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In this issue:

Page. 2 - 14 Officer Farewells

Page. 18 Eads FBLA Scavenger


Page. 20 Las Animas & Overland


Page. 29 State Officer Candidacy

State Officer Farewells

Michael Gabriel
(Letter from the editor / Farwell)

FBLA…We all know it stands for Future Business Leaders of America,

but to each person in FBLA it means so much more. There is no way I
could describe FBLA with one word. I could say inspirational or exhila-
rating or even life changing. Each of them would only be a part of what it
means to me. As a State officer I have experienced so much more than
business leadership. I have made life long friends, traveled the country
and become a better person.
It all started with the 2010 State Leadership Conference Awards Cere-
mony. The music blared, the announcer boomed and my stomach sank. I slouched in my chair as each
name was called for the 2010-2011 State Officer Team. Reporter...The crowd cheered, my adviser
screamed and I had won! I was elected the new 2010-2011 Colorado FBLA Reporter. I was so shocked I
could hardly walk. After the flower ceremony back stage I met some people I would soon call some of my
closest friends.
As the year progressed I attended the National Leadership Conference and CTSO Officer Training. Each of
which was an amazing experience. The chapter visits District Leadership Conferences and officer meetings
were soon to come that topped off the year of excellence. I enjoyed every second of publishing the news-
letters. The people I met and articles I read and wrote have showed me the diversity of our organization.
This year would not have been the same with out my adviser. Mrs. Vickie Kennedy and Englewood FBLA.
My teacher, adviser, mentor friend and a family member! I have learned so much from her the last three
years. She has always been there for me during the good times and the bad times. When things got frustrat-
ing she never gave up. Most teenagers don't learn the true meaning of a teacher. She is not their just to give
you a grade. She is giving you a life time of memories and an education that will live with you forever.
Lastly my State Advisers; Ms. Sharon Adams and Mrs. Deborah Ramirez. With out them Colorado FBLA
would not be 6,300 members strong and growing into the best Student Organization ever. I hope to stay in
touch with them in the future and take what I have learned from them throughout my life in the United
States Marine Corps and everything else I will pursue in my life.
Thank you FBLA,
Michael Gabriel
Colorado FBLA State Reporter 2
Erik Wislinsky

"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you

can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is cer-
tain for those who are friends." -Richard Bach

As my FBLA journey comes to an end, I have thought back to all of

the conferences, meetings and experiences I had as a part of this or-
ganization. It has absolutely been an unforgettable adventure.
I remember my first year at State Conference, looking up at the stage,
watching the outgoing State Officers cry giving their farewells. Back
then, I didn't know why they were so emotional. But now, writing this
farewell, I understand exactly how they felt. FBLA has been a huge
part of my life all throughout high school; traveling across the country,
making new friends, and spending hours working with my fellow State
Officers. Serving this organization has been an honor and a pleasure.
My memories from these past years will be greatly treasured.

And I wouldn't be saying enough if I didn't thank the people responsible for making these memories so re-
markable. "Deb, Sharon and Rudy, you were like parents to me for the past two years, guiding me along
my path, teaching me, and answering every question I had. State Officers, you were truly a family to me.
We may have only seen each other a few times this year, but you all mean so much to me. You shaped the
way I look at the word friendship. To the members, you are what make this organization so special. Your
persistent motivation and outstanding friendliness are recognized by everyone you encounter. I know this
trend of excellent success will continue in years to come.

I am truly going to miss this organization. It has brought me more joy, more good friends, and more unfor-
gettable experiences than I have ever received from anything else in my life. This organization will remain
one of the most rewarding pieces of my educational career. On that note, I say farewell, Colorado FBLA. It
was an honor to serve you. I wish you all the best, and thank you for all you have given me.


Erik Wislinsky
Colorado FBLA State President

Jerrod Montoya

Trying to put into words how I feel about this past year is nearly im-
possible; it honestly feels as if I have been living a dream. I have had
so many incredible experiences and have met a number of out-
standing people along the way. These experiences have shaped me
into a better person and leader, and I am truly thankful for the oppor-
tunities I have been given as a State Officer. Of course, none of this
would be possible without the help of my wonderful adviser Mrs. Jen-
nifer Zuech; I owe everything to her. I am forever grateful to her for
believing in me and always being there to support me along the way.
In addition, I would also like to thank Mrs. Ramirez and Mrs. Adams
for all that they do; Colorado FBLA would definitely be lost without
them. I also know that this year wouldn’t have been the same without
my fellow officers. They all have worked so hard to make this year great, and it definitely shows. I appre-
ciate them all so much; they have become almost like a second family to me, and they will forever hold a
special place in my heart. Most importantly, I would like to thank you Colorado FBLA members and ad-
visers for giving me this great opportunity. Serving as your State Treasurer has been an incredible honor,
and I am humbled to be able to hold such a position. I wish you all nothing but the best and hope that you
continue to strive for excellence in all that you do. Have a great rest of the year, and I will see you in Or-


Jerrod Montoya
Colorado FBLA State Treasurer

Heather Brunelli

This year has been truly inspiring! Upon being elected as a Colorado
FBLA State Officer I knew I would put an ample amount of time and
effort into FBLA. I also understood a great responsibility had been be-
stowed upon me; however, I could have never imagined what a life
changing experience I would go through. Now, at the end of my term, I
stand here a new person, one who’s been given the gift of confidence
and many other valuable lessons. I have grown so much as an individual
and can honestly say that FBLA has changed my life, and helped turn
me into a person I am proud to be. I will forever cherish the honor of
having served Colorado FBLA, and I hope I have the opportunity to continue on this journey. Now the
end of this term is imminent and I am unsure of how, or even if, I can say goodbye.

This entire experience will forever remain engraved in my heart, guiding me forward as I continue to
break my own personal barriers. I can, and will, however, say thank you to those people who have played
a part in making this experience unforgettable. First and foremost, my family: My parents, and my sister
Sara, for their continual support, patience, encouragement, and for guiding me in the correct direction
throughout the course of my entire life. Sharon Adams, my district adviser, for constantly pushing me to
achieve my best, sharing with me valuable knowledge to help me succeed, but most importantly for be-
lieving in me throughout this experience. Deborah Ramirez, for the hours of hard work and dedication she
puts into FBLA. To my fellow state officer team, you have become my second family; I never dreamt that
I could gain such a close connection with anyone in such a short amount of time. I am so proud of all we
have accomplished as a team, we have made truly amazing memories that I will treasure forever. I love
each of you. And lastly, to the members, thank you for being the best. I encourage you to strive for suc-
cess now and throughout the rest of your lives and to reap all the possible benefits of FBLA. I sincerely
hope that I receive the opportunity to continue this journey with you for another term.


Heather Brunelli
Vice President Representing District VIII

Jena Monheiser

As an officer candidate one year ago, I had not the

slightest idea of what this new year in FBLA would
hold for me, but I can assure you now that it has been
one of the most memorable experiences of my life.
Throughout this past year I have grown as a leader and come to appreciate this incredible organization for
a number of reasons. At the heart of Colorado FBLA, lies Mrs. Deb Ramirez and Mrs. Sharon Adams.
These two ladies have helped to guide me through this year, and prepare me as a professional individual,
and on behalf of District IV and Colorado FBLA, I would like to express my sincere gratitude toward
them. As the Colorado FBLA State Officer Representing District IV, I would also like to give thanks to
my home district and its advisers. I am proud to represent this district and throughout my term in office,
our district has continually impressed me.
To my fellow officers, thank you for providing me with a year filled with memories I will never forget.
Each member has worked hard to prove that Colorado FBLA is the best, and I have come to appreciate
each and every one of them. And finally, my success in this organization couldn’t have been possible
without my incredible adviser, Mrs. Sharon Seger. In preparing me as successful leader, steering the Dis-
trict IV Leadership Conference, and supporting me in my goals and ambitions, Mrs. Seger has become a
beloved friend of mine, to which I owe unending gratitude. Colorado FBLA Members of today and to-
morrow, thank you, from the bottom of my heart for providing me the opportunity to serve you. Serving
as your State Vice President Representing District IV has become a cherished memory of mine. As we
move toward the end of the year, I hope you continue to Break Barriers and show extraordinary success at
the National Leadership Conference in Orlando!
Yours truly,

Jena Monheiser
Colorado FBLA State Officer
Vice President Representing District IV

Hali Furley

“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it.
You can’t keep it, but you can spend it.” It is hard to believe how fast the
last two years of my time spent on the Colorado State Future Business
Leaders of America team has gone. My future has been molded and
shaped because of this experience.
Two years ago, when I saw state officers crying on stage I never fully
could understand the purpose of it was and then at the end of last year, I
finally understood. I underestimated the power of emotions that were
built up during the entire year of hard work. It seems to me that the more
you put into something the more that it will give back to you. I would like to thank everyone for giving
me the opportunity to fill these two positions; I honestly could not have done any of the things I have ac-
complished without the following: State Advisers; Deb Ramirez and Sharon Adams, the state officer
team, board of directors, judges, members, advisers and sponsors. Most importantly, I would like to thank
the two people who have inspired and helped me so much throughout my entire experience in FBLA, my
adviser, Jennifer Flummerfelt and my mom, Terri Niemoth. I will forever have the honor and memories of
having served Colorado FBLA. My time spent within this organization has held priceless memories and
well spent time. I will be forever grateful for everything that I have been able to do these past few years,
thank you Colorado FBLA!


Hali Furley
Vice President Representing District I

Abla Jad

It is said our choices show who we truly are, far more than our abili-
ties. The smallest choices can sometimes have the greatest effect. I
hardly realized how quickly this organization would unlock amazing
opportunities, allow me to grow, and give me more than I could ever
possibly give back to it (although that won't stop me from trying).
There are many people who have guided me and put forth so much
time and effort to help me this year.
As always, to my mom: everything I am is a direct result of your com-
passion, insight, and most of all, your patience. You have allowed me
to approach the world with an open mind and given me so many op-
portunities; I am forever grateful. I can never thank you enough for always listening to me laugh, cry,
rant, and tell a million rambling stories. Thank you for always being there, even when I’m convinced I
don't need help.
To Mrs. Ord: Thank you for your endless support, advice, and life lessons (even if you didn't realize you
were teaching them). Thank you for all the time and effort you put into making FBLA a great experience.
I have no doubt in my mind that the success of this conference is directly linked to your contributions.
To the 2010-2011 State Officers and Advisers: I was extremely fortunate to be apart of such an amazing
team; I couldn’t have asked for a better selection of people to work with.
To the 2010-2011 Overland Officer Team: Thank you for holding down our local chapter and helping put
together this conference. There is no way I could have focused on the conference if I didn’t have you to
keep our local chapter in check.
And last, but most definitely not least, to District V FBLA: Thank you for allowing me to represent you at
the state level. Good luck with your competitive events, school, and your business careers.

I owe all my achievements to you. Thank you

Abla Jad
Vice President Representing District V 8
Tiegan James

It doesn’t seem possible that four years of Districts, State, and Nationals, and years of meeting countless
people can come to an end in what seems like a blink of an eye. I’m going to miss the competitions, the
laughter of friends, and my life as a State FBLA Officer. I can’t tell you how much I owe to FBLA; my
confidence, my skills, my closest friends, and many wonderful memories, are just the beginning of how
much this amazing organization gave me over the past four years of my high school career. Some of my
favorite moments were the late night heart to heart conversations with my fellow officers, or eating pizza
at nationals and just having a good time with one another. I’m going to miss those moments. In the back
of our minds, we all knew this day was coming up quicker than we wanted it to, but we kept brushing off
that reality so that we could make the most of the moments we had together and with our fellow FBLA
members. Now that it is finally here, it feels as though time has caught up to me way to fast, soon I will be
out in the world on my own, finding what it takes to make it and to just be me.
I know, however, that from FBLA, I have the confidence to step boldly onto my own path, and that the
friends that I’ve made will cheer me on in whatever path I choose. Thanks to FBLA, the friends I’ve met,
my advisers, and my parents I’m ready for this next step in my life. I will always love you, Colorado
FBLA, for giving me the most amazing four years of my life so far.


