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In This Issue I


MAPS: THE EARTH ON CANVAS ,........ . ,....... 147
MINE SAFETY. 1893 159
EARTHQUAKE SAFETY AWARD.. , .......• , 160
A PUBLICAnoN OF TlIE TRiViA ...............................................•...........•..... ,.160
DlVIIl0t4 OF MINES ANO GEOLOGY ROCK CROSSWORD PUZZLE. ,............ ..... .... ..161
SI.~orC.htornl. GEOAGE DEUKMEJIAN BOOK REVIEWS ......... . . . . . . .•. . 163
Governor MAIL ORDER FORM . 165
The R.soorces Agency GOADON K. VAN VLECK
Secretary for Resources DMG RELEASES , .. ,........... . 167
QePlflment 01 CorI.8<v.uon STUDIES ZONES... . 167
Slate Geologisr

Cover: Oblique fOised lopog.opliic mop 01 the cenl.ol Son F.oncisco 80y o'eo. Son Francisco 80y is 0
mid· 10 late PI..slocene Itructurol trougfWilhin the Cooltol Rongel. Neorly 70 percent of the Boy is
Don Dupras r.hOtiowlf thon 12 feet. Over 2 million yeors ogo this e~..'...os ebove leO level end.th.ough lolding
ond loulhng, this 0"0 slowly 'onk Q~the SlO engulledihev:alIif."Th,oughout the enwing lime to
GraphiCS and Design: Loui$8 Hu<:kaby obout 10,000 yeors ago Ihe Boy wos effected by PI..lIocene glaciotion: olternOlely rising an'd lowering
,n response ta e growth and m.lting 01 continentol glociers. During periods of ext..me low seo levi!,
Publications Supervisor: Jell lamberl riv.rs cut dKinnels inlo Ihe bedrock floor 01 the 80Y10 (I depth 0/ neorly 400 '&fit b.low the p.osent
1.0 level. Since the end 01 the Pleistocene glociotion, riversediments were deposited neony ho.i10n·
toll~on Ihe Boy 1100" Sediments on the cent.ol portion ollhe oor-hove been meosured ot 250 leet
Dtvlsion Heedquarl.rsc 1416 N,nlh SIr..t. Room 13-41, deep. An ortide oboul lhe hiltoricol signi!iconce 01 mops. and how mopl 0 .. mode ond uled storts on
s.ac..m....to. CA 9~1. poge 147. Drawn by TOll Rho A/pho.
(Teleopllone' 1tI6-••5-182!S)
Pubhcations and Inlormllhon Olllte
1560 8e<cut Dr"'e. SIoCf.l1IIfltO. CA 9561.-0131
CALlFOFlNIA GEOLOGY Dredging and Placer
Publ~ Informallon 916-445-5716
Mining Conference
~'" Anoelll Ollica 107 Soolh Broadway. Room 1065.
~Ol Anoel••. Colo 90012·«02
crel&J)/lPne 213-620-3560) The Nevada In;;lilule of Techno log)' will
hold the 81h Conference on Dredging and
Ple.santl'1ll1 on~e 360 CIv~ Drive. Su~e 100.
~lUtIl H~I. CA 94523·1921 Placer Minmg on October 29-31. 1990. in
(TelepIIon.· .15-6'l(l-5920l Sparks. Nevada.
For further informal ion conraCl:
CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY (lSSN 0026 .SSSj Is pubhIIed Dr. Yung Sam Kim
"""'lilly by rn. OePll1m.nl ot eonslfv.llon. Olvlslon 01 Conference DireClOr
Mones and Geology The Recorcll Oltk;. Is at lnl·2Oth
Nevada lnslilule of Technology
S~l. $ac,.me'llo. Colo 9581. $e<;oncl class pOIlAgel.
p.lcl .1 S.c••mlnlO. CA. Po.lmllt" Send Idd,," P.O. Box 8894. Campus Stalion
eII'noellO CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY (USPS 350 e.O). Reno. NV 89507
Box 2980. s.ac.amenlP. CA 95612-2980. Tel. (702) 331-0601
R.port. conce",lng DlvIllQr1 01 Min. . .nd Geology
ptPjecll.P'ld artldes and news il......e1.leclto lhe ..,th
1dI'nce. In Cal<lPr.... lie Included In the meg...''''. CorI·
lrIb<11ecl ar IIc,". pIIoIogr .ph•. news rteml. IfId g&olPgic:al
.....lIng .NlPUnc.m.nll VI _ome.
Fourth International Conference
Seismic Zonation
AND ARE NOT NECESSARI~Y ENDORSED BY THE The Fourth International Conference on The conference will provide an imerna-
O£PARTMENT OF CONSERVATION "Seismic Zonal ion for Safer Construction lional multidisciplinary forum for discussion
COffllPonclenc••nOU'd b••dd'"l1d to Eclllo" and Reduclion of Lifc and Property Losses and disseminalion of recem advances perli·
CALIFORNIA GEO~OGY.156O Be.eul Dri.... S.c......nlO. from FUlUre Earthquakes" will be held at nent 10 the reduetion of losses from natural
Colo 9561•. Stanford Universily in the San Francisco disasrers worldwide. All papers ""ill be
Subsc,lptlonl· $10.00 PI' ~ ... Sln;l. cop/..· $1.00 Bay region. Augusl 2610 28.1991. The published in a proceedings volume. Tours
eeo:/l. send .ullSCf!ptlQr1 oftle.. allll eIIange ot .dd,... conference. sponsored by lhe Earthquake of aClive earrhquake faulrs. eanhquake·
Sacramento. CA 95812-2980 Engineering Research Inslilute. will provide engineering researeh facililies. and local
a SI8te·of-lhe-art assessment of lhe advances urban planning organiutions are planned
in seismic 'Zonalion integrating earth sciences. 10 complement olher conference aClivities.
engineering. planning. social sciences. and
public poliey. The confl."rl."nce will emphasize For further information about the confer-
results perlinem 10 disasler mlligalion on ence. conlaClthe Earlhquake Engineering
July 1990IVolume 43/Numbe. 7 local. regional. and national scales al loca- Resean:h lnstlture. 6431 Fairmonl Avenue.
lions throughoulthe United Slall."S and the Suile 7. EI Cerrilo. California 94530-3624.
CGeeA 43 (7) 145· 168 (1990) world. USA (415) 525-3668.

146 CAUfO~NIA CEOlOCY July 1990

The Earth on Canvas
Arizona Geological Survey
Tucson, Arizona

... Fi;ure I. Cor1ogrophic in'I"'....nls rang' in so-

plli,ricolion from the compou, in~ellted durillg
the 11th or 12th cenlury, 10 ~ompul.r ')'Ilems that
can increos. the ,peed, oc~uro~y, olld quality
of all mop mo.;ng effort!. Drawing by P.te, F.
Corroo, AArOnO G.ologicol Survey.

Thi, Clrtkle gj~" Cln Clbbre~ioled hi,1OI'Y of latitude (Iat) 0"49'N.. longitude (long) images. map making has had a long and
~Clr1ogrophy _ the Clr1 of mClp moking; expklin, 176°43'W .. whereas the actual coordi- exciting history.
I~ol., coo.dinClt. ')'Item" ond projeclion,; nates are lat 0°48' N.. long 176°38' W.
iI1""lI'Ol.s how remot.-sensing techniques Clid (Barker. 1986). Some investigators who As human culture evolved from a
mop moking; describes vatlou1 lplKiClliud mops researched the possible causes for Ear- nomadic. hunting existence to a more
ond how they ore used; ond ~'Is sourCei fo-r settled. agrarian lifestyle. land ownership
obtoining ColifomiCl mops.
hart's disappearance believed that she and
Noonan were on course and would have and determination of property boundaries
The following WOI originCll1y publilhed in the
reached Howland Island if they had been became more important. The oldest
July 1987 iuue of Fieldno~.. ~. 17, no. 4,
published by the Arirono BurellU of G.ology Clnd given the correct coordinates. The first known map. dated about 2500 B.C.. is a
Mineral Technology. II is reprinted her. by chart to list accurate coordinates was pub- small day tablet that shows a man's estate
permission of the ClUthor. Sin~e the rime il WCl> lished 4 to 5 months after they vanished. nestled amid mountains and rivers in
publish.d, the nom. of the mClgorin, hClI bun It is therefore Ijkely that the mapping Mesopo{amia (Chamberlin. 1950: Raisz.
chClnged 10 AArono Geology, ond the nom. of mistake was discovered during the search 1962). The Egyptians measured and
the 1101. og.ncr Well chong,d 10 the Arirono for Earhart. mapped their countryside for property
Geologicol Su.....y, locoted ot 845 N. Porlt Ave" taxes {O fuel their thriving civilization.
1100, Tuclon, A185719. The cont.1l1 of Ih, These early peoples believed that Earth
originol ornel. wOI modifi.d ond odopt.d for Earhart's story illustrates the impor-
tance of accuracy in maps and translates a was nat: their maps reflected this concept.
informorion oboul Colifornio..•• editor.
seemingly inconsequential error on paper
into the language of human tragedy. Ancient Greek culture emphasized
INTRODUCTION Accurate. dctailed maps have enabled logic. reason. and scientific thought. nur-
humans to chart not only their courses turing interest in the world as well as the

A melia Earharl. the plucky aviator

whose 1937 round-the-world flight
attempt ended in disaster. may have been
across vast oceans. but also the progress
of their civilizations.
mind. The Greeks conceived the idea of a
spherical Earth. About 400 B.C .. Aristo-
tle offered evidence as proof: the shape of
the victim of a mapmaker's mistake. Ear- HISTORY OF MAP MAKING Earth's shadow on the Moon during an
hart's flight plan gave the wrong coordi· eclipse (Chamberlin. 1950). Eratosthenes
nates for Howland Island. the 2-mile-long Maps are as old as human culture. The (276-194 B.C.). mathematician and phi-
sandbar in the South Pacific that she and detail and accuracy of mapmaking effortS losopher. estimated the size of Earth
navigator Fred Noonan were trying to ha\<e. in turn. both reflected and en- based on observations of shadows and
reach when they vanished. The faulty hanced the advancement of civilization. a knowledge of geometry. Despite his
flight plan. which was based on inaccur- From prehistoric hunters. who probably crude methods (by modern standards). his
ate government charts. put Howland Is- drew crude maps in the dirt. to Renais- estimate of Earth's circumference (28.000
land 7 miles to the northwest of its actual sance navigators. who explored and miles) .....as only 12 percent larger {han its
location. Earhart's flight plan listed mapped the oceans and continents. 10 actual size (about 24.900 miles; Cham-
the coordinates for the tiny island as today's cartographers. who use satellitc berlin. 1950). His map. which showed

