand that ranges from +100 (total leakage) to -100 (total surplus). A positive value represents 'leakage' of retail opportunity outside the
trade area. A negative value represents a surplus of retail sales, a market where customers are drawn in from outside the trade area. The Retail Gap represents the difference
between Retail Potential and Retail Sales. ESRI uses the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to classify businesses by their primary type of economic activity.
Retail establishments are classified into 27 industry groups in the Retail Trade sector, as well as four industry groups within the Food Services & Drinking Establishments subsector.

Source: ESRI and infoUSA®

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 3
Retail MarketPlace Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Demand Supply Leakage/Surplus Number of

Industry Group (Retail Potential) (Retail Sales) Retail Gap Factor Businesses
General Merchandise Stores (NAICS 452) $3,638,384 $5,299,138 $-1,660,754 -18.6 13
Department Stores Excluding Leased Depts.(NAICS 4521) $606,741 $1,750,087 $-1,143,346 -48.5 8
Other General Merchandise Stores (NAICS 4529) $3,031,643 $3,549,051 $-517,408 -7.9 5

Miscellaneous Store Retailers (NAICS 453) $541,190 $1,078,268 $-537,078 -33.2 12

Florists (NAICS 4531) $61,507 $117,596 $-56,089 -31.3 2
Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Stores (NAICS 4532) $227,447 $154,807 $72,640 19.0 2
Used Merchandise Stores (NAICS 4533) $22,065 $149,955 $-127,890 -74.3 3
Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (NAICS 4539) $230,171 $655,910 $-425,739 -48.0 5

Nonstore Retailers (NAICS 454) $1,112,157 $0 $1,112,157 100.0 0

Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses (NAICS 4541) $586,857 $0 $586,857 100.0 0
Vending Machine Operators (NAICS 4542) $80,297 $0 $80,297 100.0 0
Direct Selling Establishments (NAICS 4543) $445,003 $0 $445,003 100.0 0

Food Services & Drinking Places (NAICS 722) $5,479,286 $9,759,474 $-4,280,188 -28.1 33
Full-Service Restaurants (NAICS 7221) $1,986,455 $4,011,780 $-2,025,325 -33.8 20
Limited-Service Eating Places (NAICS 7222) $2,426,834 $5,747,694 $-3,320,860 -40.6 13
Special Food Services (NAICS 7223) $758,336 $0 $758,336 100.0 0
Drinking Places - Alcoholic Beverages (NAICS 7224) $307,661 $0 $307,661 100.0 0

Leakage/Surplus Factor by Industry Subsector

-60.0 -40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0

Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers

Furniture & Home Furnishings Stores

Electronics & Appliance Stores

Bldg Materials, Garden Equip. & Supply Stores

NAICS Industry Subsector

Food & Beverage Stores

Health & Personal Care Stores

Gasoline Stations

Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores

Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores

General Merchandise Stores

Miscellaneous Store Retailers

Nonstore Retailers

Food Services & Drinking Places


Source: ESRI and infoUSA®

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 3
Retail MarketPlace Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Leakage/Surplus Factor by Industry Group

-80.0 -60.0 -40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0

Automobile Dealers

Other Motor Vehicle Dealers

Auto Parts, Accessories, and Tire Stores

Furniture Stores

Home Furnishings Stores

Electronics & Appliance Stores

Building Material and Supplies Dealers

Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Stores

Grocery Stores

Specialty Food Stores

Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores

Health & Personal Care Stores

NAICS Industry Group

Gasoline Stations

Clothing Stores

Shoe Stores

Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Stores

Sporting Goods/Hobby/Musical Instrument Stores

Book, Periodical, and Music Stores

Department Stores (Excluding Leased Depts.)

Other General Merchandise Stores


Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Stores

Used Merchandise Stores

Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers

Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses

Vending Machine Operators

Direct Selling Establishments

Full-Service Restaurants

Limited-Service Eating Places

Special Food Services

Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages)


Source: ESRI and infoUSA®

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 3
Retail MarketPlace Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles
Summary Demographics
2009 Population 39,120
2009 Households 12,324
2009 Median Disposable Income $16,259
2009 Per Capita Income $10,628

Industry Summary Demand Supply Leakage/Surplus Number of

(Retail Potential) (Retail Sales) Retail Gap Factor Businesses
Total Retail Trade and Food & Drink (NAICS 44-45, 722) $144,166,439 $118,686,299 $25,480,140 9.7 251
Total Retail Trade (NAICS 44-45) $120,447,933 $104,944,494 $15,503,439 6.9 199
Total Food & Drink (NAICS 722) $23,718,506 $13,741,805 $9,976,701 26.6 52

Demand Supply Leakage/Surplus Number of

Industry Group (Retail Potential) (Retail Sales) Retail Gap Factor Businesses
Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers (NAICS 441) $23,571,580 $3,906,639 $19,664,941 71.6 5
Automobile Dealers (NAICS 4411) $20,663,827 $1,417,059 $19,246,768 87.2 2
Other Motor Vehicle Dealers (NAICS 4412) $835,104 $0 $835,104 100.0 0
Auto Parts, Accessories, and Tire Stores (NAICS 4413) $2,072,649 $2,489,580 $-416,931 -9.1 3

Furniture & Home Furnishings Stores (NAICS 442) $4,239,061 $11,540,164 $-7,301,103 -46.3 22
Furniture Stores (NAICS 4421) $2,545,294 $8,933,507 $-6,388,213 -55.7 14
Home Furnishings Stores (NAICS 4422) $1,693,767 $2,606,657 $-912,890 -21.2 8

Electronics & Appliance Stores (NAICS 443/NAICS 4431) $4,235,012 $1,601,575 $2,633,437 45.1 7

Bldg Materials, Garden Equip. & Supply Stores (NAICS 444) $3,581,342 $6,668,262 $-3,086,920 -30.1 7
Building Material and Supplies Dealers (NAICS 4441) $3,548,269 $6,668,262 $-3,119,993 -30.5 7
Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Stores (NAICS 4442) $33,073 $0 $33,073 100.0 0

Food & Beverage Stores (NAICS 445) $29,060,143 $38,838,882 $-9,778,739 -14.4 41
Grocery Stores (NAICS 4451) $23,243,723 $35,586,373 $-12,342,650 -21.0 30
Specialty Food Stores (NAICS 4452) $3,947,444 $1,995,643 $1,951,801 32.8 8
Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores (NAICS 4453) $1,868,976 $1,256,866 $612,110 19.6 3

Health & Personal Care Stores (NAICS 446/NAICS 4461) $6,477,357 $9,143,841 $-2,666,484 -17.1 16

Gasoline Stations (NAICS 447/4471) $15,910,862 $4,282,849 $11,628,013 57.6 2

Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores (NAICS 448) $9,016,689 $13,983,198 $-4,966,509 -21.6 53
Clothing Stores (NAICS 4481) $7,271,974 $12,530,502 $-5,258,528 -26.6 40
Shoe Stores (NAICS 4482) $1,008,412 $763,386 $245,026 13.8 6
Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Stores (NAICS 4483) $736,303 $689,310 $46,993 3.3 7

Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores (NAICS 451) $1,495,166 $1,144,032 $351,134 13.3 11
Sporting Goods/Hobby/Musical Instrument Stores (NAICS 4511) $818,279 $487,887 $330,392 25.3 7
Book, Periodical, and Music Stores (NAICS 4512) $676,887 $656,145 $20,742 1.6 4

Data Note: Supply (retail sales) estimates sales to consumers by establishments. Sales to businesses are excluded. Demand (retail potential) estimates the expected amount spent
by consumers at retail establishments. Supply and demand estimates are in current dollars. The Leakage/Surplus Factor presents a snapshot of retail opportunity. This is a measure
of the relationship between supply and demand that ranges from +100 (total leakage) to -100 (total surplus). A positive value represents 'leakage' of retail opportunity outside the
trade area. A negative value represents a surplus of retail sales, a market where customers are drawn in from outside the trade area. The Retail Gap represents the difference
between Retail Potential and Retail Sales. ESRI uses the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to classify businesses by their primary type of economic activity.
Retail establishments are classified into 27 industry groups in the Retail Trade sector, as well as four industry groups within the Food Services & Drinking Establishments subsector.

Source: ESRI and infoUSA®

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 3
Retail MarketPlace Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Demand Supply Leakage/Surplus Number of

Industry Group (Retail Potential) (Retail Sales) Retail Gap Factor Businesses
General Merchandise Stores (NAICS 452) $15,690,822 $12,039,178 $3,651,644 13.2 19
Department Stores Excluding Leased Depts.(NAICS 4521) $2,638,423 $2,432,722 $205,701 4.1 11
Other General Merchandise Stores (NAICS 4529) $13,052,399 $9,606,456 $3,445,943 15.2 8

Miscellaneous Store Retailers (NAICS 453) $2,383,137 $1,795,874 $587,263 14.1 16

Florists (NAICS 4531) $281,240 $135,687 $145,553 34.9 2
Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Stores (NAICS 4532) $993,951 $394,320 $599,631 43.2 4
Used Merchandise Stores (NAICS 4533) $96,652 $199,940 $-103,288 -34.8 4
Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (NAICS 4539) $1,011,294 $1,065,927 $-54,633 -2.6 6

Nonstore Retailers (NAICS 454) $4,786,762 $0 $4,786,762 100.0 0

Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses (NAICS 4541) $2,546,323 $0 $2,546,323 100.0 0
Vending Machine Operators (NAICS 4542) $342,661 $0 $342,661 100.0 0
Direct Selling Establishments (NAICS 4543) $1,897,778 $0 $1,897,778 100.0 0

Food Services & Drinking Places (NAICS 722) $23,718,506 $13,741,805 $9,976,701 26.6 52
Full-Service Restaurants (NAICS 7221) $8,607,249 $6,165,299 $2,441,950 16.5 31
Limited-Service Eating Places (NAICS 7222) $10,476,644 $7,576,506 $2,900,138 16.1 21
Special Food Services (NAICS 7223) $3,273,898 $0 $3,273,898 100.0 0
Drinking Places - Alcoholic Beverages (NAICS 7224) $1,360,715 $0 $1,360,715 100.0 0

Leakage/Surplus Factor by Industry Subsector

-40.0 -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0

Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers

Furniture & Home Furnishings Stores

Electronics & Appliance Stores

Bldg Materials, Garden Equip. & Supply Stores

NAICS Industry Subsector

Food & Beverage Stores

Health & Personal Care Stores

Gasoline Stations

Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores

Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores

General Merchandise Stores

Miscellaneous Store Retailers

Nonstore Retailers

Food Services & Drinking Places


Source: ESRI and infoUSA®

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 3
Retail MarketPlace Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Leakage/Surplus Factor by Industry Group

-40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0

Automobile Dealers

Other Motor Vehicle Dealers

Auto Parts, Accessories, and Tire Stores

Furniture Stores

Home Furnishings Stores

Electronics & Appliance Stores

Building Material and Supplies Dealers

Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Stores

Grocery Stores

Specialty Food Stores

Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores

Health & Personal Care Stores

NAICS Industry Group

Gasoline Stations

Clothing Stores

Shoe Stores

Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Stores

Sporting Goods/Hobby/Musical Instrument Stores

Book, Periodical, and Music Stores

Department Stores (Excluding Leased Depts.)

Other General Merchandise Stores


Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Stores

Used Merchandise Stores

Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers

Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses

Vending Machine Operators

Direct Selling Establishments

Full-Service Restaurants

Limited-Service Eating Places

Special Food Services

Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages)


Source: ESRI and infoUSA®

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 3
Retail MarketPlace Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles
Summary Demographics
2009 Population 150,637
2009 Households 50,418
2009 Median Disposable Income $21,494
2009 Per Capita Income $13,028

Industry Summary Demand Supply Leakage/Surplus Number of

(Retail Potential) (Retail Sales) Retail Gap Factor Businesses
Total Retail Trade and Food & Drink (NAICS 44-45, 722) $708,980,009 $400,426,097 $308,553,912 27.8 788
Total Retail Trade (NAICS 44-45) $593,190,438 $341,948,637 $251,241,801 26.9 574
Total Food & Drink (NAICS 722) $115,789,571 $58,477,460 $57,312,111 32.9 214

Demand Supply Leakage/Surplus Number of

Industry Group (Retail Potential) (Retail Sales) Retail Gap Factor Businesses
Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers (NAICS 441) $119,991,879 $23,547,248 $96,444,631 67.2 45
Automobile Dealers (NAICS 4411) $105,196,938 $14,897,179 $90,299,759 75.2 25
Other Motor Vehicle Dealers (NAICS 4412) $4,515,970 $355,792 $4,160,178 85.4 1
Auto Parts, Accessories, and Tire Stores (NAICS 4413) $10,278,971 $8,294,277 $1,984,694 10.7 19

Furniture & Home Furnishings Stores (NAICS 442) $21,351,418 $25,642,692 $-4,291,274 -9.1 44
Furniture Stores (NAICS 4421) $12,817,976 $20,790,199 $-7,972,223 -23.7 30
Home Furnishings Stores (NAICS 4422) $8,533,442 $4,852,493 $3,680,949 27.5 14

Electronics & Appliance Stores (NAICS 443/NAICS 4431) $20,898,713 $4,781,016 $16,117,697 62.8 15

Bldg Materials, Garden Equip. & Supply Stores (NAICS 444) $18,727,804 $19,842,943 $-1,115,139 -2.9 29
Building Material and Supplies Dealers (NAICS 4441) $18,554,521 $19,842,943 $-1,288,422 -3.4 29
Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Stores (NAICS 4442) $173,283 $0 $173,283 100.0 0

Food & Beverage Stores (NAICS 445) $139,546,747 $128,963,757 $10,582,990 3.9 182
Grocery Stores (NAICS 4451) $111,464,716 $116,144,793 $-4,680,077 -2.1 137
Specialty Food Stores (NAICS 4452) $18,873,123 $6,640,574 $12,232,549 47.9 29
Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores (NAICS 4453) $9,208,908 $6,178,390 $3,030,518 19.7 16

Health & Personal Care Stores (NAICS 446/NAICS 4461) $31,890,013 $23,753,618 $8,136,395 14.6 48

Gasoline Stations (NAICS 447/4471) $78,811,239 $34,194,857 $44,616,382 39.5 13

Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores (NAICS 448) $43,320,027 $20,316,908 $23,003,119 36.1 85
Clothing Stores (NAICS 4481) $34,892,073 $17,547,199 $17,344,874 33.1 66
Shoe Stores (NAICS 4482) $4,783,613 $1,931,855 $2,851,758 42.5 10
Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Stores (NAICS 4483) $3,644,341 $837,854 $2,806,487 62.6 9

Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores (NAICS 451) $7,343,640 $3,688,569 $3,655,071 33.1 19
Sporting Goods/Hobby/Musical Instrument Stores (NAICS 4511) $4,090,012 $1,472,532 $2,617,480 47.1 8
Book, Periodical, and Music Stores (NAICS 4512) $3,253,628 $2,216,037 $1,037,591 19.0 11

Data Note: Supply (retail sales) estimates sales to consumers by establishments. Sales to businesses are excluded. Demand (retail potential) estimates the expected amount spent
by consumers at retail establishments. Supply and demand estimates are in current dollars. The Leakage/Surplus Factor presents a snapshot of retail opportunity. This is a measure
of the relationship between supply and demand that ranges from +100 (total leakage) to -100 (total surplus). A positive value represents 'leakage' of retail opportunity outside the
trade area. A negative value represents a surplus of retail sales, a market where customers are drawn in from outside the trade area. The Retail Gap represents the difference
between Retail Potential and Retail Sales. ESRI uses the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to classify businesses by their primary type of economic activity.
Retail establishments are classified into 27 industry groups in the Retail Trade sector, as well as four industry groups within the Food Services & Drinking Establishments subsector.

Source: ESRI and infoUSA®

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 3
Retail MarketPlace Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Demand Supply Leakage/Surplus Number of

Industry Group (Retail Potential) (Retail Sales) Retail Gap Factor Businesses
General Merchandise Stores (NAICS 452) $76,110,375 $49,282,145 $26,828,230 21.4 53
Department Stores Excluding Leased Depts.(NAICS 4521) $12,942,461 $6,446,287 $6,496,174 33.5 23
Other General Merchandise Stores (NAICS 4529) $63,167,914 $42,835,858 $20,332,056 19.2 30

Miscellaneous Store Retailers (NAICS 453) $11,862,917 $7,189,698 $4,673,219 24.5 40

Florists (NAICS 4531) $1,474,805 $135,687 $1,339,118 83.1 2
Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Stores (NAICS 4532) $4,904,887 $677,659 $4,227,228 75.7 9
Used Merchandise Stores (NAICS 4533) $477,177 $497,995 $-20,818 -2.1 8
Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (NAICS 4539) $5,006,048 $5,878,357 $-872,309 -8.0 21

Nonstore Retailers (NAICS 454) $23,335,666 $745,186 $22,590,480 93.8 1

Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses (NAICS 4541) $12,445,238 $745,186 $11,700,052 88.7 1
Vending Machine Operators (NAICS 4542) $1,643,805 $0 $1,643,805 100.0 0
Direct Selling Establishments (NAICS 4543) $9,246,623 $0 $9,246,623 100.0 0

Food Services & Drinking Places (NAICS 722) $115,789,571 $58,477,460 $57,312,111 32.9 214
Full-Service Restaurants (NAICS 7221) $42,058,498 $23,064,128 $18,994,370 29.2 119
Limited-Service Eating Places (NAICS 7222) $50,983,616 $31,934,208 $19,049,408 23.0 86
Special Food Services (NAICS 7223) $15,932,223 $3,173,045 $12,759,178 66.8 7
Drinking Places - Alcoholic Beverages (NAICS 7224) $6,815,234 $306,079 $6,509,155 91.4 2

Leakage/Surplus Factor by Industry Subsector

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0

Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers

Furniture & Home Furnishings Stores

Electronics & Appliance Stores

Bldg Materials, Garden Equip. & Supply Stores

NAICS Industry Subsector

Food & Beverage Stores

Health & Personal Care Stores

Gasoline Stations

Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores

Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores

General Merchandise Stores

Miscellaneous Store Retailers

Nonstore Retailers

Food Services & Drinking Places


Source: ESRI and infoUSA®

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 3
Retail MarketPlace Profile
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Leakage/Surplus Factor by Industry Group

-20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0

Automobile Dealers

Other Motor Vehicle Dealers

Auto Parts, Accessories, and Tire Stores

Furniture Stores

Home Furnishings Stores

Electronics & Appliance Stores

Building Material and Supplies Dealers

Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Stores

Grocery Stores

Specialty Food Stores

Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores

Health & Personal Care Stores

NAICS Industry Group

Gasoline Stations

Clothing Stores

Shoe Stores

Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Stores

Sporting Goods/Hobby/Musical Instrument Stores

Book, Periodical, and Music Stores

Department Stores (Excluding Leased Depts.)

Other General Merchandise Stores


Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Stores

Used Merchandise Stores

Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers

Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses

Vending Machine Operators

Direct Selling Establishments

Full-Service Restaurants

Limited-Service Eating Places

Special Food Services

Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages)


Source: ESRI and infoUSA®

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 3
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Demographic Summary 2009 2014

Population 9,567 9,838
Population 18+ 5,859 6,084
Households 3,194 3,287
Median Household Income $15,718 $16,279

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

Went to family restaurant/steak house in last 6 months 3,038 51.9% 71

Family restaurant/steak house last month: <2 times 1,501 25.6% 98
Family restaurant/steak house last month: 2-4times 969 16.5% 60
Family restaurant/steak house last month: 5+ times 568 9.7% 50
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: breakfast 392 6.7% 56
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: lunch 864 14.8% 58
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: snack 221 3.8% 135
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: dinner 1,927 32.9% 62
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: weekday 813 13.9% 36
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: weekend 1,666 28.4% 64
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Applebee`s 1,481 25.3% 98
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Bennigan`s 108 1.8% 64
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Bob Evans Farm 81 1.4% 30
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Cheesecake Factory 318 5.4% 83
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Chili`s Grill & Bar 448 7.6% 68
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Cracker Barrel 245 4.2% 34
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Denny`s 701 12.0% 127
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Friendly`s 195 3.3% 88
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Golden Corral 261 4.5% 58
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Intl Hse of Pancakes 535 9.1% 82
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Lone Star Steakhouse 66 1.1% 37
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Old Country Buffet 182 3.1% 99
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Olive Garden 459 7.8% 46
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Outback Steakhouse 404 6.9% 58
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Perkins 81 1.4% 37
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Red Lobster 795 13.6% 94
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Red Robin 227 3.9% 78
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Ruby Tuesday 274 4.7% 53
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Ryan`s 138 2.4% 52
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Sizzler 386 6.6% 209
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: T.G.I. Friday`s 554 9.5% 89
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant in last 6 months 4,553 77.7% 87
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant <5 times/month 2,042 34.9% 114
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant 5-12 times/month 1,291 22.0% 70
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant 13+ times/month 1,220 20.8% 75
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: breakfast 1,037 17.7% 64
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: lunch 2,511 42.9% 72
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: snack 1,125 19.2% 107
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: dinner 1,769 30.2% 62

Data Note:An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 2
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: weekday 2,829 48.3% 72

Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: weekend 2,278 38.9% 80
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: A & W 244 4.2% 82
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Arby`s 586 10.0% 48
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Boston Market 257 4.4% 82
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Burger King 1,924 32.8% 89
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Captain D`s 178 3.0% 56
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Carl`s Jr. 623 10.6% 181
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Checkers 216 3.7% 108
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Chick-fil-A 390 6.7% 53
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: Chipotle Mex. Grill 220 3.8% 69
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Chuck E. Cheese`s 336 5.7% 124
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Church`s Fr. Chicken 363 6.2% 139
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Dairy Queen 515 8.8% 53
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Del Taco 317 5.4% 167
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Domino`s Pizza 1,496 25.5% 180
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Dunkin` Donuts 1,627 27.8% 241
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Fuddruckers 98 1.7% 58
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Hardee`s 188 3.2% 41
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Jack in the Box 367 6.3% 58
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: KFC 1,506 25.7% 88
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Little Caesars 446 7.6% 112
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Long John Silver`s 266 4.5% 63
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: McDonald`s 3,293 56.2% 99
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Panera Bread 253 4.3% 46
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Papa John`s 653 11.1% 124
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Pizza Hut 1,035 17.7% 75
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Popeyes 1,265 21.6% 298
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Quiznos 436 7.4% 78
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Sonic Drive-In 415 7.1% 61
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Starbucks 399 6.8% 47
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Steak n Shake 136 2.3% 42
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Subway 1,001 17.1% 54
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Taco Bell 925 15.8% 49
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Wendy`s 1,431 24.4% 76
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Whataburger 231 3.9% 87
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: White Castle 1,210 20.7% 475
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: eat in 1,626 27.8% 72
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: home delivery 572 9.8% 88
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: take-out/drive-thru 1,378 23.5% 45
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: take-out/walk-in 1,460 24.9% 102

Data Note:An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 2
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Demographic Summary 2009 2014

Population 39,120 40,099
Population 18+ 24,591 25,485
Households 12,324 12,645
Median Household Income $17,799 $18,761

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

Went to family restaurant/steak house in last 6 months 13,440 54.7% 75

Family restaurant/steak house last month: <2 times 6,634 27.0% 104
Family restaurant/steak house last month: 2-4times 4,247 17.3% 63
Family restaurant/steak house last month: 5+ times 2,560 10.4% 53
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: breakfast 1,734 7.1% 59
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: lunch 3,815 15.5% 61
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: snack 934 3.8% 136
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: dinner 8,321 33.8% 64
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: weekday 3,772 15.3% 40
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: weekend 7,258 29.5% 67
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Applebee`s 6,242 25.4% 98
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Bennigan`s 524 2.1% 74
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Bob Evans Farm 425 1.7% 38
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Cheesecake Factory 1,444 5.9% 90
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Chili`s Grill & Bar 1,835 7.5% 66
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Cracker Barrel 1,223 5.0% 41
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Denny`s 2,753 11.2% 119
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Friendly`s 821 3.3% 88
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Golden Corral 1,204 4.9% 64
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Intl Hse of Pancakes 2,351 9.6% 86
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Lone Star Steakhouse 360 1.5% 48
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Old Country Buffet 947 3.9% 122
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Olive Garden 1,942 7.9% 47
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Outback Steakhouse 1,769 7.2% 60
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Perkins 462 1.9% 50
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Red Lobster 3,731 15.2% 105
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Red Robin 928 3.8% 76
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Ruby Tuesday 1,295 5.3% 59
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Ryan`s 679 2.8% 61
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Sizzler 1,418 5.8% 183
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: T.G.I. Friday`s 2,560 10.4% 98
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant in last 6 months 19,502 79.3% 88
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant <5 times/month 8,382 34.1% 112
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant 5-12 times/month 5,688 23.1% 74
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant 13+ times/month 5,433 22.1% 80
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: breakfast 4,688 19.1% 69
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: lunch 10,561 42.9% 73
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: snack 4,785 19.5% 109
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: dinner 7,805 31.7% 65

Data Note:An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 2
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: weekday 11,943 48.6% 72

Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: weekend 9,689 39.4% 81
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: A & W 999 4.1% 80
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Arby`s 2,340 9.5% 45
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Boston Market 1,233 5.0% 94
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Burger King 8,198 33.3% 90
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Captain D`s 929 3.8% 70
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Carl`s Jr. 2,282 9.3% 158
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Checkers 1,115 4.5% 133
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Chick-fil-A 1,746 7.1% 56
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: Chipotle Mex. Grill 972 4.0% 73
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Chuck E. Cheese`s 1,500 6.1% 132
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Church`s Fr. Chicken 1,583 6.4% 144
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Dairy Queen 2,073 8.4% 50
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Del Taco 1,181 4.8% 148
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Domino`s Pizza 6,057 24.6% 174
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Dunkin` Donuts 6,539 26.6% 231
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Fuddruckers 461 1.9% 65
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Hardee`s 971 3.9% 50
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Jack in the Box 1,611 6.6% 60
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: KFC 6,705 27.3% 94
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Little Caesars 1,829 7.4% 109
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Long John Silver`s 1,190 4.8% 67
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: McDonald`s 13,878 56.4% 99
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Panera Bread 1,105 4.5% 48
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Papa John`s 2,559 10.4% 116
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Pizza Hut 4,459 18.1% 77
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Popeyes 5,205 21.2% 292
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Quiznos 1,892 7.7% 81
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Sonic Drive-In 1,924 7.8% 68
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Starbucks 1,787 7.3% 50
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Steak n Shake 727 3.0% 54
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Subway 4,445 18.1% 57
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Taco Bell 4,026 16.4% 51
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Wendy`s 6,457 26.3% 81
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Whataburger 993 4.0% 89
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: White Castle 4,758 19.3% 445
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: eat in 6,457 26.3% 68
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: home delivery 2,396 9.7% 88
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: take-out/drive-thru 6,621 26.9% 51
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: take-out/walk-in 6,348 25.8% 105

Data Note:An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 2
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Demographic Summary 2009 2014

Population 150,637 155,075
Population 18+ 100,036 103,926
Households 50,418 51,921
Median Household Income $25,868 $27,344

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

Went to family restaurant/steak house in last 6 months 57,689 57.7% 79

Family restaurant/steak house last month: <2 times 28,176 28.2% 108
Family restaurant/steak house last month: 2-4times 18,132 18.1% 66
Family restaurant/steak house last month: 5+ times 11,404 11.4% 58
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: breakfast 6,993 7.0% 58
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: lunch 15,763 15.8% 62
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: snack 3,901 3.9% 140
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: dinner 35,029 35.0% 66
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: weekday 16,231 16.2% 42
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: weekend 30,151 30.1% 68
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Applebee`s 26,059 26.0% 101
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Bennigan`s 2,350 2.3% 82
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Bob Evans Farm 2,076 2.1% 45
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Cheesecake Factory 6,487 6.5% 99
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Chili`s Grill & Bar 6,269 6.3% 56
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Cracker Barrel 5,827 5.8% 48
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Denny`s 10,091 10.1% 107
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Friendly`s 3,395 3.4% 90
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Golden Corral 5,323 5.3% 69
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Intl Hse of Pancakes 10,562 10.6% 95
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Lone Star Steakhouse 1,813 1.8% 59
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Old Country Buffet 4,297 4.3% 137
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Olive Garden 7,695 7.7% 45
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Outback Steakhouse 6,928 6.9% 58
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Perkins 2,341 2.3% 63
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Red Lobster 18,128 18.1% 125
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Red Robin 3,556 3.6% 72
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Ruby Tuesday 5,561 5.6% 62
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Ryan`s 3,357 3.4% 74
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: Sizzler 4,888 4.9% 155
Family restaurant/steak house last 6 months: T.G.I. Friday`s 11,618 11.6% 109
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant in last 6 months 80,889 80.9% 90
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant <5 times/month 33,483 33.5% 110
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant 5-12 times/month 24,588 24.6% 78
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant 13+ times/month 22,818 22.8% 82
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: breakfast 20,148 20.1% 73
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: lunch 42,408 42.4% 72
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: snack 19,813 19.8% 111
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: dinner 32,230 32.2% 66

Data Note:An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 2
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: weekday 48,003 48.0% 72

Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: weekend 39,309 39.3% 81
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: A & W 3,828 3.8% 75
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Arby`s 8,564 8.6% 41
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Boston Market 5,948 5.9% 111
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Burger King 33,820 33.8% 91
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Captain D`s 4,645 4.6% 86
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Carl`s Jr. 7,588 7.6% 129
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Checkers 5,605 5.6% 165
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Chick-fil-A 6,231 6.2% 50
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: Chipotle Mex. Grill 4,103 4.1% 76
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Chuck E. Cheese`s 6,501 6.5% 141
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Church`s Fr. Chicken 6,661 6.7% 149
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Dairy Queen 7,234 7.2% 43
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Del Taco 3,999 4.0% 123
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Domino`s Pizza 24,112 24.1% 170
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Dunkin` Donuts 26,418 26.4% 229
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Fuddruckers 1,910 1.9% 66
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Hardee`s 4,656 4.7% 59
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Jack in the Box 7,107 7.1% 65
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: KFC 29,386 29.4% 101
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Little Caesars 6,812 6.8% 100
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Long John Silver`s 5,018 5.0% 69
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: McDonald`s 56,816 56.8% 100
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Panera Bread 4,261 4.3% 46
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Papa John`s 9,453 9.4% 105
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Pizza Hut 18,717 18.7% 80
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Popeyes 21,492 21.5% 297
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Quiznos 7,633 7.6% 80
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Sonic Drive-In 7,869 7.9% 68
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Starbucks 7,095 7.1% 49
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Steak n Shake 3,407 3.4% 62
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Subway 18,758 18.8% 59
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Taco Bell 16,530 16.5% 52
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Wendy`s 28,749 28.7% 89
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: Whataburger 3,478 3.5% 77
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: White Castle 18,663 18.7% 429
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: eat in 24,423 24.4% 63
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: home delivery 9,321 9.3% 84
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: take-out/drive-thru 29,826 29.8% 57
Fast food/drive-in last 6 months: take-out/walk-in 26,138 26.1% 106

Data Note:An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 2
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Retail Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Demographic Summary 2009 2014

Population 9,567 9,838
Total Number of Adults 5,859 6,084
Households 3,194 3,287
Median Household Income $15,718 $16,279

Number of Percent of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Adults/HHs MPI

Apparel (Adults)
Bought any men's apparel in last 12 months 2,049 35.0% 69
Bought any women's apparel in last 12 months 2,215 37.8% 83
Bought apparel for child <13 in last 6 months 1,650 28.2% 100
Bought any shoes in last 12 months 2,369 40.4% 77
Bought costume jewelry in last 12 months 1,092 18.6% 89
Bought any fine jewelry in last 12 months 1,449 24.7% 108
Bought a watch in last 12 months 1,311 22.4% 108

Automobiles (Households)
HH owns/leases any vehicle 810 25.4% 29
HH bought new vehicle in last 12 months 149 4.7% 57

Automotive Aftermarket (Adults)

Bought gasoline in last 6 months 1,437 24.5% 28
Bought/changed motor oil in last 12 months 919 15.7% 30
Had tune-up in last 12 months 619 10.6% 34

Beverages (Adults)
Drank bottled water/seltzer in last 6 months 3,976 67.9% 108
Drank regular cola in last 6 months 3,753 64.1% 123
Drank beer/ale in last 6 months 2,013 34.4% 81

Cameras & Film (Adults)

Bought any camera in last 12 months 797 13.6% 92
Bought film in last 12 months 1,372 23.4% 99
Bought digital camera in last 12 months 287 4.9% 70
Bought memory card for camera in last 12 months 203 3.5% 46

Cell Phones/PDAs & Service

Bought cell/mobile phone/PDA in last 12 months 1,118 19.1% 65
Avg monthly cell/mobile phone/PDA bill: $1-$49 1,005 17.2% 66
Avg monthly cell/mobile phone/PDA bill: $50-99 1,752 29.9% 94
Avg monthly cell/mobile phone/PDA bill: $100+ 736 12.6% 82

Computers (Households)
HH owns a personal computer 1,898 59.4% 83
HH spent <$500 on home PC 204 6.4% 71
HH spent $500-$999 on home PC 367 11.5% 63
HH spent $1000-$1499 on home PC 329 10.3% 70
HH spent $1500-$1999 on home PC 170 5.3% 64
Spent $2000+ on home PC 115 3.6% 47

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 4
Retail Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Number of Percent of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Adults/HHs MPI

Convenience Stores (Adults)

Shopped at convenience store in last 6 months 2,120 36.2% 61
Bought cigarettes at convenience store in last 30 days 615 10.5% 71
Bought gas at convenience store in last 30 days 336 5.7% 17
Spent at convenience store in last 30 days: <$20 525 9.0% 92
Spent at convenience store in last 30 days: $20-39 473 8.1% 81
Spent at convenience store in last 30 days: $40+ 1,170 20.0% 57

Entertainment (Adults)
Attended movies in last 6 months 3,471 59.3% 101
Went to live theater in last 6 months 484 8.3% 66
Went to a bar/night club in last 12 months 699 11.9% 65
Dined out in last 12 months 1,448 24.7% 51
Gambled at a casino in last 12 months 726 12.4% 77
Visited a theme park in last 12 months 1,063 18.1% 82
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 1 102 1.7% 66
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 2 151 2.6% 55
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 3 97 1.7% 53
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 4 153 2.6% 65
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 5+ 202 3.4% 26
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 1 204 3.5% 65
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 2 240 4.1% 78
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 3-4 221 3.8% 77
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 5+ 531 9.1% 168
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: <$50 384 6.6% 105
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: $50-$99 151 2.6% 94
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: $100-$199 419 7.2% 100
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: $200-$499 396 6.8% 65
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: $500+ 161 2.7% 50

Financial (Adults)
Have home mortgage (1st) 393 6.7% 37
Used ATM/cash machine in last 12 months 1,893 32.3% 64
Own any stock 184 3.1% 35
Own U.S. savings bond 171 2.9% 41
Own shares in mutual fund (stock) 216 3.7% 39
Own shares in mutual fund (bonds) 136 2.3% 40
Used full service brokerage firm in last 12 months 146 2.5% 41
Used discount brokerage firm in last 12 months 99 1.7% 86
Have 401K retirement savings 266 4.5% 28
Own any credit/debit card (in own name) 3,005 51.3% 70
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: <$111 389 6.6% 45
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: $111-225 408 7.0% 77
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: $226-450 343 5.9% 68
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: $451-700 302 5.2% 72
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: $701+ 266 4.5% 33

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 4
Retail Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Number of Percent of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Adults/HHs MPI

Grocery (Adults)
Used beef (fresh/frozen) in last 6 months 3,311 56.5% 81
Used bread in last 6 months 5,484 93.6% 97
Used chicken/turkey (fresh or frozen) in last 6 months 3,937 67.2% 90
Used fish/seafood (fresh or frozen) in last 6 months 2,605 44.5% 87
Used fresh fruit/vegetables in last 6 months 4,593 78.4% 91
Used fresh milk in last 6 months 4,936 84.3% 93

Health (Adults)
Exercise at home 2+ times per week 1,097 18.7% 64
Exercise at club 2+ times per week 271 4.6% 40
Visited a doctor in last 12 months 4,086 69.8% 89
Used vitamin/dietary supplement in last 6 months 1,938 33.1% 69

Home (Households)
Any home improvement in last 12 months 400 12.5% 40
Used housekeeper/maid/professional cleaning service in last 12 231 7.2% 46
Purchased any HH furnishing in last 12 months 236 7.4% 70
Purchased bedding/bath goods in last 12 months 1,700 53.2% 98
Purchased cooking/serving product in last 12 months 762 23.9% 88
Bought any kitchen appliance in last 12 months 356 11.1% 63

Insurance (Adults)
Currently carry any life insurance 1,383 23.6% 49
Have medical/hospital/accident insurance 2,918 49.8% 69
Carry homeowner insurance 585 10.0% 19
Carry renter insurance 348 5.9% 99
Have auto/other vehicle insurance 1,461 24.9% 30

Pets (Households)
HH owns any pet 679 21.3% 45
HH owns any cat 391 12.2% 53
HH owns any dog 357 11.2% 32

Reading Materials (Adults)

Bought book in last 12 months 2,484 42.4% 86
Read any daily newspaper 2,209 37.7% 88
Heavy magazine reader 1,343 22.9% 115

Restaurants (Adults)
Went to family restaurant/steak house in last 6 mo 3,038 51.9% 71
Went to family restaurant/steak house last mo: <2 times 1,501 25.6% 98
Went to family restaurant/steak house last mo: 2-4 times 969 16.5% 60
Went to family restaurant/steak house last mo: 5+ times 568 9.7% 50
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant in last 6 mo 4,553 77.7% 87
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant <5 times/mo 2,042 34.9% 114
Went to fast food/drive-in 5-12 times/mo 1,291 22.0% 70
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant 13+ times/mo 1,220 20.8% 75
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: eat in 1,626 27.8% 72
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: home delivery 572 9.8% 88
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: take-out/drive-thru 1,378 23.5% 45
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: take-out/walk-in 1,460 24.9% 102

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 4
Retail Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Number of Percent of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Adults/HHs MPI

Telephones & Service (Households)

HH owns in-home cordless telephone 1,435 44.9% 70
HH average monthly long distance phone bill: <$16 518 16.2% 58
HH average monthly long distance phone bill: $16-25 213 6.7% 57
HH average monthly long distance phone bill: $26-59 167 5.2% 54
HH average monthly long distance phone bill: $60+ 204 6.4% 146

Television & Sound Equipment (Households)

HH owns 1 TV 639 20.0% 101
HH owns 2 TVs 1,042 32.6% 123
HH owns 3 TVs 605 18.9% 84
HH owns 4+ TVs 455 14.2% 68
HH subscribes to cable TV 2,064 64.6% 112
HH watched 15+ hours of cable TV last week 1,709 53.5% 89
Purchased audio equipment in last 12 months 412 12.9% 155
Purchased CD player in last 12 months 211 6.6% 125
Purchased DVD player in last 12 months 419 13.1% 124
Purchased MP3 player in last 12 months 273 8.5% 98
Purchased video game system in last 12 months 369 11.6% 133

Travel (Adults)
Domestic travel in last 12 months 1,935 33.0% 62
Took 3+ domestic trips in last 12 months 572 9.8% 47
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: <$1000 347 5.9% 47
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: $1000-$1499 195 3.3% 48
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: $1500-$1999 146 2.5% 62
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: $2000-$2999 106 1.8% 44
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: $3000+ 117 2.0% 41
Foreign travel in last 3 years 1,218 20.8% 83
Took 3+ foreign trips by plane in last 3 years 167 2.9% 63
Spent on foreign vacations last 12 mo: <$1000 272 4.6% 85
Spent on foreign vacations last 12 mo: $1000-$2999 256 4.4% 110
Spent on foreign vacations: $3000+ 160 2.7% 59
Stayed 1+ nights at hotel/motel in last 12 months 1,045 17.8% 43

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 4 of 4
Retail Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Demographic Summary 2009 2014

Population 39,120 40,099
Total Number of Adults 24,591 25,485
Households 12,324 12,645
Median Household Income $17,799 $18,761

Number of Percent of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Adults/HHs MPI

Apparel (Adults)
Bought any men's apparel in last 12 months 8,876 36.1% 72
Bought any women's apparel in last 12 months 9,487 38.6% 85
Bought apparel for child <13 in last 6 months 7,121 29.0% 102
Bought any shoes in last 12 months 10,191 41.4% 79
Bought costume jewelry in last 12 months 4,771 19.4% 93
Bought any fine jewelry in last 12 months 6,043 24.6% 107
Bought a watch in last 12 months 5,464 22.2% 107

Automobiles (Households)
HH owns/leases any vehicle 3,834 31.1% 36
HH bought new vehicle in last 12 months 553 4.5% 54

Automotive Aftermarket (Adults)

Bought gasoline in last 6 months 7,844 31.9% 37
Bought/changed motor oil in last 12 months 4,509 18.3% 35
Had tune-up in last 12 months 3,289 13.4% 43

Beverages (Adults)
Drank bottled water/seltzer in last 6 months 16,499 67.1% 107
Drank regular cola in last 6 months 15,838 64.4% 123
Drank beer/ale in last 6 months 8,660 35.2% 83

Cameras & Film (Adults)

Bought any camera in last 12 months 3,407 13.9% 93
Bought film in last 12 months 5,309 21.6% 91
Bought digital camera in last 12 months 1,176 4.8% 68
Bought memory card for camera in last 12 months 1,007 4.1% 54

Cell Phones/PDAs & Service

Bought cell/mobile phone/PDA in last 12 months 5,167 21.0% 71
Avg monthly cell/mobile phone/PDA bill: $1-$49 4,510 18.3% 71
Avg monthly cell/mobile phone/PDA bill: $50-99 7,335 29.8% 94
Avg monthly cell/mobile phone/PDA bill: $100+ 3,195 13.0% 85

Computers (Households)
HH owns a personal computer 7,314 59.3% 83
HH spent <$500 on home PC 862 7.0% 77
HH spent $500-$999 on home PC 1,447 11.7% 64
HH spent $1000-$1499 on home PC 1,260 10.2% 69
HH spent $1500-$1999 on home PC 629 5.1% 62
Spent $2000+ on home PC 466 3.8% 49

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 4
Retail Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Number of Percent of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Adults/HHs MPI

Convenience Stores (Adults)

Shopped at convenience store in last 6 months 9,609 39.1% 65
Bought cigarettes at convenience store in last 30 days 2,783 11.3% 77
Bought gas at convenience store in last 30 days 1,936 7.9% 24
Spent at convenience store in last 30 days: <$20 2,187 8.9% 92
Spent at convenience store in last 30 days: $20-39 2,071 8.4% 84
Spent at convenience store in last 30 days: $40+ 5,198 21.1% 60

Entertainment (Adults)
Attended movies in last 6 months 14,508 59.0% 101
Went to live theater in last 6 months 2,057 8.4% 67
Went to a bar/night club in last 12 months 3,039 12.4% 67
Dined out in last 12 months 6,315 25.7% 53
Gambled at a casino in last 12 months 3,110 12.6% 79
Visited a theme park in last 12 months 4,503 18.3% 82
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 1 443 1.8% 68
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 2 656 2.7% 57
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 3 466 1.9% 61
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 4 673 2.7% 69
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 5+ 965 3.9% 30
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 1 911 3.7% 69
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 2 982 4.0% 76
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 3-4 993 4.0% 82
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 5+ 2,041 8.3% 154
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: <$50 1,544 6.3% 100
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: $50-$99 659 2.7% 98
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: $100-$199 1,723 7.0% 98
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: $200-$499 1,674 6.8% 66
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: $500+ 776 3.2% 57

Financial (Adults)
Have home mortgage (1st) 1,610 6.5% 36
Used ATM/cash machine in last 12 months 8,136 33.1% 65
Own any stock 976 4.0% 44
Own U.S. savings bond 845 3.4% 49
Own shares in mutual fund (stock) 941 3.8% 41
Own shares in mutual fund (bonds) 676 2.7% 48
Used full service brokerage firm in last 12 months 713 2.9% 48
Used discount brokerage firm in last 12 months 405 1.6% 84
Have 401K retirement savings 1,516 6.2% 37
Own any credit/debit card (in own name) 12,712 51.7% 71
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: <$111 1,732 7.0% 48
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: $111-225 1,781 7.2% 80
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: $226-450 1,480 6.0% 70
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: $451-700 1,327 5.4% 75
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: $701+ 1,344 5.5% 40

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 4
Retail Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Number of Percent of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Adults/HHs MPI

Grocery (Adults)
Used beef (fresh/frozen) in last 6 months 13,924 56.6% 82
Used bread in last 6 months 23,181 94.3% 98
Used chicken/turkey (fresh or frozen) in last 6 months 16,838 68.5% 92
Used fish/seafood (fresh or frozen) in last 6 months 11,330 46.1% 90
Used fresh fruit/vegetables in last 6 months 19,580 79.6% 92
Used fresh milk in last 6 months 20,872 84.9% 93

Health (Adults)
Exercise at home 2+ times per week 4,660 18.9% 64
Exercise at club 2+ times per week 1,220 5.0% 43
Visited a doctor in last 12 months 17,364 70.6% 90
Used vitamin/dietary supplement in last 6 months 8,391 34.1% 71

Home (Households)
Any home improvement in last 12 months 1,683 13.7% 44
Used housekeeper/maid/professional cleaning service in last 12 895 7.3% 46
Purchased any HH furnishing in last 12 months 913 7.4% 70
Purchased bedding/bath goods in last 12 months 6,525 52.9% 97
Purchased cooking/serving product in last 12 months 2,819 22.9% 84
Bought any kitchen appliance in last 12 months 1,397 11.3% 64

Insurance (Adults)
Currently carry any life insurance 6,313 25.7% 53
Have medical/hospital/accident insurance 12,720 51.7% 71
Carry homeowner insurance 3,249 13.2% 25
Carry renter insurance 1,539 6.3% 104
Have auto/other vehicle insurance 7,520 30.6% 36

Pets (Households)
HH owns any pet 2,606 21.1% 44
HH owns any cat 1,495 12.1% 52
HH owns any dog 1,472 11.9% 34

Reading Materials (Adults)

Bought book in last 12 months 10,200 41.5% 84
Read any daily newspaper 9,380 38.1% 89
Heavy magazine reader 5,642 22.9% 115

Restaurants (Adults)
Went to family restaurant/steak house in last 6 mo 13,440 54.7% 75
Went to family restaurant/steak house last mo: <2 times 6,634 27.0% 104
Went to family restaurant/steak house last mo: 2-4 times 4,247 17.3% 63
Went to family restaurant/steak house last mo: 5+ times 2,560 10.4% 53
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant in last 6 mo 19,502 79.3% 88
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant <5 times/mo 8,382 34.1% 112
Went to fast food/drive-in 5-12 times/mo 5,688 23.1% 74
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant 13+ times/mo 5,433 22.1% 80
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: eat in 6,457 26.3% 68
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: home delivery 2,396 9.7% 88
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: take-out/drive-thru 6,621 26.9% 51
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: take-out/walk-in 6,348 25.8% 105

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 4
Retail Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Number of Percent of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Adults/HHs MPI

Telephones & Service (Households)

HH owns in-home cordless telephone 5,664 46.0% 71
HH average monthly long distance phone bill: <$16 2,082 16.9% 61
HH average monthly long distance phone bill: $16-25 837 6.8% 58
HH average monthly long distance phone bill: $26-59 735 6.0% 61
HH average monthly long distance phone bill: $60+ 807 6.5% 149

Television & Sound Equipment (Households)

HH owns 1 TV 2,572 20.9% 105
HH owns 2 TVs 3,826 31.0% 117
HH owns 3 TVs 2,372 19.2% 86
HH owns 4+ TVs 1,917 15.6% 74
HH subscribes to cable TV 7,777 63.1% 109
HH watched 15+ hours of cable TV last week 6,697 54.3% 90
Purchased audio equipment in last 12 months 1,461 11.9% 143
Purchased CD player in last 12 months 756 6.1% 117
Purchased DVD player in last 12 months 1,496 12.1% 115
Purchased MP3 player in last 12 months 1,046 8.5% 97
Purchased video game system in last 12 months 1,351 11.0% 126

Travel (Adults)
Domestic travel in last 12 months 8,179 33.3% 63
Took 3+ domestic trips in last 12 months 2,383 9.7% 47
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: <$1000 1,683 6.8% 54
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: $1000-$1499 881 3.6% 52
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: $1500-$1999 645 2.6% 65
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: $2000-$2999 513 2.1% 51
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: $3000+ 553 2.2% 47
Foreign travel in last 3 years 5,180 21.1% 84
Took 3+ foreign trips by plane in last 3 years 777 3.2% 70
Spent on foreign vacations last 12 mo: <$1000 1,223 5.0% 91
Spent on foreign vacations last 12 mo: $1000-$2999 1,150 4.7% 117
Spent on foreign vacations: $3000+ 722 2.9% 63
Stayed 1+ nights at hotel/motel in last 12 months 4,669 19.0% 46

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 4 of 4
Retail Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Demographic Summary 2009 2014

Population 150,637 155,075
Total Number of Adults 100,036 103,926
Households 50,418 51,921
Median Household Income $25,868 $27,344

Number of Percent of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Adults/HHs MPI

Apparel (Adults)
Bought any men's apparel in last 12 months 37,506 37.5% 74
Bought any women's apparel in last 12 months 38,886 38.9% 85
Bought apparel for child <13 in last 6 months 30,141 30.1% 107
Bought any shoes in last 12 months 42,256 42.2% 81
Bought costume jewelry in last 12 months 19,850 19.8% 95
Bought any fine jewelry in last 12 months 24,507 24.5% 107
Bought a watch in last 12 months 21,153 21.1% 102

Automobiles (Households)
HH owns/leases any vehicle 19,173 38.0% 44
HH bought new vehicle in last 12 months 2,111 4.2% 51

Automotive Aftermarket (Adults)

Bought gasoline in last 6 months 39,120 39.1% 45
Bought/changed motor oil in last 12 months 20,139 20.1% 39
Had tune-up in last 12 months 16,128 16.1% 51

Beverages (Adults)
Drank bottled water/seltzer in last 6 months 67,051 67.0% 107
Drank regular cola in last 6 months 64,758 64.7% 124
Drank beer/ale in last 6 months 35,748 35.7% 84

Cameras & Film (Adults)

Bought any camera in last 12 months 14,034 14.0% 94
Bought film in last 12 months 19,522 19.5% 83
Bought digital camera in last 12 months 4,476 4.5% 63
Bought memory card for camera in last 12 months 4,491 4.5% 59

Cell Phones/PDAs & Service

Bought cell/mobile phone/PDA in last 12 months 23,570 23.6% 80
Avg monthly cell/mobile phone/PDA bill: $1-$49 18,596 18.6% 72
Avg monthly cell/mobile phone/PDA bill: $50-99 30,857 30.8% 97
Avg monthly cell/mobile phone/PDA bill: $100+ 14,558 14.6% 95

Computers (Households)
HH owns a personal computer 30,400 60.3% 84
HH spent <$500 on home PC 3,961 7.9% 87
HH spent $500-$999 on home PC 6,164 12.2% 67
HH spent $1000-$1499 on home PC 5,137 10.2% 69
HH spent $1500-$1999 on home PC 2,365 4.7% 57
Spent $2000+ on home PC 1,850 3.7% 47

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 4
Retail Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Number of Percent of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Adults/HHs MPI