Tiegan James
Vice President Representing District III

Casey Zabel

Throughout this past year I have faced challenges that have been incredi-
bly difficult, but none has been as hard as writing this farewell speech.
I first need to say some thank you, first to my adviser Greg Pieraccini for
the guidance you have provided to me this year. Also to Deb Ramirez
and Sharon Adams two of the most incredible women I have ever met -
without you two I have no idea how lost I would have been this year.
To my family the support and dedication you had to help me when ever I
needed it.
Last to Colorado FBLA members and advisers - there is not enough ways
to say thank you for the opportunity you have given me this year.
I remember my first year of FBLA my freshman year of high school. I was lucky enough to qualify for the
State Conference that year. Walking into the ice arena and the crowd going crazy, music loud, and then
over the speakers a voice – “opening session 1 min. 10 sec - all of a sudden there was a countdown – it
was all about to begin!
That moment was a realization of how great of a decision joining Colorado FBLA was for me. No matter
how hard you work and the amount of challenges you face in the end you will feel a sense of accomplish-
ment. FBLA has made me Break Barriers and Move Mountains this last year I will never forget. Going
back to last years theme Colorado FBLA is Simply the Best!


Casey Zabel
Vice President Representing District IX

Samantha Rider
I had a wonderful year serving you as the District 6 Vice
President. It was hard, I will admit, but very rewarding. I
had made many memories this year. It was nice to visit
Calhan FBLA and finally meet the students who attend
there. Miami Yoder FBLA, I have a message for you. You
may have just started and be small, but work on your busi-
ness ways and you will grow. I saw promise in your future as an FBLA Chapter. Pueblo Centennial, you
were great when I visited.

I congratulate everyone for doing their best at Breaking Barriers…and Moving Mountains at Districts in
February. Even if you didn’t place, you have impacted yourself and your school as a member. I have to
give a shout out to Pueblo Centennial FBLA and Pueblo East FBLA for their help with Districts. But most
of all, I have to give my thanks to Pueblo South FBLA Chapter and Chapter officers. They each have
taught me the most out of everyone this year. Without them, I would have crumpled. They have been
wonderful helpers as well as supportive friends. Thank you, 1SG Peveler, CW3 Cathey, and SFC Demoss
for encouraging me to continue to do my best.

Good luck Brittanie Glessner, Caitlyn O’Neil and all other members for running for state office. If you
make it, it will be very rewarding. Thank you, fellow state officers, Mrs. Ramirez and Mrs. Adams, for
allowing me to serve. I have finally seen what it was like to lead a state office and become great friends
with all of you. Mrs. Tkacik, my wonderful adviser. You have given me a chance to grow. Even when
things were down, you helped me open my cage and fly away to the winds. Thank you for being a won-
derful teacher and adoptive family member.

Like many say, “When you fly, you must rest. All good things come to an end at one point.” While sad,
this is true. All good things come to a close at one point. As a senior, I knew I had made a lifelong con-
nection where I finally feel accepted. FBLA has given me more opportunities than any other organization
or club I have joined. If I had to give advice to newcomers of FBLA, I’d say this.

“Take everything in as it comes. Enjoy every moment whether they be good or bad. Now is when your
life counts the most. It’s the decisions you make, the choices you take that make the difference.”


Samantha Rider
Vice President Representing District VI
Jayce Tappy

As my term as your State Secretary comes to a close, I am certain this

has been one of the greatest experiences of my high school career.
Throughout this past year I have greatly enjoyed spending time with my
fellow officers and watching Colorado FBLA grow. I have greatly en-
joyed my time in this organization, yet all good things must come to an
end. However, I cannot leave without first thank those who helped me
move mountains, and break barriers. I would like to thank my friends
Andy, Alexis, Theo, Jordan, Alex, Taylor and Ms. Koester for all their
support this past year. Thank you to my family for their continual love
and support. Thank you my adviser, Ms. Baumgartner, for all your help this past year in serving as a state
officer. And now for the final time, as your 2010-2011 State Secretary, I thank you Colorado FBLA for
giving me this amazing experience and I wish you the best in all your endeavors.


Jayce Tappy

Colorado FBLA State Secretary

Dan Canno

I would like to start this off by saying WOW! Who would have knew that I
would become a Colorado FBLA State Officer. Taking a glance at my life
and leadership abilities from middle school to my freshman year would
really surprise you. I was always the person who would never speak in
front of a crowd; I would never approach anyone, because I was scared of
the possibility of rejection.
In this farewell, I would first like to thank the person who has influenced
me the most, my grandmother. It seems strange, how a grandmother can
have a huge impact on someone. I would have never achieved all of my successes without her pushing on
my feet and helping me with my first steps. Her guidance has pushed me towards a path to success,
knowledge, and leadership. Her main motto to follow in life is, “Work hard and you will achieve anything
that you wish to grasp.” As a 7th grader, I felt like she was giving me some foolish advice. I thought that
I would never become a good student, I would never be rich, and basically, never accomplish anything
worth greatness. After giving it a try with school, I accomplished 3.0s, 3.5s, and eventually 4.0s! Taking
my grandmother’s advice really changed my perspective about the world. For a moment, I believed I actu-
ally had a shot at life success.
Being well focused on school, I didn’t really have time to socialize. When I was a freshman, I didn’t
know anyone, mostly because I moved and nobody from my middle school attended this school. I at-
tended a school where the student population is majorly white. Transitioning from a school like that to a
school like Denver West High School was real tough. The slang was different, culture was new for me at
school, and also, making friends. This is where the next admired person on this farewell kicks in.
I would secondly like to thank my FBLA advisor, Jerry Clayton. I was enrolled in his Web Design class.
He told our class that in order to receive an A for the class, we had to attend a few FBLA meetings. I did-
n’t really care; I just wanted to get an A. Before I went, I had no idea what FBLA was and what it meant.
After my freshmen year I had an understanding of what FBLA was and it made me ecstatic because I was
going to become a chapter officer. Being apart of my FBLA chapter gave me a great experience. FBLA
helped me build character and personality. As I started to be involved with FBLA, I started to notice that I
was changing and becoming a leader in my community and school. FBLA can offer so much, and it gives
vital skills needed for life success. It is a really great experience, and it is something very beneficial for
our future. This all occurred because of Mr. Clayton. His encouragement is what led to my success with
FBLA, academics, and everything else!

Continued on next page:

Continued from page 13:

My next thank you goes to FBLA. FBLA has opened my mind

to new heights. My involvement with FBLA has done great
wonders for me. FBLA helped me learn how to lead and
communicate well; FBLA also had an impact on my character
and personality. I thank FBLA for all the great experiences that occurred at all the conferences.
Overall I want to express much admiration to everyone who has influenced my path towards becoming a
State Officer, a great leader, and development of good character. Thank you all and thank you Colorado
FBLA! I look forward to seeing how FBLA emerges and becomes a better known organization world-
Dan Canno
Vice President Representing District II

Keaton Sloan

If I may only say one thing, let it be that having the privilege to serve
Colorado FBLA as the District Seven Vice President has been one of the
most rewarding experiences I have ever had. I strongly recommend anyone
interested in running for a state office to do it. You’ll come out of it with
leadership skills and experiences that will help you prepare for a successful
future. I know I have; and I’ll never forget the time I spent doing it. Colo-
rado FBLA, you’ve made my term memorable—and for that I sincerely
thank you.


Keaton Sloan
Vice President Representing District VII
Chapter News

Battle Mountain High School

By: Alex Mendez

Battle Mountain High School’s FBLA has found a unique way to meet the needs of its members as well as
students and faculty with a morning caffeine boost. One of our major fundraising projects is operating the
Husky Joes Coffee cart. In previous years, Husky Joes has been a prosperous fundraising activity and a
great learning experience for all members who get involved as managers and employees. We pride our-
selves in the fact that this fundraiser has been such a success, for both our chapter as a whole and our
members as individuals.

Due to the fact that many students arrive early to school each day and do not get their breakfast in the
morning, Husky Joes is the perfect place for them to get the nutrients for a long day of school! At Husky
Joes, FBLA members not only sell coffee but also smoothies, hot and cold teas, and a variety of delicious
breakfast foods.

Since the coffee cart has been such a huge success in the past, officers
and members have made the decision to expand it to a much larger busi-
ness than exists today. The first modification being made is keeping the
cart open all day rather than just before school, so that students may pur-
chase products during times that they do not have classes.

The plan also includes expanding both our physical layout and our prod-
uct line to include school spirit items, school supplies, and offering tu-
toring in a peaceful environment. The expansion plan was recently ap-
proved by the school’s administration and is now being put into action!

The Few, The Proud, FBLA
By: Cara Larsen and Jerod Berg

Swink FBLA

On a very cold and snowy day, all 49 members, one advisor, and one guest piled onto the bus to travel to
the OJC campus for the District 7 FBLA Conference. This year, the conference was cut short due to the
major snow we received across the valley. Out of the 22
schools that were supposed to be in attendance, only four
stayed for the entire conference. Upon arrival, we received
our name tags, meal tickets, and a schedule of the day’s
events. We all had donuts and coffee while waiting for the
general session to begin. During this time, we were able to
socialize with other fellow FBLA family members. At the
general session, Jordin Knabenshue was introduced by her
friend and campaign manager, Anthony Mendoza. Jordin was
running for District 7 Secretary. She was the only one running
for the position, but still had to be confirmed by a voice vote.
The voting delegates from each school had a little time to
think about it, and were asked to vote at the closing session.

After the general session, we only had time for one workshop, because the OJC campus was closing at
noon due to the weather. The workshop that we both attended was Leadership 101, presented by the cur-
rent State Vice President Representing District 7 Keaton Sloan and State Treasurer Jerrod Montoya. After
the epic dance-off that took place, we got down to the nitty-gritty. We learned important things that you
should do while speaking in job ethics. We learned many types of wrong handshakes, such as the Oprah,
the President, and the Southern Belle. After, they discussed with us the importance of body posture and
eye contact. Candy bars were the sought-after treat for getting a trivia question correct. The candy throw-

FBLA Heads To New Orleans
By: Nicole Conner

Alamosa FBLA

Alamosa FBLA traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana to attend the National Fall Leadership Conference. At
this conference, students participated in workshops designed to enhance leadership skills, meet new peo-
ple, and explore the city.

The NFLC included FBLA, FBLA-Middle level, and PBL members. FBLA-Middle level is a future busi-
ness leader organization for middle school students. PBL is a college level business organization. All ages
were represented in New Orleans by regular members and national officers. The conference began on Fri-
day, November 12 at 1:00 p.m. FBLA members were able to attend three workshops that day and the
opening session at 9:00 p.m. that night. The workshops continued on Saturday, starting at 9:00 a.m. and
went throughout the day. The closing session was that night at 6:00 p.m. Workshop presenters included
former and current FBLA and PBL officers and advisors, entrepreneurs, business and military recruiters,
and professional public speakers. The featured speakers at the NFLC were Alton Jamison and Shannon
Pickard. Alton Jamison, a full time professional speaker, entrepreneur, engineer, and published author,
spoke about “Removing mental handcuffs” and being positive. He discussed overcoming obstacles and
his experience of being raised by a single mother while his father was in and out of jail.

Shannon Pickard, a writer, producer, stand up comic, actor, and public speaker, is the co-host of weekly
TV show, has appeared on the Tonight Show, was in the movie Varsity Blues, and has joined the Chicken
Soup for the Soul Series. His workshops were designed to inspire students to take action and stay moti-
vated. Pickard involved students in his workshops by playing im-
provisational games. When students were not in workshops, they
were experiencing the city. They explored the French Quarter,
strolled around Jackson Square, and walked along the Mississippi

The group attended a Hornets game. The team was victorious

with a record of 8-0. Students would not have fully experience
New Orleans without sampling the local cuisine. They tried eve-
rything from alligator pasta and fried frog legs to gumbo. The
Cafe Du Monde was the hot spot to purchase beignets. The trip
was a very great learning experience for the members. They were
able to learn new leadership skills and the culture of New Or-
leans. They learned things that will remain with them for the rest
of their lives.

