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Note this article is produced by the Church of Scientology.

This organisation
has a vested interest in breaking the grip that psychiatry has within the
medical profession.

However whatever the merits and ambitions of the Church of Scientology – this
article remains essentially correct. This however does not mean by inference
that all members of the psychatric profession or any other allied service are
fundamentally evil, however nor ought one take any “mental health
professional” at face value either – in quoting an associate – “The mental
health profession tends to be more mental than health”.

When I approached the persons who had this information available on their
site, it turned out that it was a “public interest” organisation that was a
front for the Church of Scientology – who used it’s position as a seemingly
altruisitc representative for people with mental illness expereincing
injustice or bad treatment at the hands of psychatriatry – to recruit the the
emotionaly and mentally vulnerable into warm and welcome arms of the Church of

After an attempted recruitment of myself by the person who fronted this

organisation – with an offer to come and have a personality test; and having
inspected this farce on a prior occasion, and having seen o ne of my poor
mentally ill friends having been literally exploited into the grave – and
having personally fronted the senior most legal mouthpiece of a branch of the
church of Scientology - I told this sleazebag who was trying to recruit me,
that if he continued to contact me, I would continue to entertain the thought
of feeding him through an industrial mincer.

Several accounts about the Church of Scientology is at the end of the article.

For the chemically dependant person seeking assistance, I advise y ou to read

the final accounts very carefully. The Church of Scientology has a front group
called “narCONon” which as an additional series of articals demosntrates...
is clearly to be avoided.

Here is the otherwise excellent article.

By 1936, the first systematic transfers of the mentally ill from various
mental institutions to the concentration camps began. In 1937, criminals and
repeat offenders were relocated to the camps, followed by “vagrants,
alcoholics, work dodgers, welfare recipients and e ven already-sterilized,
feeble-minded women.” That same year, the Third Reich embarked upon a
cleansing of the churches and charitable establishments. People were relocated
first into state institutions, then ultimately to the death camps.
The number of sterilizations performed in Germany between 1934 and 1945
is estimated to be as high as 350,000. And while German psychiatric hospitals
held 300,000 to 320,000 patients in 1939, only 40,000 were alive in 1946. The
rest had met their deaths at the hands of psychiatry. 110 In 1941, the Hadamar
psychiatric institution “celebrated the cremation of the ten thousandth mental
patient in a special ceremony. Psychiatrists, nurses, attendants, and
secretaries all participated. Everybody received a bottle of beer for the
occasion,” author Fredric Wertham, M.D. reported. 111
According to a Nazi document, Hitler’s plan to destroy relig ion did not
stop with the Jewish faith. He planned to abolish the Protestant, Catholic,
Islamic, Hindu and Buddhist faiths as well. The clergy were to be threatened
with the concentration camps if they placed God above Hitler. 112 Whitney
Harris, a prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials, wrote in his book Tyranny on
Trial: The Evidence at Nuremberg , “The attack upon the churches was related to
the purpose of Hitler to achieve a monolithic state and to subvert the German
people to the criminal objectives which he had set out for himself....
Hitler... realized that his aims were in direct conflict with the moral
teachings of Christianity.... By September 1941, the Gestapo had closed about
one hundred monasteries in the Reich, and many theological faculties had been
shut down or shifted so as to impede religious training and education.”
Hitler eventually obtained a concordat with the Catholic Church in which
he guaranteed freedom of the profession and public practice in exchange for
loyalty by the clergy. But by 1937, the Pope had become completely
disillusioned, writing that Hitler’s program “discloses intrigues which from
the beginning had no other aim than a war of extermination. In the furrows in
which we had labored to sow the seeds of pure peace, others, like the enemy in
Holy Scripture (Matt. xiii, 25), sowed the tares of suspicion, discord,
hatred, calumny, of secret and open fundamental hostility to Christ and His
Church, fed from a thousan d different sources....”
The sources may have appeared many but psychiatry was the primary
culprit. From 1940 to 1945, 2,800 Polish ecclesiastics and religious persons
were imprisoned in Dachau. The Polish government reported that by 1941, seven
thousand priests were killed and three thousand more were sent to prison or
concentration camps. In 1942, 480 German -speaking ministers of religion were
imprisoned. 113
In spite of the risk to their lives, this wanton destruction of human
life led many heroic clergy to speak out. Appalled by the gassing of the
mentally ill, Cardinal Michael Faulhaber, a prominent leader of the German
Catholic Church and Archbishop of Munich, wrote to the Mini ster of Justice in
1940: “What can these men of medical science be thinking these men who have
chosen the remarkable profession devoted to safeguarding and maintaining the
lives of sick people, and who are diverting the medical profession away from
its true direction in order to arrive at the extermination of sick people?...
No person of good faith and sound mind will deny that our people have become
immensely disturbed by the massive murder of the mentally ill.”

http://www.caic.org.au/psyther/sci/jeff j.htm?FACTNet



by Jeff Jacobsen, Robert RJ. Day

"Scientology is evil; its techniques evil; its practice a serious threat to the community, medically, morally and
socially; and its adherents are sad ly deluded and often mentally ill." Australian Report on Scientology

What religious organization teaches that, 75 million years ago, a tyrannical interstellar ruler named Xenu solved a
galactic overpopulation problem by transporting beings to Earth and an nihilating them with H-bombs? What
religious organization disciplines its own members with measures ranging from suspension of pay and disbarment
from premises up to labelling them as "fair game," for which they can be "tricked, sued, lied to or destroyed" ?
What religious organization follows faithfully the teachings of a pulp science fiction author who claims to have
visited Heaven over forty trillion years ago?

What religious organization has had its offices raided by government officials in three Ameri can states, Canada,
Gemany, Italy and France?

Welcome to the church of Scientology.

In 1949, Lafayette Ron Hubbard, the founder of Dianetics and the Church of Scientology, reportedly told an
audience at a science fiction gathering, "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a
million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion."

One year later, Hubbard's book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, was published and became an
instant, runaway best-seller.

Hubbard opens the book by referring to some of the great events in history, such as the invention of the wheel and
the control of fire, then goes on to state,

"In my opinion DIANETICS is worthy of being called a New Idea, and is destined to take its pl ace
alongside of these other milestones of pro - gress. It might even be considered to be more important
than any of these, for it is a science which for the first time gives us an understanding of the tool
with which these other inventions were created --the human mind."

? In the book, Hubbard claimed to have developed a new scientifically proven technique, discovered through "many
years of exact search and careful testing," for the improvement of mental health through the eradication of
"engrams"--stored memories that cause aberration in humans.

According to Hubbard, engrams begin accumulating "in the cells of the zygote, which is to say, conception," many
of these engrams being caused by abortion attempts, and that between 20 and 30 such attempts are an av erage
number for a typical mother.

Engrams are removed through a process called "auditing," which can produce "tears and wailings," "somatics
enough to make the patient roll around on the floor," and a "patient...that bounces about, all unconscious of the

Once all the engrams are removed, the person becomes a "Clear" and never again has colds or accidents, has
improved IQ, total call, a longer life, and is perhaps even cured of cancer. Or such are the claims.

Shortly after the publication of Dia netics, auditing was taken up with great enthusiasm in California, and in 1950,
Hubbard booked the 6,500 seat Los Angeles Shrine Auditorium for a momentous occasion --the unveiling of what he
claimed was the world's first Clear, a college student named Soni a Bianca. The result was nothing short of a disaster.
Miss Bianca not only could not recall elementary formulae from physics, which was her major at the time; she could
not remember the color of Hubbard's tie after he had turned his back.

This setback seemed to be a minor one and, within a year, the Wichita Dianetic Foundation was doing a booming
business, charging over $500 for 36 hours of Dianetic auditing. In the meantime, Hubbard had put the Bianca fiasco
behind him and was producing a stream of new an d even more amazing facts regarding engrams.

According to Hubbard, further research showed that, behind the analytical and reac - tire minds, there lay entities
known as "Thetans." These Thetans are non -physical and immortal, somewhat analogous to the huma n soul; they
inhabit human bodies, moving them around like puppets. Because of their immortality, when their current human
host dies, they are forced to vacate and must find another host.

Apparently, these Thetans come equipped with all of the engrams the y have collected in all of their previous
lifetimes. Hubbard taught it was possible, although extremely expensive, to clear even these ancient engrams. This
necessitated a change in terminology, and what used to be a Clear now became a MEST -Clear, MEST standing for
"matter, energy, space, time," while those who managed to eradicate all engrams from all previous lives would have
bestowed upon them the title of "Operating Thetan."

Page 2
What the Church of Scientology Doesn't Want You to Know

While the Clear state is the main goal of Dianetics, Scientology continues the process with eight OT (Operating
Thetan) levels above this that are available as well, which quire more classes.
In both Dianetics and Scientology, the object is to eliminate the causes of o ur aberrant behavior by the eradication of
engrams through the process of Dianetic auditing. The person being audited holds two tin cans which are wired to an
"E-meter" that registers when an engram is discovered. The E -meter (also called a "pastoral couns elling device") is
basically a skin-response galvanometer which the church sells for from $900 to $2500. When an engram is
discovered, the event that created the engram is relived until the needle "floats," meaning the engram is gone.
Strangely enough, Hubbard himselfad- mits that the E-meter "...is a religious arfifact used in the Church
Confessional. It, in itself, does nothing."

Actually, the doctrine is considerably more involved than the above, with the mind di - vided into its analytical and
reactire sides, with "demon circuits," "chains " --in fact, a 476-page "technical dictionary" lists all the specialized
concepts and terminology. Many of the definitions in the dictionary seem inspired by Hubbard's career as an author
of pulp science fiction. One su ch listing is for something called the "Marcab Confederacy," described as an
organization of several planets which have united in the last 200,000 years. According to the dictionary, "In the last
10,000 years they have gone on with a sort of decadent kicke d-in-the-head civilization that contains automobiles,
business suits, fedora hats, telephones, spaceships."

L. Ron Hubbard had been a science fiction writer both before and after his work on Dianetics and Scientology, and
there is overwhelming evidence th at biographical Scientology literature on Hubbard is just as much a work of
fiction. According to Church literature, Hubbard's exploits were nothing short of legendary and his lifetime
accomplishments would have put a dozen ordinary men to shame.

Closer examination, however, reveals a very different picture. Rather than being, as he had claimed, a war hero, a
famous Hollywood screenwriter, a U.S. intelligence officer, a record setting pilot, a Princeton graduate and a rocket
engineer, Hubbard was in fact a mediocre-to-poor student at George Washington University who dropped out after
two years and failed the one course in nuclear physics in which he was enrolled.

His Navy fitness record states that he was "lacking in the essential qualities of judgment, le adership and
cooperation" and was "not considered qualified for command or promotion." The most notable incident of his
military career appears to have been, when in command of a submarine chaser, he fought a prolonged, two -day battle
against what proved to be a magnetic deposit on the ocean floor.

In a 1984 British custody battle involving Scientologists, Mr. Justice Latey, a high court judge in England, also
concluded that Hubbard was not a war hero, a squadron leader, an atomic physicist, nor an intelli gence officer for
the U.S. In fact, the Scientology counsel in the case did not even attempt to refute the charges against Hubbard.
According to Latey, "There is no dispute about any of this. The evidence is unchallenged."

Still another judge, Paul A. Bre ckenridge of the Los Angeles County Superior Court, presided over a lawsuit against
the church in 1984. Of Hubbard, he said, "The evidence portrays a man who has been virtually a pathological liar
when it comes to his history, background and achievements. If

Page 3
What the Church of Scientology Doesn't Want You to Know

One former Scientologist, Gerry Armstrong, left the church after being assigned to write a biography of Hubbard.
The documents he was given showed that L. Ron Hubbard had seriously misrep resented his past. Armstrong went to
court to keep these documents, fearing that without them he would be vulnerable to attack from the church.
Armstrong had good reason to fear. In a 1967 memo that came to be known as the Fair Game Policy, Hubbard
described penal- ties for lower conditions, including, "Enemy --SP (Suppressire Person) Order. Fair Game. May be
deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist with - out any discipline of the Scientologist. May
be tricked, sued, lied to or destroyed." Hubbard's attitude to potential criticism of the church was that, "If there will
be a longterm threat, you are to immediately evaluate and originate a black PR campaign to destroy the person's
repute and to discredit them so thoroughly that they wil l be ostracized."
A chilling example of the above involves Paulette Cooper, the author of the Scandal of Scientology. The Church's
response to Cooper's book is detailed in a document describing "Operation Freakout," which was designed to "get
PC incarcerated in a mental institution or jail, or at least to hit her so hard that she drops her attacks."

Cooper, who says she was served with 18 lawsuits against her by the church, had a nervous breakdown after
someone sent Scientology a bomb threat on her statio nery. She was cleared of the charges after a 1977 raid on a
church office where documents outlining Operation Freakout were discovered.

In a section entitled "VITAL TARGETS," the document "Operation Freakout" gives specific details of the
harrassment program against Cooper. Such actions include an obvi - ous attempt to impersonate Cooper, with
directions like "To recruit an FSM (Field Staff

Member) that looks like PC...," "to get familiar with PC to find out some of the clothes she wears particularly what
sort of coat she usually wears...," "To get a cheap coat that is very similar to PC's," "To have someone available to
steak (sic) out PC when she leaves her place the day of the caper, to ascertain when she leaves, what she's wearing,
etc," "Obtain wig that looks like PC, so that FSM PC can wear it during caper," etc. Further details of "Operation
Freakout" describe framing Cooper on a bomb threat charge against two Arab consulates in New York City. A
further memo dated 13 April 1967 regarding "PC Op Freako ut" states, "The FBI already think she really did do the
bomb threats on the C of S."

Someone else who incurred the Church's wrath is Dr. John Clark, an American psychiatrist and outspoken critic of
Scientology. According to the Latey decision,

"Beginning in 1977 the Church of Scientology has conducted a campaign of persecution against Dr. Clark. They
wrote letters to the Dean at the Harvard Medical School and to the director of the Massachusetts General Hospital.
They refused to gag him. Scientology agen ts tracked down and telephoned several of his patients and interviewed his
neighbors looking for evidence to impugn his private or personal actions. They submitted a critical report to a
Committee of the Massachusetts State Senate. On three occasions durin g the last five years a Scientology "front"
called the Citizens' Commission on Human Rights has brought complaints against him to the Massachusetts Board
of Registration alleging improper professional conduct. In 1980 he was declared a "Number One Enemy" a nd in
1981 they

Page 4
What the Church of Scientology Doesn't Want You to Know

brought two law suits against him (summarily dismissed, but costly and worrying). They distributed leaflets at the
Massachusetts General Hospital offering a $25,000 reward to employees for evidence which would lead to his
conviction on any charge of criminal activity. They stole his employment record from another Boston hospital. They
convened press conferences calculated to ruin his professional reputation." Scientologists us e many tactics in
carrying out their Fair Game Policy. The church's "Operation Snow White," which had many covert agents looking
for dirt on enemies and possible enemies of Scientology, landed Mary Sue Hubbard (L. Ron's third wife) in jail for a
year. She and 11 other members were sent to jail for covert acts against several federal agencies. Specific plans of
action, detailed in a March 9, 1970 letter, include "Invent letterhead of some organiza - tion that is spurious," "using a
phony News Agency," "Infiltrating an enemy group with the end to getting documents," and "Direct theft of

Another example of these tactics involves ex -Scientologists Robert Dardano and Warren Friske who testified to
some of the activities they and others were involved w ith on behalfofthe Church. These activities in - clude the
burglary of the Belmont office of a psychiatrist in order to steal files, the theft of documents from a Boston law firm,
the systematic theft and destruction of books critical of the Church from lib raries throughout New England, and the
planting of a church member as a volunteer inside the state attorney general's office to intercept consumer
complaints about Scientology.

While the church claims that the Fair Game Policy is no longer in effect, a Hu bbard letter of October 21, 1968
allegedly revoking this policy concludes, "This P/L does not cancel any policy on the treatment or handling of an SP
(Suppresive Person).

The Church has filed countless lawsuits against its supposed enemies, including the Clearwater (Florida) Sun, the
San Diego Union, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner of Scotland, and authors Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman.

The Church has also been sued countless times, and it has lost several of these. In July, 1986, former Church
member Larry Wollersheim won a 30 million dollar award against the church for aggravating his mental problems
and ruining his business (this award was recently reduced to 5 million dollars). Scientology settled out of court with
former Clearwater, Florida, mayor Gabe Cazares, who sued the church for invasion of privacy. Over 500 disgruntled
ex-Scientologists and current Scientologists have filed a 500 million dollar class -action suit against the Church's
"fraudulent business practices." The six plaintiffs named o n the lawsuit were all highly placed Scientologists with
many years in the Church.

In 1988, Heber Jentzsch, president of the Church, was arrested along with 71 other church members on various
criminal charges including fraud and tax evasion.

Seventy five members of the Church's Italian operation went before a Milan court on March 29, 1989 to face "a long
list of charges ranging from fraud, extortion and tax evasion to the illegal practice of medicine and taking advantage
of incapacitated people."

If you are still interested in giving Scientology a try, you should first consider the price. Most people are introduced
through a book or the communications courses that are free or quite cheap. Once you express an interest in following
up on their pitch for higher courses, you are no longer "raw meat," but a

What the Church of Scientology Doesn't Want You to Know

Page 5
"PC" (preclear). The average cost of the 82 courses listed in the Catalogue of Services is $1600. In the
1988 catalog 12 1/2 hours of auditin g costs $3224 with a free 6 -month membership in IAS (International
Association of Scientologists). The bills can pile up fast. It is estimated that the average cost to become a
Clear today is around $400,000. The Church also operates under a variety of nam es and businesses.
According to a British BBC expose, organizations that are associated with the Church or are fronts for
Church operations include All -Party Freedom of Information Center, Author Services, Inc., Bridge
Publications, Inc., Campaign Against Psychiatric Atrocities, Citizens Commission on Human Rights
(mentioned earlier), Concerned Businessman's Association of the UK, Criminon, Dianetics Information
Center, Dignity for the Aged, Dr. Pillpusher Campaigu, Effective Education Association, Foundati on of
Advanced Abilities, Institute of Advanced Philosophy, International Biographical Center, Narconon (a
drug abuse group), New Era Publications, Rehab, Religious Research Foundation, Religious Technology
Center, Saint Hill Foundation, Set a Good Example Campaign, Society for Safety in Mental Illness, Task
Force on Mental Retardation, UK Police Reform Group, and Way to Happiness Campaign.

Justice Latey's description of Scientology in the 1984 custody trial is absolutely scathing, and is worth
reproducing in some detail:

"Scientology is both immoral and socially obnoxious... In my opinion, it is corrupt, sinister and dangerous.
It is corrput because it is based on lies and deceit and has as its real objec - tive money and power for Mr.
Hubbard, his wife and those close to him at the top. It is sinister because it indulges in infamous practices
both to its adherents who do not toe the line unquestioningly and to those outside who criticize or oppose
it. It is dangerous because it is out to capture people, es pecially children and impressionable young people,
and indoctrinate and brainwash them so that they become the unquestioning captives and tools of the cult,
with- drawn from ordinary thought, living and relationships with others."

When an organization calls itself a religion, this should not negate the need to critically evaluate the group
before deciding if it is legitimate and beneficial. The over 900 deaths in Jonestown, Guyana have shown
that sinister, demented people can hide behind the cloak of relig ion to prey on unsuspecting, well -meaning

It is not wise to take a salesman's words at face value, whether he is selling cars or religion.

Berry : Sunshine Shields Scientology Sedition.
From: grahameb@aol.com (GrahamEB)
Date: 01 Jun 2001 07:23:18 GMT
Subject: Berry : Sunshine Shields Scientology Sedition.
Message-ID: <20010601032318.04960.00000323@ng -fu1.aol.com>

Th u r s d a y Ma y 3 1 , 2 0 0 1 , wa s a wa r m s u n n y
d a y i n L o s An g e l e s , C a l i f o r n i a . On e o f
t h o s e p i c t u r e p o s t c a r d b l u e - s k y d a y s . I
t o o k a s t r o l l d o wn t h e Ca t a l i n a S t r e e t
s i d e o f t h e o l d Ce d a r s - S i n a i Ho s p i t a l
b u i l d i n g i n Ho l l y wo o d , wh i c h we n o w k n o w
a s t h e C h u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y ' s " Bi g
Bl u e " b u i l d i n g . Ap p a r e n t l y , Hu b b a r d
p u r c h a s e d t h e c h e a p e s t p a i n t h e c o u l d
f i n d wh i c h , a t t h e t i me , wa s a l i g h t
b l u e . Al t h o u g h Hu b b a r d i s l o n g d e a d , h i s
c h e a p b l u e p a i n t s t i l l f l a k e s o n a n d o n .
P e r h a p s b e n e f i t i n g f r o m S l a t k i n ' s
a l l e g e d $ 6 5 0 mi l l i o n " p o n z i " i n v e s t me n t
f u n d , s c i e n t o l o g y ' s Es t a t e P r o j e c t s
F o r c e ( E P F ) s e e ms u n u s u a l l y f l u s h wi t h
c a s h . A c o mme r c i a l p a v i n g c o mp a n y i s
r e p a v i n g t h e p a r k i n g l o t a t t h e S u n s e t
Bo u l e v a r d e n d o f t h e b l o c k . Th e o t h e r
b u i l d i n g s o n t h e b l o c k a r e a l s o b e i n g
r e n o v a t e d . An a p p a r e n t l y e n h a n c e d
e s t h e t i c s e n s e h a s l e d t o a n e w c o l o r
s c h e me o f c o n t r a s t i n g l i g h t a n d d a r k
b l u e p a i n t s . S o me mo n t h s a g o I c o mme n t e d
o n t h e o b v i o u s l y d a n g e r o u s a n d c o d e
b u s t i n g " b e r t h i n g " ( s t a f f b u n k / r a c k
a c c o mmo d a t i o n ) i n Bi g Bl u e i t s e l f . Th e r e
i s n o w a ma j o r " r e n o s " p r o j e c t o n t h e
We s t Wi n g o f Bi g Bl u e . Th e s i d e o f t h e
b u i l d i n g h a s b e e n s a n d b l a s t e d b a c k t o
t h e c e me n t s k i n . Wi n d o ws a r e b e i n g
r e p a i r e d a n d i n s t a l l e d . Ou t s i d e t h e
Ca t a l i n a S t r e e t e n t r a n c e t o Bi g Bl u e
a b o u t 1 5 EP F s t a f f e r s we r e b e i n g t a u g h t
h o w t o p r e p a r e a n d p a i n t t h e b u i l d i n g .
I t s e e ms wo r k i s b e i n g d o n e a t n i g h t
t o o . Th e g r o u p o f EP F e r s wa s p r i ma r i l y
t e e n a g e r s a n d y o u n g a d u l t s . T h e y we r e
u n d e r t h e c o n t r o l o f t h e P a c i f i c Ar e a
C o mma n d . Th i s i s t h e i r " P AC Ba s e . "
Ar o u n d t h e o t h e r s i d e o f Bi g Bl u e , o n L.
Ro n Hu b b a r d Wa y , t wo t a b l e s we r e s e t u p
wi t h l i t e r a t u r e . On e d i s p l a y i n g a Hi g h
Wi n d s a n n i v e r s a r y i s s u e wi t h Ch u r c h o f
S c i e n t o l o g y S e a Or g a n i z a t i o n j e t f i g h t e r
p l a n e s r o c k e t i n g t o wa r d s p l a n e t Ea r t h A
f e w p e o p l e we r e s i t t i n g a r o u n d . S e v e r a l
s t a f f e r s we r e o n t h e s t r e e t s c u r r y i n g
f r o m o n e p l a c e t o a n o t h e r . " H e l p Wa n t e d "
a n d " S e a Or g R e c r u i t i n g No w" p o s t e r s
we r e e v e r y wh e r e . " Th e S e a Or g a n i z a t i o n
i s c o mp o s e d o f t h e a r i s t o c r a c y o f
S c i e n t o l o g y , " wr o t e L. Ro n Hu b b a r d .
S e v e r a l p o s t e r s p r o mo t e d a n i mmi n e n t
l e c t u r e o n S c i e n c e o f S u r v i v a l . L. Ro n
Hu b b a r d ' s S c i e n c e o f S u r v i v a l i s a
f u n d a me n t a l wo r k o f s c i e n t o l o g y
" s c r i p t u r e " . F o r e x a mp l e , i t d e s c r i b e s
s c i e n t o l o g y ' s " To n e S c a l e " i n d e t a i l .
An y o n e wh o i s 2 . 0 o r l o we r o n
s c i e n t o l o g y ' s t o n e s c a l e , " . . . s h o u l d
n o t h a v e , i n a n y t h i n k i n g s o c i e t y , a n y
c i v i l r i g h t s o f a n y k i n d - - - n o n e b e l o w
2 . 0 s h o u l d b e u s e d a s wi t n e s s e s o r
j u r o r s i n c o u r t s o f l a w. " I d . I - 1 3 1 .
S c i e n t o l o g y d e e ms h o mo s e x u a l s t o b e
p e r v e r t s a n d t h e y a r e b y d e f i n i t i o n 1 . 1
o n t h e " T o n e S c a l e " . S o a r e a l l p e o p l e
wh o i mp e d e s c i e n t o l o g y ' s t a k e o v e r o f t h e
g o v e r n me n t s , b u s i n e s s e s a n d me d i a a r o u n d
t h r o u g h o u t t h e wo r l d . " Th e 1 . 1 f i n d s
' p l e a s u r e ' i n s e x o n l y i f s e x i s e n g a g e d
u p o n wi t h ma n y p e o p l e a n d i n s t r a n g e a n d
p e c u l i a r wa y s . " I d . I I - 9 1 . S c r e e d s c o u l d
b e wr i t t e n u p o n t h e i r o n y o f s c i e n t o l o g y
l a b e l i n g a l l g a y p e o p l e a s " p e r v e r t s . "
Ho we v e r , t h e s c i e n t o l o g y s c r i p t u r e
c o n t i n u e s , " No s o c i a l o r d e r wi l l s u r v i v e
wh i c h d o e s n o t r e mo v e t h e s e p e o p l e f r o m
t h e i r mi d s t . " I d . I - 9 0 . Th e n s c i e n t o l o g y
d i r e c t s t h e " u l t i ma t e s o l u t i o n " f o r a l l
o f t h e 1 . 1 s i n o u r s o c i e t y a n d t h a t
s o l u t i o n i s q u a r a n t i n e a n d
e x t e r mi n a t i o n . S c i e n t o l o g y wi l l a t t e mp t
t o r e - e d u c a t e t h e q u a r a n t i n e d a c c o r d i n g
t o t h e Ch u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y ' s o wn
i n v e r t e d c o n c e p t o f " e t h i c s " . Th a t i s
t h e f i r s t wa y s c i e n t o l o g y wi l l d e a l wi t h
" c r i mi n a l s " s u c h a s h o mo s e x u a l s a n d
p e o p l e o f o t h e r r e l i g i o n s wh o a r e
u n wi l l i n g t o b e s u b mi s s i v e t o
s c i e n t o l o g y ' s d o mi n i o n . " Th e o t h e r i s t o
d i s p o s e o f t h e m q u i e t l y a n d wi t h o u t
s o r r o w. " I d . I - 1 5 7 . " Th e o n l y a n s we r
wo u l d s e e m t o b e t h e p e r ma n e n t
q u a r a n t i n e o f s u c h p e r s o n s f r o m s o c i e t y
t o a v o i d t h e c o n t a g i o n o f t h e i r
i n s a n i t i e s a n d t h e g e n e r a l t u r b u l e n c e
wh i c h t h e y b r i n g i n t o a n y o r d e r , t h u s
f o r c i n g i t l o we r o n t h e s c a l e , o r
p r o c e s s i n g s u c h p e r s o n s u n t i l t h e y h a v e
a t t a i n e d a l e v e l o n t h e t o n e s c a l e wh i c h
g i v e s t h e m v a l u e . " I d . I - 1 3 1 . " S u c h
p e o p l e s h o u l d b e t a k e n f r o m t h e s o c i e t y
a s r a p i d l y a s p o s s i b l e a n d u n i f o r ml y
i n s t i t u t i o n a l i z e d - - - " I d . I - 8 9 . Th e
c h u r c h s c r i p t u r e e v e n r a t i o n a l i z e s s u c h
u n p a r a l l e d h o r r o r b y p r e a c h i n g t h a t , " I t
i s e a s i e r t o d o p s y c h o me t r y [ t o n e s c a l e
t e s t i n g ] o n o n e h u n d r e d a n d f i f t y
mi l l i o n p e o p l e t h a n t o b u r y a c u l t u r e
f o r wh i c h we a n d o u r f a t h e r s h a v e
s t r i v e n t h e s e p a s t h u n d r e d a n d s e v e n t y -
f i v e y e a r s . " I d . I I - 9 1 . [ I h a v e t h e 1 9 7 1
e d i t i o n ] . No t e v e n Ad o l f Hi t l e r p r o p o s e d
s u c h v a s t , h e i n o u s a n d b a r b a r i c
t r e a t me n t o f t h e " g e n e t i c a l l y i mp u r e " .
As s u mi n g a c u r r e n t wo r l d p o p u l a t i o n o f
s i x b i l l i o n p e o p l e , t h e s c i e n t o l o g y
e n t e r p r i s e i s s c r i p t u r a l l y ma n d a t e d t o
q u a r a n t i n e a n d " d i s p o s e " o f a s ma n y a s
1 5 0 mi l l i o n i n n o c e n t p e o p l e . Cr o wn i n g
t h e g a t e s i n t o a f o r me r Na z i
c o n c e n t r a t i o n c a mp n e a r Mu n i c h , Ge r ma n y
a r e t h e i mmo r t a l wo r d s : " Th o s e wh o
f o r g e t t h e l e s s o n s o f h i s t o r y a r e d o o me d
t o r e p e a t t h e m. " Ou r n a t i o n h a s
f o r g o t t e n s o me o f h i s t o r y ' s l e s s o n s .
Ta x - f r e e d o l l a r s n o w f u n d t h e Ch u r c h o f
S c i e n t o l o g y s e d i t i o n a n d p e r s e c u t i o n o f
o u r ( t a x p a y i n g ) c i t i z e n s . Th e Un i t e d
S t a t e s De p a r t me n t s o f S t a t e , Tr e a s u r y
a n d C o mme r c e , u n d e r P r e s i d e n t Cl i n t o n ,
t h r e a t e n
e d Ge r ma n y a n d S we d e n wi t h t r a d e
s a n c t i o n
s f o r n o t r e c o g n i z i n g
s c i e n t o l
o g y a s a l e g i t i ma t e r e l i g i o n a n d
f o r r e f u
s i n g t o c o n c e a l s c i e n t o l o g y ' s
r e l i g i o u
s s c r i p t u r e s a s " t r a d e s e c r e t s " .
A Un i t e d S t a t e s f e d e r a l j u d g e h o l d s , i n
e s s e n c e , t h a t t h e c o p y r i g h t l a ws c a n b e
u s e d t o s h i e l d c r i mi n a l c o n d u c t .
C o mme n t i n g , a Wa l l S t r e e t J o u r n a l
e d i t o r i a l s a y s s c i e n t o l o g y t u r n s
c o p y r i g h t l a w o n i t s h e a d . Eu r o p e
q u i e t l y r e t a l i a t e s a n d l e a d s t h e r e c e n t
v o t e t o s u c c e s s f u l l y r e mo v e t h e Un i t e d
S t a t e s f r o m t h e UN C o mmi s s i o n o n Hu ma n
Ri g h t s . Th e Un i t e d S t a t e s g o v e r n me n t ,
u n d e r P r e s i d e n t Bu s h ' s F a i t h B a s e d
i n i t i a t i v e , t h e n p r o p o s e s t o g i v e
s c i e n t o l o g y a c t u a l t a x p a y e r mo n e y t o
f u n d t h e Ch u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y
" d i s s e mi n a t i o n " a n d " r e c r u i t me n t "
p r o g r a m b e h i n d " f r o n t g r o u p s " s u c h a s
ABL E , Ap p l i e d S c h o l a s t i c s a n d Na r c o n o n ' s
o wn v e r s i o n o f t h e P u r i f i c a t i o n R u n d o wn .
Ha s s c i e n t o l o g y r e f o r me d a s i t c l a i ms ?
Ho w c a n i t ? Th e " t e c h n o l o g y " a n d
" s c r i p t u r e s " we r e c l a i me d t o b e
u n a l t e r a b l e f o l l o wi n g t h e my s t e r i o u s
d e a t h o f L. Ro n Hu b b a r d i n
1 9 8 6 . R e c e n t l y , i n c o u r t f i l i n g s , I
d e s c r i b e d t h e s c i e n t o l o g y e n t e r p r i s e a n d
c h u r c h a s " t h e mo s t e v i l o r g a n i z a t i o n o n
t h e p l a n e t . " I t i s f o r e v e r d a mn e d b y i t s
o wn " s c r i p t u r e s " s u c h a s S c i e n c e o f
S u r v i v a l , b e i n g p r o mo t e d t o d a y o n a
s t r e e t t h e Lo s An g e l e s Ci t y Co u n c i l
v o t e d t o r e n a me i n " h o n o r " o f L. Ro n
Hu b b a r d . Ho we v e r , a s I h a d t o l d t h e
a s s e mb l e d Lo s An g e l e s Ci t y Co u n c i l : " L.
Ro n Hu b b a r d ' s Wa y i s n o t t h e Ame r i c a n
Wa y . " As I c o n t e mp l a t e d a l l o f t h i s I
wa l k e d o n . Th e wa r m l a t e s p r i n g s u n
ma s k e d t h e d a r k n e s s , d e a t h a n d h o r r o r
b e i n g p r o mo t e d i n s i d e t h a t s e e mi n g l y
i n n o c u o u s s t r u c t u r e we k n o w a s " Bi g
Bl u e " . A f o r me r h o s p i t a l a n d p l a c e o f
me r c y i s n o w b e i n g r e n o v a t e d i n a n e w
u n i t o f t i me a s t h e C h u r c h o f
S c i e n t o l o g y ' s B a s e f o r i t s P a c i f i c Ar e a
Co mma n d . An d a s I wa l k e d o n I r e j o i c e d
i n n o t b e i n g o n e o f t h o s e n a v a l
u n i f o r me d s c i e n t o l o g y s t a f f e r s e mp l o y e d ,
f o r l o n g h o u r s a n d l i t t l e mo n e y , i n a
we b o f d e c e i t , d e c e p t i o n a n d f r a u d . As a
S t . P e t e r s b u r g T i me s e d i t o r wr o t e l a s t
we e k : " t h a t ' s n o t l i k e a n y c h u r c h we
k n o w. " Of c o u r s e , t h i s i s me r e l y my o wn
p e r s o n a l a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d
o p i n i o n . * Gr a h a m Be r r y

Go Back to Shy David's Scientology Page.


Versus Human Rights


For the latest web pages added to this site,
Page one contains links to the older material.
Disclaimer: All WWW pages herewith found that were written by Shy David
are his opinions only. They are not the opinions of his ISP
(holysmoke.org) or his host. Shy David's opinions are not presented as
factual. They are his opinions, which the reader may accept, reject, and
/ or weigh and consider as she or he pleases. Shy David's opinions,
found within these pa ges, are protected by the First Amendment of the
Constitution of the United States of America, ratified on December 15,
1791CE, and may not be abridged.
You May Search This Site
Is money your "god?" Is hate, intimidation, control, and the domination
of others your sacrement? Is "getting even" with your imaginary enemies
your chief act of worship? Do you secretly feel powerless, weak,
impotent, and long to punish those who are stronger than you ar e? Then
The Cult of Greed and Power (Scientology) is the crime syndicate for

Bu t i f y o u ' r e a d e c e n t , k i n d , h a p p y ,
e mo t i o n a l l y h e a l t h y p e r s o n , y o u wi l l
n o t , o f c o u r s e , h a v e a n y t h i n g t o d o
wi t h t h e c r i me s y n d i c a t e . Th e a r t i c l e s
a n d l i n k s o n t h i s p a g e w i l l t e l l y o u
wh y t h e Cr i me S y n d i c a t e o f S c i e n t o l o g y
i s t o b e s h u n n e d a n d o p p o s e d b y g o o d ,
d e c i e n t p e o p l e . S o me o f t h e l i n k s a r e
o f f - s i t e , l i n k i n g t o p a g e s wi t h ma n y
mo r e r e s o u r c e s a b o u t t h e c r i me
s y n d i c a t e .

Scientology is quite likely the most ruthless, t he

most classically terroristic, the most litigious and
the most lucrative cult the country has ever seen. No
cult extracts more money from its members. -- Cynthia
Kisser, former Executive Director, Cult Awareness

At l a s t c o u n t ( Ma r c h 2 0 0 0 ) , t h e
S c i e n t o l o g y " c h u r c h " h a s f r o m a b o u t
5 0 , 0 0 0 t o 9 0 , 0 0 0 me mb e r s ( i . e . p e o p l e
wi l l i n g l y v i c t i mi z e d b y t h e c r i me
s y n d i c a t e ) wo r l d - wi d e , wi t h f r a n c h i s e s
i n d o z e n s o f c o u n t r i e s . T h e i r e x -
v i c t i ms n u mb e r i n t h e h u n d r e d s o f
t h o u s a n d s . Th e c r i me s y n d i c a t e h a s
h u n d r e d s o f f r o n t - g r o u p s a n d
o r g a n i z a t i o n s i n t h e US A, wh i c h d o n o t
a d v e r t i s e t h e i r l i n k s t o t h e c r i me
s y n d i c a t e : p e o p l e wh o wo u l d n e v e r h a v e
a n y t h i n g t o d o wi t h t h e c r i me s y n d i c a t e
n e v e r t h e l e s s u n wi t t i n g l y f u n d a n d
s u p p o r t i t , i n a l l i t s g u i s e s . T h e i r
h e a d q u a r t e r s a r e i n Cl e a r wa t e r ,
Fl o r i d a , US A.

This page is not affiliated with the "Church" Of Scientology. These pages are opinions and criticisms of
the crime syndicate. For Trademark information for "Scientology," "Dianetics," "RTC," etc., visit the
crime syndicate's official "Scientology Trademark Information" page at

Ex t e r n a l Li n k s
http://www.scientology -lies.com/
http://www.scientology -kills.net
http://www.clambake.co m/

o Cult Information Centre Information about destructive cults in the

UK. While Scientology is not a religion and is thus technically not
a cult, it has many aspects of descructive cults.
o Scientology: Tax-exempt child abuse "He put this 4½ year old little
boy - Derek Greene - into the chain locker for two days and two
nights. It's a closed metal container, it's wet, it's full of water
and seaweed, it smells bad. But Derek was sitting up, on the chain,
in this place, on his own, in the dark, for two days and two
o Opperation Clam Bake The finest web site on the Internet for
information about Scientology. Includes deaths, maimings, and
suicides that invariably follow the crime syndicate around; shady
deals; court barratry and SLAPP suits; harassment, threats, and
intimadation by the crime syndicate against its critics, and much
o Official UK Papers Official papers about the Scientology Crime
o Cult Expert A site with many excellent resources about Scientology .
o Forgery By CoS The crime syndicate forges letter from the norwegian
minister of defense.
o Cartoons Some times a little h umor can lighten up a deadly serious
o Free Zone People who practice Scientology outside of the crime
o Scientology Kills "I got into this over censorship, but now there's
dead bodies." - Ray Randolph. A site that exposes some of the many
deaths attributed to the Crime syndicate.
o EFF Search Search The Electronic Frontier Foundation for the

I don't believe for one second that Scientology is a

bonafide religion. -- Scott Mayer, eight-year veteran
of Scientology.

o Xemu's Home Page A site that explains some of the "secret

scripture" of the crime syndicate, such as how, 75 million years
ago, the galactic overlord, Xenu, put down a revolt by shipping his
enemies to Teegeeack (now called "Earth") and killed them. This is,
according to Scientology "scripture," the source of all of
humanity's major problems. The crime syndicate will charge you
US$360,000 to learn these "secrets," but Xemu's Home Page will tell
you them for free! What a deal! What a savings of time, money, and
o $cientology Critic's Excellent list of web sites by critics of the
crime syndicate. Includes links to the Lisa McPherson Memorial
page: one of the many people who have died while in the clutches of
o Drowned Dog Why the crime syndicate of Scientology killed a judge's
dog. All the facts are here, including the Steve Fishman expose'
that explains who and why. Also included is a weak, pathetic denial
posted by the crime syndicate's spokesperson, Andrew Milne.
o Sea Org The hidden story of the Sea Org, including names, dates and
o Xemu Fliers Download the latest Xemu Flyer.
o Summary Alt.Religion.Scientology Web Page Summary.
o Ted Mayett This page picks a random Scientology site from the above
site's list. It will give y ou a link to follow.
o Margery Wakefield Margery Wakefield biography. One woman's
harassment at the hands of the crime syndicate.
o United Kingdon Steve's UK Scientology Information Page

She's dead because she went to a Scientologist

instead of a doctor. If that doesn't indicate danger
I don't know what does. -- Scott Mayer, eight-year
veteran of Scientology.

o Ideology An Essay on Scientology: Overview of the cult's ideology.

by David John Carter (March 16, 1996)
o ARSCC Alt.Religion.Scientology Central C omittee. Many links.
o Entheta.net Welcome to Entheta.net, one of the many Web sites which
reveal the practices, structure, and abusive behaviour of the cult
of Scientology.
o The Hubbard Papers The Crime Syndicate of Scientology tells a fairy
tale about L. Hubbard's life. Hubbard's son said "less than 1 per
cent of it is true." Here's proof!
o Pickets Pages This is the opening page
o Feb 7, 1998 Picket These are New pictures by Garry Scarff.
Clearwater, Feb 1998: This picket was done Feb 7, 1998 by Scarff,
Minton, and Dallara.
o Clearwater, Dec 1997 Here are photo's by Grady Ward from Clearwater
o Bare Face Messiah The TRUE story of Lafayette Hubbard can be found
o What's New What's New on the Australian Critics of Scientology
Resource Collection.
o Operation Foot Bullet OSA, Office of special affairs. The "dirty
work" department, the cult's KGB. Took over from the GO, Guardian's
Office, when the GO's leaders went to jail for infiltrating
government offices, stealing and altering official files that put
the cult in a bad light.
o Child Abuse Scientology & Dianetics - Tax-exempt Child Abuse and
o Secret Lives of Hubbard Links to the BBC expose' on L. Hubbard , in
o Anti-Cult's Index This is a link to a page with many Multi -Media
files about the crime syndicate. You will need RealAudio (TM) or
RealMedia (tm) software.
o Fishman Home Page World Wide Web site of Steve Fishman. Read about
how the crime syndicate harassed and tortured him, just because he
was not afraid to speak the truth about them.
o The H Files Welcome to The H-Files, an archive of documents from
the US Federal Bureau of Investigation relating to L. Ron Hubbard
and the Dianetics and Scientology movements which he founded. There
are 638 pages ranging from 1940 to 1983. They are being transcribed
now and will be included continuously.
o Xenu/Xemu FAQ Read all about Scientology's evil galatic lord Xemu /
Xenu. All you wanted to know about Xemu, but would have to pay the
crime syndicate US$360,000 to learn --- until now!
o An Introduction to Scientology: Operation Wideawake If you look at
the statements made about the Internet by the "Church" of
Scientology, you will notice a very peculiar fa ct: not once, in any
of their publications or court documents, do they mention the name

From The Newsgroup alt.religion.scientology

o Newsgroup THE place to find out all about the crime syndicate of
Scientology. This is the place to ask the experts about
Scientology! Read about the latest in the world of Scientology,
such as law suits, harassments, libel, slander, and threats by the
crime syndicate against its criti cs.
o a.r.s. Short FAQ Alt.Religion.Scientology Frequently Asked
Questions (Short)
o Cult Concern FAQ How to help your friends and family when t hey get
suckered into a cult such as the Crime Syndicate of Scientology.
o What Do Scientologists Believe? This is an extremely short
explanation of what is taught as the "upper levels" of Scientolog y.
The psychopath who foundd the crime syndicate, L. Hubbard, said
it's all true. You be the judge.
o Exit Counselling Regarding Exit Counselling - By Glen McClelland.
The personal story of one victi m of Scientology's escape from the
crime syndicate.

"Every day, in every little way, Scientology is changing me

for the better." -- Susan Meister on 01/09/71. On 06/25/71
she was found with a bullet in her head.

o Konrad A. The Puzzling Death of Konrad A. Passau New Press:

Saturday, February 14, 1998, by Gerhard Huber
o Rodney Romano Murder or suicide?
o Heribert Pfaff Yet another death by Scientology. All they wanted
was the money, and to hell with the life they destroyed.
o Wilhelm Mack Another mysterious death.
o Philip C. Gale Why did this brilliant MIT student jump to his
death? Answer: $cientology!
o FactNet Litigation Update Scientology's desperation shows again!
o ACLU/EFF ACLU/EFF Agree to support scientology -kills.net
o Threats A letter from a Scientology "Reverend"
o A religion? Scientology-- Is This A Religion?
o Secrets The Secrets of the Universe. From the Wall Street Journal
24 Feb 98 pg A22. REVIEW & OUTLOOK
o C.A.U.S.E. Citizens Against Unjust Suits and Enforcements. A list
of litigators used by the crime syndicate to harass critics.
o Co$ Front Groups A short list of crime syndicate front groups:
organizations designed to recruit for the crime syndicate without
letting their victims know they're funding Scientology
o Crime Syndicate Brief extract on why Scientology is known
throughout the world as a crime syndicate
o Fair Game Brief explanation on the crime syndicate's "Fair Game"
policy: punishing victims who have excaped the crime syndicate with
every legal and illegal means they can think up. This policy is
still in force.
o The Dennis Erlich Raid The crime syndicate raided a critics' home
and took computer equipment, diskettes, and print -outs. This page
has a link to a RealVid eo of the evil event.
o Best Seller? Hubbard "hot-author" status called an illusion. The
crime syndicate buys its own books in order to make the "best
seller" list.
o List Of Enemies This is a short, old list of perceived "enemies"
the crime syndicate drew up. It is a list of people and
organizations targeted for "fair game" policy: victims who have
escaped the crime sindicate are listed on the b ottom. Rival groups
are at the top.
o Lafayette Hubbard A very brief biography of the sociopathic creator
of Scientology, Lafayette Hubbard
o Rescued From Scientology Powerful "church" targets fortunes, souls
of recruits. MIT student rescued from the crime syndicate.
o False Imprisonment The attempted Kidnapping of Michael Pattinson
o Steven Fishman Press Release Now that the upper level materials are
finally unsealed, people are finally free to make up their own
minds about the "effectiveness" of Scientology.
o Critics called "Nazi's" By Kim Baker.
o Begging Hubbard begs for psychiatric help.
o Essay The Corruption of Scientology. How "the road to Total
Freedom" was paved with gold. Written by Chris Owen.
o Jon Atack Scientology: religion or intelligence agency?A paper by
Jon Atack, delivered at the Dialog Centre International c onference
in Berlin, October 1995.
o Dianetics FAQ Frequently Asked Questions about Dianetics, the
"science" Hubbard fabricated.
o Are Hubbard's Claims True? Peter Forde - A Scientific scrutiny of
o Neurotic Hubbard L.R. Hubbard Was Taking a Psychopharmaceutical
Drug When He Died. Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride
o Top 10 Scientology Lies By JDrake. Now, critics know that
Scientology frequently lies. There's all the lies about Hubbard's
life. There's all the lies about health benefits, that they don't
tell the general public any mor e.
o $cientology and Gold Crowns $cientology targets many high -income
professionals, but dentists seem to be their specialty.
o Harassment "Church" of Scientology probes Herald reporter --
Investigation follows pattern of harassment
o Justice Quotes Judicial and govermental decisions about Scientology
and Dianetics
o Bizarre Plot "Church" of Scientology members planned to discredit a
high-level official in the California attorney general's office in
Los Angeles with a bizarre undercover operation involving a
pregnant woman, a phony nun and a fak e bribery kickback, according
to documents obtained by the Herald Examiner.
o Crime Syndicate "This is a criminal organization, day in and day
o John Travolta's Male Lover "... the deeply closeted Travolta
preferred sex with straight or bisexual men who fit a certain
rugged heterosexual stereotype, avoiding contact with men who were
openly gay."
o CoS War Against Internet Scientology launches new censorship attack
on Internet! This page is from FACTNet, and includes many links to
other sites.
o Cult shreds incriminating documents "In January 1980, fearing a
raid by law enforcement agencies, Hubbard's representatives ordered
the shredding of all documents showing that Hubbard controlled
Scientology organizations, finances, personnel, or the property at
Gilman Hot Springs...."
o Helter Skelter Son of Sam Killings and Scientology
o This man is going to shoot me! Scientology "minister" guns gown
lover's spouse
o Clambake Guests Some recent random samples from the Guest Book at
Operation Clambake
o Swindled Scientology swindled him
o Christians & Scientology What Christians Need to Know about
Scientology. Includes the facts of Hubbard's Satanism. As a belief
system based on satanic principles, Scientology is diametrically
opposed to Christianity. The truth is that you cannot be both a
Christian and a Scientologist.
o Liberated Cognitions of a liberated scientologist
o Statements about scientology $cientology 'Successes:' Judges and
others on Scientology
o Freedom Of Information Act How To Obtain Public Records About L.
o Gene Allard, Plaintiff Allard was framed by
Scientology acting on fair game policies.
o Joining A Cult A test of the Stark-
Bainbridge theory of affiliation with cults
and sects.
o est/Landmark Forum Abstracts of Articles in
Psychological Journals concerning est and
The Forum: considered by some people to be spin -offs of
o What Is Scientology? Excellent summary of just exactly what
Scientology is.
o Diary of a Scientology "Believer" A person goes under cover to
learn exactly what Scientology is. Excellent!
o Scientology Spies #1 Two articles about the crime syndicate's spies
in Clearwater, Florida.
o Scientology Spies #2 Scientologists accused of extensive s py
o Scientology Spies #3 Scientology: The Hubbard Intelligence Agency.
Copyright © Jon Atack
o Jeff Jacobsen Jeff Jacobsen on local talk radio KTAR.
o Battling Scientology's attack on free speech Bob Minton's Remarks
to Cult Information Service Conference 4/19/98
o John Travolta and the Space Cooties A flyer inspired by Keith
Henson's happy turn of phrase "John Travolta and the Space Cooties"
o Scientology Brainwashing Why do millions of people fall for the
tricks of sects, psycho-cults and psychological manipulation?
o 'Caring' "church" How I was reduced to black despair by 'caring'
"church's" personality test
o Leafleting Fightback -- leafleting in London (UK), Thu Jun 24th
o The way to happiness The way to happiness via the finance office
o Bomb Threats Bomb Threats forged by the "Church" of Scientology
o Lurky. Whatya gonna do, boy? Lurky. Whatya gonna do, boy? I mean
when you get to OT3?
o "Handling" The Internet The Scientology Cult's "Handling" Of The
o History of Hubbard The History of Hubbard and Scientology to 1980CE
o Making of Hubbard The Mind Behind the "Religion"

"If Lisa McPherson had been buried with pennies on her eyes,
someone from the 'Church' of Scientology would have been
sent there to steal them." --- Ceon Ramon

o Eugene Ingram The amazing adventures of Eugene Ingram, COS

o Where were you? Where were you when you learned of Xenu?
o To our letter-carrier To our letter-carrier about $camitology
o The Fuck-up L.R. Hubbard: no, not a naval hero --- a naval fuck-up
o $CIENTOLOGY TERROR Today my aging and ill parents were again the
victims of a vicious attack by Scientology.
o Why I protest Scientology This is why I protest against Scientology
o Liver Damage Scientology's Risky 'Purification Rundown'
o Scientology = Scam Are YOU full of dead space aliens?
o CAN Deposition CAN Deposition: Sally Jesse Raphael Letter, 1991
o Pushing the SLAPP Envelope SLAPP suits bully public -spirited
citizens into silence.
o E-mail threats illegal News Sweden: Goteborgs -Posten Partille 10
Feb 99 about threatening emails.
o NAVY: Official - Hubbard's "record" *is* forged Hubard lied about
his war record. NOT A WORD HE SPOKE WAS TRUE.
o Charities Commission UK draft letter to Charities Commission by
o Scientology confessions Declaration of Dennis L. Er lich's in
support of Motions in Limine
o Interviewing Tom Cruise Stars dimmed in cautious handlers' grip
o Importance of anonymity Letters to the Editor. Copyright -- or
o Security Check Sec Check for $cientology lawyers and other scumbags
- revised
o Time Magazine Crime Syndicate sued Time Magazine, and lost.
o Risky SLAPP Suits Malicious prosecution no longer risk -free in
Illinois, thanks to CAN
o Briefly Scientology It would take several weeks to cover the cult's
criminal history in the United States alone
o Cult Buys Its Own Book (Again) BOOKS: The teachings of L. Ron
o Scientology's Revenge. Crime syndicate bankrupts the Cult Awareness
Network--- then takes it over.
o Drinking Poison: Inside Jonestown The next step for Scientology?
o Prison of the Mind. In France a trial against the Scientology sect
has caused a sensation - and aversion for its totalitarian methods.

