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Abnormality, metabolism of amino acids

The areas usually involved are the elbows, knees, and the skin behind the ears, the trunk, and
the scalp. The disease may also affect the underarms and genital areas. The lesions vary in size
from minute papules to sheets covering large parts of the body. Quite often, they are discs
from half an inch to several inches in size. The lesions are always dry and rarely become
infected. Recent studies have shown that psoriasis involves an abnormality in the mechanism in
which the skin grows and replaces itself. The abnormality is related to the metabolism of amino
acids, the nature's basic building blocks for the reproduction of cell tissues


Heredity also plays a role in the development of psoriasis as it tends to occur in families.

Stress, infections and medicines

The factors that aggravate and precipitate the outbreak of this disease are physical and
emotional stress, infections, and use of certain medicines for the treatment of other diseases

Psoriasis treatment using Cabbage Leaves

Cabbage leaves have been successfully used in the form of compresses in the treatment of
psoriasis. The thickest and greenest outer leaves are most effective for use as compresses.
They should be thoroughly washed in warm water and dried with a towel. The leaves should be
flattened, softened and smoothed out by rolling them with a rolling pin after removing the thick
veins. They should he warmed and then applied smoothly to the affected part in an overlapping
manner. A pad of soft woollen cloth should be put over them. The whole compress should then
be secured with an elastic bandage

Psoriasis treatment using Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd is a valuable remedy for psoriasis. A cup of fresh juice of this vegetable, mixed
with a teaspoon of lime juice, should be taken sip by sip, on an empty stomach daily for four to
six months

Psoriasis treatment using Avocado Oil

The oil of avocado has been found beneficial in the treatment of this disease. It should be
applied gently to the affected parts

Psoriasis treatment using Cashewnut Oil

The oil extracted from the outer shell of the cashewnut is acrid and rubefacient. It can be
applied beneficially on the affected area

Psoriasis treatment using Buttermilk

The use of curd in the form of buttermilk has proved useful in psoriasis and the patient should
drink it in liberal quantities. The application of buttermilk compresses over the affected parts
will also be useful in treating this condition

Psoriasis treatment using Vitamin E

Vitamin E therapy has been found effective in the treatment of psoriasis. The patient should
take this vitamin in therapeutic doses of 400 mg a day. It will help reduce itching and scab

Psoriasis treatment using Lecithin

Lecithin is also considered a remarkable remedy for psoriasis. The patient may take six to nine
lecithin capsules a day-two or three capsules before or after each meal. If taken in the form of
granules, four tablespoonfuls may be taken daily for two months. The dosage may be reduced
thereafter to two tablespoons
Psoriasis Diet

Carrots, beets,cucumbers and grapes juices

Since psoriasis is a metabolic disease, a cleansing juice fast for a week is always desirable at
the beginning of the treatment. Carrots, beets, cucumbers, and grapes may be used for juices

Well-balanced diet made of raw seeds, nuts etc

After the juice fast, the patient should adopt a well-balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts,
grains, vegetables, and fruits. Emphasis should be placed on raw seeds and nuts, especially
sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and plenty of organically grown raw
vegetables and fruits.When there is a substantial improvement, goat's milk, yoghurt, and
home-made cottage cheese may be added to the diet. The juice fast may be repeated after a
month or so

Avoid animal fats, refined or processed foods

All animal fats, including milk, butter, eggs; refined or processed foods; foods containing
hydrogenated fats or white sugar; all condiments; and tea and coffee should be avoided. When
there is a substantial improvement, goat's milk, yoghurt, and home-made cottage cheese may
be added to the diet. The juice fast may be repeated after a month or so

Other Psoriasis treatments

Warm-water enema and Sea-water baths

During the initial juice fast, a warm-water enema should be used daily to cleanse the bowels.
Regular sea-water baths and application of sea water externally over the affected parts once a
day are beneficial

Frequent bath and soap should be avoided

Frequent baths should be avoided. Soap should not be used

Hot Epsom salts bath

Hot Epsom salts baths also prove valuable in psoriasis. After an Epsom salts bath, a little olive
oil may be applied. The skin should be kept absolutely clean by dry friction or daily sponging

Scalp Psoriasis Home remedy

remedy for scalp Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an infection of skin. It may be seen on any part of the body.