CAlIFO~NIA GfOlOGY July 19'90

pans of Europe. Africa, and Asia. was satellite imagery. enables cartogrolphers Small-scale topographic maps of
the first to IOclude parallels and meridi- to cre:lIe a "bml's-cye" \'iew of Ihe ,",orld I:250.000 and smaller (such as scales
ans. The early Greeks also defined the and ItS fe:ltures. Digital scanning sy~tems with a larger denominator) show only ma-
poles. equator. and tropics and developed :lnd 1a.\Cr ploHers have dramatically in- jor features like national and state parks.
sevel"'J.l projections that are still used today. creased the accuracy and detail of modern military reservations. airports. major
maps (Figure I). Technological advances roads. and l"'olilroads (U.S. Geological
Medieval cartographers. seeking a and increasingly sophisticated instru- Survey. 198Ib).
more simplistic view of the world to mir- ments continue to cnh:lnce the quality
ror their religious beliefs. chose more and accuracy of human aHempts at
symmetrical, "divinely perfect" outlines sketching the face of Earth.
for Europe, Africa. and Asia l"'olther than Accurately locating oneself on a map in
the more accurate irregular coastlines of SCALE the wilderness is not easy. Evtr since the
earlier maps. In the late 13th century. first map was compiled. cartographers
oowC\'er. the use of the compass bur- Scale defines the relationship between have searched for an accurate system to
geoned. as did the production of highly a distance shown on a map and the corre- locate points on the globe. Some map
accurate maps known as portolan charts. sponding aclual distance on the ground. users, such as navigators. need a means
which were used with minor modifica- Scale may be expressed in three ways to track their progress across oceans:
tions for more than three centuries. Por- (Zumberge and Rutford. 1983): others. such as land owners and govtrn-
tolan charts were based on systematic (I) As a graph, line. or bar divided into ment officials. need a method to establish
compass surveys. Most charts included 16 units that represent ground distances. property lines: still olhers. such as geolo-
or 32 compass roses with radiating rhumb (2) In words that state the relationship be- gists. need a way to identify localities
lines (lines that show compass direction). tween map diSlance and ground distance: of outcrops and separate rock units so
a design sometimes used on current maps for example. "one inch equals one mile" thai future researchers can find and
as decoration (Raisz. 1962). mellns Ihat I inch on the map corre- study them.
sponds to I mile on the ground.
The discovery of the Americas effected (3) As a fraction or fixed ratio between In the United States. three coordinate
a renaissance in carlOgraphy. As the linear measurements on the map (the nu- syslems are generally used: (I) geo-
number of trade routes increased. so did merator) and corresponc:!ing distances on gl"'olphic coordinates (latitude and longi-
the need for more detailed maps. New the ground (the denominator). For exam- lude): (2) Public Land Survey (PLS). also
discoveries from explorations modified ple. a scale of .,_~ or 1:63.360 means called the "Land Ornce Grid" or "town-
humans' view of the world. The first map that I unit of measurement on the map ship and r4nge": and (3) Universal Trans-
to include America. published in 1500. (I inch) represents 63.360 of the sam~ ~-erse Mercator (UTM) grid. Each of
showed it as part of Asia (Raisl. 1962). It units on the ground. In this example, I these systems is explained in the follow-
was not until after Magellan's voyage inch on the map corresponds to I mile on ing sections.
from 1519 to 1522 that maps accurately the ground II inch (map) - 63.360
depicted the immensity of the Pacific inches (ground) :Ill 5.280 feet (ground) =
latitude and longitvde
Ocean. The in,'ention of the engraving I mile (ground)J. The firsl number (map
and printing processes during this period distance) given in the rillio is always l: Cartographers have arbitrarily divided
enabled wider and more timely distribu- the second number (ground distance) the Earlh's surface into a system of refer-
tion of new maps. The highest quality varies. but the larg~r the second number. enee coordinates termed latitude and Ion·
maps produced during the late 16th and the smaflu the scale. gitude based on a series of imaginary
17th centuries weTe compiled by DUlCh lines. called parallels and meridians.
Many areas have been mapped several
and Flemish map making masters. such respectively. drawn on the surface.
times. but at different scales. One should
as Mercator. Ortelius. and Janszoon choose a map with a scale specific to its
(Rain. 1962). intended use. For instance. a large-scale If one imagines Earth as a globe with
map shows more detail. but less area: an axis Ihrough the North and South
The 18th century, known as the Age of therefore. an urban planner might choose poles, meridians of longitude would be
Reason, brought a concomitant age of a 1:600-sca1e mllp that shows power and circles around Ihe globe that pass through
map accuracy. Instruments to measure wateT lines. house lots. and streets. A both poles. A meridian is labeled accord-
latitude and longitude became more s0- small-scale map shows less detail. but en- ing to its distance. measured in degrees.
phisticated. Triangulalion and topo- compasses a wider area. A geologist in- east or west of the zero meridian, which
graphic mapping of France during Ihis terested in the general geologic history of was established in 1884 by international
time spurred interest in similar national California might choose a 1:750.000- agreement as the meridian that passes
surveys during the following century scale geologic map of the state that shows through Greenwich. England. near lon-
(Raisz. 1962). Cartographers of the 19th major rock formations and geologic don. Before this time, many countries
century also diversified and specialized features. used meridians that passed through their
their products. creating geologic. eco- own capital cities as the OD meridian for
nomic. and transportation maps. among Large-scale topographic maps (see sec- their own maps (Chamberlin, 1950). The
others. Wilh the founding of the U.S. tion titled "Types of Maps") of 1:24.000 zero meridian is also called the Green·
Geological Survey (USGS) in 1879. show natural and man-made features. wich meridian or prime meridian. Be-
systematic mapping of the United States such as important buildings. camp- cause the globe encompasses 360". the
became an organized effort. grounds. caves. ski lifts. watermills. 180" west meridian (long 180" W.) and
bridges. and private roads. Intermediate- the 180" easl meridian (long 180" E.) ~P'
The advent of remote-sensing tech- scale IOpographic maps of I:50.000 and resent the same imaginary line known as
niques. such as aerial photography and 1:100,000 usually omit these features. the International Date Line. Although


75' 100'12.5' 125' 100' 75' 5.0' 0' 5.0' 7.5'

20.'~ _ _

\ r
\ \


'00' O· 5·W

Figvre 2, Mognlttic declinotion, olso known os composs variation, is thlt ongle between True (geographic) north and The direcTion given by the mogne~c composs
[mognetic north), Magnetic declinaTion 01 the beginning 011980 is indicaled in thisligvre by isogonic line., or lines of eqval declination, Valves olong lap of
chart reler to dashed lines. Valves along sides and bottom refer to solid line>. Solid lines indicOle lhe nvmber of degrees between magnetic north and lrue north,
with mognetic north shown east of true north at locotions that are west 01 the O'line [labeled at the bottom of Ihe figure), ond west 01 trve north eost of 0" line.
Dashed lines indicate change, in minutes per year, in directIon of magnetic north, with change TO more eastward direction eOSI of 0" line [Iobel&d ollop of
~gure), and chonge 10 mOre westward direcTion west of 0" IlIle. From Fabiano and Peddie, 1980.

this line mostly follows the 180" merid- Each degree used to measure latitude reprcsented by degrecs of longitude vary
ian. there is some variation to prevent and longitude may be divided for more depending on the latitude. Atthc North
separ<lting land masses, such as the Aleu- precise location into 60 minutcs. rcprc· and South poles. for cumplc. onc could
tian Islands. into two time zones. sented by the symbol'. Each minute. in walk through 360° of longitude by walk-
turn. may be subdivided into 60 seconds. ing in a circlc around the pole. At the
Midway between the North and South identified by the symbol ". For e:'lample. equator, such a walk would be a consider-
poles. an imaginary line called the equa- coordinates of the Division of Mines aud able undertaking. indecd!
tor circles eanh and cutS it in half into the Geology Publications Office in Sacra-
Northern and Southern hemispheres. mento arc lat 38" 40' 54" N., long 121" Timc zoncs arc relatcd 10 meridians
Imaginary lines drawn concentrically 29' 27" W. (U.S. Geological Survey. because of Earth's rotation. A full rotation
around the poks and paraJlcllO the equa- 1954). of canh on its axis (360 0 of longitude)
tor are called parallels of latitude. They takes 24 hours, 15" of longitude takes
arc labeled according to their distances. Because the circumference of Earth is I hour. and I" takes 4 minutes.
measured in degrees, north or south of about 24,900 statutc (land) milcs (21.6CMJ
the equalOr. The equator is 0" latitude nautical miles). each degree of latitude The latitude-and-longitude coordinate
(Ial 0"). the Nonh Pole is 90" north lati- measurcs about 69.2 ~latute miJe~ (a system is used worldwidc. Similar sys-
tude (lat90" N.J. and the South Pole is "statutc" lui Ie is officillily recognized as tems are used in spacc. Of the threc sys-
90" south latitude (I at 90" S.). Parallels of 5.280 feet in length) each minutc mea- tems discussed in this article. this is the
latitude. as their name states. always par- surcs about 1.15 statute milcs (I nautical only onc thllt can be determined astro-
allel each other; meridians of longitude, mile), ilnd eaeh second measurcs about nomically without a map (Mcrrill.
however. converge at the poles. 101 feel (Chamberlin. 1950), Distances 1986a).


..............,.,. ',,',=,7"'1 Township-range divisions arc bascd on
a grid of perpendicular lines. Boundary
lines that rUIl cast to west arc called
lownship lines: those than run north 10
south arc called range lines. Instead of
figure 3. Principal California meridians and base the equator and zero meridian. reference
lines, and the areas where they are used. Dates Ii nes for township designations arc spe-
indkate when the base line' and principal meridi·
cific latitudinal and longitudinal lines
on, were adapted by the U.S. Deportment of the
Interior. called the base line and principal merid-
ian. respectively (Zumberge and Rutford.
1983). A township is located by giving its
.......... ,_ ... position north or south of the base line

···<i•• • •·
and cast or west of the principal merid-
ian. The notal ion "'I'. 4 S .. R. 2 W ..· in-
dicates township four south. range two
west. Many base lines and principal me·
:!·m::Q1~I:Q::8A!le::tINE::: ..
ridians are used in the United States. so
township and range coordinales arc nevcr
very large.

In California. townships arc measured

from the Humboldt base line and merid-
ian. the Mounl Diablo base line and me-
ridian, and the San Bernardino base line
and meridian (Figure 3). For example.
the Division of Mines and Geology l:tubli-
cations building in Sacramento is located
z at township 9 north (T. 9 N.) of the
OC Mount Diablo base line. and range 5 easl
m (R. 5 E.) of the Mount Diablo meridian.
z As with degrees of latitude and longi-
W IUde. sections may be further divided 10
locate features more precisely: into halves
Meridians always run in a true north- [for example. the north half (NY:) or cast

--- ----
south direction. True north. however. is half (E'h)] or into quarters Ifor example.
not the same as magnetic north (the di- the northwest one-quarter (NWY4) or
rection thallhc needle in a magnetic southeast one-quartcr (SEVo)]. Quartcr
comp3ss points). clleepl on the meridian sections. in turn. may be subdivided into
thai passes through the magnetic North halves or quartcrs. In Figure 4. the 40
Pole (Zumbcrgc and Rutford. 1983). This ancs shown in the extreme southcast cor-
is because of the phenomenon called p0- declination in SacramenlO is 17° E., in ner of section 24 arc designated by this
lar wandering; the geomagnetic axis does San Diego the magnetic declination is notation: SEVoSEY4 sec. 24. 'I'. IS ..
nOI coincide with Earth's true north-south 13° 13' E. (Jennings. 1977). R.2W.
allis of rotation, The magnetic Nonh Pole
is actually at aboullat 700 N" which is Township ond 11:0nge UTM Grid
about 1.250 miles from the gcogr.lphic
(tflle) North Pole (Strahler, 1981). Township and range designations arc The Universal Transverse Mercator
used to locute property boundaries. Al- (UTM) grid was adopted by the U.S.
The angle in any given location be- though lhis system of land division is Army in 1947 to assign rcctangular coor~
[ween true north and magnetic north is linked to the coordinate system of lat itude dinates on military maps of the world
called the magnetic or compass declina- und longitude. it works independently of (Snyder. 1987). Although the original
lion. Declination records have been kept il. The basic unit. called a scction. is a UTM grid used only numerals as coordi-
in Paris and London since about 1600 square-shaped lIfea I mile long and nates. the U.S. Army simplified it by
(Strahler. 1981). Local declination and its I mile wide. One section contains 640 substituling leiters for several numbers. In
annual variation arc usually shown in the acres. A township contains 36 scctions. or military parlance. the UTM is called the
lower margin of most maps published by 23.040 acres. When this system was de- Military Grid Reference Systcm: in scien-
the USGS. The correction for annual signed. each section was imended to en- tific jargon. it is simply called lhe UTM
change. however. will be only approxi. compass an exact square mile of land. (U.S. Department of the Army. 1969.
mate ifthc map is more than 20 years old Survcying crrors. howcver. crcated irreg- [983: Hincs. 1986: Merrill. 1986b).
(Compton. 1962). Declination can also be ularitics in the shapes of Illany sections
dctermined from an isogonic chart (Fig- and IOwn~hips in the United States and The UTM divides the Earth from west
ure 2) or by sclling a compa.~s on a level many sections do not contain one exact to cast into 60 numbered zones. each of
surface and sighting on Polaris. the North square mile of land (ZumDcrge and Rut~ which encompasses 6° longitude. Begin-
Star (Compton. 1962). Thc magnetic ford. 1983). ning althe 1800 meridian (the Intcrna-

150 CAliFORNI .... GEOLOGY Juty 1990

tional Date Line). lone~ are numbered
I to 60 consecutively from west to eaSl
(Merrill. 19S6a). For example. zone I ex- < n.

tends from long 1B<r W. to long 174° W. .2

From soulh to north. the UTM divides ~

the Earth into 20 lettered sublOnes. each :>:
of which encompasses 8° of latitude. ex-
cepl for zone X, which e:uends I r (Mer- ~ T"
rill. 19800: Snyder. 1987). These zones
are lellere<! C 10 X consecutively from
south to north. (The \etters I and 0 are

001 used 10 avoid confusing them wilh TO.

numbers.) Most of California lies in UTM
grid zones 10 S. 10 T. II S. and II T 6111;". Bose Line
(U.S. Department of the Army. 1969).
Numbered and lellered grid zones extend
only from lat B<r 5.10 lal 84° N. The p<>-
~ TO'
Iar regions beyond these: parallels are as-
signed coordinates on the Universal Polar
Stereographic (UPS) grid, which will 001
'" R>'
be discussed in thIS article (Snyder. 1987).
I Mile
Each grid zone may be fUriher divided
into grid squares that measure 109.361 •, , • , , , w,
,i 160 .o.CRES

•• "
yards on a side: tkesc are given double-
letter dcslgnations. In tum. grid squares 5 " " • •
.. ~

.. "
" HW;' NW;