"Thank you for your very detailed letter regarding

Scientology. We haven't yet f ound a way to attack these
jackals who feed on children and young adults who are too
emotionally weak to stand by themselves when they reach the
age of consent." -- Congressman Leo J. Ryan, shortly before
being gunned down by another cult in Jonestown

o Scientologists' Guns Handgun monkey business in Clearwater Florida.

o What does $cientology want from you? The answer is simple. They
want your MONEY. They want all the money you have.
o Top Scientology harassment techniques If you speak out about
Scientology, you can expect to be harassed in any number of ways.
o How does mind control work? A technical overview of mind control
o Human rights abuses in Scientology. Sample Cases of Human Rights
Abuses by Scientology.
o Netizens put Scientology on the stand
o Rick Ross on How To Stay Away From Cults like Scientology.
o Wollersheim's most important news in 20 years! After 20 years of
winning litigation with Scientology something has just happened
that is the best news I have ever had.
o Update from Wollersheim Urgent update on Wollersheim Miscavige
Perjury case
o What is Scientology? By Roland Rashleigh-Berry
o What is Scientology? By Pope Charles
o What is Scientology? By SEEKON
o What is Scientology? By Michael Voytinsky
o Scientology: Teachings and Practice s By Hermann Philipps.
o The Demons of Freedom By Ken Rose.
o Headed off at the Pass "My name is Arnie Lerma and I am a victim of
o U.S. Parliamentarians Scientology support from overseas (USA)
o Odd message from a Scientologist Message received by Bat Child.
o The core belief of Scientology: Glactic Overlord Xenu.
o Learn More About Scientology

"[S]ociety begins its sharpest decline at the instant when

women begin to take part, on an equal footing with men, in
political and business affairs; since this means that the
men are decadent and the women are no longer women." ---
Lafayette R. Hubbard (Scientology madman), page 20, The
Second Dynamic

o Email from Marshall Adler Wulfen's ANTI-Scientology Website

o Wulfen Replies Wulfen's ANTI-Scientology Website: Email from
Marshall Adler
o The Amazon flack designated to handle the recent Scientology dustup
o Picket report for Oct. 5th, 1985. Posted for Frank Notaro.
o Sacred Scientology Scripture Always attack, never defend.
o MY MANIFESTO: Today I Become a Critic
o Bogus Bill Bogus Religious Persecution Bill targets Germany
o Credit Card Fraud A letter to my credit card companies...
o The Art of Deception Scientology and the The Art of Deception,
final draft.
o Gandhi Tech[tm] and Scientology (repost) Gandhi Tech[tm] v. Hubbard
Tech (repost)
o Interested in Scientology? Then say goodbye to...
o Help Fight Scientology Ways to help fight the crime syndicate
"It doesn't give me displeasure to hear of a virgin being
raped. The lot of women is to be forn icated." --- Lafayette
R. Hubbard Affirmations 1947.

o Scientology is not trustworthy Trust Scientology and suffer for it.

o Internet Critics The Case of Scientology and its Internet Critics
o Clearwater Radio Talk Clearwater OSA Broadcast Over Internet
o A Scientollywood Christmas story I, Michael J. Calagna, declare as
o Scientology FAQ SCIENTOLOGY.FAQ -- A skeptics view, v3.0 (August,
15 1997)
o Extract from Scott Mayer's Affidavit We was ordered to kill by his
Scientology masters
o Scientology's Sermon on the Mount By roland.rashleigh-berry
o Enturbulated Thetans Perhaps they call it the clearway.
o Semi-Sacred Summons. WU Freshmen lose faith in the "Church" of
o Hubbard the Drug Fiend Hubbard's death on "psych" drugs
o parishioners.org Scientology Front Group
o Book List Books in English about the Scientology crime syndicate
o Violation of Constitution Religious Texts to be Read and Recited
o Not Trustworthy Why Scientologists must not be trusted
o cos-law.htm Find Law Web Search
o david-mayo.htm HELP: RTC v. Mayo
o denmark.htm NEWS in DK: 'Scientology has punishment camp in
o dianetics-faq.htm Claims of Dianetics mini -FAQ
o freak-out.htm OPERATION FREAKOUT
o give-refund.htm More Co$ bullshit on my refund
o not-wanted.htm Most of us avoid downtown because of Scientologist
o prayer.htm ARSCC: Sunday Service
o sad-tale.htm The Sad Tale of Scientology. A Short History 1950 -85,
by Eric Townsend. This page is 200,772 bytes!
o sad-tale.zip PKZIP file of The Sad Tale of Scientology. A Short
History 1950-85, by Eric Townsend. This file is 73099 bytes.
o anti-reg2.htm Scientology -still- will not give Sean the money they
owe him.
o my-hero.htm Personal story: The Scientology Experiment (from

"I also trained other Scientology PRs on how to handle the

media, using material from Hubbard. This included how to
respond to a question without answering, how to divert the
issue, how to tell "an acceptable truth," how to stall for
time, how to assume various emotional states to control
another, how to "attack the attac ker," how to take control
of a conversation, how to introvert a person and how to "get
the message across" (especially in an age of sound bites),
how to help Scientology attorneys write inflammatory legal
papers so the PR could then safely use the abusive phrases,
and how to appear to be a religion." ---
http://www.xenu.net/archive/media/young -quill.html

o altere1.htm Millenium Event photos in Int. Scn. News #12

o beware.htm BEWARE of Scientology & Dianetics!
o childrn.htm Children Trapped in Scientology's Hell
o correc.htm Re: Why is Scientology Opposed to Psychiatry?
o counse.htm Counseling for Scientologists and their familes
o cri-cos.htm Christian Research Institute on Hubbard
o crippl1.htm $cientologists Defrauding the Crippled
o deprog.htm When Deprogramming is Necessary
o dwarf-dm.htm Why Does the Dwarf Wheeze?
o ect-cos.htm This post contains positive anecdotal material (my
personal experience) relating to ECT
o failed.htm Scientology has failed, and all Thetans suffer
o free-s.htm When Speaking the Truth Freely Is Considered A Crime
o frice2.htm Re: Fred Rice. Correcting Scientology's Lies
o full-r.htm An open letter to OSA
o heber.htm Re: Heber - Condition of Liability??????
o honk.htm "Scientology foes to stand trial for horn -honking"
o honor.htm Judicial statements regarding the Nature of Scientology
o i-got.htm How I got into and out of Scientolo gy
o insided.htm Inside the cult of $cientology - Flag

"If Scientology is a religion then perjury is a sacrament."

o jackson.htm OT8 denounces Scientology

o low-cos.htm Re: How low has the Co$ sunk?
o mayett.htm Auction of the NOTs
o most-p.htm Scientology - The Most Persecuted Religion in the World
o my-ref.htm Still more Co$ bullshit on my "refund"
o nrm-re.htm Prof. Beit-Hallahmi: integrity and suspicion in NRM
o persec.htm "Persecution"
o psychi.htm Re: Why is Scientology Opposed to Psychiatry?
o questi.htm A Few Questions for Scientologist's
o randi-ot.htm Randi and OT3: (Trip Report) You CAN Do it! You can
Claim the Million Bucks! It's Simple! W HY NOT?

"If you really want to enslave people, tell them that

you are going to give them total freedom."

o refund.htm the story of my refund

o religi.htm The church has a problem trying to have it both ways.
o scient.htm CRITIC'S WEB SITES
o sexism.htm $cientology founder L. Ron Hubbard: p roven bigamist and
wife beater
o snap-out.htm Pick up the cans please...This is the Session
o staff.htm Re: Scientology Staff
o support.htm In 1989 I was an active, agressive supporter of the
"Church" of Scientology.
o terror.htm Scientology's PLAN for critics - Label them "Terrorists"
o the-rpf.htm RPF: The blatant breaking of another person's will
o threat01.htm Report Urges Dissolution of Scientology Church in
o threat02.htm Re: New at XENU TV: Former Scientology Intelligence
Operative speaks out!
o watchman.htm Screaming Tomatoes and Blasphemous Rituals
o why-i.htm Why I fight the PsychsII
o wisspam.htm "Scientology posts lead 'Net activists to mull limiting
cherished free speech"

"I have grown weary of the untold numbers of scurrilous claims,

allegations and malicious charges leveled at the Police Department by
the Church of Scientology.

" I f y o u h a v e a n y o b j e c t i v e e v i d e n c e
wh a t s o e v e r o f y o u r b i z a r r e c o n s p i r a c y
t h e o r i e s o r ' e x t r a - l e g a l ' a c t i o n s o n
t h e p a r t o f me o r a n y Cl e a r wa t e r
Po l i c e o f f i c e r , i t i s t i me , Mr .
An d e r s o n f o r y o u t o p r o d u c e t h e
e v i d e n c e .

" I a wa i t y o u r r e s p o n s e .

" S i d n e y Kl e i n
" Ch i e f o f Po l i c e
" Ci t y o f Cl e a r wa t e r "

o yes-you.htm Let's reverse it just for fun.