Convenience Stores (Adults)

Shopped at convenience store in last 6 months 41,420 41.4% 69
Bought cigarettes at convenience store in last 30 days 11,499 11.5% 78
Bought gas at convenience store in last 30 days 9,677 9.7% 29
Spent at convenience store in last 30 days: <$20 8,707 8.7% 90
Spent at convenience store in last 30 days: $20-39 9,128 9.1% 91
Spent at convenience store in last 30 days: $40+ 21,454 21.4% 61

Entertainment (Adults)
Attended movies in last 6 months 60,152 60.1% 103
Went to live theater in last 6 months 8,608 8.6% 68
Went to a bar/night club in last 12 months 12,905 12.9% 70
Dined out in last 12 months 26,538 26.5% 54
Gambled at a casino in last 12 months 12,873 12.9% 80
Visited a theme park in last 12 months 18,948 18.9% 85
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 1 1,880 1.9% 71
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 2 2,579 2.6% 55
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 3 2,001 2.0% 64
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 4 2,781 2.8% 70
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 5+ 4,238 4.2% 32
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 1 3,683 3.7% 69
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 2 3,794 3.8% 72
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 3-4 4,403 4.4% 90
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 5+ 7,434 7.4% 138
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: <$50 5,725 5.7% 91
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: $50-$99 2,746 2.7% 100
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: $100-$199 6,878 6.9% 96
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: $200-$499 6,801 6.8% 65
Spent on toys/games in last 12 months: $500+ 3,480 3.5% 63

Financial (Adults)
Have home mortgage (1st) 6,274 6.3% 35
Used ATM/cash machine in last 12 months 34,611 34.6% 68
Own any stock 4,566 4.6% 51
Own U.S. savings bond 3,855 3.9% 54
Own shares in mutual fund (stock) 3,444 3.4% 37
Own shares in mutual fund (bonds) 3,094 3.1% 54
Used full service brokerage firm in last 12 months 3,162 3.2% 52
Used discount brokerage firm in last 12 months 1,598 1.6% 81
Have 401K retirement savings 7,106 7.1% 43
Own any credit/debit card (in own name) 52,895 52.9% 72
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: <$111 7,428 7.4% 51
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: $111-225 7,495 7.5% 83
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: $226-450 6,439 6.4% 75
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: $451-700 5,488 5.5% 77
Avg monthly credit card expenditures: $701+ 5,896 5.9% 43

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 4
Retail Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Number of Percent of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Adults/HHs MPI

Grocery (Adults)
Used beef (fresh/frozen) in last 6 months 56,136 56.1% 81
Used bread in last 6 months 94,875 94.8% 98
Used chicken/turkey (fresh or frozen) in last 6 months 69,868 69.8% 94
Used fish/seafood (fresh or frozen) in last 6 months 48,875 48.9% 96
Used fresh fruit/vegetables in last 6 months 81,377 81.3% 94
Used fresh milk in last 6 months 85,179 85.1% 94

Health (Adults)
Exercise at home 2+ times per week 19,444 19.4% 66
Exercise at club 2+ times per week 4,675 4.7% 40
Visited a doctor in last 12 months 71,284 71.3% 91
Used vitamin/dietary supplement in last 6 months 35,407 35.4% 74

Home (Households)
Any home improvement in last 12 months 7,259 14.4% 46
Used housekeeper/maid/professional cleaning service in last 12 3,759 7.5% 47
Purchased any HH furnishing in last 12 months 3,637 7.2% 68
Purchased bedding/bath goods in last 12 months 26,444 52.4% 96
Purchased cooking/serving product in last 12 months 10,818 21.5% 79
Bought any kitchen appliance in last 12 months 5,825 11.6% 65

Insurance (Adults)
Currently carry any life insurance 28,554 28.5% 59
Have medical/hospital/accident insurance 54,043 54.0% 74
Carry homeowner insurance 16,856 16.8% 32
Carry renter insurance 6,432 6.4% 107
Have auto/other vehicle insurance 36,144 36.1% 43

Pets (Households)
HH owns any pet 10,731 21.3% 45
HH owns any cat 5,951 11.8% 51
HH owns any dog 6,163 12.2% 35

Reading Materials (Adults)

Bought book in last 12 months 40,687 40.7% 82
Read any daily newspaper 38,727 38.7% 90
Heavy magazine reader 23,324 23.3% 117

Restaurants (Adults)
Went to family restaurant/steak house in last 6 mo 57,689 57.7% 79
Went to family restaurant/steak house last mo: <2 times 28,176 28.2% 108
Went to family restaurant/steak house last mo: 2-4 times 18,132 18.1% 66
Went to family restaurant/steak house last mo: 5+ times 11,404 11.4% 58
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant in last 6 mo 80,889 80.9% 90
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant <5 times/mo 33,483 33.5% 110
Went to fast food/drive-in 5-12 times/mo 24,588 24.6% 78
Went to fast food/drive-in restaurant 13+ times/mo 22,818 22.8% 82
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: eat in 24,423 24.4% 63
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: home delivery 9,321 9.3% 84
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: take-out/drive-thru 29,826 29.8% 57
Fast food/drive-in last 6 mo: take-out/walk-in 26,138 26.1% 106

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 4
Retail Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Number of Percent of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Adults/HHs MPI

Telephones & Service (Households)

HH owns in-home cordless telephone 23,773 47.2% 73
HH average monthly long distance phone bill: <$16 8,699 17.3% 62
HH average monthly long distance phone bill: $16-25 3,491 6.9% 59
HH average monthly long distance phone bill: $26-59 3,483 6.9% 71
HH average monthly long distance phone bill: $60+ 3,518 7.0% 159

Television & Sound Equipment (Households)

HH owns 1 TV 10,887 21.6% 109
HH owns 2 TVs 14,456 28.7% 108
HH owns 3 TVs 9,908 19.7% 88
HH owns 4+ TVs 8,718 17.3% 83
HH subscribes to cable TV 31,108 61.7% 107
HH watched 15+ hours of cable TV last week 28,382 56.3% 94
Purchased audio equipment in last 12 months 5,278 10.5% 126
Purchased CD player in last 12 months 2,760 5.5% 104
Purchased DVD player in last 12 months 5,342 10.6% 100
Purchased MP3 player in last 12 months 4,359 8.6% 99
Purchased video game system in last 12 months 5,250 10.4% 120

Travel (Adults)
Domestic travel in last 12 months 34,428 34.4% 65
Took 3+ domestic trips in last 12 months 9,853 9.8% 47
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: <$1000 7,256 7.3% 57
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: $1000-$1499 3,581 3.6% 52
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: $1500-$1999 2,621 2.6% 65
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: $2000-$2999 2,230 2.2% 54
Spent on domestic vacations last 12 mo: $3000+ 2,428 2.4% 50
Foreign travel in last 3 years 22,868 22.9% 91
Took 3+ foreign trips by plane in last 3 years 3,526 3.5% 78
Spent on foreign vacations last 12 mo: <$1000 5,386 5.4% 98
Spent on foreign vacations last 12 mo: $1000-$2999 5,177 5.2% 130
Spent on foreign vacations: $3000+ 3,122 3.1% 67
Stayed 1+ nights at hotel/motel in last 12 months 20,458 20.5% 49

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or purchasing patterns
compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.

Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were collected by Mediamark
Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 4 of 4
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Demographic Summary 2009 2014

Population 9,567 9,838
Population 18+ 5,859 6,084
Households 3,194 3,287
Median Household Income $15,718 $16,279

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

Use a personal computer at work 846 14.4% 45

HH owns a personal computer 1,898 59.4% 83
Purchased home PC in last 12 months 345 10.8% 70
Purchased home PC 1-2 years ago 458 14.3% 65
Purchased home PC 3-4 years ago 281 8.8% 49
Purchased home PC 5+ years ago 151 4.7% 52
Spent <$500 on home PC 204 6.4% 71
Spent $500-999 on home PC 367 11.5% 63
Spent $1000-1499 on home PC 329 10.3% 70
Spent $1500-1999 on home PC 170 5.3% 64
Spent $2000-2999 on home PC 115 3.6% 47
Purchased home PC at computer superstore 200 6.3% 50
Purchased home PC at department store 115 3.6% 81
Purchased home PC direct from manufacturer 275 8.6% 61
Purchased home PC at electronics store 279 8.7% 89
Purchased home PC on Internet 141 4.4% 57
Purchased home PC at warehouse discount outlet 42 1.3% 60
HH owns desktop PC 1,354 42.4% 73
HH owns laptop/notebook/tablet PC 521 16.3% 63
HH owns any Apple/Apple Mac clone brand PC 179 5.6% 111
HH owns any IBM/IBM compatible brand PC 1,585 49.6% 76
Brand of PC that HH owns: Compaq 187 5.9% 66
Brand of PC that HH owns: Dell 748 23.4% 82
Brand of PC that HH owns: Gateway 163 5.1% 73
Brand of PC that HH owns: Hewlett Packard 228 7.1% 50
Brand of PC that HH owns: Lenovo/IBM 32 1.0% 55
Brand of PC that HH owns: Sony Vaio 78 2.4% 93
Child (under 18) uses home PC 456 14.3% 68
HH owns CD burner 749 23.5% 65
HH owns CD ROM drive 915 28.6% 73
HH owns DVD drive 486 15.2% 67
HH owns LAN/network interface card 255 8.0% 69
HH owns inkjet printer 882 27.6% 63
HH owns laser printer 267 8.4% 59
HH owns removable cartridge storage device 259 8.1% 129
HH owns scanner 533 16.7% 60
HH owns PC speakers 817 25.6% 62
HH owns tape backup 83 2.6% 94
HH owns modem/fax modem 445 13.9% 62
HH owns software: accounting 176 5.5% 59
HH owns software: communications/fax 162 5.1% 61
HH owns software: database/filing 147 4.6% 53
HH owns software: desktop publishing 206 6.4% 52

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

HH owns software: education/training 404 12.6% 127

HH owns software: entertainment/games 589 18.4% 63
HH owns software: personal finance/tax prep 211 6.6% 48
HH owns software: presentation graphics 174 5.4% 67
HH owns software: multimedia 353 11.1% 73
HH owns software: networking 163 5.1% 47
HH owns software: spreadsheet 212 6.6% 29
HH owns software: utility 131 4.1% 57
HH owns software: web authoring 94 2.9% 88
HH owns software: word processing 622 19.5% 58
Spent $500+ on software for home PC in last 12 mo 110 3.4% 136
Purchased computer book in last 12 months 224 7.0% 145
HH owns fax machine 176 5.5% 62
Purchased audio equipment in last 12 months 412 12.9% 155
Purchased headphones in last 12 months 178 5.6% 161
HH owns camcorder 325 10.2% 51
Purchased camcorder in last 12 months 77 2.4% 108
HH owns digital camcorder 203 6.4% 72
HH owns CD player 1,031 32.3% 66
Purchased CD player in last 12 months 211 6.6% 125
HH owns DVD player 1,416 44.3% 69
Purchased DVD player in last 12 months 419 13.1% 124
HH owns 1 TV 639 20.0% 101
HH owns 2 TVs 1,042 32.6% 123
HH owns 3 TVs 605 18.9% 84
HH owns 4+ TVs 455 14.2% 68
HH owns color floor TV 939 29.4% 77
HH owns color portable TV 1,216 38.1% 68
HH owns miniature screen TV (<13 in) 185 5.8% 68
Most recent TV purchase: miniature screen (<13 in) 107 3.4% 104
HH owns regular screen TV (13"-26") 982 30.7% 67
Most recent TV purchase: regular screen (13"-26") 682 21.4% 81
HH owns large screen TV (27"-35") 1,117 35.0% 73
Most recent TV purchase: large screen (27"-35") 813 25.5% 76
HH owns big screen TV (36"-42") 452 14.2% 93
Most recent TV purchase: big screen (36"-42") 271 8.5% 76
HH owns giant screen TV (over 42") 187 5.9% 48
Most recent TV purchase: giant screen (over 42") 159 5.0% 52
HH owns LCD TV 303 9.5% 75
HH owns plasma TV 118 3.7% 63
HH owns projection TV 99 3.1% 55
HH owns VCR 1,053 33.0% 70
HH owns combination TV/VCR 371 11.6% 77
HH owns video game system 1,440 45.1% 144
Purchased video game system in last 12 months 369 11.6% 133
HH owns video game system: handheld 533 16.7% 114
HH owns video game system: attached to TV/computer 1,262 39.5% 146
HH owns video game system: Game Boy 249 7.8% 108
HH owns video game system: Game Boy Advance/SP 290 9.1% 123
HH owns video game system: Nintendo DS 173 5.4% 96

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

HH owns video game system: Nintendo GameCube 183 5.7% 108

HH owns video game system: Sony PlayStation/PS One 187 5.9% 128
HH owns video game system: PlayStation 2 854 26.7% 155
HH owns video game system: Sony PSP 178 5.6% 239
HH owns video game system: Xbox 335 10.5% 157
HH owns video game system: Xbox 360 157 4.9% 122
HH purchased 5+ video games in last 12 months 337 10.6% 99
HH spent $101+ on video games in last 12 months 277 8.7% 128
HH owns MP3 player 723 22.6% 114
Purchased MP3 player in last 12 months 273 8.5% 98
HH owns Apple iPod 310 9.7% 119
HH purchased Apple iPod in last 12 months 124 3.9% 130
Have any access to the Internet 4,313 73.6% 89
Have access to Internet: at home 3,214 54.9% 81
Have access to Internet: at work 1,189 20.3% 54
Have access to Internet: at school/library 964 16.5% 67
Have access to Internet:not hm/work/school/library 862 14.7% 78
Use Internet less than once a week 235 4.0% 98
Use Internet 1-2 times per week 262 4.5% 77
Use Internet 3-6 times per week 500 8.5% 102
Use Internet once a day 453 7.7% 73
Use Internet 2-4 times per day 602 10.3% 60
Use Internet 5 or more times per day 1,100 18.8% 86
Any Internet or online usage in last 30 days 3,135 53.5% 79
Used Internet in last 30 days: at home 2,641 45.1% 77
Used Internet in last 30 days: at work 1,025 17.5% 56
Used Internet in last 30 days: at school/library 325 5.5% 78
Used Internet/30 days: not home/work/school/library 357 6.1% 71
Internet last 30 days: used email 2,452 41.9% 71
Internet last 30 days: used Instant Messenger 1,643 28.1% 114
Internet last 30 days: paid bills online 1,080 18.4% 64
Internet last 30 days: visited online blog 297 5.1% 63
Internet last 30 days: wrote online blog 165 2.8% 85
Internet last 30 days: visited chat room 481 8.2% 182
Internet last 30 days: looked for employment 822 14.0% 133
Internet last 30 days: played games online 1,236 21.1% 111
Internet last 30 days: traded/tracked investments 233 4.0% 40
Internet last 30 days: downloaded music 1,228 21.0% 131
Internet last 30 days: made phone call 195 3.3% 116
Internet last 30 days: made personal purchase 1,087 18.6% 64
Internet last 30 days: made business purchase 375 6.4% 70
Internet last 30 days: made travel plans 512 8.7% 53
Internet last 30 days: watched online video 955 16.3% 116
Internet last 30 days: obtained new/used car info 275 4.7% 54
Internet last 30 days: obtained financial info 736 12.6% 58
Internet last 30 days: obtained medical info 589 10.1% 66
Internet last 30 days: obtained latest news 1,095 18.7% 54
Internet last 30 days: obtained real estate info 409 7.0% 67

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

Internet last 30 days: obtained sports news/info 828 14.1% 67

Ordered anything on Internet in last 12 months 743 12.7% 38
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: airline ticket 318 5.4% 34
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: CD/tape 134 2.3% 48
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: clothing 343 5.9% 46
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: computer 98 1.7% 48
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: computer peripheral 114 1.9% 48
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: DVD 221 3.8% 58
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: flowers 92 1.6% 37
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: software 138 2.4% 43
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: ticket (concert/sports) 266 4.5% 53
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: toy 158 2.7% 58
Purchased item from amazon.com in last 12 months 339 5.8% 47
Purchased item from barnes&noble.com in last 12 mo 194 3.3% 103
Purchased item from bestbuy.com in last 12 months 95 1.6% 68
Purchased item from ebay.com in last 12 months 303 5.2% 59
Purchased item from walmart.com in last 12 months 122 2.1% 63
Spent on Internet orders last 12 months: <$200 309 5.3% 51
Spent on Internet orders last 12 months: $200-499 300 5.1% 66
Spent on Internet orders last 12 months: $500+ 374 6.4% 46
Connection to Internet from home: dial-up modem 331 5.7% 46
Connection to Internet from home: cable modem 1,659 28.3% 117
Connection to Internet from home: DSL 712 12.2% 52
Connection to Internet from home: wireless 423 7.2% 73
Connection to Internet from home: any broadband 2,654 45.3% 87
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 1 102 1.7% 66
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 2 151 2.6% 55
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 3 97 1.7% 53
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 4 153 2.6% 65
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 5+ 202 3.4% 26
Rented video tape/DVD last month: action/adventure 620 10.6% 55
Rented video tape/DVD last month: classic 194 3.3% 84
Rented video tape/DVD last month: comedy 512 8.7% 44
Rented video tape/DVD last month: drama 416 7.1% 54
Rented video tape/DVD last month: family/children 213 3.6% 41
Rented video tape/DVD last month: foreign 124 2.1% 113
Rented video tape/DVD last month: horror 219 3.7% 50
Rented video tape/DVD last month: romance 240 4.1% 59
Rented video tape/DVD last month: science fiction 286 4.9% 93
Rented video tape/DVD last mo at Blockbuster Video 331 5.7% 44
Rented video tape/DVD last mo at Hollywood Video 305 5.2% 108
Bought video tape/DVD last month: action/adventure 587 10.0% 127
Bought video tape/DVD last month: classic 259 4.4% 213
Bought video tape/DVD last month: comedy 363 6.2% 76
Bought video tape/DVD last month: drama 354 6.0% 142
Bought video tape/DVD last month: family/children 274 4.7% 79
Bought video tape/DVD last month: horror 314 5.4% 173
Bought video tape/DVD last month: romance 91 1.6% 68
Bought video tape/DVD last month: science fiction 283 4.8% 199

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 4 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

Bought video tape/DVD last mo at Blockbuster Video 154 2.6% 107

Bought blank video tape in last 6 months 380 6.5% 68
Bought 7+ blank video tapes in last 6 months 104 1.8% 86
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 1 204 3.5% 65
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 2 240 4.1% 78
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 3-4 221 3.8% 77
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 5+ 531 9.1% 168
Bought any camera in last 12 months 797 13.6% 92
Spent on cameras in last 12 months: <$100 364 6.2% 110
Spent on cameras in last 12 months: $100-199 166 2.8% 101
Spent on cameras in last 12 months: $200+ 186 3.2% 69
Own APS (point & shoot or SLR) camera 133 2.3% 81
Own digital camera 778 13.3% 43
Bought digital camera in last 12 months 287 4.9% 70
Own digital point & shoot camera 511 8.7% 38
Bought digital point & shoot camera in last 12 mo 172 2.9% 58
Own digital SLR camera 396 6.8% 75
Bought digital SLR camera in last 12 months 147 2.5% 103
Own instant developing camera 177 3.0% 144
Own 35mm auto focus point & shoot camera 170 2.9% 54
Own 35mm auto focus single lens reflex camera 95 1.6% 61
Own 35mm auto focus zoom camera 181 3.1% 49
Own 35mm single lens reflex camera 110 1.9% 55
Own Canon camera 430 7.3% 50
Bought Canon camera in last 12 months 102 1.7% 75
Own Fuji camera 349 6.0% 128
Bought Fuji camera in last 12 months 201 3.4% 183
Own Kodak camera 508 8.7% 70
Bought Kodak camera in last 12 months 301 5.1% 142
Own Nikon camera 161 2.7% 55
Own Olympus camera 183 3.1% 64
Own Polaroid camera 177 3.0% 118
Bought any camera accessory in last 12 months 944 16.1% 85
Bought film in last 12 months 1,372 23.4% 99
Bought film in last 12 months: <3 rolls 626 10.7% 107
Bought film in last 12 months: 3-6 rolls 515 8.8% 110
Bought film in last 12 months: 7+ rolls 290 5.0% 84
Bought film in last 12 mo: APS (color prints) 183 3.1% 109
Bought film in last 12 mo: instant developing 148 2.5% 109
Bought film in last 12 mo: 35mm (black & white) 102 1.7% 148
Bought film in last 12 mo: 35mm (color prints) 620 10.6% 71
Bought Fuji film in last 12 months 383 6.5% 97
Bought Kodak film in last 12 months 878 15.0% 99
Bought store-brand film in last 12 months 171 2.9% 131
Purchased film in last 12 mo: department store 271 4.6% 108
Purchased film in last 12 mo: discount store 215 3.7% 55

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 5 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

Purchased film in last 12 mo: drug store 420 7.2% 124

Purchased film in last 12 mo: grocery store 154 2.6% 92
Purchased film in last 12 mo: 1 hour service store 242 4.1% 160
Had film processed at department store 165 2.8% 108
Had film processed at discount store 118 2.0% 46
Had film processed at drug store 260 4.4% 84
Had film processed at grocery store 63 1.1% 63
Had film processed at 1 hour service store 326 5.6% 188
Bought memory card for camera in last 12 months 203 3.5% 46
Own memory card for camera 605 10.3% 46

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 6 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Demographic Summary 2009 2014

Population 39,120 40,099
Population 18+ 24,591 25,485
Households 12,324 12,645
Median Household Income $17,799 $18,761

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

Use a personal computer at work 3,692 15.0% 47

HH owns a personal computer 7,314 59.3% 83
Purchased home PC in last 12 months 1,351 11.0% 71
Purchased home PC 1-2 years ago 1,721 14.0% 63
Purchased home PC 3-4 years ago 1,206 9.8% 55
Purchased home PC 5+ years ago 615 5.0% 55
Spent <$500 on home PC 862 7.0% 77
Spent $500-999 on home PC 1,447 11.7% 64
Spent $1000-1499 on home PC 1,260 10.2% 69
Spent $1500-1999 on home PC 629 5.1% 62
Spent $2000-2999 on home PC 466 3.8% 49
Purchased home PC at computer superstore 850 6.9% 55
Purchased home PC at department store 476 3.9% 87
Purchased home PC direct from manufacturer 1,075 8.7% 61
Purchased home PC at electronics store 1,032 8.4% 85
Purchased home PC on Internet 586 4.8% 61
Purchased home PC at warehouse discount outlet 172 1.4% 64
HH owns desktop PC 5,267 42.7% 74
HH owns laptop/notebook/tablet PC 2,107 17.1% 66
HH owns any Apple/Apple Mac clone brand PC 672 5.5% 108
HH owns any IBM/IBM compatible brand PC 6,234 50.6% 77
Brand of PC that HH owns: Compaq 781 6.3% 72
Brand of PC that HH owns: Dell 2,912 23.6% 82
Brand of PC that HH owns: Gateway 649 5.3% 75
Brand of PC that HH owns: Hewlett Packard 1,016 8.2% 58
Brand of PC that HH owns: Lenovo/IBM 149 1.2% 66
Brand of PC that HH owns: Sony Vaio 284 2.3% 87
Child (under 18) uses home PC 1,942 15.8% 75
HH owns CD burner 2,896 23.5% 65
HH owns CD ROM drive 3,568 28.9% 74
HH owns DVD drive 1,915 15.5% 68
HH owns LAN/network interface card 958 7.8% 68
HH owns inkjet printer 3,369 27.3% 62
HH owns laser printer 1,063 8.6% 61
HH owns removable cartridge storage device 939 7.6% 121
HH owns scanner 2,057 16.7% 60
HH owns PC speakers 3,176 25.8% 62
HH owns tape backup 301 2.4% 88
HH owns modem/fax modem 1,708 13.9% 62
HH owns software: accounting 687 5.6% 60
HH owns software: communications/fax 653 5.3% 64
HH owns software: database/filing 600 4.9% 56
HH owns software: desktop publishing 791 6.4% 52

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

HH owns software: education/training 1,508 12.2% 123

HH owns software: entertainment/games 2,301 18.7% 64
HH owns software: personal finance/tax prep 814 6.6% 48
HH owns software: presentation graphics 676 5.5% 67
HH owns software: multimedia 1,294 10.5% 69
HH owns software: networking 711 5.8% 53
HH owns software: spreadsheet 880 7.1% 31
HH owns software: utility 485 3.9% 55
HH owns software: web authoring 374 3.0% 90
HH owns software: word processing 2,389 19.4% 58
Spent $500+ on software for home PC in last 12 mo 398 3.2% 127
Purchased computer book in last 12 months 792 6.4% 133
HH owns fax machine 716 5.8% 65
Purchased audio equipment in last 12 months 1,461 11.9% 143
Purchased headphones in last 12 months 637 5.2% 149
HH owns camcorder 1,349 10.9% 55
Purchased camcorder in last 12 months 314 2.5% 115
HH owns digital camcorder 843 6.8% 78
HH owns CD player 4,038 32.8% 67
Purchased CD player in last 12 months 756 6.1% 117
HH owns DVD player 5,648 45.8% 72
Purchased DVD player in last 12 months 1,496 12.1% 115
HH owns 1 TV 2,572 20.9% 105
HH owns 2 TVs 3,826 31.0% 117
HH owns 3 TVs 2,372 19.2% 86
HH owns 4+ TVs 1,917 15.6% 74
HH owns color floor TV 3,592 29.1% 77
HH owns color portable TV 5,038 40.9% 73
HH owns miniature screen TV (<13 in) 762 6.2% 72
Most recent TV purchase: miniature screen (<13 in) 443 3.6% 111
HH owns regular screen TV (13"-26") 3,849 31.2% 68
Most recent TV purchase: regular screen (13"-26") 2,692 21.8% 83
HH owns large screen TV (27"-35") 4,483 36.4% 76
Most recent TV purchase: large screen (27"-35") 3,302 26.8% 80
HH owns big screen TV (36"-42") 1,701 13.8% 91
Most recent TV purchase: big screen (36"-42") 1,054 8.6% 77
HH owns giant screen TV (over 42") 800 6.5% 53
Most recent TV purchase: giant screen (over 42") 659 5.3% 56
HH owns LCD TV 1,155 9.4% 75
HH owns plasma TV 489 4.0% 68
HH owns projection TV 412 3.3% 60
HH owns VCR 4,109 33.3% 71
HH owns combination TV/VCR 1,517 12.3% 81
HH owns video game system 5,296 43.0% 137
Purchased video game system in last 12 months 1,351 11.0% 126
HH owns video game system: handheld 2,062 16.7% 115
HH owns video game system: attached to TV/computer 4,627 37.5% 138
HH owns video game system: Game Boy 958 7.8% 108
HH owns video game system: Game Boy Advance/SP 1,087 8.8% 119
HH owns video game system: Nintendo DS 731 5.9% 105