Scavenger Hunt Equals Success
By: Shealynn McCracken


The Eads FBLA's first ever Halloween Scavenger Hunt was very success-
ful as to there was 41 kids that participated. This event was headed by
Addie Seifreid, Bailey King, and Dorian Ray who also partnered up with
the Eads Chamber of Commerce and the Kiowa County Economic Devel-
opment Foundation. Theses three FBLA members were doing this as part
of their partnership with business project, which will be taken to State
FBLA in Vail, Colorado.

The whole point of the scavenger hunt was to bring more awareness to the businesses, as well as make a
new fun event for the kids to do during Halloween. The businesses that participated was the Little Sprouts
Children Center, Eads Auto Supply, Kiowa County National Bank, Thursday's On Maine, Eads Consumer
Supply, K&M Ranch House, Kiowa Health mart, Crow's Stop and Shop, Cinnamon Joe, and Department
of Social Services. After the kids completed going to each business, they then went to Eads FBLA 2nd An-
nual Haunted House where they would get a goody bag which were made by the Eads FLBA. Also, the
Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation donated $50 in Eads bucks to go in the goody bags as

To add on to that, the businesses that participated also started a new traveling trophy, which was going to
go between each business during this Halloween Scavenger Hunt. The Eads Chamber of Commerce pur-
chased the Traveling Trophy. How it is decided of who gets the traveling trophy is that the kids who par-
ticipated in the scavenger hunt, picked which business had the best decorations, and whoever got the most
votes win's. This year Cinnamon Joe won by far, because of their great decorations. All in all the Eads
FBLA had a really successful Halloween Scavenger and are expecting another successful one next year.

Embarking on a New Tradition
By: Sydney Hooton

Merino High School

The Merino High School FBLA Chapter implemented a new tradition this year by celebrating FBLA
Week in an exciting way. When the chapter officers were putting together their Program of Work at the
beginning of the year, they felt it was vital for members to celebrate and get more involved in FBLA
Week. Another officer meeting was held in January to choose how the week would be celebrated. It was
decided that each day of the week would be assigned a different leadership activity ; Monday-Kick Off
Day, Tuesday-March of Dimes Day, Wednesday-Dress for Success Day, Thursday-Staff Appreciation
Day, and Friday-State Qualifier Luncheon.

To get everyone excited for the upcoming week, students kicked off the week by participating in a kick-
ball tournament. Tuesday, the chapter members made baby blankets to be sent to the March of Dimes
Foundation. All the members then took part in the Dress for Success Day on Wednesday when they at-
tended the District Leadership Conference held at Northeastern Junior College. The District Conference
was a success-the Merino FBLA chapter will be sending 27 members to the State Leadership Conference
held in Vail, in April. Thursday was a day for FBLA members to say “Thank You” to the administration,
faculty, and staff of Merino High School. Each faculty member was given a treat bag and a “Thank You”
note, showing our graciousness for them and thanking them for their continued support of FBLA. The
week was ended with a luncheon for every member that qualified for the State Leadership Conference.
The District 4 Vice President, Jena Monheiser, joined us for the luncheon to congratulate everyone on
their success.

FBLA Week was a huge success at Merino High School! It was the perfect way for FBLA members to
get involved in their chapter, have some fun, celebrate their hard work and success, and start a new cus-
tom at a school already so rich in tradition.

FBLA Breaking Barriers

Las Animas

Last school year, the Las Animas FBLA was asked to partner with a local organization, LiveWell Bent
County, to promote a local version of the Biggest Loser. The partnership worked out so well that the two
continued to work together throughout the year to promote other events in the community. During the
summer, Las Animas’s FBLA became the student level spokespeople for Obesity Awareness in the com-
munity. Since the beginning of the year, a committee has been formed and the students are now putting
together a tool kit for other schools/communities to use in order to “jump start” their obesity awareness
task force. FBLA adviser, Addie Wallace said, “Many lessons of giving back have been learned through
the partnership with LiveWell Bent County and the student s enjoy meeting and bringing new ideas about
how to prevent this deadly disease in children.” The tool kit is expected to be completed before the end of
the summer.

Committee Members, Cheyanna Fritz, Cassie Chaney and Dalton Gallegos, FBLA Adviser, Addie Wallace
and LiveWell Bent County Coordinator, Tammy Pryor attended a grant writing conference at Coors Field
in Denver, Colorado.

Parade of Lights
Overland FBLA

Overland High school FBLA members of the 2010-2011 school year participated in the Parade of Lights,
in downtown Denver, on December 3, 2010 as one of their community service projects.
Twenty members took Friday to volunteer in the parade and they all participated with a flare. The crew
was split and placed where needed most. They were put on floats such as The Ship of Lights, The Nut-
cracker, and given jobs as banner elves, fish and even dancing decoration lights.
Overland FBLA plans on participating in the Parade of
Lights in the years to come aside from many other
community service projects they plan to partake in.

FBLA Soars
Arapahoe High School

What is FBLA to you? How has it helped you and your leadership skills to grow? I was asked these ques-
tions multiple times this year, from those wanting to pursue FBLA further and become an officer. My re-
sponse: FBLA is a group that develops business and presentation skills along the way building a group of
friends of whom you can discuss FBLA related topics with. FBLA has helped my leadership skills to
grow because this year at my school we had 115 members, and yes you can imagine it is hard to control
115 high school kids.

The members in my club have shown me their knowledge and I built off of that and then showed them
mine and we used that to educate our club to be successful. With such large numbers this year it became
hard to come in contact with every member, but FBLA has become such a prominent part of their lives
that they came and found me to discuss these business related topics. These members never cease to
amaze me with their knowledge and presentation skills, which has led to 32 of my members to qualify for
the State Leadership Conference in April, our largest number yet! Not only am I proud of all of my mem-
ber’s success, but thankful for my schools support specifically Mrs. Swank, my adviser and our Principle
Mr. Ron Booth. FBLA will continue to grow due to our success thus far in the 2010-2011 school year. I
hope to keep my members interested so that they continue into PBL at the collegiate level and continue
their success.

Monthly Member Lunches

Sangre De Cristo FBLA

Our own local Sangre De Cristo FBLA Chapter has come up with many new ways to make this year’s
members take pride in themselves and their organization. During the annual Officers Retreat in South
Fork, Colorado; one of the officers proposed the idea to have a lunch every month exclusively for FBLA
members. All the other officers and our adviser thought that it was a great idea. The lunch had many
benefits: it brought our chapter more publicity within our school, gave our members a chance to react with
one another, and showed all people that our chapter was serious about what it does.

As of this point in time our chapter has had several member lunches with differing themes due to holidays
and season influences. All of the member lunches have been great successes with a large attendance every
time. Also, we have recently added prizes which members can win if they sit in the right spots on their
tables. The member lunches have brought our chapter much joy and excitement.
FBLA Through The Year

Burlington FBLA

This year has proved to be a rather successful one for the Burlington FBLA chapter. In August the officer
team met and set a list of goals we were determined to meet. Those goals were: meet as a team once
every two weeks, host FBLA Rush Week, Big Brother/Sister, fund raise for March of Dimes, increase stu-
dent involvement—especially freshmen, and increase the number of paid National Members. We accom-
plished these goals primarily by following through with our meeting on a regular basis. In getting to-
gether we were able to discuss ideas and keep in mind upcoming events so they would have a better
chance of being done.

FBLA Rush Week in August was a hit in increasing member involvement. Monday of Rush Week the
officers talked to all the individual class levels about the benefits of being a member of FBLA. Tuesday
there was an activity fair where students could go through and sign up for any of the various clubs on
campus; FBLA had a booth giving students the opportunity to sign up for membership and any of the up-
coming activities. Wednesday there was an FBLA ice cream social which gave students the opportunity to
mingle and ask the officers and advisers questions and converse casually. Thursday we held a luncheon.

Big Brother/Sister (BBS) has been a tradition at our high school since 1997. FBLA is associated within
our community with BBS. It gives members the chance to be involved locally, and because its such a
huge part of our school and has been for so long, there is a massive group of kids that participate. This
year for instance we had so many student mentors that after all eligible kids at the elementary and middle
school were paired with a big brother or sister we still had mentors wanting to work with kids. To accom-
modate this interest we expanded the program to include a local daycare, Little Sprouts.

Our FBLA chapter worked concessions for volleyball, basketball, and wrestling to raise money for dis-
tricts and state. We took this opportunity to also raise money for the March of Dimes. We put out a
bucket for March of Dimes donations, and local sports fans were willing to drop in spare change. We also
had “Hat Day” where kids could pay two dollars to wear their hats in school.

In the beginning of the year the officer team all agreed that the most important goal of the year was to in-
crease student involvement—and especially focus on the freshmen. There are 50 paid national members
in our chapter, we had a record number of students compete at the District level and all but four placed.

All in all we've had an immensely successful year. We've manage to meet most of our goals, and most
importantly, we've increased our membership involvement.

FBLA Halloween Events
By: Shealynn McCracken


This October the Eads FBLA chapter is not only doing their second annual haunted house but are also
teaming up with the Eads Chamber of Commerce and the Kiowa County Economic Development Founda-
tion to form the first annual kids Halloween scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt will take place from
Thursday October 28th to Saturday October 30th. During this time frame kids are encouraged to visit the
following participating businesses/organizations: Little Sprouts Children Center, Eads Auto Supply, Kiowa
County National Bank, Thursdays on Maine, Eads Consumer Supply, K&M Ranch House, Kiowa Health
mart, Crow’s Stop and Shop, Cinnamon Joe, and Department of Social Services. As they visit each of these
places an employee will stamp the kid’s scavenger hunt sheet after they find the clue. The kids who bring a
completed scavenger hunt form to the FBLA haunted house will receive a goody bag.

We feel that the scavenger hunt will be fun for the kids, but will also bring awareness to the participating
business because the scavenger hunt form will have historical or promotional facts about the business.
Scavenger hunt forms will be given to each elementary student next week. The businesses agreed to deco-
rate for Halloween and the kids will vote on which business had the best decorated building. Many em-
ployees will also be dressing up in Halloween costumes on the first day (Thursday). The Chamber will
award the winning business a traveling trophy.

The Eads FBLA is also having their second annual haunted house/ Chili supper which the FBLA members
are excited for. They had a great turn out last year, and are looking forward to this year. This time it is go-
ing to be even bigger and way better than last year. It is going to be October 30th, 2010, at the fairgrounds,
where the kid’s haunted house is from 7-9 p.m., and then the teen/adult haunted house is 9-11, and the chili
supper will start at six. The ticket prices are five dollars for haunted house only, five dollars for chili only,
and eight for both haunted house and chili. You can buy these tickets from either a FBLA member or at the
fairgrounds. We hope to spook you soon!!

Fleming’s District IV Conference
Fleming FBLA

Cheyanne Herbert

At this year’s District IV FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) Conference, held on February 9 at
Northeastern Junior College, the Fleming FBLA Chapter was hard at work. Being a Colorado Vice Presi-
dent representing District IV, it was the responsibility of Jena Monheiser and the rest of the Chapter to
organize this year’s conference. Accompanying Monheiser’s efforts were advisor Sharon Seger and Dis-
trict IV Secretary Jenna Vandenbark. Planning for the conference began in August and resulted in what
Seger said was an “overall success”. The conference began with keynote speaker Gina Harris, a widely
renowned speaker and the executive director of Friends First from Littleton, Colorado. Then students
competing in live events were directed to their areas of competition while other students had the opportu-
nity to attend workshops like the NJC Scavenger Hunt, Unshakable Leadership, Tips and Tricks to Rise to
the Top, Fred Factor, or the SIFE (Students In Free Enterprise) Knowledge Bowl.