o aol-censored-cos.htm Nice Try Mike McKean. Scientologist Tries To
Censor Critic
o book-list.htm Excellent, informative books about Scientology --- On
the Internet!
o can-cos.htm Court awards attorneys' fees for inten tional
o friends.htm "Can We Ever Be Friends?" as an art -form
o is-it-a-religion.html Is Scientology a Religion?
o mini-sp5.htm Tilman Hausherr attests to mini SP5
o new-religion.htm Scientologist Attempts to Destroy A New Religion
o no-lunch.htm Belated picket report Salt Lake City 03/07/00
o pro-cult.htm Pro-Cult Movement
o germany-wis.htm German Government answers the question 'What Is
o anti-reg3.htm Picket report Salt Lake City 03/11/00
o aol-censor-2.htm Scientology censorship, AOL, and Mike Mckean
o be-front.htm Battlefield Earth Profits: Letter I'm sending to local
o cult-of-lies.htm $cientology: The Cult of LIES
o fleece-chumps.htm How to fleece chumps. Part One
o fleecing2.htm How to fleece chumps. Part Two
o fleecing3.htm How to fleece chumps. Part Three
o for-scientology-kids.html Answers for Scientology kids, by Tilman
o like-organized-crime.htm Scientology: "More like Organised Crime
than Organised Religion"
o may-not-speak.htm Picket Report Ron's Birthday Buffalo, NY - Very
DownStat and Godforsaken
o ot3challenge.htm Re: publicrelations@scientology.org COWERS IN
o psychiatry-works.htm 'Church' of Scientology once Endorsed
o shore-story.htm "Religion" is a "shore story" for Scientology
o slander.htm RE: To Avoidance and Slander from A Scientologist
o slave-labor.htm Scientology's Slave Labor Camps
o sweden.htm Later today, the criminal cult will boast that it
recognized in Sweden as a 'religion'
o tragedy.htm Abused Children: The Real Tragedy Of Scientology
o amway.htm Who's kookier, Scientology or Amway?
o asi.htm What is the legal relationship between ASI and the Church
of Scientology?
o broken-families.htm Scientology 'Church' encourages broken families
o courage.htm Truth and Courage, by Gregg Hagglund
o ebay.htm FWD: Valuable Tech
o encounter.htm First Encounter Report
o juggernaut.htm Sign the Commitment to a Scientology Millennium
o metatags.htm Metatags. Site No Longer Bugs Terminix
o mutiny.htm "Mutiny" in Clearwater, SP declare
o red-box.htm Red Box Data: Scientolo gy's Criminal History
o religious-freedom.htm Religious 'Freedom,' CoS style
o removed.htm Scientology exhibition removed
o adl-cos.htm "ANTI-CULT MOVEMENT: Poisoning the Web"
o apostate.htm Reprobate, apostate ECTologists
o brainwashed-management.htm "Management Seminar" Harrowing
o encounter2.htm Second Encounter Report - The Picket in Edmonton
o fraud2.htm Belgium: Indications of fraud found, investigations
o sci-evil.htm The Evil of Scientology
o wis-enc.htm What Is Scientology? The Columbia Encyclopedia
o add-paranoids.htm Crime syndicate has a persecution complex.
o afp.htm Annoucement to alt.flame.psychiatry
o anony.htm Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the
o cos-spammers.htm Insert regular D.A. anti -Arnie rant here
o delivers-nothing.htm Scientology promises everything; delivers
o fr2.htm Fredric Rice's most recent postings reflect an imagined
o leo-ryan.htm Leo J. Ryan Foundation Conference 2000
o libel.htm Scientology Libel Lawsuit dismissed as Hubbard Misses
Deposition Date
o msh-osa.htm UNITED STATES of America, v. Mary Sue HUBBARD, et al.
o nazi-hubbard.htm Re: excerpt from PSYCHIATRISTS: THE MEN BEHIND
o ramsay.htm Toronto Picket Report March 11 2000: Part One - "Rambo
o ramsay2.htm Toronto Picket Report March 11 2000: Part Two - "Felske
Tried Picket Chicken"
o ronthemusickiller.htm Rockin' out with Ron! Ron The Music -killer
o scary.htm Score another one for the scary church of Scientology
o parsons.htm Life as Satanist Propelled Rocketeer
o be-halted.htm Warner forced to halt distribution of Travolta film,
Battlefield Earth?
o cchr-spam.htm Off Topic CCHR Propaganda
o lerma-raid.htm The gospel of the web
o prozac-good.htm SSRIs help people and save lives
o scarcity.htm Scarcity Thinking and the Internet
o shell-game.htm Scientology's Total Freedom Shell Game
o shock.htm Scientology's Subliminal Shock Therapy
o where-i-want.htm Clearwater observations
o uganda.htm Up to 230 Dead in Apparent Mass Suicide in Uganda
o abuse-cos.htm Alliance for Better Understanding of Scientology
o better.htm Psychiatry is better than Scientology because...
o bridge.htm And she's buying a Bridge to total freedom.
o carey.htm Stephen Mitchell; Lisa Jan Precious; Kathleen Carey vs.
o hubbard.htm Re: Logical fallacy again --- Hubbard's personal life
DOES matter.
o kaeli.htm Anti depressants save lives
o kates.htm From the Declartion of Charlotte Kates
o lawsuts.htm Lawsuits may soon be flying and a non -profit family
protection organization demands Warner Brothers makes a public
statement on the allegations.
o lrh-insane.htm FBI. L.R. Hubbard tortured Mrs. Sara Northrup
o padgett.htm A.B.U.S.E. PRESS RELEASE 24 March 00
o be-flood.htm Factnet update on Battlefield Earth Allegations
o breggen.htm Scientology's CCHR Advocates Child Sex
o wood4.htm Records outline Scientology case
o criminal.htm Scientology's History of Criminalit y
o alameda.htm Alameda High School update
o alert-list.htm Alert mailing list might help - News media can
o barbier.htm Jean-Luc Barbier defamed by scienos in Switzerland
o disgrace.htm Internal Revenue Service and Scientology's tax -exempt
o ect-safe.htm MEDIA: American Scientist (april/may 2000) article
"Electroshock Revisited"
o fortunate.htm Psychiatry Destroying Religion Pt. 21b
o good-wit.htm Former members of cults are generally credible
o great-need.htm About 15 years of life lost due to Scientology
o lrh-nut.htm Medical advisors recommended that Hubbard be committed
o mikespam.htm McKean Spam Postings - Attempted Compensation for
o not-a-r.htm Is Scientology a religion? Hubbard says no.
o noumenon.htm Current CCHR spam in a.r.s.
o nuclear-faq.htm Hubbard's lies - Nuclear Physicist!
o origin-p.htm The Origin of Psychiatry
o osa-fsm.htm OSA FSMs, was: For Keith Henson: Ops Drills
o pissed-off.htm Scientology a 'treacherous old fraud.'
o pity.htm Pity poor Mike McKean
o rpf-m.htm Scientology's RPF. Monica Pignotti
o sidewalk.htm Church's religious aspect disput able
o taxfraud.htm A personal experience - was Re: Lisa McPherson in
Newsweek this week
o texan.htm A critical review of the founding treatises of
o texan2.htm Church of Scientology based on fiction but should be
left alone
o trademark.htm My response to Scientology's lawyer s on 'Trademarks'
o warrior1.htm Ex-Members of Scientology afraid for their family's
o dewolf.htm Affidavit of Ronald DeWolf
o drunkd.htm Spiker on Edmonton Radio; Hubbard and drunk driving
o entered.htm Question for OSA Propagandists in a.r.s. from a
o extortion.htm Extortion plot by the Church of Scientology to
corrupt a Tampa federal judge
o lrh-bomb.htm Amazing lies. Hubbard saves America, 1945.
o nazi-scn-intel.htm A Study of Nazi Intelligence & Scientology
o pr-lake.htm Taxpayers defrauded of $74,000 for useless 'treatment s'
by Scientologists.
o ron-ev-bio.htm ESSAY: Ron the Evolutionary Biologist, by Chris Owen
o salty-balls.htm Chocolate Salty Balls (P.S. I Love You)
o smoke.htm CofS just smoke and mirrors
o takeover-cw.htm Scientologists plot city takeover
o the-q.htm End of Quentin by Dennis Erlich 1995
o subpoena.htm Subpoena Duces Tecum, The State of Florida. Crime
syndicate's shotgun subpoena
o arc.htm End of Quentin by Dennis Erlich 1995/ARC and KRC and
o chiropractic.htm 20/20 brazen chiropractic scam
o christmas-story-dm.htm A Christmas Story with David Miscavige
o cw-stats.htm Clearwater stats
o no-deal.htm Scientologist's daughte r killed in car crash - no big
o on-file.htm If You Speak - You're On File
o pi1.htm Strange things seem to happen to people who write about
o private-dick-dm.htm Crib Notes for Davie Miscaviage
o wellspring-2000.htm Cult treatment center braces itself for new
o wessinger.htm The 'new CAN' and their black propaganda
o anti-med.htm Compare "religious oppression" with that of the Jews
o cchr-aliens.htm CCHR Release: Psychiatrists in league with Aliens
o contribute.htm Mental patients more useful in society than
o decent.htm Current victims of Scientology ARE DECENT PEOPLE
o fascism.htm Examples of some Scienmtologists who support fascism
o friends2.htm Scientology takes away your friends.
o in-christ.htm Jesus revival in Clearwater to take back the city
from its criminal elements
o lientology.htm NEWS: The Church of Lientology
o potty-mouth.htm Potty-Mouth FAQ v.1.1 last revised: March 26, 1999
o rewarding.htm Scientologists show their true colours: Helping
hadicaped people is bad for them.
o rpf.htm Scientology's forced -labor camps are born....
o scamitology.htm SCAMTOLOGY. Lists a few of the thousands of
suicides, harassments, and criminal activities.
o seccheck2.htm Scientologists talk about 'Sec Checks' as if it is
not the abomination it is.
o steer.htm It makes sense to steer clear of Clearwater
o stigma.htm Crime syndicate's propaganda: 'Psychiatric Stigma
Follows You Through Life'
o cb.htm Rush Magazine: If you've seen Bowfinger, then you know what
this is about.
o hardsell.htm Cynical sales in Scientology
o wis-rev.htm Review of the book 'What Is Scientology?'
o obit.htm Obituary (related to ars): Melvin Garfield Hagglund 1919 -
o stolen.htm Scientology "ethics:" steal money.
o secret-war.htm A Short Course in the Secret War
o corea.htm Report on Chick Corea concert Protest
o noscrist.htm Scientology / Dianetics is n ot compatible with
o next-fbi-raid.htm The next FBI raid against the crime syndicate
o pastlife.htm Dr. Stevenson, 'Past Liv es,' and the crime syndicate
o bigwin3.htm Another wonderful win, by the brain dead Scientology
agents. Found in alt.fan.battlefieldearth
o leave.htm I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
o fake-religion.htm Re: religion??
o startrek.htm How to audit Aliens...
o thinking.htm Rather think for myself
o mean-mag.htm $cientology visits Mean Magazine
o nine_liv.htm My Nine Lives in Scientology, by Monica Pignotti
o latey.htm Scientology found to be dangerous to children's mental
health: UK child custody case.
o harass3.htm Re: ROTFL!!! Co$ operators are standing by!!
o pagett.htm ALIAS == > SP, PTS, and asshole per The Church of
Scientology, Tommy Boy, Dad, TC
o woods5.htm UK vs. US judges on Scientology
o parsons3.htm Gerald Suster 'Legacy of the Beast' - Crowley bio
mentioning Hubbard, Parsons and OTO California Lodge
o clambytes2.htm Clambytes 2000 <Long!>
o clambytes99.htm Clambytes 1999
o ill-kill-you.htm Young woman says 'church' guard followed her, said
he would kill her
o cst.htm CST Legal Papers. The very name "Church of Spiritual
Technology" is a fraud.
o aff_ac.htm Affidavit of Angie Chandler. Mentions someone
impersonating Steve Hassan
o forgot.htm Re: Deprogramming Scientologist?
o hassan_d.htm Steve Hassan's 'Hidden Agenda?' NOPE!
o hassen.htm You don't have to be spinny or whacked out or a mantra -
mouthing moron.
o ramsay4.htm Harassing e-mail from the Repugnant Mr. Ramsay and My
o ramsey3.htm Picket Report: Toronto, April 15, 2000. THE Harridan
and her Horde of Henchmen.
o rpf-money.htm Economics of having the RPF, by Andre Tabayoyon
o rtc-squ.htm RTC=Squirrels (was Re: New at LMT Media: DM Squirrels
the tech)
o science.htm The Scientology method and the scientific method side
by side.
o Re: Austin activity report - Good Friday, April 14th, 2000.
Warrior's report
o prozacbl.htm 'Prozac Backlash' May Represent a Step Back and Keep
People From Seeking Treatment
o enemies2.htm Church enemies still alive.
o faith-death.htm Couple faces charges in faith -healing death
o freewinds.htm repayment of monies from the "freewinds"
o cartoon.htm This and that's - Cartoonist wanted
o nastier.htm Re: Picket Report: Toronto, April 15, 2000. THE
Harridan and her Horde of Henchmen.
o no-law.htm Law, what law?
o 1984-cos.htm To understand $cientology - read George Orwell's 1984
o be-stats-lied.htm One of the Century's best books? NOPE!
o cchr-pitch.htm About those CCHR theories ...
o god-cos.htm Playing God.
o great-demand.htm Nothing but Scientologists
o irs-agree.htm IRS/CoS Settlement Agreement. Full text
o irs-wise.htm WISE --- IRS/CoS Settlement Agreement
o landmark.htm I'm pretending to be a clie nt of the Landmark Forum
o live-with.htm CCHR hurts people!
o psycho-terror.htm In the net of Scientology: Psycho -Terrorism
without End
o religion-not.htm Why the 'Church' of Scientology is not a Church
o rfraud.htm Scientology vs. Freedom of Religion
o robinann.htm OT3 - Not afraid any more.
o rtc-rtc.htm In a surprise move today, RTC sued itself for copyright
o stopshrinks.htm CCHR and suicide
o subpoena2.htm Subpoena Duces Tecum Service to all Posters to and
Lurkers on the Usenet Newsgrou p Alt.Religion.Scientology
o 52-cults.htm Picket LYON "52 cults at the same time" were picketed!
o assault2.htm Hubbard: Vehicular Assault on Wife
o assaulted2.htm Toronto B.E. Picket: Gregg Gets NOTHING!!
o be-cult.htm Travolta, critics face off over cult friction
o be-rev3.htm Review of Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000
o betrayal.htm Street Scum and PC Folders
o bigamist.htm Hubbard: Bigamist
o blinkless.htm The blinkless TR's
o boo-hoo.htm Have You Ever Been A Boo -Hoo?
o boots.htm Song: These Boots Are Made For Walking
o brainwash.htm Australian government inquiry
o canada-hill.htm "Every aspect of this case demonstrates the very
real and persistent malice of Scientology."
o cruiseless.htm Cruise loses faith in Scientology
o far-right.htm Scientology Links Up With The Far Right -- "Elian &
The New World Order"
o fbi-inet.htm The attack by the cyber -terrorists shows: the FBI is
not up to the task.
o flees.htm Hubbard: Chickenshit Punk Flees Justice
o french-danger.htm Scientology and its allies: A permanent danger
for democracy
o goodnight.htm Scarff and the Scieno
o hassan.htm John Travolta signs Steve Hassan's book
o hatewords.htm Scientology has a large number of terms for
"unsatisfactory persons"
o help-suicide.htm Hubbard: Helps Wife Attempt Suicide
o hypnosis.htm How heavily was LRH into hypnosis, drugs, pain and the
S/M scene?
o ian-spammer.htm Russell Shaw calls for newsgroup spamming
o ice.htm THE ICE CUBE
o illness.htm Illness in Scientology
o insane.htm Hubbard: "Hopelessly Insane and Crazy"
o ironminds.htm John Travolta’s latest film, Battlefield Earth,
brings new meaning to the term 'cult classic.'
o issafe.htm Is such a person considered safe giving advice to
o kidnap.htm Hubbard: Felonious Kidnapper
o kitty.htm VelcroKitty and Rosie.... the adventure begins
o kitty2.htm Kitty and Rosie: Kitty Meets the Registrar
o letter2.htm I got _another_ letter published!!!
o magick.htm Here is what Hubbard's son shares with us about his
father's preoccupation with drugs, power and mind games:
o nohead.htm doctored photos shots and "errors" from the "church"
(Washington Times)
o orgies.htm Hubbard: Private Scientology Orgies. 'Breaking Souls.'
o p-scam.htm More pyramid-selling scam than religion
o padgett3.htm Tom Padgett litigation
o pc-folder.htm Street Scum and PC Folders
o penthouse.htm Historical: the complete Penthouse article!
o personal.htm 'Confidential' Scientology records are used for
extortion and harassment!
o prozac5.htm Why does the Church of Scientology oppose the usage of
o rpf-today.htm The RPF has traits of the Concentration Camp and th e
Gulag both
o sea-org.htm What is the connection between Scientology's Sea Org,
Guardian's Office and the German S.S. and Gestapo?
o sexbatt.htm Scientology "church" supports sexual battery of little
o simulate.htm Scientology's plan to handle Critics - Simulation of a
o spammer1.htm In the mirror: BRIEFING TO ALL SCIENTOLOGISTS ON THE
o strangles.htm Hubbard: Violently Strangles Wife
o suicide.htm Hubbard: Encourages Wife to Commit Suicide
o terms-faq.htm The ARS Acronym/Terminology FAQ v3.5
o terms.htm ARS Acronym/Terminology FAQ v3.0
o the-post.htm Use lawsuits to harass and stifle free speach
o the-stick.htm Carrot and the stick.
o thuggery.htm Toronto B.E. Picket: Assaults and Street Thuggery
o torture.htm Hubbard: Tortures and Terrorizes Wife
o trade-secret.htm Re: Helena Kobrin Threatens the World! (Repost
from 1995)
o tro.htm Hubbard: Restraining Order Requested
o unworkable.htm Hubbard's son talks about the 'Upper Levels'
o venus.htm Aliens on Mars and Venus
o wife-beater.htm Hubbard: Wife Beater
o xenu-hk.htm Who is Xenu?!
o zegnu.htm scientology and genetic engineerin g
o askme-df.htm Cultists being overworked at askme.com
o bull-bait.htm "TR 0 Bullbait - Confronting Bullbaited"
o children3.htm Scientology's failed responsibility towards children
o desertphile.htm AskMe.Com nuked the wrong expert!
o e-meters.htm E-Meters - "Ask Warrior about the effect..."
o growing-up.htm Growing up in the org
o history3.htm Life history form used by Sea Org
o lrh-nwo.htm On Hubbard's Vision of A New World Order
o money-eq-god.htm The Ninth Dynamic (THE BUCK) vs the "god dynamic"
o org-crime.htm Scientology: New Age Organized Crime
o osa-prices.htm OSA pricelist
o questions2.htm Common sense questions
o reg-sales.htm Tidbits from LRH on r egistrars
o tax-frauds.htm tax fraud by the "new CAN"
o telling.htm I got in trouble for telling the truth
o thugs2.htm Harassment of Toronto Critics
o trapped.htm How those help those trapped in cults
o where-now.htm Where are they now?
o why-lerma.htm Why $cientology doesn't like me { from askme.com }
o wallis.htm The Road to Total Freedom. Electronic book in PKZip
o stipul.txt Stipulation of Evidence in the USA vs. Mary Sue Hubbard.
399,289 bytes
o 190892.htm Court finds that there is no prejudice [IRS agent]
o scott3.htm RTC guilty of 'extraordinary, malicious, wanton and
oppressive conduct.' Cult pays 2.9 million dollars for attorneys'
o be.htm Battlefield Earth Movie Reviews
o askme.htm AskMe.Com Scientology Questions and Answers.
o avatar.htm To Harry Palmer, Avatar Founder & Squirrel: an open
o be-rev4.htm Battlefield Earth Movie Review
o be-rev5.htm Battlefield Earth Movie Review
o be-rev6.htm Battlefield Earth Book Review
o bootcamp.htm OT8 Scientologist child molester at large
o bowfinger-flyer.htm What is the Bowfinger Flier?
o bully.htm LR Hubbard: The serial bully.
o compatible3.htm Is Scientology compatible with Christianity? Let's
ask L. Ron Hubbard
o debt.htm John Buchanan committed suicide in May 1994 to escape his
scientology debts.
o ebay-em.htm E-meters on eBay Update
o evil-bastard.htm Commentary: Religious belief needs no aid
o finally-out.htm Scientology is a vaccine against itself
o flunk.htm Fredric Rice Flunking Out on the Tone Scale!
o get-out!.htm How to get out of a cult! Steven Hassan at Caltech
o good-da.htm How to Write Good DA Material
o greeg5.htm Toronto Demo Report: Battlefield Toronto - Mum is the
o hanging-out.htm Toronto Hanging-Out-at-the-Event Demonstration
Report- May 6/00
o helnwell.htm The man who used his own blood to paint Hitler
o hungary.htm New book exposes scientology in Hungary
o i-fraud.htm Government Launches Web Fraud Report Site
o irs-report.htm A Meeting with the IRS
o kept-in.htm Hacienda Gardens; security to keep people in or out?
o legal-action.htm A Fanatics Excuse for Assault? Or Worse? Was:
characters of hate
o lermaraid.htm For newbies and old timers: Log of IRC chat just
after Arnie Lerma got raided by the cult in 1995
o may-6-2000.htm picket report, San Francisco, May 6, 2000
o meisner.htm Did Scientololgy plan to murder Meisner?
o my-trip.htm My trip to a scientology missio n.
o os3.htm OS III
o pain-sex.htm PAIN AND SEX. HCO BULLETIN OF 26 AUGUST 1982
o psy-death-camps.htm Scientology, the friends of evil. Scientology
the cult that has made lying a sacrament.
o regime.htm Picket Report - Canberra Org 14/5/2000
o space-ccoties.htm flier: Does Travolta want to Give You Space
o spanik.htm NOTs quotes officially published
o sweden-forever.htm _The Scientology bible still public_
o xenu-loves.htm And now: A hymn
o hair.htm my barber shop experience
o love-hate.htm Hate/Love buttons in Scientology
o mafia.htm Helnwein & Scientology, Lies & Treason by Peter Reichelt
o results.htm For Retrial, Subway Defendant Stops Taking His
o success.htm 5/18 NEJM article on BIG depression study
o thought-reform.htm Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism
o tomatos.htm Screaming Tomatos and Blasphemous Rituals
o watchmn2.htm Scientologist Lisa McPherson’s Tragic Death
o 9th.htm Ninth Dynamic - was Re: RVY message to Mike Rind er
o barnes.htm Wrong response OSA terminal Glen Stilo. Greg and Debra
o be-handle.htm CONFIDENTIAL 14 Mar 1982 (RE: BATTLEFIELD EARTH)
o be-made.htm What purpose did producing BE serve?
o be-similiar.htm BE and $cientology
o bloody.htm Jesus Christ sued the Protestant and Roman Catholic
o breggen2.htm Dr. Peter Breggin
o clean-house.htm "Public Scientologist" is a code phrase
o consider.htm Query for the crime syndicate:
o conspired.htm There Are No Such Things As "global conspiricies"
o crash01.htm Protestor Pickets Site of Fatal Crash HEMET NEWS
o death-cults.htm Surprised by Cult Violence? Don't Be
o dep-ng.htm Depression on the NG
o fears.htm someone wrote for me a little poem
o benefit-art.htm LMT Benefit- another Mr. Scary commentary
o benefit-buyout.htm Re: LMT Benefit just getting bigger!
o cult-brainwashing.htm Scientology Human Rights violations
acknowledged officially
o scientology-concentration-camps.htm Gimme that old-time
o lrh-grandson-stalked.htm Jamie Kennedy Being Stalked Over Poem!
o lrh-grandson-stalked2.htm Jamie Kennedy in the news
o benefit-bigger2.htm Re: LMT Benefit just getting bigger!
o benefit-richardson-nutcase.htm Re: PTSC Unearths LMT Duplicity!!!
o benefit-radio.htm LMT benefit promoter on the radio in FL!
o scamtology-brainwashing2.htm Scientology brainwashing recognized in
o charlemagne2001.htm Alternative Charlemagne Award 2001 announced
o benefit-all-time.htm The Benefit Concert of ALL TIME!
o elfman-brainwashed.htm Jenna Elfman going OT!
o benefit-attacked-again.htm New attack on Benefit Concert
o canada-history.htm Scientology's Criminal History in Canada
o dc-oct28.htm A DC Picket Report - Ron is gone but his Con lives on!
o antje-fraud.htm The Antje Viktor asylum case.
o facing-scn-risk.htm Germany hopes to work with USA and France on
o dc-oct28b.htm Protest Report: Washington DC
o benefit-death-threat.htm NEWS FLASH! LMT benefit band member
o rick-dewitt.htm Rick DeWitt - Flag FSM
o clam-payroll.htm Look who is on the clams payroll
o r-ebert.htm A Letter to Roger Eber t
o the-profit.htm The Profit: Scientology and Art
o steve-allen2.htm Steve Allen died
o benefit-security.htm LMT Nov. 11th *More* club benefit Security
o wipo-sucks.htm WIPO-sucks.com
o sci-threats.htm Re: NEWS FLASH! LMT benefit band member threatened
o clark-battery-update.htm Update! No wait...
o benefit-radio1.htm LMT Benefit MC on Radio soon!
o protocols-zion.txt Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: A
Russian Hoax
o benefit-radio2.htm Jamie Kennedy Live 11/9/00 on 98 Rock, Tampa, FL
o gold-scam.htm SOLID GOLD SCAM
o homosexual-hubbard.htm This is where the bigot Dan Brye nton got his
ideas about homosexuals from: L Ron (the bigot) Hubbard, one of the
biggest bigots and criminals on this planet.
o homosexual-hubbard2.htm New Times L.A.-11-02: ELRON ON GAYS
o wiki-geller.htm Uri Geller threatens free speech. Letter To
o neo-nazi-nut.htm Neo-Nazi Jan Peter Mante: From the Mouth o f a
o benefit-new-attack.htm New attack on LMT Benefit Concert
o cult-desolved.htm Co$ Toronto DISSOLVED! Was LMT DISSOL VED!
o dan-bryenton-threat.htm When the truth is about to be revealed,
scientology crime cultists always threatens to sue.
o bypass-cult-spam.htm By-passing crime syndicate's spam, Updated
o cult-gains.htm Re: Religion à la carte
o benefit-antonio.htm Re: New attack on LMT Benefit Concert
o sea-org-pubs.htm Re: mingling between Sea Org and publics
o lmt-faq.htm The Lisa McPherson Trust FAQ ---PGP signed
o why-scientology-hates.htm Why Scientology Hates Critics and Music
o usa-opposes-justice.htm Important french article: Cults and USA
(cults have already won)
o cult-defrad.htm Microsoft bows to pressure on Scientology link
o lm-torture-logs.htm Lisa McPherson Caregiver Logs
o bush-lied.htm UPDATE: More LIES from GEORGE W. BUSH
o sf-nov4.htm SF Picket Report, Saturday November 4 , 2000
o windows-hack.htm MS helps you hack Scientology out of Win2k
o diarrhetics.htm Kansas City band song about Dianetics
o benefit-update4.htm LMT Benefit Concert update 11/4/00
o cult-cowards.htm Scn puppets are lilly -livered cowards
o lrh-charlatan.htm Hubbard as a Charlatan
o sf-nov4-kw.htm picket report, San Francisco, 11/4/00
o gregg-subp.htm I got a SubPeenee! Did You?
o gregg-harassed.htm River Oaks resident wages monthly war with
o hard-drive.htm Privacy: Can your PC be subpoenaed?
o hitler-cos.htm Adolph Hitler
o horns.htm Clearwater, 28/Apr/2000 -- Clearwater Protest
o hungary2.htm Story from (MTI) Hungarian news agency about book
about Scientology in Hungary, 5/08/2000
o independance-day.htm The day I decided to go free
o inflated.htm The Scientologist conspiracy: It's bigger than you
o lightlink.htm Homer Wilson Smith Closes Open NNTP S erver
o look-for.htm What to look for when dealing with Scientology
o minton-trial.htm BOB MINTON TRIAL
o nelson.htm An Open Letter to nelsonjr
o net-loss.htm CyberSurfing - Scientology Deplores Net Losses.
o next-100.htm Re: How will scientology change in the next 100 years?
o no-members.htm 144 Churches of Scn'gy and 200 Missions of Scn'gy =
8 million members?
o ot-sum.htm Operating Thetan Summary and Analysis
o prozac-def.htm Book slams Prozac as overused, dangerous
o rinder-lied3.htm $cientology's Mike Rinder LIES 3
o rock98-lerma.htm WKLS Atlanta Rock98 interview with Lerma
o stalked.htm I'm being stalked
o the-finger.htm John Travolta won't talk to The Finger
o toronto6.htm Toronto Picket Report (late) - May 13 2000
o up-stat.htm Holysmoke.org web stats hit a huge spike
o woods3.htm interview with Bonnie Wood s
o xenu-net.htm So much for knowing what you talk about...
o xenuhatesme.htm Xenu hates me! Sung to the tune of....
o 12step.htm twelve steps vs $cio
o ackroyd.htm Oh yeah, celeberty spotting at the Toronto Picket
o another-nazi.htm Toronto Picket Report
o archaic.htm Re: Celebrity Times, June 26 2000: Hilarious article on
o be-ballad.htm The Ballad of Battle field: Earth
o be-cchr.htm Psychiatrists Sink Battlefield Earth
o be-excellent.htm Psychlo Babble
o be-month.htm BE - an enjoyable month
o be-ot.htm So You Want to Be OT?
o be-stuffing.htm Message sent to SCI-FI Central Webmaster...
o business.htm The business of cults
o censor-right-wing.htm PeaceFire finds Software Censorship Companies
use Double Standards
o clam-song.htm FWD: Clam Song
o commercial-cos.htm Revenue Court: Scientology is purely a
commercial operation
o crime-syndicate-vs-religion.htm Scientology differences from
o deal.htm Scientology leader wanted a deal
o deal2.htm Scientology leader wanted a deal
o dia-rev2.htm Two book reviews "Dianetics" Amazon.com
o dutch2.htm News: Dutch ex-member petitions court
o emeter-creator.htm Mathison article on his original e -meter
o facade.htm Expose Scientology fac ade
o france6.htm A "BOMB" INTO SCIENO French "GARDENS"
o france7.htm France to crack down on cults
o france-end.htm The french Assemblée Nationale [Congress] ready to
start war against cults
o germany-faq.htm FAQ: scientology in Germany
o get-rid.htm Tips on how to get Rid of Scientology - by L Ron
o ggd.htm Good reading 2: RELIGION INC.
o hatelit2.htm Germany. Scientologists Fined for Hate Literature
o help-others.htm He's fighting his way slowly back from the brink of
o hubbard-claims.htm Hubbard claims of Scn superiority
o ice-pick.htm Re: How the United States has supported the
Scientology crime cult part 6
o kristi2.htm picket report, San Francisco, June 3, 2000
o lara.htm Picket Report Canberra Org, 3rd June 2000
o lopez.htm Scientologists are the "most ethical people on the
o lrhb-reject.htm Hereby proclaiming the silliness of proclamations
o mental-health.htm treatment of severely mentally ill people against
their will
o newman.htm Ron Newman and (-AB-)
o no-ads.htm Scientology ads in university student newspaper? Not
o padgett-plead.htm Man pleads innocent to fugitive charge
o paris-raid.htm Van Ruymbeke attacks Scientology
o paris3.htm French police raid Scientology's Paris offices: report
o prayer2.htm The Scientologist's Prayer
o profile-lrh.htm The funny and bizarre world of $cientology
o prozac-praise.htm In praise of Prozac
o prozac-lore.htm PROZAC - New directions. Science, money drive a
o quiet.htm Toronto Picket Report June 3, 2000: All Quiet on the
Northern Front.
o religion-inc.htm Good reading material part 1: RELIGION INC.
o religion.fraud.htm CST Legal Papers 15 The "Scientology Religion"
o rtc-lobby.htm RTC Lobbyists
o safrica.htm SOUTH AFRICA: Scientology bid for school turned down
o satanist-hubbard.htm Hubbard participates in Satanic RItual
o science3.htm Science
o selling.htm Computers get all the good jobs
o slapp2.htm Getting SLAPPed
o steve-allen.htm Actor Steve Allen's Open Letter to Heber Jentzsch
o stupid-actors.htm Irish Times (1997): Stupidity from Actors
o talon-sec-cos.htm Re: Talon Security - Co$ Spammers?
o theta-eng.htm Theta Engineering, Costa Mesa CA - wants no more mail
o waky-ofman.htm Wacky letter by Frank Ofman:
o wicca3.htm Wicca is scientological?! ROTFL!
o wise-irs2.htm WISE and the IRS again
o yanny.htm Attack the Attacker - Article about Joeseph Yanny vs
$cientology [repost]
o pts.htm Might I suggest the letters PTS be used for this?
o profile-s.htm Church[sic] of Scientology
o spammers-dead.htm Two Spammers Shot Dead
o feaver.htm I must down to the seas a gain
o elect.htm Scientologist electrocuted
o dancing.htm I Want to Be Dancing with Witches Tonight
o cogdiss2.htm A Theory of Cognitive Dissonace
o xenutv4.htm New at XENU TV: Picket from last Sunday
o moscow.htm What is behind the arrest of Russia’s top independent
television mogul
o lisapoem.htm In memory of Lisa McPherson. a poem by Charlotte L.
o france3.htm AFP=06-16: Human Rights Group denies Co$ connection
o stifgnus.htm Eureka! Scientists break speed of light
o har-den.htm Harassment by scientologist denounced
o wsks.htm When Scholars Know Sin
o public-interest.htm Chris Chandler responds to your criticisms
o elvis.htm Elvis said: "Fuck those people!"
o to-staff.htm To the Inet Monit Unit
o poetry.htm The Passing of the Gael
o welcomes.htm Scientology welcomes you!
o kima.htm The Bare-Faced Messiah Interviews
o war-hero-not.htm Scientology lies to Fortean Times about Ron the
"War Hero"
o thetan-cute.htm It's all so very thetan cute
o terry-f.htm new at www.scientology -lies.com: Terry F responds
o france-deaths.htm a proof of tolerance from France justice and govt
o copywrong.htm copyright violation Scientology policy?
o rel-inc3.htm Good reading 3
o buttnor-upset.htm 2-hour picket today in Clearwater
o teacher.htm TORONTO : School Teacher Attacked by Co$.
o bootcamp3.htm Info about Mace-Kingsley Ranch School
o bootcamp4.htm Re: Mace Kingsley school in New Mexico (USA), CoS run
o spanish.htm Spanish Trial News continued...
o censor-list.htm Scientology censorware list.
o joke.htm A little joke...
o malice.htm Ruling of the Supreme Court in Canada in Hill v. Church
of Scientology,
o greek2.htm $cientology Infiltration of Greek Government
o northwest.htm Saved by a Rumor
o sick-cult.htm Sick Cult
o psychguy.htm Analyzing scientology. Brief course of therapy treats
panic disorder (PD). Significant advances in Alzheimer's treatment.
Psychiatrists move to restrict the use of restraints
o oto.htm Quotes/info on Hubbard and OTO
o osa-goons.htm ICOB 30 June 2000 LIES AND DECEPTION
o france5.htm French Assembly Approves Controversial Anti -Sect Bill
o bat-squ.htm THE BATTLE WITH THE 'SQUIRRELS'; When the Doctrine
Leaves the Church[sic]
o convicted.htm Convicted?
o anti-cult-law.htm Church[sic] attacks new French anti -cult law
o lm-pub-rec.htm Lisa McPherson Public Record 001-010
o kathryn.htm fwd: Kathryn's story
o kaeli2.htm Kaeli Attacked by Co$.
o jonestown-for-the-rich.htm Who'll save the serfs in the Land of the
o absurdity.htm Your Friendly Neighbourhood Scientologist Revealed!
o forced-labor.htm Forced laborer sues Scientology for back pay
o gregg-libel.htm TORONTO: Libel Suit- First Salvo -Demand for
o germans-sci.htm "U.S., the Germans - and Scientology"
o coronor-log.htm Coroner's Log
o best-of-stupid.htm The Best of the Scientology Lunatics in ARS
o byll23.htm Morrigan: Let the debate begin!
o dr-woods.htm Mary Jo Melone's article in the St. Pete Times
o clovis.htm HELP! Clovis CA. is being invaded!
o cancer-cos.htm Re: A scientology-approved death
o asylum.htm Scientologist asylum: The big bluff
o inj-none.htm From Wednesday's (June 28 , 2000) injunction hearing
o padgett23.htm Padgett LITIGATION Update 23
o is-it-legal.htm Is legal harassment 'legal?'
o ramsey-at-home.htm TORONTO: Ramsay Disciplined by Rogers@Home.com
o downfall.htm some thoughts: why the downfall of scientology is
o holo-deny.htm Holocaust Deniers and Scientology
o cwpd-cd-index.htm partial index of Lisa Mcpherson CD from
Clearwater police
o allstate-cos.htm Allstate Admits Training Was 'Unacceptable'
o high-press.htm 'Church' Markets Its Gospel With High -Pressure Sales
o kaeli3.htm Canada Day Guerrilla picket --Toronto Org, July 1st 2000
o punishment.htm Defectors Recount Lives of Hard Work, Punishment
o canada-day.htm Toronto Picket Report: Canada Day Surprise! (And
Another Assault!]
o israel.htm Zoglobek Workers "Intimidated and Threatened" by
Scientology Practitioners
o vulnerable.htm More on Vulnerability
o velcro.htm Gwen Jones Exposed <velcrokitty9@home.com>
o no-lady.htm WORDS FROM ABOVE
o gregg5.htm Police Calls, Lawyers, End Revenge Pickets in Oakville
o accid.htm RPE: Myer death accidental
o watcher-tech.htm Kristi Wachter <humanrights@racerrecords.com>
o real-numbers.htm Some Real Numbers: Scn 'membership'
o fake-declare.htm ATTN EX-SCNS Declared Fakes: CCEO #145 & OT8
Synthesized in1991
o osa-reichett.htm Scientology - OSA - geheimdienst operation gegen
Peter Reichelt
o for-dummies.htm Religious Freedom for Dummies
o cloaking.htm Dear Senator D'Amato,
o arscc-rep.htm Biannual ARSCC Status Report from the Secretary --
o knights.htm The Knights of Xenu
o barvaria.htm Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior: What is
o buy-verdict.htm Another case of $cientology attempting to buy a
o hemet5.htm Barb Warr and ShyDavid do Gold Base picket, 5 July 2000
o mailing.htm Lerma does mailing to 1650+ $cientologists
o france-nsa.htm NOW, the TRUE reason for which US govt attacks
Europe: the USA govt "Missed witthold"
o whitney.htm Wayne Whitney - "My Story"
o ls.htm More just in.......L's recalls
o dennis.htm DENNIS ERLICH On Co$ Child Abuse and Neglect / Co$
Imprisonment / Co$ Gulags
o not-secret.htm Sacred teachings not secret anymore / Scientology
harasses Herald reporter
o cancels.htm Regarding illegal cancel messages. Some stats.
o gps.htm "Gold Base" French-German ICBM / Tom Cruise Missle
o moxons.htm Moxon and Shupe prepare a cademic presentation!
o rp-chas.htm Revenger Picketers chased away by Law Enforcement
o harridan.htm Toronto Picket Report June 24th, 2000
o fight-for-freedom.htm This is the ultimate fight for freedom,
o all-wet.htm Cold bubbly and live agents
o erlich-aff.htm Affidavit of Dennis Erlich
o shiona.htm Shiona Fox-Ness Official Resignation from the Co$
o hip-hip.htm Big suprise classic: Hip, hip, hurray !
o anti-can.htm Cynthia Kisserr writes about Shupe/Moxon paper about
o erlich-whyte.htm Dennis Erlich Statement to court
o comev-hubbard.htm Committee of Evidence - L Ron Hubbard
o stacy-mayer2.htm More about Stacey Myer / Moxon. E -mail just
o ran-planet.htm "IF I RAN THE PLANET"
o aff-brief.htm Report on AFF's 2000 Annual Conference: Cults & The
o the-sane.htm Wonko the Sane on Science
o longon-wis.htm Scientology Exhibition Review [London]
o osa-ars.htm Clams are OSA Goons
o fake-asylum.htm Fake Asylum Commendation / Fake Asylum Letters
o lds-revision.htm ATTN Gerry Armstrong. Mormons act like Scientolog
o need-to.htm Clams - what you need to know
o bra-merchant.htm The Smoking Gun Picks Copyright Fight With Panty
Peddler Rifling Victoria's Drawers
o violation.htm Re: REQ: Criticism a human rights violation?
o wrong.htm something inherently wrong with Scientologists
o really.htm How Scientology REALLY became a 'religion'
o be-rev6.htm Amazon.Com Book Review: Battlefield Earth
o be-why.htm Why cults produce bad art: "Battlefield Earth" and
o gary-scarff.htm Re: Garry Scarff: Taking It Like a Man
o at-cause.htm Re: At Cause Over Askme.com?
o deaths-i-know.htm Scn.related deaths I know about
o hubbard-ra.htm An unreleased News article from 1984
o g-barnes.htm Release of Liability C of S FSO
o carpet-dudes.htm "Carpet Dudes" at FLAG
o jesus.htm Hubbard's Views On Christianity
o fake3.htm Fake Asylum sworn testimony
o fake4.htm Older story on Fake Asylum
o rel-cloak.htm Re: Why John Fashanu Is After Me
o ins-asylum-fraud.htm INS and fraudument asylum
o alien-media.htm Aliens blast hate monging media
o fbi-emai.htm FBI e-mail Snooping Device Attacked
o xenu-conf.htm Re: Picket, fun with thugs (gold base)
o hogram1.htm 'hogram #1
o hogram2.htm 'hogram #2
o ofman-debate.htm Letter to Frank Ofman
o false-invoice.htm H A S: The False Invoice Rundown (Tax Evasion)
o mcmaster.htm John McMaster: SCIENTOLOGY VICTIM
o domain-battle.htm Scientology loses domain battle
o warrants.htm Scientology leaders named in warrants
o i20clinic.htm Stephen Kent expertise about I -20 animal clinic
o psy-cos-sex.htm Scientologists Defending Psychiatrists Rights To
Engage In Sex With Patients
o quiet-picket.htm Toronto Picket, July 15, 2000
o fraud-policy.htm fraud is Scn policy: my old post on the OCA
evaluation script
o crime-cultist.htm Are you a German crime cultist? How not to pay
o fear-of-scientology.htm Fear, mistrust kill plan to rebuild
o outlawed.htm [Destructive] Cults must be outlawed to protect young
o cts-mystery.htm The Mystery of Sherman Lenske, Galaxy Productions
o bogus3.htm Scientology 'Anti-brainwashing' front group
o rpf2.htm Re: The RPF
o rpf4.htm Re: Alright, I guess RPF _is_ a concentration camp, but a
relatively low-grade one.
o crtquot.htm Judicial statements regarding the Nature of Scientology
o rpf3.htm RPF and R/Ses
o informed.htm Well-Informed Citizens Increasingly Rare in
Information Age
o on-hold.htm Soothing the Savage Caller -- Scientology brainwashing
o bob-think.htm Re: Testimonials for DobbsThink (tm)
o another-death.htm Another Scn. related death
o vow-fight.htm Mother vows to continue her fight with Scientology
o the-liars.htm The liars on www.par ishioners.org
o asi-be.htm bronze clam cluster for Steven O. Ellis
o family-man.htm Church founder not an ideal family man
o scanizdat.htm Re: scientology-kills.net taken by UFO cultist?
o blish.htm Found Blish book LRH reference details (The Warriors of
o looking-back.htm Thinking twice, and looking back
o norway-oslo.htm CoS Norway news
o natascha.htm Re: New from LMT Media: Interview with Natascha:
o competetor.htm Catholic Church warns of Scientology front
o changing-tech.htm The Ever Changing Tech of Scientology
o costly-escape.htm Costly escape from Cult: A four -year nightmare
for Scientology Critic
o out-town.htm Scientology defendants say lives are in danger
o at-the-con.htm Re: The Ever Changing Tech of Scientology: Comments
o priceless.htm ARS CD archive is pricesless!!!!!
o meyer.htm Re: Meyer was Moxon's daughter?!
o magoo2.htm Re: XENU TV wishes the best for Tory/Magoo
o hartwig.htm Critic Hartwig publishes teen book
o buttnor.htm Edmonton Journal Article re: Al Buttnor, Aug 10, 1995
o the-magoo.htm The Magoo/Tory/Africa. OSA surely managed to fool
some critics. :-)
o mitchell.htm Mitchell vs. CST (Atty:Moxon) --Mitchell/Carey Reply
o baby-abuse.htm News, Australia 2000: Baby hurt in fall - Daily
Telegraph (Sydney), Mon 14 Feb 2000, p9
o cases.htm Scientology court cases
o la-picketing.htm Picketing and protesting in Los Angeles
o mitchel2.htm Mitchell vs. CST (Atty: Moxon) --Appeal Brief [Repost]
o mitchel3.htm Mitchell vs. CST (Atty:Moxon) Appeal --CST's Brief
o pi-fun.htm Shy David gets stalked by a silly goon. Here's the
story, with pictures!
o gold-base.htm Gold Base: A Drive-by Report
o r-stalk.htm Revenge stalking?!
o malaysia.htm Getting an online glimpse into cults
o vulcan-ears.htm Hilarious Scientology put down
o demented.htm The Ten Most Demented Films Ever Made
o rons-office.htm FROM RON'S OFFICE
o threats.htm Re: Interesting addition to the webring
o france-missing.htm Scientology Papers Inquiry Begins
o barb-sd1.htm picket report, San Diego 21 July
o more-deaths6.htm More deaths with Scientology
o tory.htm Congratulations; Tory!
o no-bullshit.htm www.no-bullshit.co.uk Lermanet Review
o silly-op.htm Re: Email I received (almost as daft as Dorsai666's
o bogus-can2.htm TravisSargent lied about the crime syndicate's 'CAN'
o jews-die-scn.htm Did Six Million Jews Die for Scientology?
o ursula2.htm Re: New from LMT Media: Ursula arrives in CW
o horn.htm Vive La France! - I came, I blew my horn, they ran -
scieno picket of french embassy [cluck cluck]
o cchr-watch.htm CCHR Stand will be specially monitored
o truth-cult.htm The Truth fails the sect test
o padgett25.htm Padgett LITIGATION update 25
o mitchell-arg.htm Mitchell Oral Arguments
o w-lied.htm From Warrior: Scientology lied to me over and over for
o chiro.htm Chiropractic promotions - Do you want to have a million
dollar practice?
o blue-balls.htm Erwin Annau is baaaaack!
o dennis-clarke.htm Batterer Dennis Clarke on air now
o clarke2.htm Re: New from LMT Media: Batterer Dennis Clarke
o wise99-usa.htm WISE 99 - United States
o ursula3.htm You are a killer! You kill people in Germany! You
killer, you!"
o lyon-org.htm Picketing Lyon Org +, France
o cabe.htm Open Letter to State Attorney McCabe
o solo-france.htm Solo protest at French Embassy in DC yesterday
o spt-cusula.htm German visitor takes on Scientology
o padgett-letter.htm Cape Cod Times - July 26, 2000 - Letter by Tom
o padgett-hassen.htm Hassan's letter that didn't make the Cape Cod
o perceptions.htm My Picket Perceptions, by Tampawog
o only-hate.htm Two Minutes Hate
o nazis.htm Nazi Cult of Scientology holds a talent show for circus
side-show freaks.
o freaks-cw.htm Re: New fromn LMT Media: Wednesday Night's Picket
o clarke3.htm Dennis Clark Let John Lennon Die
o ursula-sued.htm Ursula Caberta Sued in Florida
o cc-survey.htm Celebrity center survey and stats
o forgery-criminal.htm Uluwoe the forgery criminal
o clear-it.htm Am I wrong here? Please correct me!
o quiz-th.htm Tilman loses court case, partly
o apply-policy.htm OSA Flag Glen Stilo/Ben Shaw and CST Executives -
o from-ma.htm Re: New fromn LMT Media: Wednesday Night's Picket
o silly-attack.htm $cientology persists in attacking my web site
o wsj-clambake.htm The Wall Street Journal selects Operation Clambake
as one of their favorite sites!
o barb3.htm Picket report, San Diego, 28 July 2000
o unnatural-act.htm Telegraph-07-30: Co$ seek religious status under
European Act
o mormon-hp.htm Leadership Denials
o comm-psy.htm Commentary of crime syndicate's spokesperson's posts
o deaths-nz.htm Scientology related deaths in New Zealand.
o third-reich.htm Question for Hubbard sympathizers
o translate.htm Crime Syndicate Speak to English Translation
o cali-pi.htm California Association of Licensed Investigators, Inc.
o science-gods.htm Re: FAQS About Psychiatry
o dia-shill.htm Re: $cientology Shill Mike
o questionaire.htm Questionaire recieved. Dave Bird
o kretchmar.htm Email from Randy Kretchmar
o new-ot7.htm Cult releases new OT VII
o free-thought.htm Hey cult! Where's the free thougt??
o selfish.htm Re: Implications- Memes Meta-Memes and Political
Applications & Infection
o goodnews1.htm GOOD NEWS from OSA Germany
o clampdown.htm fwd: Cult advisers in clash over clampdown
o tom-arnold.htm Tom Arnold on Conan O'Brien Tonight...
o anti-tory.htm Re: On Kindness
o jerking2.htm Keeping Scientology Jerking ++
o ron-the-squirrel.htm Ron the Psych Squirrel has a missed withhold
o lmt.htm Re: The LMT has gone insane
o be-happened.htm Battlefield Earth: What they predicted and what
really happened
o persecutor.htm Demand letter to Prosecutor (persecutor)
o meyer2.htm GOLD accident
o bournemouth.htm Bournemouth Exhibition - Protest Report
o bt-bunch.htm Sing Along with Scientology!
o barb-hawk.htm Re: Hemet again
o pawn.htm Conspiracy to brainwash or legitimate religious
o psy-dep.htm Hour radio show on psychic dependency
o stacy_moxon1.htm Transformer Vault = Chain Locker Room
o padgett26.htm Padgett LITIGATION Update 26
o battery3.htm Batterer Dennis Clark: Update 8/5/00
o stone1.htm Re: Benefit concert for the LMT
o lrh-anti-christ.htm Did Hubbard consider himself the anti christ?
o kwatcher4.htm preliminary picket report, San Francisco, August 5,
o toronto3.htm Picket Report, Toronto, Aug. 5, 2000
o peach1.htm SF Picket Report, Saturday August 5, 2000
o educat2.htm Downtown Clearwater Picket 7-6-2000
o barb-picket.htm picket report San Diego
o stacy_moxon2.htm Moxon - you'd better not upset PoodleBoy again
o sucks.htm "Websites say sucks to big business." CoS "unhappy"
o gandhi-tech.htm Picketing in Clearwater
o toronto-08-05.htm Picket Report -- Toronto Aug 5th, 2000
o stacy_moxon3.htm DON'T LET STACY MEYER DIE IN VAIN
o padgett-jail.htm Tom Padgett in Jail.
o not-asset.htm Scientology is not an asset with negativity, bad
o heber-cables.htm Heber Jentzsch Illegal Legal Efforts
o dm-life.htm A Day in the Life of DM
o stacy_moxon4.htm How does it feel to work for the man who killed
your daughter?
o speaks.htm An EX-Scientologist Speaks
o catch-22.htm Scn'gy is one big Catch -22.
o stacy_moxon5.htm Moxon - your fried daughter
o clark3.htm Dennis Clark announces 'Religious Tolerance' march
o harlan.htm Harlan Ellison on L. Ron Hubbard
o 50-ways.htm New song (apologies to Paul)
o anti-nazi.htm Nazism out, tolerance in
o heber-cables3.htm US spanish embassy telegram in spanish
o cults-today.htm Cults neutralize opposition: example
o enemies3.htm The Scientology Enemies List
o fright.htm Weapons and road route at Golden Era Studios
o family-rejection.htm Demystifying Scientology's rejection of family
o strawn.htm One Woman's Experience with a Chi ld-Molesting
Scientologist and the Cult that Protected Him
o freenet-gui.htm Freenet GUI available as of today
o bogus-can-betrayal.htm Re: Look what Hadden the apologist is
writing on Paulette Cooper
o planting-drugs.htm Drug warfare, Florida style
o letter-cadet.htm A letter from L Ron Hubbard
o scirntology-extortion.htm $cientology extortion and Blackmail
o why-it-hates.htm Why scientology hates psychiatry
o other-myths.htm Weight loss herbs and other myths
o psycho-recruit.htm How Scientology recruits psychopa ths into the
o orwellian.htm CoS complaining about OC images again
o life-in-cw.htm A visitor learns about Clearwater
o dvd.htm MPAA, DeCSS, 2600, and the Religious Tech. Center
o my-speech-jj.htm my speech to Clearwater City Commission tonight
o anti-health.htm WARNING regarding Anti -Mental Health Postings
o scientoloft-equals-fascism.htm Elron vs. the critics, cont.
o new-times.htm New Times L.A. on Scientology
o scientology-is-pro-suicide.htm scientology's medical advice to the
o stacy_moxon6.htm Stacy Meyer's death
o predictable.htm Scientologists are predictable
o chased.htm Scientologist Hospitalized After Jump Into Harbor
o leaped-death.htm Scientologist Commits Suicide, Scientology
o scn-nanny.htm Scientologist "Nanny" Murders Two Children
o barnes-refund.htm Greg and Debra Barnes get their money back from
o lrhoccult.htm L. Ron Hubbard and the Occult
o cult-exempt.htm 09-04-00 Forbes: Mysterious Ways
o hubbard-on-lsd.htm LRH on LSD to FBI
o kult-epelep.htm Scientology Kills Epileptics -- Heribert Pfaff
o oldhubb.htm L. Ron Hubbard was a drugged -out wacko!
o krime-kult-harassment.htm More complaints from Paquette
o barb-8-18-00.htm picket, stealth, San Diego 8/18/2000
o cath-picket.htm Catholics picket their own church!
o atlanta-ethercat.htm Picket Report, Atlanta, AP present
o sandiego.htm My San Diego Psychologist list.
o atlanta-mad-bovine.htm Mad Kow's Picket Report, Atlanta, 8/19/2000
o atlanta-oxford.htm Atlanta Org Picket Report. My first!
o august-19.htm July 19, 2000 picket report, Jeff Jacobsen
o asw.htm alt.scientology.war
o soul-cracking.htm $cientology and "soul cracking" - $cientology vs.
Orwell's 1984
o two-new-critics.htm Two New Critics of Scientology!
o 08-05-00-kriski.htm Belated picket report, San Francisco, August 5
2000, Kristi Wachter
o five-star.htm Five star experts on askme.com
o corfu.htm Times 1968: Hubbard - Child Abuse - Apollo
o snatched.htm Re: Questions for picketers
o amsterdam3.htm Scieno exhibition in Amsterdam
o crime-case-vanished.htm Assault and Battery case mysteriously
o cw-law.htm CW Law 101: Sec. 28.09. Obstructing traffic on
o airport-law.htm Pinellas Law 101: Sec. 18 -52. Airport Personal
o fl-law.htm FL Law 101: 836.05 Threats; extortion, 2nd degree felony
o padgette-5.htm phone call from Tom Padgett
o dm-sodomy.htm Open letter to David Miscavage -- Come volunteer
o even-worse.htm Retrospective-- CoS far worse than I ever thought
now than before
o gold-base-8-22-2000.htm picketGoldBase8_22_2000
o arnie-and-son.htm Arnie and Family
o attacking-france.htm US ex-embassador attacking F rance
o heroin-planted.htm TALES FROM THE CULT, by Jesse Prince
o exe-soft.htm fwd: Executive Software Hiring
o little=hitler.htm TALES FROM THE CULT II, by Jesse Prince
o swastika-rev.htm Swastika revisited
o ban-bible.htm Cult wars: banning the Bible
o anybody-sucked.htm Anyone can be sucked into a cult
o difference.htm The difference Betwee n Scientologists and COS
o third-partying.htm Scientology gives cults a bad name
o parent-visit.htm Welcome to the Next Level: paren ts harassed
o grafitti.htm a new op so close on the heels of the visit to my
o dm-dates.htm Calling All DM Experts
o cw-wogs.htm Wogs in Clearwater
o go-for-gold.htm Where to picket
o oxygen.htm Oxygen and Scientology
o mesa-az-jt.htm Picket Report, Mesa AZ 8/26: Travaolta's Masseur
o saw-the-evil.htm I saw the evil inside the 'church' of scientology.
o barb-sd-8-26.htm Picket report, San Diego, 26 August 2000
o call-to-arms.htm Situation in France?
o in-cw.htm Do you live in Clearwater?
o un-retire.htm DE-LURK: Picket report, San Diego, 8/26/2000
o 6th-annual-cw.htm Clearwater 2000 picket: December 2 -3
o hit-man.htm Dennis Clarke: Human Rights Hit Man
o sd1-blue-xenu.htm Another Picket Report: San Diego 26 Aug 00
o good-links.htm A.R.S. Web Page Summary
o dont-join.htm My short Scientology experience
o dentist-scammed.htm A Message for John S.......
o raw-numbers.htm Hot Poop - Regarding the number of scientologists
on the planet
o heber-lied.htm Re: fwd: Don't call! (was Re: Jentzsch lied about
honorary doctorate?)
o simon-et-al.htm Scientology v. William E. Simon et al
o never-up.htm You'll never get up the Bridge now
o thrown-out.htm Frank Stevenson had asthma.
o david-lee.htm David Lee revelations
o nl-irs.htm NL IRS: Scientology is not a church
o thelama.htm Witchcraft, thelema / theta and Scn, my view
o guts.htm 10 days of working up the guts to post this
o caberta-dismiss.htm Ursula Caberta's motion to dismiss
o protective-motion-gw.htm Motion for protective order in RTC v.
Grady Ward
o caberta-qa.htm Transcript of Ursula Caberta LMT QA session
o lapd-rico.htm LAPD: A Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization
o stalker2.htm SD Still Being Stalked
o moxon-stunts.htm I was privlidged to be present at Ursula Caberta's
o new-book.htm New book: "Married to a Scientologist"
o cult3-jp.htm TALES FROM THE CULT III
o freebarnes.htm Re: New from LMT Media; Greg & Debra Barnes
o dont-do-it.htm Yet another scientology victim
o osa-germany.htm OSA Started trouble In Germany and Spain: Repost
o rosen.htm Samuel D. Rosen
o fr-gay.htm Fredric Rice is gay! Wait until he finds out!
o cook-fraud.htm Scientologist Businessman indicted in $41 million
fraud case
o london-done.htm London org got done
o lebeau.htm Re: Website on David Lebea u / David Lee (minimal)
o susanna-stahl.htm Another major Scientology scam, Sweden in 1986 -89
o kim-b-beast.htm Kim Baker: MY STORY CO NTINUES: THE BEAST
o ot8denounce.htm OT VIII says: "They refuse to pay because they are
o ot8denounce2.htm Ariane Jackson on the real OT VIII
o ot8denounce3.htm Ex-cultist says: "We had to run till we were too
tired to run"
o ot8denounce4.htm Defrauded by Scientologists. Patron Meritorious
the Jody Darling way
o ot8denounce5.htm Diary of a Dying OT VII
o ot8denounce6.htm Harassed for Speaking Out: The Ariane Jackson
o ot8denounce7.htm Scientology "Justice": "A farce and a waste of
o ot8denounce8.htm L. Ron Hubbard says Flag auditors: "Lazy,
dishonest fakes"
o ot8denounce9.htm Scientology: "Everything in it is fake"
o sf-sep-picket.htm picket report, 9/2/00, San Francisco. SF Picket
Report, Saturday September 2, 2000
o ron-norton.htm RON NORTON
o cst2.htm C$T Rabbithole
o oca-cgi.htm Annoy the CoS while exposing them
o police-stalemate.htm police helpless against religious cults
o all-the-loot.htm RTC Crimes #2
o audio-tour.htm Audio Tour of Gold
o chl-hyd.htm Crime syndicate used dope on Lisa McPherson
o marcus-contract.htm The Marcus Group contract
o no-hate-org.htm my letter to the webmaster of no -hate.org
o ect-facts.htm Some facts on ECT for TravisSargent
o up-at-ot-song.htm UP AT OT song, by Murdoch
o retention.htm Cof$ "Retention Rate"
o kristi-sep2.htm picket report, San Francisco, 9/2/ 00
o for-moxon.htm Message to Kendrik Moxon and the cult supporters
o ron-norton2.htm Dear Lurkers, please print and shove under RON
NORTONS office door.
o tilden-neb.htm Tilden, Nebraska, Proud Hometown of ...
o dom-terrorism.htm Domestic terrorism task force needs your i nput
o lovely-gold-base.htm San Diego/Hemet thetans
o howd-trial.htm Howd v. Minton trial transcripts going up
o bg.htm ALERT: Very long: Boston Globe opens up archives, 216
mention Scientology
o padlock.htm $cientology's MIND-PADLOCK
o fdic.htm Make an FOIA request to the FDIC
o sect-filter.htm "sect filter", a relevant legal view
o hayte-mail-scn.htm Scientology Freiheit as Hate Mail
o oprah.htm Re: Oprah Winfrey Show
o totally-fun.htm SCN uses Neo-Nazi and KKK sympathizer in their PR
o big-to-do.htm big event last night in Clearwater
o building.htm Christianity Today: Building Scientopolis
o clear-christ.htm Christianity Today: From Clear to Christ
o objects.htm Christianity Today: Why Christians Object to
o racket.htm Old Article / Christianity Today / Scientology: Religion
or Racket?
o 3faces.htm The Three Faces of Ron
o clammy.htm The First Annual Clammy Awards
o growing-paranoia.htm Scientology's growing paranoia
o cult-apo-faq.htm Cult apologist FAQ
o grady-update1.htm Re: Anyone Seen Grady Ward Around Lately?
o sep9-2000.htm Picket Reports Toronto -- Sept 9th, 2000
o m-outed.htm "M" Outs himself...film at eleven...
o kobey-swap.htm Cult at Swap Meet
o go-on.htm NORWAY: Support for childr en after Isolated Religious
o never-ot.htm You'll never be OT so......
o minton-howd2.htm Re: Howd v. Minton trial in text and html now up
o sandwiess.htm Back to the Seventies - the deaths of Scientologists
David Sandweiss and Louie Pagliaro
o takes.all.htm Cash, Bonds, Titles, etc. -- Scino Accepts All
o asho-email.htm Sea Org e-mail addresses
o business2.htm The Nation - Scn is Business
o barb-sep7.htm stealth picket report 9/7/2000
o rinder-the-liar.htm 'Reverend' Rinder complains about pickets
o day-out.htm Xenu's Big Day Out
o dandar-lies.htm Danar Hoverson complains about Lisa McPherson
criminal case
o brick-cw.htm Critics: help beautify downtown Clearwater!
o class-action.htm Re: This Ritalin class action?
o permits.htm 3 bldg permits for the criminal cult in Riverside
o fallacies.htm Logical fallacies of the False Dorsai
o gonnet2.htm an ex-Wise tries to intimidate me.
o caberta-noise.htm Noisy Investigation of Ursula Caberta
o will-stop-if.htm I will stop protesting Scientology if ...
o arizona3.htm Picket Report: Monty Python Eats in Mesa, AZ
o to-all.htm To Scn members in or out
o atlanta-attracts.htm News: "Scientology attracts pickets,
o hubbard-hitler.htm Hubbard and Hitler, by Kim Baker
o lrh-hitler-pr.htm Hitler and Hubbard and Black PR
o 2picket.htm Twin Pickets: Gold 9/16 & Blue 9/17
o cult-abombs.htm One Cult, Two Cults and W eapons of Mass Destruction
o cook3.htm "Las Vegas Review-Journal", 8/31/2000: AZ businessman
charged with fraud donated $1.8 million to Co$
o fed-law-cos.htm Federal law - Tampering with a witness. Civil
action to restrain harassment. Solicitation to commit a crime.
o kember.htm Re: Sentencing Memorandum in US v. Kember and Budlong;
o barb-gold-sep16.htm picket, gold base, 16 Sept 2000
o ritalin.htm Ritalin Lawsuits
o junk-sci.htm "Junk Science" page includes Scientology
o dh-gold.htm Picket Report: "Gold Base", September 16 -17, 2000
o mirmirani.htm People v. Mirmirani , 30 Cal.3d 375
o mendoza.htm People v. Mendoza (1997), 59 Cal.App.4th 1333
o gudger.htm People v. Gudger, 29 Cal.App.4th 310
o laundry.htm New Suppressive Tech: Laundromats
o baker-us.htm United States v. Baker
o conditional-threat.htm "Unconditional": United States v. Kelner
o stanfield.htm People v. Stanfield, 32 Cal.App.4th 1152
o cw-denounce.htm 1979: Clearwater Chamber of Commerce renounces cult
o pis.htm Scientology's Private Investigators
o sbrooks-cond.htm People v. Brooks, 26 Cal.App.4th 142
o avoid-list.htm top things to avoid if you're planning on staying
o pic-wanted-can.htm A report is being prepare d on the destruction
and takeover of CAN (Cult awareness Network) by the 'Church' of
o not-conf.htm Court sez: Confession not confidential
o oca-test-faked.htm OCA-Test-Fake revealed
o starkey.htm Stansfield v. STARKEY, 220 Cal.App.3d 59 (some CST fun)
o knapp.htm Knapp v. City of Gardena, 221 Cal.App.3d 344
o rohrbasser.htm ROHRBASSER v. LEDERER , 179 Cal.App.3d 290 (Lenske,
Lenske and Heller)
o jacobon-crosstalk.htm CrossTalk Productions, Inc. v. Jacobson
(1998), 65 Cal.App.4th 631 (Heller & Edwards)
o t-pagett-out.htm update from Tom Padgett
o censorship-award.htm Jerry Pournelle covers Scientology cult's
censorship at awards
o ramsey-rem.htm FLASH: The Repugnant Mr. Ramsay Reproved by Rogers.
o webring.htm ARSCC Webpage Homepage under attack
o davie-bombed.htm Miscavige gets bombed
o terrorist-ca.htm Preliminary list of California and other
"terrorist threat" cases
o minkoff-dead.htm SP Times-09-22: Minkoff back in the news
o cult-anti-bomb.htm Cult takes anti-bombing stance
o ultimate.htm The Ultimate Threat to Scientology
o rules-cw.htm draft of picketing r ules for Clearwater 2000, Dec. 2 -3
o heart-attacks.htm Scientology Creates Heart Attacks
o bum-tech.htm Harrassment Report
o john-zegel1.htm John Zegel - prophet [part 1] [LONG]
o xenu-city.htm Xenu City (Clearwater) Name Change Municipal Petition
o camera-tech1.htm Picket safety - video camera tech (Eagle, Hawk and
o tales6.htm Tales From the Cult VI
o takes7.htm Tales from the Cult VII by Jesse Prince
o pedrito.htm Ai! Pedrito! A review
o dm-com-ev.htm Specifics on DM Comm. Ev.?
o cult-diding-cw.htm Scientology hid December 1999: from the picket
o 3ruin-utterly.htm The cult of scientology uses 3 steps to ruin a
person utterly.
o assaulted-by-cult.htm Couple assaulted by cultists will now own
cult compound
o marriage-fatal.htm Interview with Ilse Hruby about her marriage
with a Scientologist
o pitty-them.htm New Times L.A.-09-28: Pity the Scientologists
o koos-scn-resp.htm Why the "Church" is disavowing Koos Nolst Trenite
o guilty-plea.htm OPP Scientology raid finally nets guilty plea
o brown-threat.htm "Conditional" threats: People v. Brown, 20
Cal.App.4th 1251
o watts-threat.htm Definitive threat case: WATTS v. UNITED STATES,
394 U.S. 705 (1969) 394 U.S. 705
o cult-fly-trash.htm Riverfest aftermath: One giant cleanup.
o the-ho-rico.htm Re: To Shy David re: Hoden's mistakes.
o in-failure.htm Scientology in Failure
o misleading.htm Financial Times-09-30: Co$ misleadings advertisement
o avatar-osa.htm Avatar's One-Man OSA
o jazz-cw.htm Jazz concert in Clearwater last night
o clambake-4years.htm OC: More complaints from cult lawyers
o real-tech.htm *Real* LRH tech
o hemet-pd-background.htm Hemet Police Investigators: Lt. Emmons of
the Clearwater Police Department
o flowers-cb.htm Flowers next to the trashcan...
o cult-rage.htm A father in cult rage: Reformatted R -rated version
o brighton-sep30.htm Picket, Saturday 2000/sept/30, Brighton (UK).
o wood-office-cw.htm Medical examiner leaves office
o comm-ve-dm.htm Comm Ev - David Miscavige - 1984
o picket-cw-sep30.htm picket in Clearwater 9/30/00
o clear-stats.htm Re: CoS statistics wanted
o toronto-sep30.htm Picket Report Toronto, Sept 30th, 2000
o john-brown.htm John Brown would have f ought to free $cientology's
o copyright-violation-relaypoimnt.htm Copyright violation removed
o how-cult-da.htm How the cult dead agents its victims.... my final 9
o pouring-funds.htm Journalist Ray Suarez talks about whether to pour
federal funds into religious organizations
o real-science.htm real science
o first-sp.htm Alan Walter, Clear #8, writes about the cult and SP
o burbank-osa-handcuffed.htm OSA HANDCUFFED IN BURBANK!!!!
o ten-percent-myth.htm ESSAY: Scientology and the Great 10% Myth
o scn-attacker.htm The Evil of Spreading False Data and
Misinformation. Pharmacist Attacked
o mcshane-testify.htm Happy birthday Mr. McShane
o bankrupt-fraud.htm Real bankruptcy fraud
o clark-battery.htm Just-in: Dennis Clarke, head of CCHR, is suspect
in two (2) battery cases per CPD.
o end-product.htm The end product of Scientology: paranoia
o so-kids.htm An anonymous poster provided a list of minors in the
Sea Org in Clearwater, Florida in 1992.
o honk-osa.htm Re: New from LMT Media: Picket Footage from Clearwater
o lawfirm-fraud.htm state seeks $ from CPA firm involved with alleged
corporate fraud
o organized-crime-fbi.htm Organized Crime & The FBI
o wis-fr.htm What Is Scientology?
o ron-returned.htm To LRH's friends in the Sea Org
o sim-cult.htm simulated scientologists
o seek-refunds.htm Noisy Investigations
o northrup-hubbard.html Sara Northrup Hubbard - Complaint For Divorce
o scn-troll.htm Sex trolls of "Ian Rowe Industries"
o leaving-difficult.htm Leaving [cults] difficult without
o claims-of-cure.htm How the cult claims to cure disease (was: NOTS!
New readers of this group (A MUST READ!))
o price-list-oct-2000.htm Price List - Oct 2000
o lopez-update.htm Lopez case update
o lawsuit-happy.htm Scientology Organization sues Interior Agency and
"sect commissioner"
o nazis-in-france.htm The Mission to combat cu lts general secretary
coming to CW??
o butnor-son.htm Edmonton Journal, Oct 7, 2000 Rev Al Buttnor's 18 yr
old son murdered.
o dan-bryenton.htm Re: Dorsai666 hyprocrisy MAJOR CORRECTION
o kw-oct7.htm picket report (incl. revenge picket), San Francisco,
Oct 7, 2000
o not-going-away.htm Is it just me or ...
o rp-sf-oct7.htm SF Picket Report, Sat Oct 7, 2000
o tin-foil.htm Tin Foil Hats
o cw-quiet.htm picket tonight at bank building in Clearwater
o to-canada.htm Re: INVITATIONS TO HATE
o sen-hatch.htm Salt Lake Tribune-10-09: Sen. Hatch supports
o make-a-deal.htm How to make a deal: David Miscavige, the leader of
the pack, writes to Bernie McCabe, the prosecutor in the Lisa
McPherson case.
o shaman.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. TO B E OR NOT TO
o dd.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. The Spectrum of
Dissociative Disorders
o castitout.htm Understanding Scientology Mi nd Control. The Evolution
of a Belief System Regarding Possession & Exorcism
o mpd-did.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. MULTIPLE
o newrxmp.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. A New Treatment
Approach for Multiple Personalities
o raise.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. A GUIDE TO
o mpd&cr.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. MULTIPLE
o mpdinct.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. THE MULTIPLE
o postrial.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. THE POSSESSION
o spirit.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. SPIRITUAL
o dd..htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. Study: Recovery, "
Coping With Trance States"
o post-cult.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. Study:
Recovery, "Post-Cult Trauma Syndrome"
o repair.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. Study: Recovery,
" Repairing The Soul After A Cult" 1/2
o repair2.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. Study:
Recovery, " Repairing The Soul After A Cult" 2/2
o coming-out.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. Study:
Recovery, "Coming Out of the Cults"
o it-hurts.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. Study:
Recovery, "It Hurts"
o isolation-space.htm article on isolation
o dead-elwrong.htm Psychic speaks to L. Ron's spirit: hated
Travolta's BE
o cw-plan2.htm Plan offered to remake downtown Clearwater
o bogus-vow.htm Psychics see vow of clairvoyance
o brian-ambry.htm "SLY AND TALL EDGY LURKS" --- Brian Ambry
o tax-lien.htm Court Orders Church to Vacate Premises in Tax Lien
o cw-ne-me.htm Bush appoints physician as medical examiner
o sea-org-parent.htm [COSinvestigations] Parent of a Sea Org Member
o miscavige-screamer.htm Miscavige's Treatment of his Staff was
o almost-framed.htm Attempt to create criminal record EXPOSED!
o cult-hype.htm truth vs cult hype / fiction...antidote for elronitis
o thought-reform2.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control. Thought
Reform Programs and the Production of Psychiatric Casualties
o da-illegal-ca.htm Scientologists posting personal Dead Agent fliers
ruled illegal in Quebec
o copyright-terrorism-example.htm Dear Mr. Rashleigh-Berry. Crime
syndicate whore's letter.
o canada-name.htm Canadian domain name lost
o scientology-mind-control.htm Understanding Scientology Mind Control
o harrassment-via-tro.htm Restraining Order on local Canberra Human
Rights Activist
o ray-kemp-lied.htm Ray Kemp runs the $RH Power 'postulate' Con
o barbs-big-win.htm Barb's Genuine Big Win!
o swiss-bad-nws.htm Bad news for Co$ in Switzerland
o cult-rifles.htm correction on Scientology's paranoia growing
o padgett28.htm Padgett Litigation UPDATE 28
o babylon-workings.htm The Babalon Working
o contact.feds.htm Federal Contacts for Scientology Crimes
o repugnant-ramsay-lied2.htm OSA AGENT Peter Ramsay is malicious.
o vnt-forbidden.htm PARIS EVENT FORBIDDEN (english translation)
o melton-channel.htm SPEAK Mag Rebuttal
o crime-syndicate-ups.htm UPS, more than a parcel service, was:
Scientology: Dubiose , Verbind ungen mit UPS
o paquette-goes-nuts.htm Re: Unauthorized Use of 'Registered
o jac-horner.htm Jack Horner declared "Fair Game"
o crime-manual.htm Criminal Instruction Manual Seized in FBI Raids
o cult-at-work.htm Lyle Stuart's Open letter to NY Times Jan 3 1988.
Danger: Cult at Work! The truth about Scientology
o gw-telephone.htm alert: telephone record intrusion attempt
o tory-criminal.htm NOW THEY SAY I AM A CRIMINAL>>>>>>
o osa-attack.htm An OSA-induced cult stupor
o tp2.htm Letter to Editor from Tom Padgett
o tp1.htm Tom Padgett is out of jail
o tp3.htm Message from Tom Padgett to ARS
o tp0.htm Tom Padgett OUT OF JAIL
o free-winds.htm 'FREE WINDS' is the safest space in the world
o boss-day.htm Hilarious article about National Boss Day
o liberty-tree2.htm Historical Precedents for this War to Expose
Scientology Part ONE
o toronto-oct21.htm Picket Report: Toronto, Ontario Canada, Oct 21/00
Paulette gets Hot.
o crimianlity-and-the-law.htm Criminality and the Law, by Homer
Wilson Smith
o toronto-oct21b.htm Picket Report: Toronto, Ontario Canada, Oct
21/00 --BY Ensign Kim and Gregg
o paris4.htm PARIS event: court for "religious hate crimes"
o padgett29.htm Padgett Litigation UPDATE 29
o warrior-button.htm Dialogues with Scientology
o lmt-literati-press.htm LMT Literati Press Release on wire
o paris-footbullet.htm Paris demonstration report
o cult-penal-caps.htm Scientology's slave labor camp: Rehabi litative
Brainwashing Force
o edmonton-one.htm Edmonton Picket transcripts - Part One
o edmonton-two.htm Edmonton Picket Transcripts - Part two
o edmonton-three.htm Edmonton Picket transcript - part three
o edmonton-four.htm Edmonton Picket transcript, part four
o edmonton-five.htm Edmonton Picket transcripts - Part 5
o fwdsectm.htm Sect member leads searchers to children's bodies
o fwdpasto.htm Pastor says McKinney learns seriosuness of Matthew
Shepard's murder
o indep.htm What is Independent Thinking?
o travolta-lottery.htm New Times L.A.-10-26: J.T. looking more gay
than ever. L.A.Weekly -10-26: Travolta Movie Sucks. Big Time!
o paris5.htm Clams allies sue the French Missio n against Cults!!
o benefit-bigger.htm LMT Benefit just getting bigger!
o spammer-mpd.htm How many Snorribots do we have here?
o skul-and-bones.htm Bush & Skull and Bones: The Racist Nightmare at
o yes-excalibur.htm Yes, There Was a Book Called "Excalibur" by L.
o cult-mindkill.htm Wanted: cult mind-kill
o birmingham-nov5.htm PICKET 2000/Nov/05, Birmingham (UK).
o hydrothermal-energy-corp.htm HYDROTHERMAL ENERGY CORP. v. FORT
o padgett30.htm Padgett Litigation UPDA TE 30
o padgett30b.htm Re: Padgett Litigation UPDATE 30
o steve-zad-tro.htm Restraining Order: Steve Zadarnowski
o bob-bet.htm Re: Prediction for 2001
o benefit-kennedy-email.htm LMT benefit concert update -Jamie Kennedy
o padgett30c.htm Re: REGARDING TOM PADGETT vs. emaresca
o benefit-music.htm Are you judging the bands simply by their names?
o benefit-art-sale.htm More LMT benefit concert GOOD news!
o benefit-safety2.htm Re: LMT Benefit Concert update 11/4/00
o newsguy-censored.htm Newsguy CENSORSHIP of the word 'PayPal'
o medina-censor.htm WA Court Bars Enforcement of Medina's "Get a
License to Talk" Law
o cyber-patrol-aclu.htm ACLU Gives Clients Green Light to Post
Blocking Software Code
o cult-info-nov5.htm Trip Report on Cult Info Service Meeting, Nov 5,
Newark N.J.
o child-starved.htm Trial opens to decide if mother starved girl to
o satanist-asylum.htm German Satanist seeks asyl um in USA
o clambake-4years-old.htm Op. Clambake celebrates 4 years online
o chr.htm The CoS attempted to take over Britain's Nat ional
Association of Mental Health. The tactic used was for hundreds of
Scientologists to join the organisation and thus gain voting
rights. This link is to the short book Believe What You Like by
C.H. Rolph.
o bogus-web-site.htm Re: Bogus Cult's Bogus Web Site
o uri-caught-again.htm Re: The Skeptical_Wiki survives Day 1
o koos-sec-checked.htm SUPER SCIO - KOOS - THE END OF ENDLESS
o picket-hints.htm Picket 2000 Clearwater; helpful hints
o attack-the-dead.htm David Rice: OSA's new target
o benefit-love-sponge.htm Jamie Kennedy on Bubba the Love Sponge
o 32-years.htm Re: 32 years and still waiting
o halifax-fraud.htm Police seek documents in fraud investigations
o ot7-repay.htm THE DUMBING DOWN OF OTs
o dianetics-source.htm John Huston:War Stories, Oak Knoll & Dianetics
o auditing-hours.htm Re: IAS membership count/WIS - to ARS
o 3rd-part-rule.htm 3rd Party rule aids brainwashing
o benefit-love-sponge2.htm Re: Jamie Kennedy on Bubb a the Love Sponge
o why-mh.htm Re: Why are you on a.r.s? - more wanted
o benefit-dog-eat.htm Dog Eat Dogma
o n-hate-front.htm Hate Crimes Prevention Project
o sci-markey-value.htm Scientology and market value
o dianetics-source2.htm Re: John Huston:War Stories, Oak Knoll &
Dianetics ?
o least-known.htm The Top 15 Least Known Chapters in "Dianetics"
o usenet-obnox.htm 76 Ways to Be Obnoxious on Usenet
o benefit- kicked-ass.htm Re: Co$ TERRIFIED of Benefit Concert
o the-profit-union.htm Well, yes, unions do have the right to protest
non-union work sites in the US.
o cult-failed-again.htm CULT's EFFORTS FAIL...pathetically
o cult-numbers2.htm World's fastest dissolving "religion" (sic) -
o benefit-truth.htm Truth is a rock concert!
o copenhagen-nov12.htm Dinner picket, Copenhagen 12 Nov 2000
o scientologists-censored.htm Re: Dan Bryenton is OSA. Proof here,
but Dan Bryenton is non confront as usual. : -)
o globe-articles.htm *HUGE* digest of old Globe and Mail articles
o canada-300.htm Only 300 "active member s" in Canada
o holiday-family.htm Holiday Nostalgia for Friends and Family/What
Price Scientology
o benefit-video.htm New from LMT Media: Jamie Kennedy on the radio
o the-profit-farts.htm FARTs ejected from Tampa Film Commission
o worldwide-summit.htm Worldwide summit of religions, aug 2000
o padgett-mixup.htm There is no written order that jailed Tom on
August 7, 2000.
o nov17.htm Tomorrow is november 17. Lisa McPherson locked up.
o dan-questions.htm Questions for Dorsai666 from a former Toronto Scn
staff member
o gregg-threatened.htm Hear the DANALOON Speak!
o andy-hill10.htm Re: Whatever happened to Andy Hill 10?
o cult-propaganda-war.htm Cult War Propaganda
o sweden-dismissed.htm Sweden: Attorney-General dismisses CoS
complaint of hate crime
o no-threats-found.htm Re: Where are the threats?
o cult-propaganda-war2.htm Cult War Propaganda on the French front
o libby-weigand.htm Libby Weigand has a spam page!
o interpol-oc.htm Interpol Organized Crime features
o blackmail-scheme.htm Re: Libby Weigand has a spam page!
o be-improve.htm These are the TOP 10 suggested improvements for
Battlefield Earth
o germany-zd.htm Responding to an article in ZD N et Tech InfoBase
o benefit-attendance.htm LMT Benefit attendance
o my-regrets.htm Warrior: If I could go back in time.
o gb049.htm Greg Barnes: Why I joined Scientology !!!!!
o gb050.htm Greg Barnes: Repayment denied unless???
o gb048.htm Greg Barnes: Thankyou LRH, RTC and critics
o another-stroll.htm Brent Stone: Another stroll at Gold
o the-profit-assault.htm Re: Do-The-Math-Mail/The Mark Ebner Show
o more-like-organized-crime.htm Why criticize an organised crime
o toronto-nov18.htm The DANALOON gets Disciplined (R +18}
o did-you-know.htm Are you a Scientologist reading this?
o vital-targets.htm Re: Sweden: Attorney -General dismisses CoS
complaint of 'hate crime'
o watch-out.htm Watch out, there's a charity about
o paranoid-sp.htm Super Paranoia at the Super Power building
o criminal-cult-com.htm Gregg is not going away.
o nan-mclean-sutton.htm Old Article (Nan McLean teaser): Fear and
Loathing in Sutton
o with-love.htm With love to all those out of Scientology, and with
hope for all those still in it.
o time-145-9.htm The Finns raid a computer that ferries anonymous
o never-die.htm Once you start an alt.* newsgroup. You can't kill it.
o tax-battles.htm CoS/Clearwater timeline, 1975 -78
o forced-to-picket.htm Re: Dan Bryenton forcing me to picket
o profit-denied.htm MOTION DENIED
o duck-duck.htm Duck, Duck, GOOSE!
o data-stealing.htm Enter your name, age, gende r, address and times
you are home HERE
o no-freedom-so.htm If you love your children
o delphian-school.htm Delphian School
o 14-of-us.htm picket in Clearwater tonight (Wed, 20 Sep 2000)
o lron-info1.htm The prophet and profits of Scientology
o scarff-books.htm Scarff on destroying books
o hubbard-is-bare.htm THE HUBBARD IS BARE, by Jeff Jacobsen
o ken-rose.htm Ken Rose - Author Of Key To Life
o hubbards-words.htm Re: Listen to Scientology lectures on -line!
o ex-sea-org-track.htm New report of an ex-SO staff
o minor-inquiry.htm The German Minor and Major Inquiry
o word-substitution.htm Word substituion in Brainwashing Manual
o -pi-battery.htm Re: Private Investigators
o one-of-many-deaths.htm new flier text: Lisa one of many deaths
o many-imprisoned.htm text of new flier: Lisa one of many imprisoned
o evidence-tampering.htm Scientology: Rev Up Those Shred ders Again,
o cult-of-greed.htm Scientology Crime Cult Can't Sue for Being
Exposed as "Cult of Greed"
o scientologists-shoots.htm Insane Scientology Crime Cult Thug Shoots
at Journalist
o manson-link.htm Another Proud Scientologist: CHARLES MANSON
o muder-suicide.htm Scientology Crime Cultist In Bizarre
o hotel-of-death.htm Scientology Crime Cult Hotel of Horrors
o r6-implant-day.htm Scientology prepares for R6 Implant Day
o ptsc.htm What is PTS-C?
o nightmares.htm Dennis Erlich And The Trut h About His Children -
~NOT~ The Co$'s Lies
o cult-tr.htm Scientology Training Routines
o nazi-cult-disquise.htm Reason for new book: " To Be Disposed of,
Quietly and without Sorrow"
o children-used-as-weapons.htm Disgusting Scientology Morons Let Kid
Die "Protected by Postulate"
o ot7-story.htm My Story, by Virginia
o psych-cult.htm Manipulation of personality
o bad-experiences.htm Bad experiences with Scientology not forgotten
o osa-date-rape-drug.htm Scientology's SDH (Sex -Drug-Hypnosis)
o partner-swap.htm partner swapping at Mountain View org
o theta-links-nov2000.htm A.R.S. Web Page Summary, Nov. 30, 2000
o rpf-psa.htm RPF: Public Service Announcement
o song-for-lisa.htm a song for Lisa, by Kristi Wachter
o cult-injunction.htm Scientology ENJOINED 11 -30-2000; BIG WIN for
o efa-response.htm EFA response to COS threat
o ristano-exploited.htm Scientology Exploits Its Members: Edwina
Ristano tape transcripts
o still-at-large.htm "Edmonton Sun", 12/2/2000: Killer of Al
Buttnor's son still at large
o signs-stolen.htm Kids steal protest signs from the Lisa McPherson
o protest-planned-2000.htm Scientology critics plan protest this
o aznaran.htm Scientology Lies: Two Depositions of Vicki Aznaran
o rpf-rosenblum.htm Scientology's RPF: Declaration of Annie Rosenblum
o london-dec.htm Picket Report - London
o lockup-justified.htm How Scientology Justifies Locking People Up In
o dianetics-original.htm Dianetics - The Original Thesis (Part 1 and
2 of a lot of parts)
o sf-dec2.htm preliminary picket report, San Franc isco, Dec 2
o robert-peterson.htm 'Bigotwatch' bullshit / Robert Peterson
o tottenham-dec2.htm Picket report for Saturday Decembe r 2 -
Tottenham Court Road.
o keep-distance.htm Newspaper / More on one arrest / Scientologists,
protesters keep their distance
o world-of-lies.htm Are critics living in "a world of lies"?
o cw-arrest-dec2.htm Re: Possible correction on one arrest in
o dead-parrot.htm Re: LMT parrot
o atlanta-dec2.htm Piicket Report Atlanta
o good-day-in-clearwater.htm A Good Day in Clearwate r
o love-to-lisa.htm LOVE TO LISA
o insane-settlement-attempt.htm Last minute offer to 'settle'
o camera-ologists.htm Cult of Camera-ology
o fun-picket-cw.htm Re: DMs head on a pike makes it into st
petersburg times
o more-fair-game.htm michaelpattinson: MORE FAIR GAME
o joe-cw-dec2-3.htm Picket Report - Clearwater, Dec 2-3, 2000.
"Bazooka Joe"
o sweeping-dog-shit.htm Re: State of Scn Clearwater PR?
o tc-corp-evil.htm Tom Cruise Versus Corporate Evil
o cw-headcount.htm Re: Headcount 2000-12-xx CW Pickets
o cw-pushed-shooed.htm Why no sympathy from the media for you?
o cult-drive-through.htm New !! Ft. Harrison drive -thru open!!!!!
o word-clear-bigot.htm Word-clearing "bigot"
o ot8-failures.htm The Failures of OT8 and the "Super Power" disaster
o cult-pi-flees.htm Police looking for cult's private eye (Eugene
o teens-run-it.htm Teens run the show=Co$
o cw-out-of-sight.htm Scientologists, protesters keep their distance
o cultist-shaw.htm Crime Cultist Ben Shaw on "Truth", (and nothing
but the Truth)
o cw-arrest-fast.htm Re: Possible correction on one arrest in
o sf-realpch-dec2.htm SF Picket Report, Saturday December 2, 2000
o radioactivity.htm "Radioactivity", WMNF Radio, 11/30/2000, with
Peter Alexander and Jeff Jacobsen
o meet-again.htm Until We Meet Again
o orange.htm 22 Apr 77 - Orange Juice
o buy-a-bridge.htm DO YOU WANT TO BUY A BRIDGE? Essay By Mark Ebner
o serious-health-threat.htm SCIENTOLOGY --- Menace to Mental health
o religion-hubbard-no.htm Is Scientology a religion? Hubbard says
o cw2000-andrea.htm Picket Report from Clearwater, From
o osa-redefines-sect.htm Is Scientology a Sect?
o injunction-hearing-nov1.htm Injunction hearing Nov 1 2000,
o brian-anderson.htm Brain anderson now in the RPF
o as-night-follows.htm I just saw Ed and Sally Lottick's pictures in
the Pickets Photos.
o cult-open-books.htm Scientology books - perhaps they don't open
them for a variety of reasons
o anon-libel.htm AP: Anonymous Internet libel artist called
"despicable," slapped with $675 ,000 judgment
o trashing-clark.htm Re: Trashing Clark Bor's religious[sic] beliefs
o greece-pr-scam.htm Re: Seattle Times-12-09: Bring Food to Co$.
doubt Scientology's sincerity
o source-132.htm new Source magazine issue 132
o barresi-travolta.htm "I fucked John Travolta in the ass and he
o dennis-erlich-update.htm settlement questions for Dennis Erlich
o colton.htm Colton & Associates, Inc.
o propaganda-corrected.htm To DM via "Patrick Light" re: An open
letter to LMT/ARS critics
o lopez-doc.htm RAUL LOPEZ, by and through his Guardian ad Litem,
o ot7-freedom.htm NEW LMT 'OT 7 *Panel*' Video -- get's an OT 7's
stamp of approval
o just-say-no2.htm Reply to Just Say "No" to Scientology
o cb-more-threats.htm Re: OC: More legal threats
o my-old-osa-pals.htm From Tory Bezazian: An Update To My Old OSA
o cw-lesson-cult-lies.htm Scientology LIES - graphic lessons from
Clearwater 2000 Picket
o observation-of-cult-lies.htm They've lost their greatest tool of
personal intimidation, at least in Clearwater.
o lopez-bilked.htm "bilked her son out of thousands of dollars"
o off-meds.htm Re: Increased violence against critics
o cult-weird-world.htm Old articles (Maclean's, June 19 74): The weird
world of Scientology
o angel-trouble.htm The Trouble with (believing in) Angels
o lsd-serotonin.htm SSRIs have opposite effect to LSD, dumbo.
o ebay-sadness.htm Ebay sadness
o lerma-attacked.htm Scientology Fiction - Rich Leiby got it right in
o flag-dwindling.htm FLAG claims to have several thousand people on
o stop-mail.htm How to make Scientology stop sending you mail
o gbarns-yule.htm Holiday Greetings from Greg Barnes
o mary-tabayoyon.htm MARY TABAYOYON AFFIDAVIT: cult -ordered abortions
o kathy-true.htm Congrats to Kathy
o worse-defeats.htm Year 2000, worst defeats for $cientology (so far)
o kh-rule60-filed.htm Rule 60 appeal as filed
o cook-fraud43m.htm "State wants $43M from man held in fraud"
o cw-flag-bandits.htm Flag neo-Bandits
o organized-crime-def.htm Definition of Organized Crime ($cientology)
o buddy-escape.htm my buddy can't escape the cult and he's not even
o ken-kramer.htm Ken Kramer - letters of a lifetime
o oldsmobile.htm Oldsmobile, Leo Burnett Co. & Scientology
o cw-andrea-day2.htm Clearwater 2000 - day 2
o cw-andrea-day3.htm Clearwater 2000 - Day 3
o cw-andrea-days4-5.htm Clearwater 2000 - Days 4 and 5
o cchr-denied.htm CCHR rallying for Scientology untouchables
o that-ebay-guy.htm Re: That guy on ebay...
o worse-defeats2.htm Re: Year 2000, worst defeats for $cientology
o cw-winter-wonderland.htm Clearwater Winter Wonderland
o rtc-is-sp.htm SPs in your Church
o scientologist-bomber.htm Bombers vs. Scientology
o heinlein.htm We live in "interesting times."
o padgett-probation.htm Padgett granted probation in felony case
o handle-phonecalls.htm How critics should handle hang up phone calls
o great-discovery.htm Ron's Greatest Discovery: Bolonium
o dianetics-mu.htm The Basic-basic MU; "Dianetics"
o cult-of-scumology.htm Church of Scumology, Part II
o forgive-tim-lomas.htm I forgive Tim Lomas
o 129sw.htm TOP SECRET Military document in Scientology hands.
o cchr-letter.htm Letter to CCHR
o ken-kramer-police.htm Ken Kramer: how to make friends and influence
o hubbard-conficted.htm Here are some paragraphs from the judgement
passed in France
o cult-of-satireology.htm Church files yet another court case........
o delphi-brochure.htm Delphi brochure
o my-own-decisions.htm It was not critics’ words that made me realize
the many falsehoods
o cult-loss-to-freenet.htm Scientology losing to Freenet
o criminals-in-scientology.htm Why are there so many criminals in
o cw-cult-history.htm A Brief History of Scientology in Clearwater
[to '96] - long
o lopez-online.htm Automatic notification of Raul Lopez Swindle
o witless-protection.htm City Announces "Witless Protection Program"
o ab371.jpg Image of Hubbard's newsletter, "Dianetics and Scientology
Organizations United Again."
o lerma-dm-head.jpg Arnie Lerma with crime boss' head on a pike.
o ottmann-declaration.txt First declaration of Martin Ottmann
o raul-lopez-new-times1.htm Raul Lopez, New Times Los Angeles
December 21, 2000
o mia2.htm Thank you all - I too have left Scientology
o lopez-truth2.htm More on the Raul Lopez swindle and automatic court
o cw-satireology.htm A Brief History of Satireology in Clearwater
o lopez-truth.htm Re: New Times L.A.-12-21: COVER STORY on CO$!!!!!
o lopez-truth3.htm http://www.newtimesla.com/issues/2000 -12-
o lopez-truth4.htm Disposing of Raul Lopez quietly and without sorrow
o petty-cult.htm Petty People
o lopez-shame.htm Scientology and Shame
o outside-the-fence.htm Real Total Freedom
o lopez-truth5.htm Re: Disposing of Raul Lopez quietly and withou t
o impared-defrauded.htm Defrauding handicapped old story for
o can-martino.htm Re: Cult Awareness Court Docum ent
o you-decide.htm Labeling = Not Thinking
o lopez-dm.htm A letter to David Miscavage
o ateg-trouibles.htm More ATEG money troubles
o healthy-ex.htm Tory To the Critics and X's
o electro-psycho.htm memory recall-Disinformation?
o doctors-dead.htm Update: 2 Charged in Slayings of Doctors on Remote
Section of Highway
o padgett31.htm Padgett Litigation UPDATE 31
o dianetics-sa.htm Scientific American, January 1951
o ingo-swann-cult.htm Re: Ingo Swann repost
o atlanta-001123.htm Atlanta Picket, 11/23/00, additional info
o what-is-cchr.htm CCHR=Scientology=not bonified
o toronto-001227.htm Toronto Picket Report: Dec 27, 2000.
o heribert-pfaff.htm Was the dead of Heribert Pfaff necessary?
o cchr-goals.htm Goals of CCHR
o mitchell-daniels.htm Mitchell DANIELS, Defendant -Appellee.
o rotten-from-within.htm Rotten from within
o dianetics-fortnight.htm Fortnight on Dianetics Sept. 1950
o rtc-boycott.htm Join the 2001 RTC boycott
o furries.htm Even Furries don't like Scientology
o re-possesion.htm 1993: THREATENED RE-POSSESION OF THE EAST
o melrose-cult1.htm 1977: Recent Issues on personnel to Melrose Org
o rpf-children.htm PAC MEMO: Kids on RPF
o 1990-cult-taxes.htm 1990: LA ORG TAXES
o 1992-false-report-report.htm 1992: FALSE REPORT REPORT
o cramming-off.htm RPF Assignment here
o susan-meister-letters.htm Scientology: Susan Meister Letters
o susan-meister-letters1.htm TLE>Scientology: Susan Meister Letters
o not-lock-up.htm Why does Scientology want murderous nuts on the
streets to slaughter people?
o reform-cult.htm The true essence of the "Reformed Scientology"
o fan-message.htm Message from a "fan"
o crime-goon s-injoined.htm NOTICE TO SCIENTOLOGISTS -- December 31,
o cchr-compassion.htm Compassion for Psychiatry
o sncc.htm WHAT IS SNCC?
o lv-2001-newyear.htm Stats Vegas, New Years Event
o toronto-dec27.htm Toronto Picket Report, Wednesday, Decemb er 27
o cw2000ptsc.htm Clearwater 2000 Picket Report: Nov 29 -Dec 3
o mental-care-up.htm 9 Million Gaining Upgraded Benefit for Me ntal
Care---NY Times 01-01-01
o tampa-bay-idea.htm An Idea for Tampa Bay Residents
o 2001-predictions.htm a bit late, but my 200 1 predictions
o cult-makes-enemies.htm How Scientology makes its own enemies
o time-to-leave.htm While OSA is busy handling Hil l 10, Now is the
time to leave.
o case-numbers.htm Selected organized crime appellate and trial court
case numbers
o real-faq.htm SCIENTOLOGY FAQ
o copyright-considered.htm Some Copyright Considerations
o padgett-guilt.htm Re: Padgett departing Scientology
o good-people.htm Scientologists are good people for the most part
o death-leave.htm 21-year leave for Sea Org member
o bootcamp5.htm A HUGE WIN FOR ARSCC and the IRC DIV!!!!
o thankyou-oc.htm Thanks to Operation Clambake & Scientologists
o cult-fraud-cook.htm "Arizona Republic", 1/5/2001: Man arrested for
fraud has Co$ connection
o osa-interpol.htm OSA Snow White letter on handling Interpol, 1989
o cb-robbery.htm I haven't posted about this incident before
o my-story-1995.htm My Scientology story... and why I became a
"Knight of Xenu"
o rpf-why-stay.htm The RPF (Rehabilitation Project Force) is not a
o lmt-year1.htm LMT's First Anniversary
o atlanta-1-1-6.htm Atlanta Picket Report
o bakered.htm Scientology Bows to Marcab Tech (TM). Baker Acted!
o sf-jan6.htm picket report, San Francisco, Jan 6 2001
o picketdance2-2A.jpg Clearwater Picket Year 2000 Dancing
o bobs-pole.htm OSA OBSESSED WITH BOB'S POLE !
o body-thetans-def.htm "Body thetans"
o questionable-deaths.htm Questionable Deaths in Scientology
o sf-jan6-rp.htm San Francisco Picket Report, Saturday Jan 6, 2001
o power-of-forgiveness.htm The power of forgiveness
o babysit-no.htm Belated LMT Benefit Report
o dr-xnap.htm !FlasH! !Special Offer on XnapTech!
o gratitude-2001.htm Happy New Year to all these good folks...
o hemet-jan6.htm picket, gold base, 6 Jan 2001
o target2000.htm "Source" # 100, "Target 20 00"
o brian-haney.htm Another one bites the dust: Sayonara Brian Haney
o bush-cultist.htm GEORGE W. BUSH AND THE MOONIES
o france-bead.htm Martin Weightman
o scientologist-manson.htm Re: Another Proud Scientologist: CHARLES
o submarine-cult.htm $cientology in Big Trouble
o ramsay-true-crime.htm Re: Peter Ramsay is Breaking the Law.
o nots34-criminals.htm NOTS34: criminality successfully protected by
US copyright law
o kidman-nighmare.htm Nicole Kidman's nightmare
o osa-deception.htm Scientologist wanting OUT? OSA's been waiting for
you :-)
o cisco-front.htm Cisco, study tech and the amazing Applied
o cult-test-no.htm Kansas City Star: No 'free personality test' for
o paquette-letter.htm An Open Letter to Ava Paquette
o harrass-parents.htm Scientology Tech: How to Harass Your Own Mother
for a Sick Cult of Criminals
o aids-cult.htm D.C. AIDS Flier Cites Bible; ACLU, Others Raise
o nicole-blackmail.htm "Star" and "National Enquirer", 2/27/2001:
Nicole Kidman worried about cult divulging secrets
o killer-for-god.htm God sends Clayton Lee Waagner out kil ling
abortion-providing doctors
o down-under-crime.htm Rates Down Under increase despite strict gun -
control measures
o judge-hex.htm DC Police Seek Hex Suspect
o anti-bully.htm Anti-bullying bill targets harassment in schools
o pursued-again.htm Jamie Kennedy pursued again
o rodham-cult.htm Re: Feffer represented Rodham sponsored Braswell
o osa-cram.htm OSA CRAM (re latest Court Case)
o inj-ruling.htm Re: Judge Pennick's ruling now on Lisatrust.net
o kidman-nighmare2.htm Scientology and the importance of rigorous
o jj-in-cw.htm Clearwater observations
o google.htm Google's index of opposing views of all 'faiths.'
Numbers are interesting.
o cw-bricks-mb.htm Laying bricks in Clearwater
o evil-purposes.htm Evil Purposes
o battle-creek.htm Battle Creek Enquirer: Scientology's Comin' to
o wanted-to-leave.htm NEWSFLASH Days 1-3 of OSA's harassment of ex -
Sea Org member
o penick-decision.htm Entirety of Judge Penick's decision
o s-moxon-coronor.htm Stacy Moxon coroner's report
o gregory-wisner.htm Gregory Wisner's autopsy results
o fried-squirrel.htm Fried squirrel shore stories
o another-leaves.htm Another member leaves
o gallagher-program.htm The Mike Gallagher Program
o police-anon-raid.htm ARS gets a visit from the police
o kobrin-textbook.htm Helena Kobrin--A Textbook Example of a
Frivolous Litigator
o atack-fairgame.htm The non-cancellation of Fair Game
o third-letter.htm Chiropractor's 3rd letter to FSO
o ramsay-threatens.htm OSA tries to intimidate me - transcripts
o yahoo-anti-club.htm from the Yahoo Anti-Scientology Club
o bomber-enteman.htm Keystone Terrorist: Scientologist David Lee
o cats-front.htm CATS out of the bag: Anti -tax group had early links
to the Church of Scientology
o ramsay-tm-terrorist.htm DISCLAIMER re the fraudulent
misrepresentations of OSA thug Peter Ramsay.
o 2001-report.htm Report on the 2001 New Years event.
o al-fault.htm Hey David Miscavige, is it all my fault?
o tax-details.htm Tax Analysts' Press Release - June 26th, 1995
o freewinds-cancer.htm The Freewinds: Scientology's bridge to lung
o stacy-moxon-osha.htm Stacy Moxon OSHA Files #1/7: General Manager
o cw-city-comm-march1.htm my speech to Clearwater city commission
March 1
o hubbards-guns.htm L. Ron Hubbard's Guns: Minor Mystery Solved?
o hattaway3.htm Ed Hattaway's third letter
o maria-followup.htm Re: Other Italians ripped off at Flag
o maria-followup2.htm More on Maria Gardini's reg Charmaigne
o john-p-coale.htm Scientology lawyer John P Coale
o hattaway2.htm Ed Hattaway's second letter
o hattaway1.htm Ed Hattaway's first letter
o hattaway-dec.htm Ed Hattaway's declaration
o hattaway-intro.htm Ed Hattaway's life destroyed by WISE and
o fox-chickens-cult.htm Cult fox guarding the chickens
o done-that.htm "The Times", London, 2/13/2001: Been there, done
that: Scientology
o sf-march.htm San Francisco Picket Report, Saturday March 3, 2001
o maria6.htm Maria Pia: translation
o hubbard-war-fraud.htm Hubbard the Fraudulent Naval Hero
o goons-unleashed.htm CofS unleashes the goons - Repost of 10 Nov
o bipolar-cw.htm SPT: Scientology takes over
o blackmail-risk.htm OSA and Industrial Espio nage: How Cults and
Intelligence Agents Force Compliance
o the-osa-trap.htm HOW THE OSA TRAP REALLY WORKS
o cbc-clearwater-brick-scam.htm Citizens for a Better Clearwater
letter re: bricks
o cwpd-reaccreditioon.htm SPT: Police Reaccreditation
o scientology-manson-family.htm More on Charles Manson as a
Scientologist. Something the cult wants to hide...
o scientologist-manson2.htm Charles Manson, the scientology murdere r.
o ottmann-dec.htm Life at Flag in the Early 90s -- The Martin Ottman
story (involves Debbie Cook)
o miscavige-family.htm David Miscavige and family
o scientology-satanic.htm Aleister Crowley and Hubbard. Aleister
Crowley's ideology and Scientology's ideology: a comparison
o before-stats.htm Thursday Before 2 Stat Push
o maria5.htm Grossly defrauded by Scientology Inc.: Maria Pia
Gardini's Declaration #1
o maria4.htm Grossly defrauded by Scientology Inc.: Maria Pia
Gardini's Declaration #2
o maria3.htm Grossly defrauded by Scientology Inc.: Maria Pia
Gardini's Declaration #3
o maria2.htm Maria Pia Gardini, Threatening letter to LMT from
o maria1.htm Maria Pia Gardini, LMT Attorney's response to
Scientology's threat
o maria0.htm Maria Pia Gardini, a Class 9 auditor, exposes
o hattaway4.htm Ed & Tera Hattaway, Letter Four
o schizophrenia-facts.htm Re: Is Schizophrenia A Nonexistent Disease?
Of course not!
o si-scientology-hooliganism.htm Re: Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 25 , No.
2, March/April 2001
o unruly-add-kid.htm School Board Seeks Court Order To Remove Unruly
o freewinds-deathship.htm Blue asbestos on the Freewinds
o wfla970-cw-bricks.htm WFLA 970 AM this morning: Jeff Jacobsen,
Citizens for a Better Clearwater, Bricks
o ideas-for-miscavige.htm New Times LA: Best Place to Dump a
Body....Hey, DM, listen up!!)
o cc-lawsuit.htm Bias suit embroils Christian Coalition
o trash-stolen.htm Sneaky Scientolgy Cult Caught In The Act...Again
o women.htm Women should'nt like that quote!
o cancership-in-curacao.htm Freewinds in Curacao
o albright2.htm Letter to Secretary of State Madeline Albright
o comp-pdc.htm PDC TAPES COMPARISON: Proof the RTC is squirreling the
o free-slaves.htm Free the Scientology Slaves
o hubbard-ssn.htm L. Ron Hubbard's social security number
o lm-dandr.htm McPherson Case Civil: Response to Flag's motion that
scientology is a 'religion' and IR is a 'religious practice'
o loomis.htm Cultist John Loomis agrees that the state must protect
cult children!
o mccabe-letter.htm David Miscavige, RTC, wrote to Bernie McCabe,
states attorney for Florida.
o mobley.htm In my judgment, Mr. Padgett, has coped exceptionally
well with his circumstances.
o religion-angle.htm Hubbard called his crimin al business a
'religion' for fraudulent reasons
o shell-oil.htm President Clinton supports Shell, OPEC and the
o so-many.htm Why are there so many criminals in Scientology?!?!?!?!?
o tilden2.htm City of Tilden is ashamed Hubbard was born there.
o tp-hass.htm STEVE HASSAN: Frank Ofman, Scientology, and Tom Padgett
o folger.htm Folger. Contemporary Christianity: Is it _all_ simply
homophobic hatred these days?
o another-faith-based-death.htm Faith healing death update: Charges
o cbcw-cult-front.htm 03/10/01 05:10:10 whois clearwateryes.org.
Here's our friend Stu Sjouwerman. How clammy indeed
o osa-whi-is-who.htm Giessauer, Kirten
o osa-who-is-who.htm OSA 101, Part 2 Who is Who/Basics
o price-staggaring.htm Soup Cans - $100 a pair!
o hubbard-christianscience.htm Was MEST a Hubword?
o london-mar10.htm Re: London picket report
o cult-misspell-norwegian.htm Clams and spelling..... just proving a
o snow-white-whodidwhat.htm George Pilat, Bruce Ullman and the Snow
White caper: What exactly did they do, anyway?
o hinder.htm Scientology - help or hindrance?
o maria-pia-gardini.htm Re: New from LMT Media: Maria Pia Gardini
o kristi-feb-sf.htm Date: Saturday, February 3, 2001
o psych-nobel-prize.htm Psychiatrist Wins Nobel Prize
o cult-image-hidden.htm Scientology means business against city and
o tim-sf-picket.htm picket with Jour (Kristi) and Peaches
o tory-sf-picket.htm Yesterday I went up to San Francisco to picket
with the Northern Critics.
o superpower-building.htm The Purpose of the SuperPower Building
o year-since-left.htm Out and truly OT, by Gre g and Debra
o deathship-evidence.htm Re: Woodcraft Affidavit: Freewinds,
Asbestos, and Doctors
o bluem-leipzig-award2001.htm Award for Norbert Bluem
o was-hubbard-murdered.htm Miscavige gambled away 'parishioners'
money while Ron died
o tom-cruise-really-gay.htm Is Tom Cruise Really Gay?
o dean-stokes-declare.htm SP Declare 1982: Dean Stokes
o alan-walter-declare.htm SP Declare 1982: Alan C. Walter
o bill-franks-declare.htm SP Declare 1982: Bill Franks
o mcfarlane-declare.htm SP Declare 1982: Ken & Darby McFarlane
o cw-police-crossed-line.htm Cops on the take: SPT --- 'Church' pays
those it reviled
o kettle-black-cameras.htm Pot calls Kettle black - Co$ inconsistency
with spy cameras
o 1982-declares.htm The 1982 SP declares on Franks, Stokes and Walter
o gore-really-won.htm SPECIAL REPORT: Butterfly ballot cost Gore
o osa-police-tory.htm OSA- Police Reports. Golden Era Studios:
DIRECTIONS. David Miscaviges Hotel
o xianity-compatible.htm Is Scientology compatible with Christianity?
Let's ask L. Ron Hubbard
o hubbard-family-life.htm Scientology Founder's Family Life Far From
What He Preached
o false-purpose.htm Hubbard's psych. terrors
o dead-dog.htm having difficulty handling the fact that he had
drowned a dog
o london-picket-word-clear.htm Fun with Word-Clearing Re: London
picket report
o bush-lost.htm The crime of media bias: Ignoraing Reality at the
o erlich-padgett.htm DENNIS ERLICH FOR TOM PADGETT
o scientology-core-beliefs.htm Scientology Core Beliefs and Why They
o jesse-hearing1.htm Report from Court on Jesse Prince's Clearwater
o ask-the-spirits.htm Applying astrology and the Tarot to determine
what Scientology is
o cops-missing-integrity.htm Cops also missing integrity, honesty --
Thinking of Chicago cops
o jesse-jackson-extortion-racket.htm Rev. Jackson's extortion racket
o harvard-barratry.htm Harvard Law School and the COS
o cchr-lost-again.htm CCHR's 1999 Anti-ECT Legislation Fails
o cult-book-ban.htm More old Canadian articles, on Scientology's
book-banning attempt
o cult-clinton-irs.htm WSJ's John Fund: Clinton ordered Tax Exemption
o corrupt-organization.htm 18 U.S.C. § 1961 (Corrupt organizations)
o alien-god-wager.htm Beliefs of aliens
o dead-dog2.htm Re: And if that doesn't work, they kill your
o happy-stockholm.htm Happy Elwrong Day Stockholm, 13 March 2001
o picket-solicitation.htm Gerard from Boston CoS phones me at 8:30 am
o freenet-update.htm Freenet Update: Another Nail in the Cult's
o ritalin-suit-cult.htm Novartis Says Judge Poised to Dismiss Ritalin
Lawsuit in California
o hattaway5.htm Chiropractor's 5th letter
o irc-privacy.htm IRC and your privacy
o osa-ult-release-forms.htm OSA's releases
o cult-web-page-stats.htm Interesting stats on scientology.org and
other things.
o proud-cultists.htm Must be Wednesday night...
o slashdot-censored.htm Re: OKay, Scientologys greatest footbullet -
o cst-registered.htm CST is who went after Slashdot
o big-win-slash-dot.htm Site removes comment from Church of
Scientology text
o big-win-register.htm Slashdot buckles to Scientology loonies
o my-cult-story-different.htm My $cn story - A bit different than
most - I think.
o possible-explanation-irs.htm Possible explanation for IRS deal??
o superpower-rundown.htm OTs - The Superpower Running Pole awaits you
o roland-classic.htm A classic from Roland: 'My reply to Helena'
o cult-domains.htm Re: Some of Scn'gy's Domain names:
o idas-slimmy-son.htm parishioners.org scum
o ulterior-purpose.htm "The Age", Melbourne, 3/17/2001: Editorial
mentions Co$
o big-win-wired.htm Xenu Do, But Not on Slashdot
o preventible-deaths.htm Mental health deaths preventable
o toronto-march11e.htm TORONTO PICKET REPORT Expanded version of
March 11, 2001
o arizona-march17.htm Picket Report 3/17/01 Things heat up in AZ
o profit-crew-picketing.htm "The Profit" Film Crew Goes Picketing
o tory-la-picket-march.htm LA PICKET REPORT
o march-la-tfc.htm Picket Report LA, (TFC VP)
o heehawfieldearth.htm Hee-haw Field Earth filk
o la-picket2-march.htm Re: LA PICKET REPORT
o rtc-altering-tech.htm Speaking of altering LRH's
o space-junk-cult.htm Re: Betting Pool on where Mir lands
o wir4-43-wollersheim.htm Time to RePost : Wollersheim [Co$
o free-books-excellent.htm FREE BOOKS in PDF format: excellent!
o big-win-clambake.htm Thank you cult!
o cw-picketmarch2001.htm Clearwater Picket Report 3/17/01
o cult-abuses-its-children.htm Re: Child molester harasses children
o psych-nut-case.htm Spam from an insane unsalted nut
o osa-chicken-tory.htm OSA INT: TOO CHICKEN TO EVEN TALK!
o about-ars.htm How was this news group started? How long has it been
o cw-birthday-picket-march2001.htm New from LMT Media: Birthday
Picket footage
o fms-mexico.htm Re: Scientology's 'International Expansion' (LOL!)
o rpf-no-family.htm Re: $cientology's "RPF" Slave Labor Camps
o jw-thank-god.htm Re: My Jehovah's Witnesses
o foul-mouthed-cult-kids.htm Hear Scientology's "innocent" children
shout obscenities at the protesters
o big-win-indexhu.htm Re: Szcientológusok a Slashdot ellen
o punishment-osa.htm Cruel and Unusual Punishment in the S.O.
o cult-children-shields.htm Re: Scientology stooping lower to hide
behind children!
o saved-by-net.htm More saved by the 'Net