Some home remedies for psoriasis of the scalp–
• Keep the skin clean and dry.

• Apply hot ipsom salt on area. After cleaning apply olive oil.
• For dry scalp apply ice compression on area. Do not apply ice directly on scalp.
• Apply sea water once in a day on scalp. You can have sea water bath.
• Bitter gourd juice with a teaspoon of lime juice on empty stomach every day.
• Early sunlight is good for psoriasis.
• Apply avocado oil on affected area.
• Buttermilk compression on the scalp also helps.
• Add buttermilk in your diet on regular basis.
• Frequent use of soap and long bath has to be avoided.
• Animal fats, eggs, processed food, white sugar, tea coffee should be avoided.
• Colon cleaning is a part of remedy on psoriasis. Warm water enema is good for
cleansing. Be on juice fasting for a week. Use grapes, carrots, beets, cucumber for juice.
After one week of fasting take moderate diet.

Treatment for psoriasis and dry scalp

psoriasis- type and dry scalp. Solutions?

Remedies for psoriasis are generally very individualized however you can try these home
remedies that might work for your dry scalp psoriasis.
• Take a sun bath. 90-95% of psoriasis can be healed by this
• Psoriasis tends to worsen in humid and winter season. Try to move to some dry and
warmer place if possible.
• The skin of psoriasis is very dry; apply your favorite oil or even a petroleum jelly
immediately after you take a shower. This will help and your skin will not flake.
• Cold compresses also works for dry scalp psoriasis. Put some ice in the plastic bag or
wrap in a towel and hold against affected area. Do not apply ice directly on the skin of the
scalp as you might tend to burn your skin worsening the situation.
• To treat the dry patches of psoriasis on your scalp you can also get a lamp of UVB
• Lose weight if you are overweight. Learn to relax and avoid stress as far as possible.

Home remedies for scalp problems -

1. For dry scalp you should first of all apply bottle gourd oil mixed with coconut oil 1:1
proportion every alternate day for 2 months. Keep the oil for about 8 hours and more, hair and
scalp can be washed with a herbal shampoo containing Arnica montana, Jaborandi and
Calendula. Dryness, itchiness and flakes will get cured.

Treatment for dry and flaky scalp

First and foremost it is of prime importance to find out the exact cause for the your dry and
flaky scalp because after the cause is identified then the correct treatment can be followed to
rectify the situation to prevent further harm. Dry flaky scalps could be mainly due to climatic
conditions. Depending on the kind of climate present in the place you are living, your skin can
get affected and so does your scalp.

Hot and dry climates can make your scalp lose its inherent moisture and go completely dry. This
can lead to dry skin flakes peeling off from the crown of your head and hairline. Besides this you
may also notice some white powdery like dust or flakes due to the same reason. Another reason
for dry, flaky scalp can be hot showers. When the hot water hits the scalp it can cause a lot of
direct damage to the scalp. Dandruff can also be the reason for a dry scalp. Dandruff occurs
when overactive oil glands on the scalp get clogged. This makes the scalp dry up at first and
then the skin becomes flaky and starts peeling off. Treatment for dry flaky scalp often
coincides with the right kind of hair care. If you are able to make sure that you follow a regular
hair care routine then you will be sure find the right dry flaky scalp treatment.