The Fleming FBLA Chapter had 24 of their 28 competing members place in their competitive events. Jeff
Allen placed 10th in Accounting I; Ashley Atkin placed first in Job Interview and sixth in CyberSecurity;
Morgan Bueltell placed 10th in Economics and seventh in Global Business; Trevor Chintala placed 10th in
Hospitality Management; Zac Copeland placed second in Electronic Career Portfolio; Aaron Delgado
placed eighth in Entrepreneurship and fifth in Public Speaking I; Nathan Frantz placed second in Spread-
sheet Applications; Cheyanne Herbert placed second in Business Calculations and second in E-Business;
Taylor King placed eighth in Accounting I and fourth in Technology Concepts; Kyle Lengfelder placed
seventh in Global Business; Nicole Lousberg placed seventh in FBLA Principles and Procedures and sev-
enth in Desktop Publishing; Daniel Martinez placed seventh in Sports Management and sixth in Hospital-
ity Management; Amber Mekelburg placed fifth in Business Procedures and seventh in Global Business;
Jena Monheiser placed seventh in Business Law; Arika Muller placed ninth in Business Communication
and second in E-Business; Kiki Rigel placed seventh in Desktop Publishing; Tanner Serrato placed eighth
in Entrepreneurship and seventh in Business Math; Justin Stone placed sixth in Networking Concepts;
Jenna Vandenbark placed first in Personal Finance and first in Future Business Leader; Tyler Vandenbark
placed eighth in Entrepreneurship; Genysie VanDuren placed second in E-Business; Mitch VanDuren
placed ninth in Introduction to Technology Concepts; Morgan Wilkening placed seventh in Health Care;
and Haley Zink placed sixth in Economics and first in Business Calculations.

These numbers are impressive to say the least, seeing as Fleming has never had so many students place in
their competitive events at the District Conference. From these students, approximately 20 have placed
within the top of their respective categories and are moving on to the State FBLA Conference held in
Vail, Colorado on April 17, 18, and 19.

Inspiration From the Best
Fossil Ridge FBLA

When Paul Pettinger from New Belgium Brewery came in to speak to our chapter about a company that
values moral responsibility in the same way that they value a healthy profit, he introduced us to a way of
conducting business that is, unfortunately, considered revolutionary in today’s market place. He told us
about New Belgium’s “triple bottom line”: people, the planet, and profit. Their company’s vision is one
that includes not just a financially-successful business, but one that cares about their employees’ happiness
and their impact on the earth as well.

The only people many companies care much about are their shareholders; make the biggest profit possible
and cut everywhere you can. New Belgium understands the importance of being business smart, but they
also see the value in each and every one of their employees. They understand that their product quality,
their image, and ultimately their success rests upon the shoulders of the members of the team, from the
manufacturing line to the chairman. Every employee of New Belgium is a partial owner of the company,
and as such they are consulted on future business ventures and production. One year, for example, the
company consulted its employees on whether or not they wanted to implement new planet-friendly tech-
nologies; they voted unanimously to give up their Christmas bonuses that year and use the money to pur-
chase the upgrades. After their first year with the company, each employee is given a fat tire bike, which is
to encourage both health and eco-friendly transportation. After four years with the company, New Bel-
gium pays for the employee to go tour the breweries in Belgium to learn about the history and tradition
they are trying to mirror themselves.

Having Mr. Pettinger come in to speak to our club was very informative, and we definitely learned to re-
spect the many aspects that make a business truly successful. Their triple bottom line has created a work
environment that is responsible and encouraging for its team members, and it shows in their low turnover
rate of just four percent. New Belgium is a great company that should be a role model to all others in the
business world.

FBLA In The New Year
Idalia FBLA

The Idalia FBLA Chapter had started the off new year strongly. The chapter members were working hard
in getting their projects ready and putting on the finishing touches before they were due in late January.
Beside the projects, members were also studying diligently for their competition tests, which must have
been completed online in categories of the selected business contest. Over 60 competitions were available
for FBLA chapter members to compete in this past year. Competition tests and projects were all turned in
at the end of January, and all members of the Idalia FBLA chapter had finished taking their online tests
during the last few January weeks.

Once all projects and tests were finished and submitted, members had the chance to attend FBLA District
Conference at the Northeastern Junior College in Sterling, Colorado in order to attend workshops, perform
competition presentations, and be officially judged in their competitions along with the rest of their Dis-
trict. At the end of the conference, the top-scoring members were honored and would move on toward the
next goal: State FBLA Conference and Competition in Vail, Colorado.

Besides breaking barriers, the Idalia FBLA Chapter has been working on several other projects, benefitting
their school, as well as their community. The chapter celebrated National FBLA Week in February by get-
ting their high school involved and interested in the chapter. Each day of the week had an acronym of
FBLA with an activity for each. For example, Monday was themed with the F, which stood for Future Ca-
reer Day, when students dressed corresponding to the career they wanted to have when they got older.
Tuesday was B day, or Blue and Gold day, when students sported the FBLA Organization colors. The
week was a success and sparked some interest in the school’s FBLA program.

Last year, the Idalia FBLA Chapter sold advertisements to local businesses in the area that were printed on
a “Community Birthday Calendar” which had important dates and birthdays of community members
printed on them. The calendars were distributed for free. The chapter hosted the same service this year,
collecting advertisements from businesses in four separate towns during the fall, and handing out 225 com-
pleted printings in early February. The community is grateful for the project, and the Idalia FBLA Chapter
is glad to support its community.

After all the hard work that the chapter has put in, it is happier than ever to be able to support its school,
FBLA program, and community. The Idalia FBLA Chapter always strives for excellence, and it has truly
done its job “Breaking Barriers and Moving Mountains” so far. Who will the chapter support next?

Raising Spirit, Raising Money
By: Ryker Harger

Windsor High School

Fundraising does not have to be all about selling fancy merchandise. Look at what Windsor High School
FBLA members do with only paper year after year! The recipients each year, often members of the local
community, are selected by FBLA members.

In October of 2010, the chapter had the honor of raising funds to help Delaney Wadsworth. Delaney is an
outgoing, sweet 3-year-old girl from Rawlings, Wyoming who was diagnosed with a fatal brain tumor
called diffuse pontine glioma. There is absolutely no cure. As of July 2010, she was given nine months
to live. She and her parents moved to Windsor, Colorado to live with her grandparents and be closer to
doctors in Denver. Needless to say, they have substantial medical bills. The money raised by Windsor
High School went to her family to help with those bills and other expenses.

Fundraising consisted of selling “spirit links,” paper chain links during Homecoming Week, a week of
celebrating school pride. It was a competition between each grade and the WHS staff to see whose chain
would be the longest. The links were sold at lunch, 5 links for a dollar, by FBLA members. We pre-
sented the chains to the school at the pep rally at the end of Homecoming Week. Staff won by a great
margin to many students’ dismay. In all, $70 was raised for Delaney, selling nothing but paper! At the
same time, FBLA raised school spirit through a fun competition. This just goes to show what a little bit
of time, effort, and spirit can do.

Middle Level FBLA is Breaking Barriers
By: Caleb Wright


Wray High School FBLA was excited this year to help Middle Level students become a part of our or-
ganization. The technology teacher at the middle school asked students who would be interested in par-
ticipating in FBLA activities. Four young ladies stepped forward, anxious to be involved. The first ac-
tivity we brought the middle level FBLA to was our Fall Leadership Conference. There, these young
members learned the importance of teamwork, leadership, and creative thinking while solving problems.
Not only did they learn how to set high expectations, but they also began to discover the benefits of good
choices and hard work through the instruction of their speaker, and the activities they were able to ex-
perience throughout the day.

We also set up mentoring relationships with each of these middle level members with our high school
chapter officers. This relationship helps younger members feel like they have someone they ‘know’ at
events, and someone to answer their questions.

Another way to involve middle level members is to have them help with community service pro-
jects. Whether those projects include building something outside, babysitting for parent-teacher confer-
ences, or helping with a blood drive, middle level FBLA’ers are great helpers.

This spring our chapter is hosting a Karaoke night, where our middle level FBLA members are invited to
join in the fun and help raise money for March of Dimes. Involving members in social and service ac-
tivities helps them understand that FBLA isn’t just about the competitions, but about service, education
and progress.

Thank you to all of the chapters that submitted articles for the Spring Newsletter. It is be-
cause of your dedication and enthusiasm towards business education and leadership that
Colorado FBLA succeeds.


Michael Gabriel
Colorado FBLA State Reporter

State Officer
Candidacy Articles
Aish Narang

Legacy High School


What do Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett have in common? Vision and leadership. On the
Future Business Leaders of America emblem, there are three prestigious words: service, education, and
progress. Each of these widely recognized figures represents one of these qualities that prove them to be a
powerful leader and an excellent visionary. To become a great leader, one must first understand what being
a leader means and how it not only affects oneself, but the environment around you. The official definition
of a leader is one who goes before or with someone to show them the way. Within that definition there are
many characteristics that follow such as integrity, a purpose in not only their position but their life, to be
passionate, to have gained trust of others, confidence, and to have a clear vision of what they would like to
accomplish in the future. Being a good leader is a characteristic that can be present in a wide variety of
options whether it is at school, corporate world or in the community; the key is to give and motivate.

A successful leader must care for the members of the group and their ideas. Not only will this be beneficial
for the group, but will also impact the community. A positive outcome emerges from collaborating differ-
ent ideas in order to achieve a great vision. One can become a caring leader by doing the simple things to
help others, such as service. Oprah Winfrey is a wonderful example of a leader who represents service; she
has gone out of her way to help her community and the people of the world including those in Africa.
Community service is an act that truly represents a caring leader. A little caring through community service
can, and will, go a long way. One can start by volunteering at school or in the community. FBLA has a lot
to offer for community service, and with caring leaders to motivate other members of the group, we can
continue to build a stronger and safer business community.

A great educational leader has the foresight to evaluate all possibilities and give options for solutions. Not
just academically, but one should be intelligent and aware of what surrounds them. As a leader, one should
help in breaking the barriers by looking at the big picture. Anyone can become a knowledgeable leader by
simply observing and reacting to what is around them in all aspects whether it is in the business world, so-
cially, etc. Bill Gates is another great example of a leader who represents the educational side of leader-
ship. Even though he himself did not pursue higher education, he realizes the importance of education.
Bill Gates set up the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and they hope to improve America’s education sys-
tem by using funds from this foundation. He believes that one of the “biggest barriers that prevent people
from living their lives” is the inability to get a proper education. FBLA has many events and educational
workshops that help in the understanding of the American enterprise. With this knowledge and applying it
properly, a leadership style may blossom!
Continued on next page: 29
Continued from page 29:

Being progressive is the third quality in becoming a strong leader. Once one has a vision or goal set, it is a
matter of motivation and passion to achieve that vision. The journey to the finish line is the progressive
side of a leader. All success stories in the business world are sprouted through progressive leaders. Al-
though this is more of a drastic example, Warren Buffet truly expresses what a leader is capable of. He
displays how one can start off by simply taking the first step to progression. Mr. Buffet was just like any
American boy living in a small town in Nebraska and stood out from the others by displaying his interest
in making and saving money and cleverly followed through as he got older. Starting at a young age, he
carried out several of his money making ideas and is now consistently ranked among the world’s wealthi-
est people. FBLA provides several opportunities to attain leadership goals whether it is organizing com-
munity service opportunities within your local chapter, preparing for districts, or state conferences. Lead-
ers use vision to express themselves.

FBLA opportunities demonstrate how small steps can create a caring, knowledgeable, and progressive
leader! Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett all started small, but each one of them had a vision
that they hoped to achieve. Using integrity, they have become known as great leaders. Anyone is capable
of becoming an inspiring leader; it is just a matter of time, perseverance, passion, and self-belief that will
lead to achieving greatness!

Alan L. Peil

Manzanola FBLA

The Breaking Barriers, Moving Mountains?

As William Arthur Ward said: “The experienced mountain climber is not intimidated by a mountain -- he
is inspired by it. The persistent winner is not discouraged by a problem -- he is challenged by it. Moun-
tains are created to be conquered; adversities are designed to be defeated; problems are sent to be solved.
It is better to master one mountain than a thousand foothills.” We, as FBLA members, must be the experi-
enced mountain climber and face any problem head on. We must challenge ourselves with problems, not
be discouraged. We must conquer mountains, defeat adversities, and solve any problems.