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site, see PAGE TWO.
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Versus Human Rights


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/ or weigh and consider as she or he pleases. Shy D avid's opinions,
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Constitution of the United States of America, ratified on December 15,
1791CE, and may not be abridged.

You May Search This Site

Is money your "god?" Is hate, intimidation, control, and the domination
of others your sacrement? Is "getting even" with your imaginary enemies
your chief act of worship? Do you secretly feel powerless, weak,
impotent, and long to pun ish those who are stronger than you are? Then
The Cult of Greed and Power (Scientology) is the crime syndicate for

Bu t i f y o u ' r e a d e c e n t , k i n d , h a p p y ,
e mo t i o n a l l y h e a l t h y p e r s o n , y o u wi l l
n o t , o f c o u r s e , h a v e a n y t h i n g t o d o
wi t h t h e c r i me s y n d i c a t e . Th e a r t i c l e s
a n d l i n k s o n t h i s p a g e wi l l t e l l y o u
wh y t h e Cr i me S y n d i c a t e o f S c i e n t o l o g y
i s t o b e s h u n n e d a n d o p p o s e d b y g o o d ,
d e c i e n t p e o p l e . S o me o f t h e l i n k s a r e
o f f - s i t e , l i n k i n g t o p a g e s wi t h ma n y
mo r e r e s o u r c e s a b o u t t h e c r i me
s y n d i c a t e .
Scientology is quite likely the most ruthless, the
most classically terroristic, the most litigious and
the most lucrative cult the country has ever seen. No
cult extracts more money from its members. -- Cynthia
Kisser, former Executive Director, Cult Awareness

At l a s t c o u n t ( Ma r c h 2 0 0 0 ) , t h e
S c i e n t o l o g y " ch u r c h " h a s f r o m a b o u t
5 0 , 0 0 0 t o 9 0 , 00 0 me mb e r s ( i . e . p e o p l e
wi l l i n g l y v i c ti mi z e d b y t h e c r i me
s y n d i c a t e ) wo rl d - wi d e , wi t h f r a n c h i s e s
i n d o z e n s o f co u n t r i e s . T h e i r e x -
v i c t i ms n u mb e r i n t h e h u n d r e d s o f
t h o u s a n d s . Th e c r i me s y n d i c a t e h a s
h u n d r e d s o f f r o n t - g r o u p s a n d
o r g a n i z a t i o n s i n t h e US A, wh i c h d o n o t
a d v e r t i s e t h e i r l i n k s t o t h e c r i me
s y n d i c a t e : p e o p l e wh o wo u l d n e v e r h a v e
a n y t h i n g t o d o wi t h t h e c r i me s y n d i c a t e
n e v e r t h e l e s s u n wi t t i n g l y f u n d a n d
s u p p o r t i t , i n a l l i t s g u i s e s . Th e i r
h e a d q u a r t e r s a r e i n Cl e a r wa t e r ,
Fl o r i d a , US A.

This page is not affiliated with the "Church" Of Scientology. These pages are opinions and criticisms of
the crime syndicate. For Trademark information for "Scientology," "Dianet ics," "RTC," etc., visit the
crime syndicate's official "Scientology Trademark Information" page at

Ex t e r n a l Li n k s
http://www.scientology -lies.com/
http://www.scientology -kills.net

