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\ Collaboration Rubric

Name --------------------------------

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

1 2 3 4 I Score I
Does not Colleets very Colleets sorne CoHeets a

Researeh &
eolleet any little basic great deal of

information information-­ information-­ infonnation--

that relates to sorne relates to most relates to aH relates to
the topie. the topie. the topie. the topie.

Relays very Relays sorne Relays a great

Does not
little basie dealof
Share relayany
information-­ information-­ information--
Infonnation infonnation to
sorne relates to most relates to all relates to
the topie. the topie. the topie.

Be Punetual



Does not hand

in any
Hands in most
Hands in most
assignments on
Hands in all

on time.
Does not
Performs all
perfonn any
Fulfill Team Performs very Performs nearly duties of
duties of
Role's Duties Httle duties. all duties. assigned team
assigned team

Either gives
too little Offers a fair
Does not
Partieipate in information or Offers sorne amount of
speak during
Scienee information information-­ important
the scienee
Conferenee which is most is relevant. information-­
irrelevant to all is relevant.

Rarely does the Usually does the Always does

Always relys
assigned work- assigned work-­ the assigned
Share Equally on others to
-ofien needs rarely needs work without
do the work.
reminding. reminding. having to be

http://edweb.sdsu.edultritonltidepoolunit/Rubries/eollrubrie.htmI 3/18/2008
L-UUl:1UUll:111Ull I\.UUI H':: rl:1ge;: ¿ Ul ¿

'. 1\ 11 11 1I reminded.
VaJue Otbers'


Usually doing
1s always
most ofthe Listens, but Listens and
Listen to Other talking --never
talking --rare 1y sornetimes talks speaks a fair
Teammates allows anyone
allows others too mucho amount.
else to speak.
to speak.

Usually N ever argues
Cooperate with Sometimes
argues with Rarely argues. with
Tearnmates argues.
tearnmates. teammates.

Ofien sides
Always helps
Usually wants with friends
Make Fair Usually considers team to reach
to have things instead of
Decisions all views. a fair
their way. considering all

Return to the CabrUIQTiº~pool Stl1QY page.

http://edweb.sdsu.edultritonltidepoolunit/Rubrics/collrubric.htrnl 3/18/2008

Chemistry I Biochemistry Assessment Rubric

Assess students' research papers and proJects in order to evaluate students' individual works and obtaln qualitative and quantitative data
regarding studentS,' information literacy.

Scoring Rubric

1. Effectively search the chemicalliterature and retrieve background information relevant to the purpose.

Excellent =3 Goodl Adequate = 2 Needs Work =1 Not evident = O

Find chemistry-specific sources of Sources or text Include Sources or text indude No chemistry-
background information such as reference to some reference to few chemistry- specific sources of
encyclopedias, treatises, compited works, chemistry-speciftc specific sources of background
and review articles. sources of background background information. information
information. evident.

2. Use Chemlcal Abstracts and other databases to find empírical sources and complete a comprehensive subject search.

Excellent =3 Good/Adequate =2 Needs Work =1 Not evident = O

Find scholarly journal artlcles to support Supports al! arguments with Most arguments Few arguments Virtually no
arguments and assertions. cited evidence. supported with cited supported with cited arguments
evidence. evidence. supported with
clted evidence.
Utilize reviewed articles or authoritative AII sources from reviewed Sorne sources from Many sources from out No peer-reviewed
sites to fulfill research needs. sources (peer-reviewed or reviewed sources of date and/or biased sources used.
editor-reviewed) or (peer-reviewed or sources, few peer-
authoritative websites. editor-reviewed) or reviewed sources.
authoritative sites, and
some sources from out­
of-date and/or biased

3. Understand what a cited reference search is and how it can be useful for research. Understand the importance of the peer review process.

1 Excellent =3 ! Good/Adequate =2 I Needs \York:::::'. I Notevident = O

Britt Fagerheim I I EBSS Research Forum ALA Annual Conference 2007

Seareh Web of Seienee to identify and

tocate eited referenees of a speeifie
Seareh Web of Seienee to identify and
tocate eited referenees of a speelfie
a er.

4. Evaluate websites and other infonnation resourees

Excellent =3 Goodl Adequate =2 Needs Work =1 Not evident =O

Evaluate the authority and Identifies and/or Identifies and/or Does not identify or Does not identify
appropriateness of an information acknowledges al! authors' aeknowledges most acknowledge authors' or aeknowledge
souree. eredentials and authors' credentials and eredentials for most authors'
aeknowledges the purpose aeknowledges the sourees or does not eredentials or does
or bias of each souree. purpose or bias of most aeknowledge the not acknowledge
sourees. purpose or bias of most the purpose or
sourees. bias of sources.
Corroborate information found in
websltes with information from reviewed
Sourees published within appropriate Al! sourees published in Most sourees published Few sourees published Al! sources out of
time frame for eurrent and/or historical appropriate time frame. in appropriate time in approprlate time date.
referenee. frame. frame.