I believe the 2010-11 FBLA National slogan, “Breaking Barriers”, and the Colorado FBLA slogan,
“Moving Mountains,” are a representation of what FBLA is about. As members of FBLA we should al-
ways strive to break through barriers and make ourselves better. As members we should all want to fight
to be the best even when this requires us to try and beat the odds and move mountains.
Continued on next page:
Continued from page 30:

FBLA has taught me a lot about getting to the top. It has shown me that you should never just settle for
what you have, but always strive to go further. I believe that when we think of moving mountains it is
something that most people shy away from. It is hard work and dedication, but if you can complete this
task you will find that you have set yourself apart from others in a way that will not only make you feel
good about yourself, but will make others look up to you. I have learned to go ahead and attempt to move
mountains and break through barriers.

Mountains were built to climb and barriers were meant to be broken. I believe that challenges are what
make life interesting. If winning was easy everybody could do it. I believe that breaking through barriers
and setting yourself above the rest is what makes someone a leader. It takes will to work hard and to fight
through adversities so you can end up on the top of that mountain. I also believe that it takes a special
person to do these things. We do not just wake up and become a leader. Work is how we get to the top.
We must stand up and “break barriers” or “move mountains” so that after all our hard work we have a
strong return.

Amanpreet Singh

Calhan High School FBLA

Everybody dreams, big or small. Achieving these dreams requires a great deal of hard work and proper
training. Business remains a line of work that affects the whole world. If society does not have busi-
nesses, this world would be chaotic, every country’s economy would crumble, and every government
would dissolve. Business drives the 21st century economy by coming out with new innovation. Business
teaches one proper behavior, management, and confidence, which are keys to success. One’s behavior
tells a good deal about oneself in the business world. Behavior can be defined as how one responds to his
or her environment. Behavior is the representation of one’s personality which is somebody’s set of char-
acteristics like, response and attitude.. In a business meeting, when all the great minds are together, ones
characteristics, attitude, and response is what separates one from the rest of the crowd. The more a person
stands out, in a good way, from the crowd, the more intention he or she will receive. In the business
world personality is one of the key factors of success. Next, business educates one on management,
which is the organizing and controlling of the affairs of a business or a sector of a business. Proper man-
agement results in the success of a business; poor management causes businesses to fail.

Continued on next page:

Continued from page 31:

Management is not just the key to success for a business, but also life. If proper time management is
stressed in life, one will see success in whatever one does. People need confidence in everything they do
in society, so confidence is also a key to success. Confidence is a belief in one’s ability to succeed. Con-
fidence is needed to perform every task, so we should be confident in whatever we do in life. However, it
is also important to not pass the thin line separating confidence and cockiness or over-confidence. While
confidence is a belief in one’s ability to succeed, cockiness is arrogantly confident and sure of oneself.
Confidence takes a person far beyond his or her goal, but over-confidence takes a person on a rough ride
down the hill. Societies are fortunate to have an organization like FBLA (Future Business Leaders of
America) to teach everybody these three key factors to our success and future. Without FBLA who
knows how many downhill rides our economy would have in society, and given the current circum-
stances, our economy cannot afford any more downhill rides. FBLA has given all its members the tools
necessary to succeed in life. That is why current members of FBLA are the keys to turning this rough
downhill ride of our economy to an astounding uphill ride to success.

Austin Lukondi

Sangre de Cristo High School

The Importance of Principles

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Important principles may be and must be inflexible.” This statement means
that all significant beliefs must be firmly and consistently enforced. Last year I competed at the FBLA
National Leadership Conference in “FBLA Principles and Procedures”; this event not only taught me
about the important business leaders, methodologies, and the history of FBLA, but the importance of de-
veloping strong principles to help structure my life. There are many different types of principles used in
life and business, from leadership to even business ethics. Prudently crafted principles can help us make
better decisions.

When principles are used in personal decision making, you should choose moral principles crafted within
the parameters of ethical boundaries. Principles may serve as a map for your life as they guide you toward
your goals. In the end, what matters ultimately comes down to you and the choices you make which affect
your life. I believe that FBLA can strengthen the principles of its member’s by giving them a sense of de-
cision-making skills that teach them responsibility and management. Imagine you are an important direc-
tor of a company’s finance department, if you had the chance to take money from a carelessly guarded
account, would you? This is a decision that can be made through your decision making, with principles.
With increasingly efficient principles, a leader can direct successful thought for improvement.

Continued on next page:

Continued from page 32:

While someone occupies a position of leadership, others will emulate their model of behavior. By using
constructive and regimented principles coupled with ethics, a leader can set an example of morality that
many people will use in their own lives. The word ‘leader’ comes from the Old English word lædere,
which means “one who leads”. Leaders must lead with positive principles in mind. In FBLA, positive in-
fluences motivate its members to succeed. The positive influence that comes from FBLA starts with lead-
ership and principles.

Business ethics are a form of professional ethics that are used to analyze both moral and ethical problems
in the business environment. There are many types of business ethics, from finance to marketing, princi-
ples must be used to determine the morality of each business decision. FBLA is built around the signifi-
cance of esteemed business ethics, there’s even a competitive event called “Business Ethics” where mem-
bers present and defend their positions using principles dictated by the business management and admini-
stration handbook. Although, when it comes down to it, business ethics of every company or organization
boil down to their executive’s principles and decisions.

Principles are an extremely important obligation to every FBLA officer and member. Without a leader
who follows rules founded upon wisdom, experience, and self-discipline, the efficiency of leadership
would crumble along with the organization or business. Without principles there is no truth, no rules, no
structure, and no FBLA. By staying true to our core values and ethics we can make certain that we “Break
Barriers and Move Mountains”.

Brittanie Glessner

Pueblo South High School

A Real Leader or a Follower?

“What are you going to be a leader or follower?” is a question that I always get asked by my parents when
I do something stupid. This question perked my interest when I became a freshmen in high school and
since then I have planned on finding the answer to that question: What is a leader? I went to go look up
the real definition in the dictionary. According to the dictionary.com a leader is defined in thirteen ways
for many different things. They also pretty much say the same thing—something or someone that leads a
thing or group/persons. Reading all thirteen definitions has just confused me even more.

Asking my parents what a real leader is didn’t really help either. I have had to step back and ask myself is
a real leader someone who can command a room or is it someone who knows their stuff and can explain
something really well? Is it the popular girl who everyone follows or is the person who is quiet and shy
but is very knowledgeable? All these questions have been rushing through my mind since I was a fresh-
man in high school.

Now being a junior in high school and being in FBLA I have started to answer my own question. I can
finally somewhat answer what does it mean to be a real leader. I believe a real leader is someone who can
command a room but also know what they are doing. I have also realized that anyone can be a leader and
someone isn’t just born a leader. They can work for it and soon be recognized as a leader. The quiet girl
that everyone thinks is weird because she always has her nose in a book can blossom into a leader in an
area of her interest.

No one ever really believes that they can be a leader and that is the down fall. A leader has to always be
positive and confident and always has to be flexible when things don’t seem to go their way. He or she
has to be able to find different ways to solve multiple problems if one way doesn’t work. Being a leader
also means different people as well. It’s like the saying “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,” being a
leader can mean different things to different person. Some people might believe being a leader means they
have to be able to command a room or they have to be friendly or outgoing. I know we all have a little bit
of leadership in us it’s just our choice to become a leader or a follower.

I’m only sixteen and haven’t lived long enough to thoroughly answer my question but I as I go onto to
college and into adulthood, I hope to find my true meaning of what a real leader is. I also leave with you
with this thought, “Are you a real leader or are you a follower?”

Clerissa Salazar

Centauri High school

America’s Declining Empire

AMERICA- a word that we all learn as children. We are taught that we are one of the best economical
countries in the world. Yet, we cannot go through the day without seeing a homeless person on the side of
the street begging for food, money, or just a shred of humanity. We see news of businesses going bankrupt,
thousands of people losing their jobs, jobs that may not have paid well but got them through life. So I ask
you, what happened to the America we were taught about?

The economical basis of America is crumbling; it has been for a while. This country has seen itself through
The Great Depression and somehow made itself (which we seemed to have believed) back to the way it
once was. But let us be honest, we have never really gotten over the indention it has made on our country.
In the mid 1990’s we began to shut down major manufacturing businesses, we began to merge with inter-
national companies, downsize, began to hire third world workers at one third the pay rate, and then prom-
ised the jobs that Americans lost would be replaced with higher paid employment. We were promised a
win-win situation, which, time has shown, is not what was being really going to happen. If one would hap-
pen to look at income, tax cuts, and our loss of health benefits, one would see that the American worker
was very much cheated.

There are thousands of homeless people on the streets; in fact, America has held the record for the most
homeless. Do we ever stop to think about why this is? That this may be the result of a domino effect going
on for years in our corporate America? Since we started cutting jobs our homeless has increased, these
people had no choice, and they had no other job to fall on or the chance to go apply for another. American
people are convinced that others are homeless because of the actions they have done to themselves. For
some, this is true, but what about the people who worked for most of their lives? Who may have lost all
they had for a chance that they were given?

Not a day can go by without slight news about a business filing for bankruptcy; it has turned into a nation-
wide disease. It seems as if every major company within our states has been lowered to the level of humil-
ity. Businesses that have once stood strong in the economical struggle are now nothing more than a stain
on what was once the leader of the economical world. Businesses within rural communities have to higher
their prices to be sure that they can stay alive, but people are not willing to pay some of these ridiculous
prices which makes it worse for any business on the verge of bankruptcy to keep their head above high wa-

This all leads into an endless circle of eradication; with the loss of jobs we will have more homeless. For
the people who have dedicated nothing but hard work to the paths in life they have chosen, this is an incon-
sistent battle. There is so much worry in the eyes of today’s American’s it is truly frustrating. The America
we have been promised is fading. Too many people are throwing away their money for useless things. It
seems that our founding fathers put more work into this country than we are trying to keep it
alive. This is supposed to be our America and we’re letting it slip out of our grip.
Colin Beard

Fossil Ridge FBLA

Spread the News with Social Networking

Today in our world we never know what is coming next. In the past six years social networking has sky-
rocketed. Keeping the world connected, social networking has blown every other trend out of the water.
The following statistics were taken from www.badnima.com. It took the TV 13 years to reach 50 millions
users. Then it Internet four years to reach 50 millions users. For Facebook, it took two years to reach 50
million users. Social networking connects millions of people across the universe. Facebook is the leading
social network today, and if it were a country, it would be the fourth largest in the world. One can com-
municate, see visuals of his or her friend, follow personal favorite celebrities, and so much more. The op-
portunities within social networking are endless, and will only continue to arise.

Within the business world, social networking has been an open opportunity to many with dreams to suc-
ceed. First, it is a perfect opportunity to advertise and market a company, product, or service. One may
create a specific profile that can be followed. These profiles keep followers updated on news, photos, and
information within a business. Businesses that do not have a specific profile can place whatever they want
on the margins of any page. This brings in revenue to the actual social website which opens the door to
create multiple new attractions within the site itself.

With such a phenomena at the click of a computer mouse, mankind took a huge leap in technology which
bettered the business world substantially. Better your FBLA chapter today by taking advantage of this in-
credible use of advertising. Use it to spread the word about the March of Dimes, an FBLA fundraiser, or
any other FBLA sponsored event. It can be used in all aspects to better ones local chapter. Why not try it?
It opened doors, attracted millions, and really revolutionized society. With such a simple idea of connect-
ing people, social networking swept the world today. It did the impossible, and has impacted billions. We
can never predict what will be next, but the trend throughout history of unbelievable endeavors is that the
next best thing will always be bigger and better.

Damian Bordenave

Pueblo Cetenial High School

Why Join FBLA?

If you’re reading this you are either thinking about joining FBLA or trying to figure out why you’re still
in FBLA. In both cases the answer is simple; you’re interested in getting out of school and hanging out
with your friends in Vail, Colorado. At least that’s what you told yourself at first.

Future Business Leaders of America can best be described by defining each of the four words: Future,
Business, Leaders, and America.

Future describes how this organization is preparing you for when you leave high school or, hopefully,
college, but it does it in such a way you don’t even realize that you are learning. For example, I competed
in Job Interview and I was hoping to do just good enough to make it to State. I prepared all the necessary
documents, studied lists of often asked questions, talked with my adviser on what to expect, and had my
parents conduct a mock interview. Not only did I do well enough to make it to State, but I took first place
at the District Conference! Now that I’ve had a successful job interview, I feel like I could go out for a
real job and sell myself as the best person for the job.