" """""
may be subdivided with finer numerical
grids that enable one 10 locate an area
II yards by II yards on most currenl " 0000
" .. .. 00
Nto l
HW;ol NEi-of
maps (Merrill. 198(0). " ""oz. " " Slof SW~of SEiot
swi SE; SEi
The USGS began adding UTM grid ONE TOWNSHIP
lines to its 7VJ·minute quadrangle maps in ONE SECTION
1957. A quadranglc map is a rectangular
map bounded by parallels of latitude and Figure 4. Townlhip and range 101M! divis;ons used ill the Uniled Stole. and in
meridians of longitude. Most 15-minute some porn 01 Canoda. From ZlImbe'ge ond Rvtford, 1983.
quadrangle maps do not include them.
State base maps, new maps. and reprinted
quadrangle maps. however, include UTM As the word "projection" implies. Cylinders
grid lincs or tick marks (Merrilt. 19863). areas of the globe are projected onto
another surface and then trJlIsfcrred to Perhaps the most well·known and rooSt
In an unending quest for perfeci accu- paper. This intermediate surface can be easily dr;lwn projection was developed by
racy, scientists continue to develop new a cylinder. cone. or plane. The shape of the Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mer-
location systems or modify old ones and this surface. the line of contact or point cator (1512- 1594). The Mercator projec·
dcbale the usefulness, precision. and of tangcncy between this surface lInd the tion is drawn by wrapping a cylinder
accuracy of each (Hines. 1986: Merrill. globe. and the point on Earth chosen as around the globe. with both surfaces
1986a.b. 1987: Nelson. 1987). the ("enleror starting point determine the touching along the equator: meridians are
type of projection (Figures 5 and 6). then projected from the center of lhe
globe (Snyder. 1987: Figures 5a and 00).
There is no best projection to portray Mercatorde\'Cloped this projection 10 aid
The Earth is a sphere. aclUalty a sphe- the world. A cartographer determines navigation. This is the only projeclion on
roid because it bulges slightly at the equa· which projection to usc based on the which all points are shown at their true
tor and flattens at the polcs. The most characteriSlics deemed mosl important, compass courses from one aflOl:her: if a
accurate map of Earth is a globe because such as area. shape. .seale. or dlreclion. ship's direction remains conSlant with re-
scale is constant and geographical rela- Hundreds of projections have been de~'CI­ spectlO north. Ihe sailing roule between
tionshIps are true. Because a globe is oped Ihroughoul the history of cartogra- IWO points is a straight line. Since 1910
cumbersome and impractical on a large phy. but only a fe..... dozen are used 10 Ihis has been Ihe standard projection used
scale. carlographcrs ha\'e developed ways produce most of today's maps. Some of on nautical charts oflhe U.S. Coasl and
to con\'Crlthe lhree-dimensKlnal spherical the more common or useful projCCtions Geodclic Survey. now called Ihe National
image to a two-dimensional flat image. A are briefly described below. An excellent Ocean Service (Snyder. 1987).
map projection is a syslematic method of book on project)OrlS that includes boch
transfering the grid system of parallels hislocical and dcscriplivc tellt for the lay- Areas in Ihe polar regions. tlO.....e\-er.
and meridians from globe 10 paper using person and mathematical calculatiOfis are greatly distorted with the MercalOf
mathematIcal calculallons to alleviate for the professional carlographer IS by projeCllon. Greenland appears 10 be
distortion (Chamberlin. 1950). Sn)'der (1987). larger than South America. )'et it is only

U.UfORNlA GEOLOGY J..1y 19?O '51

nand Rudolph Hassler (1770- 1843). who
became the first superintendent of the
U.S. Coast Survey. precursor of the U.S.
Coast and Geodetic Survey. Because of
Hassler's promotion. the Pol)'conic pro-
jection was used on large-scale maps of
the United States. such as USGS 7Vl- and
15-minute topographic quandrangles. un-
til the 1950s. Quadrangle maps drawn
with the PolyconiC" projection at the same
scale llnd based on the same central me-
ridian will fit eJlactly from north to south
or east to west; however. they cannot be
mosaicked in boIh directions without
distortion (Snyder. 1987).

The Lambert Conformal Conic projec-

tion was developed by the Alsatian math-
ematician and cartographer. Johann
Heinrich Lambert (1728-77). On this
Figur.. 5. Proj..,lion 01 Ill.. globe onto th,.... ,uria,..., (0) ,egular 'ylindrkal(suMa,.., tau,h along projection. local shapes. scale. and an·
Ilquolo,j; (b) I,on,vers.. <;ylindri'ol ('UMO'''' tOlKh along m..ridian); 1<;1 obliqu.. <:ylind,i<;oll,u,lo<;.., gles remain accurate. but area docs not.
too<;h olong <;ird.. palh); (d) ,..gulor <;on,<; bUMo<:"s lou<;h olong poroll.,I}; 1..1 plonor or ozimuthal, palor It is used for mapping large countries and
osp..d (surlou. tOlKh ot pol.,); (I) plonor or orimUlhol, oblique O,ptld !,urfo,.., tOlKh 01 point b.,twHn smaller regions with an cast-west orienta-
pol.. ond Ilquotor!; and (9) plonor 0' oz;muthol, ..quotorial o'ptld l'urfo<;.,. talKh ot .,qootar). From tion such as the United States. North Car-
Snyder, 1987.
olina. and Long Island (Snyder. 1987). II
is also the projection used for the USGS
I :500.000-scale state base-map series: the
Cones same scale California base map was used
to compile the 1977 version of the state
V.th the size of the continent (Snydcr. Cylindrical projcctions are used mostly geologic map. After compilation. the
1987; Figure 6a). Because most world for maps of the world or narrow areas state geologic map was reduced to
maps in elementary and high school text- along the equator. a meridian. or an 1:750.000 scale (Jennings. 1977).
books are drawn with the Mercator pro- oblique circle. Conic projections. on the
jection. SlUdents could be confused about other hand. are used to map areas in the Pl(lnes
relative sizes of land masses. This projec- middle latitudes that extend in mostly an
tion is best used on maps of equatorial re- east-west direction. An azimuthal (also called zenithal)
gions and has been used to map those projection has a portion of the Earth's
areas on Eanh. Mars. Mercury. Venus. A regular conic projection is drawn by sphere projected onto a plane that is tan-
the Moon. and the moons of Jupiter and setting a cone on top of the globe. with gent to it. The tangental point can be at
Saturn (Snyder. 1987). the cone apex and globe axis aligned. Thc a pole or any other point on the sphere.
cone and globe touch along a specific lat- The tangent point becomes the center of
ilUde (standard parallel). Meridians are the map from which all azimuths (or di-
Variations of the Mercator projection
drawn from the apex to points at which rections) radiate. This point of tangency
have been developed to handle special
corresponding meridians on the globe in- also determines the projection view or
cartographic needs. In the Transverse
tersect the standard pardllel (Figure 5d). "aspect" and are polar. equitoria1. or
Mercator projection. the cylinder and
The cone is thcn cut along one meridian oblique (Figures 5e. f. g: 6c. f. g). Be-
globe touch along a meridian instead of
and unrolled (Snydcr. 1987). cause an azimuthal projection has one
along the equator (Figures 5b and 6b).
standard point or center. it is used mostly
Areas along the ccntral meridian remain
The simplest conic projection is the to portray cireular regions such as Ant-
true to scale. no mailer how far north or
Equidistant or Simple Conic. which arctica. rather than areas that extend
south of the equator they are. This pro-
shows true scale along all meridians and mostly in one direction (Snyder. 1987).
jcction is used for areas in which the
one or two standard parallels (Figure 6<.1). On polar aspects. meridians are shown as
north-south dimension is greater than the
east-west dimension. It is also the base for It is the basic form developed about 150 straight lines that radiate at true angles
A.D. by the Greek astronomer and geog- from the center (pole). like the spokes on
USGS I:250.000-scale maps (1 0 x 20
rapher Claudius Ptolemy. This projection a wheel; latitude lines appear as concen-
quadrangles) and some 7'h.- and 15-min-
is the one most often used in atlases for tric circles around the pole (Figure 6e).
ute quadrangles (Snyder. 1987). In the
Oblique Mercator projection. the cylinder maps of small coumries (Snyder. 1987).
touches the globe along a circle path spe· Except for the polar aspect. azimuthal
cifically chosen to alleviate distortion in Variations of the simple conic projec- projections are more difficult to draw
the mapped area (Figures 5c and 6c). The tion include the Polyconic. which is than the cylindrical or conic versions.
USGS has further modified this to obtain mathematically based on an infinite num- Azimuthal projections. however. portray
the Space Oblique Mercator projection. ber of cones tangent to an infinite number Earth's roundness and unity, features
which is used for continuous mapping of of parallels (Snyder. 1987). This projec- that are less apparent in the other two
Landsat satellite images (Snyder. 1987). tion was developed by Swiss-born Fcrdi- projections.


The Stereographic projection i~ the
mOSI widely used azimuthal proJeclion.
Hipparchus. the Greek astronomer and
father of trigonometry (2nd century
B.C.), is credited with its invention.
although it ..... a~ probably kno.....n to the
Egyptians. The Stereographlc projection
.....as u~ed only for Illap~ of the heaVl:ns un-

til the early 1500~ (Snyder. 1987). Thi~
prOjection can depIct only one hemisphere
at a time. Its polar aspect is used exten-
swely for maps of Antarctica and the po- b
lar regions of other planct~ and s;ltelhtc~
(Figure 6c).

The Orthographic projection is proba-

bly the moM well known of the azimuth;ll
projections. Becallsc the perspective is
from an infinite di~tance. maps drawn
with Ihis projection appear as they would Figurll 6. SlllllCllld mop projiK'

from outer space. with a thrce-dimen-
sional effect (Figure 61). Its development lions: (0) MerColor (regulor cylindri·
col); (b) Tronsvene M"'rcolor (Iron~verse
is also credited to j·hpparchus. who Ilsed cylindricol); (c) Obliqve Mercotor (obliqve
it for ~tronomical calcul;llions. The cylindricol); (dl Simple Conic (regvlor con'c);
Orthographic projection became poplll..r (e) Stereogrophic (plonor or ozimvthol, polor o~pecl); (~ Or1ho·
during World War Il as world leaders grophic (plonor Or ozimvthol, obliqve ospect); ond (g) Azimuthol
Equ,di~tont (plonor or oz,mulhol. ",quolo,;ol oo.pe<:l).
tried to empha~ize the global aspects of
the conflict (Snyder. 1987). It is seldom
• From Snyd",r, t987.
uscd in atlases today. except for pictorial
views of the globe. because only one
hemisphere t'an be ~hown at a time and
distortion ncar the outer edges is severe. Vegetalional difference~ are reflected (Zumberge and Rutford. 1983). Color
in thc .~hades and pallerns that appear variation~ result from differences in
The Azimuthal Equidistant projection in black-and-white aerial phologrJphs. wgetatlon. soil. moisture. and rock
shows distances and directions correctly Heavy vegetation such a~ forests arc types. False-color images cre:lled by
from the point of tangency on earth's sur- medium to dark gray in color. whereas E:trth Resource Technology Satellites
face and any other point on the map (Fig- gras~lands are light gray. Cultivated (comlllonly called Landsat) arc byprod-
ure 6g). Maps based on this projection fjcld~ 3re usually rectangular in shape. ucts of the U.S. space progrJlll. Each
usually show less than one hemi~phere. Shadcs also give clues to wil and rock L;lndsat salellite circles the globe 14
The Egyptians probably used the polar type. Clays that retain moisture. for ex- time.'> a day. scan~ a particular area of
aspect for star charts. Navigators have 3mple. appear darker than dry sand. l3e- Earth more lhan 40 times a year. and cre-
used it to chart coastlines based on dis- eau~e the type of vegetation commonly ales images. each of which covers 115
tances and direclions oblained at sea. reflects the bedrock on which it grows. square miles(U.S. Geological Survey.
This projcction is u~ed today in maps of vegetallonal variations can also be used 198Iil). Thc frequency and amount of
thc polar regions and continents and in to delermine rock type (Zumberge and eo\'Crtlge make satellite imagery esp.:-
.....orld map~ for radio and .'>Cismie use. Rutford. 1983). cially useful in studying Earth's surface.
The polar aspect is also used as the Satellite image.s, however. cannot show
emblem of the United Nations. Photoll1terpretation can be enhanced by the detail that aerial photographs can be-
viewing aerial photo.'> stcreoscopically. cause they are taken farther from E:lTth'~
REMOTE SENSING Two photos of the .'>:lIIle arca taken from surface and thus. at a slllalier scale.
~Iightly differcnt positions can be o\'er·
Before the invention of the airplane. lapped through the usc of a stereoscope to TYPES OF MAPS
map making wa~ a profession based on ob- ~how the relief of the land. Each eye see~
scrvations made on rand or !>Ca. With the only one of the photo~. bUlthe bmin com- A map b a graphic representation of
ad\'ent of aviation. eamerJ..s could record bines the two ill1ilges to produce a three- part of E:lrth's surface. Some types. such
""hat only birds alld ballooni~b had ~een dimension;ll view (Zurnbcrgc and as road maps. show the distribution of
previously. Remote-sen~ing technique~. Rutford. [983). fealure~ and manmade structures in two-

such a~ aerial photography and satellite dimensional form. Other lypeS. ~uch as
imagery. are used by xielltists. engi- False-color image~ arc cre:lted by ~atel­ topographic maps. illustrate the three·
neers. alld carlographer~ to determine rites that record infmred radiation from dill1en~ional nature of Earth'.'> fealures on

land features. ~tudy seasonal changes in earth. The mea~ured differences arc com· a two-dimen~ional surface. Bccause geo-
vegetation and wildlife habitats. and eval- puter-enhanced to produce a picture in logic structures are three-dimensional.
uate damage cauM:d by geologic haz:lTds which the colors are not true to life: for the l'llter type of map is more useful 10
such as f100d~. landslides. and active example. green vegetation may ~how geologist.'>.
VOrC;lnOCS. as red and water lllay appear black