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

HH owns video game system: Nintendo GameCube 720 5.8% 110

HH owns video game system: Sony PlayStation/PS One 709 5.8% 126
HH owns video game system: PlayStation 2 3,129 25.4% 147
HH owns video game system: Sony PSP 679 5.5% 236
HH owns video game system: Xbox 1,213 9.8% 147
HH owns video game system: Xbox 360 651 5.3% 131
HH purchased 5+ video games in last 12 months 1,244 10.1% 95
HH spent $101+ on video games in last 12 months 1,042 8.5% 125
HH owns MP3 player 2,696 21.9% 110
Purchased MP3 player in last 12 months 1,046 8.5% 97
HH owns Apple iPod 1,210 9.8% 121
HH purchased Apple iPod in last 12 months 484 3.9% 132
Have any access to the Internet 18,283 74.3% 90
Have access to Internet: at home 13,215 53.7% 80
Have access to Internet: at work 5,162 21.0% 56
Have access to Internet: at school/library 4,615 18.8% 76
Have access to Internet:not hm/work/school/library 3,659 14.9% 79
Use Internet less than once a week 1,028 4.2% 102
Use Internet 1-2 times per week 1,246 5.1% 88
Use Internet 3-6 times per week 2,208 9.0% 107
Use Internet once a day 1,934 7.9% 74
Use Internet 2-4 times per day 2,586 10.5% 62
Use Internet 5 or more times per day 4,372 17.8% 81
Any Internet or online usage in last 30 days 13,247 53.9% 80
Used Internet in last 30 days: at home 10,977 44.6% 76
Used Internet in last 30 days: at work 4,277 17.4% 55
Used Internet in last 30 days: at school/library 1,389 5.6% 79
Used Internet/30 days: not home/work/school/library 1,598 6.5% 76
Internet last 30 days: used email 10,365 42.1% 71
Internet last 30 days: used Instant Messenger 6,729 27.4% 111
Internet last 30 days: paid bills online 4,450 18.1% 63
Internet last 30 days: visited online blog 1,306 5.3% 66
Internet last 30 days: wrote online blog 723 2.9% 88
Internet last 30 days: visited chat room 1,971 8.0% 178
Internet last 30 days: looked for employment 3,546 14.4% 137
Internet last 30 days: played games online 5,306 21.6% 113
Internet last 30 days: traded/tracked investments 1,047 4.3% 42
Internet last 30 days: downloaded music 4,958 20.2% 126
Internet last 30 days: made phone call 740 3.0% 105
Internet last 30 days: made personal purchase 4,294 17.5% 60
Internet last 30 days: made business purchase 1,515 6.2% 68
Internet last 30 days: made travel plans 2,171 8.8% 54
Internet last 30 days: watched online video 3,826 15.6% 110
Internet last 30 days: obtained new/used car info 1,245 5.1% 58
Internet last 30 days: obtained financial info 2,923 11.9% 55
Internet last 30 days: obtained medical info 2,502 10.2% 67
Internet last 30 days: obtained latest news 4,598 18.7% 54
Internet last 30 days: obtained real estate info 1,742 7.1% 68

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

Internet last 30 days: obtained sports news/info 3,468 14.1% 67

Ordered anything on Internet in last 12 months 3,388 13.8% 42
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: airline ticket 1,671 6.8% 42
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: CD/tape 576 2.3% 49
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: clothing 1,490 6.1% 47
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: computer 459 1.9% 54
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: computer peripheral 510 2.1% 51
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: DVD 898 3.7% 57
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: flowers 450 1.8% 43
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: software 686 2.8% 51
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: ticket (concert/sports) 1,134 4.6% 54
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: toy 681 2.8% 59
Purchased item from amazon.com in last 12 months 1,523 6.2% 51
Purchased item from barnes&noble.com in last 12 mo 770 3.1% 97
Purchased item from bestbuy.com in last 12 months 451 1.8% 77
Purchased item from ebay.com in last 12 months 1,364 5.5% 63
Purchased item from walmart.com in last 12 months 554 2.3% 68
Spent on Internet orders last 12 months: <$200 1,286 5.2% 51
Spent on Internet orders last 12 months: $200-499 1,312 5.3% 69
Spent on Internet orders last 12 months: $500+ 1,696 6.9% 49
Connection to Internet from home: dial-up modem 1,620 6.6% 53
Connection to Internet from home: cable modem 6,644 27.0% 111
Connection to Internet from home: DSL 3,068 12.5% 53
Connection to Internet from home: wireless 1,752 7.1% 72
Connection to Internet from home: any broadband 10,729 43.6% 84
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 1 443 1.8% 68
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 2 656 2.7% 57
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 3 466 1.9% 61
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 4 673 2.7% 69
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 5+ 965 3.9% 30
Rented video tape/DVD last month: action/adventure 2,586 10.5% 54
Rented video tape/DVD last month: classic 832 3.4% 86
Rented video tape/DVD last month: comedy 2,326 9.5% 47
Rented video tape/DVD last month: drama 1,891 7.7% 58
Rented video tape/DVD last month: family/children 1,095 4.5% 51
Rented video tape/DVD last month: foreign 514 2.1% 112
Rented video tape/DVD last month: horror 1,015 4.1% 55
Rented video tape/DVD last month: romance 1,004 4.1% 59
Rented video tape/DVD last month: science fiction 1,180 4.8% 92
Rented video tape/DVD last mo at Blockbuster Video 1,624 6.6% 51
Rented video tape/DVD last mo at Hollywood Video 1,205 4.9% 102
Bought video tape/DVD last month: action/adventure 2,251 9.2% 116
Bought video tape/DVD last month: classic 943 3.8% 184
Bought video tape/DVD last month: comedy 1,532 6.2% 77
Bought video tape/DVD last month: drama 1,413 5.7% 135
Bought video tape/DVD last month: family/children 1,152 4.7% 79
Bought video tape/DVD last month: horror 1,245 5.1% 163
Bought video tape/DVD last month: romance 418 1.7% 75
Bought video tape/DVD last month: science fiction 1,099 4.5% 184

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 4 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

Bought video tape/DVD last mo at Blockbuster Video 641 2.6% 106

Bought blank video tape in last 6 months 1,662 6.8% 71
Bought 7+ blank video tapes in last 6 months 450 1.8% 89
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 1 911 3.7% 69
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 2 982 4.0% 76
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 3-4 993 4.0% 82
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 5+ 2,041 8.3% 154
Bought any camera in last 12 months 3,407 13.9% 93
Spent on cameras in last 12 months: <$100 1,616 6.6% 117
Spent on cameras in last 12 months: $100-199 692 2.8% 100
Spent on cameras in last 12 months: $200+ 814 3.3% 72
Own APS (point & shoot or SLR) camera 569 2.3% 82
Own digital camera 3,283 13.3% 43
Bought digital camera in last 12 months 1,176 4.8% 68
Own digital point & shoot camera 2,134 8.7% 38
Bought digital point & shoot camera in last 12 mo 801 3.3% 64
Own digital SLR camera 1,580 6.4% 71
Bought digital SLR camera in last 12 months 629 2.6% 105
Own instant developing camera 711 2.9% 138
Own 35mm auto focus point & shoot camera 765 3.1% 58
Own 35mm auto focus single lens reflex camera 426 1.7% 66
Own 35mm auto focus zoom camera 811 3.3% 53
Own 35mm single lens reflex camera 508 2.1% 60
Own Canon camera 1,936 7.9% 53
Bought Canon camera in last 12 months 453 1.8% 79
Own Fuji camera 1,318 5.4% 115
Bought Fuji camera in last 12 months 756 3.1% 164
Own Kodak camera 2,168 8.8% 71
Bought Kodak camera in last 12 months 1,230 5.0% 139
Own Nikon camera 712 2.9% 58
Own Olympus camera 793 3.2% 66
Own Polaroid camera 753 3.1% 119
Bought any camera accessory in last 12 months 3,674 14.9% 78
Bought film in last 12 months 5,309 21.6% 91
Bought film in last 12 months: <3 rolls 2,465 10.0% 100
Bought film in last 12 months: 3-6 rolls 1,974 8.0% 100
Bought film in last 12 months: 7+ rolls 1,122 4.6% 78
Bought film in last 12 mo: APS (color prints) 718 2.9% 102
Bought film in last 12 mo: instant developing 602 2.4% 106
Bought film in last 12 mo: 35mm (black & white) 387 1.6% 134
Bought film in last 12 mo: 35mm (color prints) 2,391 9.7% 65
Bought Fuji film in last 12 months 1,473 6.0% 89
Bought Kodak film in last 12 months 3,401 13.8% 91
Bought store-brand film in last 12 months 685 2.8% 125
Purchased film in last 12 mo: department store 1,066 4.3% 101
Purchased film in last 12 mo: discount store 960 3.9% 59

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 5 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

Purchased film in last 12 mo: drug store 1,613 6.6% 114

Purchased film in last 12 mo: grocery store 621 2.5% 88
Purchased film in last 12 mo: 1 hour service store 951 3.9% 150
Had film processed at department store 647 2.6% 101
Had film processed at discount store 558 2.3% 52
Had film processed at drug store 1,044 4.2% 80
Had film processed at grocery store 265 1.1% 63
Had film processed at 1 hour service store 1,236 5.0% 170
Bought memory card for camera in last 12 months 1,007 4.1% 54
Own memory card for camera 2,468 10.0% 44

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 6 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Demographic Summary 2009 2014

Population 150,637 155,075
Population 18+ 100,036 103,926
Households 50,418 51,921
Median Household Income $25,868 $27,344

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

Use a personal computer at work 16,040 16.0% 50

HH owns a personal computer 30,400 60.3% 84
Purchased home PC in last 12 months 5,667 11.2% 73
Purchased home PC 1-2 years ago 6,855 13.6% 62
Purchased home PC 3-4 years ago 5,618 11.1% 62
Purchased home PC 5+ years ago 2,635 5.2% 57
Spent <$500 on home PC 3,961 7.9% 87
Spent $500-999 on home PC 6,164 12.2% 67
Spent $1000-1499 on home PC 5,137 10.2% 69
Spent $1500-1999 on home PC 2,365 4.7% 57
Spent $2000-2999 on home PC 1,850 3.7% 47
Purchased home PC at computer superstore 3,809 7.6% 61
Purchased home PC at department store 2,029 4.0% 91
Purchased home PC direct from manufacturer 4,586 9.1% 64
Purchased home PC at electronics store 3,807 7.6% 77
Purchased home PC on Internet 2,504 5.0% 64
Purchased home PC at warehouse discount outlet 730 1.4% 66
HH owns desktop PC 22,265 44.2% 76
HH owns laptop/notebook/tablet PC 9,234 18.3% 71
HH owns any Apple/Apple Mac clone brand PC 2,626 5.2% 103
HH owns any IBM/IBM compatible brand PC 26,598 52.8% 80
Brand of PC that HH owns: Compaq 3,569 7.1% 80
Brand of PC that HH owns: Dell 12,592 25.0% 87
Brand of PC that HH owns: Gateway 2,670 5.3% 76
Brand of PC that HH owns: Hewlett Packard 4,881 9.7% 68
Brand of PC that HH owns: Lenovo/IBM 704 1.4% 77
Brand of PC that HH owns: Sony Vaio 1,046 2.1% 79
Child (under 18) uses home PC 9,059 18.0% 86
HH owns CD burner 12,104 24.0% 66
HH owns CD ROM drive 15,031 29.8% 76
HH owns DVD drive 8,195 16.3% 71
HH owns LAN/network interface card 3,620 7.2% 62
HH owns inkjet printer 13,828 27.4% 62
HH owns laser printer 4,618 9.2% 65
HH owns removable cartridge storage device 3,525 7.0% 111
HH owns scanner 8,523 16.9% 61
HH owns PC speakers 13,298 26.4% 64
HH owns tape backup 1,115 2.2% 80
HH owns modem/fax modem 6,997 13.9% 62
HH owns software: accounting 2,693 5.3% 57
HH owns software: communications/fax 2,680 5.3% 64
HH owns software: database/filing 2,567 5.1% 58
HH owns software: desktop publishing 3,110 6.2% 50

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

HH owns software: education/training 6,062 12.0% 121

HH owns software: entertainment/games 9,563 19.0% 65
HH owns software: personal finance/tax prep 3,294 6.5% 47
HH owns software: presentation graphics 2,553 5.1% 62
HH owns software: multimedia 4,929 9.8% 64
HH owns software: networking 3,225 6.4% 59
HH owns software: spreadsheet 3,925 7.8% 34
HH owns software: utility 1,781 3.5% 50
HH owns software: web authoring 1,577 3.1% 93
HH owns software: word processing 9,619 19.1% 57
Spent $500+ on software for home PC in last 12 mo 1,497 3.0% 117
Purchased computer book in last 12 months 2,846 5.6% 117
HH owns fax machine 3,010 6.0% 67
Purchased audio equipment in last 12 months 5,278 10.5% 126
Purchased headphones in last 12 months 2,334 4.6% 133
HH owns camcorder 6,051 12.0% 61
Purchased camcorder in last 12 months 1,393 2.8% 124
HH owns digital camcorder 3,755 7.4% 85
HH owns CD player 16,761 33.2% 68
Purchased CD player in last 12 months 2,760 5.5% 104
HH owns DVD player 24,201 48.0% 75
Purchased DVD player in last 12 months 5,342 10.6% 100
HH owns 1 TV 10,887 21.6% 109
HH owns 2 TVs 14,456 28.7% 108
HH owns 3 TVs 9,908 19.7% 88
HH owns 4+ TVs 8,718 17.3% 83
HH owns color floor TV 14,741 29.2% 77
HH owns color portable TV 22,158 43.9% 78
HH owns miniature screen TV (<13 in) 3,290 6.5% 76
Most recent TV purchase: miniature screen (<13 in) 1,916 3.8% 118
HH owns regular screen TV (13"-26") 15,800 31.3% 68
Most recent TV purchase: regular screen (13"-26") 10,957 21.7% 82
HH owns large screen TV (27"-35") 19,272 38.2% 80
Most recent TV purchase: large screen (27"-35") 14,333 28.4% 84
HH owns big screen TV (36"-42") 6,912 13.7% 90
Most recent TV purchase: big screen (36"-42") 4,489 8.9% 80
HH owns giant screen TV (over 42") 3,771 7.5% 61
Most recent TV purchase: giant screen (over 42") 2,944 5.8% 61
HH owns LCD TV 4,734 9.4% 75
HH owns plasma TV 2,224 4.4% 75
HH owns projection TV 1,720 3.4% 61
HH owns VCR 16,877 33.5% 71
HH owns combination TV/VCR 6,594 13.1% 86
HH owns video game system 20,817 41.3% 132
Purchased video game system in last 12 months 5,250 10.4% 120
HH owns video game system: handheld 8,728 17.3% 119
HH owns video game system: attached to TV/computer 18,111 35.9% 132
HH owns video game system: Game Boy 4,016 8.0% 110
HH owns video game system: Game Boy Advance/SP 4,358 8.6% 117
HH owns video game system: Nintendo DS 3,392 6.7% 119

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

HH owns video game system: Nintendo GameCube 3,101 6.2% 116

HH owns video game system: Sony PlayStation/PS One 2,862 5.7% 124
HH owns video game system: PlayStation 2 12,039 23.9% 139
HH owns video game system: Sony PSP 2,869 5.7% 244
HH owns video game system: Xbox 4,669 9.3% 139
HH owns video game system: Xbox 360 3,007 6.0% 148
HH purchased 5+ video games in last 12 months 4,822 9.6% 90
HH spent $101+ on video games in last 12 months 4,248 8.4% 124
HH owns MP3 player 10,901 21.6% 109
Purchased MP3 player in last 12 months 4,359 8.6% 99
HH owns Apple iPod 5,098 10.1% 124
HH purchased Apple iPod in last 12 months 2,053 4.1% 137
Have any access to the Internet 76,189 76.2% 92
Have access to Internet: at home 54,803 54.8% 81
Have access to Internet: at work 22,218 22.2% 60
Have access to Internet: at school/library 20,570 20.6% 84
Have access to Internet:not hm/work/school/library 15,089 15.1% 80
Use Internet less than once a week 4,316 4.3% 106
Use Internet 1-2 times per week 5,489 5.5% 95
Use Internet 3-6 times per week 9,689 9.7% 116
Use Internet once a day 7,915 7.9% 74
Use Internet 2-4 times per day 11,062 11.1% 65
Use Internet 5 or more times per day 17,522 17.5% 80
Any Internet or online usage in last 30 days 55,614 55.6% 82
Used Internet in last 30 days: at home 46,131 46.1% 79
Used Internet in last 30 days: at work 17,584 17.6% 56
Used Internet in last 30 days: at school/library 5,478 5.5% 77
Used Internet/30 days: not home/work/school/library 6,661 6.7% 78
Internet last 30 days: used email 43,981 44.0% 74
Internet last 30 days: used Instant Messenger 27,788 27.8% 113
Internet last 30 days: paid bills online 18,424 18.4% 64
Internet last 30 days: visited online blog 5,351 5.3% 66
Internet last 30 days: wrote online blog 3,080 3.1% 93
Internet last 30 days: visited chat room 8,108 8.1% 180
Internet last 30 days: looked for employment 15,508 15.5% 147
Internet last 30 days: played games online 22,569 22.6% 118
Internet last 30 days: traded/tracked investments 3,910 3.9% 39
Internet last 30 days: downloaded music 20,034 20.0% 125
Internet last 30 days: made phone call 2,570 2.6% 89
Internet last 30 days: made personal purchase 16,746 16.7% 58
Internet last 30 days: made business purchase 5,319 5.3% 58
Internet last 30 days: made travel plans 8,137 8.1% 49
Internet last 30 days: watched online video 15,346 15.3% 109
Internet last 30 days: obtained new/used car info 4,915 4.9% 56
Internet last 30 days: obtained financial info 11,498 11.5% 53
Internet last 30 days: obtained medical info 10,520 10.5% 69
Internet last 30 days: obtained latest news 18,942 18.9% 54
Internet last 30 days: obtained real estate info 6,709 6.7% 64

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

Internet last 30 days: obtained sports news/info 14,447 14.4% 69

Ordered anything on Internet in last 12 months 15,058 15.1% 45
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: airline ticket 7,756 7.8% 48
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: CD/tape 2,224 2.2% 47
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: clothing 5,617 5.6% 44
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: computer 1,988 2.0% 58
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: computer peripheral 2,080 2.1% 51
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: DVD 3,217 3.2% 50
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: flowers 1,860 1.9% 44
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: software 3,057 3.1% 56
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: ticket (concert/sports) 4,304 4.3% 50
Ordered on Internet/12 mo: toy 2,615 2.6% 56
Purchased item from amazon.com in last 12 months 6,089 6.1% 50
Purchased item from barnes&noble.com in last 12 mo 2,896 2.9% 90
Purchased item from bestbuy.com in last 12 months 2,104 2.1% 89
Purchased item from ebay.com in last 12 months 5,671 5.7% 65
Purchased item from walmart.com in last 12 months 2,272 2.3% 69
Spent on Internet orders last 12 months: <$200 5,233 5.2% 51
Spent on Internet orders last 12 months: $200-499 5,264 5.3% 68
Spent on Internet orders last 12 months: $500+ 6,711 6.7% 48
Connection to Internet from home: dial-up modem 7,342 7.3% 59
Connection to Internet from home: cable modem 27,213 27.2% 112
Connection to Internet from home: DSL 13,530 13.5% 58
Connection to Internet from home: wireless 6,563 6.6% 66
Connection to Internet from home: any broadband 44,308 44.3% 85
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 1 1,880 1.9% 71
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 2 2,579 2.6% 55
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 3 2,001 2.0% 64
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 4 2,781 2.8% 70
DVDs rented in last 30 days: 5+ 4,238 4.2% 32
Rented video tape/DVD last month: action/adventure 9,914 9.9% 51
Rented video tape/DVD last month: classic 3,486 3.5% 89
Rented video tape/DVD last month: comedy 9,900 9.9% 49
Rented video tape/DVD last month: drama 7,949 7.9% 60
Rented video tape/DVD last month: family/children 4,645 4.6% 53
Rented video tape/DVD last month: foreign 2,002 2.0% 107
Rented video tape/DVD last month: horror 4,492 4.5% 60
Rented video tape/DVD last month: romance 3,636 3.6% 52
Rented video tape/DVD last month: science fiction 4,475 4.5% 86
Rented video tape/DVD last mo at Blockbuster Video 7,596 7.6% 59
Rented video tape/DVD last mo at Hollywood Video 4,492 4.5% 93
Bought video tape/DVD last month: action/adventure 7,975 8.0% 101
Bought video tape/DVD last month: classic 3,156 3.2% 152
Bought video tape/DVD last month: comedy 6,107 6.1% 75
Bought video tape/DVD last month: drama 5,283 5.3% 124
Bought video tape/DVD last month: family/children 4,518 4.5% 76
Bought video tape/DVD last month: horror 4,587 4.6% 148
Bought video tape/DVD last month: romance 1,875 1.9% 82
Bought video tape/DVD last month: science fiction 3,818 3.8% 157

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 4 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

Bought video tape/DVD last mo at Blockbuster Video 2,562 2.6% 104

Bought blank video tape in last 6 months 6,719 6.7% 70
Bought 7+ blank video tapes in last 6 months 1,883 1.9% 91
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 1 3,683 3.7% 69
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 2 3,794 3.8% 72
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 3-4 4,403 4.4% 90
DVDs purchased in last 30 days: 5+ 7,434 7.4% 138
Bought any camera in last 12 months 14,034 14.0% 94
Spent on cameras in last 12 months: <$100 6,581 6.6% 117
Spent on cameras in last 12 months: $100-199 2,806 2.8% 100
Spent on cameras in last 12 months: $200+ 3,325 3.3% 72
Own APS (point & shoot or SLR) camera 2,374 2.4% 84
Own digital camera 13,415 13.4% 43
Bought digital camera in last 12 months 4,476 4.5% 63
Own digital point & shoot camera 8,845 8.8% 38
Bought digital point & shoot camera in last 12 mo 3,414 3.4% 67
Own digital SLR camera 5,792 5.8% 64
Bought digital SLR camera in last 12 months 2,471 2.5% 101
Own instant developing camera 2,782 2.8% 133
Own 35mm auto focus point & shoot camera 3,106 3.1% 58
Own 35mm auto focus single lens reflex camera 1,786 1.8% 68
Own 35mm auto focus zoom camera 3,289 3.3% 52
Own 35mm single lens reflex camera 2,210 2.2% 64
Own Canon camera 7,828 7.8% 53
Bought Canon camera in last 12 months 1,991 2.0% 85
Own Fuji camera 4,547 4.5% 98
Bought Fuji camera in last 12 months 2,623 2.6% 139
Own Kodak camera 8,565 8.6% 69
Bought Kodak camera in last 12 months 4,941 4.9% 137
Own Nikon camera 2,918 2.9% 58
Own Olympus camera 3,208 3.2% 65
Own Polaroid camera 3,130 3.1% 122
Bought any camera accessory in last 12 months 13,576 13.6% 71
Bought film in last 12 months 19,522 19.5% 83
Bought film in last 12 months: <3 rolls 9,378 9.4% 94
Bought film in last 12 months: 3-6 rolls 6,991 7.0% 87
Bought film in last 12 months: 7+ rolls 3,995 4.0% 68
Bought film in last 12 mo: APS (color prints) 2,618 2.6% 92
Bought film in last 12 mo: instant developing 2,448 2.4% 106
Bought film in last 12 mo: 35mm (black & white) 1,417 1.4% 120
Bought film in last 12 mo: 35mm (color prints) 8,446 8.4% 56
Bought Fuji film in last 12 months 5,243 5.2% 78
Bought Kodak film in last 12 months 12,414 12.4% 82
Bought store-brand film in last 12 months 2,552 2.6% 114
Purchased film in last 12 mo: department store 3,893 3.9% 91
Purchased film in last 12 mo: discount store 3,927 3.9% 59

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 5 of 6
Electronics & Internet
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSC Group
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults/HHs Percent MPI

Purchased film in last 12 mo: drug store 5,917 5.9% 103

Purchased film in last 12 mo: grocery store 2,404 2.4% 84
Purchased film in last 12 mo: 1 hour service store 3,542 3.5% 137
Had film processed at department store 2,295 2.3% 88
Had film processed at discount store 2,367 2.4% 55
Had film processed at drug store 3,788 3.8% 71
Had film processed at grocery store 1,074 1.1% 63
Had film processed at 1 hour service store 4,407 4.4% 149
Bought memory card for camera in last 12 months 4,491 4.5% 59
Own memory card for camera 9,888 9.9% 44

Data Note: An MPI (Market Potential Index) measures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consumer behavior or
purchasing patterns compared to the U.S. An MPI of 100 represents the U.S. average.
Source: These data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local demographic composition. Usage data were
collected by Mediamark Research & Intelligence LLC. in a nationally representative survey of U.S. households.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 6 of 6
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Sports and Leisure
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 0.25 miles radius

Demographic Summary 2010 2015

Population 9,732 10,060
Population 18+ 6,006 6,258
H ouseholds 3,249 3,365
Median H ousehold Incom e $15,880 $18,633

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

Participated in aerobics 437 7.3% 77

Participated in archery 60 1.0% 44
Participated in auto racing 77 1.3% 62
Participated in backpacking/hiking 281 4.7% 60
Participated in baseball 422 7.0% 141
Participated in basketball 733 12.2% 138
Participated in bicycling (m ountain) 156 2.6% 68
Participated in bicycling (road) 352 5.9% 64
Participated in boating (power) 162 2.7% 47
Participated in bowling 383 6.4% 59
Participated in canoeing/kayaking 138 2.3% 54
Participated in downhill skiing 90 1.5% 51
Participated in fishing (fresh water) 427 7.1% 53
Participated in fishing (salt water) 219 3.6% 87
Participated in football 456 7.6% 130
Participated in Frisbee 190 3.2% 67
Participated in golf 281 4.7% 46
P lay golf < once a m onth 92 1.5% 41
P lay golf 1+ tim es a m onth 132 2.2% 41
Participated in horseback riding 81 1.3% 48
Participated in hunting with rifle 139 2.3% 48
Participated in hunting with shotgun 117 1.9% 48
Participated in ice skating 99 1.6% 63
Participated in jogging/running 239 4.0% 43
Participated in m artial arts 70 1.2% 85
Participated in m otorcycling 147 2.4% 68
Participated in P ilates 138 2.3% 67
Participated in roller blading/in-line skating 95 1.6% 65
Participated in snorkeling/skin diving 86 1.4% 64
Participated in snowboarding 83 1.4% 84
Participated in soccer 323 5.4% 136
Participated in softball 165 2.7% 74
Participated in swim m ing 377 6.3% 35
Participated in target shooting 160 2.7% 68
Participated in tennis 171 2.8% 69
Participated in volleyball 171 2.8% 88
Participated in walking for exercise 868 14.4% 52
Participated in weight lifting 477 7.9% 64
Participated in yoga 199 3.3% 65
S pent on high end sports/recreation equipm ent/12 m o: <$250 170 2.8% 71
S pent on high end sports/recreation equipm ent/12 m o: $250+ 154 2.6% 68
A ttend sports event: auto racing (N A S C A R ) 303 5.0% 81
A ttend sports event: auto racing (not N A S C A R ) 402 6.7% 132
A ttend sports event: baseball gam e 691 11.5% 87

Data Note: A n MP I (Market Potential Index) m easures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consum er behavior or purchasing patterns
com pared to the U .S . A n MP I of 100 represents the U .S . average.

