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Protein Misfolding and Neurodegeneration

Claudio Soto, PhD; Lisbell D. Estrada, BSc

key molecular pathway implicated in diverse neurodegenerative diseases is the mis-
folding, aggregation, and accumulation of proteins in the brain. Compelling evidence
strongly supports the hypothesis that accumulation of misfolded proteins leads to syn-
aptic dysfunction, neuronal apoptosis, brain damage, and disease. However, the mecha-
nism by which protein misfolding and aggregation trigger neurodegeneration and the identity of
the neurotoxic structure is still unclear. The aim of this article is to review the literature around
the molecular mechanism and role of misfolded protein aggregates in neurodegeneration and the
potential for the misfolding process to lead to a transmissible form of disease by a prion-based model
of propagation. Arch Neurol. 2008;65(2):184-189

Neurodegenerative diseases are some of the ease-associated protein aggregates.1 In this

most debilitating disorders, affecting think- article, we use the term amyloid-like de-
ing, skilled movements, feelings, cogni- posits to refer to these aggregates without
tion, and memory. This diverse group of necessarily meaning that they are struc-
diseases includes common disorders such turally equivalent.
as Alzheimer disease (AD) and Parkin- In each neurodegenerative disease, the
son disease (PD) and rarer disorders such distribution and composition of protein ag-
as Huntington disease, spinocerebellar gregates are different.1 In AD, there are 2
ataxia, transmissible spongiform encepha- types of protein deposits. Amyloid plaques
lopathies, and amyotrophic lateral sclero- are deposited extracellularly in the brain
sis. Despite the important differences in parenchyma and around the cerebral
clinical manifestation, neurodegenera- vessel walls, and their main component
tive disorders share some common fea- is a 40- to 42-residue peptide termed
tures such as their appearance late in life, β-amyloid protein (A␤).2 Neurofibrillary
the extensive neuronal loss and synaptic tangles are located in the cytoplasm of de-
abnormalities, and the presence of cere- generating neurons and are composed of
bral deposits of misfolded protein aggre- aggregates of hyperphosphorylated tau
gates.1 These deposits are a typical dis- protein.3 In patients with PD, Lewy bod-
ease signature, and although the main ies are observed in the cytoplasm of neu-
protein component is different in each dis- rons of the substantia nigra in the brain.
ease, they have similar morphological, The major constituents of these aggre-
structural, and staining characteristics. gates are fragments of a protein named
Amyloid is the name originally given to ex- α-synuclein.4 In patients with Hunting-
tracellular protein deposits found in AD ton disease, intranuclear deposits of a poly-
and systemic amyloid disorders, but it is glutamine-rich version of huntingtin pro-
nowadays used to refer in general to dis- tein are a typical feature of the brain.5
Patients with amyotrophic lateral sclero-
Author Affiliations: Departments of Neurology, Neuroscience and Cell Biology, sis have aggregates mainly composed of su-
and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, George and Cynthia Mitchell Center for peroxide dismutase in cell bodies and
Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston axons of motor neurons.6 Finally, the
(Dr Soto and Ms Estrada); and Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, brains of humans and animals with di-
Santiago, Chile (Ms Estrada). verse forms of transmissible spongiform