From The Newsgroup alt.religion.scientology

o karan-black-dinner.htm MY RECENT DINNER WITH KAREN BLACK
o miss-bloodybutt.htm Recap of the story of Miss Bloodybutt - for Tom
o pathological-liar.htm Alleged con artist seen as pathological liar
who believes stories h e makes up
o purit-rundown-view.htm My view on the purif, Lronscam
o three-shows.htm New from LMT Media: Three shows on cults
o opposing-censorship-libraries.htm Groups seek to halt law requiring
Internet filters at libraries
o deliberate-deception.htm Here's two other interesting URL's that
often fools people. Just as intended by Scientology.
o osa101-4.htm OSA 101, Part 4. How can you tell if it is Black PR?
o pointing-out-madness.htm Re: "The Profit" Film Crew Goes Picketing
o ronsez.htm L. Ron Hubbard: A Madman Speaks!
o relaypoint-cr.htm SPC copyright violation list, v1.13
o spreading-the-word.htm Spreading the word
o hattaway-refund.htm Fax to OSA
o hattaway-lawenforcement.htm letter to federal and state authorities
o bloodybutt-a-scientologist.htm Re: Recap of the story of Miss
Bloodybutt - for Tom Klemesrud
o cow-tongue.htm LA Daily News: LA County settles with two harassed
by cultists
o bloodybutt-three.htm Re: Recap of the story of Miss Bloodybutt -
for Tom Klemesrud
o quentin-coronor.htm Quentin Hubbard Coroners Report - pgp signed
o elderly-cultist-missing.htm UK MEDIA: Elderly Scientologist missing
o leo-ryan-ida-camburn.htm Re: Congressman Realizes The Truth
o police-work-for-cult.htm SP Times: Editorial on Off -Duty Police.
Police work for Scientology.
o still-in-pain.htm Escaped Scientology, but Still in pain... :(
o pro-se-litigants.htm 'I can do it' _ a growing number represent
themselves in court
o anti-bully-bill.htm Anti-bullying bill spurs House fight
o criminal-frameup-using-children.htm Ops to Watch Out For: Check
*your* IMs! Attempted frame -up of Charlotte L. Kates
o hattaway-reply1.htm Letter from Glen Stilo: putz
o hattaway-reply1-reply.htm Response to Glen Stilo
o hattaway-reporting.htm Federal & State Agency Reporting: Report
Scientology Fraud!
o gravity-news-reader.htm Gravity news reader is now free.
o who-fishman.htm Who is Steven Fishman? Was he really the biological
father of Jesus Christ?
o the-profit-attacked2.htm SCN attempts to attack "The Profit" again
o mirror-of-truth.htm STAT PUSH
o way-cool-email.htm Bizarre e-mail on "the future of scientology"
from "Carla Sanabria" <silveron@prodigy.net>
o cult-attacked-artist.htm Collage Portrait Legal Problems (update)
o why-i-joined-lerma1.htm From arnie lerma: Why I joined scientology
o be-razzies.htm Re: Battlefield Earth wins 7 Razzies
o super-power-delay.htm Re: 'Super Power Building.' Status?
o eugene-martin-ingram-cult-thug.htm Crimes and Lawsuits of Eugene
Martin Ingram, crime cult whore
o away-beliefs.htm Take away someone's belief? Is that possible?
o jeff-picket-march.htm Jeff's picket report, March 16 -17 in LA, 2001
o app3.txt FACTNet's extensive documentation on Scientology Inc.'s
criminal war on its self -made 'enemies.'
o matt-drudge-threatened.htm Scientologist threatens Matt Drudge on
the air
o b-walters-reply.htm Response to Barbra Walters
o tory-not-welcome-dm.htm Crouching DM, Hidden Cameras
o irs-scamitology-5.htm IRS and Scientology 1 of 5
o irs-scamitology-2.htm IRS and Scientology 2 of 5
o irs-scamitology-3.htm IRS and Scientology 3 of 5
o irs-scamitology-4.htm IRS and Scientology 4 of 5
o irs-scamitology-5b.htm IRS and Scientology 5 of 5
o be-razzies-awarded.htm BE writer accepts Razzie on Drastic Radio
o hubbards-will.htm Hubbard's May 10, 1982 Will: Where is it?
o hattaway-friend-letter.htm Ed Hattaway: letter to a scn friend
o hattaway-chiro-film.htm Prominent chiropractor to do video!
o tom-drugged-bloodybutt.htm Tom would have been found passed ou t
with this incrediable mess to explain.
o lmt-media-astra-woodcraft.htm New from LMT Media: Interview with
Astra Woodcraft
o sweden-copyright-abomination.htm NEWS: Parliament member[?]
convicted in Scientology lawsuit
o start-my-life.htm "When Can I Start My Life?" by Darla de Toledo
(Zoe Woodcraft)
o declaration-zoe-woodcraft.htm Declaration of Zoe Woodcraft
o declaration-astra-woodcraft.htm Delcaration of Astra Woodcraft
o sea-org-woodcraft.htm Growing up in the Sea Org -- Astra and Zoe
Woodcraft's stories
o can-spy-update-march.htm Re: Cult spy caught
o sec-state=albright.htm
o polite-refund-letter.htm Auditor Non-Confront on Refund
o clambytes-2001.htm Clambytes 2001
o how-cchr-works.htm Scientology sponsors CCHR to further these
o transformer-vault.htm Arel on Stacy Moxon Meyer and the transformer
o transformer-vault2.htm Re: Arel on Stacy Moxon Meyer and the
transformer vault
o hattaway-common-sense.htm Losing the "tech"
o cult-slammed-berlin.htm Scientology Slammed by Berlin Court
o the-dissapeared-ones.htm "Los Desaparecidos" of Scientology
o more-astra-woodcraft.htm New from LMT Media: More Astra Interview
o kobrin-rule11.htm Notorious Helena Kobrin gets slapped down by the
judge for frivolous complaints
o scientology-inflicts-suffering.htm Free church or cult? Scientology
o hubbards-paranoia-and-lies.htm LRH letter to Gaurdian Office
o osa-bullies.htm Bullies
o pretty-words-egnored-by-cult.htm I had questions about Scientology
that were not being addressed.
o bill-cooper-blue-balls.htm "Source" # 133-- for Sleddie
o legal-pedophilia.htm Early-teen marriages investigated House of
Prayer made Alabama wedding trips
o hattaway-refund-policy.htm Glen Stilo: Clear the word - PUTZ
o klien-whine.htm SPT: Sid Klein
o be-razzie-pepper.htm Battlemoney Earth Actor Laughs at Raspberry
o 21-cops-caught.htm Brothel Bust Nets 21 Cops
o stacy-moxon-wire.htm Stacey Moxon - another outpoint
o hattaway-moving-to-cw.htm Thinking of moving to Clearwater?
o hattaway-video.htm new video: in the can
o picket-arizona-mar31.htm Picket Report: Mesa, AZ Mar 31 2001
o magoo-refund.htm Magoo Thanks IAS :)
o bunkology.htm Post your Bunkology BigWins!(tm)(r)(c) here!
o hattaway-refund-update2.htm Re: Question for Ed and Tara Hattaway
o isa-refunds-quick.htm IAS and Refunds (Potentially IMPORTANT)
o osa-fz2.htm Re: OSA and the FZ (as jpg) - OSA and FZ.jpg
o osa-fx1.htm Re: OSA and the FZ - OSA and FZ.tif
o osa101-part5.htm OSA 101, Part 5 TOP SECRET: the sporgery attack
against USENET
o stacy-moxon-speculation.htm Re: Stacey Moxon - another outpoint
o chief-klein-revisited.htm Letter by chief triggers reminder
o hattaway-wept.htmn Re: Question for Ed and Tara Hattaway
o hubbard-suicide-bill-collector.htm Hubbard caused a suicide?
o more-astra.htm New from LMT Media: More Astra
o crime-syndicate-sent-to-trial.htm "Church" of Scientology Sent to
Trial in France
o book-cult-russia.htm Legal threats from the cult in Russia today
o cal-law-enf-request.htm California Law Enforcement Request
o hubbard-ownership.htm Re: Scientology & Orwell's 1984
o one-and-only-picket.htm MY ONE AND ONLY, LONELY PICKET
o klein-mb-letter.htm Re: Sid Klein Letter revisited
o criminal-act-cox-cable.htm Cox stepped in the marfy today
o fbi-cowards.htm Re: Letter to FBI
o sporge-team.htm Internet sabotage team in Los Angeles EXPOSED!
o fbi-cowards-part2.htm Re: Letter to FBI
o bill-yaude.htm Bill Yaude: Remember papeshow@earthlink.net?
o no-crime-syndicate-jokes.htm Slate: No Scn Jokes
o totalitarian-mindset.htm Totalitarian Mindset
o barb-cox-cults-criminal-op.htm Re: Cox stepped in the marfy today:
o scientology-eastern-religions.htm Scientology's bogus ties with
Eastern Religions
o six-clears-month.htm ASHO - NEW CLEARS !!
o padgett-refund.htm I.A.S. Refund
o sporge-suspect.htm FLASH! Head of the sporge criminals is primary
witness against Keith Henson!
o carla-nelson.htm ASHO - NEW CLEARS !!
o another-rmgroup-attempt.htm Rmgroup! Re: WARNING !!!
o osa-in-russia.htm OSA in Russia (was Re: osa 0/5 Russian Language
o barb-cox-fbi.htm I call the Riverside DA's office
o barb-frinds-stalked.htm Scientology: making new friends
o iq-boost-sydney.htm IQ Boost at Sydney Org
o minton-lineline.htm Preliminary Report: the criminal harassment of
Robert Minton
o grover-trask-civil-suit.htm Riverside DA Trask up creek, lost
o nan-mclean.htm Who is Nan McLean?
o domsday-dnc.htm South African Mail & Guardian, 4/8/01: Doomsday
cult in the DNC?
o nutcase-on-stern.htm Heads up! Paranoid schizophrenic on Howard
Stern raving about Scientology (possibly dangerous)
o tory-sporgery-accounts-isp.htm OSA 101, Part 6 Setting Up The
Secret ISP Accounts
o sporgery-update-april2001.htm Re: OSA 101, Part 6 Setting Up The
Secret ISP Accounts
o lrh-scam-auditing.htm Re: LRH acknowledges his scam. NEW INFO.
o deathwinds-antilles.htm Re: Dutch Home Office Secretary avoids
getting asbestos-poisoning from 'Deathwinds'
o treated-differently.htm John Merrett letter to SP Times
o demoss-driving.htm Mary DeMoss driving record
o virtual-picket.htm The Sun Never Sets of $cientology Pickets
o pro-surviva.htm Scientology's psychosocial aggression "tech"
o hubbard-suicide-again.htm Re: Hubbard caused a suicide?
o pattinson-statement.htm Just for the record. PATTINSON STATEMENT
o cox-investigation.htm Now I can launch an investigation
o 9184-picket.htm 1984 picket by independents
o letter-leaving-cult.htm this letter just caused a friend to leave
the cult
o jesse-princehearing-april2001.htm Jesse Prince hearing summary,
April 9, 2001
o nicole-kidman.cult-evil.htm Nicole Kidman "Scientology is Evil"
o antivirushello.htm Hello and intro
o butnor-history.htm Re: Letter to the Editor of MacLean's Mag
o judge-and-scientology.htm THE JUDGE AND SCIENTOLOGY
o thursday-spamming-explained.htm Repost, Thursday Before 2 Stat Push
o judge-appelt.htm Judge Pamela Appelt
o hattaway-9son.htm A Talk with my 9 year old son
o hattaway-from-dentist.htm I got a message yesterday from a dentist
o barns-refund-glen-stilo.htm Hey Stilo - OSA
o raving-scientologist.htm Still More threatening ask-off's from
deluded hubbardian nutballs
o hattaway-got-duped.htm Ed Hattaway: How I Got Duped
o patrick-murphy.htm More on Scientologist Supporter Judge Patrick
o lineone-deceived-by-barratry.htm LineOne and Illegal Censorship
o electronic-therapy.htm Electronic brain stimulation [Arnie, check
this out]
o end-the-violence.htm A call to end the violence
o sporger-suspects.htm YOU DO DUI's: I'LL DO MAFIA LIST
o cut-bad-show.htm Puppets Dancing in a Bad Show
o modern-slavery.htm MODERN SLAVERY
o tory-osa101part7.htm OSA 101, Part 7 Magoo Nailed to the Cross! The
Spiritual Rape
o phil-scott-fms-jimbo.htm Letter to an FSM, Hi Jimbo
o tory-osa-update6.htm Re: OSA 101, Part 7 Magoo Nailed to the Cross!
o cult-and-mental-health-professionals.htm Re: Scientology is Soft on
Psychology and Psychiatry
o cult-joe-louis.htm Scientology 'rescues' Joe Louis!
o osa-agents-apprentice.htm The OSA Agent's Apprentice
o ir-torture.htm whole point of the "Introspection Rundown"
o scientology-east-west.htm Scientology: East and West
o scientology-demise-weinberg.htm Sandy Weinberg and Scientology's
demise, written by Stacy Brooks.
o apollo-cia.htm Re: Need Info on Sea Org accused of being CIA spy
o leaders-power.htm The responsabilities of Leaders, by hubbie.
o what-its-about.htm It's not about "the religion"
o hope-hinde.htm Hope Hinde: Founding CAN member
o cultarc-triangle.htm Scientology and the ARC Triangle
o cult-krc-triangle.htm Scientology and the KRC Triangle
o info-action-amsterdam.htm Info-action Scn-school Amsterdam - 13
April 2001
o wish-no-harm.htm Here is hatred
o irs-ashamed.htm FWD: Treasury report on IRS -Scientology finished --
but sealed
o anti-spammers.htm Lone Guns Set Sites on Spam
o hubbardonian.htm Re: LMTer ARRESTED
o hattaway-stilo2.htm Stilo second letter to Ed Hattaway
o madrid-heber.htm Re: MADRID TRIAL UPDATE (SPANISH)
o 1968-evil-cult.htm Fair Game in UK, 1968
o heavens-gate.htm Re: Heaven's Gate
o unindoctrination-hat.htm Unindoctrination Hat Part I
o cult-volcano.htm The Dianetics Volcano -- Sci Fi Freemasonry
o demoss-ugy-inside.htm It's an ugly picture, and IMHO you're an ugly
o vince-wise-guy.htm OSA Scientologist Outwitted by Stooges!
o free-freezone.htm Re: On $500 for Keith Henson
o defense-fund.htm DEFENSE FUND ADDRESSES
o about-keith-wyatt.htm Who is KeithRCP?
o gregg15april.htm Toronto Picket Report : April 15, 2001. The OSA
Frustration Game.
o gregg15april2.htm THE WRATH of the SCOTTMEISTER: OSA Toronto Draws
in a Major New Opponent.
o cheryl-berman.htm IAS Patrons List Cheryl Berman
o cw-brick.htm non-divisive brick?
o jean-jacques-mazier.htm The criminal Mazier comes back as a staff!
o convinced-me.htm Re: lmt_watch has convinced me
o cw-brick2.htm A drive to beautify a Clearwater alley de ad-ends in a
feud involving Scientology, its critics.
o cw-brick3.htm Re: even bricks cause controvery in CW
o toronto15april-observer.htm Re: Toronto Picket Report: April 15,
2001. The OSA Frustration Game. Observer's Report:
o henson-saga.htm USENET Thread: $500.00 for Keith Henson
o the-barking-dog.htm Scene about Scientology in new novel
o yet-another-cult-front-group.htm The Scientology author of this
email asked that it be forw arded with discretion. LOL. Wake up
Ariella Kapelner, Executive Director, Federal Commission on
Educational Rights, Inc.
o sweden-meets-xenu.htm Sweden: CoS attends school debate, meets
Xenu. CoS expansion rate in Sweden
o make-money-fast.htm Make Others As To Make More Money Fast!
o gregory-bashaw-can.htm Attempted murder, spies, SLAPP Suits, and
mayhem: IAS Patrons List Gregory Bashaw
o cult-prank-corrected.htm Would everyone also have to refrain from
being framed for these crimes, too?
o einsteins-god.htm Re: Albert Einstein's god
o cult-agent-provocateur.htm Being Approached by ~Citizens~
Advocating Violence
o not-hate-in-ars.htm scientologists Loving Facisim
o making-patrons.htm Making "Patrons"
o its-not-about-belief.htm Scn'gy -- indubitably wants to paint
critics viewpoints with a broad brush.
o cult-compound-symbolism.htm Symbolism at Gold Base
o consistant-abuse.htm Sea Org BRUTALITIES / The honeymoon stage
o no-flying-saucers.htm Xenu on Hiatus, Orgs. Closing, Stats Lo w?
o astra-zoe.htm New from LMT Media: The last Astra and Zoe segments
o fair-game-response.htm My responses to Fair Game
o astra-zoe-free.htm Astra and Zoe Videos
o current-war-against-activists.htm THE CURRENT WAR ON AMERICAN SOIL
o cos-vs-co$.htm How does Scientology fare against the Church of
Satan (Co$ vs. CoS)
o top-ten-invest-frauds.htm Top 10 Areas of Investment Fraud????? !
o davie-play-tory.htm Magoo: "Can Davey Come Out and Play?"
o ars-put-plainly.htm this is not an 'anti -religious group'.
o padgett-vandalized.htm PUBLIC DOCUMENTS Re: Padgett
o tory-framed.htm This is still amazing to me. The truth is.....
o confront-cult-apologists.htm Meet cult apologists and Randi at SCU
o xenu-net-reply-to-cult.htm My lawyer replies to the cult...
o because-of-abuse.htm I'm not anti-religion
o shaner-desecration.htm Desecration of the memory of Ashlee Shaner
o changing-letters.htm Re: The man's got no head!
o vilified-cults.htm What if a religion should be vilified?
o hattaway-stilo-putz-rep.htm Response to Stilo the Putz
o cw-bricks-allowed.htm Scientology critics to get bricks
o bottom-line-fact.htm Human rights abuses must never be tolerated:
o cult-divorce-orders.htm DIVORCE & CUSTODY - COS STYLE
o parasitosis-lrh.htm about the uses of hydroxyzine
o tory-healing.htm Magoo Healing
o ashlee-shaner-charges-filed.htm Ashlee Shaner and Scientology's big
wins re Henson
o demoss-astro.htm Mary Demoss Horoscope
o travoltas-pal.htm New Times LA: Mark Ebner story on Travolta's
alleged ex-lover, Paul Barresi
o harassed-by-muriel-dufrene.htm Muriel Dufresne is a covert
operative who harrasses people
o caroline-heads-up.htm Thousands of us left Scientology Inc.
o another-leaves2.htm Another Scientologist leaves
o dianetics-dusty.htm Dianetics sighting
o heber-the-squirrel.htm Heber Jentzsch is a squirrel
o socrates-free-speech.htm Socrates, Freedom of Speech and Hate Crime
o jedi-faith.htm $cientologist attacks the 'Jedi Faith' census
o dow-high-update.htm ENTHETA REPORT: Dow High Update
o rons-house.htm News From GOLD!
o cw-bricks4.htm Avoiding another messy fight. A Times Editorial.
o sweden-debrief.htm This dirty story is a write -up made by my
deceased husband Joe Harrington last year.
o psych-info2.htm Anti-spam Psych Info Letter #2
o hubbard-fratter-x.htm L. Ron Hubbard: Frater X
o padgett-update36.htm Padgett Litigation UPDATE 36
o watch-for-fraud.htm Watch For Fraud in Alternate Health Care
o high-priestess-birthday.htm Birthday Event Stage Set: The High
Priestess Tarot Card
o cointelpro.htm Another interesting document unearthed within
o selfology3.htm How the Selfosophy Cult in Fox Millenium series came
to wear A Postal Uniform - or Elliot Abelson strikes again
o picard-bill.htm mind control/Picard Bill
o prince-depo.pi.htm Jesse Prince Case: Scientology PI's Ordered to
o anti-spam-psych3.htm Anti-Spam Psych Info Letter #3
o no-hate-against-scientologists.htm Hating Scientologists? Nope!
o cult-lost-suit-ritalin.htm $cientology-inspired suit shot down
o totalitarian-cults-threat.htm International Conference - Nizhny
o scientologist-fraud-again.htm LA Times: Yet Another Scientologist
Accused of Fraud
o dianetics-not-best-seller.htm 18 million happy .....
o support-picard-bill.htm my letter to Senator Gordon Smith,
Republican chairman
o cult-anti-slapp.htm Scientology gets SLAPPed again! fwd: CHADD
Applauds Federal Court Ruling
o bring-back-deprogramming.htm Bring Back Deprograming
o united-cults-front.htm Scientology entered Clearwater as 'United
o scientology-black-magic.htm Scientology and The Left -Hand Path
o cult-swindles-cult.htm Too funny!! Scientologist swindling
Scientologists out of $250 million.
o us-human-rights-probe.htm France, Austria surpass USA in human
o toronto-inside.htm TOronto INsider REport....Words from someone
inside the OTspace in Toronto.....
o cw-brick-grand-opening.htm [01-May-17] Brick Park grand opening
o hr-untold-sorrow.htm [01-May-17] Rep. Nita Lowey disappointed by
Commission on Human Rights vote
o driven-bankrupt.htm [01-May-17] Scientologists Invalidate Life
o toronto-insider.htm [01-May-17] TOronto INsider REport.: PETER
RAMSAY , OTs and the OSA
o cw-5may2001.htm [01-May-17] picket report Clearwater 5/5/01
o toronto-5may2001.htm [01-May-17] Toronto Picket Report May 5, 2001:
All Quiet on the Northern Front
o la-5may2001.htm [01-May-17] LA WILD PICKET REPORT~
o atlanta-5may2001.htm [01-May-17] Picket Report - Sea Org in Atlanta
o sf-5may2001.htm [01-May-17] Picket report, SF mini report May 5th
o tampa-5may2001.htm [01-May-17] Picket Report TAMPA 5/5/01, first
time ever?
o nine-cities-5may2001.htm [01-May-17] 9-city picket yesterday!
o cult-stalkers-read.htm [01-May-17] scientologist stalkers: read
o hairdresser.htm [01-May-17] The Observer: John Mappin sued
o joan-wood-missing.htm [01-May-17] SPT: Joan Wood missing
o az-6may2001.htm [01-May-17] Picket Report, Arizona, 05/06/01
o dc-5may2001.htm [01-May-17] DC Picket Report :: 5/5/01
o msp-5may2001.htm [01-May-17] Minneapolis picket report
o hemet-5may2001.htm [01-May-17] picket report, Hemet 6 May 2001
o divine-sheen.htm [01-May-17] Scientology-Kills mentioned in Irish
o sf-7may2001.htm [01-May-17] picket report, San Francisco, May 7,
o skunks-tail.htm [01-May-17] Pulling the skunk's tail
o jeffry-lundgren.htm [01-May-17] The Lundgren Blood Atonement
o france-law-approved.htm [01-May-17] France: Senate Approves Anti -
Cult Law
o hres-588.htm [01-May-17] R.I.P. US Scientology Bill - HRES 588
o lwollersheim-order.htm [01-May-17] Wollersheim v. Church of
Scientology of California -- Order on Submitted Motions
o bogus-bill-died.htm [01-May-17] Scientologist-backed drug measure
o silent-cowardice.htm [01-May-17] Clearwater Sun 1979 editorial: "If
good men do nothing"
o threat-assessment-cult.htm [01-May-17] Threat Assessment: CoS
o padgette-refund-denied.htm [01-May-17] I.A.S. Refund - DENIED!
o security-cam-hams.htm [01-May-17] security camera street theater!
o sydney-volcano.htm [01-May-17] Sydney volcano - cult denies all
o nigeria-scam-twist.htm [01-May-17] NEW TWIST on the Nigeria Scam
o amsterdam-10may2001.htm [01-May-17] Surprise Picket: Amsterdam
o shaner-killer-pleads.htm [01-May-17] MAN PLEADS NOT GUILTY IN DEATH
o relaypoint-bankrupt.htm [01-May-17] Relaypoint is in Chapter 11
o usa-scientology-german.htm [01-May-17] USA AND SCIENTOLOGY: Le
Monde diplomatique - 11 mei 2001
o cult-at-cisco.htm [01-May-17] The Register: Scientology at Cisco
o munich-12may2001.htm [01-May-17] Picket in Munich 05/12/01, sun,
fun and a slap in the face
o brighton-picket.htm [01-May-17] Picket Report - Brighton (UK)
o slapping.htm [01-May-17] Slapping incident in Munich
o toronto-henson-picket.htm [01-May-17] Picket report--Toronto by
Keith Henson
o toronto-event-informer.htm [01-May-17] Toronto Picket-- Event
Attendee Report
o letter-from-arel.htm [01-May-17] A letter from Arel on picketing
o sp-building-prediction.htm [01-May-17] prediction on Super Power
o ragsdale.htm [01-May-17] Jeanne Ragsdale v. Church of Scientology
o andrew-lee.htm [01-May-17] Andrew Lee v. Church of Scientology -
suit 1
o andrew-lee2.htm [01-May-17] Andrew Lee v Church of Scientology -
suit 2
o andrew-lee-settle.htm [01-May-17] Andrew Lee v Churc h of
Scientology - settlement agreement
o barns-at-beach.htm [01-May-17] On our way to the beach
o bogus-chicago-threat.htm [01-May-17] Letter from Chicago Org
o islamic-love.htm [01-May-17] Mohammed's Circumcision insane
o the-profit-tapes-stolen.htm [01-May-17] Thieves have stolen the
trailers of THE PROFIT
o madrid-postponed-17-members.htm [01-May-17] A better translation of
"Almost 150 Witnesses to Testify in Madrid Trial"
o the-profit-cannes.htm [01-May-17] Greetings from Cannes
o the-profit-osa-visit.htm [01-May-17] Holy Gazorching Bodythetans! -
o padgett-dr-kent-declaration.htm [01-May-17] Dr. Steve Kent's
Declaration in the Padgett Case
o cw-brick-exposed.htm [01-May-17] Another piece of the puzzle
o zoloft-really.htm [01-May-17] Describing the REAL Zoloft
Experience: A Reply to Baron
o rel-ang-suggested.htm [01-May-17] first suggestion that "religion
angle" might be good?
o hubbard-fled.htm [01-May-17] Hubbard flees a court cas e?
o reed-slatkin.htm [01-May-17] Reed Slatkin Fraud
o vannier-disbar.htm [01-May-17] Scientology attorney M. Vannier
disbarred - 1986
o kember-budlong.htm [01-May-17] US v Kember, Budlong Sentencing
Memorandum - 1981
o we-will-still-be-here.htm [01-May-17] You can put people in jail,
and it will still be there.
o webthings-zenon.htm [01-May-23] Zenon Panoussis: Webthings
o total-slaved.htm [01-May-23] I will continue to speak my mind
o tory-in-heaven.htm [01-May-23] TORY in HEAVEN
o swedish-radio-cp.htm [01-May-23] Swedish Radio, P1 Friday 18 May
o american-jurist.htm [01-May-23] Scientology's War Against Critics -
American Jurist 1995
o lrh-divorce.htm [01-May-23] LRH divorce, 1951 article
o cult-history-in-spain.htm [01-May-23] NEW - An Incomplete History
of Scientology in Spain
o cult-ruled-lives.htm [01-May-23] Scientology Fronts Lie, Coerce:
the Gearys and Rowes
o jj-speech-cw.htm [01-May-23] my speech to Clearwater city
o m-shermer-cult-list.htm [01-May-23] No question, it's a CULT.
o the-real-reason-attack.htm [01-May-23] The REAL reason Scieno 's
attack critics
o bm-what-is-scientology.htm [01-May-23] Bob Minton answers the
question: What is Scientology?
o the-profit-tv3-cannes.htm [01-May-23] Update from Cannes
o cult-attacks-tory-family.htm [01-May-23] OSA attacks on Tory
o jesse-prince-stalked.htm [01-May-23] Church[sic] critic trailed,
o alan-lazar.htm [01-May-23] The Church of Scientology - delivering
spiritual slavery to mankind.
o sell-body-parts.htm [01-May-23] Need cash for your bridge? Sell
your bodyparts! (paid advertisement)
o bogus-suit-dismissed.htm [01-May-23] Texas FedCourt Tosses CCHR
o brick-opening.htm [01-May-23] Re: New from LMT Media: Opening of
Gaslight Alley
o rpf-theater.htm [01-May-23] Next, on "RPF Theatre"...
o andret-have-vs-hate.htm [01-May-23] Re: Did Andre say how the
machine guns were deployed at Gold base?
o international-arms-dealer.htm [01-May-23] INT ARMS DEALERS'
wife...still in?
o cult-irs-assault.htm [01-May-23] Timeline of Scientology's Assault
on the US Internal Revenue Service - C. Owen
o wollershiem-1977.htm [01-May-23] Scientology Legal Fictions Exposed
- Wollersheim 1997
o made-for-hell.htm [01-May-23] OSA in HELL, part 8 - The Prince Set
o hubbard-timeline1.htm [01-May-23] Timeline of Hubbard's Early Life
- Exile - 1988
o cult-bogus-schools.htm [01-May-23] Scientology's Delphi School Lies
About Accreditation - S. Keller 1997
o can-cult-op.htm [01-May-23] This Is the Very Model of a Modern
Scientological Operation
o jesse-prince-not-dismissed.htm [01-May-23] Hearing on Jesse Prince
case May 21, 2001
o scientology-does-not-work.htm [01-May-23] Scientology Doesn't Work!
o slashdot-disclaimer.htm [01-May-23] Proposed Church of Scientology
email Disclaimer ...
o upgrading-dm-image.htm [01-May-23] Upgrading David Miscavige's
o the-profit-more-news.htm [01-May-23] More News about THE PRO FIT
o lrh-facts-miller.htm [01-May-23] LRH Fact vs fiction - R. Miller -
o effective-education.htm [01-Jun-04] Re: Henson's Threat
o jesse-prince-pay-dirt.htm [01-Jun-04] Testimony: Church of
Scientology spurred critic's arrest
o finding-fake-peter.htm [01-Jun-04] Finding the fake "Peter
o prince-kristi-letter.htm [01-Jun-04] my letter to the SP Times
o jesse-prince-definitive1.htm [01-Jun-04] The definitive Jesse
Prince trial update-Day 1
o lopez-update2.htm [01-Jun-04] Re: Raul Lopez
o scientology-masturbation.htm [01-Jun-04] Scientology and
o marijuana-insanity.htm [01-Jun-04] Scientology is a key player in
Marijuana Case - St. Petersburg Times 5/24/01
o threep.htm [01-Jun-04] Re: DM orders a THREEP
o madrid-permitted.htm [01-Jun-04] Re: Madrid Trial Update 3
o prince-to-jury.htm [01-Jun-04] Prince Trial -- 4:15pm UPDATE
o gaston-depo1.htm [01-Jun-04] Gaston Depo of May 15, 2001
o raftery-depo1.htm [01-Jun-04] Raftery Depo of May 15, 2001
o crosby-depo1.htm [01-Jun-04] Crosby Depo of May 15, 2001
o fabrizio-depo1.htm [01-Jun-04] Fabrizio Depo of May 18, 2001
o patterson-depo1.htm [01-Jun-04] Patterson Depo of May 15, 2001
o emmons-depo1.htm [01-Jun-04] Emmons Depo of May 15, 2001
o phillips-depo1.htm [01-Jun-04] Phillips Depo of May 18, 2001
o volcanos-clamshells.htm [01-Jun-04] Volcanoes Out of Clamshells
o paris-picket.htm [01-Jun-04] PICKETS. France
o scoreboard.htm [01-Jun-04] Scoreboards
o jesse-prince-jury-hung.htm [01-Jun-04] Tampa Trib: Jesse Prince
Jury Hung
o jesse-charges-droped.htm [01-Jun-04] Re: Prosecutor Drops charges
against Jesse Prince
o jesse-cult-lied.htm [01-Jun-04] Re: David Miscavige introduces
Jesse Prince
o jesse-parody.htm [01-Jun-04] SP TIMES: Charges dropped in Prince
Marijuana case
o ot666.htm [01-Jun-04] OT 666
o lyon-shit-ot.htm [01-Jun-04] LYON Org picketed, me almost
"assaulted", Capital Crime committed!!
o jesse-no-retrial.htm [01-Jun-04] Scientology critic won't f ace
o cult-of-bad-pr.htm [01-Jun-04] Church of Bad PR
o kobrin-the-liar.htm [01-Jun-04] Helena Kobrin, Proven Liar
o jesse-jury-hung-tt.htm [01-Jun-04] Tampa Tribune -- Hung jury
induces prosecutors.....05 -26-01
o kember-budlong2.htm [01-Jun-04] US v. Kember and Budlong
o jesse-church-behavior-not.htm [01-Jun-04] SPT: Not like any church
we know
o project-silenced.htm [01-Jun-04] [PROJECT] Silenced
o battle-creek-invaded.htm [01-Jun-04] "Kalamazoo Gazette",
Kalamazoo, MI, 5/26/2001: Co$ prepares for Battle Creek org; Kristi
Wachter mentioned in article
o factually-accurate-ect.htm [01-Jun-04] E. Fuller Torrey tells off
o rtc-lobby2.htm [01-Jun-04] Opensecrets: Religious Technology
Center: $420,000 spent in lobbying
o davie-retirement-plan.htm [01-Jun-04] David Miscavige Retirement
o roots-of-scientology.htm [01-Jun-04] Factual Info on Mafia -
Interesting sociology reading. Applies to $cientology.
o hubbard-doubts-sanity.htm [01-Jun-04] Yet another LRH quote of the
o reasons-many-lawyers.htm [01-Jun-04] In 1994, my first question to
a.r.s. was:
o doomsday-pie.htm [01-Jun-04] Terrorist threat on the SF org.
o prince-scientology-drug-case.htm [01-Jun-04] Scientology link to
drug case keeps jurors from reaching verdict
o scientology-jonestown.htm [01-Jun-04] Scientology / Jonestown
connection: Sensitive FBI Documents Found in Jonestown Ruins
o brian-macpherson.htm [01-Jun-04] News From Inside the Toronto Org
o robert-float.htm [01-Jun-04] Scientologist-owned business accused
of fraud in 2 states
o scientology-child-porn.htm [01-Jun-04] An Interesting Observation
Involving The Scientology Child Pornographers
o visit-lrh-life-exib.htm [01-Jun-04] fwd: A visit to the L. Ron
Hubbard Life Exhibition
o france-anti-cult-law-passed.htm [01-Jun-04] New anti-sect law
adopted in France !!
o do-it-right-osa.htm [01-Jun-04] Re: Hey Bigots!!!
o hubbards-final-solution.htm [01-Jun-04] Berry : Sunshine Shields
Scientology Sedition.
o cult-uses-china.htm [01-Jun-04] On Bigotwatch, et al.
o stetson-kkk-scientology.htm [01-Jun-04] Re: Astonishing:
http://www.lisatrust.net/Media/jesse -trial.htm
o france-guards-itself.htm [01-Jun-04] Guardian: French sect law
o slatkin-sec-followthrough.htm [01-Jun-04] How adviser to the stars
kept SEC in the dark
o scientology-lies-and-deceives.htm [01-Jun-04] The Lies and
Deception Behind Scientology Beliefs
o hating-crime.htm [01-Jun-04] Hating CRIME is NOT a HATE CRIME
o thetan-invasion.htm [01-Jun-04] The Thetan Invasion
o real-minister-stalked.htm [01-Jun-04] Attn: Scientology (CST, RTC
et all)
o demoss-copyright-terrorist.htm [01-Jun-04] copyright infringement
by Mary DeMoss
o the-profit-trash-stolen.htm [01-Jun-04] Movie:"The Profit" -Update
o scientologist-slatkin-plea.htm [01-Jun-04] Plea Bargain for Slatkin
- LA Times 6/2/01
o cult-hiding-crimes.htm [01-Jun-04] Scientology: A CRIMINAL
o avoid-regged.htm [01-Jun-04] how to avoid getting regged
o sf-murdoch-2june2001.htm [01-Jun-04] Murdoch's SF picket report,
june 2nd, 2001
o sf-kw-2june2001.htm [01-Jun-04] picket report, San Francisco, June
2, 2001
o france-defends-its-citizens.htm [01-Jun-04] Cult crimes law
o magoo-thanks-freedom.htm [01-Jun-04] To each critic who has posted
in the last few days
o the-profit-update2.htm [01-Jun-04] Movie:"The Profit" update #2
o vienna-based-infintrated.htm [01-Jun-04] The Vienna-based
International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights infiltrated by
the criminal U.S scientology cult!
o france-lmt.htm [01-Jun-04] Lisa McPherson Trust applauds French law
controlling Scientology
o cos-kiddy-porn-filter.htm [01-Jun-04] "Co$" behind latest kiddie
porn spam wave?
o french-law-eplained.htm [01-Jul-04] Law restricts criminal activity
o emmons-attached-rico.htm [01-Jul-04] Ray Emmons attacked!
o the-french-law.htm [01-Jul-04] New french law, translated
o ot7-mental-ward.htm [01-Jul-04] Re: OT's in psch hospitals
o cw-parking-caned.htm [01-Jul-04] Parking garage plan fades in
o irs-continued-conspiracy.htm [01-Jul-04] IRS/Scientology "Continued
Conspiracy" clause
o cult-gold-mine.htm [01-Jul-04] "'Church' reopens old Tuolumne mine"
o victim-bribed.htm [01-Jul-04] Re: Attention: I Have Too Much Time
On My Hands!
o heber-hides-from-justice.htm [01-Jul-04] El Pais: Madrid Trial
o plea-to-scientologists.htm [01-Jul-04] Yes Fair Game and reverse
processing do exist and are practiced to this day
o heber-photo-survey.htm [01-Jul-04] A funny story about Heber
o ms-heber.htm [01-Jul-04] Re: A funny story about Heber. I knew
Yvonne BH, before Heber.
o hubbards-children.htm [01-Jul-04] Re: A funny story about Heber
o jesse-prince-transcripts.htm [01-Jul-04] [Repost] Transcripts of
Jesse Prince interviews
o swordfish1.htm [01-Jul-04] LA Daily News, June 8: John Travolta &
Swordfish sucks!!
o sea-org-bed-wetter.htm [01-Jul-04] Sea Org member urinated on sofa
while passed out drunk!
o anke-whi-i-left.htm [01-Jul-04] Why I left Scientology
o scientology-opposes-religion.htm [01-Jul-04] Re: Information on
Scientology Applied Philosophy
o denmark-trial-begins.htm [01-Jul-04] News Denmark: Trial against
the CoS begins
o leipzig-2001-report.htm [01-Jul-04] Report from Leipzig
o france-extreme.htm [01-Jul-04] Globe and Mail: France
o leipzig-2001-minton.htm [01-Jul-04] Thank you Dr. Blüm!
o leipzig-2001-courage.htm [01-Jul-04] Fighting new Scientology
o leipzig-2001-report2.htm [01-Jul-04] Leipzig report 2
o schwarzsm.htm [01-Jul-04] Henson Trial; Robert Schwarz photograph
o crime-cult-uk-prisons.htm [01-Jul-04] Mirror: Criminon recruits for
o swordfish2.htm [01-Jul-04] Swordfish
o b-and-g-custody.htm [01-Jul-04] B and G (Minors) (Custody)
o cult-crimes-business.htm [01-Jul-04] Scientology Crimes in Business
o complain-about-scitntology-child-porn.htm [01-Jul-04] BERRY:ACTION
o false-memory-easy.htm [01-Jul-04] Evidence Shows False Memories Can
Be Created
o swordfish3.htm [01-Jul-04] Man Killed at Swordfish screening
o vegas-update-june2001.htm [01-Jul-04] Stats Vegas, CC Update, OCA,
Personality Test
o tutor-trap.htm [01-Jul-04] How Scientology recruits the next
generation: The Tutor Trap
o xenu-net-down.htm [01-Jul-04] ANDREAS ON XENU TAKEDOWN
o shanner-nove.htm [01-Jul-04] Nove manslaughter case (Ashlee Shaner)
o pedo-flood.htm [01-Jul-04] FWD: Pedo Floods - A quick look at the
program responsible
o kisser-moxon-can-murder.htm [01-Jul-04] Deposition with Gary Scarff
o no-faith-in-constitution.htm [01-Jul-04] [USA] The Humanist : No
"faith" in the Constitution
o martin-short-miller.htm [01-Jul-04] Martin Short $cientology skit
for TV
o pat-greenway.htm [01-Jul-04] Patricia Greenway: Truth Revealed!
o reverse-processing-from-cultists.htm [01-Jul-04] running reverse
processes on a.r.s.
o dear-son-ida.htm [01-Jul-04] Dear Son by Ida Camburn
o scientologist-charles-manson.htm [01-Jul-04] More on Charlie
Manson, his scientology years
o public-surveys.htm [01-Jul-04] OT7: I TOLD THEM i tried to tell
o doctrine-exchange.htm [01-Jul-04] Doctrine of Exchange and taxes
o fbi-grubb.htm [01-Jul-04] Ron's wives speak out [Margaret Grubb]
o what-lmt-does.htm [01-Jul-04] Evil Incarnate part 2. This is Teresa
o slatkin-non-personed2.htm [01-Jul-04] The non-personing of Reed
Slatkin - Part V
o scientology-and-death.htm [01-Jul-04] Scientology and Death
o magoo-and-morons.htm [01-Jul-04] Magoo and the Morons
o clark_bor.htm [01-Jul-04] Knowing Clark Bor, is knowing
o bob-borowsky.htm [01-Jul-04] Bob Borowsky suicide?
o who-is-minton.htm [01-Jul-04] Mr. Robert Minton -- Who is he,
o coma-threats.htm [01-Jul-04] Threatened bt crime syndicate while in
o ingram-fun.htm [01-Jul-04] His wife is allegedly a former
participant of that prostitution ring.
o rosedale-cesnur.htm [01-Jul-04] AFF president says their four
truths to Cesnur and C° Inform - the english Cesnur!
o be-imdb.htm [01-Jul-04] BE IMDB Update
o russia-conviction.htm [01-Jul-04] More $cientology Fraud
o memorandum-gregory-sherwood.htm [01-Jul-04] BASHAW, GREGORY
o cult-attacks-gun-ownership.htm [01-Jul-04] B-A-N-G ---> Scientology
attacks Right to Gun Ownership
o caeriel-crestin.htm [01-Jul-04] In Caeriel Crestin's Sign Language
o shaner-mother-harassed.htm [01-Jul-04] Ashlee Shaner update
o can-leak-years.htm [01-Jul-04] Steckart stole everything she could
o tro-extended-hidden.htm [01-Jul-04] Re: New from LMT Media: PK
tells me about the extended injunction
o scientology-is-different.htm [01-Jul-04] What make Scientology
o the-profit-abc-tv.htm [01-Jul-04] The Profit ABC TV newscast
o cw-police-payment-barred.htm [01-Jul-04] SPT: Officers to stop work
for Scn
o cw-wwf-replace-police.htm [01-Jul-04] SPTIMES: Church to replace
off-duty police with WWF members
o be-legal-defense.htm [01-Jul-21] Battlefield: Earth - legal action?
o heber-2jul2001.htm [01-Jul-21] News from Madrid: El Pais 2 July
o cult-fabricates-messages.htm [01-Jul-21] Scientology's BOGUS
manufactured evidence of terrorist threats
o russian-muslims.htm [01-Jul-21] Russian Muslim Mufti Disses
o norway-secret-cult.htm [01-Jul-21] News Norway: CoS building a $5 M
recreational center?
o gred-bashaw-memorial-fund.htm [01-Jul-21] Greg Bashaw Memorial Fund
o net-parody-protection.htm [01-Jul-21] Civil Liberties Group Plans
Effort To Protect Net Parody
o barb-hemet-parade.htm [01-Jul-21] Irony in Riverside
o slatkin-depo.htm [01-Jul-21] Slatkin January 2000 Deposition -
complete transcription
o cult-repugnant.htm [01-Jul-21] Many religions prohibit the
collection of money
o europe-resists-cults.htm [01-Jul-21] EUROPE RESISTS AMERICAN
RELIGIOUS CULTS- Secular society at sta ke
o sf-7jul2001.htm [01-Jul-21] San Francisco Picket Report -Saturday,
July 7, 2001
o cult-not-faring-well.htm [01-Jul-21] Re: Spiegel: The Octopus
o ellison-hubbard.htm [01-Jul-21] Excerpt from Wings Interview: The
Real Harlan Ellison (page 32).
o michael-flynn-legal-update.htm [01-Jul-21] New from LMT Media:
Michael Flynn Legal Update
o real-nigerian-scam.htm [01-Jul-21] Arrests made in the Nigerian
Money Scam - the REAL one not the one that COS made up about Bob
o ot7-suicides.htm [01-Jul-21] Thoughts on Scientology suicides
o sf-jul701-p.htm [01-Jul-21] San Francisco Picket Report 7 Jul 01
o sb-8jul01-p.htm [01-Jul-21] South Bay Picket Report 8 Jul 01
o sf-jul701-p-bullbait.htm [01-Jul-21] San Francisco Picket Report -
o irish-times-stop-action.htm [01-Jul-21] Irish Times: Scn Denied
o barb-the-cultist.htm [01-Jul-21] Funny bar story
o chan-10-letter.htm [01-Jul-21] My letter to Channel 10 (CBS) news -
and the response
o letter-daily-herald.htm [01-Jul-21] Letter to Jim Slusher the Daily
o see-the-light.htm [01-Jul-21] See the Light...and BTs (Body
o ccsr.htm [01-Jul-21] CCSR Citizens Commission on Scientology
o depo_jan.html [01-Jul-21] Slatkin SEC Deposition - January 2000 -
o cd-clamicon2001.htm [01-Jul-28] SD: Clamarama at the ComiCon! 21
July 2000
o stalking-statuates-groups.htm [01-Jul-28] Applying Stalking
Statutes To Groups - A First Amendment Freedom Of Speech Analysis
o sd-comiccon2.htm [01-Jul-28] SD Clamarama part Doo 22 July 2001
o seganet.htm [01-Jul-28] Earthlink buys Seganet! Aargh!
o refund-finally.htm [01-Jul-28] I.A.S. REFUND -- Finally got it!!
o out-and-free.htm [01-Jul-28] OUT AND FREE THANKS TO HASSAN &
o rpf-copenhagen.htm [01-Jul-28] Media: Article about Copenhagen RPF
o bogus-hiv-cure.htm [01-Jul-28] PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT. Hulda
again, or affidavit of clear fraud
o rick-ross-sued.htm [01-Jul-28] Rick Ross sued
o no-love-no-charity.htm [01-Jul-28] No Charity, No Love
o fair-use-destroyed.htm [01-Jul-28] U.S. law limits digital fair use
- The Sun - Baltimore, Md.
o third-dismissal.htm [01-Jul-28] Third Dismissal to Date of Suits
Filed against Novartis, Makers of Ritalin (R) (methylphenidate HCl)
o moxon-osha-files.htm [01-Jul-28] Moxon OSHA Files #1 through #7
o moxon-osha.htm [01-Jul-28] Moxon OSHA Death Report
o moxon-pole-trans.htm [01-Jul-28] Re: Moxon Files & Just getting in
through Google Group
o moxon-perjury1.htm [01-Jul-28] Moxon Witness Declaration
o courts-to-harass.htm [01-Jul-28] Legal assault: Using the Courts to
o moxon-coronor.htm [01-Jul-28] Moxon Coroner's report (some OCR
o cw-injunction.htm [01-Sep-22] SPT: Permanent Injunction
o right-of-association.htm [01-Sep-22] What Judge Penick Needs to
Read (NAACP v. Claiborne)
o rpf-denmark1.htm [01-Sep-22] Inside RPF Denmark: "Franz the Happy"
o rpf-denmark2.htm [01-Sep-22] Inside RPF Denmark: Susanne's
o injunction-world-at-large.htm [01-Sep-22] 11th Circuit Picket Law
(McKusick v. City of Melbourne)
o rpf-denmark3.htm [01-Sep-22] Inside RPF Denmark (III): Cult accused
of brainwashing
o rpf-denmark4.htm [01-Sep-22] Inside RPF Denmark (IV): "An Offer
from Scientology"
o rep-jim-davis.htm [01-Sep-22] An open letter to Rep. Jim Davis
o railroad-riverside.htm [01-Sep-22] railroad justice in riverside
o sd-gay-day-barb.htm [01-Sep-22] Info Dissemination San Diego, 28
July 2001
o gregor-w.htm [01-Sep-22] COS DEADAGENTING A MOURNER
o corner-grocer-tale.htm [01-Sep-22] The Tale of the Corner Grocer
o going-public.htm [01-Sep-22] Going Public!
o outting-myself.htm [01-Sep-22] I am outing myself..
o news-talon.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: News of Talon Security
o london18aug.htm [01-Sep-22] London Picket 18 August 2001
o irs-foia.htm [01-Sep-22] IRS FOIA
o xenu-space-aliens.htm [01-Sep-22] Xenu and the Space Aliens : The
lies and deception behind the Scientology space opera
o scientology-bombs.htm [01-Sep-22] Tampa Tribune column 7/30
o bogus-psychic-sentenced.htm [01-Sep-22] Failure to deliver psychic
services gets 4 years in prison
o ananova-randi.htm [01-Sep-22] Psychic investigator offers $1M after
reading Ananova story
o crimesyn-extre-danger.htm [01-Sep-22] 1998 Greece: Hubbard ideology
"extremely dangerous"
o diane-richardson.htm [01-Sep-22] Contact with Diane Richardson
o dear-scientology-greed.htm [01-Sep-22] Dear Scientology...
o pattinson-vs-miscavige.htm [01-Sep-22] THE LAWSUIT "PATTINSON VS.
o caberta-attacked.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology deposes Caberta in
U.S. Consulate
o the-profit-scientology-look-alike.htm [01-Sep-22] SPT: The Profit
o doc-doc.htm [01-Sep-22] What the hell -- here's a "DOC DOC"
o psycho-cult-munich.htm [01-Sep-22] Failed Credibility / Seeds of
o free-speech-quackwatch.htm [01-Sep-22] Findlaw - Internet Free
Speech/ Quackwatch
o lmt-copyright-attack.htm [01-Sep-22] Mary DeMoss Attacks LMT Media
o betrayed-by-cult-can.htm [01-Sep-22] A Mother's betrayal by the New
o sad-about-mcpherson.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: concerning Lisa Mcpherson
o hubbard-fled-to-cuba.htm [01-Sep-22] L. Ron Hubbard in Cuban
o jt-bt.htm [01-Sep-22] I Was a John Travolta BT
o cipriano1year.htm [01-Sep-22] Cipriano, A Year Later
o midget-tale-hemet.htm [01-Sep-22] A tale about a midget from Hemet
o edith-ervin.htm [01-Sep-22] A Mother Loses her Son to Scn
o brus-sinister.htm [01-Sep-22] fwd: MY BRUSH WITH SINISTER WORLD OF
o war-pretenders.htm [01-Sep-22] On a Mission to Unmask Pretenders to
Military Glory
o toronto-aug8.htm [01-Sep-22] Toronto Picket Report
o toronto-aug11.htm [01-Sep-22] Toronto Picket report 11 August 2001
o ashlee-shaner-chp.htm [01-Sep-22] Ashlee Shaner CHP report
o cos-totalitarianism.htm [01-Sep-22] Co$ & Totalitarianism ----
Prologue, Intro & History
o profit-comming-10days.htm [01-Sep-22] PAT GREENWAY WITH THE LATEST
o paquette-the-new-ho.htm [01-Sep-22] Another 'ho gram from Ava
o bloodybutt-osa-me.htm [01-Sep-22] Bloodybutt, OSA and Mission Earth
as instruction manual
o skep-dictionary.htm [01-Sep-22] Skepdic.com
o toronto-aug18.htm [01-Sep-22] Toronto picket report Aug 18/200 1
o scientology-evil-cult.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology slammed in Court
as Evil Cult 1968
o hubbards-conduct-kidnapping.htm [01-Sep-22] Judge Lashes Hubbard's
o hubbard-kidnap;ping-fined.htm [01-Sep-22] L. Ron Hubbardd Fine for
Leaving Baby Unattended
o talon-can-spy.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: News of Talon Security
o message-to-clearwater.htm [01-Sep-22] A Message to Clearwater
o escape-from-la.htm [01-Sep-22] Escape from LA (ITO)
o crime-syn-heaven.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: Escape from LA (ITO)
o moxon-last-days.htm [01-Sep-22] The last days of Kendrick Moxon
o airport-fight-heinlein.htm [01-Sep-22] Airport fight: Hare
Krishna's, Angels of the Lord, and Sciento logists
o hubbard-crazy-wife.htm [01-Sep-22] Dianetics Author Crazy Wife
o cult-attacked-cazares.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology Played Dirty
Tricks on Cazares 1980
o proud-father.htm [01-Sep-22] "I'm very happy and proud of what my
son did"
o the-profit-sp-times.htm [01-Sep-22] LATEST "PROFIT" NEWS FROM PAT
o mcmaster-fear.htm [01-Sep-22] Ex-Scientologist tells of Fear
o cult-inc.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology Inc.
o cultist-kills-mother.htm [01-Sep-22] FRENCH SCIENO KILLS HIS MOTHER
o davis-the-nazi.htm [01-Sep-22] Lawmaker Forwarded Racist E -Mail
o lmt-brooks-200aug8.htm [01-Sep-22] LMT Depo Transcript -8-15-01--
Brooks as LMT rep unedited
o lmt-compel-2001aug22.htm [01-Sep-22] Co$ Motion to Compel LMT dated
08-22-01 -uncorrected OCR
o victim-ripped-off.htm [01-Sep-22] Ex-Scientologist Charges R ip-Off
o cult-keeps-enemy-list.htm [01-Sep-22] Church kept Enemies List
o cult-framed-critics.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientologists Plotted to Frame
o cultists-sent-to-prison.htm [01-Sep-22] Five Scientologists Sent to
o pay-per-click-cult.htm [01-Sep-22] NEW COS INTERNET THREAT
o kent-fake-religion.htm [01-Sep-22] The Creation of 'Religious'
Scientology by Stephen Kent
o the-profit-countdown1.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: LATEST "PROFIT" NEWS FROM
o the-profit-countdown2.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: LATEST "PROFIT" NEWS FROM
o the-profit-countdown3.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: LATEST "PROFIT" NEWS FROM
o thye-profit-blurb.htm [01-Sep-22] The Profit reviewed in St.
Petersburg Times
o ms-like-scientology.htm [01-Sep-22] Lobbyists Tied to Microsoft
Wrote Citizens' Letters
o iej-bachelor.htm [01-Sep-22] Physical abuse by L. Ron Hubbard: an
eyewitness account
o cult11plead.htm [01-Sep-22] Church of Scientology Members Plead
o two-million-fraud.htm [01-Sep-22] $2 Million Award against Church
of Scientology
o the-profit-spt-evil.htm [01-Sep-22] SPT: The Profit
o shedding-light.htm [01-Sep-22] Shedding Light on Scientology's
o the-profit-sold-out.htm [01-Sep-22] "Profit" News
o the-profit-sold-out2.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: "Profit" News
o the-profit-sold-out3.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: "Profit" News
o killed-with-fork.htm [01-Sep-22] AND SCIENTOLOGY IS STILL LEGAL?
o corea-redux.htm [01-Sep-22] LA Times: Chich Corea redux
o harassed-by-cult-again.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology Private
Investigator called me two nights ago
o las-vegas-cult-specialist.htm [01-Sep-22] Arrival of Cult
specialist in Las Vegas Stirs Debate
o raelians-believe.htm [01-Sep-22] Like Fox Mulder, Raelians Want to
o the-profit-review.htm [01-Sep-22] "The Profit" - A Review
o cultist-five-years.htm [01-Sep-22] LA Daily News, 8/25: Mormon
polygamist receives 5 -year prison sentence
o the-profit-rating.htm [01-Sep-22] Survey Results for The Profit
o thrill-ride.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: "The Profit" - A Review
o show-cards-oc.htm [01-Sep-22] Money donations - show of cards
o minton-assaulted-yet-again.htm [01-Sep-22] Declaration of Stacy
Brooks -- 08-22-01
o the-profit-hoky.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: Why The Profit ROCKS!
o cw-braid.htm [01-Sep-22] SPT: Letter to the Edito r
o ebay-emeter.htm [01-Sep-22] How to Sell an E-meter on Ebay
o it-was-scientologists.htm [01-Sep-22] A message to Phil Chite ster
o calif-courts.htm [01-Sep-22] All Scientology critics can be sued in
a California court?
o cult-success-rate.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology Success Rate
o ritalin-schools.htm [01-Sep-22] NOW THAT school is starting up
again, we are seeing the yearly rash of articles about Ritalin.
o cw-discrimination-okay.htm [01-Sep-22] Discrimination ok in
o bodythetanville.htm [01-Sep-22] Wasting away in Bodythetanville
(for the Buffet fans in CW)
o heber-the-liar.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: Heber Jeebers Goes Ballistic
o auditing-hypnosis.htm [01-Sep-22] Robert Kaufman Article on the E-
o umike-explained.htm [01-Sep-22] ultramichael: study competed
o trafalgar-ban.htm [01-Sep-22] Evening Standard: Trafalgar Square.
Mayor Bans Scientology Rally
o gregor-tracy.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: Dying at the hands of Scientology
was: Re: Dying at the hands of psychiatry
o letters-to-editor-protected.htm [01-Sep-22] Court Rules on Letters
to Editor
o the-profit-record.htm [01-Sep-22] behind the scenes of The Profi t
o the-profit-in-cw-deadbeat-cult.htm [01-Sep-22] MORE "PROFIT" NEWS
o ot3-public.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: OTIII is Public Domain
o motion-ken-dandar.htm [01-Sep-22] Motion in Lisa McPherson v
Scientology 082901 by Ken Dandar
o motion-john-merrett.htm [01-Sep-22] Motion in Lisa McPherson v
Scientology 082901 by John Merrett
o judge-ruling.htm [01-Sep-22] Judge's Ruling in Lisa McPherson v
Scientology 082901
o enterprise.htm [01-Sep-22] "Enterprise" RICO Chart prepared by
Scientology - RICO-Enterprise copy.jpg (0/1)
o estimate-current-victims.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: 8 million vs. 50,000
o wogs-in-london.htm [01-Sep-22] Wogs (R) and Englishmen (Eurotour
2001 Report excerpt)
o the-profit-fart-attack.htm [01-Sep-22] SUNDAY "PROFIT" NEWS
o thouched-the-most.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: Which dead did touch you the
o sac-news-letter.htm [01-Sep-22] Her agenda isn't hidden
o crime-is-okay.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientologist taught crime OK
o authorized-crimes.htm [01-Sep-22] She 'ran the agents'
o the-profit-cult-droped-note.htm [01-Sep-22] PROFIT UPDATE:
o the-mafia-cult.htm [01-Sep-22] Church of Scientology: A Religious
o japan-suicides.htm [01-Sep-22] Restrictions on theraputic dru gs
yields higher suicide rates
o deana-pod-person.htm [01-Sep-22] Deana Replaced by Pod Person!
o cults-that-hate.htm [01-Sep-22] A Separation of Church and Hate
o beatless-bts.htm [01-Sep-22] Meatless BTs -- For non-Scientologists
o the-profit-oracle.htm [01-Sep-22] The Oracle: The Profit
o feedback-mechanism.htm [01-Sep-22] REPOST: The Emotional Feedback
Mechanism of Dianetics and Scientology
o cook-crimes-pro-per.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology swindler Benjamin
Franklin Cook III floods Maricopa County court with kooky motions
o cult-sent-to-trial.htm [01-Sep-22] Church of Scientology Sent to
Trial in France
o 500million-dissapeared.htm [01-Sep-22] Esquire: This Man Made $500
Million Disappear
o twelve-tribes.htm [01-Sep-22] Inspectors to probe allegations cult
runs Hub rooming house :
o lawmaker-insane.htm [01-Sep-22] Lawmaker claims psychic contact
o cuolt-starter-kits.htm [01-Sep-22] Religion Starter Kits by Barbara
o iq-testing.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology IQ Testing
o moneycult.htm [01-Sep-22] Announcing the new MoneyCult.ORG web
site! My High School Project!
o not-a-church-sermon.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: Religious beliefs in
Clearwater, FL
o tex-watson.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: Tex Watson is up for parole
o depo-continuation.htm [01-Sep-22] 1/3 McPherson V CoS -- LMT Depo
Continuation -- Judge Beach Presiding 09 -07-01
o show-cause-hearing.htm [01-Sep-22] CoS v Liebreich, Hearing before
Judge Baird -- Aug 31, 2001 -- Show Cause Hearing re Minton
o slatkin-talk-maga.htm [01-Sep-22] Talk Magazine: Reed Slatkin
o moxon-the-assshole.htm [01-Sep-22] THE REAL DEPOSITION
o toronto-8sep2001.htm [01-Sep-22] Toronto Picket Report --September
8, 2001
o hubbard-jail-term.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology Boss Gets Jail Term
o cult-in-canada.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology church convicted on 2
counts (of breach-of-trust)
o pizarre-plot.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology Bizarre Plot to Get
o wtc1.htm [01-Sep-22] (DAY OF TERROR) This kind of nonsense is what
religion gets you
o cult-prevents-help.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology breaks the law at
WTC. Trying to stop professionals from doing their job.
o scientology-terrorists.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology and Khaddafi
o hubbard-supports-terrorism.htm [01-Sep-22] Quote from L. Ron
Hubbard supporting terrorism
o cult-chases-ambulances.htm [01-Sep-22] Casualty Contact:
Scientology at disaster scenes
o hassan-wtc.htm [01-Sep-22] STEVE HASSAN ON THE TERRORIST ATTACKS
o mind-control-and-religion.htm [01-Sep-22] Mind Control and Religion
o cult-fox-mental-health.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology # on Fox News
Scroll as "mental health"
o dead-in-isolation.htm [01-Sep-22] Re: Deposition of Stacy Brooks --
Exhibit 1
o deposition-stacy-brooks-all.htm [01-Sep-22] Deposition of Stacy
Brooks -- Witness Exhibit 1
o cult-predatory-wtc.htm [01-Sep-22] Scientology: cashing in on
o shell-game-wtc.htm [01-Sep-22] Never ending Scientology shell game
o scientologists-train-terrorist.htm [01-Sep-22] Did Scientologists
Train Terrorists?
o falwell-wtc.htm [01-Sep-22] Jerry Falwell on who's to blame for the
terrorist attacks
o noah-lottick-suicide.htm [01-Sep-22] Noah Lottick
o mental-health-scam-wtc.htm [01-Sep-22] HHS Response Re:
Scientologists prevent victims from getting help!!!
o spain-dissolution.htm [01-Sep-22] Spain seeks dissolution of
Scientology sect - Washington Times - 15 Sept 2001
o warn-people-wtc.htm [01-Sep-22] Warn people to not call the
Scientology hotline
o chemehuev-wtc.htm [01-Sep-22] Horrified
o world-trade-fraud-foxtv.htm [01-Sep-22] SPT: World Trade fraud
o volunteer-scam-wtc.htm [01-Sep-22] The Volunteer Minister Scam....
o picket-report-1976.htm [01-Sep-22] 1976 picket report!!!
o gold-base-tour.htm [01-Sep-22] Tour of Gold Base/Happy Valley 15
Sept. 2001
o padgett30d.htm [01-Sep-22] Padgett Litigation U PDATE 38
o tax-exempt-1993.htm 1995 list of 26 tax exempt Scn, Inc. groups -
are they still?
o take-over-planet.htm Scientology and Clearing
o should-do-better-osa.htm HEY OSA! TIME FOR A SHIFT CHANGE!
o abusive-lrh.htm Physical abuse by L. Ron Hubbard: an eyewitness
o tory-bezazian-story.htm Sympathy For The Devil
o paul-lopez-superior.htm Raul Lopez case informa tion from LA
Superior Court
o mayo1.htm Attention: Fence-sitters, Lurkers, and Freezoners: David
Mayo "cleans his needle," circa 1983, in Germany
o terrorize-greek-priest.htm Planned terrorism by Scientology
o my-expell.htm My Expell/Declare
o ground-zero-zeroes.htm Ground Zero Zeroes
o finally-out-sanders.htm I'm out!
o madrid-update-sentencing.htm Re: Madrid Trial Update
o recon-criminon.htm New: Recon Mission to Criminon International's
apparent Headquarters
o cults-psycho-hate-mag.htm New: Psychiatry hate magazine -- Creating
Chaos, Destroying Morals
o kolts.htm Atkinson-Baker & Assoc. v. Kolts (Crime Cultists Sue
Judge and Lose)
o caffine-robbery.htm Re: 1958: Hubbard discovers his feet. Was:
whats it all about
o sandiego-14oct2001.htm Picket, San Diego, 14 October 2001
o time-mag-libel.htm Court Passes on Scientology Libel Case - 1
October 2001 - Associated Press
o cult-is-greedy-scam.htm Fox News : the so-called religion as
"really a ruthless global scam" - 01 October 2001
o stolen-id.htm Info wanted on Scientology stolen identity
o petition-fair-gamed.htm I May Have Been Fair Gamed!
o cultinfo-2001.htm CultINFO Conference
o son-brainwashed.htm Mother: Detained Son Brainwash ed
o wtc-cult-caught-lying.htm WTC: Scientology Lies (which is not a
o personal-integrity.htm A lurker emerges
o irs-spring.htm The IRS talks to Thomas C. Spring, Esq.
o capital-mass-murder.htm Capitalizing on mass murder
o not-exempt-draft.htm Is Scientology a religion? No. "Scientology
'Church' Ministers'" have to report for draft
o affidavit-former-rtc.htm Affidavit of a former RTC -Member (edited
to protect the source)
o madrid-1994.htm Madrid 1994
o jref-conf2001.htm LJREF Conference 2001: CULTS AND TERRORISM: ABUSE
o lmt-ts.htm Teresa Summers
o boiled-to-death.htm Mysterious death in $cientology.
o goal-of-dept20.htm Re: Why are there so many cancellations in this
o jedi-knights-uk.htm Jedi Knights achieve (non) official re cognition
as a religion
o taliban-scientology-compare.htm Taliban using Scientology tactics?
o escaping-the-mind-control.htm Scientology: Losing the Religion
o oh-shit-attack.htm Re: Scientology, terroris m, same control
o heber-letter-info.htm Letter for info on Heber Jentzsch
o past-life-on-mars.htm Past Lives on Mars
o interpreting-scientology.htm Brief Interpretation of Scientology
o cazares-honored.htm SPT: Honor Gabe Cazares
o barb-the-menace.htm Barb: Menace?
o gloves-off.htm Press: Australia: The gloves come off: Things get
nasty as Tom and Nicole's custody battle begins - NW, Mon 08 Oct
2001, p12
o citybike-barb.htm CityBike Magazine, my comments on their "Tale of
Two Scientologists" article
o factnet-guardian.htm Factnet recommended by The Guardian
o taxing-gibberish.htm Another looney-bin "science/technology" group:
"The United Postal Union"
o copyright-recordings-failed.htm RIAA anti-terrorism rider faiils --
thank Zen!
o www-law-com.htm Search of www.law.com for Scientology
o terrorist-canada.htm Re: Stacy Brooks response to Teresa Sum mers
o dianetics-faq-update.htm The False Claims of "Dianetics" FAQ
o be-like-lrh.htm HOW TO BE MORE LIKE LRH
o allstate-cult.htm Allstate Found Liable for Scientology -style
o cult-attributes.htm Most cults share similar attributes
o small-enemy.htm The Spider And The Tiger
o nazi-thinking.htm ------->>>>>>Phil C achieves sig status!!!!<<<<< -
o sp-declare-swazey.htm SP Declare
o another-scientologist-guilty.htm Swiss Court: Scientologist Guilty
o bioterrorism-cult.htm Oregon Town Never Recovered From Rajneesh
o wtc-private-eye.htm "Private Eye" on Scientology at the Frankfurt
Book Fair
o cults-copyright-violations.htm Clams violate copyrights - again
o my-departure.htm My Departure
o toronto-20oct2001.htm Toronto ARSCC (wdne,eh?) Picket report --
October 20th, 2001-from the
o fraud-at-ground-zero.htm Leather TWTH books
o usa-extreamists.htm SOC-101 for foreigners, was: Watch out for
America's own extremists
o real-volunteers.htm REAL feelgood volunteerism in N YC
o secrets-of-scientology.htm The Secrets of Scientology
o can-do-without.htm One Man Britain Can Do Without 1966
o tory-declare-lies-corrected.htm Magoo's SP declare and Comments
o still-fair-game.htm REPOST: On the subject of Fair Gam e
o pr-attack.htm One Man Britain Can Do Without 1966
o wtc-identy-theft.htm Making Light : National Mental Health
Association reports identity theft - Sept. 20, 2001
o scientology-medical-cures.htm Toothaches, arthritis, lumbago,
stoves, ashtrays and pyramids!
o refund-policy.htm Refund/Return of Advance Payment references.
Requesting a refund from Scientology? What Scientology said to IRS
re: refunds
o scam-rebates.htm Scientology - the "religion" that pays rebates!
o canadian-senate.htm Debates of the Canadian Senate (Hansard) - Co$
lawyers get reamed
o ronbots.htm Ronbots
o foot-cult.htm 6 years for foot-cult exec
o ufo-cult-murders.htm cat owners beware!
o aclu-www-anonymous.htm ACLU : Court Should Not Allow Anonymous
Posters of Internet Messages to be Identified - Oct 11 2001
o possible-murderous-rant.htm Murderous rants of a (self-proclaimed)
o creating-human-bombs.htm Does this sound familiar? Cult/Terrorist
training -- the differences?
o my-death-threat.htm I Received A Cool Death Threat:
o ars-is-happy-place.htm Re: Amazing
o leo-j-ryan-2001.htm Cleveland : Conference on cults adds terrorism
focus - 26 Ocotber 2001
o faith-based-backfire.htm "What is an outfit that purports to teach
the "science" of Dianetics doing in the "f aith-based" category ? "
o pass-on-to-travolta.htm Letter to Inc. Column Chicago Tribune
o year-zero.htm Ground Zero volunteers
o secret-greek-military.htm Top Secret Greek Military document in
hands of Scientology 1999
o hot-cult-chicks.htm Re: hot scientology chicks?
o joe-comes-clean.htm Coming Clean
o ias2001event.htm Cerridwen's Report on the IAS Event
o political-asylum.htm Online Scientology critic seeks political
o suicide-bob-mill.htm Suicide of Bob Mills
o religious-brutality.htm The Difficult Task of Moving the MInds of
o leo-ryan-presentation2001.htm Leo J. Ryan Award Presentation
Ceremony remarks, October 27, 2001
o local-boy-good.htm old: Local Boy Makes Good
o randy-kretchmar.htm Scientologists not on -line Randy Kretchmar
o the-cop-pack.htm Re: The Leo J. Ryan Educational Foundation
o time-magazine-best-sellers.htm Time magazine 1991 Co$ article on
Time Archive bestseller list
o silly-hubbard-claims.htm Re: Toothaches, arthritis, lumbago,
stoves, ashtrays and pyramids!
o more-cult-faked-photographs.htm Re: A man with no head OR body --
but with a yellow shirt
o what-is-a-cult.htm Re: Cult and Religion...what IS the d ifference?
o crime-cult-lacking.htm Losing as valuable as winning
o proposed-bill-hurts-children.htm Bill would hurt efforts to detect
kids with ADHD
o scientology-deaths-questions.htm Scientology Deaths Raise Questions
o bonnie-woods-book.htm Bonnie Woods book
o using-cults-as-weapons.htm USA accused of using sects to destroy
o prozac-better20.htm 20 Reasons why Prozac is better than
o hubbard-the-genocidest.htm Hubbard = Genocidal Maniac.
o cult-infiltration.htm Cult Infiltration Manual
o asi-corp.htm Repost: Author Services Inc. - Corporate Filings -
ASI_Filing_Docs.zip (0/2)
o lerma-birthday-wish.htm Re: DC Picket Report - 15 Nov 2001 - Still
NO OTs in $cientology
o lmt-decamp.htm LMT leaving Clearwater
o life-in-clearwater-jj.htm life in Clearwater
o message-to-clearwater.htm A message for Clearwater. You fucking
deserve what you get, Clearwater.
o state-protected-racket.htm Anatomy of a State-Protected Racket
o dont-live-in-clearwater.htm would YOU want to live in Clearwater?
o toronto-3nov2001.htm Toronto picket report 3rd November 2001
o bin-laden-cult-leader.htm Bin Laden fits the definition of a c ult
leader, experts say
o cw-better-find-out.htm I'm beginning to like Scientology
o cisar-submits.htm Cisar submits to Miscavi ge
o police-warning-flyer.htm Operation Blue Spotlight Police Pack
o taliban-and-scientology-sa.htm SomethingAwful jokes and degrades
Scientology :^)
o no-cult-min-wage.htm CoS and minimum wages
o crime-syndicate-hs.htm Crime syndicate shut down holysmoke.org
o factnet-and-scientology.htm Scientology, Collective Security, and
F.A.C.T.Net Inc.
o time-magazine-courttv.htm Court TV. U.S. district court opinion and
order dismissing most of a Church of Scientology libel suit against
Time magazine.
o scicultquiz.htm Scientology: A Cult Quiz (From Heritage Baptist
Chuch in Manhattan)
o rose-paul.htm Eulogy for Ms. Rose Paul - Activist, Picketer and
Disconnected Mother of Scientologist Nina Palmer
o chaos-org.htm Re: Anybody know anything about Chaos.ORG?
o pc-wit-and-wisdome.htm Re: Behold the wisdom of Phil "The Shill"
o psychology-feud.htm On the feud with Psychology
o cults-on-campus.htm [UK] The Guardian : Cults on Campus + The
Scientology example - 6 November 2001
o endangered-species-letter.htm Re: Letters, we get letters
o concentration-camps.htm Scientology's Concentration Camps
o scientology-terror-and-abuse.htm Scientology: A History of Terror
and Abuse
o scientology-public-schools.htm Applied Scientology in Public
o ultimate-spin-doctor.htm the Ultimate Spin Doctor: L. Ron Hubbard
o hate-groups-applaud.htm Hate groups applaud terror attacks
o the-money-hole.htm Scientology's Moral and Financial "Black Hole"
o hubbards-magic.htm Hubbard's Magic
o redefining-dissent.htm Re: Redefining dissent as hatred
o shitty-settlement.htm My attorney is afraid of taking on
Scientology in court.....
o religious-terrorist-consortum.htm Reply to PTSC on
somethingawful.com posting
o fence-at-gold.htm Fence at Gold - Dcp00493a.jpg (0/1)
o busting-fake-war-heroes.htm Do your patriotic duty: Bust LRH
o morons-join-manhunt.htm [UK] Remote Viewers join in manhunt on bin
o stacy-moxon-speculation2.htm The Stacy Moxon murder (Was The coming
o crime-syndicate-threatens-watchman.htm Scientology Threatens
Watchman with "OT" Lawsuit
o occupied-clearwater-history.htm More life in Clearwater
o lerma-radio-show.htm Arnie Lerma on morning Radio Show in South
Africa 12 November 2001 - 9 AM
o kates-slandered.htm Congratulations to Ted and Charlotte
o preventing-cult-deaths.htm Geneva seeks to temper influence of
o cults-terrorists-share.htm Cults & terrorist groups share chilling
similarities, experts say
o buyer-be-ware.htm Scn PR Blitzkrieg in Shippensburg
o prozac-mice.htm Prozac triggers increase in aggression in mice
o god-killed-child.htm Parents beat child to death in the name of God
o demand-a-refund.htm Demand for Refund
o mark-tawin-xian-quackery.htm Mark Twain on the By -laws of Christian
o death-exorcism.htm Religious Wacko Murders Daughter in "Exorcism"
o earthlink-screwed-up.htm Publicly Departing EarthLink
o thorazine.htm Re: How About Lowly Thorazine?
o funny-disclaimer.htm Scientology® is a Homeopathic Religious and
Spirituality Conditioner.
o religious-discriminations-work.htm DR. ROGER N. CARLSTEN And
$cientology Demands In The Workplace From WOGs
o dc-15nov2001.htm DC Picket Report - 15 Nov 2001 - Still NO OTs in
o apology-for-shilling.htm Recent thoughts. Having recently left the
o prison-camp-lights.htm Re: Scientology's Golden Era & Gilman an
Energy Waster [ riverside press ]
o crime-syndicate-ts.htm Scientology Trademark Series 01 INTRODUCTION
o price-of-speech.htm Scientology and the Price of Internet
o whi-critic-justwog.htm Why I am a Critic of Sciento logy
o prison-scam-arizona.htm Lock Up, Rub Down
o earthlink-promots-crime-syndicate.htm Is Earthlink promoting the
Church of Scientology in spite of its denials of involvement with
the cult?
o bob-larson-scientology.htm MST3K, Bob Larson and Scientology
o what-crime-bosses-believe.htm Re: Query about Scientology leader(s)
o buttnor-palmer.htm Al Buttnor write's my husband !
o greatest-vendeta1.htm The Greatest Vendetta on Earth (long)
o cult-pushing-hate.htm Re: Official Policies of the "church". RULES
for CULT OPERATIVES (leak ed)
o liar-keith-wyatt.htm Keith E. "Rumbunny" Wyatt -- Proven liar
o fair-game-in-effect.htm FAIR GAME CANCELLED? I DON'T THINK SO!
o yet-another-rmgroup.htm Someone trying to rmgroup a scientology NG
again. HOw about some newgrouping. HOMER!!
o curing-brainwashing.htm Re: Antidotes for Brainwashing
o balony-detection-cult.htm BALONEY DETECTION
o 24nov2001vancouver.htm Vancouver Picket Report
o what-if-cult-directors.htm Senior ecclesiastical post
o cult-status1.htm Cult Status
o 21nov2001gb.htm picket report, Gold Base Nov 2001
o 23nov2001sd.htm SD picket 23 Nov 2001
o 23nov2001la.htm Picket Report: The Complex/LA
o 24nov2001toronto.htm Toronto Picket Report 2001 -11-24
o my-nightmare.htm My Scientology Nightmare
o poor-little-arc.htm I was received cordially by a broad -smiling
o tony-strawn.htm Scientology cult protects child molestor,
terrorizes and threatens mother of victims
o flying-squirrels.htm When Squirrels Attack Tech!
o hubbard-needed-help.htm The following sentence can be found in many
of the files FBI have on L Ron Hubbard
o some-criticism-counterproductive.htm ESSAY: Where did Scientology's
critics go wrong?
o scientology-inc-lied-again.htm Het Parool: "Ahold was misled by
o picketing-usefulness.htm Thoughts on Picketing and its usefulness
o sprinkler-tech.htm Re: Vancouver Picket 11 -24-2001 - 2001-11-
24picket-osa-agent.jpg (0/1)
o declaration-lenske.htm Declaration of Sherman D. Lenske in RTC vs
Lerma - 12 Nov 1995 - Attention 'CL & Ptsc'
o declaration-farney.htm Declaration of Lynn Farney in RTC vs Lerma
o power-of-cult.htm Steve Hassan interview on Cult Mind Control
o pastor-fatal-exorcism.htm Pastor on trial over fatal exorcism
o exorcism-struggle.htm Exorcism witness tells of struggle
o orgasm-day.htm Orgasm Day: An alternative to L. Ron Hubbard Day?
o 28nov2001vancouver.htm Vancouver Celebrity Picket 11 -28-2001
o wollersheim-judgment.htm Wollersheim v. Church of Scientology , 212
Cal.App.3d 872
o xian-science-kills.htm Re: Christian Science clearly meets cult
o anti-terrorist-folly.htm "The Times", London, 11/27/2001: Co$
mentioned in article about anti -terrorist bill
o reasons-picket-not.htm Reasons not to picket Scientology
o ufo-blind-cows.htm Darn those Marcabs!
o bush-nlrb-brame3.htm Bush to nominate Taliban -style "Biblical law"
activist to NLRB?
o stansfield.htm Stansfield v. Starkey , 220 Cal.App.3d 59
o liberty-destroyed.htm Plan to relax restrictions on th e F.B.I.'s
spying on religious groups
o cult-sues-for-name.htm BELGIUM - Scientologists suing over cult
o 1dec2001london.htm Picket Report - London
o cw-city-lost-out.htm Letters : One vital hope squashed in downtown
o satan-banned.htm Satan banned from Florida town
o cchr-is-destructive.htm A Response to Scientology 1996
o reasons-to-picket.htm Reasons to picket Scientology
o orgasm-day.htm OT: An alternative to L. Ron Hubbard Day?
o 011202cw2.htm Clearwater Picket 12/02/01 part 2
o 28nov2001vancouver.htm Vancouver Celebrity Pic ket 11-28-2001
o wollersheim-judgment.htm Wollersheim v. Church of Scientology , 212
Cal.App.3d 872
o xian-science-kills.htm Re: Christian "Science" clearly meets cult
o anti-terrorist-folly.htm "The Times", London, 11/27/2001: Co$
mentioned in article about anti -terrorist bill
o reasons-picket-not.htm Reasons not to picket Scientology
o ufo-blind-cows.htm Darn those Marcabs! UFO crash 'blinded my cows'
o bush-nlrb-brame3.htm Bush to nominate Taliban -style "Biblical law"
activist to NLRB
o stansfield.htm Stansfield v. Starkey , 220 Cal.App.3d 59
o liberty-destroyed.htm Plan to relax restrictions on the F.B.I.'s
spying on religious groups
o cult-sues-for-name.htm BELGIUM - Scientologists suing over sect
o 1dec2001london.htm Picket Report - London
o cw-city-lost-out.htm Letters : One vital hope squashed in downtown
o satan-banned.htm Satan banned from Florida town
o cchr-is-destructive.htm A Response to Scientology / Psychiatric
News, December 6, 1996
o reasons-to-picket.htm Reasons to picket Scientology
o control-lying.htm On Control and Lying
o direct-action.htm DIRECT ACTION, By Voltairine de Cleyre
o 01dec2001toronto2.htm Toronto Picket Report 2001-12-01
o pitty-the-scientologists.htm Pity the Scientologists
o mini-dc-picket.htm Mini Picket report of Scientology (AKA The
Martian Embassy) in Washington DC
o heber-spotted.htm Re: LA Picket Report/ Dec 2001
o hubbard-appears-mental.htm The following words can be found in
several of FBI's file on cult criminal L Ron Hubbard. "make appears
mental card"
o dr-joan-wood-lsd.htm Re: Dr. Joan Wood
o gps-dog-shit.htm [OT] Man uses GPS to map dog doo
o cchr-half-truths.htm CCHR lies corrected in newspaper
o cchr-mother-angry.htm Mother angry at CCHR's lies
o cchr-scientist-corrects.htm Scientist Corrects CCHR's Lies
o bizarre-usa-cult-targets.htm Bizarre USA cult targets shoppers
o father-warning.htm Father warns of new cult drive
o cult-almost-destroyed-me.htm "Cult almost destroyed me," says
o homeowner-loses-savings.htm Aspiring homeowner loses savings to
"Church" of Scientology
o another-case.htm Another *REAL* case of religious bigotry
o taliban-cult-mind-control.htm John Walker: American Indoctrinated
with Cult Mind Control Techniques by Taliban
o scientology-vs-democracy.htm Re: Scieno patriotic pandering
o control-wog-world.htm Re: The Dangerous Environment of the Wog
World - 2001-flagfsm-hub-handwritte.gif (0/1)
o eat-at-rons.htm LA Weekly, 11/9-11/15/2001: Eat at L. Ron's
o witch-apointed-chaplan.htm [OT] More religious
o spys-still-at-it.htm Are players in largest domestic spy case still
at it?
o no-tos-there-meaning.htm What the phrase "NO OTS THERE" means, and
how to use it
o jeff-mini-picket-report.htm Jeff's mini picket report
o anonymous-remailers-still-exist.htm Anonymous e-mail service still
running after Sept. 11
o 08dec2001-cb.htm Picket Report: Gold Base, 8 Dec 2001
o peaceful-atlanta-picket.htm Another Peaceful Picket in Atlanta
o leg-kicked.htm Vancouver Picket 11-24-2001 - 2001-11-24picket-osa-
agent.jpg (0/1)
o 08dec2001-vancouver.htm Lisa McPherson Memorial Picket, Vancouver
o foia-appear-reply.htm Response to FOIA Appeal Re Treasury Report on
CoS tax exemption
o thetan-attack.htm Attack of the Thetans from the Planet Teegeeach!
o bloody-but-tro-lies.htm They attempted a murder frame up while they
were murdering a woman
o mit-suicide-spat.htm The Massachusetts Institute of Technology gets
poor grades for mental health care after a spate of suicides
o gold-base-assault-rifles.htm fwd: Scientology armed
o toronto-raid-observer.htm fwd: 1983 raid
o spanish-bust.htm Original article about "Spanish bust"
o cult-steals-books-commits-crimes.htm Dirty tricks and book stealing
by Scientology cult
o scientology-batters-picketer.htm First Picket Report? Frank Notaro,
o oh-little-world-teegeeack.htm Re: Holiday Message: O little world
of Teegeeack
o e-meter-cures.htm Re: muddied O/W time! NOTs 34 (Ava, you better do
o cult-caught-cup.htm OLD NEWS: Co$ tries to sneak in a public
address message at UK FA Cup match, 11/7/1998
o l-ron-the-con-man.htm Today's Carol for Concerned Critic. L -Ron the
o did-hoden-perjur.htm Re: Perjury twice!
o starkey-lenske-fraud.htm Re: Sherman Lenske Declaration 86 -02-04
o scientology-preys-cancer-victims.htm Re: LA Times: R6 Carols
o grandma-got-regged.htm To the maddening tune of "Grandma Got Run
Over by a Reindeer," of course
o happy-scientolidays.htm Happy Scientolidays on SA
o a-midnight-clear.htm Re: Monday's Carol for Concerned "Critic"
o mocking-white-xmas.htm Thursday's Installment f or Concerned
"Critic" I'm mocking up a White Christmas
o cult-brainwashing-taliban.htm fwd: Is he brainwashed?
o hear-now-hassen.htm Here and Now, WBUR Boston, 12/18/2001 --Steve
