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NIM : E1R 005 001


By: Ahmad Nasrullah (E1R 005001)

School Unit : Senior High School

Subject : Mathematic
Grade/semester : XI/2
Time allocation : 1 x 40 minutes

Standard of Competency: Using the polynomial rules in solving problems

Basic Competency : Using the remainder theorem in solving problems
Indicator : Students will be able to determine the remainder of
polynomial divided by x - k by using the remainder
: Students will be able to determine the remainder of
polynomial divided by ax + b by using the
remainder theorem.
: Students will be able to determine the remainder of
polynomial divided by (x-a)(x-b) by using the
remainder theorem

A. Learning Objectives
Determining the remainder of polynomial f(x) divided by linier and quadratic

B. Instumen of Instruction
• Bilingual Mathematics Book Of Senior High School For Second Year
• Buku Matematika 2 Untuk Program Ilmu Fisik Kelas 2 SMA
• Buku Matematika 3A Untuk Kelas 3 SMU
• Worksheets
C. Approach and Method of Instruction
Discussion, guide discovery, and giving task

D. Learning Steps
1. Opening Activities
• Apperception : Teacher asks the students to collect their tasks
: Teacher recalling the students about the remainder of
the division of polynomial
: Teacher communicate the learning objectives
• Motivation : After discussing this topic, students will be able to
solve the problems that related with polynomial.

2. Main Activities
• Teacher gives stimulus to the student about polynomial
• Teacher gives each students a worksheet.
• Teacher asks student to answer the worksheet individually.
• After 15 minutes, teacher divides the student into three groups. Each
group consist of 5 – 6 person.
• Teacher asks the student to discuss their answer in their group
• After 10 minutes, each groups present their answer in front of the class
by one of group member.
• Teacher asks the students to correct his friend’s answer.
• Teacher leads discussion and give appreciate the student.

3. Closing activities
• Teacher and student make conclusion of lesson
• Teacher give some exercises as the student’s home works
E. Assessment
• Technique : Process assessment
: Students are asked to solve some problems in
Mathematic Bilingual Book for second year SMA page
181 – 183 and page 186 – 187.
: Result Assessment
• Assessment form : tasks
• Instrument
1. Find each remainder by using the remainder theorem
a. ( x 4 − 3x 3 + 2 x 2 − 1) : ( x − 1)
b. ( 4 x 3 + 2 x 2 + 5) : ( x + 2 )
c. ( 2 x − 1) 7 : ( 2 x + 1)

d. ( 2 x − 1) 4 : ( 3x − 21)
x5 − 2
( x −1)( x − 2)
x4 − x3 + 2
x 2 −1
2. When the polynomial 3x 3 − x 2 + mx + 6 is divided by
3x – 4, the remainder is 6. find the value of m
3. Given that f(x) is a first degree polynomial. When f(x)
divided by 2x+1, then the remainder is 1. when f(x) divided by 3x
– 2 then the remainder is 8. Determine the polynomial f(x).
4. When the polynomial f(x) is divided by x-3, then the
remainder is -9, and when f(x) divided by x – 5 then the remainder
is 25. Find the remainder, when f(x) is divided by (x - 3)(x - 5).
Mataram, 29 of June 2009
Head Master Mathematic’s teacher

Magribi, S.Pd. Ahmad Nasrullah


The Remainder Theorem

a. Division of polynomial by x – k
If the polynomial f(x) divided by x-k gives the quotient Q(x) and
remainder R then we may write that:
f(x) = (x - k) Q(x) + R
substitute x = k we get
f(x) = (x - k). Q(x) + R
f(k) = (…. - k).Q(k) +R
f(k) = . . . Q(k) + R = ….. + R = ….

If f(x) divided by x-k, then the remainder is ….

b. Division of polynomial f(x) divided by ax + b

If the polynomial f(x) divided by ax + b, gives the quotient Q(x) and the
remainder is R then we may write that:

f(x) = (ax + b) Q(x) + R

for x =− then
 b
f −  =( a ( −...... ) + b ) H (.... ) + R
 a
 b
f − = .... H (... ) + R =..... + R = .....
 a

If f(x) divided by ax - b, then the remainder is ….

c. Division of polynomial f(x) divided by (x – a)(x – b)

If the polynomial f(x) is divided by a quadratic divisor (x – a)(x – b), the
remainder is a linier equation mx+n, so we may write:
f ( x ) = ( x − a )( x − b ) ⋅ Q( x) + mx + n
If we substitute x = a and x = b then we have:
f ( a ) = (.... − a )(... −b ) ⋅ Q (...) + m... + n = ... Q (...) + m... + n = ... m + n ........ i
f (b) = (.... − a )(.... −b ) ⋅ Q (...) + m... + n = ... Q (...) + m... + n = ... m + n ...... ii )

From i) dan ii) we have:

f(a) – f(b) = m(…. - ….) f ( a ) ×b = (... m + n) ×b = ...bm + bn

.... −.... f (b) × a = (... m + n) × a = ... am + an
.... −... b ⋅ f (a ) − a ⋅ f (b) = n(.... − ....)
b ⋅ f ( a ) − a ⋅ f (b)
.... −......

So, the remainder R = mx + n be:

.... −.... b ⋅ f (a ) − a ⋅ f (b)
R= x+
.... −... .... − ......
.... −.... b ⋅ f (a ) − a ⋅ f (b)
= x -
.... −... .... − ......
.... x −.... x b ⋅ f (a ) − a ⋅ f (b)
= −
.... −... .... − ......
.... x − ... x − b ⋅ f ( a ) + a ⋅ f (b) .... x − ... x − b ⋅ f (a ) + a ⋅ f (b)
= =
.... − ...... .... − ......
.... x − b ⋅ f (a ) −.... x + a ⋅ f (b) ......( x − b) .....( x − a )
= = −
.... − ...... .... − ...... ..... − ......
( x − b)...... ( x − a ).....
or R = −
.... − ...... ..... − ......

If f(x) divided by (x – a)(x-b), then the remainder is ….

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