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Subject: English Group: 111B AVALIAÇÃO PARCIAL – 2º

Teacher: Luciane Schneider Date: Sep 1st, 2021. TRIMESTRE

Complete name: ____

- A interpretação e execução da prova são individuais. A compreensão dos enunciados/questões/alternativas faz parte
das habilidades que estão sendo avaliadas.
- A prova será lida em conjunto antes de sua execução. Este é o momento reservado para solucionar dúvidas. Fica
atento(a) e aproveita a oportunidade.
- Te mantém conectado(a) durante todo o período. Se não permaneceres conectado(a), tua prova será avaliada com
conceito I. Caso tenhas dificuldades técnicas (com internet, energia, entre outros), solicita que um adulto responsável
entre em contato com a escola imediatamente para comunicar.
- Para responder:
- nas questões em que precisas digitar a resposta, clica dentro da linha vermelha e digita. Ela ficará em
destaque (sublinhada e em vermelho). Exemplo: What day is it today? __It is Wednesday.__
- nas questões em que deves escolher uma alternativa, destaca ela com uma cor. Exemplo:
a) Alternativa 1
b) Alternativa 2
- Ao concluir, posta a avaliação na tarefa correspondente na plataforma Teams e informa a professora na chamada..
- Nesta avaliação, é permitido consultar a lista de verbos irregulares e um dicionário impresso.
- Faz uma boa prova!

Utilizar as estruturas gramaticais e o vocabulário estudados para
interpretar e elaborar textos escritos e orais.
Compreender o contraste entre o Simple Past e o Past Continuous e
empregá-los nos contextos adequados.
Reconhecer as diferenças de uso dos adjetivos terminados em -ed e em
-ing e empregá-los adequadamente de acordo com o contexto.

Exercises 1 and 2 are related to the text Climb every mountain.

1. Match sentences A–E with gaps 1–3 in the text. There are two extra sentences.
A But Stephen didn’t know then that the rescue would take four days.
B While he was climbing Everest, he met the climber Chris Bonnington for the first time.
C In 1992, while climbing another Himalayan mountain, he fell 100 m, breaking both his legs.
D It was the second time that he needed medical attention because of his injuries.
E He was coming down from the top of the mountain when he was caught in a snowstorm.

2. Circle the correct alternative. Mark and identify the correspondent extract in the text.
1 What happened to Stephen Venables when he was nine years old?
a He was able to compare two different mountain ranges.
b He realised where he would like to live in the future.
c He decided what he wanted to do in his life.

2 What did Stephen Venables do when he was caught in a snowstorm?

a He decided to sleep all day until the weather changed.
b He didn’t follow important advice.
c He climbed down the mountain.

3 What is the writer’s purpose in this article?

a To describe the best way to climb a mountain.
b To tell the story of a mountain climber.
c To explain why mountain climbing is dangerous.

Climb every mountain

Stephen Venables’ love of mountains began at nine years old on a skiing trip to the Alps. ‘I was thrilled,’ he
remembers. ‘It was actually far more impressive and exciting than seeing the Himalayas for the first time, because
when you’re nine it’s all new and you don’t know what to expect.’

From that moment, Stephen knew that he wanted to climb mountains, but he didn’t realise then that one day he would
be the first British man to climb Everest without oxygen. However, his record-breaking expedition in 1988 was not an
easy one. 1____ After years of climbing, he was prepared for this and he knew that the best thing he could do was wait
for the weather to change.

‘At first I tried sitting on a rock because rock is warmer than snow, but it wasn’t completely flat. I really wanted to lie
down so I decided to cut a ledge in the snow. I did sleep a bit,’ he says. ‘They always say you should stay awake but I
was totally exhausted.’ Fortunately, the storm passed, and Stephen managed to climb back down to his camp and enter
the record books.

The Everest expedition wasn’t Stephen’s only difficult climb. 2 ____ ‘It was very unlucky that it happened, but I was
lucky that there were five of us.’ The group included Chris Bonnington and Stephen’s good friend Harish Kapadia. It
took them twelve hours to make camp in a safe place. Then two of the team went for help.

‘I think that was one of the most wonderful moments of my life – finally being in the tent and realising that I could
just lie back in my sleeping bag.’ 3____ By that time, there was almost no food left. ‘On the last day we had a boiled
sweet and we used the last tea bag so many times that it wasn’t actually changing the colour of the water.’ But luckily,
the team managed to keep going until help arrived.

3. Circle the correct words to complete the texts.

For my eighteenth birthday my mum and dad were buying / bought me a really interesting present − a quad-biking
adventure weekend. While / When the big day arrived, I was really excited. It took about two hours to drive to the
adventure centre, and when we arrived lots of people were driving / drove around the centre on quad bikes. They had
/ were having a brilliant time! A man helped me with my helmet, and then I did some training before our group went
out. It was great fun, but we went through a lot of streams − and my clothes got / was getting very dirty!

I went abseiling for the first time last month when / as I was on an adventure holiday in Wales with some people from
our school. Early in the morning, we all walked / were walking to the top of a cliff near our camp. When we arrived,
lots of other climbers waited / were waiting there to abseil. Most of them were talking / talked nervously. I was
really frightened until I actually started / was starting to abseil − but then I really enjoyed it!

4. Complete the situations. Use the verbs in parentheses in the Simple Past or the Past Continuous form,
according to the context.
1. When it ____ (stop) raining, we ____ (go out) and ____ (put) the kayak in the water.
2. While I ____ (wait) at the bus stop, I ____ (see) an accident.
3. Suddenly, the man ____ (take) the purse from the woman’s handbag and ____ (run off).
4. At 5 p.m. yesterday, I ____ (read) a book about Captain Cook and my sister ____ (watch) a film about the explorer
Robert Falcon Scott.
5. I ____ (relax) in the sun when a cloud ____ (appear) in the sky.
6. When the sailor ____ (open) the box, he ____ (find) an old map inside.
7. While everyone ____ (argue), I ____ (realise) it was a good time to go.
8. As I ____ (leave) the party, I finally ____ (remember) the man’s name.
9. The man ____ (wear) a raincoat and ____ (carry) a big suitcase.
10. The girl ____ (run) through the forest when she ____ (slip) over.
11. While I ____ (search) for my keys, I ____ (find) the note.
12. Helen and Rob ____ (watch) TV when they ____ (hear) a loud scream.
13. While we ____ (go) into town, Max ____ (begin) to feel ill.
14. The volcano ____ (erupt) as people ____ (climb) it.
15. Dan ____ (ask) the teacher for help while he ____ (do) the maths exercises.

5. Circle the adjective form that correctly completes each sentence, according to the context.
1. My nephew was amusing / amused by the clown.
2. It’s so frustrating / frustrated! No matter how much I study I can’t seem to remember this vocabulary.
3. This lesson is so boring / bored!
4. I thought her new idea was absolutely fascinated / fascinating.
5. He was frightening / frightened when he saw the spider.
6. I was really embarrassing / embarrassed when I fell over in the street.
7. That film was so depressing / depressed! There was no happy ending for any of the characters.
8. My sister is so exciting / excited because she is going on holiday tomorrow.
9. She looked very confusing / confused when I told her we had to change the plan.
10. John was fascinated / fascinating by Mandarin when he first started learning languages.

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