Hassan interview
o heil-bush.htm Heil Bush!
o we-three-wogs.htm Friday's Carol for "Concerned Cretin." We three
Wogs of a.r.s. are
o scientologist-goes-shooting.htm Scientologist Shoots Pregnant Women
and Two Men at Church of Scientology
o cult-case-rises.htm case load rising at cult center
o daattack.htm Re: Scieno attack on L. Sprague de Camp - DAattack.jpg
o quarter-billion-stolen.htm The Times: Reed Slatkin
o still-a-spy-threat.htm The Hubbard Intelligence Agency
o hubbards-spy-instructions.htm Public Document from raid by FBI
o ron-the-deadbeat.htm Evidence that Hubbard was poor before
Dianetics - hub_vet.gif
o another-cult-sued.htm Religious group faces lawsuit labe ling it a
o report-2002-event.htm Report on the 2002 New Year's Event
o the-misery-of-scientology.htm The misery of Scientology
o skep-tank-stats-dec2001.htm The Skeptic Tank Statistics for
o hubbard-ten-commandments.htm Scientology ridicules the Ten
o stupid-cult-calls-uncle.htm stupid cult calls my uncle
o corporate-empire.htm Re: stupid cult calls my uncle
o welspring-heling-600.htm Wellspring Helping ex -cult members shed
guilt and embrace freedom
o delicate-flame-liberty.htm World class speech from John Merrit.
reposted from B Minton
o jj-stalked-again.htm In case something happens to me...
o cult-internets.htm Tax protestor at relaypoint. Scientology??
Relaypoint is owned by a Scientologist.
o e-meter-warning-label.htm The e-meter is a fraud, and the
scientology system keeps on violating law: NOTs 34
o terrorist-cult-checklist.htm Scientology, Al Quaeda and Terrorism.
A Public debate.
o escaped-from-sea-org-25years.htm Hasta la vista, baby!
o hasi-articles-of-incorporation.htm HASI, Inc. Articles of
o cults-and-ponzi-scemes.htm First Amendment Doesn't Shield Church
That Profited From Ponzi Scheme
o 04jan2002vancouver.htm Vancouver Picket January 4, 2002
o jamie-kennedy-press.htm Jamie Kennedy gets some press
o coward-gretta-hides.htm Greta hides her Scientology ties.
o cult-monsters-depression.htm Baron, JLHartley, et al: You Monsters
o cult-hinders-relief-efforts.htm Repost: Scientology and the Red
o wiccan-may-be-ousted.htm LA Times, 01/07/02: Wiccan chaplain may be
o treatment-depression-increasing.htm Patients more willing to seek
treatment for depression
o the-scraff-project.htm The Scarff Project: Dumpin g of illegally
placed Scientology propaganda
o protecting-health-info.htm Re: Quality of Mental Health Info on
Internet Report
o hail-burbank-police.htm Hail Burbank Police!
o hattaway-4.htm Ed Hattaway's 4th letter to the Flag Service
o not-my-spouse.htm Re: Not My Husband
o torture-dehydration.htm This sounds familiar. Victim seemed
possessed, pastor says
o scientology-does-nothing.htm One key sentence of scientology
o another-agency-foia.htm Update from U. S. Treasury on
Blackmail/Extortion "Closing Agreement"
o cult-is-a-rip-off.htm Ex-Scientologist charges rip -off 1974
o pernicious-farce.htm Letter to Daily Herald July 2001
o moron-replies-to-quackwatch.htm Comment from a Chiropractic
o more-moxon-perjury.htm Trial from Moxon against me: last news
o demand-for-ias-refuld-cl.htm Letter to IAS Administrations --Demand
for IAS Refund
o hubbardville.htm SPT: Hubbardville
o scientology-is-subversive.htm Scientology guilty of not registering
as a Subversive Organization
o lopez-news.htm Lopez news
o eeoc-may-sue.htm HELP FOR EX-COS? - Supreme Court Ruling 1/16/02
o sd-cult-serious-fubar.htm KR example
o criminal-complaint-filed.htm PATTINSON CRIMINAL COMPLAINT ETC.. NOW
o purification-rundown-scam-notice.htm Quackery prosecuted - redux
o hart-v-real-can.htm Hart v. Cult Awareness Network (1993) 13
Cal.App.4th 777 , 16 Cal.Rptr.2d 705
o hand-over-child.htm Hand over your child!
o religious-count-actual.htm Scientology Expansion 1990 -2001 -
Reliable Figures
o anti-drug-campaign-decoy.htm Treating addictive behavior vs. Anti -
Drug campaign
o fraudulent-ad-corrected.htm The "help wanted" ad for the Chicago
org has been changed!
o ron-the-war-zero-corrected.htm Veterans Group Lists Layfette R.
Hubbard as a Phonie
o palm-springs-book-store.htm Palm Springs
o regret-daily.htm Re: Question about this religion...
o yet-more-barratry-kobrin.htm My first Kobringram
o june-gold-picket.htm missing post from June 2000.
o lrhubbard-on-brainwashing.htm PDF The Braninwashing Manua l - The
Brainwashing Manual - L Ron Hubbard.pdf - Posted to A.B.E-Book
o darwin-award-2001.htm Darwin Awards
o thoughts-mlk-day.htm thoughts on MLK Day
o folk-healer-visit.htm Folk Healer's TRs were out
o kreiner-slatkin-fraud.htm Re: Oh my! - Letter from Kreiner to
o punish-cheaters.htm THE URGE TO PUNISH CHEATS
o explaining-scientology-propaganda.htm Propaganda and Organization
o factnet2001.htm FACTNet Newsletter, JANUARY 2002
o brutal-past-lds.htm LA Times, 1/22: Novelis t recalls Mormon
brainwashing & terrorism
o sick-piece-of-sht.htm Phil 's Greatest Hits
o american-taliban-lw.htm John Walker and the fatal flaw in our war
on terrorism!
o bliss-of-ignorance.htm Did you say, "Baggage"?
o sympathy-for-walker.htm LA Times, 1/25: Cult Victim's Lawyer speaks
on John Walker
o rimjob.htm Commodore Rimjob is live.
o punish-cheaters2.htm Re: THE URGE TO PUNISH CHEATS
o scientologist-shooting-people.htm Burke shooting, newspaper
articles posted to ARS at the time. (Was: Helen Burke's baby)
o scientology-fascism.htm ~ Peace on Earth ~ when all our rights are
o where-phil-comes-in.htm My theory regarding OSA and Phil Chitester
o first-suit-won-rg.htm I WON THE FIRST SUIT FROM "SCIENTOLOGY"!
o seven-pages-deleted.htm Dear OT Ambassador and/or Home Solo NOT s
o irs-descriminates-against-jews.htm AP: Jewish schools and
Scientology schools not the same
o normalized-cult.htm SPT: History of Scientology
o dm-goes-nutso.htm David Miscavige says publishing secret IRS
Scientology agreement a felony
o malignant-zealotry.htm Tragedy from a zealotry beyond belief
o court-says-irc-cult-wrong.htm 9th Circuit Opinion in Sklar v
o rape-victim-to-be-stoned.htm How big should the stones be? Islamic
o raping-children-bad-pr.htm Class 9 OT 5 Incestuous Pedophile
o 02feb2002-uk.htm Re: PICKET REPORT Sat 2002/feb/02, in Birmingham
o six-year-old-mind.htm An outsider's view
o cw-abomination-mayor.htm SPT: Mayor on Scientology
o padgett40.htm Padgett Litigation UPDATE 40
o psycho-narcotics.htm Psychonarcotics in Scientology
o padgett412.htm Padgett Litigation UPDATE 41
o married-satanists.htm Re: scientology ain't no better than
satanism: a pair of them sentenced for assassination in Germany
o brekenridge.html BRECKENRIDGE DECISION
o commenorative-condom.htm Olympic Special L. Ron Hubbard
Commemorative Condom
o tradenet-blue-balls-blues.htm Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Blue Balls
o building-of-pagans.htm SPT: Letters to the Editor
o cult-infant-saved.htm Cult Children Saved By State of
Massachusetts; Another Sough t; Another Starved to Death; Parents
Face Jail
o clear-in-hospital.htm "Clear" Now in Hospital!
o sid-klein-picket.htm December 5, 1997 Scienos' picket of Sid Klein
o brain-salad.htm Spot the cultie, claim yer $5
o cw-bus-ads-again.htm SPT: Bus ads again
o bashaw-last-words.htm Last Words
o hubbardville-cw.htm A cult's effort to curry favor
o reflecton-food-russia.htm Pravda: Sergey Kirienko
o brainwashing-alcohol.htm Re: Scientology mentioned in article on
o help4yu.htm Email from one who called 1 -800-HELP4YU
o carges-without-merit.htm Fair Use/Fair Game--Response to Ava
o loony-letterse1.htm Loony Letterese the Litigious Loser
o harassment-of-padgett-continues.htm LEGAL HARASSMENT (continued)
o french-paris-cult.htm French court asked to ban Paris Scientology
o france-cult-charged.htm Paranormal News: France Puts Scientol ogy on
o more-plants-hollywood.htm More Plants
o shock-rock-press-release.htm Press Release: Shock Rock Gro up
attacked by Scientology clt
o cw-rejuvination.htm SPT: Downtown Clearwater
o robertson-the-nazi.htm Robertson Calls Islam a Religion of Violence
o another-cw-declare.htm Another declare issued in Clearwater
o church-acts-like-scientology.htm Cutthroat tactics: Blaming rape
victims for their own recklessness.
o foia-ida.htm Letter from USDJ to Scientology re FOIA request by
Scientology for info on Ida Camburn
o crime-cult-censorship-again.htm AVAGRAM day 2 - Enturbulator
enturbulates! ATTN: OSA
o napster-copyright.htm $nottology vs Netcom sho ws up in Napster
Legal debate [copyright law]
o scientology-vs-health.htm Scientology - No connection to health
o sucks-com-phenomena.htm From Chillingeffects.org: Sucks.com sites
test laws governing the Web.
o hubbard-vs-jesus.htm Comparing Jesus with Hubbard
o el-ron-hitler-censorship.htm EUGENE INGRAM SIGHTING
o wellspring-not-xian.htm Wellspring Re-Visited
o france-another-suit.htm Another complaint for fraud, extorsion, etc
o the-likes-of-hubbard.htm Re: El Ron Hitler Update
o more-fraud-psychic.htm More Psychic Fraud
o cult-child-dead-again.htm Margaret Thaler Singer mentioned in
article about SF child neglect case
o randi-sight-debunk.htm THE GREAT DEBUNKER, JAMES RANDI: Debunking
Seeing Without Sight
o declare-darn-silly.htm I used to think this was the worst thing
that could happen to me!
o russia-myth-making-cult.htm Hubbard sighting in Russia
o toronto2002feb.htm Toronto org picket, first for 2002
o magoo-kfi.htm Re: Tory Christman and Vickie Ford on KFI LA 10PM
sunday PST - Scn got it's butt kicked
o phil-for-real.htm Re: My theory regarding OSA and Phil Chitester
o enturb009mission.htm Enturbulator 009 mission statement
o meet-heroes-lmt-links.htm Meet Ex-Scientology victims
o cult-geneology-warning.htm Warning to Geneaogists -$cn Hunting
Personal Data
o lopez-telephone.htm Re: Your Phone Bill
o pedestrains-complain.htm More aggressive than their victims. United
against Scientology
o cult-shermer9.htm No question, Scientology's a CULT
o spot-a-spot.htm Fred getting in trouble in Pasadena
o satanist-pr.htm Re: Scientology is a pernicious, neo -Satanic cult
o france-cult-dissolution.htm AP: Dissolve Scientology
o cake-bomb-hemet.htm Hot Report Pre Picket from Hemet
o goon-squad-cars.htm The Goon Squad's in town.
o flag-as-weapon.htm Re: The Mad Picket
o off-moms-porch.htm Keep Off Mom's Front Porch - editorial on
o randolph-kretchmar.htm Letter to Attorney John T. Moran
o ava-gram-enturbulator009.htm New song from Enturbulator 009 - "Ava
o ill-vulnerable.htm Xinhua News: French Anti-Cult Mission
o world-strife.htm AFP: Scientology infiltrates disaster aid
o mary-ford.htm another local declare?????? Yep they di d it again
o la-jewish-journal.htm LA Jewish Journal, 2/15: Jews and
o red-cross-cult-deception.htm Response from Red Cross concerning
Scientology website
o grady-ward-palindrome.htm Grady Ward's involvement in world's
longest palindrome
o mocked-to-death.htm Attn: LMT bashers
o meadow-haven.htm Tom Padgett to open Meadow Haven halfway house for
folks leaving coercive cults including Scientology
o profitology.htm Robin Williams on Enron and L. Ron Hubbard
o cult-front-groups-latest.htm Scientology front groups... what are
o factnet-france.htm FACTNET on French Trial of COS
o cbcm-deception.htm Re: Dogpiling Fluffy
o rons-ulcer.htm I have been contacted by Source!
o titos-cult.htm Cults of Personality
o el-queso-murdered.htm El Queso OUTED to Scientology by MP3.com
o kfi-rabbi2.htm The Rabbi Goes Ape-Shit on KFI
o playing-the-victim.htm look at the op. Op, Op, Op!
o toronto25feb.htm Toronto picket report
o rate-guru.htm How to rate a guru?
o john-meets-rabbi-kfi.htm wherein John meets the Rabbi, KFI Sunday
o letkeman-declare.htm Suppressive Person Declare: Caroline Letkeman
o never-see-her-alive-again.htm Hubbard fears psychiatric committment
o witness-before-court.htm What I witnessed before Courts
o family-picket-25feb2002.htm 1st Annual Internationally Acclaimed
Mennonite Family Picket Vancouver 2 -25-2002
o enturbulator-victory.htm Enturbulator 009 site is back
o french-law-no-threat.htm Leaders Access Impact of New French
religion Law
o dorsaiderata.htm Re: OT: Some theta... (Dorsaiderata)
o kathryn-update.htm Kathyn's story update and Greg Bashaw
o disintegrata-klingon.htm Re: OT: Some entheta (Disintegrata)
o france-trojan-horse.htm New California Media: Scn v. France
o better-terrorist.htm Better Terrorists
o scientology-porn-cowards.htm Scientology, Thanks for the PORN, you
o q-for-heather.htm Question for Heather
o the-modern-day.htm Re: What's wrong with Scientology....?
o scientology-vultures-booted-out-wtc.htm ground zero volunteer
horrified by Scientology vultures
o factnet-discussion-board.htm NEW DISCUSSION BOARD ON FACTNET
o aol-crinics-link.htm What's Up with the Old Timers Network?
o thought-reform-exists.htm There is no brainwashing or mind control?
o gold-base-nazi-theme-park.htm A Gold Adventure
o petrolia.htm Petrolia, California.
o padgett42.htm Padgett Litigation Update 42
o osa-doesnt-matter.htm Why it doesn't matter who is OSA
o egypt-two-jailed.htm Egypt jails two Scien tologists
o cats-front2.htm Front Group?Citizens for an Alternative Tax System
o heathen-wall.htm Tampa Trib: Heathen Wall
o vise-acts-like-cult.htm Author Takes Cue from Author Services
o cult-mailing-list-count.htm Re: Scientology Trumped Up Members hip
Clams Rescrutinized
o yates-preacher-preyed.htm Preacher 'Preyed' on Yates
o childs-death-question.htm LATimes-Child's Death Raises Questions
About Faith
o menaced-with-guns.htm From 'Killing the Buddha'
o switzerland-fair-gamed.htm SWITZERLAND translation is comming
o shock-and-horror.htm Scientology Satire - from SomeThingAweful.com
o battle-nudity.htm Nudity in Centre County backyard OK'd by court
o brave-host-xenu-net.htm Brave host of xenu.net (xtdnet.nl) details
years of harassment by Scientology
o cult-copyright-terrorist-telus.htm Scientology Copyright Terrorism
Targets Canadian Fair Use Parody Artist
o dear-tech-support.htm Re: Dear Tech Support
o death-for-adultry.htm Moslem Court won't stone woman to death
o deja-vu-spin-doctoring.htm Deja-vu - scientology’s spin doctors at
o ed-brewer-death.htm scientology in action
o evil-act-letter-bolt.htm Racial and Religious Toleranc e. Act 1.
o fair-dealing-canada.htm Caroline's site -Scott gets a Canadinized
version of the paquette -o-gram
o goodle-lied-to-by-cult.htm DMCA notification to Google
o hazards-dmca.htm Hazards of the DMCA
o heavens-gate-one-left.htm Heaven's Gate member still keeping faith
o hubbard-is-back.htm News: L. Ron is BACK...
o hypnosis-real.htm Re: Scientific American on hypno sis
o irs-us-treasury-foia.htm IRS U. S. Treasury FOIA Update
o la-23march2002.htm LA Picket Report, March 23, 2002
o landmark-opinion.htm Re: Landmark education.
o leipzig-2002-award.htm 2002 Leipzig Human Rights Award
o new-sp-declare.htm New SP declare
o osa-liability-formula.htm OSA applies "liability formula"
o oscars-2002.htm Oscars 2002: Somebody make it stop!
o scientology-kills-copyright-unfounded.htm Cojones
o sd-org-taxes.htm "Religious" Exemption
o assofgod300000.htm Woman gets $300,000 in exorcism suit
o smart-pr-trick.htm Smart PR trick /article
o taught-crime-okay.htm Scientologist taught crime OK
o the-copyright-ruse.htm scientology's copyright ruse [ repost from
slashdot ] and Ralph Oman
o the-profit-moxon.htm "THE PROFIT" vs. the Church of Scientology
o toronto16march2002.htm Toronto Picket Report
o websites-ford-motors.htm Corps.Cannot Stifle Independent Websites
o witness-tampering.htm FLAG WATCH!
o xenu-net-provider.htm ZDNet UK: Upstream provider cut
o dont-deserve-spt.htm SP Times: FH Open House
o kfi-catholic-gag-order.htm KFI AM 640 Radio, gag order, Catholic
o ars-web-page-update1.htm ars web page summary
o scientology-reality-tv-shows.htm Scientology Reality TV Shows
o edgerly-flynn.htm Re: George Edgerly
o google-lied-to2.htm LA Business Journal: Scientology wields DMCA
against Google
o cult-order-to-caese-harassment.htm Channel 28 News: Stop the
harassment, Scientology
o moron-bush-demand-occultism-in-schools.htm SPT: Scientology, pot
smokers and chicken sacrifice
o saturday-clearwater.htm Saturday in Clearwater
o saw-2.htm The Zany Radio Scientology Morning Zoo
o make-religion-fast.htm Make Religion Fast!
o toronto6april2002.htm Toronto Picket Report - April 6, 2001
o doctors-walk-out.htm Rio Grande Doctors to Protest
o uk-charity-commission-2.htm Re: Encyclopedia Britannica Was: The
Auditor Issue 299 Names, News, Etc. [circa March 2002]
o more-google-censorship3.htm Re: Sponsored link to critical site!
o cult-birthday2002.htm Report on the 2002 LRH Birthday Event
o cult-birthday2002-salon.htm "Birthday celebration" Reposted from
o small-paper.htm fwd: Duane DeYoung
o what-is-google.htm What It's Like @ Google Headquarters
o mary-hubbard-extorted.htm How did we get here?
o blood-on-tracks.htm Blood on the Tracks
o cw-hoaglin.htm SPT: Letters to the editor
o avatar-palmer-vs-braun.htm Re: Palmer versus Braun in the Court of
o slaughter-scoop.htm BENNETTA & DAVID SLAUGHTER
o dianetics-brief.htm Re: Disappointed. Beam me up Scotty, there is
no intelligent life here.
o tom-cruise-bt.htm I was a Tom Cruise Body Thetan
o trademark-doom.htm It can't get any weirder can it? Yes it can
o the-rat-trap.htm A warning to the barnyard
o cchr-houston-chronicle.htm Letter to the Houston Chronicle 'Harmful
o yet-more-lies-to-google.htm One more DMCA complaint from Google to
Operation Clambake
o who-coined-word-scientology.htm Re: Where did www.lermanet.com go?
o snapping.htm Re: Scientology 54 % + of the leaving adepts are
o google-newsbytes2.htm Newsbytes: Xenu.net
o randy-kretchmar2.htm Randy Kretchmar, Esq
o looting-ground-zero.htm Ground Zero looter jailed for 10 years
o detecting-covert-lunatics.htm Re: Scientology questions
o hubbards-enemies.htm Re: The Real Issues - Those Who Oppose
o severance-package.htm Priests removed as church sex abuse scandal
hits SoCal
o yates-hypocracy.htm THE HYPOCRISY OF THE COS
o coward-send-email.htm strange anonymous emails to my inbox.
o google-chillingeffects.htm Search Engine Watch: Xenu.net
o google-sd-union.htm San Diego Union-Tribune, 4/15/2002: Copyright
o aff-cult-news.htm AFF Cult News
o xenu-pic.htm Re: Xenu Pic - x1.jpg [0/1]
o conspiracy-against-protesting.htm U.S. Code protects picketers!
o lm-041902.htm April 19, 2002 Hearing before Judge W. Douglas Baird
o google-nyt.htm Google, $cientology, the DMCA and Operation Clambake
in the NY Times 4/22/2002
o warren-mcshame-dutch-case.htm Dutch Court Case, featuring Warren
o cult-vultures-tel_aviv.htm Scientologists invade hospital after
terrorist attack
o cooking-with-xenu.htm Cooking with Xenu
o people-magazine-silhouet.htm repost People Management Magazine
o medical-examiner-reversed.htm SPT: Medical Examiner case. Autopsy
clears dad of murder
o goofy-tales-believed.htm fwd: The goofier the tale, the more it's
o blue-beings-visitations.htm Religion in the News Summum
o lawyer-suits-catholic.htm Flush Times for Lawyer Vanguard in Church
o another-ufo-cult.htm Another space alien cult involved in murder
o slatkin-web-site.htm SB News-PressL Slatkinfraud
o toronto28april2002.htm Toronto picket report
o factnet-email-spam.htm FACTNet is being set up as a spammer - Again
o belgium-pc-files.htm Belgium: PC FILES ARE ILLEGAL. This is E -NOR-
o nexu-net-linux.htm Linux Journal: Xenu.net settings
o slay-just-cause.htm Re: Theft by l.Ron Hubbard
o e-meter-foia.htm E-Meter FOIA response from FDA
o subscription-slavery.htm Companies can be cults... Please read
o google-readme.htm Readme: Xenu.net
o suicide-bomber-cult.htm Cult evolves around Suicide Bombers
o cult-reaches-new-low.htm Legal observers closely watching new lows
in litigation practices by cult.
o another-mysterious-arson.htm Scientology townhouse project in arson
o heber10.htm Rasins and Stuff... Heber Jentzsch looked worried.
o abduction-26000000.htm Re: Minister to Pay $26,000,000 for
o toronto-5may2002.htm Split picket report Toronto
o dear-osa-durni.htm Dear OSA,
o ggogle-siliconvalley.htm Siliconvalley.com, 5/4/2002: Legal
protection turns service providers into speech police
o life-mag-1968.htm Life Mag 1968, was: What authors first exposed
o demoss-slandering-krotz.htm Re: Does Mary DeMoss WANT me to sue
o dennis-erlich-settlement.htm Re: In defence of Bob Minton
o jive-ass-thread.htm Jive Ass Thread
o hubbard-against-religion.htm Re: Scientology vs christianity,
Series #1,
o google-post.htm NY Post article 3/22/02
o out-family.htm Full Page AD in U.S. New & World Report
o wollersheim-won.htm Re: Wally Update>>>>
o wollersheim-washington-post.htm Ex-Scientologist Collects $8.6
Million In 22-Year-Old Case
o wollersheim-apnews.htm Wollersheim makes AP newswire
o wollershiem-latimes.htm LA Times: Wollersheim
o the-profit-moxon-review.htm Re: Distribution of the Profit forbiden
by judge?
o dc11may2002.htm DC $cientology Picket report Saturday May 11th -
Sylvia demonstrates OT powerz dude
o wollershiem-thanks-ars.htm Wollersheim thanks a.r.s. + Breaking
o wollersheim-reuters.htm Reuters: Wollersheim
o wollersheim-dailyrotten.htm What's that smell?
o wollersheim-techfocus.htm But I didn't inhale
o la-11may2002.htm LA Picket Report/ May 11, 2002
o maharishi-mahesh.htm Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on Larry King
o wollershiem-daily-camera.htm Church pays $8.6M in suit
o wollershief-rear.htm Re: Another Wollershiem -related measurement
o priest-shot.htm Police: Alleged Victim Shoots Priest
o wollershiem-japan-today.htm Wollershiem JapanToday
o wollershiem-lv-sun.htm Wollershiem Las Vegas _Sun_
o wollershiem-courier-mail.htm Wollershiem Courier-Mail
o woillershiem-la-air.htm Wollersheim on the air right now
o wollershiem-daily-wire.htm Daily Camera - Church Pays 8.6 Mil-
o wollershiem-abc-news.htm Transcription - Denver Channel 7 ABC
Lawrence Wollersheim on the News
o deanna-homes-anal.htm Deanna Homes and her unhealthy ass obsession
o wollershiem-denver-westword.htm Denver Westword: Wollersheim
o the-profit-distribution.htm Tigger's Profit Challenge
o dildo-bandit.htm Re: [OT] Only in America? Dildo Bandito
o france-cult-fined.htm Scientology cult fined in France
o toronto-11may2002b.htm Toronto Picket Report 2002 -05-11
o nun-doing-gods-work.htm Re: did scientologists infiltrate ground
o toronto-18may2002.htm Two for one Toronto Picket Report 2002 -05-18
o france-voice-of-america.htm Scientology Guilty Of Breaching Privacy
o stacy-turn-around.htm Stacy on Lisa's Death - The and Now
o cult-lies-about-ritalin-again.htm Cybercast News Service,
5/20/2002: Scienos criticize new Ritalin labeling
o wollershiem-savors-victory.htm LA Times: Wollersheim Savors Victory
o state-department-bullshit-report2001.htm US State Department Human
Rights Report 2001 [Various Countries]
o wollershiem-emails.htm Reasons to be Cheerfull
o may9noshow.htm Report on the May 9th (Dianetics) Event
o freegirl-out.htm Margaret Gerrans (Brueske) is out
o gonnet-sixth-trial.htm sixth trial against me from upper OSAgoons
o straight-inc.htm Drug War Casualties
o ingram-bomb-threats.htm Follow up information regarding Gene
Ingram's LA Picket Harassment
o hubbard-on-mars.htm L. Ron Hubbard on Mars
o hubbard-calculus.htm Re: Plastered Reverend
o state-department-bullshit-france.htm Re: US State Department Human
Rights Report 2001: France
o hubbard-retirement.htm Miscavige Retirement Plan
o cult-religious-science.htm LA Times: Church of Religious Science
o dan-in-la.htm Dan's Whirlwind Week, or, The ARSCC(wdne) Mobile Unit
Arrives in L.A.
o margaret-singer-brainwashing.htm Margaret Singer has made history
delving into the psychology of brainwashing
o garvin-escaped-one-year.htm Where was I one year ago?
o scientology-through-media.htm Applying Scientology through the
o science-fiction-religion.htm Columbia Missourian: Sci -Fi Religions
o genius-mental-illness.htm Stanford researchers establish link
between creative genius and mental illness
o actual-copyright-terrorists.htm CST and IRS--Copyright Terrorists
o helenas-hair.htm Tory: Thanks For The Wind -Shield, And Finally, An
Explanation Of H. Kobrin's Hair.
o salted-nuts-fire.htm Zwan & Spouse Douse Blaze With Postulates
o cult-still-harassing-elderly.htm Scientology harrasses elder folk!
o stacy-brooks-through-the-door.htm Stacy Brooks on Scn - 8 weeks ago
o caroll-county-susan-webb.htm Apologies from JP
o ground-zero-ended.htm Coverage of Ground Zero Ceremony - where's
o frice-dofj.htm U. S. Department of Justice sent unusual paper mail
o cult-front-group-effective_training_solutions.htm Dell uses
scientology front to train its irish employees
o squirrel-helps-police.htm [OT] Squirrel helps burglary police crack
the case
o jesus-has-returned.htm Jesus of Siberia
o clarence-darrow.htm Justice in the USA: Clarence Seward Darrow
o kobrin-birthing.htm Re: Helena
o revwhite.htm Who Owns Hate on the Net?
o digital-lightwave-cult-fraud.htm The CEO and his "church"
o cult-faking-photographs-bigtime.htm Re: Press report, Cambridge,
UK, "Scientologists award big contract to ART" [XENU]
o me-hog-tied.htm More M.E. Shenanigans.....
o the-evolution-of-a-science.htm The Evolution of a Science // Scn
movie airs on CNBC
o heroes-take-the-heat.htm Khiem Thao
o padgett45-litigation.htm Padgett Litigation UPDATE 45
o bill-franks-witness-tampering.htm Bill Franks, Are You Being
o sweat-program.htm The Sweat Program & Purification Rundown - was
Re: 1977
o bigger-fish.htm Re: while the big fish fry, thousands are still
being screwed over
o criminon-international.htm "Criminon International" office shut
o dianetics-on-shelfs.htm Re: Sales of Dianetics; data from
Scientology site
o parody-website-victory.htm A Major Victory for Parody Websites
o cult-commercial-flawed.htm Evolution Of a Science Segment Seriously
o dr-kent-and-magoo.htm Re: Kent/Christman Speak to Ecumenical Group
in LA
o daily-bruin.htm UCLA Daily Bruin letters to the edito r
o end-justifies-means.htm does the end justify the means?
o lmt-wire-tap-telephone.htm Cult wiretaps, slippery vide os, and the
motion alarm (Merritt Volume 1/2)
o brainwashing-at-bookstores.htm Columbia Daily Spectator, Columbia
University, NYC, 2/12/2001: Brainwashing at the bookstore
o no-open-doors.htm SPT Letter: No need to open Scientology's doors
o homage-to-salesman.htm New York Post: Images of a Lifetime
o evansville-courier.htm Re: Evansville Courier, Evansville, IN,
6/12/2002: Scieno's letter to the editor
o mohammed-history.htm HIstorical Data About Mohammed
o irish-times-foi.htm Irish Times: Freedom of Information
o story-lacked-information-frice.htm Scientology story lacked
information -- It sure did!
o cult-requires-permission.htm "My recommendation would be for you to
call the Enforcement officer and get permission f or anything you
are planning to do."
o time-magazine-harriet-baker.htm Re: Time Magazine: Harriet Baker -
harriet-baker.jpg (1/1)
o tips-for-freezoners.htm Tech Tips for the Freezone
o cult-infant-starved.htm Sect leader convicted in starvation of son
o padgett-lawyer-denied.htm Letter to the Judge, Hon. Charles W.
Boteler, Jr.
o parsons-wicca.htm Doreen Valiente on LRH and Jack Parsons
o senator-feinstein-ida.htm Ida gets a letter from Dianne Feinstein
o edmonton-nonpicket-06june15.htm Scientology Event Report - Non-
Picket - Edmonton - 15/06/02
o no-ots-enturbulator009.htm New Enturbulator 009 song - No OTs!
o internet-activists-racketeering.htm "Racketeering" Law Suit Against
Internet Critics Dropped
o occultism-not-defense.htm Religion was no defense in sect case
o jihad-for-kids.htm Jihad for kids
o project-normandy.htm Re: Scientology Hearing Plods Along SPTimes
o hr3145.htm Scientology at it again - H. R. 3145 Trans-Atlantic
Religious Protection Act (TARPA) - Scientology influenced crap
o victims-of-cult-virus.htm For the victims of Scientology -
Virus/Worm Alert
o cult-shoot-out.htm [OT] Cult leader's arrest triggers violence
o padgett-46update.htm Padgett Litigation UPDATE 46
o leipzig-2002-welcome.htm Leipzig: Welcome
o project-normandy-transcribed.htm PROJECT NORMANY Transcribed
o france-anticult-abuse-laws.htm CBN: Under Suspicion: 'Faith' in
o serial-killing-mystery.htm Mystery of serial kil lings unravels
o scientology-fizzles.htm Keeping Scientology Fizzling
o paris-crimecult-fined.htm Washington Times: Scientology fined
o hubbard-vanity-press.htm BridgePubs comping "Dianetics: the
Evolution of a Science"
o saved-from-the-god.htm Re: A little more about probability
o toronto-22june2002.htm Toronto picket June 22, 2002
o france-crimecult-lost-appeal.htm Scientology France loses another
trial. In Appeal Court.
o france-protects-its-citizens.htm Under Suspicion: 'Faith' in France
o the-google-way.htm The Google Way
o fake-psychic-birthplace.htm Miss Cleo Avoids Birthplace Questions
o testing-null-hypothesis.htm scientific hypothesis = falsifiable
o catherine-ball-howard-stern.htm Catherine Bell talks about
Scientology on Howard Stern's radio show today
o girl-held-against-will.htm Mother says Freedom Village chief holds
girl against her will.
o washington-29june2002.htm Protest Report: Washington DC, 6/30/2002
o cult-shits-on-petition.htm Demand For Investigation of The Church
of Scientology
o using-disconnection-as-control.htm Using "Disconnection" as a form
of control
o declare-jean-luc-barbier.htm A specific SP Declare: another proof
of violation of human rights by scientology
o religion-scam-hits-japan.htm Brazilian church casts out demons and
saves souls... for a price
o held-against-will-like-mcpherson.htm More news on Freedom Village
o minton-timeline.htmBob Minton Timeline
o australia-occult-affiliation.htm $cientology is expanding! -
Australian census 2001
o spiritual-looters.htm Plane crash attracts spir itual looters
o birmingham-6july2002.htm PICKET REPORT 2002-July-6th, Birmingham
o pasadena-6july2002.htm Non Picket Report -- Pasadena, California,
o family-harmed-by-crime-syndicate.htm disconnect policy by L Ron
Hubbard harms family relationships
o womans-intuition.htm Letter to Portland Tribune
o saint-hill-sized.htm "Going St. Hill Size"
o crime-syndicate-still-dangerous.htm Scientology still dangerous
o vultures-gather.htm The vultures gather
o vulture-ministers-chicago-sun.htm Letter to the Chicago Sun -times
(not yet published)
o stat-push-tuesday.htm Thursday 2 PM, Stat Push
o cchr-kfi-letter.htm Message to KFI A.M. 640 regarding CCHR
o tend-to-like.htm Re: Henson letter to Schaeffer
o road-to-xenu-update.htm A Note From Margery Wakefield
o aclu-backboneless-isps.htm [OT] ACLU: Don't rat out your customers
o padgett-letter-dandar.htm Padgett letter to Dandar
o bush-five-minute-hate.htm Re: Forget Scientology! President Bush is
going to destroy the country
o copyright-bullies.htm Yahoo! Internet Life, August 2002: Operation
Clambake & Scientology Copyright Issues
o chilling-effects-crime-syndicate.htm Chilling Effects.org:
Scientology's C&D Complaint to Google last month
o jw-rapists-database.htm Jehovah's Witnesses secret database
protects paedophiles
o florida-bar-oath.htm Florida Oath of Admission to the Bar
o dandar-letter.htm Dandar to Minton, 10 April 2002
o dandar-targeted.htm REPOST: Church[sic] targets lawsuit attorney
o randi-gan-garvin.htm Dan Garvin letter to James Randi Educational
Foundation (JREF)
o cult-religion-difference.htm Repost: Cult or religion: What's the
o kinkel-rejected-criticism.htm Repost. Kinkel rejects U.S. criticism
over scientology
o education-cult-alert.htm Repost: Education-- Sixth formers on cult
o bin-laden-schools.htm Repost: Warning about 'Bin Laden schools'
o debunking-scientology-basic-questions.htm Re: Debunking
Scientology: Basic Questions
o moonstruck-propaganda.htm A Moonstruck Heaven Taps favorite Son
o jw-shelter-pedophiles.htm Jehovah's Witnesses accuse d of
'paedophile paradise.'
o russia-support-protest-of-abuse.htm We support Yekaterinburg !
o new-toronto-flyer.htm New Toronto picket flyer
o padgett46d.htm Padgett Litigation UPDATE 46 -d
o cult-ads-disqualified.htm Decisions Differ on Religious Ad
o rico-briefly.htm Re: RICO?
o sweden-cult-visits.htm Experience from visiting a Scientology
exhibition in Sweden (contains minor cult footbullet)
o bridge-publications-latest-scam.htm They look desperate to me
o bush-turns-usa-fascist.htm VMs in Paradise
o spammer-assaulted-protester.htm Spammer assults Protestor - T3
o crime-cyndicate-recruits-thugs.htm Re: Battle Creek letter prints
o bunny-bust-op.htm Operation Bunny Bust - #9 of Pulitzer prize
winning series might be called - Know your enemy
o scammer-gropes-asses.htm Blind Psychic Gropes Buttocks to See
o mobs-dirty-tricks-bared.htm Scientology 'Dirty Tricks' Bared
o better-off-dead.htm End of the world here for two - thank God!
o impingement.htm Yelling isn't yelling at all (misun derstood word) -
Impingement.jpg (0/1)
o padgett-court-tv-letter.htm Letter to Court TV
o mice-bigger-brains.htm So what do you want to do tonight, Brain?
o recovery-from-cults.htm RECOVERY FROM CULTS
o not-that-dangerous.htm Amusing encounter with a SCN recruiter.
o quakery-not-prosecuted.htm QUACKERY PROSECUTED - Not - the Feds
chicken out
o cults-here-dangerous.htm Cults: Still here, still dangerous
o toronto-21july2002.htm Toronto picket report July 21, Three Rings:
Friends, Neutrals, and Enemies.
o crank-yankers-frozen-hubbard.htm Crank Yankers I'd like to see
o go-osa-ordered-death.htm Questions Better Left Unasked: #3
o gps2.htm Re: Watch your P's & Q's Protesters
o go-osa-blackmail-judges.htm Questions Better Left Unasked: #2
o thetans-offender-program.htm Re: fwd: Thetans and the D.C. Offender
o henson-to-whyte-3_26_96.htm Re: Judge Whyte upholds DMCA : -(
o drugfree-marshal-scam.htm Letter to Editor July 28 Gary Times
o hacking-to-become-legal.htm Financial Times: P2P Blocking
o scouts-not-a-conn-charity.htm Conneticutt Bars Scouts As Charity
o padgett-ten-years.htm (un) HAPPY ANNIVERSARY - Tom Padgett
o rpf-running-torture.htm Re: The Running Program (Re: SPT: Fort
Harrison Correctional Facility)
o france-time-ran-out.htm AP: French statute of limitations
o jim-beebe-libeled.htm Re: The Times (Gary, Indiana): Jim Beebe
o copyright-cudgel.htm The Chronicle Review: Copyright as Cudgel
o hubbard-ran-crime-syndicate.htm Hubbard Ran the CoS
o pasadena-nonpicket1.htm "JOHN TRAVOLTA HAS SPACE COOTIES" non
picket picket report
o scientology-war-on-justice.htm Operation Bulldozer Leak
o sydney-org-ruins.htm Australia: the Sydney Org leaps into action
o downstat-image.htm Are you a DOWN STAT?? - downstatduped.jpg (0/1)
o sad-club-members.htm A Scientology Encounter of the Virtual Kind
o cardiff-giant-sucker-minute.htm From the I'll be damned dept:
"There's a sucker born every minute" NOT!
o cw-cult-building-should-tax.htm SPT: Letter to the editor
o wayback-machine-exclusion.htm Just Curious
o final-blackout-review.htm Re: Final Blackout cover pics
o are-we-clear-on-this.htm Tory Bezazian/TheDoorMagazine/Text Version
o plastic-crime-goons.htm The Press: New Zealand plastic
o marcab-bul1.htm Sector Operations Bulletin No. 1
o marcab-bul4.htm Sector Operations Bulletin No. 4
o marcab-bul8.htm Sector Operations bulletins No. 8
o marcab-bul10.htm Sector Operations Bulletin No. 10
o switzerland-image.htm A gentler kinder brainwashing cult
o hubbard-the-racist.htm Re: Watch your P's & Q's Protesters
o alt-support-attn-deficit.htm alt.support.attn-deficit FAQ
o purpose-of-orgs.htm Bizarre LRH Quotes
o kennedy-assasination-hubbard.htm Re: Bizarre LRH Quotes
o marcab-bul11.htm Sector Operations Bulletin No. 11
o marcab-bul13.htm Sector Operations Bulletin No. 13
o marcab-bul14.htm Sector Operations Bulletin No. 14
o marcab-bul15.htm Sector Operations Bulletin No. 15
o marcab-bul16.htm Sector Operations Bulletin No. 16
o marcab-bul17.htm Sector Operations Bulletin No. 17 Sector ethics
Order No. 5
o padgette-extortion-attempt.htm Silencing Efforts (was: Tom Padgett,
check your e-mail...)
o letter-memphic-bj.htm Letter to Editor Memphis Business Journal
o marcab-bul19.htm Sector Operations Bulletin No. 19 MARKAB, THE
o marcab-bul20.htm SECTOR ETHICS ORDER NO.1A
o deposition-swat-head.htm Re: record for being deposed by
o randy-kretchmar-opposed-mental-health-yonder.htm Re: fwd: Randy
o toronto-10aug2002.htm Toronto Picket report Aug. 10, 2002
o dmca-bad-law.htm CEA regrets the DMCA
o buttersquash-anthem.htm Anthem for the Buttersquash
Menage...everybody SING!
o toronto-8aug2002.htm Toronto Picket Report 2002 -08-11
o toronto-11aug2002.htm Toronto picket Aug. 11, 2002
o marcab-bul21.htm Sector Operations Bulletin No. 21
o fair-game-never-cabceled.htm Judge not fooled by Hubbard PR
o landmark-scientology-again.htm ABC News, 8/13/2002: Story on
Landmark Forum mentions Co$
o death-of-a-scientologist.htm Death of a Scientologist Parts 1
through 12
o ahmad-corrected-again.htm I Stand by my Opinion that Scientology is
a Cult ( Letter to Editor)
o sea-orger-starvation.htm (Denmark) Ex-Sea Org member dead from
o kretchmar-can-spy-osa.htm Re: Chicago org a sad shadow of itself
o how-to-start-a-money-cult.htm Re: What's Creative/Unique about
o xenu-paper-ads.htm Ads for www.xenu.net Las Vegas Nevada
o death-of-scientologist-review1.htm Greg Bashaw/Chicago Reade r
o xenu-core-belief4.htm Rebuttal to Bernie's assertion that Xenu is
not a core belief of Scientologists
o lisa-wanted-out.htm Lisa wanted to come home
o spies-kathryn.htm "Kathryn" witness for Lisa
o dmca-uk.htm The Times: DMCA
o slogans-to-mantras.htm book review: Stephen Kent, From Slogans to
o anti-porn-nut.htm Re: Perfect raw meat
o ashley-shanner-gag-order.htm Ashlee Shaner suit settled
o cult-word-play.htm Regime Report #3 now at
o state-hornet1.htm State Hornet: No Scientology
o edwin.htm Re: Edwin Richardson?
o cult-sneers.htm Re: Meeting with the Ministers and Scios
o avc-int.htm Who is AVC International?
o raelians-burn-crosses.htm On the radar: Raelians, school boar d
o never-trust-cultists.htm We should not have trusted Scientologists
o hubbard-tone-scale-lermanet.htm New at lermanet.com - The
Scientology Tone Scale
o free-speech-noose.htm Freedom of Speech ties noose around cult's
neck: Scientology's suicide
o ten-things-about-tom-cruise-mapother.htm Ten Things about Tom
o hubbards-brainwashing-manual1.htm In fulfillment of my prom ise to
Bob Minton
o crack-scientology.htm Crack Scientology
o cult-oxford-def.htm Re: Co$ doesn't KNOW it's a problem in this
o net-nanny-word-list.htm Re: eBay-Scientology Internet Starter Kit
o xenu-carrot-cake.htm Xenu's Teegeeack Upper Volcano Crust Carrot
o xenu-bt-cookies.htm Xenu's Oatmeal Applesauce Body Thetan Cluster
o failed-frame-job-queso.htm FAILED FRAME JOB - Queso, Scientology,
and the FBI - I'M BACK!!!
o palm-springs-fire.htm Fire bomb in Palm Springs, FL mission
o another-google-massacre.htm Another Google massacre for the nut -
o in-money-we-trust.htm Does money buy truth?
o paganism-dear-abby.htm Dear Abby, LA Times, 10/10: Telling the
truth about Pagans and Wiccans
o gonnet-one-euro.htm To make a long story short
o my-story-exscnmem.htm Part 1 - my story
o mormon-murder-mystery-1857.htm Reopening a Mormon Murder Mystery
o hco-expediter.htm Tales of HCO Part #1
o scientology-victim-starved.htm Re: Sea Org Member starved to death
in Denmark, complete story
o me-joan-wood-surfaced.htm SPT: Joan Wood
o cult-infiltrating-society.htm Surreptitiously infiltrating society
o vultures-at-floods.htm VMs at flood sites
o pagett47.htm Padgett Litigation UPDATE 47
o letter-to-chicago-reader.htm Letter to the Chicago Reader
o stacy-brooks-rpf.htm Stacy & RPF
o agent-provocateur-mm.htm Agent Provocateur
o hubbards-sick-brain.htm Journey to the Centre of Ron's Brain
o makes-cult-bad.htm What makes Scientology bad
o absurd-all-cults.htm Charleston Gazette-Mail: Absurd (mention of
o cw-last-coffin-nail.htm SPT: Letters to the Editor
o another-scientology-suicide2.htm Suicide scientologist Tony
Stevenson, Melbourne, Australia
o cult-danger-underestimated.htm Experts say state underestimating
danger from sects (cults)
o hoaxes-golden-age.htm Strange but true: This is the golden age of
o australia-census2001.htm Scientology VS Jedi in Australia - census
o cult-cloaking-device-fraud.htm Scientology's Religio us Cloaking
Device exposed
o want-to-help-here-is-how.htm want to help? here's how you can
o somethingaweful-music-maker.htm SomethingAwful stirs the pot
o letters-to-my-sister.htm Letters to my sister, an OTVII
o lmt-moxon-confidental-blackmail.htm fwd: Moxon got confidential LMT
o db-lounge-leipzig.htm fwd: The DB Lounge in Leipzig
o lying-is-scientology-policy.htm fwd: Haney about lies and
acceptable truths
o fair-game-not-canceled-anderson.htm fwd: Haney: "fair game" applied
o cult-violated-tro.htm fwd: Nancy Many infiltrating Mayo's group
despite court order
o cult-intercepted-email.htm fwd: Nancy Many's intercepted mail
o nancy-many-spying.htm fwd: Nancy Many spying on Laurel Sullivan,
feeling sorry today
o one-point-two-million.htm Re: Intro to Scientology -
o clearwater-taxes-2002.htm Clearwater Co$ property and taxes
o scames-and-scientologists.htm Scams and Scientology - Married? Or
Just Good Friends?
o padgett-falsely-arrested-again.htm Tom Pagett arrested at airport
in Providence RI while waiting for his son to arrive per court
ordered visitation
o cult-abuse-defined.htm Cultic Abuses
o dandar-fair-gamed.htm Dandar fair gamed
o civil-agreements-unhidden.htm secret agreements in civil court
going away?
o toronto2002sep02.htm Toronto Picket Report 2002 -09-02
o letter-daily-cougar1.htm My letter to the Daily Cougar
o court-ruling-2002sep5.htm Court ruling due Sept. 5, 2002
o stacy-moxon-criminal-indifference.htm Stacy Moxon death
o gov-davis-ida-sb1796.htm Calif Senate Bill SBl796 Request to Gov.
Davis for signature
o the-mayo-assault.htm The Prince
o scientology-is-for-crazies.htm Re: Daily Cougar Stomps Scientology!
o thetans-unlucky.htm "Thetan" isn't a word in the dictionary, but...
o list-cult-abuses.htm Cultic Abuses
o padgett-needs-bail.htm FREE TOM PADGETT
o daily-cougar-za.htm My letter to the Daily Cougar
o memorial-7dec.htm Memorial Picket Dec. 7, worldwide!
o french-cult-venus-trip.htm Siege as French cult pl ans voyage to
o oppressive-cult.htm Scientology is an Oppressive Cult
o refund-from-crime-syndicate-policy.htm SCIENTOLOGY'S REFUND POLICY
o gagged-by-cult.htm Wanted - Summary of names of all ex -members and
lawyers gagged by Scientology
o can-attack-cost-300-dollars.htm Nordquist lawsuit
o can-attack-cost-300-dollars2.htm Statement of Jonathan L. Nordquist
from Nordquist v. Zilliox, No. 92 L 1447, County of Cook, Il.
o jerry-e-smith.htm Jerry Smith, Blazing Trails
o vulture-criminals-mother-jones.htm Letter to Mother Jones magazine
re: VM ad
o letter-tom-padgett-jail.htm Letter from Tom Padgett
o does-osa-read-my-mail.htm does OSA read my mail?
o tyrants-are-us.htm New at Truth About Scientology: The Regime
Report, by Murray Luther
o earth-third-satellite.htm [OT] Amateur astronomer may have found
new moon
o zenon-raided-again.htm Raided again
o 911-dignity.htm September 11'th Hucksters
o employees-illegally-fired.htm EEOC: Employees illegally fired -
Harlingen Family Dentistry - CoS
o vespa-scooter.htm Join Scientology or buy a Vespa scooter?
o housing-authority-discrimination.htm Religious discrimination suit
filed against Greenwich housing authority - CoS
o dc-14sep2002.htm DC ORG PICKET REPORT 9 -14-02
o hubbard-advocated-genocide.htm Hubbard advocates Genocide!
o toronto-15sep2002.htm Toronto picket Sept 15
o wayback-freespeech-censored.htm The cult now attacking archive.org
- The Wayback Machine
o dmca-abuse-by-ho2.htm Ava & Google
o islam-clued-to-cult.htm Scientology and Islamic Extemists secretly
working together ( 1997)
o dead-agent-dad-jj.htm Dead agenting my dad
o helena-kobrin-modern-criminal.htm Helena Kobrin - Modern Legal
o hubbard-modern-criminal.htm Re: Helena Kobrin - Modern Legal
o obe-explained.htm Exteriorize this
o calling-islam-stupid.htm ||
o snow-white-11jan1979.htm Re: request: Unindicted Co -Conspirators
o what-do-scientologists-lie.htm Why scientologists lie, a Clearwater
o no-scientologists-at-ground-zero.htm VMs Not at Ground Zero After
o happy-mailbox.htm my happy, happy mailbox
o wayback-machine-censorship-matters.htm Blocking the Wayback
Machine: Why you should care
o letter-to-dr-littell.htm message to Dr. Franklin Littell
o toronto-21sep2002.htm Toronto Auditor's Day Protest 21/09/2002
o christopher-reeve.htm Christopher Reeve's experience with
o better-unanswered.htm Better left unanswered - Oxford Capacity
Analysis - CoS
o dangerous-con-now.htm Letter to the Editor ( not yet printed)
o crime-syndicate-rewites-history.htm Scientology Rewrites History
o toronto-22sep2002.htm Toronto Picket Report, September 22 2002
o hubbard-blood-brother-lies.htm Blood brother
o exorcism-kills-yomiuri.htm Evil cultist proves that too much
exorcise can be fatal (Mainichi Daily News)
o grandma-tunnel-vision.htm Gandalf like Grandma
o protection-from-religion.htm The Nation, 9/24/2002: Brief
Scientology mention: Freedom From Religion, Si!
o cchr-killing-people.htm We can't sit still for this
o faith-based-office.htm You Gotta Have Faith (Humor)
o missing-links.htm "Church," DMCA, and too many missing links
o sign-laura-bill.htm LA Times Editorial: Sign Laura's Law
o toronto-29sep2002.htm Toronto Picket Sat Sept 29
o the-self-brainwashing-manual2.htm Re: The Self-Brainwashing Manual
o cult-refund-need-help.htm Cof$ refund policy - need help
o scientiology-illegal-association.htm Illicit practice of medicine
o be0-like-a-duck.htm If it walks like a duck...
o about-koos-rebuttal.htm Who Created The False Newspaper Article
"About Koos"
o arizona-polygamy.htm Scientology supporter Matt Salmon slammed with
polygamy smear
o riverside-county-crime-syndicate-courts.htm Riverside County civil
cases involving Co$
o mystory-part8.htm Part 7 - my story
o self-brainwashing-manual1.htm Re: The Self-Brainwashing Manual
o stern-psychocults.htm New psychocults as dangerous as Scientology
o padgett-out-of-jail-charges-bogus.htm Tom Padgett is out of jail -
Scientology LIES - and Gerald Feffer
o all-stars-banned-again.htm Queso banned again, LOL!!!!
o rtc-nazi-behavior.htm How Scientology Makes You "Free"
o south-park-rtc-takeover.htm New Leadership In The RTC/Sea Org
o cchr-front-group-turnpike.htm Canton Journal - Group is front
organization for Church of Scientology - CCHR
o toronto2002oct19.htm Toronto picket report Oct 19, 2002
o reporter-forbidded-interview.htm Rocky Mountain News: No negativity
o roger-gonnet-won-again.htm I won that one TWICE
o soda-spring-cult.htm Old cult compound at Soda Springs: photographs
o quiet-hidden-terrorism.htm The Quiet Hidden Terrorism
o 911-god-saved-lds.htm Mormon bishop: God saved all LDS from death
in 9/11 World Trade Center collapse
o nots-for-tots-2002.htm In time for Christmas! NOTs for Tots!
o fishman-securities.htm Re: fwd: Moxon: Fishman wasn't a
o bavaria-scientology-mafia-study.htm Bavarians desperate, says
o death-of-a-scientologist-letter-editor.htm Letter to the Editor
o birmingham-2002oct26.htm Picket Report, Birmingham, UK, 26th Oct
o scientologist-former-present.htm $cientologists, former and present
o 18th-ias-event.htm Report on the 18th Annual IAS Event
o crime-syndicate-preys-upon-russian-disaster.htm VMs repelled in
o armstrong-scarff.htm Re: Collecting up Scarff Hate posts re Gerry
o gonnet-fined-one-euro.htm Clam won one euro dama ges against me.
o xenu-is-core-belief-alanzo1.htm Xenu is the core of Scientology
o cchr-is-destructive2.htm A Response to Scientology (1996)
o explaining-acceptable-truth.htm Re: fwd: Acceptable truth explained
o death-sally-chaleff.htm Re: fwd: Hana Whitfield about the death of
Sally Chaleff
o adverse-inference.htm Re: fwd: Judge thinks about adverse inference
from the "missing" PC files
o selling-scientology.htm Business Wearing the Cloak of Religion
o scientology-ethics-explained3.htm new Regime Report at
o lrh-signatures-fakes.htm Letter to David Schulson Autographs, Inc
about fake Hubbard letter
o vivien-lutz-successful.htm Vivien Lutz defeats Scientology in
favorable settlement
o goodrich-suit-evaluation.htm Re: The Goodrich Suit Evaluation
o witch-burning-india.htm Freedom of Religion in India
o padgette-ffields-questions.htm Re: Tom Padgett's Documents
o crime-syndicate-flag-stats-2002.htm Scientology statistics update
o ida-party.htm The Ida Camburn Party ~~~
o erfurt-federal-labor-court.htm Information & Disinformation
o copenhagen-slander.htm Copenhagen: Scientology in court for
o the-suppressive-levels.htm The Suppressive Levels
o apa-investigate-mind-control.htm APA asked to investigage mind
control in destructive cults
o engrams-not-exist.htm $cientology: Exploitive Body Memory Theory
o moscow-hoax-exposed.htm Moscow Hoax exposed
o satisfied-cultist.htm fwd: A satisfied cultist
o secular-article.htm draft version: scriptures vs. secular article
o trio-arrested.htm Trio arrested after wife's wrists are bound
o master-spy-testifies.htm NEWS: East German Spymaster Testifies
Against Scientology
o front-sight-diana-hsieh.htm Front Sight - CoS - A Blogger gets sued
- Diana Hsieh
o better-business-bureau.htm Mecca of Swindlical Perfection
o hubbards-cosmology-source.htm Hubbard's Cosmology---- one source
o scientology-in-fiction.htm Scientology Inc. In Fiction
o bush-opposes-first-amendment.htm FREE SPEECH in the USA ~ George
Dubya style
o safe-environment-fund.htm Stacy Brooks Regarding the IAS, Barnes
Request for Refund
o 60-minutes-cchr.htm Scientology on 60 Minutes tonight
o front-sight-membership-prices.htm Front Sight Weapons Training
pricelist - elron would be proud
o xenu-carwash.htm Xenu's carwash - New Enturbulator 009.
o padgette-hush-form.htm Re: Tom Padgett Debate
o yet-another-criminal.htm OFF TOPIC: TV news sto ry about scammer
spiritual healer, WCPO, Cincinnati, OH
o barbara-schwarz.htm Part 1: Get your records straight about me and
o ron-the-war-zero-asimov.htm The Hero Who Never Was ( from "the Bare
Faced Messiah")
o christian-science-goes-new-age.htm Christian Science and its
o routing-out-truman-show.htm "Success Story" from the "Routing out
of the Co$ Truman Show" process
o bavaria-helps-victims-of-crime-syndicate.htm Bavaria - Hermann
Regensburger - Clamp-down on Scientology
o spam-queen-betterly.htm Salon Blogs on Scieno spammer
o clo-fraud-death-card.htm OT; Miss Cleo's empire takes a 'psychic'
o crime-syndicate-vs-buffalo-mayor.htm New lawsuits: Church of
Scientology of Buffalo vs. Anthony Masiello
o cchr-deceived-texas.htm Co$ M.O.- 2001 Legislative/Mental Health
o canton-journal-14nov2002.htm Letter to Canton Journal
o scientology-claims-medical-cures2.htm Claims of medical cures in
CoS magazines?
o grady-ward-silence.htm Ward paid to keep silent?
o no-win-no-fee-irish-times.htm Irish Times: Legal fees
o owen-my-intro.htm My intro to scientology...
o cults-on-campus-10news.htm Cults on Campus
o leipziug-award2002.htm 2002 Leipzig Human Rights Award
o wicca-mary-kay.htm Woman sues Mary Kay for Wiccan bias
o scientology-guns-weblogs.htm Scientology, Guns, and Weblogs
o fail-miserably.htm Young girl attempts to "body route" Phineas
o nirvana-at-a-price.htm The Times of India: New Cult
o picket-notice-uk-7dec2002.htm Picket **NOTICE**, London UK, Lisa
McPherson Day [2002/dec/07, Saturday]
o la-17march2001.htm Picket Report, Los Angeles, March 17, 2001
o chicago-reader-magoo-letter.htm Letter to Chicago Reader:
Scientology suicides
o crime-bosses-jailed-france.htm Italian Scientologists jailed 1997
o straight-dope-whats-up.htm What's up with Dianetics/Scientology ( A
Straight Dope classic)
o crime-syndicate-can-kates1.htm My Story in Scientology/Charlotte L.
Kates Part One
o scientology-medical-fraud.htm Scientology's Medical Fraud
Putrification Runover in Chicago
o plight-of-parents.htm The Plight of Parents ( from Understand ing
o holidays-and-scientology.htm Holidays And Scientology: What gives?
o daily-probe-be.htm The Daily Probe
o silent-night.htm post your Christmas poetry!
o susteren-fox-cchr.htm Greta Van Susteren promotes Scientology front
Group (Fox News)
o scientology-destroyes-families-mine.htm Scn breaks up another
family, mine.
o james-parker-letter.htm Sydney Morning Herald: Letter to the Editor
o cost-of-cult-warrior.htm Re: 27 years ago -
o crime-syndicate-slander-val.htm The Cult Tries to Have Me Fired
(Letter #1)
o scientology-translated1.htm funny definitions, reposted
o phineas-sister-letter.htm My sister's disconnect letter to me.
o scientologist-pathological-liar-dalton.htm Pathological Liar is a
Scientologist - What a Surprise! - Debra Anne Dalton
o thanksgiving-scientology.htm Happy Thanksgiving!
o barb-slandered-by-cult.htm cult actions against critics
o post-brainwashing-behavior.htm Re: Post-Scientology Syndrome
o padgett-thanksgiven-disconnect.htm (un)HAPPY THANKSGIVING
o usa-raped-citizen.htm Government Rape of a Citizen - Lawrence
o lerma-alt-scientology-war.htm alt.scientology.war - December 1995
Wired Magazine
o letter-to-mafia-lawer.htm My Letter to Abelson
o elliot-abelson-told-truth.htm What if Elliot Abelson told the
truth? Parody
o australia-2dec2002.htm Re: PICKET Report (unconventional) AU STRALIA
o crime_syndicarte_v_fishman.htm Scientology V. Fishman
o crime_syndicarte_v_lerma.htm Scientology V. Lerma
o florida_v_donald_anthony_strawn_criminal -complaint.htm Florida v.
Strawn: Criminal Complaint
o florida_v_donald_anthony_strawn_cult -felonies.htm Florida v.
Strawn: "Church" of Scientology's crimes
o florida_v_donald_anthony_strawn_deposition.htm Florida v. Strawn:
Excerpts from deposition
o florida_v_donald_anthony_strawn_docket.htm Florida v. Strawn: Court
o crime_syndicarte_v_factnet.htm Scientology v Factnet
o scientology-nazis-cws.htm Clearwater Sun. Nancy and her neo -Nazis
o vickki-statement.htm My son George Cook Ford (George Ford)'s
Affidavit dated October 18, 2002
o dr-lottick-ok.htm Re: Noah Lottick's grave - noah-grave.jpg
o moxon-gives-nazi-salute.htm More about Kendrick Moxon's mental
state - Weiteres zu Kendrick Moxons Geisteszustand
o xian-disconnection.htm Division of family, faith
o dublin-woman-brainwashed.htm Dublin woman sues Scientology church
for brainwashing
o barbara-schwarz2.htm Part 12: Barbara Schwarz reveals more shocking
o megan-shields-cult-criminality.htm Dr. Megan Shields - Who Comes
First the Patient or the Church?
o donna-curry-suicide.htm Another Death in Scientology
o padgett-papers-collection.htm The PadgettPapers -- Reconsideration
of Visitation
o deranged-scientologusts1955.htm 1955: Hubbard tests Introspection
o trial-centers-on-exorcism.htm Pastor's assault trial centers on
o fair-gamed-australia.htm Australia - Let the Fair Game Commence!
o dead-body-soboba.htm dead woman's body found on soboba land behind
scientology's gold - en era
o police-looking-ingram.htm REPOST Police looking for Eugene Ingram
o cult-recovery-essays.htm Individual Differences Affecting Recovery
o word-usage-cult.htm Word Usage: "Cult"
o cult-nudity-magazine.htm Flag Resorts to NOTSoSubliminal Sex
Advertising for L's - source-140-ls.jpg (0/1)
o cult-members-deceive-campus.htm Members of sect posed as health
workers then bombarded campus with calls in pamphlet ploy ;
o lm-vampirers.htm Scientology Vampires - Writing checks on Lisa's
Bank Account after she was dead CH28 transcript
o slatkin-cult-involvement1.htm New and Interesting Documents at
o cult-petty-theft.htm COS stealing from its own most dedicated
o reed_declare_hitchman_2002_ 08_23.htm Reed Slatkin Declaration / Aug
23 2002 (re Hitchman)
o yoder-loses-bid.htm Randy Kretchmar loses first case
o light-mirrors-warrior.htm Light and Mirrors - Re: New Scientology
memo at lisamcpherson.com
o barb-reporter-frame-up.htm thank you OSA
o moxon-goes-psychotic.htm Kendrick Moxon draws parallels - Kendrick
Moxon zieht Parallelen
o heller-v-caberta-motion.htm Heller vs. Caberta - Motion for
Attorney's Fees & Order
o london2002dec7.htm Report, London, UK, Lisa McPherson memorial
picket, 7th Dec 2002 [XENU]
o clearwater2002dec7.htm Candlelight vigil in memory of Lisa
McPherson, Clearwater, FL
o los-angeles2002dec7.htm In Honor Of Lisa....
o disconnection-and-families.htm Disconnection and Families
o barb-la-2002dec7.htm Picket report, Los Angeles 7 Dec
o apa-cults-of-hate.htm fwd: Mind control: psychological reality or
mindless rhetoric?
o what-scientology-taught-me.htm What Scientology Taught Me
o dotted-line-xenu.htm Argus Leader, Sioux Falls, SD, 12/11/2002:
Xenu mentioned in letter to the editor
o fewer-than-4400.htm fewer than 4400 individuals in Source lists
o scientology-poster-child.htm Yoder, Canadian woman married at
mental hospital
o jesse-prince-soboba.htm Escape from Scientology's "Gold Base"
through Soboba Indian Reservation
o more-xenu-net-ads.htm And more XENU.NET Ads
o toronto-2002dec7.htm Toronto Picket Dec. 7, 2002 report (late)
o australia-2002dec15.htm Australia Picket ~ December 15
o the-few-proud-weird-5.htm new at truthaboutscientology.com: Regime
Report #5. The Few, The Proud, The Weird
o brainwashing-defense-return.htm Return of the Brainwashing Defense
o using-proxies.htm How to surf the internet safely and anonymously
and use proxies IP Masking
o nobody-told-us.htm Gotta Have Faith
o australia-2002dec17.htm Re: Australia Picket ~ December 15
o cult-buys-mcdonalds.htm Co$ Buys McDonalds (Satire, BUT I t Could
o cult-sandwich-shop.htm Co$ opens a Mystery Sandwich shop (Satire,
BUT corrected for accuracy)
o cult-xmas-tree.htm Re: Co$ Toronto - Now Recuiting [1/1]
o santa-claus-not-real-kintergarten.htm It's the lie, not the truth,
that hurts
o from-russia-with-aeroflot.htm From Russia with Aeroflot
o r6mas-carols-2002.htm R6Mas Carols for 2002 --#1
o hostages-to-fortune.htm Hostages to fortune
o disconnection-not-rare.htm Calling Claire, Enzo & Bernie
o cult-funding-pressure.htm Re: The state of Scientology in England
o packer-shareholders-warned.htm Just do the L. Ron-ron
o body-routing-new-publics.htm New public into Scientology (was Re:
Flag's stats)
o barbara-schwarz3.htm Re: You are being watched, criminals!
o crackdown-on-cults.htm Sunday Mirror: Crackdown on cults
o sf-regulated-psychics.htm S.F. may soon see psychics regulated
o james-randi-wtc.htm James Randi commenting on the World Trade
Center crime
o dmca-elcomsoft.htm DMCA and new ramifications.
o what-is-scientology-core-belief.htm Xenu and the Space Aliens:
$cientology's Core Belief
o wellspring-retreat-dr-martin.htm Expert: Cults focus on control
o cathy-sproule-rpf.htm RPF Assignment - Cathy Sproule
o russia-infiltration.htm Invest Data
o ars-newspaper-history.htm Merry Christmas to you, OSA!!!
o ottmann-attacked-anonymous-coward.htm Why the anon poster isn't Bob
o afternoon-with-$cientologists.htm Wichita: An Afternoon with the
o margaret-mitchell-lapd-crime-syndicate.htm Holy shit! Scientology
crooks were involved!
o clearwater-virtual-tour.htm Trying to locate the Clearw ater Virtual
o death-by-brainwashing.htm Cult Mom sees she was manipulated
o google-scientology-interest.htm Re: Scientology as a Human Interest
o cchr-jackie-panzik.htm Orange County’s 31 Scariest People
o math-skills.htm Buffalo Leaders Need To Work On Math Skills
o leipzig-human-rights-award-2003.htm PR Norwegian IT professional
wins Leipzig Human Rights Award 2003
o ursula-milde-docket.htm Ursula Milde Docket Sheet
o newzealand-crime-cult-stats.htm How many people does it take to
become a charity?
o newzealand-scientology-links.htm Searching .nz for Scientology
o ot8-flee-cult.htm Contents: A Knock On The Door: The story of Alex
and Ariane Jackson.
o cleared-of-kidnapping.htm OLD NEWS: Friend cleared of kidnapping
o raelyn-cloning.htm What's the deal with cults and their volcanos?
o newzealand-scientology-findings.htm Re: How many people does it
take to become a charity?
o pisspot-dud.htm Ballad of Pisspot Dud (Mr. Desktop)
o ottmann-docs.htm Ottmann Docs
o beans-and-rice-order.htm Dear Sir, ...
o bire-bomb-frame-updated.htm REPOST- plus brief follow up: Fire Bomb
at Palm Springs, FL mission
o peggy-bankston-sp-declare.htm "One would say she was just wog -
stupid." - The Commodore on 'Bankston's Fate'
o pigs-berthing.htm Orders Query
o rest-of-the-planet.htm Expanded Non-Existence - Paco Suarez,
Cleaner I/C
o reg-sharpe-sp-declare.htm HCO Ethics Order No. 147 WW
o let-osa-know.htm Dear Vitold, my name is Diana ...
o lil-diston-sp-declare.htm Lil Diston - Declaration of Suppressive
o diane-konneus.htm "I HOLD Y=O=U RESPONSIBLE." - One of those
messages from INT that every S.O. member likes to receive
o stephanie-brownell.htm "What came up on her out-2D with Thomas
prior to their marriage?" - Your report of 2 July
o christel-konneus.htm Fitness Turndown - Christel Konneus
o gold-base-schedule.htm Working schedule at "Golden Era Productions"
o dalene-gouws-sec-check.htm Sec Check on Dalene Gouws, Captain AOSH
o the-process-and-scientology.htm HCO Ethics Order No. 609
o bob-musack-sp-declare.htm "He has threatened to cave in his wife
with R6 materials"
o hana-eltringham-rpf.htm RPF Assignment - Hana Eltringham
o children-rpf.htm Cadet Org MAA
o delphian-school-fears.htm The Delphian School and the "Hubbard
Learning Tech"
o child-sacrafice-probation-randi.htm Child sacrifice resulted in
probation, not prison
o george-hay-sp-declare.htm HCO Ethics Order EO 39
o special-unit-australia.htm Highly commended - Special Unit
o frans-walter-thomas-sp-declare.htm Declare and Expulsion - Bill
Franks, Alan Walter, Bob Thomas
o chris-haritou-sp-declare.htm Suppressive Person Declare - Chris
o johnny-get-your-modem.htm Johnny Get Your Modem - Scientology's War
with the Internet
o cw-unhappy-take-time.htm Occupied Clearwater: Unhappy with
Clearwater? Take time to look around you
o its-about-organized-crime.htm Letters: Kristi Wachter "It's about
organized crime"
o ida-newyear-2003.htm HappyNew Year
o randi-cloning-fraud-buster.htm W. Post- James Randi Rips Rael
o anti-scientology-not-hate.htm Re: why is Lawrence an "anti -
o until-we-have-a-slave.htm Quote about the Sea Org?
o types-of-conversion.htm Types of conversion
o scientologist-charles-manson2.htm Yes, Virginia, Charles Manson
*was* a Scientologist!
o toronto-7dec2002.htm Toronto Picket Report: 2002 -12-07 (posted very
o prozac-for-children.htm [OT] FDA Approves Prozac for Children,
o barbaraschwarz3.htm Barbara Schwarz Fails to Hoodwink the
Department of Energy!
o a-risky-story.htm Scientology's Puzzling Journey From Tax Rebel to
Tax Exempt
o new-years-event2003.htm Report on the 2003 New Years Event
o crime-syndicate-admits-spying.htm Church admits to spying
o very-messy-mission.htm "I inspected the mission. It was dirty and
messy ..." - Weekly Report on Moscow Mission
o scientology-leaders-shrink.htm An Important Paper on Scientology -
Please Read
o italy-enemy-list.htm Enemy List of GO Italy (around 1981)
o land-of-superstition.htm Israel, Land of Extraordinary Superst ition
o tree-sitter.htm OT: Tree sitting looks about over in Santa Clarita
o go-osa-italy-log.htm GO/OSA Log Italy 1981 - 1985 (Part 1 from 15)
o athens-recruit.htm "I know I can count on you" - Personnel Order
from SMI Europe (August 1993)
o ted-meisig-moxon-letter.htm Ted Heisig letter - May 16th, 1993
o secret-settlements-banned.htm Re: Please! - NO GAG IN MCPHERSON
CASE - Was this about the Public Interest or was it only about
o scientology-hypnotism-dublin.htm Hypnosis sessions 'upset'
o fake-can-da.htm CAN involved in Dead -Agenting?
o frank-copeland-still-harassed.htm $cientology still investigating
o cult-loses-libel-denmark.htm Scientology loses court case in
o hubbard-rpf-letter.htm SO 1 letter re: RPF
o leather-e-meter.htm Leather e-meter. Costs a lot: some 10000
dollars in 1986
o imitation-religious-product.htm Re: I'm about to read Dianetics -
anything I should keep in mind
o free-will-compromised-dublin.htm Woman's free will 'was
o moscow-protests-cult.htm Moving Together protests against
Scientology sect in St. Petersburg
o letter-to-hollander-consultants.htm Letter to Hollander Consultants
o never-get-me.htm Scientology and Me
o rev-gandow-fair-gamed-autobahn.htm "fair game" on the Autobahn
o the-scientology-psychopath-personality.htm The Scientology
Psychopath Personality
o cult-v-presbyterians-cw.htm SPT: Scientologists and Presbyterians
o cult-attack-eli-lilly.htm Scientology Attack (1991 Chicago Tribune)
o ritalin-saves-lives.htm fwd: Why our children are taking `kiddy -
o prof-kent-dublin.htm Irish Times: Kent to testify
o dditgude-magazine.htm ADDitude Magazine/CCHR & an Indiana
o ca-hubbard-books-rejected.htm $cientology Improperly Depicts
Disabled People
o hush-money-12m.htm Hush-Hush Money - Westworld August 1997
o jeff-jacobsen-dad-threatened.htm Answering machine message posted
to abs
o islamic-disconnection.htm "A Macabre Farce" 'Disconnection Islamic
o singer-consultants-business.htm Singer Consultants materials
o scientology-suicide-rick-ross.htm A Scientology Suicide
o caberta-censored.htm TRO for Caberta
o dan-garvin-james-randi.htm Dan Garvin letter to James Randi
o scientology-christopher-reeves.htm Christopher Reeves rags on
o literary-history-bat-earth.htm Today in literary history
o artists-for-a-better-world.htm Poets have money?
o request-for-family-help.htm A request for help
o becomming-a-critic-of-crimes.htm Re: I want to thank the following
people who answered my post!
o criminal-organization-not-victims.htm ANTI-CLERICALISM AND
o about-david-miscabige.htm Is this true? - At Everything2
o newsday-ufo-cult.htm Newsday forgets Scientology is a UFO cult
o penn-teller-fight-bullshit.htm Cry of the angry magicians: Penn &
o cults-love-bush-admin.htm Unsung Heroes-- $200 million for
religious-based drug treatment?
o ftc-swiss-fraudulent-claims.htm fwd: Swiss Company Charged by FTC
with Making Unsubstantiated Health Claims
o jeffrey-hadden-death.htm Re: Cult apologist Jeffrey K. Hadden died
o soboba-indian-res-deaths.htm Re: Soboba Indian Reservation woman
o subjected-hypnosis-dublin.htm Hypnosis sessions upset plaintiff
suing Scientology
o fbi-raid-north-georga.htm FBI Raids Evangelist's North Georgia Home
o bloody-butt-dope.htm Re: Free Speech & Copyright Infringement on
the Information Super -Highway
o meetup-dream.htm I have a dream...
o irfc-creates-political-riffs.htm FINDLAW: "Why the U.S.'s
International Religious Freedom Commission Is Harming Its Status In
the World Community"
o sister-changed-dublin.htm Woman says her sister was 'changed' by
o weak-minds-twisted.htm How their weak minds got twisted
o panda-software-roger-gonnet-fines-1e.htm I've been sentenced to -day
(civil, not penal) to ONE euro (against Panda software, Panda
o family-gave-evidence-dublin.htm Family give evidence in Scientology
o prevented-from-defense.htm ''Guru of Ganja'' convicted of marijuana
o gordon-melton-paid-apologist.htm J. Gordon Melton: Scholar or paid
o london1feb2003.htm Picket Report - London
o muslim-honor-killings.htm "I've cleansed my house' A Muslim Code of
o rose-colored-glasses.htm Rose-Colored Glasses
o jref-amazing2003.htm JREF: The Amaz!ng Meeting
o ava-spam-verizon.htm Verizon vs the DMCA
o barbaraschwarz4.htm About Nore Enturbulata's tarantula -life
o cchr-conspiracy-nuts.htm Scientologists' ideas are a great
conspiracy theory
o pro-putin-youth-protest.htm Pro-Putin youth movement urges closing
Church of Scientology in Russia
o bill-ruth-bowen.htm Bill And Ruth Bowen: Criminals H iding Behind
o l-ron-elementry.htm L. Ron Elementary - a Parody With a Point
o noisy-investigations-dublin.htm Church[sic] case hears of man
making "noisy investigation" of plaintiff
o harassing-telephone-calls-dublin.htm Church[sic] case told of phone
calls to clients
o greek-scientology-not-religion.htm Scientology Is Not a Religion -
Holy Synod of the Church of Greece
o blaming-the-victim.htm BLAMING THE VICTIM by Monica Pignotti
o poling-place-cult.htm Unsung Heroes
o scientology-bogus-science-rubbis.htm Irish Times: Scientology
o j-gordon-clark.htm Dr. J. Gordon Clark (Harvard Med School) on
o why-taking-photographs.htm Re: Cathy Norman - Cathy_positioning.jpg
o hubbard-crowley-beast.htm L Ron Hubbard Created His Own "Beast"
o ag-ant-spam-suit.htm Attorney General Files State's First "spam"
o correctly-frank-ofman-slander.htm Letter to OSA
o the-lrh-abyss.htm Unsung Heroes-- Just staring into the abyss gets
boring after a time.
o jedi-outnumber-scientologists.htm [OT] Thousands sign up as Jedi in
o treasuring-can.htm Re: Who's insane here: US justice, or the
o scientology-italy-extortion-suicide.htm Sardinia (Italy): extortion
and suicide
o cult-voting-neighborhood-counsil.htm American Reporter: Scientology
voting bloc
o picket-fencing.htm OLD: Picket Fencing
o cult-secrets-that-kill.htm Scn secrets that kill
o i-started-thinking.htm Quote of the day by Dan Garvin
o trademark-not-amused.htm Not Amused -- Trademark
o crime-in-clearwater-fl.htm Crime in Clearwater FL: statistics
o cult-spam-pages-goodgle-insight.htm Re: A huge Google laugh!
o cult-stalking-lawsuit.htm Co$ harassment may be actionable!
o cult-think.htm Cult Think - Certainity vs. Reality
o dead-agent-source.htm L Ron Hubbard Holy Passages From "Art of War"
o described-scientologist.htm I'm sorry to say this....
o fantasy-big-win36.htm $cientologist Corrects Molecular Structure
o gonet-roger-risk.htm Roger / Scientology criminals mentioned in
RISKs Digest
o harry-ross-hubbard-probate.htm Concerning Harry Ross Hubbard
o hemphill-wanted-to-prosecute.htm [Largo Times] Terry + Cathleen
Hemphill - CoS
o hubbard-fear-asprin.htm Why Hubbard Hated Aspirin
o information-warfare-lecture.htm CoS and information warfa re:
upcoming lecture
o islam-women.htm Women, Islam and the Koran
o kefr-greece-petition.htm KEFE - Greece
o kretchmar-yoder-twins.htm Randy Kretchmar ( OSA) in the St.Louis
o landmark-and-scientology.htm Re: Letter: Landmark and Scientology
o mind-still-prisoner.htm Re: Another Scientology Tour Report
o philipee-arsac-rg.htm Another sentence aga inst me
o reporters-questions-of-faith.htm Baker on Faith-Based Folly
o thinking-allowed-mem.htm THINKING ALLOWED
o copyright-public-domain-2003.htm Oops! Did cult scriptures enter
the Public Domain?
o usa-lack-privacy.htm Re: Amazing amount of databases to research
o children-brides-utah.htm Young Brides Stir New Outcry on Utah
o business-card-notes-removed.htm A twist on the "Help Wanted" Clam -
o fair-game-lever-playing-field.htm ARTICLE: "Fair Game": Leveling
the Playing Field in Scientology Litigation
o browser-big-brother.htm Big Brother and your browser
o cult-deprogramming-treatment.htm Judge Oks cult deprogramming
o hubbard-the-crank.htm Scientific American: Hermits and Cranks
o barbaraschwarz5.htm Part 58: Barbara Schw arz reveals shocking news!
o scientology-a-profit-business-tax-it.htm SPT: Letters to the Editor
o jolie-steckart-can-spy11.htm Re: Minton admits he had no proof
Jolie/Laura was a spy
o clearing-up-yoders-lies.htm Clearing up Yoder's lies ( a public
o trademark-dilution-sc-decision.htm Net critics win Supreme Court
o swiss-cult-boss-fined.htm jail for a Swiss Scientologist ?
o ms-bloodybutt-chloral-hydrate.htm Re: Riverside Grand Jury responds
o stephen-kent-dublin-isolated.htm Professor says Scientology church
tried to isolate him
o free-will-dublin.htm Irish Times: Free Will
o scientology-medical-malpractice.htm Scientology's Medical
o claires-first-expulsion.htm My First Expulsion
o ect-most-effective.htm The Lancet: "Electric shock therapy ' better
than drugs"
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o crime-cult-settled-dublin.htm RTE: Johnston case settles
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o remote-viewers-wrong-again.htm OT: Elizabeth Smart and "Technical
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o jew-partial-tax-refunt-denied.htm Imbalance in $cientology
Charitable Giving
o crime-syndicate-used-hypnosis-dublin.htm Psychologist says church
appeared to use hypnosis - Mary Johnson
o smart-kidnapping-brainwashing.htm the brainwashing argument
o beware-creeping-cult.htm Beware the "creeping cult."
o proof-scientology-is-evil.htm Vickki Ford Cook: "Anti -Religious
o scientology-service-terrible.htm Re: Scientology Service is
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o wayback-gagged.htm David Rowan on a net gag for scientology critics
o copyright-as-cudgel.htm Copyright as Cudgel.
o cw-residents-fret.htm Tampa, Fla., Residents Fret over
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o the-cruise-missile.-crisis.htm The Cruise Missile Crisis.
o firms-wise-up-to-crimesyndicate.htm Firms WISE up to Scientology
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o arrested-at-gunpoint.htm U.S. fugitive arrested at gunpoint Source:
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o bush-to-fund-crimesyndicate.htm Will The Office Of Faith -Based
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o faith-based-abuse-funding.htm Doubts of biblical proportions
Source: Daily News, 02/13/2001
o been-there-done-that.htm been there,done that
o tax-exempt-mysterious.htm Mysterious Ways.
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o smart-girl-fanaticism.htm From Faith to Fanatic Delusion
o smart-polygamy-concerns.htm Mitchell on restoring the 'Lost
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S c i e n t o l o g y g r o u p r e a c h e s
k i d s t h r o u g h PBS v i d e o s
B y J O S E P H MA L L I A
Bo s t o n He r a l d
Da t e o f P u b l i c a t i o n : 3 / 5 / 9 8