5. Read, digest and synthesize the infonnatlon that is found.

Excellent = 3 Goodl Adequate =2 Needs Work =1 Not evident = O

Select infonnation that provides evidence AII sources clearly related to Most sourees clearly Many sourees unrelated Virtuallyall
tor the topie. topie. related to topie. to topie or relevanee is sourees unrelated
unclear. to topie.
Synthesize and integrate information by Al! quotes and paraphrases Most quotes and Many quotes and Most quotes and
paraphrasing and quoting effectivety. are integrated into the text paraphrases are paraphrases placed in paraphrases
appropriately and Integrated Into the text text without any placed in text
effectivety. appropriately and eonneetions drawn or without any
effectively, with some eomments Ineluded. eonneetions drawn
plaeed into text without or eomments
ª_oy eonn~etlonsdrawn --­
Britt Fagerheim I britt,faqerlleimCó)lJsu,edu I EBSS Research Forum ALA Annual Conferenee 2007

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Excellent =3 Good/Adequate =2 Needs Work =1 Not evldent = O

Correctly cite sources according to APA AII references cited in APA Most references are Insufficient or incorrect No bibliography or
citation style or other style. format with virtually no Identified, with sorne information for many list of cited
errors in formato errors In fonnat. sources, with frequent sources.
errors in formato
Correctly identify and acknowledge Al! paraphrased entries Most paraphrased Al! paraphrased entries Al! paraphrased
original source(s) of paraphrased correctly cited. entries correctly cited. correctly clted. entries correctty
elements. cited.

Emmons, Mari< and Wanda Martín. "Engaging Conversation: Evaluating the Contribution of Library Instruction to the Quality of Student Research."
College & Research Libraries 63.6 (2002): 545-559.

Britt Fagerheim I britt.faqerl1eim@usu.edu I EBSS Research Forum ALA Annual Conference 2007

Information Competency Rubric:

I Emerging Developing Competent Strong

Need for improvement outweighs Strengths and need for Shows skill in this outcome. Applíes outcome in multíple
apparent strengths. Evidence of
the outcome presento
improvement are about
Improvement still needed. contexts. Many strengths are
Formulates a question or !
Seeks information only when Generates questions without inquiry. Generates and Values and engages in regular
Engagesin inquíry and seeks new
prompted. Does not discourage prompts; seeks answers foflows through with
inquiry the ínquiry of others. inconsistently. questíons; asks for help and information tor lifelong learning.
Applies a repertoire of creative
Identifies that additional
Utilizes convenient and known Applies several regular and flexible information seeking
Applies informatíon is needed.
sources of intormation. Uses approaches to modify, strategies in order to navigate
strategies Experiments with new
organizing tool to assist search. update or learn. the unfamiliar, take action or
strategies and methods.
solve a problem. ~-

Develops knowledge of
Identifies Looks at sources, sees Evaluates appropriate sources
Identities convenient and known sources central to Individual,
differences and selects from in order to access relevant
sources sources of in(ormation. discipline, field and/or
among them. infarmation.
educational needs.
Selectively uses most
appropriate technological and
Recognizes and attempts to use Uses required tools, with Develops creative projects
Uses tools tools that are readily available. some direction. using a variety of tools.
organizational tools in order to
access and manipulate
Applies the understanding of
Recognízes that some sources are Appraises information in order
Selects sources relative to context to determine when
Evaluates more credible/reliable than
context and need. and how to use selected
to evaluate quality, relevance,
others. or perspective.
Synthesizes new information
Integrates prevíously held with current understanding and
Relates new informatíon to
Recognízes that there are beliefs, assumptions and experience in order to create
Synthesizes multiple sources of information.
existing knowledge and
knowledge with existing somethíng new, acquire insight,
knowledge. transform values, or expand
knowledge base.
Uses Recognizes that there are Identifies applicable laws, Examines and uses ethical
Applies knowledge of laws,
Information appropriate and inappropriate regulations and standards standards in order to use
regulations and standards
information appropriately and
Responsibly uses of information. regarding information use. tor intormation use. resDonsiblv.