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encephalopathy are characterized by accumulation of pro- brils17-19 (Figure). Interestingly, these diverse struc-
tease-resistant aggregates of the prion protein (PrP).7 tures have been identified in the amyloidogenesis pro-
Compelling evidence coming from biochemical, ge- cess of various disease-associated proteins, suggesting
netic, and neuropathological studies supports the in- common misfolding pathways and perhaps common neu-
volvement of protein misfolding and aggregation in the rodegeneration mechanisms.17-19 However, the biologi-
pathology of neurodegenerative diseases.1 For example, cal relevance of these intermediates is currently not clear,
the presence of abnormal aggregates usually occurs in the and it is even questionable whether some of them exist
brain regions mostly damaged by the disease. Mutations in a meaningful quantity in the diseased brain. Further-
in the gene encoding for the misfolded protein produce more, although it is likely that these metastable species
inherited forms of the disease, which usually have an ear- assemble in a stepwise process, the relative importance
lier onset and more severe phenotype than the sporadic of each is difficult to assess because they are too un-
forms.8 Transgenic animals expressing the human mu- stable to characterize.17,20 Recent technological develop-
tant gene for the misfolded protein develop some of the ments including the production of antibodies that rec-
typical neuropathological and clinical characteristics of ognize specifically different types of aggregated species
the human disease.9 Finally, misfolded protein aggre- such as oligomers, annular assemblies, protofibrils, and
gates produced in vitro are neurotoxic, inducing apop- fibrils have led to important advances in understanding
tosis.10 the role of these structures in neurodegeneration.17,21 Strik-
ingly, the intermediate species formed by different pro-
MECHANISM AND INTERMEDIATES teins are specifically recognized by the antibodies, sug-
IN PROTEIN MISFOLDING AND AGGREGATION gesting that they display a common structural motif that
is distinct from the other aggregated species.17,21 These
The misfolding and aggregation of proteins implicated findings indicate that the antibodies recognize a generic
in neurodegenerative diseases has been modeled in vitro. polypeptide backbone epitope that is independent of the
There is no evident sequence or structural homology amino acid sequence but is shared among all types of poly-
among the proteins involved in diverse neurodegenera- mers.17,21 In summary, the biophysical studies of the in-
tive diseases. Low-resolution structural studies have termediates in the amyloid formation process indicate that
shown in all cases a large structural rearrangement be- diverse species with progressive degrees of aggregation
tween the monomeric native protein and the aggregated are present simultaneously and in dynamic equilibrium
material.11 In most cases, the native monomeric protein between each other.17,18,20 This makes it very difficult to
is mainly composed of ␣-helical and unordered struc- evaluate the relative contribution of different protein struc-
ture, whereas the misfolded polymers are rich in tures to neurodegeneration.
␤-sheet conformation. Although high-resolution stud-
ies of aggregated proteins have been difficult with con- NEURODEGENERATION AND DISEASE
ventional methods because of their insolubility and non-
crystalline nature, recent studies using nuclear magnetic Selective neuronal loss, synaptic alterations, and neuro-
resonance spectroscopy have confirmed the ␤-sheet– inflammation (in the form of reactive astrocytosis and
rich structure of protein aggregates implicated in neu- activated microglia) are typical features of neurodegen-
rodegenerative diseases.11-13 erative diseases.22 However, the region of the brain most
Although the detailed mechanism for the formation affected differs among diseases and determines the dis-
of fibrillar amyloid-like aggregates is not entirely clear, tinct clinical symptoms of each. Although it was widely
the initiating event is protein misfolding, which results thought that neuronal apoptosis was the most impor-
in the formation of aggregation-prone structures that grow tant problem in neurodegeneration, recent evidence from
by an autocatalytic mechanism. Kinetic studies have sug- different diseases suggests that extensive neuronal death
gested that the critical event is the formation of protein may not be the initial cause of the disease.19 Indeed, clini-
oligomers that act as seeds to further propagate protein cal symptoms have been clearly described before signifi-
misfolding.14 This is the basis for the currently accepted cant neuronal loss, and a better temporal and topo-
nucleation-dependent polymerization model of amy- graphic correlation is found with synaptic dysfunction.19
loid formation.14-16 Diverse proteins have been shown to As outlined earlier, although protein misfolding and
follow this crystallization-like process, including A␤, hun- aggregation are undoubtedly associated with neurode-
tingtin, and ␣-synuclein. According to this model, ag- generation and disease, the mechanism by which mis-
gregation starts after the protein concentration exceeds folded aggregates produce synaptic dysfunction and neu-
a point known as the critical concentration.15 Unfavor- ronal death is unknown. It is also unknown which of the
able interactions between monomers determine a slow different polymeric structures formed in the process of
phase (termed lag phase) in which oligomers are formed, amyloidogenesis is the triggering factor of brain dam-
providing an ordered nucleus to catalyze the further age19,23 (Figure). For many years, it was thought that large
growth of the polymers. Preformed nuclei (seeds) serve amyloid-like protein deposits were the species respon-
as templates for the reaction, and as a result, the initial, sible for brain damage.1 However, the hypothesis that de-
slow phase of primary nucleation is eliminated.14,15 posited aggregates are toxic has been challenged by re-
In addition to mature fibrils, several other structures sults of histopathological, biochemical, and cell biology
have been described as part of the protein misfolding and studies.19,23 Neuropathological analysis of the brains of
aggregation process, including soluble oligomers, pores, people with PD or AD has shown that neurons contain-
annular structures, spherical micelles, and protofi- ing Lewy bodies or neurofibrillary tangles seem healthier