Mo r e t h a n 3 0 mi l l i o n Ame r i c a n
s c h o o l c h i l d r e n h a v e wa t c h e d P BS - T V ma t h
v i d e o s ma d e b y a Lo s An g e l e s - b a s e d
f o u n d a t i o n wi t h i n t i ma t e t i e s t o t h e
c o n t r o v e r s i a l Ch u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y , t h e
He r a l d h a s l e a r n e d .

Wi t h l i v e l y c a me r a wo r k a n d g u e s t s t a r s s u c h
a s s u p e r mo d e l Ci n d y Cr a wf o r d , c o mi c B i l l
Co s b y a n d a t h l e t e Ka r e e m Ab d u l - J a b b a r , t h e
P e a b o d y Awa r d - wi n n i n g v i d e o s h a v e b e e n p a i d
f o r wi t h a t l e a s t $ 1 2 mi l l i o n i n t a x p a y e r
f u n d i n g s i n c e 1 9 9 0 , U. S . g o v e r n me n t
d o c u me n t s s h o w.

Bu t t h e v i d e o c o mp a n y - k n o wn a s F AS E - h a s
a h i d d e n a g e n d a p r o mo t i n g t h e " P u r i f i c a t i o n
Ru n d o wn , " t h e Ch u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y ' s
$ 1 , 2 0 0 p e r - me mb e r d e t o x i f i c a t i o n r i t u a l ,
s a i d f o r me r t o p - r a n k e d c h u r c h me mb e r Ro b e r t
Va u g h n Yo u n g .

" F AS E wa s o r i g i n a l l y c r e a t e d t o p u t
S c i e n t o l o g y c o v e r t l y i n t o s c h o o l s a n d
g o v e r n me n t , t o g i v e t h e P u r i f i c a t i o n
Ru n d o wn a n a i r o f r e s p e c t a b i l i t y , " s a i d
Yo u n g , o f S e a t t l e .

" S c i e n t o l o g y c r e a t e d F AS E s o t h e y c o u l d u s e
i t t o g e t i n t h e d o o r , " t h e c h u r c h d e f e c t o r
s a i d .

Al l t h e t o p e x e c u t i v e s a t F AS E a r e
S c i e n t o l o g i s t s a n d s o me a r e f o r me r me mb e r s
o f t h e C h u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y ' s n o t o r i o u s
Gu a r d i a n ' s Of f i c e , s o me o f wh o s e l e a d e r s -
i n c l u d i n g L. R o n Hu b b a r d ' s wi f e , Ma r y S u e -
we r e i mp r i s o n e d f o r s p y i n g o n t h e U. S .
g o v e r n me n t i n t h e 1 9 7 0 s , Yo u n g s a i d .

F o u n d e d i n 1 9 5 3 , t h e C h u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y
i s c r i t i c i z e d b y a n t i - c u l t a c t i v i s t s a s a
mo n e y - g r a b b i n g a n d f r a u d u l e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n
t h a t u s e s d e c e p t i o n t o g e t n e w me mb e r s f o r
i t s h i g h - p r i c e d p r o g r a ms .

F AS E wa s c r e a t e d b y t h e Ch u r c h o f
S c i e n t o l o g y i n 1 9 8 1 , d u r i n g t h e C o l d Wa r ,
t o g a t h e r s c i e n t i f i c p r o o f t h a t Hu b b a r d ' s
c o n t r o v e r s i a l d e t o x me t h o d c o u l d p r o t e c t
h u ma n s f r o m r a d i a t i o n s i c k n e s s i n t h e e v e n t
o f a U. S . - U. S . S . R. n u c l e a r wa r , Yo u n g s a i d .

" Hu b b a r d t h o u g h t t h e e n d o f t h e wo r l d wa s
c o mi n g , t h r o u g h n u c l e a r wa r f a r e . Th a t
r e a l l y r a t t l e d s o me p e o p l e , " Yo u n g
r e c a l l e d .

Wh i l e t h e d a n g e r o f U. S . - S o v i e t n u c l e a r wa r
s u b s i d e d , t h e P u r i f i c a t i o n Ru n d o wn i s s t i l l
wi d e l y p r a c t i c e d b y S c i e n t o l o g i s t s a s a
$ 1 , 2 0 0 p r e l i mi n a r y r e l i g i o u s r i t u a l t h a t
a l l n e w me mb e r s mu s t b u y - t h e f i r s t s t e p
o n t h e Br i d g e t o T o t a l F r e e d o m.

An d t h e Ru n d o wn i s s o l d o n l y t h r o u g h t h e
c h u r c h - i n c l u d i n g i t s Bo s t o n b r a n c h a t 4 4 8
Be a c o n S t . - a n d t wo S c i e n t o l o g y - c o n n e c t e d
o r g a n i z a t i o n s a l s o h e a d q u a r t e r e d i n
Ca l i f o r n i a : t h e n o n - p r o f i t Na r c o n o n a n d t h e
f o r - p r o f i t d e t o x i f i c a t i o n c l i n i c H e a l t h Me d .

T h e d r u g r e h a b r e g i me n r e q u i r e s s t r e n u o u s
e x e r c i s e , f i v e h o u r s o f s we a t i n g i n a
s a u n a , me g a d o s e s o f n i a c i n , a n d i n g e s t i n g a
h a l f - c u p o f v e g e t a b l e o i l - e a c h d a y f o r
t wo o r t h r e e we e k s .

An o t h e r e x - S c i e n t o l o g i s t , De n n i s Er l i c h o f
Gl e n d a l e , Ca l i f . , a l s o s a i d t h a t F AS E i s
i n t e n t o n p r o mo t i n g t h e t e a c h i n g s o f
S c i e n t o l o g y f o u n d e r L. Ro n Hu b b a r d .

" Th e y ' r e t r y i n g t o p a s s t h e ms e l v e s o f f a s
i n d e p e n d e n t . Bu t t h e i r r e a l j o b i s t o
s p r e a d Hu b b a r d ' s p h i l o s o p h y , " Er l i c h s a i d .

S t a n d a n d d e l i v e r

F o r F AS E , p o p u l a r s u c c e s s b e g a n i n t h e mi d -
1 9 8 0 s wh e n i t h i t c h e d i t s wa g o n t o a s t a r -
Lo s An g e l e s ma t h t e a c h e r J a i me Es c a l a n t e ,
wh o s e s t o r y wa s t o l d i n t h e 1 9 8 7 f e a t u r e
f i l m " S t a n d a n d De l i v e r " s t a r r i n g E d wa r d
J a me s Ol mo s .
B u y i n g a i r c o n d i t i o n e r s f o r h i s s we l t e r i n g
s u mme r - s c h o o l c l a s s r o o ms a n d b a c k p a c k s f o r
h i s s t u d e n t s , F AS E ' s S c i e n t o l o g i s t s we r e
E s c a l a n t e ' s e a r l y s u p p o r t e r s .

Wi t h t h e g r u f f l y h u mo r o u s Bo l i v i a n
i mmi g r a n t , F AS E p r o d u c e d t h e P e a b o d y a wa r d -
wi n n i n g " F u t u r e s . . . wi t h J a i me E s c a l a n t e "
f o r j u n i o r a n d s e n i o r h i g h s c h o o l s t u d e n t s .

S i n c e 1 9 9 0 , t h e S c i e n t o l o g i s t s a t F AS E h a v e
p a i d Es c a l a n t e u p t o $ 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 a y e a r t o
h e l p p r o d u c e ma t h v i d e o s , f e d e r a l d o c u me n t s
s h o w.

An d s i n c e 1 9 9 3 , t h e v i d e o c o mp a n y h a s
t e a me d u p wi t h e x u b e r a n t ma t h t e a c h e r Ka y
To l i v e r , o f Ha r l e m, wh o s e s e r i e s " Th e Ed d i e
F i l e s " i s b e i n g d i s t r i b u t e d b y P BS t h i s
y e a r .

F AS E d e n i e s a n y s t r o n g t i e s t o t h e Ch u r c h
o f S c i e n t o l o g y . Bu t a r e v i e w b y t h e He r a l d
h a s f o u n d s e v e r a l , i n c l u d i n g :

- - I n c o r p o r a t i o n p a p e r s f i l e d i n 1 9 8 1 wi t h
t h e At t o r n e y Ge n e r a l o f Ca l i f o r n i a , i n
S a c r a me n t o , s h o wi n g t h a t F AS E wa s c r e a t e d
f o r t h e e x p l i c i t p u r p o s e o f p r o mo t i n g " t h e
wo r k s o f L. Ro n Hu b b a r d . " Th e p a p e r s we r e
l a t e r a me n d e d t o r e mo v e Hu b b a r d ' s n a me .

- - S e v e r a l r e c e n t F AS E p u b l i c a t i o n s t h a t
p r o mo t e S c i e n t o l o g y ' s P u r i f i c a t i o n Ru n d o wn .
F AS E' s o wn I n t e r n e t s i t e ( www. f a s e n e t . o r g )
a l s o p r o mo t e d t h e d e t o x me t h o d a s r e c e n t l y
a s J a n u a r y . Th e s e " r e s e a r c h r e p o r t s " a r e
c i t e d b y Na r c o n o n , a wo r l d wi d e S c i e n t o l o g y
g r o u p wh o s e Ne w E n g l a n d c h a p t e r i n Ev e r e t t
h a s g i v e n a n t i - d r u g l e c t u r e s t o mo r e t h a n
3 7 5 , 0 0 0 s c h o o l c h i l d r e n , t h e He r a l d r e p o r t e d
t h i s we e k .

- - An I n t e r n e t l i n k t o F AS E o n t h e Ch u r c h
o f S c i e n t o l o g y ' s o f f i c i a l 3 0 , 0 0 0 - p a g e
I n t e r n e t s i t e , p r o mo t i n g Na r c o n o n . Th e
S c i e n t o l o g y l i n k s a y s " a 1 9 8 9 s t u d y b y t h e
F o u n d a t i o n f o r Ad v a n c e me n t s i n S c i e n c e a n d
Ed u c a t i o n " p r o v e s t h e e f f e c t i v e n e s s o f
Na r c o n o n .