Source: T hese data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local dem ographic com position. U sage data were collected by G fK MR I in
a nationally representative survey of U .S . households. E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 1 of 4
Sports and Leisure
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 0.25 miles radius

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

A ttend sports event: basketball gam e (college) 460 7.7% 112

A ttend sports event: basketball gam e (pro) 794 13.2% 185
A ttend sports event: football gam e (college) 400 6.7% 75
A ttend sports event: football-Monday night gam e (pro) 406 6.8% 142
A ttend sports event: football-weekend gam e (pro) 435 7.2% 92
A ttend sports event: golf tournam ent 276 4.6% 108
A ttend sports event: ice hockey gam e 235 3.9% 72
A ttend sports event: soccer gam e 386 6.4% 127
A ttend sports event: tennis m atch 336 5.6% 155
A ttended adult education course in last 12 m onths 411 6.8% 105
A ttended auto show in last 12 m onths 321 5.3% 65
W ent to bar/night club in last 12 m onths 720 12.0% 65
W ent to beach in last 12 m onths 893 14.9% 63
A ttended dance perform ance in last 12 m onths 245 4.1% 98
D anced/went dancing in last 12 m onths 475 7.9% 86
D ined out in last 12 m onths 1,491 24.8% 51
D ine out < once a m onth 163 2.7% 62
D ine out once a m onth 248 4.1% 66
D ine out 2-3 tim es a m onth 324 5.4% 48
D ine out once a week 383 6.4% 55
D ine out 2+ tim es per week 322 5.4% 53
G am bled at casino in last 12 m onths 747 12.4% 77
G am bled at casino 6+ tim es in last 12 m onths 146 2.4% 91
G am bled in A tlantic C ity in last 12 m onths 544 9.1% 332
G am bled in L as Vegas in last 12 m onths 285 4.7% 103
A ttended horse races in last 12 m onths 221 3.7% 131
A ttended m ovies in last 6 m onths 3,564 59.3% 101
A ttended m ovies in last 90 days: < once a m onth 1,198 19.9% 63
A ttended m ovies in last 90 days: once a m onth 634 10.6% 105
A ttended m ovies in last 90 days: 2-3 tim es a m onth 538 9.0% 136
A ttended m ovies in last 90 days: once/week or m ore 272 4.5% 166
P refer to see m ovie after second week of release 699 11.6% 49
W ent to m useum in last 12 m onths 385 6.4% 53
A ttended country m usic perform ance in last 12 m o 153 2.5% 50
A ttended rock m usic perform ance in last 12 m onths 371 6.2% 62
A ttended classical m usic/opera perform ance/12 m o 219 3.6% 75
W ent to live theater in last 12 m onths 497 8.3% 66
V isited a them e park in last 12 m onths 1,092 18.2% 82
V isited D isneyland (C A ) in last 12 m onths 293 4.9% 155
V isited D isney W orld (F L )/12 m o: A nim al K ingdom 62 1.0% 42
V isited D isney W orld (F L )/12 m o: E pcot C enter 77 1.3% 45
V isited D isney W orld (F L )/12 m o: Magic K ingdom 109 1.8% 52
V isited any S ea W orld in last 12 m onths 159 2.6% 80
V isited any S ix F lags in last 12 m onths 744 12.4% 201
W ent to zoo in last 12 m onths 313 5.2% 42
P layed backgam m on in last 12 m onths 72 1.2% 68
Participated in book club in last 12 m onths 112 1.9% 62
P layed billiards/pool in last 12 m onths 407 6.8% 71
P layed bingo in last 12 m onths 250 4.2% 94

Data Note: A n MP I (Market Potential Index) m easures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consum er behavior or purchasing patterns
com pared to the U .S . A n MP I of 100 represents the U .S . average.

Source: T hese data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local dem ographic com position. U sage data were collected by G fK MR I in
a nationally representative survey of U .S . households. E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 2 of 4
Sports and Leisure
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 0.25 miles radius

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

D id birdwatching in last 12 m onths 179 3.0% 49

P layed board gam e in last 12 m onths 583 9.7% 57
P layed cards in last 12 m onths 818 13.6% 62
P layed chess in last 12 m onths 197 3.3% 94
C ooked for fun in last 12 m onths 733 12.2% 62
D id crossword puz z le in last 12 m onths 442 7.4% 52
Participated in fantasy sports league last 12 m o 114 1.9% 65
F lew a kite in last 12 m onths 125 2.1% 79
D id furniture refinishing in last 12 m onths 120 2.0% 62
D id indoor gardening/plant care in last 12 m onths 373 6.2% 61
Participated in karaoke in last 12 m onths 225 3.7% 91
B ought lottery ticket in last 12 m onths 1,886 31.4% 90
B ought lottery ticket in last 12 m o: D aily D rawing 566 9.4% 187
B ought lottery ticket in last 12 m o: Instant G am e 917 15.3% 92
B ought lottery ticket in last 12 m o: L otto D rawing 983 16.4% 75
P layed lottery: <2 tim es in last 30 days 650 10.8% 92
P layed lottery: 2-5 tim es in last 30 days 493 8.2% 70
P layed lottery: 6+ tim es in last 30 days 772 12.8% 112
P layed m usical instrum ent in last 12 m onths 334 5.6% 72
D id painting/drawing in last 12 m onths 306 5.1% 76
D id photography in last 12 m onths 293 4.9% 38
R ead book in last 12 m onths 1,315 21.9% 56
Participated in trivia gam es in last 12 m onths 266 4.4% 74
P layed video gam e in last 12 m onths 686 11.4% 98
D id woodworking in last 12 m onths 147 2.4% 52
Participated in word gam es in last 12 m onths 256 4.3% 45
Mem ber of A A R P 319 5.3% 34
Mem ber of business club 61 1.0% 47
Mem ber of charitable organiz ation 214 3.6% 56
Mem ber of church board 185 3.1% 71
Mem ber of fraternal order 103 1.7% 45
Mem ber of religious club 251 4.2% 63
Mem ber of school or college board 92 1.5% 89
Mem ber of union 219 3.6% 67
Mem ber of veterans club 95 1.6% 44
B ought any children`s toy/gam e in last 12 m onths 1,651 27.5% 80
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: <$50 392 6.5% 104
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: $50-99 156 2.6% 95
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: $100-199 429 7.1% 100
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: $200-499 407 6.8% 65
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: $500+ 167 2.8% 50
B ought infant toy in last 12 m onths 422 7.0% 86
B ought pre-school toy in last 12 m onths 473 7.9% 94
S pent on toys/gam es (for child <6)/12 m o: <$100 452 7.5% 67
S pent on toys/gam es (for child <6)/12 m o: $100-199 345 5.7% 86
S pent on toys/gam es (for child <6)/12 m o: $200+ 388 6.5% 86
B ought for child in last 12 m o: boy action figure 273 4.5% 57
B ought for child in last 12 m o: girl action figure 186 3.1% 98
B ought for child in last 12 m o: bicycle 231 3.8% 59
B ought for child in last 12 m o: board gam e 649 10.8% 89
B ought for child in last 12 m o: builder set 262 4.4% 123

Data Note: A n MP I (Market Potential Index) m easures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consum er behavior or purchasing patterns
com pared to the U .S . A n MP I of 100 represents the U .S . average.

Source: T hese data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local dem ographic com position. U sage data were collected by G fK MR I in
a nationally representative survey of U .S . households. E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 3 of 4
Sports and Leisure
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 0.25 miles radius

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

B ought for child in last 12 m o: car 409 6.8% 75

B ought for child in last 12 m o: construction toy 203 3.4% 66
B ought for child in last 12 m o: large/baby doll 507 8.4% 126
B ought for child in last 12 m o: fashion doll 281 4.7% 86
B ought for child in last 12 m o: plush doll/anim al 368 6.1% 74
B ought for child in last 12 m o: doll accessories 206 3.4% 85
B ought for child in last 12 m o: doll clothing 227 3.8% 90
B ought for child in last 12 m o: educational toy 480 8.0% 57
B ought for child in last 12 m o: electronic gam e 414 6.9% 75
B ought for child in last 12 m o: m echanical toy 181 3.0% 75
B ought for child in last 12 m o: m odel kit/set 88 1.5% 55
B ought for child in last 12 m o: sound gam e 344 5.7% 202
B ought for child in last 12 m o: water toy 278 4.6% 49
B ought for child in last 12 m o: word gam e 252 4.2% 112
B ought book in last 12 m onths 2,543 42.3% 85
B ought 1-3 books in last 12 m onths 1,257 20.9% 108
B ought 4-9 books in last 12 m onths 887 14.8% 95
B ought 10+ books in last 12 m onths 402 6.7% 46
B ought paperback book in last 12 m onths 1,672 27.8% 75
B ought <3 paperback books in last 12 m onths 609 10.1% 80
B ought 3-6 paperback books in last 12 m onths 786 13.1% 100
B ought 7+ paperback books in last 12 m onths 292 4.9% 42
B ought hardcover book in last 12 m onths 1,070 17.8% 64
B ought <3 hardcover books in last 12 m onths 525 8.7% 73
B ought 3-5 hardcover books in last 12 m onths 320 5.3% 67
B ought 6+ hardcover books in last 12 m onths 326 5.4% 69
B ought book (fiction) in last 12 m onths 1,071 17.8% 64
B ought book (non-fiction) in last 12 m onths 1,221 20.3% 79
B ought biography in last 12 m onths 457 7.6% 108
B ought children`s book in last 12 m onths 860 14.3% 113
B ought cookbook in last 12 m onths 504 8.4% 76
B ought desk dictionary in last 12 m onths 233 3.9% 173
B ought history book in last 12 m onths 406 6.8% 88
B ought mystery book in last 12 m onths 487 8.1% 70
B ought personal/business self-help book last 12 m o 390 6.5% 89
B ought religious book (not bible) last 12 m onths 339 5.6% 71
B ought rom ance book in last 12 m onths 497 8.3% 130
B ought science fiction book in last 12 m onths 193 3.2% 78
B ought book through book club in last 12 m onths 244 4.1% 84
B ought book at book store in last 12 m onths 1,612 26.8% 82
B ought book at B arnes & N oble in last 12 m onths 1,084 18.0% 95
B ought book at B orders in last 12 m onths 309 5.1% 48
B ought book at convenience store in last 12 m onths 177 2.9% 138
B ought book at departm ent store in last 12 m onths 337 5.6% 73
B ought book at drug store in last 12 m onths 137 2.3% 104
B ought book through Internet in last 12 m o 321 5.3% 58
B ought book through m ail order in last 12 m onths 267 4.4% 125
B ought book at superm arket in last 12 m onths 283 4.7% 95
B ought book at warehouse store in last 12 m onths 210 3.5% 58

Data Note: A n MP I (Market Potential Index) m easures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consum er behavior or purchasing patterns
com pared to the U .S . A n MP I of 100 represents the U .S . average.

Source: T hese data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local dem ographic com position. U sage data were collected by G fK MR I in
a nationally representative survey of U .S . households. E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 4 of 4
Sports and Leisure
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 0.5 miles radius

Demographic Summary 2010 2015

Population 39,957 41,257
Population 18+ 25,244 26,264
H ouseholds 12,654 13,104
Median H ousehold Incom e $18,490 $23,358

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

Participated in aerobics 1,812 7.2% 76

Participated in archery 274 1.1% 48
Participated in auto racing 335 1.3% 64
Participated in backpacking/hiking 1,224 4.8% 62
Participated in baseball 1,713 6.8% 137
Participated in basketball 3,144 12.5% 141
Participated in bicycling (m ountain) 691 2.7% 71
Participated in bicycling (road) 1,502 6.0% 65
Participated in boating (power) 767 3.0% 52
Participated in bowling 1,732 6.9% 64
Participated in canoeing/kayaking 624 2.5% 58
Participated in downhill skiing 408 1.6% 56
Participated in fishing (fresh water) 1,817 7.2% 53
Participated in fishing (salt water) 921 3.6% 87
Participated in football 1,888 7.5% 129
Participated in Frisbee 836 3.3% 70
Participated in golf 1,282 5.1% 50
P lay golf < once a m onth 425 1.7% 45
P lay golf 1+ tim es a m onth 620 2.5% 46
Participated in horseback riding 353 1.4% 50
Participated in hunting with rifle 664 2.6% 54
Participated in hunting with shotgun 531 2.1% 52
Participated in ice skating 432 1.7% 66
Participated in jogging/running 1,154 4.6% 50
Participated in m artial arts 318 1.3% 92
Participated in m otorcycling 610 2.4% 67
Participated in P ilates 607 2.4% 70
Participated in roller blading/in-line skating 421 1.7% 68
Participated in snorkeling/skin diving 369 1.5% 66
Participated in snowboarding 347 1.4% 84
Participated in soccer 1,251 5.0% 125
Participated in softball 787 3.1% 84
Participated in swim m ing 1,723 6.8% 38
Participated in target shooting 680 2.7% 69
Participated in tennis 753 3.0% 72
Participated in volleyball 762 3.0% 94
Participated in walking for exercise 3,810 15.1% 55
Participated in weight lifting 1,976 7.8% 63
Participated in yoga 844 3.3% 66
S pent on high end sports/recreation equipm ent/12 m o: <$250 741 2.9% 74
S pent on high end sports/recreation equipm ent/12 m o: $250+ 663 2.6% 69
A ttend sports event: auto racing (N A S C A R ) 1,323 5.2% 84
A ttend sports event: auto racing (not N A S C A R ) 1,629 6.5% 128
A ttend sports event: baseball gam e 2,794 11.1% 84

Data Note: A n MP I (Market Potential Index) m easures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consum er behavior or purchasing patterns
com pared to the U .S . A n MP I of 100 represents the U .S . average.

Source: T hese data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local dem ographic com position. U sage data were collected by G fK MR I in
a nationally representative survey of U .S . households. E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 1 of 4
Sports and Leisure
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 0.5 miles radius

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

A ttend sports event: basketball gam e (college) 1,976 7.8% 114

A ttend sports event: basketball gam e (pro) 3,248 12.9% 180
A ttend sports event: football gam e (college) 1,697 6.7% 76
A ttend sports event: football-Monday night gam e (pro) 1,657 6.6% 138
A ttend sports event: football-weekend gam e (pro) 1,836 7.3% 93
A ttend sports event: golf tournam ent 1,165 4.6% 108
A ttend sports event: ice hockey gam e 1,041 4.1% 76
A ttend sports event: soccer gam e 1,580 6.3% 124
A ttend sports event: tennis m atch 1,388 5.5% 152
A ttended adult education course in last 12 m onths 1,721 6.8% 105
A ttended auto show in last 12 m onths 1,475 5.8% 71
W ent to bar/night club in last 12 m onths 3,125 12.4% 68
W ent to beach in last 12 m onths 3,622 14.3% 61
A ttended dance perform ance in last 12 m onths 1,029 4.1% 98
D anced/went dancing in last 12 m onths 2,186 8.7% 94
D ined out in last 12 m onths 6,500 25.8% 53
D ine out < once a m onth 735 2.9% 67
D ine out once a m onth 1,033 4.1% 66
D ine out 2-3 tim es a m onth 1,417 5.6% 50
D ine out once a week 1,547 6.1% 53
D ine out 2+ tim es per week 1,433 5.7% 56
G am bled at casino in last 12 m onths 3,196 12.7% 79
G am bled at casino 6+ tim es in last 12 m onths 618 2.4% 92
G am bled in A tlantic C ity in last 12 m onths 2,111 8.4% 307
G am bled in L as Vegas in last 12 m onths 1,148 4.5% 98
A ttended horse races in last 12 m onths 895 3.5% 127
A ttended m ovies in last 6 m onths 14,892 59.0% 101
A ttended m ovies in last 90 days: < once a m onth 5,321 21.1% 67
A ttended m ovies in last 90 days: once a m onth 2,512 10.0% 99
A ttended m ovies in last 90 days: 2-3 tim es a m onth 2,260 9.0% 136
A ttended m ovies in last 90 days: once/week or m ore 1,120 4.4% 163
P refer to see m ovie after second week of release 3,213 12.7% 53
W ent to m useum in last 12 m onths 1,686 6.7% 55
A ttended country m usic perform ance in last 12 m o 684 2.7% 53
A ttended rock m usic perform ance in last 12 m onths 1,372 5.4% 55
A ttended classical m usic/opera perform ance/12 m o 946 3.7% 77
W ent to live theater in last 12 m onths 2,114 8.4% 67
V isited a them e park in last 12 m onths 4,621 18.3% 82
V isited D isneyland (C A ) in last 12 m onths 1,087 4.3% 137
V isited D isney W orld (F L )/12 m o: A nim al K ingdom 303 1.2% 49
V isited D isney W orld (F L )/12 m o: E pcot C enter 365 1.4% 50
V isited D isney W orld (F L )/12 m o: Magic K ingdom 510 2.0% 58
V isited any S ea W orld in last 12 m onths 670 2.7% 80
V isited any S ix F lags in last 12 m onths 3,035 12.0% 195
W ent to zoo in last 12 m onths 1,495 5.9% 48
P layed backgam m on in last 12 m onths 332 1.3% 75
Participated in book club in last 12 m onths 562 2.2% 74
P layed billiards/pool in last 12 m onths 1,703 6.7% 71
P layed bingo in last 12 m onths 1,092 4.3% 98

Data Note: A n MP I (Market Potential Index) m easures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consum er behavior or purchasing patterns
com pared to the U .S . A n MP I of 100 represents the U .S . average.

Source: T hese data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local dem ographic com position. U sage data were collected by G fK MR I in
a nationally representative survey of U .S . households. E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 2 of 4
Sports and Leisure
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 0.5 miles radius

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

D id birdwatching in last 12 m onths 809 3.2% 53

P layed board gam e in last 12 m onths 2,628 10.4% 61
P layed cards in last 12 m onths 3,888 15.4% 70
P layed chess in last 12 m onths 859 3.4% 97
C ooked for fun in last 12 m onths 3,341 13.2% 67
D id crossword puz z le in last 12 m onths 2,025 8.0% 56
Participated in fantasy sports league last 12 m o 515 2.0% 70
F lew a kite in last 12 m onths 527 2.1% 79
D id furniture refinishing in last 12 m onths 599 2.4% 74
D id indoor gardening/plant care in last 12 m onths 1,549 6.1% 61
Participated in karaoke in last 12 m onths 982 3.9% 95
B ought lottery ticket in last 12 m onths 7,885 31.2% 90
B ought lottery ticket in last 12 m o: D aily D rawing 2,387 9.5% 188
B ought lottery ticket in last 12 m o: Instant G am e 3,879 15.4% 93
B ought lottery ticket in last 12 m o: L otto D rawing 4,010 15.9% 73
P layed lottery: <2 tim es in last 30 days 2,694 10.7% 91
P layed lottery: 2-5 tim es in last 30 days 2,156 8.5% 73
P layed lottery: 6+ tim es in last 30 days 3,265 12.9% 113
P layed m usical instrum ent in last 12 m onths 1,390 5.5% 71
D id painting/drawing in last 12 m onths 1,357 5.4% 81
D id photography in last 12 m onths 1,305 5.2% 40
R ead book in last 12 m onths 5,639 22.3% 57
Participated in trivia gam es in last 12 m onths 1,189 4.7% 79
P layed video gam e in last 12 m onths 3,014 11.9% 103
D id woodworking in last 12 m onths 668 2.6% 57
Participated in word gam es in last 12 m onths 1,276 5.1% 53
Mem ber of A A R P 1,582 6.3% 41
Mem ber of business club 293 1.2% 54
Mem ber of charitable organiz ation 924 3.7% 57
Mem ber of church board 813 3.2% 74
Mem ber of fraternal order 491 1.9% 51
Mem ber of religious club 1,086 4.3% 65
Mem ber of school or college board 409 1.6% 94
Mem ber of union 984 3.9% 72
Mem ber of veterans club 447 1.8% 49
B ought any children`s toy/gam e in last 12 m onths 7,004 27.7% 80
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: <$50 1,580 6.3% 100
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: $50-99 677 2.7% 98
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: $100-199 1,767 7.0% 98
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: $200-499 1,720 6.8% 66
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: $500+ 800 3.2% 57
B ought infant toy in last 12 m onths 1,721 6.8% 83
B ought pre-school toy in last 12 m onths 1,861 7.4% 88
S pent on toys/gam es (for child <6)/12 m o: <$100 1,821 7.2% 65
S pent on toys/gam es (for child <6)/12 m o: $100-199 1,446 5.7% 86
S pent on toys/gam es (for child <6)/12 m o: $200+ 1,543 6.1% 81
B ought for child in last 12 m o: boy action figure 1,244 4.9% 62
B ought for child in last 12 m o: girl action figure 800 3.2% 101
B ought for child in last 12 m o: bicycle 1,066 4.2% 65
B ought for child in last 12 m o: board gam e 2,588 10.3% 85
B ought for child in last 12 m o: builder set 1,030 4.1% 115

Data Note: A n MP I (Market Potential Index) m easures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consum er behavior or purchasing patterns
com pared to the U .S . A n MP I of 100 represents the U .S . average.

Source: T hese data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local dem ographic com position. U sage data were collected by G fK MR I in
a nationally representative survey of U .S . households. E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 3 of 4
Sports and Leisure
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 0.5 miles radius

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

B ought for child in last 12 m o: car 1,830 7.2% 79

B ought for child in last 12 m o: construction toy 902 3.6% 70
B ought for child in last 12 m o: large/baby doll 2,172 8.6% 128
B ought for child in last 12 m o: fashion doll 1,165 4.6% 85
B ought for child in last 12 m o: plush doll/anim al 1,637 6.5% 79
B ought for child in last 12 m o: doll accessories 893 3.5% 87
B ought for child in last 12 m o: doll clothing 965 3.8% 91
B ought for child in last 12 m o: educational toy 2,125 8.4% 60
B ought for child in last 12 m o: electronic gam e 1,831 7.3% 78
B ought for child in last 12 m o: m echanical toy 808 3.2% 79
B ought for child in last 12 m o: m odel kit/set 425 1.7% 63
B ought for child in last 12 m o: sound gam e 1,397 5.5% 195
B ought for child in last 12 m o: water toy 1,323 5.2% 56
B ought for child in last 12 m o: word gam e 1,151 4.6% 122
B ought book in last 12 m onths 10,462 41.4% 84
B ought 1-3 books in last 12 m onths 5,171 20.5% 106
B ought 4-9 books in last 12 m onths 3,585 14.2% 91
B ought 10+ books in last 12 m onths 1,717 6.8% 46
B ought paperback book in last 12 m onths 7,034 27.9% 75
B ought <3 paperback books in last 12 m onths 2,652 10.5% 83
B ought 3-6 paperback books in last 12 m onths 3,155 12.5% 95
B ought 7+ paperback books in last 12 m onths 1,375 5.4% 47
B ought hardcover book in last 12 m onths 4,602 18.2% 66
B ought <3 hardcover books in last 12 m onths 2,256 8.9% 74
B ought 3-5 hardcover books in last 12 m onths 1,360 5.4% 68
B ought 6+ hardcover books in last 12 m onths 1,404 5.6% 70
B ought book (fiction) in last 12 m onths 4,474 17.7% 64
B ought book (non-fiction) in last 12 m onths 5,006 19.8% 77
B ought biography in last 12 m onths 1,757 7.0% 99
B ought children`s book in last 12 m onths 3,373 13.4% 106
B ought cookbook in last 12 m onths 2,087 8.3% 75
B ought desk dictionary in last 12 m onths 980 3.9% 174
B ought history book in last 12 m onths 1,677 6.6% 86
B ought mystery book in last 12 m onths 2,057 8.1% 70
B ought personal/business self-help book last 12 m o 1,679 6.7% 92
B ought religious book (not bible) last 12 m onths 1,396 5.5% 69
B ought rom ance book in last 12 m onths 1,968 7.8% 123
B ought science fiction book in last 12 m onths 872 3.5% 84
B ought book through book club in last 12 m onths 1,111 4.4% 91
B ought book at book store in last 12 m onths 6,548 25.9% 79
B ought book at B arnes & N oble in last 12 m onths 4,165 16.5% 86
B ought book at B orders in last 12 m onths 1,406 5.6% 52
B ought book at convenience store in last 12 m onths 788 3.1% 146
B ought book at departm ent store in last 12 m onths 1,416 5.6% 73
B ought book at drug store in last 12 m onths 614 2.4% 111
B ought book through Internet in last 12 m o 1,350 5.3% 58
B ought book through m ail order in last 12 m onths 1,109 4.4% 123
B ought book at superm arket in last 12 m onths 1,135 4.5% 91
B ought book at warehouse store in last 12 m onths 905 3.6% 60

Data Note: A n MP I (Market Potential Index) m easures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consum er behavior or purchasing patterns
com pared to the U .S . A n MP I of 100 represents the U .S . average.

