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To the editors: to Ferraro's campaign, or associates of

FERRARO vs. Under the guise of a book review, Sid- the parents of Ferraro and Zaccaro.
On the basis of a jumbled list of rela-
ney Blumenthal's article on Geraldine
BLUMENTHAL: Ferraro defames the entire Italian-
American community. Mr. Blumen-
tionships, some of which ended more
than 40 years ago, Blumenthal pre-
AN EXCHANGE thal's piece is a vicious rehash of allega-
tions—guilt by supposed associations
sumes to tell us, in his words, "who
she is," as if a person were the sum of
To the editors: and innuendos aimed at the former vice some of the people he (or his parents)
I have just finished reading Sidney Blu- presidential candidate. once knew. Ferraro is, in his words, the
menthal's review of my book, Ferraro: To equate the Ferraro family story, product of a "Mob milieu": "Despite her
My Story ("Once Upon a Time in Ameri- as Mr. Blumenthal does, with the fic- personal attractiveness, her support of
ca, " January 6&13). I think we can safely tional Corleone family of the "Godfa- worthy causes, and her admirable com-
say Sidney (a) doesn't like me and (b) ther" books revives the sentiment that passion, her story can be understood
doesn't like my book even more. an Italian-American, no matter how only by taking the Mob milieu into
But neither that nor the half-truths, talented, must somewhere along the account."
distorted truths, and untruths through- way have been aided by "you know The question is, what in the world
out the article move me to write this let- what." does "Mob milieu" mean? Apparently
ter. They merely prove that as an inves- Nowhere does Mr. Blumenthal men- it's a kind of disease, which you
tigative reporter Sidney writes readable tion that Ms. Ferraro has never can catch through no fault of your
fiction. been charged with any crime. If Mr. own.
The reason I am writing is to once Blumenthal and THE NEW REPUBLIC be- Blumenthal's words are incautious,
and for all set the record straight lieve that Geraldine Ferraro has orga- loose, imprecise. Anyone who com-
with reference to my father. He did nized crime connections, they should pares Geraldine Ferraro to a character in
not live in Newburgh in the 1920s say so directly rather than resorting The Godfather is not being careful—is not
and did not work for Michael DeVasto. to the suggestive and indirect tech- mindful that this comparison is offen-
My father came to the United States niques employed in Mr. Blumenthal's sive, nor that this comparison sheds
around 1920. He lived in Astoria, article, such as his question: "Does she more light on Blumenthal than it possi-
Queens, with his aunt upon arrival have to be guilty for us to know who bly does on Ferraro. (There are plenty of
and worked driving a horse-and-wagon she is?" stories about the ""aspiration to legiti-
for a wet-wash laundry in Manhattan. WILLIAM DENIS FUGAZY mate power," which is how Blumenthal
In 1926 when his brother married, President, Coalition of invokes this movie, and they don't all
my father went to live with him and Italo-American Associations Inc. concem Italian mobsters.) And anyone
his sister-in-law in their house in Nexv Rochelle, New York who raises questions without grounds
Astoria. He married by mother in for suspidon about the origin of another
1927. They also bought a house in To the editors: man's wealth—as if it were not possible
Astoria, and my brother Carl was It would be one thing if Geraldine for anyone named Zaccaro to make
bom in Boulevard HospiUl in Queens Ferraro had announced that she was money by legal means—is reckless.
in 1929. My brother Gerard was bom a candidate for the Senate, but that was There's so much in this piece that is
two years later, also in Queens but not the case when THE NEW REPUBLIC reckless and unfair that I cannot see
at home. My parents moved to New- ran its recent story on her. And it why THE NEW REPUBLIC dedded to pub-
burgh in late 1933/early 1934. I was would be one thing if TNR had some- lish it.
bom in Newburgh in 1935. Most of the thing new to say about Ferraro. But Sid- JOHN FREDERICK MARTIN
above can be verified through public ney Blumenthal must have written his Washington, D.C
records. article with the Neu> York Post and the
I've picked probably the most irrele- Philadelphia Inquirer spread out before To the editors:
vant item, among the many irrelevan- him. I was appalled at the unfair article about
cies, to respond to, but I do so because But the gratuitous and redundant na- Gerry Ferraro by Sidney Blumenthal. AS
lies about my father hurt the most. He ture of the article is not its worst a former journalist, I can recognize an
was k)St too young to a little girl who part. Blumenthal has done a smear job. unfair, slanted, and irresponsible piece-
adored him. Innuendos about orga- He questions the origin of the family First of all, using the format of a book
rtized crime connections are nothing wealth even while he admits that Ferra- review to make all kinds of charges
new. There isn't an ethnic who is not ro may be a "paragon of legality." He about Gerry is outrageous. A book re-
aware of how he/she is stereotyped in- says that Ferraro can only be under- view should be about a book. If the au-
cluding, I'm sure, Sidney. I guess I'm re- stood in the context of the organized thor chose to go in another direction,
lying on the intelligence of your readers crime figures who crossed her family's the least he could have done was to caU
to see through it. path. But he offers no evidence that some of Gerry's former colleagues to get
GERALDINE A. FERRARO Gerry Ferraro or John Zaccaro ever par- a balanced picture.
forest Hills, Neu> York tidpated in the activities of organized Having had the privilege of serving
crime. That's what a smear means: all with Gerry in Congress, I can tell you
P.S. Since one good tum deserves an- accusation, no proof. about Gerry's character, firsthand: she
other, will THE NEW REPUBLIC allow me The heart of Blumenthal's case is is a human being who is caring, compas-
to review Sidney's upcoming book on the list of unsavory characters who sionate, smart, and driven by a strong
the New Right? were tenants of Zaccaro, contributors desire to keep this country a land of op-