Business in today’s world means competing—for the most customers or the most profit or the most jobs.
It’s what free enterprise is all about. FBLA Conferences are a way to compete with other students from
our own areas, our own State, and across the entire nation. What better way to learn about Business than
to compete with other like-minded individuals.

Leaders explains how FBLA helps to change us from just participating to helping others, thus becoming a
leader. Leadership isn’t something that can be taught, it’s something that must be practiced. Whatever
event you do, you will have a practiced background that most people who are just entering the work force
aren’t going to have.

America is about living in the best country in the world and learning to appreciate it for what it is. One of
FBLA’s goals is to develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism.

FBLA is about going to Vail, hanging out with your friends, and making some new ones all while having
fun. But, it’s also about the things you learn while you’re having fun. In short, join FBLA because its fun
and you learn life skills while not even realizing it.


Dan Cano

Denver West High School


At Denver West High School, students participated in a activity for the Business Achievement Award.
The activity was to help prepare a bulletin board or display promoting FBLA. This is an activity found in
the future level. Many students found a major in the Colorado Community College System, and promoted
it on a poster. About 30+ posters have gone up on a hallway, which are promoting numerous career fields
that may be studied in Colorado Community Colleges. Each poster has a sticker that says, “FBLA sup-
ports Community Colleges.” In doing this, FBLA is being promoted because of those stickers. There is a
big FBLA poster right next to the FBLA Advisor’s (Jerry Clayton’s) room. The poster was put up so that
everyone knows FBLA has created the project. In the creed, it states that “I believe education is the right
of every person,” we interpret this in our school by promoting Community College. It might not be the
best school to further one’s education, but it’s a start.

Diana Caballero

Delta High School


Management, whether is it managing your own business or someone else's, play a huge part today's busi-
ness world. In order to become a manager you have to know how to manage a business, make quick deci-
sions, and have a feel or understanding for the way things may or may not be run in the business world.
FBLA helps high school students get a jump start on that "feel". With FBLA there are several events that
help students understand the management side of the business world. Whether it's Sport Management or
Hospitality Management, students receive management knowledge the can use. Instead of thinking they
would like to do something in Management and spending hundres of thousands of dollars on college tui-
tion; only to discover that they rather do something else with business, FBLA helps students plan their
future in high school. In the business world, a worker does not just become a manager but instead goes
through other positions which help them prepare for the job as a true manager. Workers in the business
world have to work up to the position as a manger. FBLA not only helps with Management, but has a vast
variety of fields in which a high school student may discover a field that fits them best.

Hector Hernandez

Vally High School

Business Education

What is Business Education? Business Education is the teaching of necessary skills and abilities to be able
to perform and keep up with today’s growing and ever-changing business industry. Business education is
very important to students wanting to go into the field of business. Business is a broad field and applies to
students studying accounting or law but it also applies to those employees working at part-time jobs.
There are plenty of courses that can help out with specific parts of business. Most business courses are
meant to give the student a way to compete and keep up with today’s business environment. Business
courses help in two different ways; learning in-class and real life applications that come through these

The in-class learning; such as assignments or projects that are completed help to give a greater under-
standing and proficiency in the different business skills. A course such as accounting is a part of every
business. A student taking accounting will learn that accounting is the language of a business and an im-
portant part of every business. Students also learn how to effectively use computer software programs like
Microsoft Office which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher. All of these programs help stu-
dents with the ability to present data or information in different forms including flyers, posters, presenta-
tions and word processing documents. All of the business courses available to students help them to learn
more about how they can achieve higher goals in the business community.

Business Education is not only restricted to the classroom, many of these students have an availability to
access and use their abilities in the business community. There are plenty of real life applications that
come out of these courses. Several of these applications include job interviews, job shadows, writing re-
ports and career fairs. These are real life applications that students are given the opportunity to experience
while in high school. Being an active member of FBLA will increase students’ opportunities in many of
these areas as well. With the availability for students to test their skills, students learn how to improve
based on what they experience and not only based on what they read in a text book.

Business Education teaches the necessary skills and abilities that are required of today’s business commu-
nity. Students who take these courses are able to further improve their understanding of the business soci-
ety. By learning several different skills and abilities students are able to perform tasks that are required of
any business community member. The paperwork helps with learning the concept of business but real life
applications give more understanding and improvement in the desired field of business.
Students who take business classes in high school give themselves an edge over those who do not take the
classes as they will not only have knowledge in the language of business but the experiences as well.

Hunter Honnessy

Learning by Doing

“One must learn by doing the thing. For though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you

These words, spoken by the Greek playwright Sophocles are words of wisdom that if taken to heart,
can transform a person. Throughout my life I have learned the most by doing, always trying something
new in order to obtain knowledge. I am a person who seeks out ideas and then applies them. Nowhere
is this greater than in my passion for the stock market.

When I was eleven years old I loved mathematics and that was when I was first intrigued by the mar-
kets. All of the statistics, analysis, and data seemed fun to sort through. The fact that you had to look
deeper than the surface meaning also fascinated me. I then asked my father if I could invest my own
money and see how well I did. My father, who is a large believer in my opening quote, agreed.
It began with only a hundred dollars of my money. A single share of 3M and another of AT&T were all
I could afford, but these stocks meant a lot to me. I began to greatly enjoy the market game, even
though during my first year I lost twenty-five percent of my initial investment. This minor setback did
not dismay me; the best part was just attempting the challenge.

After a couple of years my father and I went to Chicago to visit some family. There I met one of my
dad’s high school friends who is a stockbroker. I instantly began to ask him as many questions as I
could think of, and he answered them all. At the end of the trip my dad’s friend gave me a book about
investing. I still have it and have read it over a hundred times.

In the years to come I began to invest more and make more. I lived by Sophocles’ quote, I “learn[ed]
by doing”. Sometimes I would lose money on an investment, but instead of giving up I would analyze
what I did wrong and learn from it. Leading up to 2008 I had made over one hundred percent on my
investments and I knew by then when to pull out. During the “Great Recession” I did not lose a penny.
Last school year, my FBLA chapter took a group of members to the University of Denver to compete
in a stock market challenge. I was fortunate enough to go along with them. When we arrived it felt as if
I was on the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange. The competition lasted one hour and I
captained my team to take third place out of fifty-two other teams. We quintupled our money and I
learned a great deal that day.

I believe that no matter how much we know about a subject we can always learn more and find new
and better ways of applying our knowledge. We can educate ourselves and those around us, and move
our society forward. FBLA does exactly that. It is a learning experience that enables us to increase our
knowledge and understanding of business and provides us with the tools necessary for suc-
cess. 40
Jared Pritchard

Roosevelt High School

What It Takes To Be A Leader

If you were to look in the dictionary for leader, you would get almost a page long definition, but in general
it would look something like this:
leader (lee-der)
A person who rules, guides, or inspires others

But what does that really mean? To me a leader is someone who can communicate well. A leader does not
overpower other members of a group and allow others to share their ideas about a topic. Leaders are al-
ways on time; we know that early is on time, on time is late and late is left behind. A leader does their best
at everything; always giving 100%. They are also positive and constructive. A leader does not degrade
someone because of an opinion or idea. Leaders need to model in a positive way, inspire a shared vision,
challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage with their hearts. By doing the previous items
stated a leader will clarify values, set the example, envision the future, enlist others, search for opportuni-
ties, experiment and take risks, foster collaboration, strengthen others, recognize contributions and cele-
brate the values and victories. So, the next time you see the word leader, think about what it means to you
and how what you believe a leader is.

I truly believe in this statement by World War II General and former President, Dwight D. Eisenhower

“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”

Karci Lockwood

Haxton High School

Our Future

The business world keeps growing at a rapid speed. Every day new products are created that need to be
advertised, new companies need websites designed and published, letters need proofread, business plans
for the future need to be created, and all of this is in our hands. We are the future CEOS, small business
owners, and accountants; we hold the business world in our hands.

FBLA strives to keep up with the latest business opportunities. Each year new contests are added to keep
up with the emerging job trends. All contests are geared towards helping competitors find their fit in the
business world. Putting time and effort into competition can lead to not only success at the secondary
level, but also prepares members for possible future careers. Having effort and a desire to win will take
one to great heights. Prospects to travel in state and around the nation are available to leaders who are
dedicated; with FBLA the opportunities are endless.

The variety of members is widespread in FBLA. In the business community many different skills are
needed to develop ideas. Conferences present the chance to network with many people who have differ-
ent interests they bring to the table. Leadership is a major part of FBLA and in the world, no matter
where life takes a person. This is a quality each member possesses. In workshops leadership is shown in
both a quiet form and a bold expression. When hard work, dedication, talent, leadership, and skills are all
brought together, the business world has a bright future.

FBLA give you the chance to learn about the emerging business world from first hand experience. Mem-
bers can learn about topics ranging from hospitality to heath care management while meeting new people
and traveling to new places. Future Business Leaders of America is the foundation of our generation’s
establishment into the business world.

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.

-Warren G. Bennis

Katelyn Kaus

Haxtun FBLA

The Type of Leadership Money Can’t Buy

Most people have likely never pondered why President Franklin D. Roosevelt is portrayed on the front of
the American dime. After all, there is a Presidential depiction on the obverse side of almost every piece of
U.S. currency. While the government has never issued a historical guide to coinage, each image is selected
to commemorate the contributions made by that particular individual. In 1938, a time when polio was on
the rise, FDR founded a health charity called the “National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.” Soon
thereafter, the polio vaccine was discovered and this organization’s mission shifted to combat birth defects,
infant mortality and prematurity. Upon the death of President Roosevelt in 1945, it was purely by chance
that the only coin in circulation without a Presidential figure was the dime. Some may call it fate, but the
charity which had been nicknamed the “March of Dimes” for many years formally adopted this title in

To found such an organization takes a great deal of initiative and Roosevelt undoubtedly fit the bill. But
what exactly defines this type of leadership? It goes without saying that an individual must develop nu-
merous characteristics to become an effective leader: dedication, integrity, assertiveness, reliability and
innovation, just to name a few. Perhaps one of the most paramount traits far too often displaced is
“service,” or the selflessness and drive to enhance the life of another. Just as Roosevelt’s primary motiva-
tion was to help those in need, the Future Business Leaders of America organization has been steadfastly
committed to serving the March of Dimes for over forty years.

One of FBLA’s primary missions is to create innovative and effective ideas for projects likely to enhance
the March of Dimes campaign. Through fundraising and promoting awareness, FBLA members come to-
gether all across the country to improve outcomes for premature babies. Countless “Marches for Babies”
have been conducted with local FBLA chapters, facilitating the involvement of thousands of communities.
High school classes hold competitions that consistently rise above expectations and collect significant do-
nations. Members sell teddy bears and hold workshops to educate and raise awareness for prematurity.
Officers at the local, district, state and national levels encourage members, advisors and guests to donate
whatever feasible while attending conferences. This list, though ultimately not exhaustive of FBLA’s con-
tributions, illustrates a perfect integration of service and leadership.

Nearly half a million babies die each year from complications of prematurity, yielding it the number one
cause of infant mortality. “Working together for stronger, healthier babies,” is the mission statement of the
March of Dimes. Clearly, that is precisely why FBLA has partnered with this organization for so long.
Members continue to dedicate their time and efforts to ensure every baby has the opportunity for a healthy
start. With much appreciation, March of Dimes prompts students all across the country to give back, vol-
unteer and serve their communities in a most rewarding fashion. To date, FBLA chapters have contributed
over fifteen million dollars to this distinguished cause. Therein, we continue to provide hope and resources
for those in need, as well as the inspiration for future generations of members to apply their own
virtues of leadership and service. 43
Continued on next page:
Continued from page 43:

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s beneficence and dedication to service

will forever be commemorated on the face of the dime, but how
will FBLA’s contributions continue to live on? Through leadership and altruism exhibited by its mem-
bers, the philanthropy of our organization marches on into the future.