There arc basically four type~ of mapS:
planimetric. lopogmphic. photoim:lge.
and thematic. Planimctric maps show
natuml :lnd manmade features. such as
rivers. lakes. roads. milroads. towns. and
land boundarie~. but do not show relief
features. sueh as hills or valleys. The lat-
tcr may be labeled. however. A road map
is a pl:wimetric map. Topographic maps
show both features and land elevations.
Pholoim:lge maps. such as onhophoto-
quads and orthopholOmaps. arc derived
from aerial phOlogmphs that havc becn
corrected 10 eliminate distortions due to
perspective or camcrJ till. Thc~e maps
are related 10 standard coordinate sy~tems
but show details that do not usually ap-
pear on convcntional maps. Thematic
maps. or maps portrJying a special
theme. show information about:l specific
topic such as geology. minfall. popula-
FIgure 70. Portion 01 the 15·minute U.S. Geolog,col Survey Milford, Colilornio topographic quadrangle
lion. Mlil (pedology), or vegetation.
mop (1:62,500 scolel. A geolog'c mop 01 the .ome oreO '0 ,h's figure i5 shown io Figure 7b on Ihe ne~1
poge. The oreo ,n Ihi. mop ,ndudes 0 POrtlOO ollhe Diomond Mounloin" a few mile, 5Oulhe051 of
Thematic maps include geologic maps. Honey Lake, Lonen County. Geologis15 use bose mops like Ihis for moppIng geologic feolure,.
which ~how the position. structure. and
composition of rock units and surficial
materi:lls and the nature of boundarie~ the clevation difference between t.....o adja- physical features and create~ ,I threc-
between rock types. such as faults and cent contour line~. is genemlly a eom.tant dimcn~ional effecl. Slope maps create thi\
depositional contacts: geophysical maps. value chosen according to the ground ~ame effect through the usc of different
which show variations in geophysical slope and map scale: It !l1:ly v:lry. how. color~ and ~h:lde~ 10 indic:lle ~Iope
properties. such as gmvity or magnetism ever. on a singJc map to \how relief fea- sleepness.
(Figure 2): hydrologic maps. which show tures more precisely. Contour intervab
information about water resources: pedol· range from 5 to 1.000 feet (Zumberge
ogic maps. which show distribution and and Rutford. 1983).
character of soils: liOd land-use maps.
which indicate the areas that arc being
Widely spaced contours Indicate flat
used for agricultural. recreational.
:lTeas or arC:lS with a gem Ie slope.
wilderness. urban. or other purposes.
whereas closely spaced contour~ indicate
steep terrain such as mountains or c1iff~.
Because of their usefulness to the Index contours. which arc usually every
profcssional geologist and bcc:luse they fifth contour line and arc drawn with
arc often confused by the layperson. lOp- heavier lines than other contours. list ele-
ogmphic and geologic maps arc described vations. Spot elevations may be given for
in furthcr delail in following sections. certain locations, such as mountain sum-
mits. road intersections. or lakes. Bench
Topographic MOP5 marks indicale point!> at which the land Pholo I. Bran beoch mark sel in concrete. Th" i,
Every geologic process leaves a mark elevalion has been preci!>Cly determined o cootrol510'ioolhcl1 's port of nOlion-wide nel-
on Earth's surf:lce. Wind and water ero- by survcying techniques and arc marked work 01 permanent su.....ey mooumen15 used for
sion. glaciation. and volcanism leave on land by bms~ plates that arc penna- moppiog and other purposes. The preci5e eleva·
nenlly filled on the ground. These can be lioolrom a 5el datum plane. usually 5eO level, '5
their respective signatures as charac- .hown os "H 15 and indicates Ihi. 510lion;s 15

teristic landforms. Unlike other maps. found on Ihe tops of remote mountains as
leel above .eo level. The preci5e locolion ollhi.
a topographic map shows these three- well as on the ~idewalk~ of major cities
slotion i. 0150 known and ;5 lied to the Notional
dimensional imprints. as well as m:ln- (Photo I). Each bench mark is shown on a Triongulolion Network. The Meodes Rooch
made features. Relief (mountains. hills. topographic map by the leiters "8M," triangulation .Iolion is located ot 10lilude
valleys. and plains). bodies of water followed by a cross and the measured ele- J9·IJ'26.686"N .• loogitude 98·32·30.506.........,
(lakes. ponds. rivers. canals. and vation. When contour lines cross stream- obout12 mile5 north of tUC05, Koo5O' and i'lhe
swamps), and cultuml features (roads. filled valleys or canyons shown on a map. bose point or origio olgeodelic po,ition5 and di.
railroads, towns. and land boundaries) they bend upstreafll: the contour resem- reclio05 in Ihe lrioogulotion net of the Uoited
bles lhe lellcr .. v .. with the apell pointing Slole,. The Meade. Ranch stolion i5 at the iunc-
arc depictcd on topographic maps. lion ollhe moin e051_wesltronscontinentol trion-
upstream (Zumberge and Rutford. 1983).
gulOlioo orc, which slretche.lrom Ihe Allo"tic to
On a comour map. relief is shown the Pocilic coo.15, ond Ihe moi" north'50uth are,
through the use of contour lines - imagi- On a shaded-relief map. thc land is which follows opproximolely Ihe 98th meridion
nary lines on Earth's surfacc that connect shaded to simulate the effect that sunlight Irom the Conadion border 10 Ihe Rio Grande
points of equal elevation above or below would have on the term in. The paltern of River ollhe Mexican border. Pholo by Don
sea level (Figure 7a). A contour interval. light and dark accentuales the shape of Dupr05.


rocks are visible and can be identifted
in outcrops (ledges. fault scarps, and
streambanks) or in manmade excavations
(roodcuts. mmes, and wells). In areas
where the bedrock is cO\"ered. geologists
may be able to infer what the underlying
rocks are by studying surficial materials,
\"egclalion. landforms. and regional struc-
ture. Age-dating techniques are unique to
each rock type. The age of each rock unIt
is identified from fossils. bits of other
rocks included within it. radiometric dat-
ing. or from its position relati\"e to other
units. (Barring an episode of geologic up-
heaval. a sedimemary or volcanic rock
unit is always younger than the one below
it. a nalUral law that geologists call the
law of superposition.) Geologists also
study aerial photographs and preexisting
maps to fill in missing data and to corro-
borate field observations (U.S. Geological
Figure 7b. Geologic mop of the I.Qme area ltlown in Figure 70 on the pr.....OU1 page. Geologilts use
Sun·cy. 1982).
IOpogropNc bose MOps combined with field obsetVOllons 10 distinguIsh patternl as they mop the geo·
logic: units. For uomple. Rot lying YOkonic roclu {T"of unit on mopl often form hilll whereos eroded
moteriollike olluvium IQ ""it on mopl often fill \IOll.y Roo~ Thts mop is a compolonon 01 field nates The geologisl records the locations.
ond geologIC mops roughed out ,n the field and finalized in Ink on 0 deor plost>c: ~ by the geolo· types, and ages of the rock units and sur-
gtSI who inlMpreled the geology. Q • Quoternary mud and so;!; Qls _ Iondilide one! slump debris; ficial materials by using various colors or
Tvol • Miocene ondesit. Row.; T\lOp _ MIocene ondesde breccia and luff; hmo _ Mioc_ maffic: paucrns on a topographic base map. Stan-
andesite; roo _ Mioce.... intrusive onde1.ite; Kgr _ Cretoc:eous hombIende gronocioote;
1r -
dard pallerns have been adopted 10 distin-
_ - _'" • fouIt. doshed were opprollimate. 4o-r- • strike ond dip, direclton of Ioncklide. guish among rock types. The basic rock
units shown on a geologic map are called
formations. A formation is usually named
after a geographK: feature (mountain.
Geologic Mops
canyon. or town) near the area where the
A topographic map CO\"ers a specifIC JUSt as a person'S face may renect his unit was first identified. Using special
quandrangle. Standard quandrangle maps or her character. lhe face of Earth may symbols. the geologist records other sig-
are bounded by 7Y1 minutes each of lati- reveal what lies beneath ils surface. A nificanl observations on the map such as
tude and longitude (and is commonly geologic map shows how Earth would ap- faults, folds, conl3CtS between rock units.
referred 10 as a 7'h-minute "quad"). by pear if materials. such as vegetation. were and the strike and dip of formations (re·
IS minutes each of latitude and longitude stripped away (U.S. Geological Survey, spectively, the direction of a horizontal
(I S·minute quad), or by I ° of latitude and 1982). These maps use standard symbols. line within a unit and thc angle Ihatthe
roflongitude (10 x 2° quad: Table I). pallerns, and colors to depict the types unit slopes in outcrop).
The USGS has been producing standard and relative ages of rocks and surficial
topographic maps for 7Vz- and IS·minute materials, and the surface and subsurface The reliability of a geologic map de·
quadrangles in the United States since the associations of rock units (Figure 7b). pends on the number of observations
1880s. Although the aClUal area shown on made in Ihe field and the competence of
a quad map is not a Irue rectangle. the A geologic map is not easy to compile. the geologist. If there are few outcrops.
map appears to be rectangular because It requires many hours of fieldwork. keen little contrast between rock types, and a
it is drawn al such a large scale. observation skills. an ability to think hislory of complicated geologic events,
three-dimcnsionally. and imagination to geologists can make many plausible inter-
GO\"emment agencies and private in- envision how rock units were formed and pretations and several credible geologic
duslries use topographic maps as bases changed over geologic time. The first maps of the same area (U.S. Geological
for more specialized maps, such as geo- step includes studying areas where the SUI"\"e)'. 1982).
logic.land-use. soil. and road maps.
Specialized data are superimposed di-
rectlyon the topographic base sheet. Top- lA5lE 1. MAP SCAtES AND COlRESPONOING AlEAS ON THE GROUND.
ograpluc maps are also used by plannmg from U.S. G.oIogocol Sunoe): 1981b.
agencies to aid in selecling sites for high-
ways. aIrports. induslrial plants. pipe.
""'" Stondord Quadrangle

".- NR
on Mop Ouodrangl. Siz.
lines. powerlines. communication R.presents IlQl. lOttgl {Squo!"e Milell
facilities. and recreational areas (U.S.
Geological Survey. 1983). These maps 1:24,000 2,ooof..1 1l'.r • 7YI min"". 491070
1:62,500 neony t mile lS .15 minule t9710 282
are especially important in assessing and 1:250,000 neorly 4 miles 1'.2'0.1'.3" 4,580 to 8,669
managing natural resources. They also 1:1,000,000 nearly 16 miles "'.6' 73,73410102,759
serve as practical guides for camping.
hiking, fishing and hunting trips. '1'.3' is the .Iond<;..d size fa. quodrongl. MOpS 01 Alosko


Gcologic maps can be used 10 locate be obtamed by (:alling the S:l(:r:llllentO U.s. Bureau 01 land Monagement
minerJI dcposits becau!>C specific rock library facility (tcl.916-327-1850) or lhe
types or structures (such as faults) are Pleasant llilllibr.H) facility (lel 415- The U.S. Bureau of Land f.lanagement
oftcn associated with ~pedfic de~its. 646-5941). (BLM) compilcs and distrioolC\ maps of
They can also be used to locale wurccs of California that indicate land ov.ncnohlp
groundwater or const ruct ion m:llerials u.s. Geologicol Survey ~t:ltus. Privlltc. Federal. and State lamh
(sand and gravel. or flagstone) to deter- - such as parks. monument~. and llllli-
mille the suit:lbility of areas for agricul- The Map Dlstnbutlon Section (MDS) tary re'\Cf\~Jtlons - arc delineatcd. Map~
lUre or urban development. or to idcntlfy of the U.S. Geolo~lcal Survcy (USGS) arc of V'Jrious '\Cales and many are of
potential geologic hlu.ards (such as land- sells by mall all geologic and topographic I: loo.OCXl scale. The BLM also m:llntams
~Iides or earthquakes). Geologic map~ maps publishcd by the USGS. MDS dis- records of land holdings. For information
provide an enormous amount of informa· tributes. free of charge. indices titled contuct: BLM. California State Offi(:e.
tion needed for deciphering EiHlh's long "Index and Order Form for Topographic 2800 Cottage Way, Room 2807. Sacra-
and complex geologic hi.~t()ry. Maps of Culiforniu" and "Index and Or- menlO. CA 95825. (leI. 916-978-4754).
der Form for Geologic Maps of Califor-
ma." Readers may request these indices There arc foor additional BlM dl\tnct
WHERE TO OBTAIN MAPS by writing: MOS. USGS Map Salcs. Fed- offices where thc public cun go for the
eral Centcr. BO\ 25286. Delwer. CO over-the-coumer ~ales and IOforrn:llIon
Divi$ion of Mine$ ond Geology
tl0225 (tel. 303-236-7477). Be ~llrc to aboulthosc particulur arcus. These
The Divi.'>lon of Mines and Geology's include )'our return addrcss. offices arc locatcd althc followlOg
Public Information Office provides di- uddresscl>:
verse aspects of geologic and mining in- The USGS Book and Report Sales
ijlM Bukersfield District. 800 Tru)l(un
formation 10 the public. Geological. Office for the westcrn United States sells
Avenue. Room 302. Bllkersfield. CA
geophysical. and seismic maps ofCaJifor- the "List of USGS Geologic and Waler
93301 (tel. 805-861-4191):
nia arc available for reference and/or for Supply Maps of California" for $4.75.
BLM California Desert Diwict. 1695
salc. A good way to find out what Divi- This book includes all available USGS
Spruce Street. Riverside. CA 92507, (tel.
sion maps and other publications are geologic map publications specifically of
obtainablc for sale is to ~quest a free California. This book can be obtained
BlM Susanville District. P.O. Box 1090.
"List of Available Publications" from: from: USGS Book and Report Sales. Box
705 nail Street. Susanville. CA 96130
Division of Mines and Geology. P.O. 25425. Denver. CO 80225. Include return
(lcL 916-257-5381): and
Box 2980. Sacramento. CA 95812-2980 addre~~ and make checks jXlyable to the
BlM Ukillh District. 555 Le~lie Strcet.
(please include your return address). Divi- U.S. Geological Survey.
Ukiah. CA 95482. (tel. 707-462-3873).
sion maps and publications can also be
ordered by mail from the above address. The USGS has an mformation network U.S. Forestry Service
of Earth Science Information Center~ that
Division maps and other pub1ication~ offer convenient o\·cr·the·(:ounter sales of Thc U.S. DcjXlrtrnenl of Agriculture
may be examined in person and/or pur- maps and reports of California. Informa- (USDA) Forestry Service prejXlfCS and
{'hased directly over the counter at Divi- tion questions arc also answered. There sell~ recrcalional maps of Federal forestry
sion l>Ublic Information Sales Offices at arc three USGS Earth Science Informa- lantls in Californiu. For addltlonalmfor-
thc following locations: Public Informa- tion Centers in California at the following mation write or telephone: U.S. Depan-
tion and Publications Officc, Division of locations: Earth Science Information lIIent of Agriculture Forestr) Service.
Mines and Geology. 660 Bcrcut Drive. Center, U.S. Geological Survey. 7638 Public InqUIries. 620 Sansome Slreet.
Sacr.ll11cnto. CA 95814-0131 (tel. 916- Federal BUilding. 300 North LOll Angeles San Fnmcisco. CA 941 II (lcl. 415-
445-5716); Division of Mines and Geol- Slreet. Lrn. Angeles. CA 90012 (tel. 213- 705·2890).
ogy. 107 Soulh Broadway. Room 1065, 894-2850); Earth 5cicn(:c Information
Los Angeles, CA 90012-4402. (tel. 213· Cenler. U.S. Geological Survey. Building Depository Librarie$
620-35(0). and Division of Mines and 3, Room 3128, Mail StOp 532,345 f.'lid-
Gcology, 380 Civic Drive. Suite 100. dlefield Road. Menlo Park. CA 94025. Map~ of California. including many
Plcasant Hill. CA 94523-1921 (tel. 213- (tel. 415-329-4390); Eanh Scicnce Infor- rare hhtorical maps. can be examined ut
62().3560). mation Office. U.S. Geological Survey. certain Jibruries within the ~talc desig-
504 Custom House. 555 Battery Street. nated as ·'depository libranc~." Such
Out-of-print Division maps and other San Francisco. CA 94111. (tcl. 415-556- librarics recelvc copies of .. II Fedcral and
publications may be consulted at the Divi- 5627). State lIIaps of California sold to the pub-
sion Library facilities in the Sacramento. lic. Deposllory hbr.tries in California 10·
Pleasant Hill. and Los Angeles offices. Although the popular USGS 7.5·mm· dude; The SCutc Library in SaCTlllllento
Division Library eollcctions in SacrJ' Ole and 15-nunute quadrangle maps of (tel. 916-322-4570). all Uni\'Crsity of Cal-
mento and Pleasant Hill also contain California arc available at Earth Scleoce ifornia campus hbmries, and municipal
other map resources which the public may Informal ion Cenlers. they arc also fre- librJry systems in Los Angeles. San
consull. Thest resources include histonc quently sold at a variety of map stores. Diego. San FranCISCO. und Oakland. All
mines and mineral resource maps. topo- sponing goods stores. and surveying and Californiu Statc Unl\'Cf.'olt)' libmries and
graphic maps. orthophotoquads. USGS mining equipment stores in rno!>! Califor- California Junior Collcge librarie~ con-
atlas folios. flood control maps. and a nia cities. Locations lind telephone num- tam extensive collections of maps. Many
VlI.ricly of other published maps and atlases bers of such store~ can be located in the cOlllmuOlty librJne~. historical societies.
relatcd to the eanh sciences. Further in- telephone book Yellow Pages under Ihe and private institutions throughout Cali-
formation about map collections may heading "Maps-Dealers." fornlil also have notable map collections.