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Soluble oligomers Protofibrils

lytic misf
ata o




Soluble protein Fibrils

Infectious disease

Figure. Molecular pathways in neurodegeneration. Compelling evidence suggests that a common cause of neurodegenerative diseases may be the misfolding of a
protein to form toxic oligomeric structures that over time accumulate in large protein deposits in the brain. Neurodegeneration in all of these diseases is
characterized by neuronal damage in the form of synaptic alterations, cellular apoptosis, and deposition of amyloid-like plaques. Protein misfolding and
aggregation follow an autocatalytic seeding-polymerization mechanism that makes all of these diseases inherently capable to be transmitted by infection. Indeed,
one of the members of this group of disorders, prion diseases, is well documented to be transmissible, and overwhelming evidence indicates that the infectious
agent is the misfolded prion protein itself.

than neighboring cells by morphological and biochemi- yond to propose that the formation of amyloid-like fibrils
cal analysis.24,25 In addition, amyloid-like plaques and Lewy could be a protective mechanism to sequester and iso-
bodies are found in people without evident neuronal loss late toxic misfolded intermediates.23 Although this is theo-
or clinical signs of AD or PD.26,27 Moreover, in some ani- retically an attractive hypothesis, it is likely that both
mal models of AD, transmissible spongiform encepha- soluble misfolded intermediates and amyloid-like fibril
lopathy, Huntington disease, and ataxias, cerebral dam- deposits are toxic, but perhaps by different mecha-
age and clinical symptoms have been detected before nisms.1 For example, soluble oligomeric species might
protein aggregates.28,29 These findings have led to to- induce a signaling pathway leading to apoptosis, whereas
day’s most accepted hypothesis that the process of mis- amyloid-like plaques might take up tissue space, break
folding and early stages of oligomerization, rather than down neuronal connections, and recruit essential cellu-
the mature compacted aggregates deposited in the brain, lar factors. In addition, the concept that protein depos-
are the real culprits in neurodegeneration.17,19,23 This hy- its are static and irreversible structures has been chang-
pothesis is supported by results showing that purified ing in the last several years to accommodate recent results
oligomeric species and protofibrils are toxic to cultured showing that the protein component of aggregates as well
neurons, inhibit hippocampal long-term potentiation, im- as the associated proteins are in dynamic equilibrium with
pair synaptic functions, and disrupt cognition and learned the soluble version of the proteins.19,20,30 Therefore, the
behavior in rats.17,19,23 Some investigators have gone be- interesting possibility that large amyloid-like protein de-