Katie Senecal

Overland High School

You Get Out of it What You Put Into it

“Basically, what you get out of FBLA is what you put into it,” said one of my school’s FBLA chapter of-
ficers to my Business and Personal Finance Class. It was second semester and I had already found this
statement to be quite true. I had joined at the beginning of my freshman year with several of my friends
and only three of us out of our large group of eight or nine remained. We had all joined because we had
heard that we would have opportunities to go on field trips, which were a rarity in high school and had
even been so in middle school. We thought, “Why not? Everyone deserves a break once in a while.” How-
ever, as time passed in between conferences, my friends began to show up less and less. They blamed
their lack of involvement on the early Thursday morning meetings before school. But I knew that they
were just bored. They didn’t really care about the values of FBLA; they weren’t putting in any effort, so
they weren’t getting anything out of their involvement. I thought to myself, “I’m sticking with it; it’s al-
ready been a semester. Besides, I want to be a Member of the Month! I want to be that dedicated.”

As the year passed, I attended CFLC, DLC, and SLC. I experienced as much of FBLA as I could: the
competitive events, the conferences, the social and service activities. I competed in two events: Business
Math and Local Chapter Annual Business Report. I didn’t enjoy the competitive events as much as I en-
joyed meeting new people and making connections with people at the Leadership Conferences. I found
reliable friends in FBLA and even applied for a local office as the end of last year. I wanted to further my
involvement in the student organization that was helping me to come out of my shell and expand my hori-

I became the secretary of our local chapter for the 2010-2011 school year. As secretary, I have furthered
my involvement by working behind the scenes. It was the most amazing experience. I have been able to
help members the way that the previous year’s officers had helped me. I have participated in a whole new
way by helping plan events and being responsible for the lettering system. I became the officer, that when
asked about FBLA, says, “You get out of it, what you put into it.”

Lance Gilbert

Prairie High School

FBLA. What truly does this mean? We all know that FBLA stands for Future Business Leaders of Amer-
ica; but what does it mean. I think it can be broken down by the four parts; Future, Business, Leaders,
and America. Future stands for the future leaders of business that are being created through the FBLA.
Through various leadership conferences, leadership positions, and business education, America can be
certain there will always be leaders that can be counted on from the FBLA. Another part of FBLA name
is business. A business is any person, partnership, or corporation involved in commerce, manufacturing,
or a service with the intention of making a profit. Through business education, FBLA members across
the nation have a firm understanding of business and the tremendous role it plays in our country and
world. The third part of the FBLA is leader. No matter the situation, there is always a need for leaders.
The FBLA truly realizes the need for leaders and does a great job developing them through various
FBLA activities. The final part of the FBLA name is America. The FBLA organization truly prides itself
on not only developing great business leaders but also great citizens as well. All of this defines the FBLA
name and all that it stands for.

Marquel Gueck

Haxton HIgh School

Self-confidence for any high school student is essential in becoming a business entrepreneur and leader.
Future Business Leaders of America is the perfect tool box to encourage students to discover how to
break barriers. One of the nine FBLA goals states, “Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves
and their work.” No matter how confident, dedicated, or intelligent a member may be, they each have a
challenge to overcome and room for self-improvement. Through planning and competition a foundation
for success is laid.

The lack of self-confidence is a barrier that prohibits students from developing lifelong skills in becom-
ing successful and fulfilling dreams. Just as concrete provides a foundation for a home, FBLA and com-
petition also give stability to a student’s confidence and success. Competition in FBLA offers the oppor-
tunity to perfect the qualities in becoming confident. From public speaking to presenting business plans,
members must learn a broad range of skills. Learning to have courage can come from planning projects
or creating a speech within minutes and then taking the stage. By participating in FBLA, members learn
how to break through the barrier of being apprehensive. Through winning and being successful students
prove to themselves how they can be the competitive and outgoing person who can capture the attention
of any audience.
Continued on next page:
Continued from page 45:

Another opportunity for gaining courage is the challenge FBLA gives to all of its members to meet new
people. While competition is creating the foundation, the fellow members are adding mortar to the foun-
dation for success. The motivation to succeed helps members bring out their best during competition. As
members compete and move on to state and national levels they get the chance to travel. Members may
take those experiences and later on use them with other tasks they want to achieve. By leaving one’s com-
fort zone, meeting new people, and traveling to new places members gain confidence and make important
connections for the future. It broadens their horizons for what they may face in the future.

Competitive events, including tests, give students the opportunity to research what they want to do for
their future career; FBLA provides a wide variety of tests and competitions. Tests are looked upon as the
building blocks for success. Without the building blocks students would not get to use of the tools to show
their talents for success. From the accounting profession to the health industry one can find an area of in-
terest. However, competition is not just limited to tests. Many prepared projects may be sent in for judg-
ing. Designing a business with a business plan, Desktop Publishing, and E-business which consists of de-
signing a website, are all possibilities for members to choose from. They can discover what they may
want to do for a career or what their talents may be. It is a great way for students to narrow the field of
choices for what they may want to do for a career and be confident in their choice.

Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can or think you can’t - you are right.” One may have to
find the self-confidence or initiative to want to succeed. Future Business Leaders of America provides all
the tools for the opportunity to succeed. FBLA gives the opportunity for all members to break barriers and
in doing so move mountains that may have stood in their path.

Lindsey Buxman

Pueblo Centennial High School

As members of FBLA, we have not only made a commitment to business, we have also made a commit-
ment to being business leaders and community leaders. Anyone can understand a problem, but it takes a
leader to find a way to fix it.

Many of history’s most notable people made history because they reacted to a situation that everyone else
chose to ignore. Leaders do not ask “why doesn’t someone do something about this problem,” but rather
see themselves as the person who will do something to fix a problem. Declaring independence, running
for an office, or campaigning for a cause are actions some leaders have taken. Your greatest leaders do not
run for an office just to say that they hold a leadership position. Instead, great leaders take on leadership
roles because they feel confident that they can positively affect their community.

A big heart and a desire to fix problems will not get one very far if they are lacking business skills. A
leader must be capable of expressing their opinions and possess communication skills that can guide them
through the business world. Leaders find success when they master the art of speaking. Being capable of
using format guides when writing can also help a leader progress in their quest to make a difference. Par-
ticipating in FBLA helps us learn skills we will need to become successful leaders.

Take advantage of your membership in FBLA! In preparation for future leadership opportunities, attend
conference workshops where you can learn new things. Use FBLA’s resources, such as their Format
Guide, whenever possible. When the opportunity arises, work to make a situation better for a community
you care about. You will be on your way to becoming a successful leader and making a difference in your

Anyone can be a successful leader. Take the first step--find something you truly care about and develop a
way to make a positive impact!

Noemi Viera

Central High School

Finally Stepping Out

This year, Central High School’s FBLA chapter in Grand Junction kicked off with a Leadership Day early
in the summer where all the Grand Valley chapters met to plan for the exciting year ahead. Collaborating
with other chapters had been done in the past, but it was more so this year. Every school quarter, one
chapter hosted an activity for all four chapters. Since there are four quarters, each chapter got a chance to
plan, direct, and devote their energy towards their designated activity.

The first activity as a true chapter was Trick-or-treat Street at Central High School, a fun and safe way for
kids to trick-or-treat. Many organizations around the school participated, but each organization was in
charge of their own room, decorations and candy. Many of our members were very excited to dress up
and input their ideas for games and decorations. Taryn Gay, one of our new members this year, was very
willing to contribute her household Halloween decorations. She, along with many other members, helped
set up two games: Halloween ball toss and digging for Halloween Ping-Pong balls. Whether or not the
kids participating won, they got candy. It was a win-win, fun night for all of us.

In order to raise money for March of Dimes, we took part in “Bowling for Babies,” an activity hosted sec-
ond quarter by the Fruita Monument High School chapter. Members from all chapters paid $8 each to
bowl and GJ Scores (the bowling alley) donated $4 from of each bowler to March of Dimes. The reaction
from many of the members was that it was a good way to raise money because “bowling was fun.” Beth
Bowman, a freshman member of FBLA, remembers this activity vividly and says she’d like to do more of
this kind of activity where everyone is involved and willing to help.

The next step for Central was participating in American Enterprise Day, something we had never done
before. Our Career-to-School Coordinator, Michelle Soderborg, was sought out to help organize business
shadows for members who were interested. Not only did we get to celebrate American Enterprise Day for
the first time, but we were able to add to our Peak Awards achievements. This business shadowing activ-
ity was only one of the many new things we’ve tried this year to advance in Peak Awards. We tried some
community service at Habitat for Humanity, and recently during third quarter, we began to sell cookies at
school. Linda Gustavson, our advisor, mentions, “We’ve never tried that.” So far sales are great and we
are able to use that money towards chapter lunches, inter-chapter activities, and the State Leadership Con-
ference. If more money is earned, we can donate it to an organization in the community such as Salvation
Army whose local building burned down.

“We’ve branched out more than we ever had, and I’m so amazed [at all that we’ve done],” stated Mrs.
Gustavson when I asked her about how she felt about this year’s FBLA chapter. . In her ten years of being
here, FBLA hasn’t won a Peak Award, and this year, we are close to getting our Peak Award Level four.
Tanya Hardon, our Secretary, tying to be somewhat humorous said, “We have broken barriers.” And
while it was corny, I had a sense of accomplishment to realize that this year we represent what 48
FBLA is all about.
Paxton Becker
Merino High School

The Future Business Leaders of America is a great organization that gives its members an opportunity to
excel in something great. FBLA is based around nine principle goals that help members know the out-
standing opportunities FBLA promotes. I think that FBLA is the best Career and Technical Student Or-
ganization that I am involved in, and the nine goals help me know what this organization is all about, and
I want to be a part of it.

The first goal is to develop, competent, aggressive, business leadership FBLA does this by offering a wide
variety of business related events that students compete in. This goal is important because, my family
owns our own business, and FBLA is giving me the know how to handle, manage, and operate a business
more successfully in a Market Economy. Keeping better financial records, knowing how to present myself
to my customers FBLA teaches me to be a better business person, even through the live events, it teaches
me to be a better speaker.

The second goal is to strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and in their work. FBLA does
this by giving members a way to measure themselves against other competitors, and feel a sense of satis-
faction with their accomplishments. This year, in fact, my partner and I were working on a flyer for our
project, and as we finished, we looked at it and realized that it didn’t matter to us if we even placed at Dis-
tricts, we were happy with our flyer and knew that we had done a good job. Luckily though, we did go on
to earn first place at the District competition. But FBLA gave us the provisions to be happy with what we
had done, no matter the reward.

The third goal is to create more interest in and understanding of the American business enterprise. FBLA
does this because business is at the core of the organization. So everything that happens in FBLA gives us
an insight into how the American Financial System works. This has been beneficial because with all the
economic problems that are facing our country today, it’s nice that FBLA is training and teaching mem-
bers like me how to be more efficient in handling business affairs.
The fourth FBLA goal is to encourage members in the development of individual projects that contribute
to the improvement of home, business, and community. One way that FBLA has helped me with this is
through such events as Business Ethics. It allows me to look at a situation and know what to do, while
also taking into account who and what is affected; I have to consider a decision to do about, and how to
carry it out.

The fifth goal of the Future Business Leaders of America is to develop character, prepare for useful citi-
zenship, and foster patriotism. I feel that this is probably one of the most important goals because, as a
whole, good citizenship and patriotism is very important to keep a nation’s stable society. So it’s great
that FBLA help its members do this. Saying the pledge at conferences and showing respect to other mem-
bers, advisors, and volunteers at district and state competitions, while earning that respect back helps pro-
mote this goal.
Continued on page 50:
Continued from page 49:

The sixth goal is encourage and practice efficient money management. I feel that this goal ranks among
the most important because with our country’s economic problems, it is important to teach teenagers how
to handle money practically.