Borlcer, Vicki, 1986, forhort's disap~oronce Geological Soclery of America Bullerin, U.5. Department of Ihe Army, 1969, Mop read-
linked to mop, New Hayen Register, Decem· Y. 97, no. 4, p. 404-409. ing: fM 21·26.
ber 21. p. A4B. Mer"lI, G.Irl, t986b, Mop locotion IIterocy- U.S. Deportmenr of rhe Atmy, 1983, Grid. and
Chamberlin, Wellmon, 19S0, The round eorth on how well does Johnny GeologIst reod1; Re- grid references. TM 5_241_1,
flol paper; mop prolecr,ons used by co"ogro· ply: Geological Society of America Bullerin. U.S. GlIOlogicol Survey, 1978, Topogrophic mops:
phers: Notionol Geographic Society, 126 p. y 97, nO. 10. p. 1284. brod'ute, 27 p.
Compron,Il:.R., 1962, Monuol of field geology: Merrill, G.K., 1987, Mop location lirerocy _ how U.S. Geological Survey, 1979, Topographic mops;
New York.. John Wiley & Sons. Inc., 378 p. well doe. Johnny Geolog ..1 reod~; Reply: silent guidel for ourdoorsmen: pamphlet.
Fabiano. E.B., ond Peddie. N.W.• 1980. Magnetic Geolog'col Society 01 Ame,ico Bulletin, y. 98, U.S. Geolog<col Survey. 1954. Sacromenro eosr
declinorion in the United States -epoch no. 5. p. 619-620. ql>Cldrongle, Socromento County, 7.S·minute
1980: U.S. Geologicol Survey Miscelloneou. Nelson, R.E., 1987, Mop locotion I,rerocy _ how series (topogrophicl, scale 1:24,000.
Inyestigotions Series Mop 1-1283. scole well does Johnny Geolog'st reodi; Discus_ U.S. Geological Survey, 19810, How to order
1:5.000.000. sion: Geologicol Society of Americo Bulletin, londsat imoges: pamphlet.
Hines, RA. 1986, Mop location literacy - how Y. 9B, no. 5. p. 618. U.S. Geologicol Survey, 1981b, Mop scoles:
well does Johnny Geologisr reodi; Discus- Roisz, f<Win, 1962, pril\Ciples of cortogrophy: pamphier.
.ion: Geological Society of America Bulletin, McGraw-HilI, New York.. 315 p. U.S. Geologicol Survey. 1982, Geologic mops;
y. 97, nO. 10. p. 1283. Snyder, J.P.• 1987. Mop proiections - a worleing portraits of the eorth: brochure. 19 p.
JennIngs, C.W.. 1977. Geologic mop of Colifor· manual: U.S. Geologicol Survey Professionol U.S. Geological Survey. 1983. Topographic mops;
n,o: Colifornio Diyision of Mines and Geol- Poper 1395, 383 p. lools for planning; pamphler.
ogy Geolog'c doto mop no. 2, "ole Srrohler, A.N., 1981, Pl>ysicol geology: Harper & Zumberge, J.H" ond Rutford, R,H~ 1983, loboro·
1:750,000. Row, New Yorle, 612 p. lory monuol for physical geology, si~th edi·
Merrill, GJ(, 19860. Mop locotion lirerocy ~ Thompson. M.M" 1979. Marx for Americo: U.S. tion: Wm. C. Brown Co.. Dubuque, 187 p. ~
how well does Johnny Geologist reodi: Geologicol Survey, 265 p.

Greenwich Mean Time

Tines of latitude have definile starting
L and finiShing poinls because they
are nleasured in degrees starting from the
0" latitude atlhe equator and increasing
to 9O"N. at lhe Nonh Pole or 90°5. atlhe
South Polc. For lines of longitude. how·
ever. there are no naturJI slarting and
finishing points and the Slarting poim i:.
therefore arbitrary. Longitude lines, or
meridians. arc imaginary nonh-south
lines that pass through the North and
SOUlh poles.

Prior to the ISSOs many European

countries adopted their own zero meridi-
ans that were used to determine the daily
time standard for that panicular count ry.
These local limes were more or lesl> ad-
justed to the position of the sun at noon-
time on a certain area. such as at a capital
city. At that time the speed and efficiency
of transport by train and ship allowed an
expanding number of travelers to visit for-
eign countries. However. travel timetables
became confuslIlg because of the differ-
cnttime zones. Many tra\'elers missed
their scheduled rides on railroads and
ships because they could not keep abreast
of the correct times in different countries.

PhOl0 1. Geophysicist osrridethe prime meridion ..

in front of the Royal Greenwich Ob.ervorory.
fnglond. Photo by Margie Young<.


It became necessary to find a common
international zero meridian so that a
common time standard could be used
(Malin and StOll. [984).

In 1884 an international conference of

astronomers met in Washington. D.C.
and decided that the line passing through
the RO)"oIl Greenwich Observatory ncar
London .....ould be adopted as the world
standard prime meridian, All other lines
of longitude are numbered east or west of
the Greenwich meridian and increase to
180" EaSI or 180" West. For example. the
longitude of Sacramento is 121"29'2r
Wcst of the Greenwich meridian. Follow-
ing acceptance of the prime meridian.
most countries adopted a universal time
7.one sy~tem based on the Greenwich
mendian, called Greenwich Mean Time
(GMT). Univers.ll Time (UT). or Zulu
Time (ZT), Twenty-four time zones were
adopted with 7.one ooundarics determined
by local governments,

Royol Greenwich Observatory

Many disa~ters at sea in the 17th and

Photo 2. n.. gote clock oubid. the courtyard 01 rho Royal Gre.nwich Obs......otory. It IhoW1
18th centuries were directly caused by ig- Gr••nwich M.on Time rhroughout rho ~ar. Pltoro by tel YOllngl.
norance of position. One nOlable disaster
occurred when an English fleet was
wrecked on the rocks of the Scilly Islands
with the loss of over 2.000 lives. Admiral Time
Shovel!. who was in charge of the f1eel.
believed he was safely headmg into Ihe A more effeclive solution to the prob- servations. Greenwich Mean Time was
English Channel. lem of finding one's longitude at sea was distributed by means of a large bright red
the invention of an accurate chronometer. "time ball" located at the Observatory
Determining latitude at sea could be or clock. [n 1728 an English carpenter that could be easily seen from the sur-
ochieved by celestial observalions. Reck- nllmed John Harrison presenlcd the first rounding area. The ball was cranked by
oning longitude at sea when landmarks accurate marine chronometer that could hand up a tall pole on top of tnc: roof of
.....ere not available. ho\I.·ever. was much keep prccise time for months on end, In Aamsteed's house al the Observalory and
more difficult. To solve Ihe problem, in relation to the sun, the Earth rotates one released by an astronomer in the base-
1674 King Charles II assigned the Eng- degree of longitude every four minutes. If ment precisely at I p.m. each day. The
lish aSlronomcr. John Flamsleed, to build a timepiece were set to the time at a loca· time ball lit Greenwich was the world's
the Royal Greenwich Observatory. It was lion where the longitude was known- first public lime signal and was easily
finished in 1676 and is the oldest existing such as the Greenwich meridian - then seen from ships on the Thames and in the
aSlronomical observatory. Astronomers as the ship proceeded on its voyage. the nearby Port of London. AI the moment
believed that. like latilude. longitude difference between "Greenwich time" the time ball dropped, mariners set their
could be determined by astronomical and the time on board Ihe ship (usually chronometers and took Greenwich Mean
observation (Malin and StOlt. (984). taken when the sun was direclly overhead Time to sea so they could accuratcly find
- or local noontime) would provide the their longitude. Similar time balls were
By carefully observing the Moon and longitude of the ship and ils distance in used throughout the world before observa-
the Slars with telescopes. a ralher compli- miles east or ~'Cst of the Greenwich lories scnt oottime signals by telegraph
cated method of locating ships at sea was meridian (Lewis. 1982). By the mid- or radio (Malin and StOll. 1984).
developed. called the "lunar distant 1700s marine chronomelers were used DQII Dllpms. DMG.
method." The lunar distant method worldwide as an effective means of
proved to be difficult 10 usc and prone to finding longitude at sea.
error. For example, a measurement error REFERENCES
of only one minute of arc in the position Scienlists at the Royal Greenwich l.w'•• 8renda Rolph. 1982, Th•••orch lor long,_
of the Moon would resull in an error in Observatory kepi the precise time with rude: Oc.onl, JonU'Ory, p. 18-23.
longitude on Ihe surface of the Earth of clocks and periodically adjusted Green- Molin, Sruort, and Sroh, Coral., 1984, The
aooul 30 miles (Malin and StOll. 1984). wich Mean Time from astronomical 00· Gre.nwich meridian: W 5 Cowell Ltcl .• SO p. ~


Mine Safety
M an has mined minerals from the
Earth for over 6.000 years and un-
derground mining has historically been
arduous and dangerous. Occasional cave-
ins. pop-outs. c:..plosions. and ocher
accidents have killed or injured miners
Ihroughoullhc world. However. because
of improved equipment and increased
safety practices. incidents of mining :Ied-
dCnl~ in the United States have greatly
decreased since the early 1970s. The
following excerpt from California SI:lIc
Mining Bllrcau Bulletin No. 18. Till'
Motlier Lode Region of Ctlfi/urllio (1900)
by W. H. Storms. p. 40-42. describes
safety procedures u~ed in Mother Lode
gold mines of California at the turn of the
cemury. Mining operations in Californi:l
today must adhere 10 numerous FedcrJl
and Slale safety rcgulations. and thcse
operations are inspcclcd rcgularly.