Home remedies for dry flaky scalp consists of certain hair care basics. It is very vital that
your scalp should be taken care of without causing damage to it. This would therefore involve
minimum use of or practically complete avoidance of using artificial chemical based products.
These products are readily available in the market and promise to give your hair the best
treatment it could ever receive. However these products are heavily laden with chemicals and in
the long run worsen the condition of your hair. The use of natural remedies for the treating and
improving hair growth as well as treating the scalp is known to be the best approach towards
achieving a healthy scalp. Hair growth largely depends on the kind of care that is ministered to
the scalp. Healthy hair not only requires regular care but also a good diet. Hair care basics
include regularly oiling your hair with jojoba or coconut oil and washing your hair with a natural
and gentle shampoo. The oil helps to moisturize the hair from the scalp and the shampoo would
thoroughly clean the hair of any dirt that might be stuck to the scalp. Oiling hair is one way of
increasing hair growth and the blood circulation of the scalp. You could use coconut oil, olive oil
or almond oil, warm it a little and apply it all over. Make sure that the maximum of the oil goes
on the scalp and that while applying it you also massage your scalp with your fingertips in a
circular motion. You can leave the oil overnight so that it will have enough time to seep through
the scalp and provide the required nourishment; wash the hair the next day. If you want to do
this oil treatment during the day you could also oil your hair, then warm a towel and tie it
around your head and let the heat seep through. This will not only help to bring out the shine in
your hair but also strengthen the hair from the roots and therefore also act as an effective
remedy for a flaky scalp. Each time you clean your hair avoid using a harsh chemical based
shampoo or conditioner, these then to have an adverse effect on the scalp and make the scalp
and hair very dry. Always use a shampoo and conditioner that has an oil base as your dry flaky
scalp will be nourished through that. Do not allow your hair to become too dry. After washing
your hair allow it to dry on its own. Equipment like curling irons, dryers’, blowers the hair to
become brittle and dry leading to further damage thus preventing hair growth. Therefore let it
air dry and till you have been able to replenish your scalp of its dryness avoid curling or styling
your hair.Never brush the hair when it’s wet mainly because the maximum breakage happens
when it is brushed while wet.

One effective home remedy for dry flaky scalp is to mix apple cider vinegar to your bath
water and bathe your hair using the concoction. You can also add a few drops of lavender oil to
this mixture for better results. Soaking fenugreek seeds overnight and using them is another of
the home remedies for flaky scalp. Soak the seeds overnight and the next day grind them
into a paste and apply it all over your scalp. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off
gently. Following this, add a few drops of lime juice to the bath water and rinse your hair with
it. Curd is another of the flaky scalp remedies and one of the easiest dry flaky scalp home
remedies that could be used. Curd could also be applied for the hair half an hour prior to getting
your hair washed. You could also take a mixture of olive oil, a teaspoon lemon juice and 2 eggs
collectively in a bowl and use it on your hair. Allow the mixture to stay on for 15-20 minutes
and then with the help of a shampoo wash it off completely. To compliment these natural
treatments for damaged hair, it would also help if you follow a diet rich in minerals as it
would internally nourish your hair. Vitamins A, B, C and E are necessary for healthy skin and
scalp, for improving hair growth and maintaining your hair colour. Vitamins help in the long run
to make your scalp soft, hair strong, lithe and avoid split ends. Most of the fruits and vegetables
are rich in these vitamins and will provide the correct dose needed to keep your hair healthy.
Therefore it is most necessary to include lots of green vegetables in your diet; these nutrients
would then be supplied to your scalp through your bloodstream and be able to repair it

Itchy and dry scalp is a condition that is commonly faced by several people during the months
of winter or when the climate is colder than usual. One of the other reasons that this condition
occurs is due to the movement of individuals from warmer environments to cooler ones. When
cold weather is prevalent, the scalp develops a feeling of tightness and itchiness. Furthermore,
the action of combing or brushing the hair leads to tiny scraps of dead skin to peel off. A dry
skin condition which develops in such a situation is referred to as dandruff. There are also
several other scalp conditions which occur due to the presence of dandruff. It is possible that
the primary symptoms of a scalp condition can be mistaken for dandruff in some cases.
Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure the exact cause of a dry and flaky scalp
condition before opting for any specific treatment.
To begin with, you need to verify the reason behind your particular scalp affliction. It is possible
that you may be experiencing a simple case of seasonal dry skin, not requiring any medication
If you notice that your scalp has dry skin peeling off only from the area near the crown of the
head, the area behind your neck or from your hairline and that the flakes appear to be white
and powdery like dust it could be a serious skin condition known as psoriasis. Psoriasis is
signified by the appearance of flakes of dandruff which are white in color and around 1mm in
diameter. Dry patches near the nose, the ears, the chest, the elbows and the knees associated
with inflammation on the itchy parts of the affected scalp are symptomatic of a serious scalp
condition. It is quite likely that these symptoms point to either eczema of scalp psoriasis. In this
situation is extremely advisable to consult a dermatologist who can diagnose your exact
condition and recommend treatment accordingly.