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posits act as a reservoir of toxic oligomeric species must infectious agent that can replicate in the brain in the ab-
be considered. sence of nucleic acid by converting the natively folded prion
The most widely accepted theory of brain degenera- protein (PrPC) into the misfolded form.36,49 Prion replica-
tion in neurodegenerative diseases proposes that mis- tion is hypothesized to occur when PrPSc in the infecting
folding and aggregation result in the acquisition of a neu- inoculum interacts specifically with host PrPC, catalyzing
rotoxic function by the misfolded protein.1 Several its conversion to the pathogenic form of the protein. The
mechanisms have been proposed for the neurotoxic ac- precise molecular mechanism of the conversion from PrPC
tivity of misfolded aggregates, and it is likely that differ- to PrPSc is not well understood. However, the available data
ent pathways operate depending on whether the pro- support a model in which infectious PrPSc is an oligomer
teins accumulate intracellularly or extracellularly.1 that acts as a seed to bind PrPC and catalyze its conversion
Extracellular aggregates might activate a signal trans- into the misfolded form by incorporation into the grow-
duction pathway leading to apoptosis by interacting with ing polymer.50,51 At some point, the long PrPSc polymers
specific cellular receptors. Intracellular aggregates might break into smaller pieces either by a mechanical force or
damage cells by recruiting factors essential for cell vi- catalyzed by an as-yet-unknown process. This fragmenta-
ability into the fibrillar aggregates. Components of the tion allows the increase in the number of effective nuclei
proteosome, chaperones, cytoskeletal proteins, and tran- to direct further conversion of PrPC.
scription factors have been found in huntingtin and ␣- The seeding-nucleation model provides a rational and
synuclein aggregates.31,32 Another well-supported mecha- plausible explanation for the infectious nature of pri-
nism is membrane disruption and depolarization mediated ons. Infectivity lies on the capacity of preformed stable
by ion channel and pore formation, resulting in alter- misfolded oligomeric proteins to act as a seed to cata-
ation of ion homeostasis and dysregulation of cellular sig- lyze the misfolding and aggregation process14 (Figure).
nal transduction, leading to cell death.17 Finally, pro- Indeed, in vitro conversion assays have been developed
tein aggregates could induce oxidative stress by producing based on the assumption that prion replication depends
free radical species, resulting in protein and lipid oxida- on the formation of oligomeric seeds.51,52 As discussed
tion, elevation of intracellular calcium levels, and mito- earlier, protein misfolding and aggregation in other neu-
chondrial dysfunction.33,34 rodegenerative (and also systemic) disorders also fol-
low a seeding-nucleation model; in fact, acceleration of
WHEN AN AMYLOID IS A PRION protein aggregation by the addition of seeds has been con-
vincingly reported in vitro for several proteins impli-
The critical role of the protein misfolding process is per- cated in diverse diseases.15,53 These findings suggest that
haps mostly clear in the prion disorders,35 also called trans- protein misfolding processes have the inherent ability to
missible spongiform encephalopathies, which are the only be transmissible (Figure). Therefore, the key question is,
neurodegenerative disease transmissible by infection. The why are other neurodegenerative diseases that are asso-
nature of the infectious agent and its mechanism of propa- ciated with protein misfolding and aggregation not trans-
gation are certainly some of the most debated and in- missible? Or, perhaps a more appropriate question is, are
triguing subjects in modern biology.36 Initially, the in- other neurodegenerative diseases transmitted by infec-
fectious agent was thought to be a virus with an tion through a prion-like phenomenon?
extraordinarily long incubation time and complicated
properties that make it difficult to isolate. However, the WHEN AN AMYLOID IS NOT A PRION
facts that it resists conventional antiviral inactivation pro-
cedures37 and that it is smaller than any other known vi- Transmissibility of amyloidosis and other protein mis-
ral particle38,39 led to the hypothesis that the infectious folding disorders has not been thoroughly investi-
agent is devoid of nucleic acid and instead consists of a gated,14,54 but it is generally assumed, based on results
self-replicating protein.40 In 1982, Prusiner41 and co- from epidemiological studies, that they do not have an
workers isolated a protease-resistant glycoprotein and pro- infectious origin. It should be emphasized that the mecha-
posed that it was the active component of the infectious nisms of conventional infectious diseases do not neces-
agent, which they called prion (for proteinaceous infec- sarily apply to this protein-only agent, which follows a
tious particle). The characterization of the gene encod- complicated mechanism of transmission and requires spe-
ing for the prion protein along with structural and bio- cial routes of infection. In addition, the putative long in-
chemical studies started to reveal the unorthodox and cubation times (up to several decades in humans) fur-
fascinating aspects of prion biology.42-44 During the last ther complicate tracking a potentially infectious origin,
20 years, compelling evidence has accumulated to sup- which would be particularly difficult in much more preva-
port the prion hypothesis, including the finding that highly lent disorders such as AD or PD.
purified PrPSc produces the disease when injected into Perhaps the best way to investigate the infectious
wild-type animals41 and the discovery that PrP knock- propagation of a disease is by attempting to transmit it
out mice are resistant to prion infection.45 Nevertheless, to experimental animals. Several attempts have been made
skeptics argue that definitive proof consisting of the in to transmit AD, with intriguing but conflicting re-
vitro generation of infectivity by misfolding of the prion sults.55-57 Marmosets injected with AD brain homog-
protein is still missing.36,46 Recent reports have come tan- enates developed scattered A␤ deposits in the brain pa-
talizingly close to such proof.47,48 renchyma and cerebral vasculature 6 to 7 years after
The basic concept in the prion hypothesis is that the mis- inoculation.57 Interestingly, the resultant amyloid le-
folded prion protein (PrPSc) is the only component of the sions were not limited to the injection site. However, other


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studies have failed to transmit AD and other neurode- ing of the manuscript: Soto. Critical revision of the manu-
generative diseases to primates.56 More recent studies have script for important intellectual content: Soto and Es-
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loid precursor protein gene. Infusion of diluted AD brain Estrada. Study supervision: Soto.
homogenates intracerebrally into 3-month-old trans- Financial Disclosure: None reported.
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