II having come to my IIolice tllol in some locali-
ties the legalized code of mine bell signals is not
in use, it oppeors imporlonl to call Ollention 10 Mine hoist, Empi.e minll. The m,ne" we'e lowered into III. mine to begin thll wo.k of Ihe .hi/t.
the fact thaI the California Slate legislOlure DMG Photo File.
adopted a code of mine bell ,ignols May 1, 1693,
which should be odopled by all mines regard Ie.,
of custom or diffe.enl practice elsewhe.e. The.e
is a liability ouoclled fa. Ihe liOn-use of Ihe legal Rules RUlE 4. All timber, tools, etc., "lange. than lhe
,ignol code. fa. the benefit of Colifo.n;o mine" depth of the bucket," 10 be hoisted or lowe,"d,
the legal "gnol code is he.e published. Fa. thll pu'po.e 0/ enforcing and property must be secu.ely lashed at the upper end to the
underslonding the above code a/signals, the coble. Miners must know they will .ide up or
following rules o.e he.eby established: down the shaft without catching on 'o<:ks a.
California Code of Mine Bell limbers and being thrown oul.
Signals RUlE 1. In giving signals make st.okes on bell at RUlf 5. The foreman will seelho! One prinled
regular inlervols. Thll ba. (-I must toke the .ome sheet 0/ lhe,e ,ignols and rules lor each level and
1 bell, to hoist. See Rule 2.ISee Iisl of rules time as for one stroke of lhe bell, and no more. One for the engine·.oom are attached to a board
below.] If timber, lools, the fo.emon, buckel, or cage are not Ie.. than twelve inches wide by thirty-six
I bell, to Slap, if in motion. wonted to Slap at any level in Ihe mine, .ignol. by inches long, and ,ecu.ely /osten the boord up
2 bells, to lower. See Rule 2. null' be. of slrokes On the bell, the number 0/ the where signals can beeolily read at the places
3 bells, man to be hoisted; run slow. See Rule 2. level fi"t before giving the .ignol fa. limber, tool., above stated.
4 bells, start pump if not running, or stop pump if etc. Time betwllen .ignols 10 be double ban RUlE 6. The above signals and 'Ullli must be
running. (- -I. Example" obeyed. Any violotioll will be sufficienl g.ound,
1-3 bell" start A. slop oir·compressor. 6-- -5 would mean to slop at sixth level with fa. discharging the party or parties so doing.
5 bells, send down tools. See Rule 4. tool•. No pe.son, company, co.porotion, or individual
6 bens, send down limbers. See Rule 4. 4__ 1_1_1__1 would mean stop at fourth operaling any mine within the Stale 0/ Colilo.nio
7 bells, occident; move bucket Or cage by verbal level, man on, hoi.t. sholl be responsible lor occiden!s that may hop·
orde" only. 2- -1-4 would mean slopol.econd level pen to men disobeying the above rules and sig.
1-4 bell., foreman wonled. with foreman. nols. Said notice and rules sholl bll signed by the
2-1-1 bells, done hoisling until called. RUlE 2. No person muSI get off Or On Ihe person or .uperintendent having charge of the
2-1-2 bells, done hoisling for the day. buckel Or cage while the some is in motion. When mine, who sholl designole Ihe nOme of the
2-2-2 bells, change buckets from o'e 10 wale., men are 10 be hoisted, give Ihe signal fa. men, corporation or owner o/Ihe mine.
a. vice vena. Men mu.1 then get on the bucket Or cage, then
3-2~1 bells. ready 10 shoot in lhe shaft. See give Ihll signal 10 hoist. Bell cord must be in reach The Law
Rule 3. 01 the men on the buckel or cage 01 slotion.
Engineer'••ignol that he i. ready to hoist is to Ruu 3. Alte. signal "Ready to shoot in shalt," Section 3 of the low ,oys: "Any person a. com·
raise the bucket or cage two feet and lower il engineer must give the signal when he is .eodf to pony foiling to corry out any of the provi,ion. 0/
again. See Rule 3. hoist Mine" must then give the signal of "Men to this Act sholl be .esponsible fa. all damages aris-
level••holl be de.ignoled and in.erted in be hoisted," then "spil/u,e," gel inlO the bucket, ing to or incurred by any pe"on working in soid
notice hereinafter mentioned. Se. Rule 5. and give the signal to hoist. mine during the lime a/such failure." ~

CAlIFORNtA GEOLOGY July 1990 159

Earthquake Safety Award
T he California Earthquake Safely
Foundation presented the "Alfred E.
Alquist A.....ard for Achievement in Earth-
.'>Crved tenm both as Chillrman and
Vlce-Chamnan of thai organll.ation.
papers on the architecture of sei.'>Elllc de-
,ign. Arnold has pre,ellled lIlany profe,-
,ion'll work"hop.'> and seminar.'> on .'>ei.'>rI1ic
quake Safety" 10 Stanley Scott of Laray- Scott n:ceivcd ,I number of Olher pre,tl- de.'>ign and e:mhquake h'llard, mitig,l-
clle :mu ChrislOphcr Arnold of Palo Allo glou.'> CIVic and profcssional aw,lrd, for lion. and has .'>[Xl"en on the subjecl before
during California Earthquake Prcp:Hcd- hi.'> ~·ontrlbution.'> 10 the under,tanding numerous lechnical group,. He i.'> a mem-
nc~s Moruh (April 1990). The prc.~cnI3­ and mllig,Itl0n of earthquake hai':ard.'>. ber of the Ad Hoc C01l1nullee on lhe
lion~ were made by Found,ltioll Chairman The.'>C indude a commendation from the International l),:eaJe of Naturul I-Ialard
Wilfcru Peak 31 the annual award~ lunch- California orncc uf Emergency Services. Reduction. "pon,on:d by the National
eon held in April. in S'lcramcnlo. The and a resolution from the California Leg' Re<,earch Council.
award. :m engraved silver mcd:llJion. IS blalure for his effon, on behalf of the
given [0 recognize indll'iduals who have JOll1l Committee on Sel.'>mie Safel)' He has frequent I) been a con~ultant on
made OUI~I;tnding com ribulion~ 10 sci\lllic (predece.'>.'>or 10 Ihe Seismic Safely Com· earthquake-related maller, for the Na-
safely in CaliforlU3. II is n,lIlled for Sl.lte mi"ion). lie ha., wril1en or has been lional Science Foundation. and ha.. mve.'>-
Senator Alfred E. Alquist. a long-lime coauthor of n13ny [Japer, dealing "ith ligated the effect' of carthqua"e.'> in man)
supporter of sci~mic ~arclY progr.l1m. III earthquu"e halard, :lrld mitigation. location~ around the world 11\ recent
California. publi,hed locally and nationally. year,. Hi.'> "petial area., of expcrll"c
inelude recon,truellun and tempor:lry
Stonley Seolt Christopher Arnold .'>hellers after earthquake.'>: de.'>ign :md
consl ruct ion of archileclurJI cOIl1fl\JIlenh
Stanley SCOlt, adminlslralOr and fC- Chrislopher Arnold has been involved 10 reduce d;1l11age by earlhqu;lke,: and the
~ar(hcr 31 the University of California at in research on archileclurul a,pecls of cffecb of earthquakes on re.'>idences.
Berkeley .'>ince 1941. b A.'>sislam Direclor e;lrthquakc, .'>lnce 1916. lie i, lhe fiN ho~pitah. and ~chuob.
of the [n.'>tilute of Governmenlal Studies. archilectto be hunored by the Foundation
a position he has held since 1958. His with the Alquist Medal. Following lhe The Foundation
inlerest in earlhquake hazard mitigation October 11. 1990 Lolna Prieta earthquake
began in the early I950s and continues he was .'>clel'ted by GOvernor Dcukmejian The California Earthquake Safety
loday. He ha.'> .'>Cn'Cd in variou.'> consult- a.'> a lIlember of the select panel of expert~ Foundation i" a nonprofit pUblic bcnefit
ing and othcr capacities for the Pre.'>ident·s "tuJying the eoltap~e, of lhe Inter.'>tate cor[Xlration dedicaled 10 raising the level
Office of Science and Technology: the 880 viaduct and lhe Oakland Bay Bridge. of public awarene.'>s and commitment to
We.'>lern Governmenlal Re.'>carch A.'>.'>ocia- earthquake safely in California. Funding
tion: lhe California Joinl Commillee on Arnold i~ a grudualc of London Unlvcr- of lhe Foundation is entirely by don,l-
Sel'mic Safely: the Nalional Science "ny: he received an M,A, degree in Ar- lions. which are fully tax-deductible.
Foundation: The California Coastal Zone chitecture fronl Standford Unlver.'>lly. He Individuals and cor[Xlration.'> concerned
Conscrvallon Commission: and the Bay i~ the cO:lUthor of a lext entitled "Huitd- aboUI future earthquake .'>afety in Califor-
Area Regionul Earthquake Prcparednes.'> ing Configur.Jtion and Se"mk Dc.'>lgn.·· nia may eomribute direclly to the Foun·
ProJect. lie hus been a vulued member of whIch has been lrun"lated imo ,ever:ll dation. P.O. Box 22912. Sacrame11lo.
the California Seismic Safety Commi.'>- language.'> induJing Ru",ian. He i~ the California. 95S22. ,. lVilfml W. P/'{/k,
.'>ion .'>ince its inception in 1915. and ha.'> author of a number of other arl1e1e, and Colijol"l/i(l E(lr/!lqlwkl:' Sa/l:'ly FOlil/dation. ~

Trivia (21 A 3,l00·yeor-old popyrus scrolt, depicling gold minel in ancient Egypt,
's the oldesl known geolog'c mop and the eorHest ev,dence of geologi.
(1) Thl.' I,!cographlc cemer of an area mOl> be 'kfin.:d u, lhe center of col thought Known 0> the Turin Popyrus, it portroys mountoins, volley..
~ra\ily of Ihe ~urfacc. or lhal pOln1 on "'hlch lhe ,url'ace oflhe roods, m'ne quo"ie,. a well, and house" It is one of Ihe eorlie'l known
arl'U would balance if il "ere a plane ofunlforrn Ihlckne" Where mOpl from onc,enl l,mel.
1) lhe geographiC eenler of CalJforllla'! (3) In 1967 scienh'll ogreed 10 define the second os "9.192,631,770
(2) flow old IS lhe olde)1 known ~eologlc map" penods of rod'ohon derived from on energy·level tronsihon in the ce-
(3) The lenglh of lhc day" dClcrnlln.:d by Ihe rOlalLon of Ihe bnh ,"um otom,~ In olher words, the meo'ured frequency of on eleclron ,pln·
l>y u)lng a.'>trontlmieal ob\erVal'on Ho".:vcr. becau,e the l:anh n,ng around the nucleus of 0 cesium otom is the method scient"I' use to
ha) a nonuniform rale "f rOlal,on and a unlformt,mc: ,cate I' re- determ,ne lhe length of 0 second. This type of measurement" called on
qUITed for many llOllng appllcatlon,. ho" do )<:,.'nt,)l, delcrnllnc "Ol0mic c1ock,~ and th,s accuracy i' necelSory for many .t<enT,fic oppl,.
lhe leng.lh of a )ecood" c0100ns. For example, Voyager WI encou"ler wilh Neptune could not
(-I) Where did Ihe term, "a.m, .. for morning and "I'. m .. fur e~elllnj; have been nov,goted w,lhout the precision of on olomic clock.
UTlj;lnm.··! (41 The le,ms onte me"d,em and PO" m.md,em ore lOI,n for "before noon"
(51 Why wa, a "leap ,eeond" added 1O [he off'e,alllmc el'lc~, rUT Ihe 10bbrev'0led o,m.) and "olrer noon~ (abbreviated p.m.).
"urld nn IkccmlJ.cr J I. 19S<J' (5) The overage doy is g'oduolly lengthen,ng due 10 a numbflr of foctors.
The sloshing of wale, on Ihe surface of the EOMh octs in a broke-like
losh'on 10 slow Ihe rotOI,on by lwo 10 five milli'econd, a cenlury
Il:ed'slrobuhon of mogmo w,th,n Ihe Earth can decreose the rotOlion
ANSWERS ,peed of the Earth; oboul 57 seconds hove been lost ,n lh;s manner
since 1900. Exceplionolly slmng eoSl·west winds .lowed lhe rolOlion 01
(I) The geographIC cenler 01 California is 38 miles eosl of lhe lown of the Earth by a half a milli.econd over a ten·doy pe..od ,n Jonuory 1990.
Mode'o, Madero Counly. Th,s wos Ihe lorgesl slowdown due 10 weothe' since 1984. :x-


A Page for Teachers

Crossword Puzzle
R ock h defined as an aggregate of one or more minerals or a body of undirrercn-
Ilaled mineral matter. Rocks are broadl)' classified into three groups: (I) igneous
rocks. (2) sedimentary rocks. and (3) metamorphic rocks. For basic informaTion on
rocks sec Division of Minc~ and Geology Special Publication 33. "Minerals and
Rocks" ($1.00), available from DMG. P.O. Box 2980. Sacramento, CA 95812-2980.

The crossword puzzle can be used as a special inlerest activity after a ba~ic lesson on
rocks. It is suitable for grades 61hrough [2. Pllz;11' CO/lr/l',fy O/ClUO/ S/(/(/IIIII, Dept"1-
IIlt'lll ojGeofogiml Sdellct's, C/Jliforn;() Sill//.' Ullirersily. Fllllerloll,

ACROSS ClUES , .,- • , ,

I' 1 1 ~
1. sedimentary 'o,h otc~m...lote in
4. plo!I!Y metamorphic rock full 01 mico
,,- ~ ~ e- •
9. an ignea... ~ ratk wilh ha le5 and f1owline5
11.• edimentary rock compo.ed 01 rounded
" e- "
12. parent ratk of marble 1 1 e- f--- -
14.•edimentary rack that lorms aro...nd springs
15. light colored cry.talline ign..o... ~ rod ~ '---- ~ ~

Cammon in the Sierra Nevada

16. dark calar..d cry~tallized ignea.... rod ~ ,,- I"
22. a foamy volcanic ratk that floc!> in water
23. a hard black arganic ...dimentary ratk
24. a metamarphic ratk with bands of calor
~ ~ - "
2S. ~edimentary ratk campased al angular f---
grav.. 1
" 1 -
'---- f-
I" " " ,,- r,o
2. sedimentary ro<k Iram mud
3. a salt sedimenlory fo<k composed 01 plant f--- e- ~ ~ e- f---
f- L-- f--- f--- e- f---
5. slalatrite~ or.. calcium.
6. shale und..r pr....ur.. becam..... '" f- f- f---
7. a partially crystallized igneau. ratk
8. sedimen!> cemented togelher lorm rock
1"1 I" I ~ e- f-
10. a ~ne powder exlNded from volcano .
13. a plutonic igneous rack composed of huge e- '---- ~ e- ~
crystals and gems
17. this volcanic rack form~ oceanic cNstal plal..s
18. a glossy extrusive volcanic rock
L-- ,.
19. sandstone is lhe parent rod of this mela·
marphic rack
20. th.. ~ .. lo..i1 ~h ..lI. produc.. dialamite
21. acid causes corbono'e rocks '0 ... "I
See p. 162 for an.wers to Ro<k Crossword F\luJe. ~


You are invited to attend the national
of the

"Engineering Geology For The 90's"

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
October 1·5, 1990 PtTTSBURGH
'" ;; .......