Source: T hese data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local dem ographic com position. U sage data were collected by G fK MR I in
a nationally representative survey of U .S . households. E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 4 of 4
Sports and Leisure
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 1 mile radius

Demographic Summary 2010 2015

Population 152,850 158,191
Population 18+ 101,771 105,962
H ouseholds 51,289 53,129
Median H ousehold Incom e $27,228 $33,374

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

Participated in aerobics 7,464 7.3% 78

Participated in archery 1,084 1.1% 47
Participated in auto racing 1,267 1.2% 60
Participated in backpacking/hiking 4,988 4.9% 63
Participated in baseball 6,342 6.2% 125
Participated in basketball 13,043 12.8% 145
Participated in bicycling (m ountain) 2,916 2.9% 75
Participated in bicycling (road) 5,961 5.9% 64
Participated in boating (power) 3,345 3.3% 57
Participated in bowling 7,338 7.2% 67
Participated in canoeing/kayaking 2,611 2.6% 60
Participated in downhill skiing 1,776 1.7% 60
Participated in fishing (fresh water) 6,649 6.5% 49
Participated in fishing (salt water) 3,477 3.4% 82
Participated in football 7,348 7.2% 124
Participated in Frisbee 3,368 3.3% 70
Participated in golf 5,198 5.1% 50
P lay golf < once a m onth 1,713 1.7% 45
P lay golf 1+ tim es a m onth 2,566 2.5% 47
Participated in horseback riding 1,401 1.4% 49
Participated in hunting with rifle 2,661 2.6% 54
Participated in hunting with shotgun 2,042 2.0% 49
Participated in ice skating 1,752 1.7% 66
Participated in jogging/running 5,082 5.0% 54
Participated in m artial arts 1,342 1.3% 96
Participated in m otorcycling 2,328 2.3% 64
Participated in P ilates 2,469 2.4% 71
Participated in roller blading/in-line skating 1,673 1.6% 67
Participated in snorkeling/skin diving 1,430 1.4% 63
Participated in snowboarding 1,300 1.3% 78
Participated in soccer 4,489 4.4% 112
Participated in softball 3,141 3.1% 83
Participated in swim m ing 6,910 6.8% 38
Participated in target shooting 2,630 2.6% 66
Participated in tennis 3,166 3.1% 75
Participated in volleyball 3,061 3.0% 93
Participated in walking for exercise 14,926 14.7% 53
Participated in weight lifting 7,619 7.5% 60
Participated in yoga 3,178 3.1% 62
S pent on high end sports/recreation equipm ent/12 m o: <$250 2,986 2.9% 74
S pent on high end sports/recreation equipm ent/12 m o: $250+ 2,575 2.5% 67
A ttend sports event: auto racing (N A S C A R ) 5,463 5.4% 86
A ttend sports event: auto racing (not N A S C A R ) 6,322 6.2% 123
A ttend sports event: baseball gam e 11,085 10.9% 83

Data Note: A n MP I (Market Potential Index) m easures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consum er behavior or purchasing patterns
com pared to the U .S . A n MP I of 100 represents the U .S . average.

Source: T hese data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local dem ographic com position. U sage data were collected by G fK MR I in
a nationally representative survey of U .S . households. E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 1 of 4
Sports and Leisure
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 1 mile radius

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

A ttend sports event: basketball gam e (college) 7,996 7.9% 115

A ttend sports event: basketball gam e (pro) 13,193 13.0% 181
A ttend sports event: football gam e (college) 6,741 6.6% 75
A ttend sports event: football-Monday night gam e (pro) 6,633 6.5% 137
A ttend sports event: football-weekend gam e (pro) 7,424 7.3% 93
A ttend sports event: golf tournam ent 4,766 4.7% 110
A ttend sports event: ice hockey gam e 4,419 4.3% 80
A ttend sports event: soccer gam e 6,131 6.0% 119
A ttend sports event: tennis m atch 5,563 5.5% 151
A ttended adult education course in last 12 m onths 6,788 6.7% 102
A ttended auto show in last 12 m onths 6,474 6.4% 78
W ent to bar/night club in last 12 m onths 13,136 12.9% 70
W ent to beach in last 12 m onths 14,031 13.8% 58
A ttended dance perform ance in last 12 m onths 4,177 4.1% 98
D anced/went dancing in last 12 m onths 10,228 10.1% 109
D ined out in last 12 m onths 27,019 26.5% 54
D ine out < once a m onth 3,129 3.1% 71
D ine out once a m onth 3,803 3.7% 60
D ine out 2-3 tim es a m onth 5,940 5.8% 52
D ine out once a week 5,380 5.3% 46
D ine out 2+ tim es per week 5,481 5.4% 53
G am bled at casino in last 12 m onths 13,102 12.9% 80
G am bled at casino 6+ tim es in last 12 m onths 2,494 2.5% 92
G am bled in A tlantic C ity in last 12 m onths 8,285 8.1% 299
G am bled in L as Vegas in last 12 m onths 4,198 4.1% 89
A ttended horse races in last 12 m onths 3,195 3.1% 112
A ttended m ovies in last 6 m onths 61,172 60.1% 103
A ttended m ovies in last 90 days: < once a m onth 23,300 22.9% 73
A ttended m ovies in last 90 days: once a m onth 9,549 9.4% 93
A ttended m ovies in last 90 days: 2-3 tim es a m onth 9,167 9.0% 136
A ttended m ovies in last 90 days: once/week or m ore 4,579 4.5% 165
P refer to see m ovie after second week of release 14,606 14.4% 60
W ent to m useum in last 12 m onths 6,600 6.5% 54
A ttended country m usic perform ance in last 12 m o 2,769 2.7% 53
A ttended rock m usic perform ance in last 12 m onths 4,566 4.5% 45
A ttended classical m usic/opera perform ance/12 m o 3,882 3.8% 79
W ent to live theater in last 12 m onths 8,755 8.6% 68
V isited a them e park in last 12 m onths 19,275 18.9% 85
V isited D isneyland (C A ) in last 12 m onths 3,604 3.5% 112
V isited D isney W orld (F L )/12 m o: A nim al K ingdom 1,260 1.2% 51
V isited D isney W orld (F L )/12 m o: E pcot C enter 1,529 1.5% 52
V isited D isney W orld (F L )/12 m o: Magic K ingdom 2,062 2.0% 58
V isited any S ea W orld in last 12 m onths 2,367 2.3% 71
V isited any S ix F lags in last 12 m onths 12,698 12.5% 202
W ent to zoo in last 12 m onths 6,391 6.3% 51
P layed backgam m on in last 12 m onths 1,477 1.5% 83
Participated in book club in last 12 m onths 2,448 2.4% 80
P layed billiards/pool in last 12 m onths 6,818 6.7% 70
P layed bingo in last 12 m onths 4,275 4.2% 95

Data Note: A n MP I (Market Potential Index) m easures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consum er behavior or purchasing patterns
com pared to the U .S . A n MP I of 100 represents the U .S . average.

Source: T hese data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local dem ographic com position. U sage data were collected by G fK MR I in
a nationally representative survey of U .S . households. E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 2 of 4
Sports and Leisure
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 1 mile radius

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

D id birdwatching in last 12 m onths 3,226 3.2% 52

P layed board gam e in last 12 m onths 11,280 11.1% 65
P layed cards in last 12 m onths 16,761 16.5% 75
P layed chess in last 12 m onths 3,608 3.5% 102
C ooked for fun in last 12 m onths 14,191 13.9% 70
D id crossword puz z le in last 12 m onths 8,193 8.1% 57
Participated in fantasy sports league last 12 m o 2,164 2.1% 73
F lew a kite in last 12 m onths 2,089 2.1% 78
D id furniture refinishing in last 12 m onths 2,581 2.5% 79
D id indoor gardening/plant care in last 12 m onths 5,872 5.8% 57
Participated in karaoke in last 12 m onths 3,960 3.9% 95
B ought lottery ticket in last 12 m onths 32,120 31.6% 91
B ought lottery ticket in last 12 m o: D aily D rawing 10,171 10.0% 199
B ought lottery ticket in last 12 m o: Instant G am e 15,549 15.3% 92
B ought lottery ticket in last 12 m o: L otto D rawing 15,806 15.5% 71
P layed lottery: <2 tim es in last 30 days 11,052 10.9% 92
P layed lottery: 2-5 tim es in last 30 days 8,427 8.3% 71
P layed lottery: 6+ tim es in last 30 days 13,486 13.3% 116
P layed m usical instrum ent in last 12 m onths 5,349 5.3% 68
D id painting/drawing in last 12 m onths 5,126 5.0% 75
D id photography in last 12 m onths 5,523 5.4% 42
R ead book in last 12 m onths 22,486 22.1% 57
Participated in trivia gam es in last 12 m onths 5,002 4.9% 82
P layed video gam e in last 12 m onths 12,391 12.2% 105
D id woodworking in last 12 m onths 2,737 2.7% 58
Participated in word gam es in last 12 m onths 5,760 5.7% 60
Mem ber of A A R P 7,511 7.4% 48
Mem ber of business club 1,319 1.3% 60
Mem ber of charitable organiz ation 3,555 3.5% 55
Mem ber of church board 3,414 3.4% 77
Mem ber of fraternal order 2,075 2.0% 53
Mem ber of religious club 4,311 4.2% 64
Mem ber of school or college board 1,577 1.5% 90
Mem ber of union 4,350 4.3% 78
Mem ber of veterans club 1,862 1.8% 51
B ought any children`s toy/gam e in last 12 m onths 29,327 28.8% 83
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: <$50 5,823 5.7% 91
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: $50-99 2,795 2.7% 100
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: $100-199 6,996 6.9% 96
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: $200-499 6,921 6.8% 65
S pent on toys/gam es in last 12 m onths: $500+ 3,548 3.5% 63
B ought infant toy in last 12 m onths 6,669 6.6% 80
B ought pre-school toy in last 12 m onths 6,716 6.6% 79
S pent on toys/gam es (for child <6)/12 m o: <$100 6,975 6.9% 61
S pent on toys/gam es (for child <6)/12 m o: $100-199 5,919 5.8% 87
S pent on toys/gam es (for child <6)/12 m o: $200+ 5,783 5.7% 75
B ought for child in last 12 m o: boy action figure 5,696 5.6% 71
B ought for child in last 12 m o: girl action figure 3,261 3.2% 102
B ought for child in last 12 m o: bicycle 4,281 4.2% 65
B ought for child in last 12 m o: board gam e 9,385 9.2% 76
B ought for child in last 12 m o: builder set 3,774 3.7% 105

Data Note: A n MP I (Market Potential Index) m easures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consum er behavior or purchasing patterns
com pared to the U .S . A n MP I of 100 represents the U .S . average.

Source: T hese data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local dem ographic com position. U sage data were collected by G fK MR I in
a nationally representative survey of U .S . households. E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 3 of 4
Sports and Leisure
Market Potential
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data
Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641
July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 1 mile radius

Number of
Product/Consumer Behavior Adults Percent MPI

B ought for child in last 12 m o: car 7,620 7.5% 82

B ought for child in last 12 m o: construction toy 3,642 3.6% 70
B ought for child in last 12 m o: large/baby doll 9,148 9.0% 134
B ought for child in last 12 m o: fashion doll 4,396 4.3% 80
B ought for child in last 12 m o: plush doll/anim al 6,602 6.5% 79
B ought for child in last 12 m o: doll accessories 3,587 3.5% 87
B ought for child in last 12 m o: doll clothing 3,907 3.8% 91
B ought for child in last 12 m o: educational toy 8,951 8.8% 63
B ought for child in last 12 m o: electronic gam e 7,906 7.8% 84
B ought for child in last 12 m o: m echanical toy 3,400 3.3% 83
B ought for child in last 12 m o: m odel kit/set 1,881 1.8% 70
B ought for child in last 12 m o: sound gam e 5,597 5.5% 194
B ought for child in last 12 m o: water toy 5,485 5.4% 58
B ought for child in last 12 m o: word gam e 5,072 5.0% 133
B ought book in last 12 m onths 41,373 40.7% 82
B ought 1-3 books in last 12 m onths 20,778 20.4% 106
B ought 4-9 books in last 12 m onths 13,709 13.5% 87
B ought 10+ books in last 12 m onths 6,916 6.8% 46
B ought paperback book in last 12 m onths 28,070 27.6% 74
B ought <3 paperback books in last 12 m onths 11,168 11.0% 86
B ought 3-6 paperback books in last 12 m onths 11,630 11.4% 87
B ought 7+ paperback books in last 12 m onths 5,836 5.7% 49
B ought hardcover book in last 12 m onths 19,371 19.0% 69
B ought <3 hardcover books in last 12 m onths 9,737 9.6% 80
B ought 3-5 hardcover books in last 12 m onths 5,338 5.2% 66
B ought 6+ hardcover books in last 12 m onths 5,588 5.5% 70
B ought book (fiction) in last 12 m onths 17,669 17.4% 63
B ought book (non-fiction) in last 12 m onths 19,783 19.4% 76
B ought biography in last 12 m onths 6,218 6.1% 87
B ought children`s book in last 12 m onths 12,698 12.5% 99
B ought cookbook in last 12 m onths 8,284 8.1% 74
B ought desk dictionary in last 12 m onths 4,120 4.0% 181
B ought history book in last 12 m onths 6,576 6.5% 84
B ought mystery book in last 12 m onths 7,856 7.7% 67
B ought personal/business self-help book last 12 m o 7,064 6.9% 95
B ought religious book (not bible) last 12 m onths 5,345 5.3% 66
B ought rom ance book in last 12 m onths 7,432 7.3% 115
B ought science fiction book in last 12 m onths 3,849 3.8% 92
B ought book through book club in last 12 m onths 4,718 4.6% 96
B ought book at book store in last 12 m onths 25,829 25.4% 77
B ought book at B arnes & N oble in last 12 m onths 15,585 15.3% 80
B ought book at B orders in last 12 m onths 5,621 5.5% 51
B ought book at convenience store in last 12 m onths 3,453 3.4% 159
B ought book at departm ent store in last 12 m onths 5,525 5.4% 71
B ought book at drug store in last 12 m onths 2,686 2.6% 120
B ought book through Internet in last 12 m o 4,998 4.9% 54
B ought book through m ail order in last 12 m onths 4,281 4.2% 118
B ought book at superm arket in last 12 m onths 4,145 4.1% 82
B ought book at warehouse store in last 12 m onths 3,487 3.4% 57

Data Note: A n MP I (Market Potential Index) m easures the relative likelihood of the adults in the specified trade area to exhibit certain consum er behavior or purchasing patterns
com pared to the U .S . A n MP I of 100 represents the U .S . average.

Source: T hese data are based upon national propensities to use various products and services, applied to local dem ographic com position. U sage data were collected by G fK MR I in
a nationally representative survey of U .S . households. E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 4 of 4
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Retail Goods and Services Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles
Top Tapestry Segments: Demographic Summary 2009 2014
High Rise Renters 85.6% Population 9,567 9,838
City Strivers 7.8% Households 3,194 3,287
City Commons 5.9% Families 2,313 2,366
Social Security Set 0.6% Median Age 24.7 25.2
Unclassified 0.1% Median Household Income $15,718 $16,279

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total
Apparel and Services 35 $883.20 $2,820,942
Men's 31 $148.26 $473,539
Women's 30 $259.37 $828,431
Children's 38 $158.06 $504,834
Footwear 25 $106.24 $339,316
Watches & Jewelry 37 $79.15 $252,810
Apparel Products and Services1 130 $132.13 $422,013

Computers and Hardware for Home Use 40 $79.83 $254,965
Software and Accessories for Home Use 36 $10.26 $32,769
Entertainment & Recreation 37 $1,190.04 $3,800,986
Fees and Admissions 36 $223.12 $712,642
Membership Fees for Clubs2 32 $55.43 $177,054
Fees for Participant Sports, excl. Trips 25 $27.37 $87,410
Admission to Movie/Theatre/Opera/Ballet 42 $64.32 $205,434
Admission to Sporting Events, excl. Trips 28 $16.31 $52,092
Fees for Recreational Lessons 45 $59.08 $188,699
Dating Services 77 $0.61 $1,953
TV/Video/Sound Equipment 45 $544.62 $1,739,503
Community Antenna or Cable TV 49 $356.78 $1,139,540
Televisions 36 $59.16 $188,960
VCRs, Video Cameras, and DVD Players 42 $10.51 $33,557
Video Cassettes and DVDs 39 $23.19 $74,059
Video Game Hardware and Software 46 $20.22 $64,588
Satellite Dishes 23 $0.26 $816
Rental of Video Cassettes and DVDs 35 $15.61 $49,861
Streaming/Downloaded Video 75 $0.80 $2,546
Sound Equipment3 37 $54.17 $173,008
Rental and Repair of TV/Radio/Sound Equipment 58 $3.93 $12,568
Pets 38 $167.72 $535,708
Toys and Games4 40 $51.89 $165,727

Recreational Vehicles and Fees5 14 $50.59 $161,574

Sports/Recreation/Exercise Equipment 6 22 $43.41 $138,653

Photo Equipment and Supplies 7 36 $42.29 $135,059

Reading 8 41 $66.41 $212,121

Food 47 $3,713.04 $11,859,459

Food at Home 49 $2,222.29 $7,098,003
Bakery and Cereal Products 49 $302.50 $966,174
Meat, Poultry, Fish, and Eggs 52 $556.09 $1,776,160
Dairy Products 48 $245.34 $783,618
Fruit and Vegetables 53 $415.28 $1,326,403
Snacks and Other Food at Home9 44 $703.08 $2,245,650
Food Away from Home 45 $1,490.75 $4,761,455
Alcoholic Beverages 44 $252.48 $806,409
Nonalcoholic Beverages at Home 47 $210.62 $672,722

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 3
Retail Goods and Services Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles
Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total
Investments 23 $335.19 $1,070,598
Vehicle Loans 28 $1,519.57 $4,853,509

Nonprescription Drugs 37 $38.83 $124,019
Prescription Drugs 32 $176.69 $564,360
Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses 37 $28.23 $90,170

Mortgage Payment and Basics10 24 $2,232.23 $7,129,749
Maintenance and Remodeling Services 22 $468.65 $1,496,858
Maintenance and Remodeling Materials 11 20 $84.87 $271,067
Utilities, Fuel, and Public Services 42 $1,875.49 $5,990,318
Household Furnishings and Equipment
Household Textiles12 37 $51.80 $165,440
Furniture 31 $200.46 $640,255
Floor Coverings 32 $28.32 $90,465
Major Appliances13 31 $94.25 $301,034

Housewares14 30 $27.75 $88,630

Small Appliances 40 $13.73 $43,846
Luggage 36 $3.61 $11,523
Telephones and Accessories 23 $10.16 $32,441
Household Operations
Child Care 40 $177.50 $566,929
Lawn and Garden 15 24 $99.95 $319,249
Moving/Storage/Freight Express 30 $16.30 $52,064
Housekeeping Supplies16 40 $291.98 $932,588

Owners and Renters Insurance 23 $106.84 $341,254
Vehicle Insurance 39 $478.09 $1,527,014
Life/Other Insurance 27 $130.72 $417,533
Health Insurance 36 $686.06 $2,191,282

Personal Care Products17 40 $157.92 $504,384

School Books and Supplies18 51 $57.23 $182,780

Smoking Products 54 $238.70 $762,397

Vehicle Purchases (Net Outlay)19 28 $1,347.30 $4,303,288
Gasoline and Motor Oil 35 $965.68 $3,084,373
Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs 35 $332.00 $1,060,409

Airline Fares 37 $159.19 $508,450
Lodging on Trips 30 $125.48 $400,770
Auto/Truck/Van Rental on Trips 32 $11.84 $37,827
Food and Drink on Trips 31 $137.12 $437,968

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not
sum to totals due to rounding.

Source: ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014. Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 3
Retail Goods and Services Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Apparel Products and Services includes material for making clothes, sewing patterns and notions, shoe repair and other shoe services, apparel laundry and dry cleaning,
alteration, repair and tailoring of apparel, clothing rental and storage, and watch and jewelry repair.
Membership Fees for Clubs includes membership fees for social, recreational, and civic clubs.
Sound Equipment includes sound components and systems, Digital Audio Players, records, CDs, audio tapes, streaming/downloaded audio, tape recorders, radios, musical
instruments and accessories, and rental and repair of musical instruments.
Toys and Games includes toys, games, arts and crafts, tricycles, playground equipment, arcade games, and online entertainment and games.
Recreational Vehicles & Fees includes docking and landing fees for boats and planes, purchase and rental of RVs or boats, and camp fees.
Sports/Recreation/Exercise Equipment includes exercise equipment and gear, game tables, bicycles, camping equipment, hunting and fishing equipment, winter sports
equipment, water sports equipment, other sports equipment, and rental/repair of sports/recreation/exercise equipment.
Photo Equipment and Supplies includes film, film processing, photographic equipment, rental and repair of photo equipment, and photographer fees.
Reading includes magazine and newspaper subscriptions, single copies of magazines and newspapers, and books.
Snacks and Other Food at Home includes candy, chewing gum, sugar, artificial sweeteners, jam, jelly, preserves, margarine, fat, oil, salad dressing, nondairy cream and milk,
peanut butter, frozen prepared food, potato chips, nuts, salt, spices, seasonings, olives, pickles, relishes, sauces, gravy, other condiments, soup, prepared salad, prepared dessert,
baby food, miscellaneous prepared food, and nonalcoholic beverages.
Mortgage Payment and Basics includes mortgage interest, mortgage principal, property taxes, homeowners insurance, and ground rent.
Maintenance and Remodeling Materials includes supplies/tools/equipment for painting and wallpapering, plumbing supplies and equipment, electrical/heating/AC supplies,
materials for hard surface flooring, materials for roofing/gutters, materials for plaster/panel/siding, materials for patio/fence/brick work, landscaping materials, and insulation materials
for owned homes.
Household Textiles includes bathroom linens, bedroom linens, kitchen linens, dining room linens, other linens, curtains, draperies, slipcovers, decorative pillows, and materials for
slipcovers and curtains.
Major Appliances includes dishwashers, disposals, refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, stoves, ovens, microwaves, window air conditioners, electric floor cleaning equipment,
sewing machines, and miscellaneous appliances.
Housewares includes plastic dinnerware, china, flatware, glassware, serving pieces, nonelectric cookware, and tableware.
Lawn and Garden includes lawn and garden supplies, equipment and care service, indoor plants, fresh flowers, and repair/rental of lawn and garden equipment.
Housekeeping Supplies includes soaps and laundry detergents, cleaning products, toilet tissue, paper towels, napkins, paper/plastic/foil products, stationery, giftwrap supplies,
postage, and delivery services.
Personal Care Products includes hair care products, nonelectric articles for hair, wigs, hairpieces, oral hygiene products, shaving needs, perfume, cosmetics, skincare, bath
products, nail products, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, and personal care appliances.
School Books and Supplies includes school books and supplies for college, elementary school, high school, and preschool.
Vehicle Purchases (Net Outlay) includes net outlay for new and used cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, and motor scooters.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 3
Retail Goods and Services Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles
Top Tapestry Segments: Demographic Summary 2009 2014
High Rise Renters 68.5% Population 39,120 40,099
City Strivers 19.4% Households 12,324 12,645
City Commons 9.2% Families 8,785 8,955
Social Security Set 2.8% Median Age 25.8 26.4
Unclassified 0.0% Median Household Income $17,799 $18,761

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total
Apparel and Services 39 $971.45 $11,972,107
Men's 34 $164.31 $2,024,993
Women's 33 $287.57 $3,543,997
Children's 42 $173.16 $2,134,047
Footwear 27 $116.73 $1,438,531
Watches & Jewelry 42 $89.53 $1,103,382
Apparel Products and Services1 138 $140.15 $1,727,155