Dry flaky scalp can also be caused by reasons other than just dry climate. Hot shower baths are
also known to be a cause for dry scalp particularly if you allow hot water from the shower to
directly hit your scalp. Reduce the temperature of the water from the shower. It is preferable to
use lukewarm water for the body, skin and scalp. Be sure to apply your hair conditioner on your
scalp, as this will not only protect your hair from excessive dryness but will work as a
moisturizer as well.

Treatment for dry and flaky scalp

From your symptoms, you seem to be suffering from a severe case of dandruff. Dandruff
sometimes occurs due to oil glands on the scalp that have become very active and have
become clogged. This causes the skin on the scalp to become dry and flaky. Most people who
suffer from dandruff also seem to find that their scalps are very itchy. However, when you do
scratch your scalp, you might find that this will only worsen the itching. Dandruff can be
treated with special, medicated shampoos, there are a number of home remedies that you can
try to cure your dry and flaky scalp. You must maintain a certain level of hygiene and you must
shampoo regularly. You should also try and avoid using any sort of styling gels and creams
because these only make your scalp oilier and increase the chances of your dandruff becoming

You can also mix apple cider vinegar with water and use this to clean your scalp. If you add a
few drops of the essential oil of lavender, the solution becomes more beneficial. You should
stop taking on stress and spend more time out in the sun because the sunlight might help treat
the dandruff. Boil a half a tablespoon of chamomile flowers in some water and wash your hair
with this mixture.

Natural cures for itchy scalp

Natural cures for itchy scalp

• Every alternate day, apply warm coconut oil, olive oil, almond oi, castor oil or mustard
oil to your scalp. Massage the root and hair thoroughly and leave it for the night. Wash it in
the morning with shampoo, condition it and apply a hair serum.

• Never go out with oil in your hair as the dust particles will stick to your hair and block
the pores.
• Avoid washing your hair with hot or warm water. Use tepid water to rinse it.
• When you shampoo your hair, use beer or boiled tea water as the last rinse.
• If there occurs sweating in your hair, it will give rise to itching. So, keep your hair
clean. You can even wash your hair everyday.
• Rub your scalp with diluted curd everyday. You can also use lemon juice for this.
• Soak some soap nuts in water overnight and rinse your hair with it in the morning. You
can do this twice weekly for 15 days and then once every week.
• Massage your scalp with tea tree oil and Aloe Vera gel.
• Add 1 tsp of baking soda in 1 cup of water and rub it into your scalp. Wash your hair
after 1 hour.

Natural cures for itchy scalp

There can be several reasons that explain your itchy scalp. You may have dandruff or be
suffering from sunburn on your scalp. This itchiness could also be as a result of your reaction to
the shampoo or conditioner you use. If you have recently coloured your hair, then your hair
dye may be responsible for the itchiness. Other hair treatments or bad hygiene of your hair
could also be responsible for the itchiness. Also, if you have been going through a lot of stress
and drastic changes to your lifestyle, the itchy scalp could be a reaction to these.
Although you have mentioned that you use a medicated shampoo, perhaps the shampoo is too
harsh on your hair. You need to start using gentler shampoos. In summer always protect your
hair from the elements. Always use a bathing cap in the pool and remember to wash your hair
after swimming. In winter use a cotton hat rather than a wool one and avoid keeping the
thermostat cranked up too high.
Mix two teaspoons of vinegar with six teaspoons of water. Massage this you're your scalp
before going to bed. Go to sleep with a towel around your head. Wash your head the next
morning. Use the vinegar and water mixture as a rinse for your hair.

psoriasis killer cure

suggested by jeremiah on Thursday, June 12, 2008

peroxide straight on it untill it is gone

suggested by elena on Saturday, April 12, 2008

Flax seeds are an excellent natural remedy for skin conditions. It helps treating psoriasis, acne
and tinea. Every evening for 2 weeks on EMPTY stomach, eat 2 spoons of flax seeds, without
chewing. Once they get into your stomach they will absorb lots of liquid forming a sort of a
bowl, which will clean up all the residues within the digestive tube. Following this daily for 2
weeks, it is an excellent remedy to cleanse your body from all the toxins and residues which are
THE MAIN CAUSE in skin problems that is why it has been used in alternative treatment of
different skin conditions. It is very important to GIVE UP: ALCOHOL, CIGARETTES, RAW SUGAR,
and SATURATED FATS. Drink 8 glasses of water daily. Use only ORGANIC bar soaps, like yucca
root bar soap or pine tar margosa oil soap bar for skin conditions.
olive oil peppermint & shea butter cream

