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1. During the nursing history, which client statement would lead the 7.

7. A nurse reviews the arterial blood gas values of a client. The results
nurse to suspect pneumoconioses? indicate respiratory acidosis. Which of the following values would
indicate that this acid base imbalance exists?
a. “I suddenly got a fever, chills and hacking cough”
a) pH of 7.48
b) pCO2 of 32
b. “I became short of breath and started wheezing during
c) pH of 7.30
d) HCO3 of 20
c. “I have worked in the coal mines for over 25 years”
8. A client is suspected of having a pulmonary embolus (PE). A nurse
d. “I am having left sided chest pain that radiates down my left assesses the client, knowing that which of the following is not a
arm” common clinical manifestation of PE?

2. A client with allergic rhinitis is instructed on the correct technique for a) decreased respiration
b) tachypnea
using an intranasal inhaler. Which of the following statements would
c) dyspnea
demonstrate to the nurse that the client understands the
d) chest pain
a. I should limit the use of the inhaler to early morning and bedtime
9. A client hospitalizd of acute bacterial pneumonia is recovering after a
course of therapy with penicillin G. which outcome demonstrates the
b. It is important to not shake the canister because that can damage
effectiveness of care?
the spray device
c. I should hold one nostril closed while I insert the spray into the
other nostril a. The client has partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) of
d. The inhaler tip is inserted into the nostril and pointed toward the 85mm Hg or higher
inside nostril wall
b. The client has partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide
3. A client who has had a total laryngectomy appears withdrawn and (PaCO2) of 80mm Hg or higher
depressed. He keeps the curtain drawn, refuses visitors, and
indicates a desire to be left alone. Which nursing intervention would
most likely be therapeutic for the client?
c. The client has decrease breathe sounds
a.) discussing his behavior with his wife to determine the cause
b.) exploring his future plans d. The client has signs of restlessness and confusion
c.) respecting his need for privacy
d.) encouraging him to express his feelings non-verbally and in 10. Which procedure would the nurse anticipate preparing for the client
writing who develops large pleural effusion?

4. When performing postural drainage, which of the following factors

promotes the movement of secretions from the lower to the upper
a. Thoracentesis

respiratory tract?
a) friction between the cilia b. Paracentesis
b) force of gravity
c) sweeping motion of cilia
d) involuntary muscle contractions c. Bronchoscopy

5. The nurse teaches a client with COPD to assess for signs and d. Chest tube insertion
symptoms of right-sided heart failure. Which of the following signs
and symptoms should be included in the teaching plan? 11. Which assessment finding would the nurse expect in a client with a
right sided pneumothorax?
a) clubbing nail beds
b) pulmonary hypertension
c) peripheral edema
a. Bradypnea and bronchovesicular breath sounds

d) increased appetite
b. Chronic cough and sudden onset of chills
6. 4) A 434 y/o woman with history of asthma is admitted to the
emergency department. The nurse notes that the client is dyspneic, c. Rust colored sputum and increased temperature
with a respiratory rate of 35brm, nasal flaring, and use of accessory
muscles. Auscultation of the lung fields reveals greatly diminished
breath sounds. Based on these findings, what action should should d. Dyspnea and asymmetric chest expansion
the nurse take to initiate care of the client?
12. Which nursing intervention should be included in the care plan for a
a) initiate oxygen therapy and reassess the client after 10 minutes client receiving mechanical ventilation?
b) draw blood for an arterial blood gas analysis and send the client
for a chest x-ray
c) encourage the client to relax and breathe slowly through mouth
a. Encouraging coughing to mobilize secretions
d) administer bronchodialtors
b. Ensuring that the there is water in the tubing
c. Assessing the ventilator settings as prescribed by the health
care provider

d. Allowing the client to vocalize feelings of powerlessness

13. To prevent re-programming of an artificial cardiac pacemaker, the

client should be instructed to avoid being near:
a. Chest X-ray machine
b. High-output electrical generators
c. Microwave ovens’
d. Metal detectors at airports

14. A client with congestive heart failure is placed on digoxin

and asks the nurse why this is necessary. The nurse bases the
answer on the fact that digoxin:

a. Increases ventricular contractions

b. Reduces edema in extracellular spaces
c. Slows and strengthens cardiac contractions
d. Lengthens the refractory phase of the cardiac cycle

15. A central venous pressure (CVP) reading of 3 cm H20

indicates to the nurse that the client is experiencing:

a. Congestive heart failure

b. Pulmonary edema
c. Dehydration
d. Cardiac decompression

Respiratory and Cardiac


Prepared by: alneil

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