Computers and Hardware for Home Use 45 $89.73 $1,105,857
Software and Accessories for Home Use 41 $11.56 $142,492
Entertainment & Recreation 42 $1,351.63 $16,657,499
Fees and Admissions 41 $254.95 $3,142,035
Membership Fees for Clubs2 38 $64.43 $794,008
Fees for Participant Sports, excl. Trips 30 $33.06 $407,372
Admission to Movie/Theatre/Opera/Ballet 48 $72.42 $892,460
Admission to Sporting Events, excl. Trips 33 $19.26 $237,310
Fees for Recreational Lessons 50 $65.14 $802,754
Dating Services 84 $0.66 $8,131
TV/Video/Sound Equipment 50 $607.96 $7,492,510
Community Antenna or Cable TV 55 $395.91 $4,879,177
Televisions 41 $66.94 $824,911
VCRs, Video Cameras, and DVD Players 47 $11.75 $144,839
Video Cassettes and DVDs 44 $26.42 $325,541
Video Game Hardware and Software 51 $22.54 $277,756
Satellite Dishes 25 $0.29 $3,610
Rental of Video Cassettes and DVDs 41 $17.98 $221,600
Streaming/Downloaded Video 79 $0.85 $10,513
Sound Equipment3 42 $61.01 $751,851
Rental and Repair of TV/Radio/Sound Equipment 63 $4.28 $52,711
Pets 44 $192.81 $2,376,218
Toys and Games4 45 $58.69 $723,319

Recreational Vehicles and Fees5 18 $64.03 $789,079

Sports/Recreation/Exercise Equipment 6 25 $50.64 $624,038

Photo Equipment and Supplies 7 41 $47.61 $586,706

Reading 8 46 $74.94 $923,596

Food 52 $4,119.86 $50,773,106

Food at Home 54 $2,454.76 $30,252,447
Bakery and Cereal Products 55 $333.84 $4,114,227
Meat, Poultry, Fish, and Eggs 57 $610.67 $7,525,931
Dairy Products 53 $271.09 $3,340,867
Fruit and Vegetables 58 $453.89 $5,593,763
Snacks and Other Food at Home9 50 $785.27 $9,677,661
Food Away from Home 50 $1,665.10 $20,520,660
Alcoholic Beverages 50 $284.85 $3,510,443
Nonalcoholic Beverages at Home 52 $233.82 $2,881,600

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 3
Retail Goods and Services Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles
Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total
Investments 28 $404.29 $4,982,433
Vehicle Loans 33 $1,784.23 $21,988,852

Nonprescription Drugs 42 $43.74 $539,009
Prescription Drugs 38 $206.41 $2,543,811
Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses 42 $31.98 $394,084

Mortgage Payment and Basics10 29 $2,649.00 $32,646,233
Maintenance and Remodeling Services 27 $567.02 $6,987,943
Maintenance and Remodeling Materials 11 24 $101.34 $1,248,868
Utilities, Fuel, and Public Services 47 $2,119.10 $26,115,821
Household Furnishings and Equipment
Household Textiles12 42 $58.43 $720,068
Furniture 36 $231.28 $2,850,355
Floor Coverings 38 $32.83 $404,637
Major Appliances13 36 $107.66 $1,326,782

Housewares14 33 $31.43 $387,358

Small Appliances 45 $15.47 $190,705
Luggage 40 $4.07 $50,202
Telephones and Accessories 26 $11.53 $142,119
Household Operations
Child Care 45 $199.18 $2,454,754
Lawn and Garden 15 29 $119.91 $1,477,731
Moving/Storage/Freight Express 36 $19.14 $235,872
Housekeeping Supplies16 45 $328.88 $4,053,099

Owners and Renters Insurance 27 $129.09 $1,590,879
Vehicle Insurance 44 $543.52 $6,698,352
Life/Other Insurance 32 $154.93 $1,909,392
Health Insurance 41 $787.62 $9,706,646

Personal Care Products17 45 $177.36 $2,185,749

School Books and Supplies18 56 $63.20 $778,931

Smoking Products 60 $265.71 $3,274,578

Vehicle Purchases (Net Outlay)19 33 $1,583.90 $19,519,941
Gasoline and Motor Oil 40 $1,107.07 $13,643,549
Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs 41 $380.18 $4,685,331

Airline Fares 42 $179.41 $2,211,011
Lodging on Trips 35 $146.61 $1,806,846
Auto/Truck/Van Rental on Trips 37 $13.69 $168,676
Food and Drink on Trips 36 $159.08 $1,960,481

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not
sum to totals due to rounding.

Source: ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014. Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 3
Retail Goods and Services Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Apparel Products and Services includes material for making clothes, sewing patterns and notions, shoe repair and other shoe services, apparel laundry and dry cleaning,
alteration, repair and tailoring of apparel, clothing rental and storage, and watch and jewelry repair.
Membership Fees for Clubs includes membership fees for social, recreational, and civic clubs.
Sound Equipment includes sound components and systems, Digital Audio Players, records, CDs, audio tapes, streaming/downloaded audio, tape recorders, radios, musical
instruments and accessories, and rental and repair of musical instruments.
Toys and Games includes toys, games, arts and crafts, tricycles, playground equipment, arcade games, and online entertainment and games.
Recreational Vehicles & Fees includes docking and landing fees for boats and planes, purchase and rental of RVs or boats, and camp fees.
Sports/Recreation/Exercise Equipment includes exercise equipment and gear, game tables, bicycles, camping equipment, hunting and fishing equipment, winter sports
equipment, water sports equipment, other sports equipment, and rental/repair of sports/recreation/exercise equipment.
Photo Equipment and Supplies includes film, film processing, photographic equipment, rental and repair of photo equipment, and photographer fees.
Reading includes magazine and newspaper subscriptions, single copies of magazines and newspapers, and books.
Snacks and Other Food at Home includes candy, chewing gum, sugar, artificial sweeteners, jam, jelly, preserves, margarine, fat, oil, salad dressing, nondairy cream and milk,
peanut butter, frozen prepared food, potato chips, nuts, salt, spices, seasonings, olives, pickles, relishes, sauces, gravy, other condiments, soup, prepared salad, prepared dessert,
baby food, miscellaneous prepared food, and nonalcoholic beverages.
Mortgage Payment and Basics includes mortgage interest, mortgage principal, property taxes, homeowners insurance, and ground rent.
Maintenance and Remodeling Materials includes supplies/tools/equipment for painting and wallpapering, plumbing supplies and equipment, electrical/heating/AC supplies,
materials for hard surface flooring, materials for roofing/gutters, materials for plaster/panel/siding, materials for patio/fence/brick work, landscaping materials, and insulation materials
for owned homes.
Household Textiles includes bathroom linens, bedroom linens, kitchen linens, dining room linens, other linens, curtains, draperies, slipcovers, decorative pillows, and materials for
slipcovers and curtains.
Major Appliances includes dishwashers, disposals, refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, stoves, ovens, microwaves, window air conditioners, electric floor cleaning equipment,
sewing machines, and miscellaneous appliances.
Housewares includes plastic dinnerware, china, flatware, glassware, serving pieces, nonelectric cookware, and tableware.
Lawn and Garden includes lawn and garden supplies, equipment and care service, indoor plants, fresh flowers, and repair/rental of lawn and garden equipment.
Housekeeping Supplies includes soaps and laundry detergents, cleaning products, toilet tissue, paper towels, napkins, paper/plastic/foil products, stationery, giftwrap supplies,
postage, and delivery services.
Personal Care Products includes hair care products, nonelectric articles for hair, wigs, hairpieces, oral hygiene products, shaving needs, perfume, cosmetics, skincare, bath
products, nail products, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, and personal care appliances.
School Books and Supplies includes school books and supplies for college, elementary school, high school, and preschool.
Vehicle Purchases (Net Outlay) includes net outlay for new and used cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, and motor scooters.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 3
Retail Goods and Services Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles
Top Tapestry Segments: Demographic Summary 2009 2014
High Rise Renters 48.4% Population 150,637 155,075
City Strivers 38.5% Households 50,418 51,921
City Commons 9.1% Families 35,494 36,330
Family Foundations 1.8% Median Age 28.3 28.7
Social Security Set 1.8% Median Household Income $25,868 $27,344

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total
Apparel and Services 45 $1,130.90 $57,017,580
Men's 40 $193.13 $9,737,091
Women's 39 $338.80 $17,081,870
Children's 49 $200.39 $10,103,184
Footwear 32 $135.23 $6,817,896
Watches & Jewelry 51 $108.22 $5,456,251
Apparel Products and Services1 153 $155.13 $7,821,286

Computers and Hardware for Home Use 54 $107.06 $5,397,748
Software and Accessories for Home Use 49 $13.85 $698,409
Entertainment & Recreation 51 $1,638.96 $82,633,314
Fees and Admissions 50 $314.21 $15,841,649
Membership Fees for Clubs2 47 $80.86 $4,076,888
Fees for Participant Sports, excl. Trips 39 $43.16 $2,175,826
Admission to Movie/Theatre/Opera/Ballet 57 $86.82 $4,377,542
Admission to Sporting Events, excl. Trips 42 $24.54 $1,237,291
Fees for Recreational Lessons 60 $78.07 $3,935,942
Dating Services 96 $0.76 $38,160
TV/Video/Sound Equipment 59 $717.48 $36,174,145
Community Antenna or Cable TV 64 $463.80 $23,384,002
Televisions 50 $80.53 $4,060,301
VCRs, Video Cameras, and DVD Players 55 $13.89 $700,059
Video Cassettes and DVDs 53 $31.58 $1,592,164
Video Game Hardware and Software 61 $26.58 $1,340,286
Satellite Dishes 31 $0.35 $17,852
Rental of Video Cassettes and DVDs 50 $21.82 $1,099,966
Streaming/Downloaded Video 91 $0.97 $48,895
Sound Equipment3 50 $73.07 $3,684,052
Rental and Repair of TV/Radio/Sound Equipment 72 $4.89 $246,568
Pets 54 $237.19 $11,958,804
Toys and Games4 54 $70.56 $3,557,657

Recreational Vehicles and Fees5 25 $88.59 $4,466,699

Sports/Recreation/Exercise Equipment 6 32 $63.38 $3,195,547

Photo Equipment and Supplies 7 49 $57.29 $2,888,396

Reading 8 56 $90.25 $4,550,417

Food 61 $4,835.65 $243,803,608

Food at Home 63 $2,862.25 $144,309,003
Bakery and Cereal Products 64 $389.19 $19,621,977
Meat, Poultry, Fish, and Eggs 66 $707.01 $35,645,902
Dairy Products 62 $316.49 $15,956,700
Fruit and Vegetables 67 $523.41 $26,389,527
Snacks and Other Food at Home9 59 $926.16 $46,694,898
Food Away from Home 59 $1,973.39 $99,494,605
Alcoholic Beverages 59 $340.07 $17,145,563
Nonalcoholic Beverages at Home 61 $273.57 $13,793,041

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 3
Retail Goods and Services Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles
Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total
Investments 37 $536.37 $27,042,702
Vehicle Loans 42 $2,225.54 $112,207,432

Nonprescription Drugs 50 $51.93 $2,618,448
Prescription Drugs 46 $254.56 $12,834,172
Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses 51 $38.67 $1,949,495

Mortgage Payment and Basics10 38 $3,463.14 $174,604,486
Maintenance and Remodeling Services 36 $758.92 $38,262,997
Maintenance and Remodeling Materials 11 32 $133.69 $6,740,538
Utilities, Fuel, and Public Services 56 $2,537.88 $127,954,823
Household Furnishings and Equipment
Household Textiles12 51 $70.12 $3,535,136
Furniture 44 $284.25 $14,331,238
Floor Coverings 47 $41.27 $2,080,697
Major Appliances13 44 $132.14 $6,662,382

Housewares14 40 $37.80 $1,905,784

Small Appliances 54 $18.53 $934,121
Luggage 49 $4.93 $248,610
Telephones and Accessories 31 $13.75 $693,191
Household Operations
Child Care 54 $238.41 $12,020,072
Lawn and Garden 15 38 $156.48 $7,889,523
Moving/Storage/Freight Express 44 $23.48 $1,183,594
Housekeeping Supplies16 54 $392.90 $19,809,419

Owners and Renters Insurance 36 $169.54 $8,547,811
Vehicle Insurance 53 $656.89 $33,119,317
Life/Other Insurance 41 $198.42 $10,004,054
Health Insurance 50 $960.57 $48,429,835

Personal Care Products17 54 $210.70 $10,622,911

School Books and Supplies18 65 $72.96 $3,678,498

Smoking Products 70 $308.73 $15,565,550

Vehicle Purchases (Net Outlay)19 42 $1,982.14 $99,935,631
Gasoline and Motor Oil 49 $1,344.22 $67,772,912
Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs 50 $463.42 $23,364,822

Airline Fares 51 $217.08 $10,944,617
Lodging on Trips 44 $186.10 $9,382,805
Auto/Truck/Van Rental on Trips 46 $17.12 $863,295
Food and Drink on Trips 45 $198.92 $10,029,236

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not
sum to totals due to rounding.

Source: ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014. Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 3
Retail Goods and Services Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Apparel Products and Services includes material for making clothes, sewing patterns and notions, shoe repair and other shoe services, apparel laundry and dry cleaning,
alteration, repair and tailoring of apparel, clothing rental and storage, and watch and jewelry repair.
Membership Fees for Clubs includes membership fees for social, recreational, and civic clubs.
Sound Equipment includes sound components and systems, Digital Audio Players, records, CDs, audio tapes, streaming/downloaded audio, tape recorders, radios, musical
instruments and accessories, and rental and repair of musical instruments.
Toys and Games includes toys, games, arts and crafts, tricycles, playground equipment, arcade games, and online entertainment and games.
Recreational Vehicles & Fees includes docking and landing fees for boats and planes, purchase and rental of RVs or boats, and camp fees.
Sports/Recreation/Exercise Equipment includes exercise equipment and gear, game tables, bicycles, camping equipment, hunting and fishing equipment, winter sports
equipment, water sports equipment, other sports equipment, and rental/repair of sports/recreation/exercise equipment.
Photo Equipment and Supplies includes film, film processing, photographic equipment, rental and repair of photo equipment, and photographer fees.
Reading includes magazine and newspaper subscriptions, single copies of magazines and newspapers, and books.
Snacks and Other Food at Home includes candy, chewing gum, sugar, artificial sweeteners, jam, jelly, preserves, margarine, fat, oil, salad dressing, nondairy cream and milk,
peanut butter, frozen prepared food, potato chips, nuts, salt, spices, seasonings, olives, pickles, relishes, sauces, gravy, other condiments, soup, prepared salad, prepared dessert,
baby food, miscellaneous prepared food, and nonalcoholic beverages.
Mortgage Payment and Basics includes mortgage interest, mortgage principal, property taxes, homeowners insurance, and ground rent.
Maintenance and Remodeling Materials includes supplies/tools/equipment for painting and wallpapering, plumbing supplies and equipment, electrical/heating/AC supplies,
materials for hard surface flooring, materials for roofing/gutters, materials for plaster/panel/siding, materials for patio/fence/brick work, landscaping materials, and insulation materials
for owned homes.
Household Textiles includes bathroom linens, bedroom linens, kitchen linens, dining room linens, other linens, curtains, draperies, slipcovers, decorative pillows, and materials for
slipcovers and curtains.
Major Appliances includes dishwashers, disposals, refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, stoves, ovens, microwaves, window air conditioners, electric floor cleaning equipment,
sewing machines, and miscellaneous appliances.
Housewares includes plastic dinnerware, china, flatware, glassware, serving pieces, nonelectric cookware, and tableware.
Lawn and Garden includes lawn and garden supplies, equipment and care service, indoor plants, fresh flowers, and repair/rental of lawn and garden equipment.
Housekeeping Supplies includes soaps and laundry detergents, cleaning products, toilet tissue, paper towels, napkins, paper/plastic/foil products, stationery, giftwrap supplies,
postage, and delivery services.
Personal Care Products includes hair care products, nonelectric articles for hair, wigs, hairpieces, oral hygiene products, shaving needs, perfume, cosmetics, skincare, bath
products, nail products, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, and personal care appliances.
School Books and Supplies includes school books and supplies for college, elementary school, high school, and preschool.
Vehicle Purchases (Net Outlay) includes net outlay for new and used cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, and motor scooters.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 3
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Recreation Expenditures
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 0.25 miles radius

Demographic Summary 2010 2015

Population 9,732 10,060
H ouseholds 3,249 3,365
Fam ilies 2,369 2,447
Median A ge 24.8 25.4
Median H ousehold Incom e $15,880 $18,633

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total

Entertainment/Recreation Fees and Admissions 40 $248.28 $806,660

A dm ission to Movies, T heater, O pera, B allet 46 $69.49 $225,782
A dm ission to S porting E vents, excl. Trips 36 $21.68 $70,448
Fees for Participant S ports, excl. Trips 28 $29.35 $95,367
Fees for R ecreational L essons 44 $60.57 $196,808
Mem bership Fees for S ocial/R ecreation/C ivic C lubs 41 $66.46 $215,916
D ating S ervices 94 $0.72 $2,339

R ental of V ideo C assettes and DV D s 38 $15.59 $50,637

Toys & Games 46 $66.86 $217,238

Toys and P layground E quipm ent 45 $63.49 $206,270
P lay A rcade P inball/V ideo G am es 114 $2.15 $6,998
O nline E ntertainm ent and G am es 53 $1.22 $3,970

Recreational Vehicles and Fees 14 $44.80 $145,561

D ocking and L anding Fees for B oats and P lanes 38 $2.70 $8,764
C am p Fees 38 $11.08 $36,009
P urchase of R V s or B oats 10 $28.93 $93,978
R ental of R V s or B oats 25 $2.10 $6,810

Sports, Recreation and Exercise Equipment 22 $39.93 $129,732

E xercise E quipm ent and G ear, G am e Tables 26 $20.94 $68,037
B icycles 30 $5.88 $19,112
C am ping E quipm ent 9 $1.27 $4,118
H unting and F ishing E quipm ent 14 $5.26 $17,082
W inter S ports E quipm ent 20 $1.28 $4,162
W ater S ports E quipm ent 29 $1.95 $6,321
O ther S ports E quipm ent 28 $2.63 $8,556
R ental/R epair of S ports/R ecreation/E xercise E quipm ent 18 $0.72 $2,344

Photographic Equipment and Supplies 36 $36.84 $119,682

F ilm 44 $3.22 $10,469
F ilm P rocessing 35 $7.82 $25,415
P hotographic E quipm ent 40 $17.03 $55,341
P hotographer Fees/O ther S upplies & E quip R ental/R epair 28 $8.76 $28,457

Reading 42 $65.37 $212,382

Magaz ine/N ewspaper S ubscriptions 34 $21.67 $70,408
Magaz ine/N ewspaper S ingle C opies 66 $12.55 $40,765
B ooks 43 $31.15 $101,209

Data Note: T he S pending Potential Index (S P I) is household-based, and represents the am ount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of
100. D etail m ay not sum to totals due to rounding.
Source: E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015; C onsum er S pending data are derived from the 2006 and 2007 C onsum er E xpenditure S urveys, B ureau of L abor
S tatistics.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 1 of 1
Recreation Expenditures
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 0.5 miles radius

Demographic Summary 2010 2015

Population 39,957 41,257
H ouseholds 12,654 13,104
Fam ilies 9,062 9,355
Median A ge 26.0 26.6
Median H ousehold Incom e $18,490 $23,358

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total

Entertainment/Recreation Fees and Admissions 44 $271.78 $3,439,108

A dm ission to Movies, T heater, O pera, B allet 50 $75.20 $951,607
A dm ission to S porting E vents, excl. Trips 40 $24.06 $304,414
Fees for Participant S ports, excl. Trips 32 $33.81 $427,821
Fees for R ecreational L essons 48 $65.27 $825,956
Mem bership Fees for S ocial/R ecreation/C ivic C lubs 44 $72.69 $919,790
D ating S ervices 97 $0.75 $9,520

R ental of V ideo C assettes and DV D s 42 $17.32 $219,196

Toys & Games 50 $72.28 $914,610

Toys and P layground E quipm ent 49 $68.79 $870,495
P lay A rcade P inball/V ideo G am es 115 $2.17 $27,446
O nline E ntertainm ent and G am es 57 $1.32 $16,669

Recreational Vehicles and Fees 17 $55.69 $704,760

D ocking and L anding Fees for B oats and P lanes 44 $3.09 $39,041
C am p Fees 43 $12.34 $156,094
P urchase of R V s or B oats 14 $37.82 $478,623
R ental of R V s or B oats 29 $2.45 $31,002

Sports, Recreation and Exercise Equipment 25 $45.74 $578,741

E xercise E quipm ent and G ear, G am e Tables 29 $23.76 $300,621
B icycles 35 $6.89 $87,170
C am ping E quipm ent 10 $1.50 $18,970
H unting and F ishing E quipm ent 16 $6.03 $76,300
W inter S ports E quipm ent 23 $1.50 $18,968
W ater S ports E quipm ent 33 $2.18 $27,587
O ther S ports E quipm ent 32 $3.02 $38,166
R ental/R epair of S ports/R ecreation/E xercise E quipm ent 22 $0.87 $10,959

Photographic Equipment and Supplies 39 $40.83 $516,608

F ilm 47 $3.48 $44,008
F ilm P rocessing 39 $8.67 $109,737
P hotographic E quipm ent 44 $18.66 $236,174
P hotographer Fees/O ther S upplies & E quip R ental/R epair 32 $10.01 $126,689

Reading 46 $71.67 $906,918

Magaz ine/N ewspaper S ubscriptions 39 $24.46 $309,518
Magaz ine/N ewspaper S ingle C opies 69 $13.24 $167,522
B ooks 47 $33.97 $429,878

Data Note: T he S pending Potential Index (S P I) is household-based, and represents the am ount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of
100. D etail m ay not sum to totals due to rounding.
Source: E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015; C onsum er S pending data are derived from the 2006 and 2007 C onsum er E xpenditure S urveys, B ureau of L abor
S tatistics.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 1 of 1
Recreation Expenditures
Prepared by JGSCESTY Data

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Ring: 1 mile radius

Demographic Summary 2010 2015

Population 152,850 158,191
H ouseholds 51,289 53,129
Fam ilies 36,338 37,557
Median A ge 28.5 28.8
Median H ousehold Incom e $27,228 $33,374

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total

Entertainment/Recreation Fees and Admissions 54 $335.31 $17,197,598

A dm ission to Movies, T heater, O pera, B allet 60 $90.67 $4,650,372
A dm ission to S porting E vents, excl. Trips 51 $30.15 $1,546,613
Fees for Participant S ports, excl. Trips 41 $43.82 $2,247,727
Fees for R ecreational L essons 59 $80.12 $4,109,077
Mem bership Fees for S ocial/R ecreation/C ivic C lubs 55 $89.67 $4,599,107
D ating S ervices 113 $0.87 $44,702

R ental of V ideo C assettes and DV D s 51 $21.18 $1,086,302

Toys & Games 60 $86.96 $4,460,102

Toys and P layground E quipm ent 59 $82.99 $4,256,366
P lay A rcade P inball/V ideo G am es 128 $2.41 $123,524
O nline E ntertainm ent and G am es 67 $1.56 $80,212

Recreational Vehicles and Fees 24 $78.26 $4,013,732

D ocking and L anding Fees for B oats and P lanes 57 $4.04 $207,184
C am p Fees 55 $15.93 $817,142
P urchase of R V s or B oats 20 $55.09 $2,825,502
R ental of R V s or B oats 37 $3.20 $163,904

Sports, Recreation and Exercise Equipment 32 $58.67 $3,009,146

E xercise E quipm ent and G ear, G am e Tables 37 $30.26 $1,552,021
B icycles 45 $8.93 $458,085
C am ping E quipm ent 14 $1.98 $101,587
H unting and F ishing E quipm ent 20 $7.74 $396,865
W inter S ports E quipm ent 30 $1.96 $100,292
W ater S ports E quipm ent 42 $2.78 $142,491
O ther S ports E quipm ent 41 $3.85 $197,383
R ental/R epair of S ports/R ecreation/E xercise E quipm ent 30 $1.18 $60,422

Photographic Equipment and Supplies 49 $50.59 $2,594,940

F ilm 57 $4.17 $213,843
F ilm P rocessing 48 $10.77 $552,173
P hotographic E quipm ent 53 $22.76 $1,167,527
P hotographer Fees/O ther S upplies & E quip R ental/R epair 42 $12.90 $661,397

Reading 57 $87.62 $4,494,198

Magaz ine/N ewspaper S ubscriptions 49 $30.88 $1,583,830
Magaz ine/N ewspaper S ingle C opies 81 $15.43 $791,523
B ooks 57 $41.31 $2,118,845

Data Note: T he S pending Potential Index (S P I) is household-based, and represents the am ount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of
100. D etail m ay not sum to totals due to rounding.
Source: E S R I forecasts for 2010 and 2015; C onsum er S pending data are derived from the 2006 and 2007 C onsum er E xpenditure S urveys, B ureau of L abor
S tatistics.