suggested by Becks on Monday, February 11, 2008

Make your own cream with one 4 oz container of shea butter 1 teaspoon of peppermint oil and
one table spoon on olive oil. Melt in saucepan and let harden. Or mix in container if its soft shea
butter. Apply several times daily to prevent drying. It has kept my psoriasis under control for
over a year now... Try it!
psoriasis on scalp

suggested by [unspecified] on Friday, February 1, 2008

my son suffered with a total scalp crusting, my hairdresser recommended Actrol shampoo by
Matrix, within a week completely clear. That was eight years ago, he still uses it daily, and it
smells good too.I am being totatly honest about this, it works

psoriasis on scalp

suggested by [unspecified] on Friday, February 1, 2008

my son suffered with a total scalp crusting, my hairdresser recommended Actrol shampoo by
Matrix, within a week completely clear. That was eight years ago, he still uses it daily, and it
smells good too.I am being totatly honest about this, it works
Detox tea for Posriasis

suggested by kanwaljeet on Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Control your diet. Avoid coffee, rice, sugar, soft drinks and PORK. Have a cup of
Detox tea daily. It has all the ingredients that are helpful in detoxifying your body.


suggested by iskra on Friday, November 2, 2007

Rub it on the damaged skin 2-3 times daily. Even in extremely difficult cases you will see the
first results after just a few days. Amazing!!!

psoriasis on eye lids

suggested by [unspecified] on Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I have psoriasis on my eye lids as a result of cat allegeries. My allegist suggested washing my
face and eyes with Johnson's baby shampoo. This seems to work but here's how I do things...
First, I don't do anything if my eyes are not itching...But, if my eyes begin to feel itchy, I wash
my hands first, then wash my face with either Johnson's baby shampoo or Oil of Olay foaming
face wash. Then, I apply Oil of Olay (original formula) generously to my face and eye lids. I do
this, at most, twice a day. I also take a Vitamin B and E supplement daily.


suggested by [unspecified] on Wednesday, June 13, 2007

use medicated selsom blue shampoo.apply on the skin with little to no water and leave on for
about 3 minutes and then wash off.Try this meathod twice a week for four weeks.


suggested by Elaine on Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I have had psoraisis for 18 years and have controlled it with adjusting my diet. What goes in
must come out, so anything red I stay away from - red peppers, strawberries etc. 2 portions of
wheat a week no more, stay off the yeast and start off with a detox or colonic irrigation. We are
what we eat ... it works, because I have been cleared for 5 years now. Also have tried the
sunbeds and the UVA light treatment but they work as quick fixes and great at the time but I
have skin cancer now - so beware of the warning signs of sunbeds. Also Shower and moisturise
skin everyday, rehydrating your skin is very important. Loreal 24hr hydration lotion is great.


suggested by Becky on Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Try using a Tar soap and use a tar shampoo for the itching. also a Zinc bar soap works real
good. then use Elta melting moisturizer cream at night. this really helps for itching.


suggested by jamie on Saturday, June 2, 2007

i have heriditary psoriasis. i developed it at a early age and i tried everything but the one thing i
always go back to is the tanning bed. i see results in the 30 days completely gone in 60 days. I
would rather have wrinkled skin at 60 than scaley skin at 30

suggested by mihaela on Monday, May 21, 2007

I have been using this 2 creams for a year and a half now...and its been under control..it doesn
not go away but it keeps it from spreading.The names are .."Dovonex cream'' and
''Mometasone furoate ointment''. i`ve alson took Alphazoram for anxiety..but one pill a week or
so..Do not take more than 5 /week ...

Psoriasis scale remover

suggested by Ruth on Saturday, May 5, 2007

I have had psoriasis for 9 years with no improvement despite many treatments. No am omtting
certain foods which help. For scale removal found Rooibos tea baths works like magic, Make
pot/pan of tea with 12 tea bags, allow to brew and add to bath, stroke area and scales just come
off! also intend trying Pau d'arco tea to drink, suppose to have excellent results.

psoriasis cure

suggested by cj on Wednesday, April 25, 2007

i have had psoriasis on my lower legs and on the back of my neck my whole life and have found
that exposing the area to sunlight for an hour or two for a few days will clear it up quite well


suggested by alexandra on Monday, March 12, 2007

suprisingly wheatgrass juice helps just pour it over it then wash it off


suggested by rahman on Sunday, February 25, 2007

I have had psoriasis on my hands for 3 years this time round. I have found unrefined organic
shea butter to do wonders. It doesn't get rid of the desease but contains it beautifully. It can be
obtained over the internet very easily now.