portunity. She was a respected leader in of Michael DeVasto, who directed a cause she steadfastly refuses to come to
the Congress on women's issues and criminal syndicate in Newburgh, Ferra- terms with it doesn't mean that others
fairness issues. The story you ran can- ro began operating there in the late are forbidden to investigate or question.
not help but send my opinion of your 1920s, probably after his Long Island ar- Ferraro has written a best-selling book
publicaHon crashing to the floor. rest. "My father gave him protection," to tell her own story, which provided
BARBARA BOXER Francis DeVasto recalled. This interview the occasion for my piece. This lucrative
House of Representatives was reported in 1984 by the New York book intended to explain more than her
Washington, D.C. Post. After my review appeared, Guy political viewpoint. It intended to offer
Hawtin, the Post's reporter, sent me his her family background as a prindpal
To the editors: unpublished notes, which read: "Domi- source of her political appeal. But there
After reading Sidney Blumenthal's arti- nic Ferraro arrived in Newburgh in the was a lot missing from and apparently
cle on Geraldine Ferraro, after viewing mid-1920s and he brought his new wife, misleading in her official version. My
the disgusting drawing of Ms. Ferraro Antonetta, to the city in 1926, according aim was to deal with her book and her
°y Vint Lawrence "for THE NEW REPUB- to a leading Newburgh attomey, now life on the terms she had set herself.
UC," and after being subjected to the retired. 'He'd started off as a driver for Ferraro gathers that I don't like her.
cover drawing (which is an editorial DeVasto's rum-running operations. But anyone who reads my coverage of
comment in itself), here are some Then Mike gave him the Roxy to run,' the 1984 campaign in THE NEW REPUBLIC
thoughts: (1) There wasn't one bit of in- said the 72-year-old lawyer. The lawyer will see that every reference to her was
rormaHon in the piece that hadn't al- is a former assodate of Newburgh attor- generally favorable. In approaching her
ready been covered during the vice ney Michael Moses, Ferraro's lawyer. book, I had no malice aforethought. The
presidential campaign. (2) The focal We cannot mention his name. He is book itself—so very bad, so lacking in
[»int of the article was (is) a dead issue. most definite about the time of Ferraro's dignity, so spotty on her personal sto-
(3) This was journalism at its worst be- arrival." ry—led me to read all the clippings on
cause character assassination and guilt
Though it was unreported during the her that appeared during the campaign.
°y assodation were a substitute for cred-
1984 campaign, there is another inddent And that led me to write the kind of re-
ible data. (4) The article proved once
involving Dominic Ferraro that cannot view I did.
again that McCarthyism is alive and
be questioned because of the source of I am still baffled by aspects of the Fer-
its reportage. This incident is a matter of raro story. Does she really not know
BETTY J. HONEY public record, documented in the files of what people closest to her have done
Williamston, Michigan the New York State Liquor Authority. with their lives? If she has even a glim-
On May 21, 1941, Dominic Ferraro had mer of perception about this aspect of
"To the editors: his liquor license for the Roxy Bar and her background, did she actually believe
Gerry Ferraro was a terrific assistant Grill in Newburgh revoked. The reason that it was extraneous to her running for
^strict attomey, a superb member of for the revocation was that he was ap- the vice presidency, one heartbeat
J-ongress, an effective chair of the prehended in the act of using women in away? Did she think it would never be
^mocratic Platform Committee, and an his club to induce men to purchase reported? That it would have no bearing
outstanding and courageous nominee drinks for them. These women were on how she would be seen? That she
on a ticket doomed to defeat. Not once called ""B-girls,"' and they were on his should not bother to tell Walter Mon-
aw Blumenthal discuss her perform- payroll. (Often "B-girls" engaged in dale about it? That should it come out,
ance as a candidate or her value as a prostitution, but there is no record of in whatever form, it would not be used
person. that at the Roxy.) As a result of the Li- to discredit her, the Mondale candidacy,
Thirty-nine million of us owe a debt of quor Authority's action, Ferraro was the Democrats, the women's move-
gatitude to Fritz Mondale and Gerry forced to sell his stock and close his club ment? Or did these questions not occur
^naro. They gave us hope when we on June 3, 1941. to her at all?
Geraldine Ferraro clearly refuses to In All the King's Men, Robert Penn
J ^rtV ''^'* ™^ N^^ REPUBLIC review- acknowledge such facts about her fa- Warren's novel about Huey Long, the
«r of Blumenthal's forthcoming book ther. Perhaps she has no idea of what central question is whether a sinful man
Tf fk"°/ '""^^^ '*' ° ' him, on the basis business her father engaged in. Perhaps can do worldly good. In the most favor-
ot the lives allegedly led by his she has no idea who her husband's fa- able reading of Ferraro's situation, the
S ° ' 'Pouse or any of their ther was. Perhaps she has no idea who question may be whether a good wom-
some of her husband's associates have an, by her protective devotion to family,
NORMAN S. GAINES been. Perhaps she has no idea that some may have done larger harm. Private vir-
McLean, Virginia of the people she has associated with, tue may not always be public good. The
even in her own political campaigns, letter Ferraro writes on this subject
'^'replies: have criminal records and ties. should not be sent to me, iMJt more
challenges only one Is raising these questions a way of tar- properly to Walter Mondale.
' y ^ hih ring her through guilt by assodation? My apology to George SantangeUo fcM-
connection to Mi- The issue here is not necessarily any identifying him as both John Zaccaro's
and the exact time he first criminal guilt on her part, but the exist- and Michael LaRosa's attomey. He is in
^ , New York. ence of these associations. What's fact only LaRosa's.
wrong with inquiring into the Ferraro Finally, I have asked my puMisher to
background? Her history, after all, is of send Ferraro a review copy of my
more than personal interest. Just be- book. D

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