Adapted from Píerce College (WA) 4/8/09

Rubrics for Assessing Information Competence in the California State University

Prepared by the CSU Information Competen ce Initiative


Recent qualitative, perfonnance-based 1ibrary assessment efforts in the California State

University system shed light on how students look for infonnation, and what skills and abilities
they use to formulate research questions, find, evaluate, and use infonnation resources. i
It is not uncommon for students to be satisfied with whatever information they find first, and "to
go with what they know", preferring to use search engines and websites over library porta)s,
online catalogs, or subscription databases.
Evidence indicates that students have difficulty fonnulating a research question, do not
make effective and efficient use of their time, are not aware of the wide variety of information
choices and fonnats available to them, and do not systematically and critically evaluate the
sources they do find. Students tend to use web-based electronic information sources found
through search engines over other fonnats, placing more value on current electronic information
sources than on more in-depth discussions often found in books or journal articles. In addition, it
Is not uncommon for students to guess when looking for information, rather than to demonstrate
the ability to effectively use search techniques that directly fulfill an information need.
The purpose of these rubrics is to provide descriptions of perfonnance-based guidelines
which can help to distinguish between levels of student performance. In addition, the rubrics can
be used

1. To define criteria for successful student learning of infonnation competence principIes.

2. To align content, instruction, and assessment to promote the learning of infonnation

competence principIes based upon the Informatíon Literacy Competency Standards For
Hígher Educatíon (2000) published by the Association of College and Research Libraries

3. To facilitate the diagnosis, evaluation, and improvement of student work using a common

4. To foster and enhance partnerships between discipline and library faculty members

CRL Standard eginning lProficient dvanced

l. Determine the Student is unable to Student can uestion i8
xtent ofthe ¡effectively fonnulate a 'focused, clear, and
nformation IformuIate a uestion that is ompIete. Key
eeded esearch question focused and clear. iconcepts and terms
ased on an Student identifies are identified.
linformation need. oncepts related to xtensive
he topic, and can .nfonnation sources
find a sufficient re identified in
umber of umerous potential
.nformation fonnats.
esources to meet
he information
CRL Standard eginning roficient dvanced
· Access the Student is Student executes an Student ís aware
eeded nfocused and ppropriate search nd able to analyze
nformation nclear about lstrategy within a search results, and
ffectiveJy and search strategy. easonable amount valuate the
fficiently ime is not used f time. Student ppropriateness of
reffectively and an solve problems he variety of (or)
fficiently. y finding a variety ultiple relevant
nformation f relevant sources of
gathered lacks .nformation informatíon that
elevance, quality, esources, and can irectly fulfill an
nd balance. valuate search 'nformation need
ffectiveness, for the particular
· Evaluate Student is unaware Student examines ultiple and
nformation and f criteria that information using íverse sources and
its Sources ight be used to riteria such as iewpoints of
iCritically 'udge informatíon uthority, informatíon are
uality. Little effort redibility, ompared and
.s made to examine e1evance, valuated
he informatíon imeliness, and ¡according to
Ilocated accuracy, and 'specific criteria
lis able to make !appropriate for the
'udgments about iscipline. Student
hat to keep and lis able to match
hat to discard. icriteria to a specific
informatíon need,
land can articulate
ow identified
Isources relate to the
ontext of the
• Use Student is not Student uses Student is aware of
nformation laware of the ppropriate
he breadth and
ffectiveJy to .nformation ¡informatíon to
epth of research
ccompUsh a ecessary to 'solve a problem,
n a topic, and is
Specific Purpose esearch a topic, nswer a question, ble to reflect on
nd the types of rite a paper, or Isearch strategy,
ata that would be lother purposes synthesize and
seful ín integrate
Iformulating a
'nformation frorn a
ariety of sources,
nformation is
Iconc1usions, and is
lincomplete and
lable to clearly
oes not support
ornmunicate ideas
he intended
o others

CRL Standard roficient

. Understand the Student is unclear Student gives creditStudent

conomic, Legal, egarding proper for works used by nderstands and
and Social Issues itation format, uoting and listing ecognizes the
surrounding the nd/or copies and eferences. Student oncept of
se of araphrases the .s an ethical .ntellectual
nformation, and 'nfonnation and onsumer and roperty, can
ccess and Use ideas of others roducer of efend himlherself
nformation ithout giving infonnation, and if challenged, and
thicaUyand credit to authors. nderstands how an properly
egally Student does not free access to incorporate the
ow how to .nformation, and .deas/published
istinguish betweenfree expression, orks of others
.nfonnation that is ontribute to a into their own work
bjectíve and emocratic society. uílding upon
iased, and does hem. Student can
ot know the role rticulate the value
hat free access to f infonnation to a
infonnation plays free and democratic
in a democratic society, and can use
society. specific criteria to
iscem objectivity/
¡fact from bias/


i. http://www.csupomona.edu/-kkdunnlIcassess/ictaskforce.btmI

Sources Consulted:

Big6 Associates, LLC .. Rubriclor Assessment: Integrated Problem Solving Model. 2002.

Colorado Department of Education. Rubricslor Assessment olInlormation Literacy. December


North High School Library, Downers Grove, IL. Research Process Rubric. MaTch 2002.

Prepared October 2002 by Dr. llene F. Rockman, Manager of the CSU Inforrnation
Competence Initiative with input from CSU campus inforrnation competence librarians.

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