Psoriasis scale remover

suggested by Eddie on Friday, December 29, 2006

I have had psoriasis for about six years. I have used A&D Ointment on my knees and elbows.
This may irritate the skin and make the red around it a little redder, but it takes the scales away
if it is used daily.

Psoriasis Remedy

suggested by [unspecified] on Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Licorice root extract--preferrably tincure works like a charm but is to be used temporarily to
push into remission and not a permanent part of diet.

suggested by amanda on Saturday, November 25, 2006

Belive it or not hemroid cream helps in a matter of days make sure it is a cream and not ann
ointment I have also found that Lavander oil really helps and it smells nice


suggested by chantal on Thursday, July 13, 2006

tanning in the sun is the most effective way to rid yourself of severe psoriasis. Indoor Tanning
beds don't offer the same benefits as the natural sunlight. Be careful not overburn since it may
irratate the skin. Directions as followed, Everyone is different so times may be adjusted. to start
off test your skin for 5 min in the sun and every day add a few more minutes to your original
time. Tolerate how much you think your skin can handle. This process should be done for a few
weeks to maybe a few months keep in mind you may skip a few days in between and let your
skin rest. these are guidlines only and it has worked for me and lots of other psoriasis sufferers.

Psoriasis natural treatment

How to get rid of Psoriasis?
Psoriasis natural treatment-
1. Moisten the skin with psoriasis with aloe vera gel. Apply 2 times daily for a month.
2. Garlic oil application is also very ideal for psoriasis.
3. Avocado oil application and consumption of it also benefits in psoriasis cure.
4. Take a homeopathic remedy called calc iod 30, 5 pills, once at bed time for 5 nights, then
stop and wait for 15 days.
5. After 15 days take another remedy called Calc iod 200 one dose every 3 rd night, 3 times.
Then wait for another 15 days. Take a single dose of psorinum 1000 just once.

Psoriasis More Than A Skin Problem

All these types of psoriasis have different symptoms. The area which gets affected becomes
scaly with small red spots causing itchiness. It is a lifelong battle with this disease, as currently
there are no cures for this skin problem.
These are known to occur on any part of your body such as elbows, knees, lower back and
scalp. As it is a common disease anyone can be infected by it.

Our skin goes through series of changes. The dead skin cells die and flakes off in the form of
scales. During psoriasis this cycle of the skin is quickened. Instead of weeks the scales are
formed within days. Even though it is not a grave problem, psoriasis can be very painful and
with constant itching affecting your day-to-day life. The normal functioning of your life is turned
upside down due to this condition.

You chances of getting infected by psoriasis increases, if it runs in the family. An injury done to
your skin due to continuous scratching, skin inflammation and skin infection can cause psoriasis.
Too much of sunlight tend to create further problems for psoriasis. Psoriasis infection worsens if
the patient is HIV positive. In an advanced stage of HIV, psoriasis becomes less active. Having
drugs like lithium, beta-blockers, anti-malarial, and NSAID often worsens psoriasis. It is also
caused when you go through stress mainly emotional. Cigarettes and alcohol are another cause
of psoriasis problem.

Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Apply good amount of moisturizers on your body after having your bath. This would help to
keep your body soft and tender.
Buy a UVB sunlamp and treat the areas which have been affected by psoriasis.

Soaking yourself in Dead Sea salts is one of the better solutions.

Coal tar can be used directly on the skin. This is very good to soothe your skin even though it
may sometimes be too strong for your liking.

It is always recommended that the patient suffering from psoriasis should have a well-balanced

Having good amount of juices from grapes and other fruits can help you to have better immune
system to fight this disease.

Have herbs in daily diet such as basil, ginger, cardamom, saffron, garlic, parsley, tomato, fruit
vinegars, and homemade mayonnaise. This kind of diet may not cure this disease but can prove
to be very important part of your health.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following
instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you
are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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