The seventh goal is to encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty. Through the years we have put
up Ten State Basketball Championships, ten Volleyball, eight Football, fifteen State Championship Wres-
tlers, and over twenty individual and three Boys’ Track Team titles. At Merino we pride in our school is
what we do, and that extends outside of athletics with several Knowledge and Crystal Bowl Champion-
ships. Merino was also featured on US News and World Report’s Best High Schools, as a Gold Medal
Winner, three years in a row. I believe FBLA is a contributor to our student-athletes and academic suc-

The eighth goal is to assist students in the establishment of occupational goals. Coming from a small rural
community, agriculture is a very important part of our economy, making most of us children of the own-
ers, and managers of small businesses. FBLA helps us look at our business and find where the flaws are,
and gives us a bigger and better insight into the business profession. Even for those students, like me, that
are not looking to go into the business field; FBLA gives us the basic tools we need to succeed at any pro-

I plan to go into Social/Political Sciences. FBLA is helping me get there by providing different live events
that allow me to practice my public speaking skills, by giving me ways to measure myself against others
and pushes me toward likeable outcome.

The ninth and final of the FBLA goals is to facilitate the transition from school to work. How is FBLA
not doing this? It is putting members in different situations and testing us to see what decisions we will
make. For example in Business Ethics, FBLA lets us look at a potentially hard and difficult situation. We
are being judged on what types of decisions we make, and who those decisions affect. Even outside of
events, for instance at the State Conference, our advisors are trusting us to get where we need to be and
meeting our responsibilities, in a strange city. They are preparing us for the world and giving us the inde-
pendence, to be a leader, all the while gaining respect and trust.

This is why I’m in FBLA, because it is preparing me for so much and giving me an insight into what my
future might hold. These nine goals have helped me look at myself and my future. All thanks to the Future
Business Leaders of America.

Pueblo South High School


One of the FBLA goals states, “Encourage members in the development of individual projects that con-
tribute to the improvement of home, business, and community”. In pursuit of this goal, many of FBLA
competitive events and incorporate real-life applications. There are events ranging from job interview,
computer applications, to everything in between. By competing in these events, students gain awareness
about the business world. In addition, to this, students can learn skills necessary in the business world such
as using computers, accounting, and other skills. Through studying for the competitive events, they can
hone their skills. The Skills can include accounting, personal finance, computer knowledge, and more. In-
tegrated with these skills, include personal life-skills such as leadership. FBLA gives opportunities to de-
velop leadership skills. These opportunities include being in committees, projects, holding offices, etc.
With these experiences, students gain an edge over non-FBLA-members. Truly, FBLA continues to meet
their goals to “Encourage members in the development of individual projects that contribute to the im-
provement of home, business, and community”.
Satvir Kaur
Calhan High School

FBLA Business Education

Business education is a broad landscape of opportunities, from managing a small business to entrepreneur-
ship, to international marketing. International marketing, the world of international marketing; most will
think the world of billionaires. Yet, do we know what international marketing is? International marketing
denotes marketing that takes place across seas and national borderlines. It is the worldwide communication
and exchange of planned, executed, priced, and promoted goods, ideas, and services. This field can be ap-
plied to virtually any career, nonetheless at the moment you will learn of its applications in business. To
begin with, if one is seeing a future in this career it is critical that they have background knowledge on the
relevant foreign language, or country of their preferred industry’s foreign headquarters. For example, I am
seeking an occupation within an international sports shoe company, the company has four headquarters;
Hong Kong, China, Venice, Italy, Mumbai, India, and its main headquarter Denver, Colorado. Within the
company I would most likely start off my career at the main headquarters, overtime and experience I may
be given an opportunity to become a translator for the shoe company in Venice, Italy, and Mumbai India.
However this job will require me to have past knowledge of both Italian and Indian languages and cultures,
otherwise it will be almost impossible for me to acquire the position of a marketing translator for the com-
pany. Through this example it is understood how significant experience is in business may it be marketing
or managing. My suggestion is dive into as many international things possible, for it will be difficult to
gain knowledge at the spot. Likewise, those who seek a position in international/global marketing should
be prepared to face social, economic, and political troubles. Now, you might be thinking, maybe this is not
such a great career. However, did you know that Global marketing offers a flexible and innovative career
in which, unlike many business occupations, you do not sit in a cubicle all day? An individual in global
marketing would have the opportunity to explore new places and cultures while getting paid. In-
ternational marketing is one profession any person that loves exploration would relish. 51
Rebecca Stamp
Giving Back Through Business Education

Community involvement is necessary for a full, well-rounded personality. However, giving back can
come in more ways than a food drive or collections for underprivileged people in your community. In the
case of Nick Tart, founder of juniorbiz.com, giving backs means working to educate today’s youth. Nick’s
goal is to, “inspire young people to actually get started.” He not only runs an outstanding website full of
resources for the young entrepreneur, and volunteers at many events. Tart has been a guest speaker at nu-
merous conferences with his partner, Nick Scheidies. Recently, they spoke at the FBLA District 1 confer-
ence in Greeley. Also, Tart and Scheidies went to Chicago to speak to the Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Or-
ganization. In addition, Tart has been a Junior Achievement volunteer for almost three years, teaching in
both Greeley and Longmont.
Prior to founding juniorbiz.com, Nick graduated Magna Cum Laude from CSU with a degree in Business
Administration with concentrations in Management and Marketing, and a certificate in Entrepreneurship.
However, Nick advocates that while education is necessary to success, one may “consider a technical
school where you can learn technical skills like graphic design, web development, videography, robotics,
automotive, construction, etc…skills [that] are in high demand and would make great freelance busi-
nesses.” This kind of encouragement is exactly what is called for in educating youth. The idea of optional
paths to success makes the image of achievement more accessible. He works to build up the next genera-
tion of entrepreneurs through this unique, relatable message.
Nick’s personal success story started with a lawn mowing business at the age of twelve. From there, Nick
demonstrated his immense drive when he taught himself web design in order to land a job that, in turn,
would provide him with the web experience necessary to create juniorbiz.com. The website remains an
impeccable resource for young entrepreneurs. The book in alliance with the site has even been noted front
page on yahoo.com for Yahoo! Finance. Nick urges that regardless of how far your success takes you,
“Always be authentic and stay humble. Develop a good character early on by working hard and getting
back much less than you deserve. But when you do experience success, don’t let it change the person that
you’ve become.”

Shadi Maaliki

Leadership, is it a characteristic we are born with, or is it one that we acquire? I believe that it is a char-
acteristic that we either are born with, or is brought about through the influences of others. In order for
one to be considered a leader, they must have the will power and motivation to be their very best. Also,
they must be able to overcome any obstacle that is placed in their way. Furthermore, a leader is some-
one who will get their work done when it is given to them under any condition and or circumstance.
This includes the fact that one can lead their team to whatever the goal is: in this case, a leader is some-
one who is willing to do whatever is in their power to make a stronger FBLA officer team. For exam-
ple, a candidate applying for office is showing that they can take the initiative to become a leader and
show that they want to become a great leader. Equally important, if one wants to be a leader they must
have initiative and be willing to give up anything to be successful and not let his or her team fall be-

Leaders are considered to be great people in general because of their characteristic of being ambitious,
but also, they have the capability to do great things. Because of this, people may be given his or her
position in a workplace because the owner may have realized the trait of leadership in the candidate.
FBLA officers have shown they are leaders due to the fact that they have been given their position, and
they have either acquired or been born with leadership, because they have proven their potential of un-
dergoing hard work with strict deadlines. In conclusion, leadership is a characteristic that many people
have the potential of grasping, but only a few decide to use it.

Whitni Redman

Holyoke High School

FBLA: The Seed to Growing Great Leaders

Every great leader in this world starts somewhere. For many people, FBLA was the seed to that leader-
ship. FBLA gives one the tools and opportunities to be something greater than they could ever imagine
they could be. Members gain the knowledge how to be a dedicated professional student and future
business leader. They also gain the skills needed in a vast array of situations such as working in a group
for a class project or becoming the next CEO of Nike. Members are given many opportunities to grow
not only as a leader but as a person. Through projects such as accounting and Local Chapter Annual
Business Report, members develop the skills to balance their own checkbooks, put a report together,
and many more. Members have the opportunity to run for offices at a chapter, district, state, regional,
and national levels. Although holding an office is hard work, members develop leadership skills, dedi-
cation, and meet and work with many different types of people. Through workshops held at district,
state, and national conferences, members can network with other members all over the nation while
having fun and learning about skills that will come in hand in the future. FBLA plants the seed to allow
its’ members to grow and blossom into great, outstanding leaders.
Tylee Milan
Mountain Vista High School
Chameleons and You
QUICK! What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of chameleons. The rainforest? Liz-
ards in general? Pizza? The Future Business Leaders of America Organization? The first two seem the
most logical, right? And I'm sorry, but, if you guessed pizza, you're obviously a tad bit hungry. I suggest
that you go attend to that need as well as reevaluate your skills when it comes to educated guesses. Fur-
thermore, if you guessed FBLA, then you have quickly recalled the placement of this article (the FBLA
newsletter) and used it to your benefit. Congratulations!

Now for those of you still reading, your thoughts may consist of several ponderings. More specifically,
you might question my intentions behind the chameleon reference. In a nut shell, I aim to inform you of
the significance of being a chameleon (figuratively, of course), both in the classroom and the work envi-
ronment. Though FBLA undoubtedly encourages leadership (hence the "L" in FBLA), one must not con-
sistently relish the idea of accumulating followers, or in other words, inferiors. I am in no way attempting
to discredit the positive outcomes of power and self-esteem, but group collaboration can be equally as in-
fluential. People are more easily led than driven.

It remains no coincidence that the reptile I chose to make an analogy to possess the ability to change col-
ors. Chameleons frequently shift from color to color in order to adapt to their environment and become
invisible to predators. Likewise, humans that attain the ability to modify their behaviors in accordance to
their surroundings will likely become more valued in the classroom, the office, or other work place.

With that said, according to a popular personality test called, True Colors, the world consists of four main
groups of people. These being: Orange, Blue, Gold and Green. It would be unfair to generalize and
claim that everyone is merely one distinct color. Nonetheless, humans traditionally convey traits of one
color more dominantly than the other three. First are Oranges, or in other words the majority of teenagers
in today's society. Oranges tend to be spontaneous, outgoing, competitive and also stubborn. Second,
people that are compassionate and thoughtful, yet sometimes deeply emotional are referred to as Blues.
Next, Golds are reliable, organized, and frugal, but at times can become too serious. Lastly, those that are
independent, analytical and maybe overly judgmental are deemed Greens.

Continued on next page:

Continued from page 54:

It should be noted that all personality types have their strengths and weaknesses. If you learn to praise
people's strengths and adapt to their weaknesses (instead of challenge them), you will likely become more
respected. Thus, naturally, when others respect you, reciprocation seems to flow more easily. In addition,
flexibility is equally crucial at school, in work place or in any teamwork activity. Why, you ask? It is the
alterations in plans and temporary speed bumps along way that truly exercises one's ability to adjust and
shake free from their rigid mindset. Finally, tolerance in any relationship can provide the tools needed for
a successful outcome. When speaking in terms of a business partnership, if the two are constantly bicker-
ing and disagreeing then their efficiency levels plummet. For example, an Orange person tends to be
bold, competitive and potentially exude a pompous attitude. When paired with a more composed Green
or Gold person, trouble may arise. Perhaps if they both acknowledge the issue, the Orange could try to
tone it down and the other could come closer to accepting his/her instinctually domineering nature.
These are by far some of the most significant qualities that one can possess. Yet applying them in reality
is far easier said than done, especially when dealing with obtuse peers, coworkers or customers. However,
by channeling that inner chameleon, you can perhaps acknowledge the differences in people around you
and adjust yourself to maintain harmony.

Knowledge of colors and personality types might further support why you get along so well with your
best friend and/or despise an enemy. Similarly, I would like to think that my writing appeals to everyone,
but in reality, some might consider it too off-the-wall and possibly deem it irrelevant. Nevertheless, this
article ties back to an essential question. What actions and words will make you stand out and express
yourself, while simultaneously maintaining the traits of a chameleon? Ever since FBLA was established
in 1940, advisers, officers and speakers have been urging you to make these decisions for yourself. Simi-
larly, it is my hope that you may glean information from this and continue to portray characteristics of re-
spect, flexibility, and tolerance in all aspects of your life.

Upcoming Events

State Leadership Conference

Vail Colorado:
April 16 — April 19

National Leadership Conference

2011 NLC—Orlando, Florida
June 28 – July 1


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