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• Problems of Appalachian Geology· Ap- FIELD TRIPS
plying Computers to Landslide Problems
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• Application of Microcomputers to Rock
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to Geosynthctics: Selection Dcsigo. & reserved Exhibit Booths· Exhibit area
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cal Aspects & Issues of Nuclear Waste the Hilton Hotel (Space still available!)
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Engineering Geophysics To request a brochure and for
further information on exhibits and
SYMPOSIA registrations contact: AEG. MEMS •
P.O. Box 270· Greensburg. PA 15601 •
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(From page 161) ••• I'LIA YIE R '5 "P l§"c H I '51IJ
H A fiL
P A '5 A R 1'1. AV A
R E 0 0 E H
Answers to Rock P
H P l1 M
Crossword Puzzle ~ E E T U FIAI
~Y M

A t; AB BR t>
T R A B 'Q 1>
I Y 5 5 U I
I>UM I e E COlA L 0 R ~
Z T I T 0
Z A Z ~
G NE I 5 5
'DR E e ell A


Books r....iewed in thiS seclion o,e nol ovoiloble lor pv,chose F,om DMG.

AnzonaGeological Society Digest 17. Ed-
ited byJ.P. Penny and 5.1. Reynolds. 1989.
Arizona Gcological Society, P.O. Bo~
40952, Tucson, AZ, 85717. 866 p. 560.00.
hard cover. prepaid (includes postage and

Seven years In the making, lhe 35 papers

In thiS volume summarize the Slr~tigraphic.
structural. and tcctonic (ValUlion of Arizona
from Precambrian through Quaternary lime.
Intended as a compendium of current knowl-
edge of Arizona geology. the papen; synlhes-
iu previous .....00; with new data. ideas. lind
concepts as well as identifying unresolved
problems fOf" fUlUrc research. Emphasis IS
placed on the geologic evolution of the state
as a whole ralher than specific local areas.
The papers arc organized in ttrms of geo-
logic eras: Proter01:Oic. P:alco'toic. MesozOic.
and Cenozoic. The concluding secllon offers
topical studies in the areas of gcuphYSlcs.
indusuial minerals. uranium. oil and gas.
geothermal resources. hydrogeology. and en-
vironmental geology. California ~aders WIll
- ·'--_ __'·'-_c~"- _

_ .• ,--_.

....l...._. _.
__, t"',
CJ ...
CJ , , ."
-.--- . ......
I , ...,

find much of interest In thiS research volume

because many of the tectonic processes that
........ ........ ....,...,._.....
n........" ...K ...' .....
formed Arizona also affected the develop-
ment of this state.

G.ologic mop 01 the lo~e Mead area, nor1h.
w.,I.rn Arizona. loulhern Nevada, and south.
eastern Colilomio. The la, Vegol Volley Iheor
zone (LVSZI and the Lo~e Mead sheor zane
(LMSZl connect areas of extensionolloulling i...
° monner ,imilor to !hot 01 transform Ioul!s thcr1
conned ac.c",ic ,preoding cenlers. AI! of the
extensio... i... the northern Colorodo River t,ough
wos transformed northwestward by Ihe LVSZ or
nor1heostword by the LMSZ. Reconslruction of
stri~e-slip fouln allow, reconstruction to °p'e·
edensional configuration. Data allowed lor 34
miles of righl-Iole,ol slip on the LVSZ to be reco ... -
llrucled. restoring the soulhealtern McCullough
Range 10 locality {II (arrow ,epr.lenls rKon-
ItnKlion vedorl. This reconllruction r.oligns the
\'Vtie..ler Pass thOVlt (WPT) with !fl. Go.. Peok
thovst,GPl1 and !fI.. K"Y'lone thov'I (KT) With !fl.
Muddy Mounloins thovst!MMT). Reltorohon of
12 mil..s 01 movement on one branch of th.lMSZ
judoposes each half 01 the Hombl,n Boy-Cleopa-
t,o volcano (HCV) and movel the southeastern
McCullovgh Range to !fie l'lOI1Ileast po....on (21
Restoration of 40 mil.l of lotol dllploc.",.nl of
the LMSZ realign, a dISI.....ch. deposihongl con·
tact berwee ... T.r1lory and pre- TerTtory rocks at
Fr.nchmon Mo!.onto,n (Iacobon Al wi!fl a very
.imilor conlocl in !fie .outhern Viri,n Mounlolns
!location BI. and 'estor.1 rh. south.olrern
Oblique oenol view of a Pleislace...e age lava flow. show....... dark" From a ci... der co"'e i... upper m,ddle MtCuliough Rang. to ° position adjacent to
of photo. The lacolio... 01 Ihis o,eo is a lew miles north 01 Flogsloff. Arizona. PIlaIo by Peter l('elO.... !fl. Colo'odo Plateau (3J. GBF • Gold Butr.Io......

CALlfORNI.... GEOLOGY Jul,I990 163

.. Oblique aerial View of spIres, bulles, and mesas
01 Monument Volley, nortll 01 rile rown 01 Koy-
enro, nOrllleostern Arizona View,s to 'lie north
Spire, ,n tile middle of photo are called "Torem
Poles The uppermost rock cop' on the bultes

north 01 the TOlem Poles Ore mode of rile Toos"c

ShInarump Member 01 the Chinle Formol,on and
are underlaIn by the TnalSlc MoenkopI Forrno-
han. Pholo by Pefer KreJon,

DraWIng 01 on old wooden stomp mIll used to

cru,h ore, Cl(CO early 1900s,

Mlllcral rc,uun:e, arl" al"'l lIldudcd

"Mld-Terllary Ore l.>cpoo!>lh III Arilona:' fnr
e'a"lrle, e\plore, Ila'lll and R:lngc llllneral-
In hi' c"ay, "Tcl'lOm,' Sctl1n~ uf Arllumt pm Sl'Il"t Nc'" Inl"rlllatilin "al,,' prm Ided Ifatmn a~,o{'iated "nh Illagmml,m ,md
Through G<"ulugl<: Tune:' William Old IIt- f"r ,ut>dl\ Idlng the Jura"lc l,lull,n,,' roch "f nlJ~lal c~pan'ltln, Repre-.enlatlw minerai
,on prl" Ide' a rq!lon.d own "'''' for Ani'" the Snrl<lran Ix,ert rCflun In Caltlllrma ilnd d"trtCh fur .,hffcrcnll)'pc, of dept"'" arc
na" te,'wnl" e,'olulton. Influenced b) cvenh Anlona uutllncl! A n()thcr papcr f""u,e, un millemi
alung bOlh the Cor<ldlcr:'n and Mewaillefl- The pre,em·da)' ph)""graph) 01 ,\ru"na depo'I" ea",ed b) Ihe Laranmlc Oro~en).
,'an cUnlmentalmar~ln, Thl' "rllde " f"I, ,lIld the "lUlhw,'~t ,tcm, from mi,J·Tcrtlary nlHahl) pllrph)'fY c"pper. a"'>c'ated "llh I~­
IImcd by I"''' papl"r, by l'hLillp Andcr~lIn cru,tJI e,'tcn'lOn alld rnagm:ll,'m a"",'lalcd ncou' aCtl\ Ity 111 "ri/ona am) the "Iuth"e't
"'h"'h pW\'ldc a lIew ller'pcctl"<': on Ariz,), "'l1h Ihe lu"·an~lc normal fault, characleri,- The chronological -.eel ,on d",," "l1h paper,
na', I'rutero/.l)'" pl,"e leclunlC e,,,luIIOIl and, II" uflhe Ib,m ami Range l'm>'lnce The,e Ile,,",nb,ng laIc Cem>l"ll' 1,'{'tunlC,' and the
fur the 1lr~ttlme, a reglOllal 'Irall~mph", ne",ly reC"J!nlfcd ,JelJChmenl fauh 'lructure' r,',ultlng pmtern' ofdcformatlun, 'edllllen-
fr,"ne"ork for the central An ,una I'mtcru· 'pre' lOu,ly thought I" b,' thru,t faul"l arc tallon and \'olc:lnl'm un Ila'io an,J Range
'OIl" mlcanic hell pfilduce,J b) cru'taI e(len"'ln or 'tretchlng. land,capt' dc\doplllcnt. you Ill!, rC""'flll/anl"
Jur:I~"c Tt){'k, an' th<" Im"t dr,"ally e\1,'n- In ",hlch lhe overlYing hive" Ix:ha"c' Indc- voil'anu", and lheir rod." In An/una and ad-
'I"e Me'(llol<' ruck.. ollhe S"noran De'en pcndcnll) orthe underl)'ing hlox" "l<lIddlc ;acent b"rdcrland" anll a dl,cu"lon "f the
rcglon, part ()f a magmatiC belt e,J(tcndin~ Tertiary li:clolllC' ul Aritun:t and Adjacent hl"lUf) l\f the C"I"rad" Rl\er andn' Grand
1rum northern I<kxlco [() we,tern Canada ,'rca," rc, ,cw, c\ Iden{'e and (Onlrover,) Can)'un I're'Cnllng C\ ,denee thai Ihe Grand
..Jura'''c Ge,)loJ!)' of Ihe Sonuran Ik,ert relaled to Ihe nature Jnd dwractcr of m,d- Can)un "'a, cut 1O.t milium )'ear~ or Ie"
Region" d"cul11cnt, ncw evidence III datlllg 'Ierllary 1l1aglllall"ll, 'pace-time Ilallcrn, or The ""Iume c"ndud'" "nh" narrallve dc-
'trallgraph,c relallon')lIp~ 10 "'c"ern Ar;· magmatl'lIl, alld the chara"ler and tl1mn!! of ,croblng the 191111 Gc,,!ogic 1\lal' of An/una
",na and ,,,uthea-Jern California u'Inf Ih,' e\len,nlllal delornhlllnll In the 1l'''ln an,J "hKh i, incl",Jc,J ", p:ln nflhc dlge,1
McC,,) MOUnl:III" Formallon and Ihe Oron" Ran~l' l'ruvln,'c Re""'",,,,II,,' S,It'", Hr',,,I,,,.·/.,,,,,1> 0


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Book T hI' M;ral'll' PI."l'I I) a companion bool.

10 th~ ~IA-pafl lclevl~lon series of Ille ume
Pubhcallons Cenllc. P 0 Bo\ 276. London.
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Reviews nilmc produced hy KCTS Statile and NIIK