©2010 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-447-9778 7/13/2010 Page 1 of 1
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

Medical Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Demographic Summary 2009 2014

Population 9,567 9,838
Households 3,194 3,287
Families 2,313 2,366
Median Household Income $15,718 $16,279
Males per 100 Females 73.7 73.8

Population by Age
Population <5 Years 9.7% 9.7%
Population 5 - 17 Years 29.1% 28.5%
Population 65+ Years 6.8% 7.7%
Median Age 24.7 25.2

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total

Health Care 34 $1,289.33 $4,118,107

Medical Care 33 $603.26 $1,926,823

Physician Services 31 $70.08 $223,824
Dental Services 35 $119.00 $380,097
Eyecare Services 30 $15.84 $50,604
Lab Tests, X-Rays 26 $15.71 $50,168
Hospital Room and Hospital Service 30 $39.62 $126,544
Convalescent or Nursing Home Care 42 $13.71 $43,775
1 27 $26.42 $84,388
Other Medical Services
Nonprescription Drugs 37 $38.83 $124,019
Prescription Drugs 32 $176.69 $564,360
Nonprescription Vitamins 32 $18.47 $58,992
Medicare Prescription Drug Premium 44 $16.10 $51,413
Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses 37 $28.23 $90,170
Hearing Aids 17 $3.61 $11,541
Medical Equipment for General Use 22 $1.44 $4,591
Other Medical Supplies2 38 $19.52 $62,339

Health Insurance 36 $686.06 $2,191,282

Blue Cross/Blue Shield 37 $205.79 $657,292
Commercial Health Insurance 26 $94.74 $302,610
Health Maintenance Organization 44 $157.71 $503,725
Medicare Payments 39 $153.24 $489,455
Long Term Care Insurance 36 $22.86 $73,011
Other Health Insurance3 29 $51.72 $165,189

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average
of 100.Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Other Medical Services includes Services by Medical Professionals other than Physicians, Nursing Services, Therapeutic Treatments, Blood Donation,
Ambulance, Emergency Room, and Outpatient Hospital Services.
Other Medical Supplies includes Topicals, Dressings, Supportive and Convalescent Medical Equipment, Rental of Medical Equipment for General Use,
and Rental of Supportive and Convalescent Medical Equipment.
Other Health Insurance includes Medicare Supplements and Other Health Insurance excluding Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI forecasts for 2009
and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 1
Medical Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Demographic Summary 2009 2014

Population 39,120 40,099
Households 12,324 12,645
Families 8,785 8,955
Median Household Income $17,799 $18,761
Males per 100 Females 75.8 75.9

Population by Age
Population <5 Years 9.8% 9.8%
Population 5 - 17 Years 27.4% 26.7%
Population 65+ Years 7.5% 8.4%
Median Age 25.8 26.4

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total

Health Care 39 $1,485.64 $18,309,026

Medical Care 38 $698.02 $8,602,380

Physician Services 36 $81.21 $1,000,877
Dental Services 40 $136.28 $1,679,509
Eyecare Services 35 $18.48 $227,741
Lab Tests, X-Rays 30 $18.31 $225,698
Hospital Room and Hospital Service 36 $46.61 $574,386
Convalescent or Nursing Home Care 48 $15.58 $191,958
1 32 $30.90 $380,767
Other Medical Services
Nonprescription Drugs 42 $43.74 $539,009
Prescription Drugs 38 $206.41 $2,543,811
Nonprescription Vitamins 38 $21.52 $265,167
Medicare Prescription Drug Premium 49 $18.25 $224,876
Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses 42 $31.98 $394,084
Hearing Aids 22 $4.65 $57,253
Medical Equipment for General Use 28 $1.81 $22,330
Other Medical Supplies2 43 $22.31 $274,912

Health Insurance 41 $787.62 $9,706,646

Blue Cross/Blue Shield 42 $236.23 $2,911,321
Commercial Health Insurance 31 $113.03 $1,392,984
Health Maintenance Organization 49 $175.98 $2,168,753
Medicare Payments 45 $175.10 $2,157,976
Long Term Care Insurance 41 $25.94 $319,628
Other Health Insurance3 35 $61.34 $755,984

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average
of 100.Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Other Medical Services includes Services by Medical Professionals other than Physicians, Nursing Services, Therapeutic Treatments, Blood Donation,
Ambulance, Emergency Room, and Outpatient Hospital Services.
Other Medical Supplies includes Topicals, Dressings, Supportive and Convalescent Medical Equipment, Rental of Medical Equipment for General Use,
and Rental of Supportive and Convalescent Medical Equipment.
Other Health Insurance includes Medicare Supplements and Other Health Insurance excluding Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI forecasts for 2009
and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 1
Medical Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Demographic Summary 2009 2014

Population 150,637 155,075
Households 50,418 51,921
Families 35,494 36,330
Median Household Income $25,868 $27,344
Males per 100 Females 78.0 78.3

Population by Age
Population <5 Years 9.4% 9.4%
Population 5 - 17 Years 24.2% 23.6%
Population 65+ Years 8.0% 8.9%
Median Age 28.3 28.7

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total

Health Care 48 $1,818.02 $91,660,780

Medical Care 46 $857.45 $43,230,943

Physician Services 44 $100.33 $5,058,251
Dental Services 49 $168.19 $8,479,860
Eyecare Services 44 $23.06 $1,162,764
Lab Tests, X-Rays 38 $22.64 $1,141,714
Hospital Room and Hospital Service 44 $57.61 $2,904,360
Convalescent or Nursing Home Care 57 $18.41 $928,013
1 40 $38.56 $1,944,138
Other Medical Services
Nonprescription Drugs 50 $51.93 $2,618,448
Prescription Drugs 46 $254.56 $12,834,172
Nonprescription Vitamins 46 $26.50 $1,336,117
Medicare Prescription Drug Premium 58 $21.37 $1,077,338
Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses 51 $38.67 $1,949,495
Hearing Aids 29 $6.22 $313,657
Medical Equipment for General Use 36 $2.36 $119,194
Other Medical Supplies2 52 $27.04 $1,363,424

Health Insurance 50 $960.57 $48,429,835

Blue Cross/Blue Shield 52 $290.67 $14,654,869
Commercial Health Insurance 39 $143.93 $7,256,716
Health Maintenance Organization 58 $209.77 $10,576,362
Medicare Payments 53 $208.42 $10,508,220
Long Term Care Insurance 50 $31.36 $1,580,896
Other Health Insurance3 43 $76.42 $3,852,773

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average
of 100.Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Other Medical Services includes Services by Medical Professionals other than Physicians, Nursing Services, Therapeutic Treatments, Blood Donation,
Ambulance, Emergency Room, and Outpatient Hospital Services.
Other Medical Supplies includes Topicals, Dressings, Supportive and Convalescent Medical Equipment, Rental of Medical Equipment for General Use,
and Rental of Supportive and Convalescent Medical Equipment.
Other Health Insurance includes Medicare Supplements and Other Health Insurance excluding Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI forecasts for 2009
and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 1
Pitkin Avenue BID
Market Analysis & Consumer Survey Report

House and Home Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

2009 Housing Summary 2009 Demographic Summary

Housing Units 3,311 Population 9,567
2009-2014 Percent Change 2.39% Households 3,194
Percent Occupied 96.5% Families 2,313
Percent Owner HHs 6.8% Median Age 24.7
Median Home Value $296,154 Median Household Income $15,718

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total
Owned Dwellings 24 $2,818.50 $9,002,288
Mortgage Interest 22 $995.90 $3,180,899
Mortgage Principal 21 $417.46 $1,333,352
Property Taxes 32 $710.92 $2,270,674
Homeowners Insurance 21 $96.67 $308,773
Ground Rent 18 $11.29 $36,051
Maintenance and Remodeling Services 22 $468.65 $1,496,858
Maintenance and Remodeling Materials 20 $84.87 $271,067
Property Management and Security 40 $32.75 $104,614
Rented Dwellings 128 $4,336.65 $13,851,245
Rent 130 $4,194.26 $13,396,469
Rent Received as Pay 120 $88.80 $283,618
Tenant Insurance 80 $10.17 $32,481
Maintenance and Repair Services 131 $28.07 $89,643
Maintenance and Repair Materials 32 $15.35 $49,034
Owned Vacation Homes 38 $139.44 $445,364
Mortgage Payment 32 $40.81 $130,348
Property Taxes 36 $32.89 $105,054
Homeowners Insurance 35 $3.12 $9,951
Maintenance and Remodeling 47 $59.31 $189,438
Property Management and Security 24 $3.31 $10,573
Housing While Attending School 30 $25.30 $80,817
Household Operations 32 $482.13 $1,539,916
Child Care 40 $177.50 $566,929
Care for Elderly and Handicapped 25 $12.75 $40,715
Appliance Rental and Repair 24 $5.99 $19,132
Computer Information Services 43 $97.82 $312,439
Home Security System Services 22 $5.44 $17,389
Non-apparel Household Laundry/Dry Cleaning 21 $8.82 $28,184
Housekeeping Services 25 $36.15 $115,453
Lawn & Garden 24 $99.95 $319,249
Moving/Storage/Freight Express 30 $16.30 $52,064
PC Repair (Personal Use) 74 $5.79 $18,479
Reupholstering/Furniture Repair 30 $3.18 $10,172
Termite/Pest Control 13 $3.26 $10,399
Water Softening Services 23 $1.28 $4,094
Internet Services Away from Home 46 $1.66 $5,293
Other Home Services1 24 $6.24 $19,926

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not
sum to totals due to rounding.
Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 3
House and Home Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total

Utilities, Fuels, Public Services 42 $1,875.49 $5,990,318

Bottled Gas 21 $14.56 $46,505
Electricity 37 $621.14 $1,983,906
Fuel Oil 88 $98.06 $313,214
Natural Gas 49 $330.86 $1,056,755
Telephone Services 47 $692.27 $2,211,120
Water and Other Public Services 22 $116.58 $372,360
Coal/Wood/Other Fuel 23 $2.02 $6,461

Housekeeping Supplies 40 $291.98 $932,588

Laundry and Cleaning Supplies 39 $76.67 $244,886
Postage and Stationery 39 $83.24 $265,879
2 42 $132.07 $421,823
Other HH Products

Household Textiles 37 $51.80 $165,440

Bathroom Linens 44 $8.09 $25,841
Bedroom Linens 41 $26.83 $85,710
Kitchen and Dining Room Linens 40 $1.30 $4,141
Curtains and Draperies 30 $8.81 $28,139
Slipcovers, Decorative Pillows 41 $1.98 $6,311
Materials for Slipcovers/Curtains 26 $3.94 $12,577
Other Linens 44 $0.85 $2,721

Furniture 31 $200.46 $640,255

Mattresses and Box Springs 31 $26.17 $83,581
Other Bedroom Furniture 34 $42.07 $134,365
Sofas 34 $51.87 $165,664
Living Room Tables and Chairs 30 $27.91 $89,157
Kitchen, Dining Room Furniture 26 $17.19 $54,905
Infant Furniture 34 $3.79 $12,117
Outdoor Furniture 19 $4.41 $14,097
Wall Units, Cabinets and Other Furniture3 31 $27.04 $86,369

Major Appliances 31 $94.25 $301,034

Dishwashers and Disposals 22 $5.66 $18,067
Refrigerators and Freezers 30 $25.89 $82,701
Clothes Washers 30 $14.37 $45,900
Clothes Dryers 28 $9.84 $31,435
Cooking Stoves and Ovens 33 $17.11 $54,644
Microwave Ovens 42 $5.89 $18,824
Window Air Conditioners 86 $6.54 $20,901
Electric Floor Cleaning Equipment 26 $5.72 $18,276
Sewing Machines and Miscellaneous Appliances 24 $3.22 $10,286

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not
sum to totals due to rounding.
Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 3
House and Home Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.25 Miles

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total

Household Items
Floor Coverings 32 $28.32 $90,465
Housewares 30 $27.75 $88,630
Small Appliances 40 $13.73 $43,846
Window Coverings 15 $6.16 $19,674
Lamps and Other Lighting Fixtures 34 $8.60 $27,460
Infant Equipment 11 $2.28 $7,272
Rental of Furniture 83 $3.39 $10,841
Laundry and Cleaning Equipment 31 $6.80 $21,715
Closet and Storage Items 9 $1.87 $5,965
Luggage 36 $3.61 $11,523
Clocks and Other Household Decoratives 11 $26.06 $83,251
Telephones and Accessories 23 $10.16 $32,441
Telephone Answering Devices 42 $0.54 $1,736
Outdoor Equipment 12 $4.50 $14,364
Power Tools 22 $12.01 $38,345
Hand Tools 60 $5.67 $18,098
Office Furniture/Equipment for Home Use 25 $4.29 $13,701
Computers and Hardware for Home Use 40 $79.83 $254,965
Software and Accessories for Home Use 36 $10.26 $32,769
4 26 $27.90 $89,116
Other Household Items

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100.
Other Home Services includes miscellaneous home services and small repair jobs not already specified.
Other HH Products includes paper towels, napkins, toilet tissue, facial tissue, and miscellaneous household products, such as paper, plastic and foil products.
Wall Units, Cabinets and Other Furniture includes modular wall units, shelves or cabinets, and other living room, family or recreation room furniture including desks.
Other Household Items includes the purchase/rental of smoke alarms and detectors for owned and rented homes, other household appliances for owned and rented homes,
curtain and drapery hardware, rope, portable ladders, sheds, non-permanent shelves and and shelving, Personal Digital Assistants, and miscellaneous household equipment and

Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 3
House and Home Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

2009 Housing Summary 2009 Demographic Summary

Housing Units 13,310 Population 39,120
2009-2014 Percent Change 1.99% Households 12,324
Percent Occupied 92.6% Families 8,785
Percent Owner HHs 11.3% Median Age 25.8
Median Home Value $296,654 Median Household Income $17,799

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total
Owned Dwellings 28 $3,354.84 $41,345,077
Mortgage Interest 26 $1,188.31 $14,644,791
Mortgage Principal 26 $504.09 $6,212,378
Property Taxes 38 $824.49 $10,161,056
Homeowners Insurance 26 $117.89 $1,452,820
Ground Rent 22 $14.22 $175,188
Maintenance and Remodeling Services 27 $567.02 $6,987,943
Maintenance and Remodeling Materials 24 $101.34 $1,248,868
Property Management and Security 46 $37.49 $462,034
Rented Dwellings 135 $4,575.95 $56,394,029
Rent 137 $4,423.86 $54,519,606
Rent Received as Pay 127 $94.44 $1,163,819
Tenant Insurance 89 $11.20 $138,059
Maintenance and Repair Services 135 $29.08 $358,370
Maintenance and Repair Materials 36 $17.38 $214,176
Owned Vacation Homes 43 $160.07 $1,972,679
Mortgage Payment 37 $47.33 $583,281
Property Taxes 42 $38.23 $471,152
Homeowners Insurance 41 $3.65 $45,022
Maintenance and Remodeling 53 $66.74 $822,490
Property Management and Security 30 $4.12 $50,734
Housing While Attending School 35 $29.74 $366,562
Household Operations 37 $553.96 $6,827,008
Child Care 45 $199.18 $2,454,754
Care for Elderly and Handicapped 30 $15.35 $189,143
Appliance Rental and Repair 29 $7.20 $88,776
Computer Information Services 48 $109.48 $1,349,195
Home Security System Services 27 $6.70 $82,631
Non-apparel Household Laundry/Dry Cleaning 21 $9.03 $111,232
Housekeeping Services 30 $42.94 $529,136
Lawn & Garden 29 $119.91 $1,477,731
Moving/Storage/Freight Express 36 $19.14 $235,872
PC Repair (Personal Use) 77 $6.03 $74,307
Reupholstering/Furniture Repair 35 $3.76 $46,325
Termite/Pest Control 17 $4.32 $53,187
Water Softening Services 27 $1.52 $18,734
Internet Services Away from Home 52 $1.86 $22,923
Other Home Services1 29 $7.55 $93,060

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not
sum to totals due to rounding.
Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 3
House and Home Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total

Utilities, Fuels, Public Services 47 $2,119.10 $26,115,821

Bottled Gas 25 $16.96 $208,958
Electricity 43 $711.91 $8,773,576
Fuel Oil 95 $105.37 $1,298,614
Natural Gas 55 $368.88 $4,546,107
Telephone Services 53 $769.91 $9,488,318
Water and Other Public Services 27 $143.76 $1,771,710
Coal/Wood/Other Fuel 27 $2.32 $28,538

Housekeeping Supplies 45 $328.88 $4,053,099

Laundry and Cleaning Supplies 44 $86.70 $1,068,461
Postage and Stationery 44 $94.25 $1,161,589
2 47 $147.93 $1,823,049
Other HH Products

Household Textiles 42 $58.43 $720,068

Bathroom Linens 49 $9.02 $111,206
Bedroom Linens 46 $30.01 $369,882
Kitchen and Dining Room Linens 44 $1.45 $17,854
Curtains and Draperies 34 $10.13 $124,798
Slipcovers, Decorative Pillows 46 $2.22 $27,416
Materials for Slipcovers/Curtains 31 $4.64 $57,227
Other Linens 49 $0.95 $11,685

Furniture 36 $231.28 $2,850,355

Mattresses and Box Springs 36 $30.26 $372,924
Other Bedroom Furniture 39 $48.21 $594,120
Sofas 39 $59.44 $732,550
Living Room Tables and Chairs 35 $32.30 $398,061
Kitchen, Dining Room Furniture 31 $20.40 $251,428
Infant Furniture 39 $4.35 $53,599
Outdoor Furniture 23 $5.43 $66,892
3 36 $30.90 $380,781
Wall Units, Cabinets and Other Furniture

Major Appliances 36 $107.66 $1,326,782

Dishwashers and Disposals 27 $6.75 $83,158
Refrigerators and Freezers 35 $29.43 $362,700
Clothes Washers 34 $16.49 $203,168
Clothes Dryers 33 $11.44 $140,963
Cooking Stoves and Ovens 38 $19.44 $239,594
Microwave Ovens 47 $6.62 $81,636
Window Air Conditioners 90 $6.91 $85,190
Electric Floor Cleaning Equipment 31 $6.84 $84,258
Sewing Machines and Miscellaneous Appliances 27 $3.74 $46,115

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not
sum to totals due to rounding.
Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 3
House and Home Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 0.5 Miles

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total

Household Items
Floor Coverings 38 $32.83 $404,637
Housewares 33 $31.43 $387,358
Small Appliances 45 $15.47 $190,705
Window Coverings 19 $7.78 $95,841
Lamps and Other Lighting Fixtures 39 $9.81 $120,865
Infant Equipment 12 $2.48 $30,571
Rental of Furniture 90 $3.65 $44,974
Laundry and Cleaning Equipment 36 $7.89 $97,295
Closet and Storage Items 10 $2.15 $26,545
Luggage 40 $4.07 $50,202
Clocks and Other Household Decoratives 13 $30.65 $377,739
Telephones and Accessories 26 $11.53 $142,119
Telephone Answering Devices 47 $0.60 $7,398
Outdoor Equipment 13 $5.19 $63,989
Power Tools 25 $13.31 $164,016
Hand Tools 65 $6.09 $75,067
Office Furniture/Equipment for Home Use 30 $5.08 $62,573
Computers and Hardware for Home Use 45 $89.73 $1,105,857
Software and Accessories for Home Use 41 $11.56 $142,492
4 31 $33.02 $406,946
Other Household Items

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100.
Other Home Services includes miscellaneous home services and small repair jobs not already specified.
Other HH Products includes paper towels, napkins, toilet tissue, facial tissue, and miscellaneous household products, such as paper, plastic and foil products.
Wall Units, Cabinets and Other Furniture includes modular wall units, shelves or cabinets, and other living room, family or recreation room furniture including desks.
Other Household Items includes the purchase/rental of smoke alarms and detectors for owned and rented homes, other household appliances for owned and rented homes,
curtain and drapery hardware, rope, portable ladders, sheds, non-permanent shelves and and shelving, Personal Digital Assistants, and miscellaneous household equipment and

Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 3
House and Home Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

2009 Housing Summary 2009 Demographic Summary

Housing Units 55,726 Population 150,637
2009-2014 Percent Change 2.04% Households 50,418
Percent Occupied 90.5% Families 35,494
Percent Owner HHs 16.9% Median Age 28.3
Median Home Value $319,034 Median Household Income $25,868

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total
Owned Dwellings 37 $4,402.65 $221,972,864
Mortgage Interest 35 $1,562.37 $78,771,612
Mortgage Principal 34 $672.21 $33,891,434
Property Taxes 48 $1,052.69 $53,074,515
Homeowners Insurance 34 $156.93 $7,911,863
Ground Rent 30 $18.94 $955,062
Maintenance and Remodeling Services 36 $758.92 $38,262,997
Maintenance and Remodeling Materials 32 $133.69 $6,740,538
Property Management and Security 57 $46.90 $2,364,843
Rented Dwellings 145 $4,926.42 $248,380,386
Rent 147 $4,760.85 $240,032,343
Rent Received as Pay 137 $101.59 $5,122,035
Tenant Insurance 100 $12.61 $635,948
Maintenance and Repair Services 143 $30.79 $1,552,525
Maintenance and Repair Materials 43 $20.58 $1,037,535
Owned Vacation Homes 55 $201.43 $10,155,494
Mortgage Payment 47 $60.41 $3,045,729
Property Taxes 53 $48.87 $2,463,901
Homeowners Insurance 53 $4.74 $239,111
Maintenance and Remodeling 65 $81.83 $4,125,563
Property Management and Security 41 $5.58 $281,189
Housing While Attending School 45 $37.66 $1,898,661
Household Operations 46 $683.06 $34,438,649
Child Care 54 $238.41 $12,020,072
Care for Elderly and Handicapped 39 $19.68 $992,157
Appliance Rental and Repair 38 $9.30 $468,994
Computer Information Services 58 $130.35 $6,571,967
Home Security System Services 36 $8.97 $452,283
Non-apparel Household Laundry/Dry Cleaning 23 $9.48 $477,789
Housekeeping Services 39 $55.27 $2,786,583
Lawn & Garden 38 $156.48 $7,889,523
Moving/Storage/Freight Express 44 $23.48 $1,183,594
PC Repair (Personal Use) 83 $6.54 $329,826
Reupholstering/Furniture Repair 46 $4.85 $244,512
Termite/Pest Control 25 $6.14 $309,324
Water Softening Services 34 $1.93 $97,139
Internet Services Away from Home 62 $2.23 $112,542
Other Home Services1 38 $9.96 $502,345

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not
sum to totals due to rounding.
Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 1 of 3
House and Home Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total

Utilities, Fuels, Public Services 56 $2,537.88 $127,954,823

Bottled Gas 31 $21.25 $1,071,194
Electricity 52 $862.02 $43,461,291
Fuel Oil 110 $122.82 $6,192,228
Natural Gas 65 $438.58 $22,112,506
Telephone Services 62 $901.83 $45,468,491
Water and Other Public Services 36 $188.54 $9,506,017
Coal/Wood/Other Fuel 33 $2.84 $143,098

Housekeeping Supplies 54 $392.90 $19,809,419

Laundry and Cleaning Supplies 53 $103.33 $5,209,769
Postage and Stationery 53 $113.80 $5,737,516
2 56 $175.77 $8,862,133
Other HH Products

Household Textiles 51 $70.12 $3,535,136

Bathroom Linens 58 $10.62 $535,342
Bedroom Linens 54 $35.58 $1,793,874
Kitchen and Dining Room Linens 52 $1.72 $86,697
Curtains and Draperies 42 $12.53 $631,832
Slipcovers, Decorative Pillows 55 $2.66 $134,314
Materials for Slipcovers/Curtains 39 $5.89 $296,767
Other Linens 58 $1.12 $56,310

Furniture 44 $284.25 $14,331,238

Mattresses and Box Springs 44 $37.09 $1,869,803
Other Bedroom Furniture 47 $58.19 $2,933,994
Sofas 47 $72.50 $3,655,115
Living Room Tables and Chairs 43 $39.94 $2,013,486
Kitchen, Dining Room Furniture 39 $25.96 $1,308,909
Infant Furniture 48 $5.33 $268,962
Outdoor Furniture 32 $7.35 $370,637
3 44 $37.89 $1,910,332
Wall Units, Cabinets and Other Furniture

Major Appliances 44 $132.14 $6,662,382

Dishwashers and Disposals 35 $8.80 $443,562
Refrigerators and Freezers 42 $35.95 $1,812,626
Clothes Washers 42 $20.17 $1,016,845
Clothes Dryers 40 $14.17 $714,201
Cooking Stoves and Ovens 47 $24.02 $1,211,219
Microwave Ovens 56 $7.94 $400,480
Window Air Conditioners 100 $7.67 $386,722
Electric Floor Cleaning Equipment 39 $8.75 $440,962
Sewing Machines and Miscellaneous Appliances 34 $4.68 $235,765

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not
sum to totals due to rounding.
Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 2 of 3
House and Home Expenditures
Prepared by JGSC Group

Pitkin Avenue, Radius Latitude: 40.669641

July 2010 Longitude: -73.910739
Site Type: Ring Radius: 1 Miles

Spending Average
Potential Amount
Index Spent Total

Household Items
Floor Coverings 47 $41.27 $2,080,697
Housewares 40 $37.80 $1,905,784
Small Appliances 54 $18.53 $934,121
Window Coverings 26 $10.70 $539,702
Lamps and Other Lighting Fixtures 48 $12.03 $606,593
Infant Equipment 14 $2.84 $143,150
Rental of Furniture 97 $3.96 $199,508
Laundry and Cleaning Equipment 45 $9.72 $490,235
Closet and Storage Items 12 $2.66 $134,169
Luggage 49 $4.93 $248,610
Clocks and Other Household Decoratives 17 $38.92 $1,962,192
Telephones and Accessories 31 $13.75 $693,191
Telephone Answering Devices 55 $0.71 $35,618
Outdoor Equipment 17 $6.58 $331,653
Power Tools 29 $15.69 $791,078
Hand Tools 73 $6.93 $349,149
Office Furniture/Equipment for Home Use 38 $6.46 $325,530
Computers and Hardware for Home Use 54 $107.06 $5,397,748
Software and Accessories for Home Use 49 $13.85 $698,409
4 39 $41.91 $2,113,211
Other Household Items

Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household-based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100.
Other Home Services includes miscellaneous home services and small repair jobs not already specified.
Other HH Products includes paper towels, napkins, toilet tissue, facial tissue, and miscellaneous household products, such as paper, plastic and foil products.
Wall Units, Cabinets and Other Furniture includes modular wall units, shelves or cabinets, and other living room, family or recreation room furniture including desks.
Other Household Items includes the purchase/rental of smoke alarms and detectors for owned and rented homes, other household appliances for owned and rented homes,
curtain and drapery hardware, rope, portable ladders, sheds, non-permanent shelves and and shelving, Personal Digital Assistants, and miscellaneous household equipment and

Source: Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2005 and 2006 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ESRI forecasts for 2009 and 2014.

©2009 ESRI On-demand reports and maps from Business Analyst Online. Order at www.esri.com/bao or call 800-292-2224 7/06/2010 Page 3 of 3
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Merchantville, New Jersey
Phone: 856.662.8800
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