- - An i d e n t i c a l p h r a s e t h a t a p p e a r s i n
S c i e n t o l o g y s c r i p t u r e s a n d i n a t e a c h e r ' s
g u i d e b o o k f o r t h e P B S v i d e o s e r i e s
" F u t u r e s . " Th e g u i d e b o o k p h r a s e , " a c r o s s a
d i s t a n c e t o a r e c e i p t - p o i n t , " i s f r o m a
s t a n d a r d S c i e n t o l o g y d e f i n i t i o n o f t h e wo r d
" c o mmu n i c a t i o n , " a n d i t a p p e a r s r e p e a t e d l y
i n S c i e n t o l o g y ' s r e l i g i o u s t e a c h i n g s ,
i n c l u d i n g t h e c h u r c h ' s " Ax i o m 2 8 . "

Wh i l e i t i s a s h o r t p h r a s e , i t c o v e r s a
s u b j e c t t h a t c h u r c h c r i t i c s s a y i s c r u c i a l
t o S c i e n t o l o g y ' s r e c r u i t me n t t e c h n i q u e s .
Mi n d c o n t r o l o v e r n e w me mb e r s s t a r t s wi t h
S c i e n t o l o g y ' s c o mmu n i c a t i o n c o u r s e s , s a i d
a n t i - c u l t s p e c i a l i s t S t e v e Ha s s a n o f
Ca mb r i d g e .

Th e c h u r c h c o n n e c t i o n

Me a n wh i l e , ma n y F AS E e mp l o y e e s h a v e h e l d
f u l l - t i me j o b s wi t h t h e Ch u r c h o f
S c i e n t o l o g y , o r wi t h c h u r c h - c o n n e c t e d
o r g a n i z a t i o n s l i k e Na r c o n o n o r He a l t h Me d ,
a c c o r d i n g t o t h e c h u r c h ' s p r e s s r e l e a s e s
a n d d o c u me n t s o b t a i n e d f r o m U. S . g r a n t
a g e n c i e s .

Amo n g F AS E ' s e mp l o y me n t l i n k s t o
S c i e n t o l o g y :

- - S t e v e n R. He a r d , t h e f o u n d e r a n d
p r e s i d e n t o f F AS E , wa s a l o n g t i me me mb e r o f
t h e C h u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y ' s p o we r f u l
Gu a r d i a n ' s Of f i c e , e x - S c i e n t o l o g i s t s s a i d .

- - Ka t h l e e n He a r d , S t e v e n He a r d ' s wi f e a n d
a n o t h e r f o r me r me mb e r o f t h e Gu a r d i a n ' s
Of f i c e , wa s o n c e S c i e n t o l o g y ' s c h i e f
s p o k e s wo ma n a n d i s n o w s e n i o r p r o d u c e r a t
F AS E. I n t h e 1 9 7 0 s Ka t h l e e n He a r d ' s n a me
a p p e a r e d o n n u me r o u s Ch u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y
p r e s s r e l e a s e s wh i l e t h e c h u r c h b a t t l e d
f r a u d s u i t s f i l e d b y Bo s t o n l a wy e r Mi c h a e l
F l y n n o n b e h a l f o f e mb i t t e r e d e x - me mb e r s .

- - Da v e He n d r y , F AS E ' s d i r e c t o r o f t e a c h e r
e n h a n c e me n t , wo r k e d f r o m 1 9 7 4 - 1 9 9 0 i n
Or e g o n f o r De l p h i Ac a d e mi e s , a c h a i n o f
S c i e n t o l o g y s c h o o l s ( i n c l u d i n g a l o c a t i o n
o n Bl u e Hi l l Av e n u e i n Mi l t o n ) , a c c o r d i n g
t o a r e s u me He n d r y s u b mi t t e d t o U. S .
g o v e r n me n t g r a n t - ma k e r s . He n d r y d i d n o t
s t a t e i n t h e r e s u me t h a t F AS E o r De l p h i
Ac a d e mi e s a r e l i n k e d t o S c i e n t o l o g y .

- - S h e l l e y L . B e c k ma n n , a mo l e c u l a r
b i o l o g i s t wh o i s F AS E ' s s c i e n c e d i r e c t o r ,
h a s s i n c e 1 9 8 5 d e v o t e d mu c h o f h e r r e s e a r c h
t i me t o Na r c o n o n a n d H e a l t h Me d , c h u r c h
p r e s s r e l e a s e s s a y .

- - Dr . Me g a n G. S h i e l d s , F AS E' s me d i c a l
r e s e a r c h e r , i s t h e t o p r e s e a r c h e r f o r
Na r c o n o n a n d H e a l t h Me d , a n d wr o t e t h e 1 9 9 2
i n t r o d u c t i o n t o Hu b b a r d ' s d e t o x t e x t b o o k ,
" C l e a r Bo d y , Cl e a r Mi n d . "

- - J a c k Di r ma n n , F AS E ' s a s s o c i a t e d i r e c t o r ,
u s e d t o r u n t h e S c i e n t o l o g y d r u g - r e h a b
c o mp a n y He a l t h Me d , a c c o r d i n g t o p u b l i s h e d
r e p o r t s . He a l t h Me d s e l l s t h e " P u r i f i c a t i o n "
d e t o x me t h o d t o f i r e f i g h t e r s , mu n i c i p a l
u n i o n s a n d o t h e r g r o u p s .

- - Ca r l S mi t h , F AS E' s v i d e o p r o d u c e r , a l s o
d i r e c t s a F AS E a n t i - p e s t i c i d e c a mp a i g n t h a t
i s d i r e c t e d i n p a r t a g a i n s t p h a r ma c e u t i c a l
f i r ms l i k e P r o z a c ma k e r El i Li l l y a n d
R i t a l i n ma k e r Ci b a - Ge i g y ; t h e Ch u r c h o f
S c i e n t o l o g y h a s l o n g b a t t l e d t h e s e
c o mp a n i e s a s p a r t o f i t s s t a n c e a g a i n s t
p s y c h i a t r i c d r u g s . S mi t h ' s p e s t i c i d e wo r k
a l s o h e l p s p r o mo t e t h e P u r i f i c a t i o n Ru n d o wn
d e t o x p r o g r a m b y c a l l i n g a t t e n t i o n t o
t o x i n s i n h u ma n b o d y f a t .

Ca r l S mi t h a c k n o wl e d g e d i n a He r a l d
i n t e r v i e w t h a t a l l F AS E ' s s e n i o r e mp l o y e e s
a r e S c i e n t o l o g i s t s .
Bu t F AS E ' s v i d e o s d o n o t p r o mo t e Hu b b a r d ' s
r e l i g i o n , S mi t h s a i d .

" Ar e y o u t r y i n g t o s a y t h a t we ' r e ma k i n g
L RH v i d e o t a p e s ? I t j u s t d o e s n ' t wa s h , "
S mi t h s a i d . " I t ' s a n i n c o r r e c t s t a t e me n t t o
s a y t h a t t h e s e a r e v e h i c l e s f o r
S c i e n t o l o g y . "

S t e v e n He a r d , t h e f o u n d a t i o n ' s t o p
o f f i c i a l , d e n i e d t h a t r e l i g i o n p l a y s a p a r t
i n F AS E ' s T V s h o ws .

" I a m a S c i e n t o l o g i s t , b u t t h a t d o e s n ' t
a f f e c t o u r wo r k , " He a r d s a i d .

He a r d a c k n o wl e d g e d , h o we v e r , t h a t F AS E
c o n t i n u e s t o s t u d y a n d p r o mo t e t h e Ch u r c h
o f S c i e n t o l o g y ' s d e t o x i f i c a t i o n p r o g r a m.

" I t ' s t h e o n l y me t h o d t h a t a c t u a l l y
a d d r e s s e s f a t - s t o r e d c h e mi c a l r e s i d u e s , "
He a r d s a i d i n t h e i n t e r v i e w.

He n d r y , t h e t e a c h e r - t r a i n i n g d i r e c t o r , s a i d
t h a t t h e c o mp a n y k e y s i n o n mi n o r i t i e s . " We
h a v e a l wa y s t r i e d t o f e a t u r e mi n o r i t i e s i n
o u r wo r k . Th a t ' s wh a t t h e NS F ( Na t i o n a l
S c i e n c e F o u n d a t i o n ) wa n t s , " h e s a i d .

Es c a l a n t e , wh o c a me f r o m L a P a z , Bo l i v i a ,
i n s p i r e d h i s mo s t l y La t i n - Ame r i c a n s t u d e n t s
wi t h t h e " g a n a s " - t h e d e s i r e - t o o v e r c o me
a n t i - Hi s p a n i c p r e j u d i c e a n d p a s s a t o u g h
a d v a n c e d p l a c e me n t c a l c u l u s t e s t .

An d i n h i s " F u t u r e s " v i d e o s , F AS E a p p e a l e d
t o wi d e r a u d i e n c e s b y b r i n g i n g i n c e l e b r i t y
g u e s t s t a r s l i k e Co s b y a n d Ar n o l d
S c h wa r z e n e g g e r .

" F u t u r e s " ma d e ma t h r e l e v a n t f o r i n n e r - c i t y
k i d s , a n d s h o we d t h e m h o w Hi s p a n i c s a n d
Af r i c a n - Ame r i c a n s u s e d ma t h t o e a r n g o o d
s a l a r i e s a s e n g i n e e r s a n d d o c t o r s . I t
a t t r a c t e d 1 5 mi l l i o n y o u n g v i e we r s i n 4 4
s t a t e s , P BS s a i d .
I n Ba y S t a t e s c h o o l s

T h e p u b l i c s c h o o l s y s t e m i n Bo s t o n , f o r
e x a mp l e , b o u g h t a t l e a s t t h r e e s e t s o f
" F u t u r e s " v i d e o s . An d a ma t h t e a c h e r a t
B r i g h t o n Hi g h S c h o o l wh o i s a l s o a
S c i e n t o l o g i s t , Ge r a l d Ma z z a r e l l a , s a i d i n
a n i n t e r v i e w t h a t " F u t u r e s " wa s s h o wn t o
e v e r y c l a s s i n t h e s c h o o l .

B o s t o n S c h o o l s S u p e r i n t e n d e n t T h o ma s W.
P a y z a n t , i n r e s p o n s e t o q u e s t i o n s a b o u t
F AS E , s a i d h e wa s c o n c e r n e d wh e t h e r " t h e
l i n e s e p a r a t i n g c h u r c h a n d s t a t e i s n ' t
b r e a c h e d " b y t h e TV c o mp a n y ' s l i n k s t o
S c i e n t o l o g y .

I n mo r e r e c e n t v i d e o s , F AS E' s t o p s t a r i s
Ka y T o l i v e r , a n e x u b e r a n t ma t h t e a c h e r f r o m
Ea s t Ha r l e m Te c h i n Ne w Yo r k . He r p r o g r a ms ,
" Go o d Mo r n i n g Mi s s To l i v e r " a n d " Th e Ed d i e
F i l e s , " h a v e a l s o r e a c h e d a n e s t i ma t e d 1 5
mi l l i o n c h i l d r e n .

Ne w s e g me n t s o f " Th e Ed d i e F i l e s " a r e o n
t h e a i r t h i s s c h o o l y e a r .

Pu b l i c f u n d i n g

Ba s e d o n d o z e n s o f d o c u me n t s a b o u t F AS E ' s
a c t i v i t i e s , o b t a i n e d f r o m t h e U. S .
g o v e r n me n t u n d e r t h e F r e e d o m o f I n f o r ma t i o n
Ac t , t h e He r a l d h a s l e a r n e d t h a t :

- - Ne a r l y t wo - t h i r d s o f F AS E' s $ 1 7 mi l l i o n
p r o d u c t i o
n c o s t s o v e r a s i x - y e a r p e r i o d
f r o m 1 9 9 0
- 1 9 9 5 we r e p a i d f o r wi t h $ 1 2
mi l l i o n - p
l u s i n U. S . g o v e r n me n t g r a n t s f r o m
t h e De p a r
t me n t s o f J u s t i c e , C o mme r c e ,
En e r g y , E
d u c a t i o n a n d La b o r ; a n d t h e
Na t i o n a l S c i e n c e F o u n d a t i o n . I n i t s g r a n t
a p p l i c a t i o n s , F AS E d i d n o t s t a t e t h a t i t
wa s l i n k e d t o t h e Ch u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y .

- - Th e r e ma i n i n g o n e - t h i r d o f F AS E ' s b u d g e t
wa s p a i d f o r wi t h $ 5 . 5 mi l l i o n f r o m ma j o r
c h a r i t i e s a n d c o r p o r a t i o n s . Th e s e i n c l u d e
Ar c o , I B M, t h e Ca r n e g i e Co r p . o f Ne w Yo r k ,
a n d t h e R o n a l d Mc D o n a l d C h i l d r e n ' s Ch a r i t y ,
g o v e r n me n t d o c u me n t s s h o w.

- - F AS E c o mmi s s i o n e d a 1 9 9 2 s u r v e y b y t h e
De d h a m, p o l l s t e r R e s e a r c h C o mmu n i c a t i o n s
Lt d . , wh i c h s h o we d t h a t Hi s p a n i c a n d b l a c k
c h i l d r e n we r e i n f l u e n c e d b y t h e v i d e o s .

- - F AS E i s n o w r e a c h i n g b i g g e r a u d i e n c e s
wi t h a S c i - F i Ch a n n e l s p e c i a l a n d o t h e r
f o r - p r o f i t t e l e v i s i o n s h o ws , o n t h e
I n t e r n e t , a n d a t r e g i o n a l c o n f e r e n c e s wi t h
p u b l i c s c h o o l t e a c h e r s n a t i o n wi d e . U. S .
g o v e r n me n t a g e n c i e s a r e p a y i n g f o r s o me o f
t h e s e e f f o r t s , i n c l u d i n g a F AS E p r o p o s a l t o
p r o v i d e e d u c a t i o n n e ws o n v i d e o t o
s u p e r i n t e n d e n t s , t e a c h e r s a n d p a r e n t s .

F AS E ' s y e a r l y b u d g e t we n t f r o m $ 7 2 9 , 3 4 2 i n
1 9 8 9 t o $ 3 mi l l i o n f o u r y e a r s l a t e r , t h e
t a x d o c u me n t s s h o w.

I n o n e y e a r - 1 9 9 2 - F AS E p a i d $ 1 6 0 , 0 4 9 t o
Es c a l a n t e ; $ 1 1 2 , 0 0 0 t o Ka t h l e e n He a r d ;
$ 7 3 , 0 0 0 t o J a c k Di r ma n n ; $ 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 t o c o -
p r o d u c e r R o b Mi k u r i y a ; a n d $ 1 2 2 , 1 3 3 t o
S t e v e n He a r d . I n 1 9 9 3 a n d 1 9 9 4 S t e v e n He a r d
wa s p a i d $ 1 4 0 , 0 0 0 , a n d Di r ma n n $ 8 7 , 4 0 0 i n
1 9 9 3 a n d $ 8 0 , 7 8 3 i n 1 9 9 4 .

An d i t s " f r e e c a s h " b a n k a c c o u n t r o s e f r o m
$ 3 3 , 6 6 0 i n 1 9 9 2 t o $ 6 1 1 , 6 2 6 t wo y e a r s
l a t e r .

Th e c h u r c h n o w e n j o y s t a x - f r e e r e l i g i o u s
s t a t u s t h a t i t r e c e i v e d f r o m t h e I n t e r n a l
Re v e n u e S e r v i c e i n 1 9 9 3 .

http://www.holysmoke.org/narconon/the -con.htm

Links relating to the Scientology front group narCONon.

The bogus 'drug rehab' program run by the Scientology crime syndicate is
called 'narCONon.'

The real drug rehab organization is called Narcanon, and has its web site at

Below are links to web pages about the crime syndicate's bogus program.

From: Chris Owen

[ . . . . ] T h e o l d Gu a r d i a n ' s Of f i c e
u s e d t o i n c l u d e a S o c i a l
C o o r d i n a t i o n Bu r e a u , o r S o Co f o r
s h o r t . I t i n t e r f a c e d d i r e c t l y wi t h
t h e f r o n t g r o u p s . Wh e n t h e GO wa s
d i s s o l v e d , S o Co wa s t r a n s f o r me d i n t o
t h e Of f i c e o f S p e c i a l Af f a i r s '
S o c i a l R e f o r m S e c t i o n ( S R S ) . ABL E
a p p e a r s t o o p e r a t e a s t h e i n t e r f a c e
b e t we e n S c i e n t o l o g y a n d t h e " s o c i a l
r e f o r m" g r o u p s s u c h a s Na r c o n o n ; i n
e f f e c t , i t ' s t h e c o r p o r a t e f a c e o f
t h e S RS .

- -
| Ch r i s Owe n -
c h r i s o @O I S P A MN O l u t e f i s k . d e mo n . c o . u k |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
h t t p : / / www. r o n t h e wa r h e r o . o r g

http://www.lermanet.com/latimes/la90 -4a.html#science
From the LA Times 1990 article series:

On e o f t h e s e g r o u p s i s t h e Lo s
An g e l e s - b a s e d F o u n d a t i o n f o r
Ad v a n c e me n t s i n S c i e n c e a n d
Ed u c a t i o n . Th e n o n p r o f i t f o u n d a t i o n
h a s f o r g e d l i n k s wi t h s c i e n t i s t s
a c r o s s t h e c o u n t r y t o g a i n
l e g i t i ma c y f o r i t s e l f a n d , t h u s , f o r
Hu b b a r d ' s d e t o x me t h o d .
Amo n g i t s k e y f u n c t i o n a r i e s i s a
t o x i c o l o g i s t f o r t h e E n v i r o n me n t a l
P r o t e c t i o n Ag e n c y , wh o s e a d v o c a c y o f
t h e t r e a t me n t h a s r a i s e d c o n f l i c t -
o f - i n t e r e s t q u e s t i o n s .

Bu i l d i n g c r e d e n t i a l s a n d a l l i e s , t h e
f o u n d a t i o n h a s c h a n n e l e d t e n s o f
t h o u s a n d s o f d o l l a r s i n g r a n t s t o
e d u c a t o r s a n d r e s e a r c h e r s s t u d y i n g
t o x i c o l o g i c a l h a z a r d s , mo s t o f wh o m
we r e u n a wa r e o f t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n ' s
t i e s t o t h e S c i e n t o l o g y mo v e me n t .

I n 1 9 8 6 , f o r e x a mp l e , t h e f o u n d a t i o n
g a v e $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 t o t h e Lo s An g e l e s
C o u n t y He a l t h De p a r t me n t f o r a s t u d y
o f p o t e n t i a l l y h a r mf u l r a d o n g a s .

Co u n t y o f f i c i a l s s a y t h e y we r e n o t
a p p r i s e d o f t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n ' s l i n k s
wi t h t h e S c i e n t o l o g y mo v e me n t .

B i l l F r a n k s wa s i n s t r u me n t a l i n
c r e a t i n g t h e f o u n d a t i o n i n 1 9 8 1 wh e n
h e s e r v e d a s t h e Ch u r c h o f
S c i e n t o l o g y ' s e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r , a
p o s t f r o m wh i c h h e wa s l a t e r o u s t e d
i n a p o we r s t r u g g l e . Fr a n k s
d e s c r i b e d t h e f o u n d a t i o n i n a n
i n t e r v i e w a s a S c i e n t o l o g y " f r o n t
g r o u p . " " Th e c o n c e p t , " h e s a i d , " wa s
t o g e t s o me s c i e n t i f i c r e c o g n i t i o n "
f o r Hu b b a r d ' s t r e a t me n t wi t h o u t
o v e r t l y l i n k i n g i t t o t h e c h u r c h .

B u t t r e s s i n g F r a n
k s ' a c c o u n t , t h e
f o u n d a t i o n ' s o r i
g i n a l i n c o r p o r a t i o n
p a p e r s s t a t e t h a
t i t s p u r p o s e wa s t o
" r e s e a r c h t h e e f
f i c a c y o f a n d
p r o mo t e t h e u s e o f t h e wo r k s o f L.
R o n Hu b b a r d i n t h e s o l v i n g o f s o c i a l
p r o b l e ms ; a n d t o s c i e n t i f i c a l l y
r e s e a r c h a n d p r o v i d e p u b l i c
i n f o r ma t i o n a n d e d u c a t i o n c o n c e r n i n g
t h e e f f i c a c y o f o t h e r p r o g r a ms . "

T h e d o c u me n t wa s l a t e r a me n d e d ,
h o we v e r , t o r e mo v e Hu b b a r d ' s n a me ,
o b s c u r i n g t h e f o u n d a t i o n ' s t i e s t o
t h e S c i e n t o l o g y mo v e me n t a n d i t s
f o u n d e r i n o f f i c i a l r e c o r d s .

Hu b b a r d ' s n a me , h o we v e r , c o n t i n u e s
t o a p p e a r r e g u l a r l y i n t h e
f o u n d a t i o n ' s s l i c k n e ws l e t t e r . I n
t h e l a t e s t e d i t i o n , f o r i n s t a n c e ,
t h r e e d i f f e r e n t a r t i c l e s a d v o c a t e
t h e " Hu b b a r d me t h o d " a s a n e f f e c t i v e
t h e r a p y f o r c h e mi c a l a n d d r u g
d e t o x i f i c a t i o n .

A f o u r t h a r t i c l e d i d n o t me n t i o n
Hu b b a r d b y n a me , b u t r e p o r t e d
f a v o r a b l y o n Na r c o n o n , h i s d r u g a n d
a l c o h o l r e h a b i l i t a t i o n p r o g r a m,
wh i c h i s r u n b y S c i e n t o l o g i s t s .

Narcanon / Purification Rundown Quotes "Townspeople [in Newkirk ,

Oklahoma] say that Narcanon has not been honest about its links to
Scientology, its financing, its medical credentials, and its plans
for the project... Narcanon officials denied any connection to
Scientology until confronted with a Scientology magazine article
titled, 'Trained Scientologists to Staff Oklahoma Facility" - New
York Times, July 17, 1989

"Narcanon is the bridge to the [Scientology] Bridge" - Narcanon

News, Vol 6 Issue 3

"Hubbard was so proud of a detoxification treatment he developed -

and so hungry for plaudits - that he openly talked with his
closest aides about winning a Nobel Prize" - Los Angeles Times,
June, 1990

"...unlicenced, uncertified, unsavory and unsafe, trying to market

their brand of 'religion' in a medical package and hoping the
state people won't notice the difference." - Newkirk Herald

"... sufficient information is available on the nature of some

[unproven regiments being promoted for substance abuse] ... to
cause NCAHF to warn the public and officials of their dubious
value. Among these is the Narcanon program of the Scientology
sect... Hubbard's regimen consists of megadoses of niacin, the
avoidance of certain foods, exercise and saunas to purge and sweat
out body toxins. The program is not based upon ra tional science
but appears to be a product of Hubbard's imagination... NCAHF
board member James Kenney, Ph.D.,R.D., points out that there is no
evidence that niacin mobilizes toxic chemicals from fat cells.
NCAHF believes that responsible community leaders should reject
the Narcanon addiction treatment program. It appears to be among
the least acceptable in a field that already suffers from a lack
of sound objective research." - National Council Against Health
Fraud president, William Jarvis, Ph.D Jan 9, 19 91

"..large doses of niacin actually block the release of fat from

fat cells. This has been observed both at rest [Acta Medica
Scandinavia 1962, 172(suppl):641] and during exercise [D. Jenkins,
Lancet 1965, 1307]. In other words, the scientific evidence shows
the exact opposite of what Hubbard's 'theory' predicts. There is
no credible support for claims that large doses of niacin clear
toxins from the brain, fatty tissue or any other part of the
body... Health professionals who subject troubled people (m any
with psychiatric illnesses and / or severe emotional problems) to
this unproven detoxification program are at best unethical and at
worst guilty of health fraud ." - NCAHF Board member James Kenney
Ph.D., R.D., Jan 5 1991

"Part of the original campai gn idea was to really move out into
society with the Purification Rundown and use it to bridge masses
of people into Scientology" - L. Ron Hubbard, Briefing:
Purification Campaign, The Vital Role of PR Feb. 15, 1982

http://scn.martinobrien.com/ABUSE/ KRASEL/COS/FRONTGRO.HTM

S c i e n t o l o g y f r o n t
g r o u p s
[ T i l ma n Ha u s h e r r ] [ S c o t t Go e h r i n g ]
[ Ma g g i e Co u n c i l ] [ F r i e d r i c h Ha a c k ]
[ Ma i n S c i e n t o l o g y p a g e ]

1 . Ma g g i e Co u n c i l ' s l i s t
This is a list of Scientology front groups, compiled from various sources.
Criterion for inclusion on this list is that the connection must be mentioned
in the media, and verifiable. Asterisks (*) next to a source indicates that
the source is a Scientology publication.
Th e l i s t wa s c o m p i l e d b y Ma g g i e Co u n c i l
( c o u n c i l @l u n a . c a s . u s f . e d u ) .

 ABLE Inc. - See Association for Better Living and Education

 Akademie Für Management Und Kommunikation - WISE member; business front
to spread LRH and Scientology in Europe [Prosperity*]
 APPLIED SCHOLASTICS - FUnctions as an educational organization to spread
LRH courses and Scientology ethics and beliefs in their school s. All
schools licensed by Applied Scholastics are Scientology schools staffed
and directed by scientologists. [Sci Adv*]
front groups and activities. Under ABLE's management, other f ronts
infiltrate businesses and organizations to introduce LRH's ideas and
methods. Includes Applied Scholastics, the Way TO Happiness Foundation,
Narconon and Criminon. [Better Business Bureau] To get involved in
education and community groups. Prmotes AP plied Scholastics and other
Scientology organizations. [Sci Adv*] [NHJ]
 Athens Gold - 4,500 acre mining property near Reno, CA, taken over by
Michael BAYBAK, a scientologist [TIME]
 AUTHOR SERVICES, INC. - manages Scientology's literary and financial
affairs controlled by the church and influential scientologists. [NHJ]
To sell and promote books, particularly policy.
 BANCORP DEVELOPMENT, INC. - Members of the Patrons of the International
Association of Scientologists (IAS) who have donated in excess of
$40,000 to IAS' "war chest." [Impact*]
 BRIDGE PUBLICATIONS - Scientology publishing and printing company; puts
out Dianetics and other LRH books.
 Business Success Sales and Management Training - Scientology front that
lures people and businesses in with "m anagement training" and seminars,
and eventually steers them to LRH and Scientology. Members of IAS,
donated to Authors Services Preservation of Tech.
 CALICCHIO & CO., SPA - IAS members who donated in excess of $40,000 to
"war chest"; donated in excess of $20,000 to Author Services
Preservation of Tech.
 CASA DOLCE CASA (Europe) WISE member fronting LRH tech in Europe
 Celebrity Center Kids on Stage for a Better World - Entertainment(?) nad
PR, "THe group exists to spread the word of scientol ogy to the rest of
the world." {Celeb. mag*]
 Child Guidance Centers - Runs child Dianetics processing on children and
encourages parents who are not already into Scientology to begin with
Dianetics, etc. [Ch. Dia.*]
 CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL TECHNOLOGY (COST) - functions as an archivist for
LRH's works. [NHJ] Also functions as one of the corporations created to
challenge the IRS's ruling against Scientology [Bet Bus Bur] Formed in
part from assets stripped from Church of Scientology of California
 CITIZENS FOR AN ALTERNATIVE TAX SYSTEM - Set up as a "citizen's" group
to abolish the IRS entirely, uses the "Church of Spiritual Technology"
as one of the corporations to challenge the IRS's ruling against them.
[TIME] Claims to help people who have been abused or mistreated by
mental health practitioners (psychology, psychiatry, mental
institutions). Intention: to defame, devalue, discredit and destroy the
fields of psychiatry and psy chology because they have disclaimed
Dianetics and LRH as a schizophrenic [T Sci Tdy*, Sci Adv*] Disseminates
reports discrediting psychiatry and individual psychiatrists [Bet Bus
 CMI CORPORATE MARKETING - IAS members who have donated in excess of
$40,000 to the IAS' "war chest."
 COMMUNITY SERVICE GUILD - established in Washington, D.C. by Scientology
to get LRH influence involved in public schools with a tutoring program
 COMPUTER ETHICS INSTITUTE (CEI) - Used by the Church of Scientology in
their attempt to regulate the Internet [Freedom*]
contests and other programs in shcools, and tries to get students
involved in LRH beliefs. Hands out Way to Happiness (by LRH) to
community groups, police, prisons, and other groups. Purpose: to promote
Scientology and get name recognition for LRH [TIME] [NHJ] [Bet Bus Bur]
 COST - See Church of Spiritual Technology
 CRIMINON - Like Narcanon in prisons [Sci Adv*] [Sci News*]
 CRY OUT - Interfaces with organizations like Greenpeace and capitalizes
on children's environmental concerns; distributes comic book -like primer
on the environment sponsored by Arsenio Hall and Rick Dees, and making
no mention of Scientology, to school children. [Bet Bus Bur]
 DISTRIBUTION VIDEO - Member of the Patrons of the Association who ahve
donated in excess of $40,000 to the Assn's "war chest"
 DRUG FREE MARSHALS PROGRAM - PR program to get a good name for
Scientology into the community [C mag*] Favorable circum stance for photo
and/or press opportunity; also makes available the distribution of "The
Way TO Happiness" booklets to children to promote name and face
recognition of LRH.
 EARTHLINK NETWORK - Scientology-based computer information network
founded by Scientologist Sky DAYTON (owner of Cafe Mocha and Joe Cafe in
L.A.) [App Sch newsletter*]
 EARTHLINK SOFTWARE - see Earthlink Network
 EAST HOLLYWOOD PEOPLE AGAINST CRIME - a "gung ho" group to spread
Scientology in East Hollywood area using community action
 EDUCATION ALIVE - train and tutor in LRH's study tech and attempt to get
various Scientology programs into local PTAs and school systems. Works
in conjunction with Applied Schoalstics and ABLE. [Bet Bus Bur] Applied
Scholastics affiliate delivers LRH tech to S. Africa and other parts of
the continent [WIS p. 333*] Given grant by S. African Council of
Churches to train teachers in LRH policy to pass on to their students
[Int Sci News*]. {need to fill in Tony McClelland's research into the
2.5 million children claimed taught literacy by this program, which have
never been located while the S. African gov't denies this 'education'
ever occurred}
 EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT CENTERS (EMC) - is an association of WISE members
in a local area that form a group, management training business, and
operate on their own to expand WISE membership and deliver fHubbard
Management Technology (written up and often referred to as "Hubbard
Policy") to the local business community. [Prosperity*]
 ENVIRONMENTAL TASK FORCE - formed by the church as a commuity group for
PR and to get lcoal citizens exposed to Scientology and LRH policy. [Sci
 Federation of Clubs of Professionals and Business Women - second deputy
chair speaks in behalf of the valuable work being done by the Dianetics
organizations [Sci Tdy*]
formed by scientologists to enter the scientific community to tout LRH's
"Purification Rundown" also called "detox" and used as part of Narconon;
to build credentials and allies int he scientific community, the
foundation has channelled tens of thousands of $$ in grants to educators
and researchers studying toxicological hazards, most unaware of the
foundations' ties to Scientology. [NHJ] Produces a series of educational
TV shows on Public TV re: the study of science and math. Goal: to
establish credibility for LRH's drug rehab and education methods and
attract "opinion leaders" in the scientific community [Bet Bus Bur]
 FREEDOM MAGAZINE - A Scientology public ation which pushes Scientology's
causes and attacks their critics.
 GOLDEN ERA PRODUCTIONS - The organization established to bring LRH
materials (taped lectures, technical films, and other audio -visual
products by LRH) to people [Sci Adv*] {NEED TO ADD Vau ghn Young's story
of how this became functional overnight to hide LRH's residency there.}
 HEALTH MED - CLinics set up that promote the "Purification Rundown" and
Scientology. [NHJ] Solicits unions and public agencies contracts for its
regimens of saunas, exercise and vitamins promoted to purify the body
[Bet Bus Bur]
 HOLLANDER CONSULTANTS, INC. - consulting firm that leads to LRH and
Scientology courses, part of WISE group [TIME] Donated over $100,000 to
Author Services Preservation of Tech
 HUBBARD COLLEGES OF ADMINISTRATION - a front set up to bring in business
persons for management training and feeds LRH technology leading to
Dianetics and Scientology. Now legally required in state of El Valle,
Colombia, for school teachers to advance and also for some government
positions. Spreading widely in Russia to business and government
officials. Also put LRH tech in University of Saudi Arabia and several
Saudi businesses [Prosperity*]
 HUBBARD ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN - front to spread LRH tech in the women's
community leading to Dianetics and Scientology [Prosperity*]
 I HELP (International Hubbard Ecclesiastical League of Pastors) -
created to provide auditors who deliver services outside the organized
Scientology churches and missions to spread Scientology [WIS p. 256*]
 IAS (International Association of Scientologists) - To achieve the Aims
of Scientology as originated by LRH. To "dismantle any group or
organization" which prevents Scientology. [IAS Adv*] uses "war chest"
money to try to shut up any group or per son who attempts to speak out
against Scientology, and to combat their perceived "enemies"
bring in businesses to Scientology through LRH management tech Allstate
Insurance Company was a major former client [Orlando Sentinel]
 IRONS, MARCUS and VALKO (formerly Singer Consultants) - consulting firm
that leads to LRH and Scientology courses, WISE member [TIME]
 LEAD THE WAY TO A DRUG -FREE USA - campaign led by the Office of Special
Affairs of CoS to get involvement with community using anti -drug causes
as the button [Sci Tdy*]
 LIBRARY DONATION SERVICE - set up as part of Int'l Library campaignb in
order to place Scientology books and materials in public libraries
around the world [Source* Ma g]
 LEMON TWIST RANCH - IAS Patrons (donated in excess of $40,000 to "war
chest" [Impact mag*]
 LONDON FINANCIAL (Europe) - Donated over $50,000 to Author Services
Preservation of Tech
 MERIDIAN CONSULTANTS - an EMC under WISE control in Westchester, NY se t
up as a business and management consulting company to disseminate LRH
tech leading to Scientology targeting the business community. Have
distributed LRH teachings to Prudential insurance Company and the
Seventh day Adventist Church who have hired them as management
consultants [Prosperity*]
 MIWA ENVIRONMENTAL (Japan) - Patron of the IAS [Impact*]
 MOXON & BARTILSON (CA Attorneys) - speaks for CoS against Cult Awareness
Network (CAN) and other church "enemies" to keep silent the inner
workings and teachings of the "church"
 NARCONON - chain of alcohol and drug rehabs that promote and lead to LRH
and Scientology [NHJ]
 NARPA (National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy - an
affiliate of CCHR, founder and president Bill Johnson [Sci Tdy*]
[IAS Adv*]
the church in their attempt to gain control over what can and cannot be
put over the Internet [Freedom*]
social reform group run by CoS that is used to attack Interpol [Sci
Tdy*] Claims Interpol, which has investigated and reported on
Scientology's activities in the past, is run by Nazis. [B et Bus Bur]
[WIS p. 299*]
 NATURAL HEALTH FOOD ASSOCIATES - Member of the Patrons of the IAS
 OFFICE OF ETHNIC AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS - wonder why we don't hear much
from them ;) goal: to have Scientology reach into communities by race
 OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS (Formerly Guardian's Office) - PR and
troubleshooting office of Scientology. Scientology's secret service.
 POWER MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS - WISE member, EMC, fronting LRH tech as a
management training business [Prosperity*]
 PROSPERITY MAGAZINE - Scientology mag geared to businesses and
professionals for the purpose of getting those businesses into WISE.
they are not affiliated with CCHR or Scientology, but have worke d with
them [Orlando Sentinel]
 PSYCHIATRY. A PUBLIC WARNING - weekly radio show put on by CCHR to slam
all psychiatric practices. Hosted by Bruce Weisman, President of CCHR US
and IAS member [CCHR Adv*]
 REALWORLD CORP. - Don't confuse with Peter Gabriel' s record label, "Real
World Music" (at least, I *hope* they're not affiliated) IADSS members,
donated in excess of $40,000 to "war chest" and $50,000 to Auth Serv.
Pres. Tech.
 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM CRUSADE - replaced Alliance for the Preservation fo
Religious Liberty; gathers staff and followers to demonstrate against
whatever organization or court may be investigating, or sitting in
judgments of Scientology. Through its periodicals "Freedom" and
"Crusader" it raises public outcry against the "offending" insti tution
[Bet Bus Bur]
 RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER (RTC) - Holds trademarks for Scientology
[TIME] [BBC]; also gives rewards up to $1,000 to people who report any
activity against Scientology that leads to the apprehension or arrest of
"offender." Oversees Knowledge Reports on its own members and citizens
the church views as "enemies." [KSW News*] More or less, the power
center of the Church.
 SCIENTOLOGY MISSIONS INTERNATIONAL (SMI Int) - front-line dissemination
activity that introduces "raw meat" to Diane tics and Scientology and
takes them "up the bridge". Also opens new areas around the world to
Scientology and sends out missionaries to gain footholds [Sci news*]
[WIS* p. 257]
 SILHOUET HOLLAND (Europe) WISE member fronting LRH tech [Prosperity*]
 SINGER CONSULTANTS - Patron of IAS donating over $100,000 to "war chest"
[Impact*] Uses "managmenet seminars" to put out LRH tech and bring new
people into Scientology.
 SOCIAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE (South Africa) - a group designed to get
LRH tech into African countries. Picked up by some Jesuits for use
[Robinson Consultants]
 STELLAR MANAGEMENT - WISE consulting firm [TIME] [Pod Tdy]
 STERLING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - a management and consulting firm that
lures businesses in with "management" seminars and then ste ers them to
LRH and Scientology courses. Also called EERY WILSON CORP, WISE member
[TIME] [Pod Tdy] IAS Patron donating in excess of $100,000 to "war
chest" [Impact] and over $500,000 to Author Services Pres. Tech.
 STOMP (Stop Torture of Mental Patients) - founded by Sandra Everett,
affiliated with CCHR [Sci Tdy*]
 STRYKER SYSTEMS INC - IAS member, donated in excess of $40,000 to "war
chest". Tech Preserver donator to Author Services Pres of Tech.
 U-MAN BELGIUM (Europe) WISE member fronting Scientology [P rosperity*]
 UPTRENDS - consulting firm that leads to LRH and Scientology courses,
WISE member
 VOLUNTEER MINISTERS ASSOCIATION - a group of Scientology ministers whose
intention is to establish contact with community leaders and groups
 WAY TO HAPPINESS FOUNDATION - IAS Member donated in excess of $40,000 to
"war chest". Function: to distribute LRH tech to public schools and
community orgaanizations, adn to get name recognition for LRH the
"humanitarian." [TIME] [BBC]
 WISE INTERNATIONAL (World Insti tute of Scientology Enterprises) -
Licenses use of LRH management tech to the WISE group firms, and sells
and distributes LRH and Scientology books, targeting businesses and
professionals. Responsible to get LRH tech and Scientology in the
business world [Sci News*] [Pod Tdy] Oversees Hubbard Colleges of
Administration and Effective Management Centers [Prosperity*] Patron of
IAS; donated in excess of $100,000 to "war chest" [Impact*]

2 . S u b o r g a n i s a t i o n s a n d
(From: Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack: "Findungshilfe Religion 2000 - Apologetisches
Lexikon", erschienen I/90 in Muenchen, ISBN 3 -921513-91-x)
a b i l i t y ( = ma g a z i n e )
Ab i l i t y Mi n o r ( = ma g a z i n e )
AB L E - As s o c i a t i o n f o r Be t t e r Li v i n g a n d
Ed u c a t i o n ( a c a d e my )
Ac a d e my o f Re l i g i o u s Ar t s a n d S c i e n c e s
Ac a d e my o f S c i e n t o l o g y
Ad v a n c e ! ( = ma g a z i n e )
Ad v a n c e d Ab i l i t y Ce n t e r - AAC
Ad v a n c e d Or g a n i s a t i o n - AO
Al l i e d S c i e n t i s t s o f t h e wo r l d
Ap p l e S c h o o l
Ap p l i e d S c h o l a s t i c s
A B C Mu s i c Gmb H
ARK- T e s t
AS I - Au t h o r S e r v i c e s I n c o r p o r a t e d
As s o c i a t i o n d e s P a r e n t s d e S c i e n t o l o g u e s
As s o c i a t i o n f o r Be t t e r Li v i n g a n d Ed u c a t i o n
As s o c i a t i o n p o u r l e Re s p e c t d e s Li b e r t e s
S p i r i t u e l l e s
At l a n t i c P a c i f i c Re n a i s s a n c e Th e a t r e s
Au d i t i n g
AUF a n d AB - Ve r l a g
Th e Au d i t o r ( = ma g a z i n e )
B o o m Ma n a g e me n t S e r v i c e s
Br i d g e P u b l i c a t i o n I n c .
Di e Br u e c k e ( = ma g a z i n e )
Bu e r g e r k o mi t t e e g e g e n Üb e r g r i f f e d e r
P s y c h o l o g i e
Bu e r o f u e r o e f f e n t l i c h e An g e l e g e n h e i t e n
Ca p i r e
Ce l e b r i t y
Ce l e b r i t y Ce n t e r
Ce n t r e - Th e Mi s s i o n J o u r n a l
Ch i l d b i r t h Ed u c a t i o n Ce n t e r
Th e Ch u r c h o f Ame r i c a n S c i e n c e
Ch u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y
Ch u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y o f Ca l i f o r n i a
Ch u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y Re l i g i o u s Ed u c a t i o n
Co l l e g e I n c - COS RE CI
Ch u r c h o f S c i o l o g o s
Ch u r c h o f S p i r i t u a l T e c h n o l o g y - CS T / COS T
Ch u r c h o f t h e Ne w F a i t h
Ci t i z e n s C o mmi s s i o n o n Hu ma n Ri g h t s
Cl e a r Cl u b
C o - Mo t i o n
Co l l e g e ( ma g a z i n e o f t h e Di a n e t i c Co l l e g e
i n S t u t t g a r t )
Co l l e g e f u e r a n g e wa n d t e P h i l o s o p h i e
C o mmi t t e e o n P u b l i c He a l t h a n d S a f e t y
C o mmi t t e e t o R e - i n s o l v e e x Of f e n d e r s
C o mmo d o r e Me s s e n g e r s Or g - C MO
Co n c e r n e d Bu s s i n e s s As s o c i a t i o n o f Ame r i c a
Co n c e r n e d Bu s s i n e s s me n ' s As s o c i a t i o n , U. K.
COS RE C I - Ch u r c h o f S c i e n t o l o g y Re l i g i o u s
Ed u c a t i o n Co l l e g e I n c
COS T - Ch u r c h o f S p i r i t u a l Te c h n o l o g y
C r i mi n o n
CS T - Ch u r c h o f S p i r i t u a l Te c h n o l o g y
Da v i d S i n g e r C o n s u l a n t s
De l p h i a n S c h o o l
De r F r e i h e i t s - S p i e g e l ( = ma g a z i n e )
Di a n - a e r o - e t i c s
Di a n e t i c P o s t ( = ma g a z i n e )
Di a n e t i k
Di a n e t i k a k t u e l l ( = ma g a z i n e )
Di a n e t i k - F o r s c h u n g s s t i f t u n g
Di a n e t i k - J o u r n a l ( = ma g a z i n e )
Di a n e t i k - Ze n t r u m Ös t e r r e i c h
Di a n e t i s c h e P r a x i s
Di e n e u e Ga z e t t e ( = ma g a z i n e )
Di s t r i b u t i o n Ce n t e r I n c
Ed u c a t i o n a l i v e
Eg l i s e d e l a No u v e l l e C o mp r e h e n s i o n
Eg l i s e d e l a No u v e l l e F o i
El t e r n v e r b a n d De u t s c h e r S c i e n t o l o g y Ki r c h e n
To m Es t e r b r o o k
Ex c a l i b u r
Ex c a l i b u r P r e - OT
Ex p a n d ! ( = ma g a z i n e )
Ex p a n s i o n Ne ws l e t t e r
F . S EF . - F r e u n d e d e s S i c h e r e Umg e b u n g F o n d s
F l a g S e r v i c e Or g - F S O
F l a g S h i p S e r v i c e Or g a n i z a t i o n - F S S O
F r e e wi n d s
F r e i h e i t ( = ma g a z i n e )
De r F r e i h e i t s s p i e g e l ( = ma g a z i n e )
F S M- N e ws l e t t e r ( = ma g a z i n e )
F S M- P o s t ( S t u t t g a r t ) ( = ma g a z i n e )
G&G F o o d S u p p l y
G A ME - L e Gr o u p p o u r l ' Ame l i o r a t i o n d e s
Me t h o d e s d ' e n s e i g n e me n t
Ge s e l l s c h a f t f u e r I n n o v a t i o n mb H - GF I
Ge s e l l s c h a f t g e g e n p s y c h i a t r i s c h e Ge wa l t
Ge s e l l s c h a f t z u r F ö r d e r u n g r e l i g i ö s e r
To l e r a n z u n d z wi s c h e n me n s c h l i c h e r
Be z i e h u n g e n
Go l d e n Bo u g h
Go o d Ne ws
Gu a r d i a n Of f i c e
Gu n g - Ho - Gr u p p e n
HAS I - Hu b b a r d As s o c i a t i o n o f
S c i e n t o l o g i s t s I n t e r n a t i o n a l
H i g h Wi n d s
Hu b b a r d Di a n e t i c s Re s e a r c h F o u n d a t i o n
Hu b b a r d E x p l o r a t i o n a l C o mp a n y L t d
Hu b b a r d S c i e n t o l o g y Re s e a r c h F o u n d a t i o n
I He l p
I - QI
I CLS A - I s r a e l i Ce n t e r f o r S c i e n t o l o g y i n
Lo s An g e l e s
I mp a c t ( = ma g a z i n e )
I N C O MM - I n t e r n a t i o n a l Ne t wo r k o f C o mp u t e r
O r g a n i z e d Ma n a g e me n t
I n f o r ma t i o n s k r e i s f u e r Re l i g i o n e n
I n s t i t u t Wi s s e n u n d Ko e n n e n
I n s t i t u t f u e r a n g e wa n d t e P h i l o s o p h i e
I n s t i t u t i o n d e Te c n o l o g i a p a r a l a Ed u c a t i o n
A. C. - I TE
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Bu s i n e s s Ce n t e r , CH - Ge n e v e
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Di a n e t i c S o c i e t y I n c .
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Or g a n i z a t i o n f o r S c i e n t i f i c
Co o p e r a t i o n a n d De v e l o p me n t - I OS CD
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tr a i n i n g S c h o o l
J o u r n a l o f S c i e n t o l o g y ( = ma g a z i n e )
Ki n d e r l i g a mi t E r n a e h r u n g s u ms t e l l u n g g e g e n
P s y c h o d r o g e n e . V.
Ko mmi s s i o n f u e r P o l i z e i r e f o r m
Ko mmi s s i o n f u e r Ve r s t o e s s e d e r P s y c h i a t r i e
g e g e n Me n s c h e n r e c h t e
Ko mmi s s i o n z u m S c h u t z d e s Bu e r g e r s g e g e n
Da t e n mi s s b r a u c h
KS W Ne ws ( = ma g a z i n e )
Li g u e Co n t r e l a Co r r u p t i o n d e J u s t i c e
Lo n d o n Co n g r e s s o n Nu c l e a r Ra d i a t i o n a n d
He a l t h
Ma j e s t i c Cr u i s e Li n e s
Me n s c h e n r e c h t e a k t u e l l ( = ma g a z i n e )
Mi c h i g a n P u r i f i c a t i o n P r o j e c t
mo d e r n e i n d u s t r i e v e r l a g s s e r v i c e g mb h
Na r c o n o n
Ne w Ag e Ma n a g e me n t
Ne u e We l t e . V.
Ne u e We l t S c i e n t o l o g y C o l l e g e Bo n n e . V.
Ne u e Zi v i l i s a t i o n ( = ma g a z i n e )
Ne w Er a Ac t i n g T e c h n i q u e
Ne w Er a Ac t i n g T e c h n o l o g y
Ne w Er a Gmb H
Ne w Er a P u b l i c a t i o n s
Ne w Wo r l d C o r p s
Oe s t e r r e i c h i s c h e Ge s e l l s c h a f t z u m S c h u t z
v o r Ve r s t o e s s e n d e r P s y c h i a t r i e g e g e n d i e
Me n s c h e n r e c h t e
Of f i c e f o r S p e c i a l Af f a i r s - OS A
Op e r a t i n g Cl e a r
Op e r a t i n g Th e t a n - OT
Op i n i o n Le a d e r Ne ws ( = ma g a z i n e )
OT - Ne ws ( = ma g a z i n e )
Ox f o r d Ca p a c i t y An a l y s i s - OCA
Ox f o r d - P e r s o e n l i c h k e i t s - Te s t
Oy o t e t s u g a k u
P a c i f i c Re n a i s s a n c e Th e a t r e C o mp a n y
P h i l a d e l p h i a Do c t o r a t e Co u r s e - P DC
P h o e n i x
p u b l i c ( = ma g a z i n e )
Ra d i o F r e i h e i t
r e a l i t a e t ( = ma g a z i n e )
Re h a b i l i t a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y Ce n t e r - RTC
Ro n ' s J o u r n a l ( = ma g a z i n e )
S a i n t Hi l l
S c i e n t i f i c P r e s s o f P h o e n i x
S c i e n t o l o g y h e u t e ( = ma g a z i n e )
S c i e n t o l o g y Ki r c h e Ba y e r n e . V.
S c i e n t o l o g y Ki r c h e De u t s c h l a n d
S c i e n t o l o g y Mi s s i o n s I n t e r n a t i o n a l - S MI
S e a Or g a n i z a t i o n - S e a Or g - S O
S o c i a l Co o r d i n a t i o n Ne ws
S o Co - S o c i a l Co o r d i n a t i o n
S o u r c e ( = ma g a z i n e )
S o u t i e n p o u r u n En v i r e me n t S a i n
S o u t i e n p o u r u n e J u s t i c e Ho n n e t e
S o z i a l e Ko o r d i n a t i o n
Ta s k F o r c e o n Me n t a l Re t a r d a t i o n
Te c h Ne ws ( = ma g a z i n e )
Th e t a - Ma g a z i n
Tr ä g e r v e r e i n z u r Gr u e n d u n g e i n e r
mu l t i k o n f e s s i o n e l l e n Gr u n d s c h u l e mi t
p ä d a g o g i s c h e m Ko n z e p t n a c h Hu b b a r d
Up p e r Or g Ne ws
Ur s p r u n g ( = ma g a z i n e ) VE M - Ve r b a n d
e n g a g i e r t e r Ma n a g e r e . V.
Ve r b a n d e n g a g i e r t e r Za h n a e r z t e
Ve r b a n d v e r a n t wo r t u n g s b e wu s s t e r
Ge s c h a e f t s l e u t e e . V. - VVG
Ve r e i n i g u n g z u r Hu ma n i s i e r u n g r e l i g i o e s -
i d e o l o g i s c h e r Ko n f l i k t e
WI S E - Wo r l d I n s t i t u t e o f S c i e n t o l o g y
En t e r p r i s e s
ZI E L - Ze n t r u m f u e r i n d i v i d u e l l e s u n d
e f f e k t i v e s Le r n e n
Ze n t r u m f u e r Ku n s t u n d Ko mmu n i k a t i o n
Zu k u n f t - Di e Ze i t s c h r i f t d e r F l a g
Co n s u l t a n t Eu r o p e

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