Japan for Puhlk 8roadca~ung S)~lem Ma-
The area deall "It II in thl' booll.'ompn)ts
the mainland of Scotland north of Ih~ G~al
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10 pr~sent _ oflh~ r~e~nt comptltll~ the· fourlh edlllon of l~ "oIUmf rcf1tl.'ls lhe
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lorlCigCOIo!!it" l.'OlIlt),1 to prO' Ilk an ln~llht I~oklty of Ihe Northern HI,hl.nd) Bnef
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CHANGE; Earlh In TransitIOn 8y ShenHtod larly for lhe non·ltolo!l~. the booL I~ .11 around norillern ScOlI:and
B l<lso. 1989 A'~II;lbI~ from IBR Prru. lntrodllCll(M 10 fllndaltl<l'nlalJtokJty and 00..
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IlIg graphICs 10 upl"n Ih~ fllC~IS of uuh Halka ChronIC" 1990 Mount.tn Press Pub-
O,-cr the p,;iSI ft.. cenluncs man lIa) 111- )('Icnce under con~ldtralion. In Wltl<l' d,"Cu~· lishing Company. 2016 Sirand "'"tnllC. P 0,
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urbon dlOAlck InlO Iht EaTlh as a ckslrtd _ _ 8101 c.oIogy of !he POInl R.,.•• P.nlnwlo. Morin County. 1977 (re<pnnl) ••••••.••• S 6.00
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III inuu related to the risk in atmospheric _ _ SR52A Ind.. to e-Iogie mopl of ColifOfrOO 1957·1960.1962 S 3.00
carbon dloAlde The fint half ofille book _ _ SR5281nd.. 10 geologic mops of Colifornia 1961-196". 1968 . . . S 1.75
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rUI climalie enftChmell1 of tile Earth "llh GIDlOGK.Al OATA MAPS 11:750.000 _1.)
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ch.nge are dlKUSKd Th,s h.lf concludn
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dl~cted 10 cklectlD.ltIe first signs of llIe Rokd lmoi.d in lVbel . • 1.50
JRdlcltd clim'lt Ulastropht
Ttle Keond half of lhe booL IS bloJOIIC.II) UGlONAl GlOlOGlC MAP SfRlfS (I 250.000 Kale)
ortented. liineilldcs • eontJRhclIsi"c rc'te.. _ _ RGM I s.ocr-Ilto qIIOdrongt. 1982 . . S 8.00
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nllmbc'r of tnVlronmCIII.1 eonstralnh Thc
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J500 ~nlry subJCcl tndn•• nd a list of mor~ TOYAl AMOUNT fNClOSEO , S' _
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J"', ltfO
Rocks along major highways and selected NOhonol Pori: Geology flat-lying rock: (2) Caves and reefs: (3) land-
less-frequemed but geologically interesting scapes shaped by continental or alpine gla-
routes are described in this guidebook. Afler GEOLOGY OF NATIONAL PARKS. ciation (includes Yosemite National Park);
a brief imr..x:luction. the regional geologic Fourth edition. By Ann G. Harris; Esther (4) Volcanic features and volcanic a"ivity
processes in the three major geologic prov- Tuule. Science Editor. and Sherwood D. (includes Lassen Volcanic National Park). and
inces of the state are discussed. Each chapter Thule. Contributing Editor. 1990. Kendall (5) landscapes and structures in areas of
begins with a general introduction and then Hum Publishing Company. 2460 Kerper comple~ mountains (includes Sequoia and
continues with a series ofroad guides. Boulevard. P.O. Box 539. Dubuque. lA Kings Canyon Nalional parks: Channells-
Throughout the book the author describes the 52004-0539. M2 p. S34.95. soft cover. lands National Park. and Redwood National
rocks. and explains the historical geologic Park).
events they record. In this book 49 national parks (six are in Each section includes a discussion of sig-
The cIlapter on Colorado Plateau country California) are grouped into five divisions. nificant geologic fealUreS and processes. a
guides the reader through the well-exposed. based on categories of geologic concepts. summary of the geologie history. informa-
flat-lying sedimemary rocks of southern and Each section of the book is introduced by a tion about the park's history and geographic
eaStern Utah. The chapter about the high brief overview of geologic features and pro- selling. a local ion map. illustrations. and a
country of Utah explains the geology of the cesses dominam in the parks which make up simplified geologic column. References are
southern high plateaus, central volcanic that group. Discussions of geologic compo- included at the end of each chapler.
ranges, and pan of the faulted. folded nentS are given in the appropriate chapters.
Southern Rocky Mountains in the nonh. Throughout the text geologic topics of special
The western desert of Utah is a land of interest are featured. The book progresses
salt. sun. and mountain ranges where streams from simpler geologic themes to more com- Pacif,c Plol"
never reach the sea. This area of the Great plex ones - from discussions of landscapes
Basin geomorphic province is examined in and features developed by the Earth's exter- THE EASTERN PACIFIC OCEAN AND
Chapter 3. The book concludes with a discus· nal processes to the study of regions that HAWAII, Geology of North America. Vol-
sion of the scenic and geologically interest- display the results of the Eanh's internal ume N. Ediled by E.l. Win!erer. Donald M.
ing national parks and monuments of Utah. processes. Hussong. and Robert W. Decker. 1998. The
Photographs. maps. and figures are inter- The five divisions of the book are: (1) Sce- Geological Society of America. P.O. Box
spersed throughout the book, nery developed by weathering and erosion on 9140. Boulder. CO 80301. 577 p. 12 plates in
slipcase. $54.50. hard cover.
..................... ,.,." .
ADDRESS FORM FOR ALL ORDERS D~codf! of North Amuica G~olog)' is a re-
search and publishing project sponsored by
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PAYMENT MUST 8E INCLUDED WITH ORDER of its 1988 cemenary. This two-part set is
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ology and geophysics of the northeastern part
ADOAESS _ of the Pacific Ocean and adjacent parts of the
North American continental margin. The
CITY _ areal co\'~rage is from the margin west to
the Hawaiian Seamount chain and south to
STATE ZIP _ the equator. Major topics include regional
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TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ~$ _ systems: Hawaii-Emperor and other seamount
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of a crustal plate on a regional scale.
CAUFORNI,\ GEOLOGY ... newals only: M In Intormallon hom \'0'1' maUing la~ 01 a\lacll 'Ia~
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S'rvcMol Geology
o GIFT: (Gift card from _
o ADDRESS CHANGE: Send us an old address label and your new address. CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES. Geo-
logical SOCiely of America Memoir 172.
Allow 60 days for address change. Edited by l. C. Pakiser am! Waller D.
Mooney. 1989. The Geological Society of
Your o.der/subscrlptlon cannot be processed unless COHect amount is remilted. All Foreign and America. P.O. Box 9140. Boulder. CO
Canadian orders must be paid with an International Money Order or Drall payable In United Stetes 8030 I. 826 p.
lunds. Address all orders to: DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY, P.O. Bo~ 2980, Sac.amento.
Calilomia 95812·2980. A revicw and evaluation of Ihe present
knowledge of the structure of the crust and


the upper mantle of the continenlal United EMIGRANT WILDERNESS AND UNITED STATES TSUNAMIS (Including
States, exclusive of Alaska, as determined by NORTHWESTERN YOSEMITE. By Ben United States Possessions), 1690-1988. 1989.
geophysical ob$Crvations are pre$Cnled in this Schlfrin. 1990. Wilderness Press. 2440 By lames F. Lander and Patricia A. Lock·
comprehensive work. II highlights some of Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94704. 186 p. ridge. National Ckophysical Data Center,
the historical developments Ihalled to this $14.95, paperback. 325 Broadway, Boulder. CO 80303-3328.
knowledge, 265 p. Prepaid. $30.00. hard C<M:r: $15.00,
Velocity models deri"ed from seismic This comprehensive guidebook describes soflC<M:r. Add $10.00 handling fee.
observations can be related to the structure, the natural environment seen along the hik-
composition. and rheologic properties of the
crust and mantle and 10 imponant solid-to-
ing trails in the Emigranl Wilderness and A tsunami, or $Clsmic sca wa'-e, is gener-
northwestern Yosemite area. The Emigranl aled by a shon-duration disturbance of the
solid phase transformation. Magnetic investi- Wilderness is an 118,000 acre federally ocean floor. principally by a shallow subma-
gations, radioactive age dating, seismicity. designated wilderness area in the Stanislaus nne earthquake, but also by submarine earth
and geological studies have revealed the National Forest on Ihe northern border of movement. subsidence. or volcanic eruption .
.....orldwide patterns of sea-floor spreading. Yosemile. It is an area of scenic viSlas, trout- Tsunamis have been responsible for at least
continental drift. and plate tectonics. Impor- filled lakes, r~k walls, and quiet scenic 470 fatalities and several hundred million
lanl regional similarities and differences campsites - a hiker's paradi!lt. This middle· dollars in properly damage in the Uniled
ha,'e been discovered. and simple conceptS of mountain forest area is still uncrowded. and States and its territories.
isostasy and crustal deformal1on have been many trails are open from lhe first of May This document collects in one volume the
modified or discarded. until (Xtobcr. historical records of tsunamis that have been
The book contains four parts. The lopics Distances. trailhead directions. and a observed or recorded in lhe United States
progress from re'lew of the geophysical summary of the natural features and scenic coastal waters and possessions in the Pacific,
methods of studYing the Eanh's cruSt and highlights are lisled for each lrip described in Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. It con-
upper mantle (pari I) to a region.by-region the book. A number of cross·country routes tains descriptive data about each reponed
re'le" of crustal and upper mantle structure arc given. There are also separate chapters tsunami event and details the effects of the
CPUI 2). and from conlinental O\Ierviews of for mOUnlain bikers. horseback riders, rock waves. Events from 1812 through 1964 which
studies based on the differenl geophysical climbers, and cross·country skiers. affected or ....ere reported to affect coastal
methods (part 3) to geological and petrologi- Additional features Include chaplers on the areas of California are described. Tables
cal syntheses based largely on geophysical geology. rlora and fauna of the area. the hu- summarizing e\,ents and effects are Included
resultS (part 4). The volume concludes wllh man history of the area. and ehoosmg atra,1 for each area. ~
a discussion of major unsoh'ed problems In St"eral topographic maps. includmg one
lhis area foldoot map fscak, I Inch equals 2 miles).
The book is designed for geophysiciSlS. arc included with the book. Numeroos black-
geologists. and graduate students, and-white photos Illustrate the gUidebook

DMG Releases
OMG OFR 89-5

INDEX TO GEOLOGIC REPORTS faulting 10 StrUCtures for human occu- Approximately 500 sites for which con·
FOR DEVELOPMENT SITES WITHIN pancy. Cilies and counties affecled by the suiting geologic reports have been filed
SPECIAL STUDIES ZONES IN CALi- lones mUSl require a geologic investiga- since 1984 are shown. The sites are iden-
FORNIA. JULY I. 1984 TO DECEM- tion report for each subdivision and for tified on a base map (scale I: 1.000.000)
BER) 1. 1988. Compiled by Perry Wong. most structures. and must submit copies showing locations of lhe Special Studies
Index Map (scale 1:1.000.(00). S5.00. of these reports to the State Geologisl Zones and official maps issued. Previous
after lhey are approved. reports for 1,700 sites were idenlified in
The Division of Mines and Geology DMG OFR 84-31, which is available for
Open File Report (OFR) 89-5 is an index The consulling reports contain dala in S5.00 from lhe Division of Mines and
map showing locations of sites for which the form of trench logs. borehole logs. Geology. 660 Bercut Drive. Sacramento.
geologic reports have been prepared for and geophysical prollles. These sile- CA 95814-0131.
developments as mandated by the A lquist- specific data are useful to geological and
Priolo Special Studies Zones Act. The engmeering consultants and researchers. Copies of DMG OFR 89-5 are available
Aet requires that the State Geologist issue The file conlains 2.200 reports which are for reference at Division of Mines and
maps of special studies ?Ones in Order to available for reference and copying al the Geology offices in Sacramento, Pleasant
regulate developments defined as "proj- Division of Mines and Geology, 380 Hill. and Los Angeles. Copies ofDMG
ects" ncar active faults. The purpose is to Civic Drive, Suite 100. Pleasanl Hill. CA OFR 89-5 are available for purchase from
reduce the hazard of damage by surface 94523-1997. (415) 646-5921. these offices for S5.00 each.


P.O. BOX 2980
USPS 350 840

DMG OFR 89-16

SUMMARY REPORT: FAULT is to reduce the hazard of surface faulting in Tables I and 2 and on Plate I (scale
EVALUATION PROGRAM. 1987-1988. to structures for human occupancy. Cities I :500.000). Background information and
SOUTHWESTERN BASIN AND and counties affected by the regulatory a summary of the results are presented in
RANGE REGION AND SUPPLEMEN- zones must regulate specified "projects" the IS-page tell!.
TAL AREAS. By Earl Hart. William A. within the wnes in order 10 locate struc-
Bryant. Christopher J. Wills. Jerome A. tures for human occupancy away from the As a result of these evaluations. 85
Treiman. and James E. Kahle. 15 p.• 2 traces of aClive faults. maps of new and revised Special Studies
tables. I plale (scale 1:500.000). $6.00. Zones were issued for Preliminary Re-
The southwestern Basin and Range re- view on July I. 1989. The proposed zones
A summary of faulls evaluated in the gion is the ninth of ten regions evaluated encompass all or parts of 24 of the 31
southwestern Basin and Range region under a statewide plan initiated in 1976. faults evaluated and affect eight counties
(Inya County vicinity) for possible wning Sixteen faults were sludied in this region. (Imperial. lnyo. Kern. Mono. Riverside.
under Ihe Alquist-PriOlo Special Studies including the Ollo'ens Valley. Death Val- San Bernardino. San Diego. San Luis
Zones (APSSZ) Act is presented in this ley. Panamint Valley. and other impor- Obispo) and two cities (Ridgecrest. San
report. Faults evaluated in supplemental tanl faults. Fifteen faults studied in Luis Obispo).
areas of southern California also are supplementary areas include the Imperial
summarized. and Superstition Hills faults (Irnperial DMG OFR 89-16 is available for refer-
County). Rose Canyon and related faults ence and sale at the Sacramento. Pleasant
The APSSZ Act requires the State (San Diego County). Los Osos fault (San Hill. and Los Angeles offices of the Divi-
Geologist to identify active faults and to Luis Obispo County). and Peralta Hills sion of Mines and Geology. Copies of the
issue maps of special studies zones in fault (Orange County). Data on the re- report can be purchased for $6.00 each in
order 10 regulate development "projects" cency of faulting and recommended zon· Sacramento and Pleasant Hill.
near active faults. The purpose of the Act ing actions arc summarized for each fault


MINERAL LAND CLASSIFICATION: Land in the Sacramento·Fairfield It is projected that 900 million Ions of
PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE- Production-Consulllption (p.C) region was aggregale will be needed by the Sacra-
GRADE AGGREGATE IN THE classified to indicate where significant mento-Fairfield P-C region through the
SACRAMENTO-FAIRFIELD PRODUC- sand. gravel. or stone deposits suitable for year 2033. As of November 1982. there
TION-CONSUMPTION REGION. By portland cement concrete (PeC) grade were 97 million tons of permittcd PCC-
Don L. Dupras. 1988. 14 figures. 10 aggregate occur or may occur. grade aggregate reserves. a supply ade-
lables. 40 plates. $18.00. quate to last only until mid-l990 for all
The Sacramento-Fairfield P-C region. aggregate uses. If Ihe P-C region's 97
In any urban land development. land-use as defined in this report. covers 855 million tons of PCC reserves arc used
decisions concerning high-grade con- square miles and incorporales the greater solely for PeC-grade aggregate. they
struction aggregate used in porlland ce- Sacramento metropolitan area, inclUding Ilo'ould theoretically last until the year 2000.
ment concrete can best be made when a Roseville. Placerville. Elk Grove. and
thorough investigation of this resouree is West Sacramento. In addition. the region Special Report 156 is available for ref-
completed. This type of aggregate is an includes the Fairfield-Vacaville. Davis. erence at Division of Mines and Geology
indispensable building material and is Woodland. and Cache Creek areas. offices in Pleasant Hill. Los Angeles. and
costly to transport. Sacramento.

168 CAliFORNIA G€OlOGY Jul,199(l

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