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Last year I had a vision of coming cataclysmic events that will begin in 2011.

his is a word for the wise and for the rest to listen carefully. We are living i
n turbulent times. Things are not what they seem. Jesus said, that when He retur
ns it will be like in the days of Noah people will be eating, drinking, getting
drunk and wasting their lives away thinking that judgment will not come. We are
living in those days that Jesus spoke of. Many people in the world today think t
hat nothing will happen to them, everything is just fine, the world will continu
e the way it always has. Wrong, very wrong. What is coming in the next 24 months
will shake our world forever. Mark my words, the United States of America will
not be the same country by the end of 2012. There is coming an economic collapse
that no one could fathom, but trust me, it will be felt.
We have to seriously wake up and pray. Recognize, that none of us are promised t
omorrow. In fact, all we have is today. Last year in November I had written a pr
ophetic word for the year of 2011. I saw things in my spirit in an open vision t
hat are coming to pass right now. Some of the things that I saw, but didn t have u
nderstanding of at the time were the following
Oil will hit $150-200 a barrel
The Euro will fall, the US dollar will fall shortly after
Riots, Martial Law and Violence erupting in major cities and states of America
Middle East will be in crisis, specifically Egypt, the surrounding countries & I
srael s safety will be in jeopardy
More massive earthquakes in the Pacific Rim, specifically the Ring of fire will
hit like dominoes
A major seismic shaking in Alaska that will in turn shake the West Coast, possib
le Tsunami s and massive quakes
By June 2011 we will begin to see major shaking in the government, economy and s
ocietal upheaval in the US like never before
The 2012 election will not be a normal election, our nation will be in disarray,
there will be chaos in DC and in the streets
In the midst of all this shaking, I also believe we are about to enter into the
Church s finest hour. We are about to see what I would call a shaking for the taki
ng. But we must be prepared first in prayer personally, to check our hearts befo
re we wreck our lives. Judgment can come in an instant, everything that we depen
ded on in this world gone in a moment, what are we putting are trust in? Some tr
ust in horses, some trust in chariots, but I will only trust in the name of the
Lord my God. My house in not built on sand, my house is built upon the Rock. Whe
n the world shakes, my God doesn t shake, my reality is not the world, my reality
is God. There will be a global economic meltdown, we are about to enter into som
ething worse than the Great Depression. Everything I saw is happening. From Chri
st Church NZ being shaken as a sign of the times for Church worldwide to WAKE UP
, to the 9.1 quake in Japan that was prophesied & predicted by a prophet I know
who was visited by an angel in 2010, to the coming global oil crisis, war in the
middle east, to the United States losing it s power because of it s pride, but if w
e repent I believe our nation can advert judgment and enter into another great a
wakening. What we are about to enter into is going to be serious but not without
hope. Why? I believe through prayer we can change the course of impending judgm
ents. Look at the story of Jonah and the wicked city of Ninevah. God told Jonah
to give a message of judgment and destruction upon Ninevah, but because the city
of Ninevah responded to the prophetic word in repentance and mourning, God hear
d the people s heart felt cry and relented to from sending the judgment deserved.
God is a merciful God, He wants all to be saved and none to perish. After prayin
g with prophetic leaders these past weeks in Southern California about this very
issue, I believe we are entering into a window of mercy and now is the time to pr
ay, repent and prepare spiritually & practically believing God is the author of
hope and the God of revival.
My hope is in God. It is in times of crisis that we are called to release creati
vity. It is in times of fear that we are called to walk by faith. It is in times
of testing that we are called to be a testimony. It is in times of panic that w
e have an unexplainable peace. We are the hope of the world. We are the children
of God. We are more than conquerors. We are not here for survival, we are here
for revival. I m telling you, what is coming in 2011 is also a spiritual awakening
so powerful that will sweep the West Coast from San Diego to Washington like th
is nation has never seen before, it will begin like a small rumbling until we wi
ll begin to see spiritual awakenings like in the days of Pentecost, holy fire fr
om heaven, the kingdom of heaven invading the earth, universities will awaken, f
rom Hollywood to Silicon Valley there will be a glory revealed like we have neve
r seen, the kingdom of heaven will suffer violence but the spiritually violent w
ill take it by force, clubs, theaters, event centers, tent revival, stadium Chri
stianity is coming, the creative word being spoken forth, the Gospel being preac
hed with signs, wonders, miracles confirming in a way never seen, new music, new
missionaries and a new anointing unprecedented, so powerful it will rattle hell
and populate heaven, demons will run and angels will invade, prepare for a spir
itual revolution of not only prayer but a massive attack and invasion of light t
hat will shift culture it will be real. Mark these words.

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