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Jai Shree Mataji

Dear Rajesh Shah, Rajeev Kumar, Nalgirkar, RK Pugalia, Vijay Gautam, Parag Raje,
Karun Sanghi, GL Aggarwal,
1.Consequent to the reconstitution of National Trust effected by Sir C P on 10 A
pr 2011. Your allegations that you were dismissed is incorrect and misguiding th
e Sahaja Yogis. Just look back & see what you have done for advancement of saha
ja yoga in last 6 years. Instead of submitting your resignation after extended a
nd, prolonged tenure of 6 yrs, You are challenging the benevolent and far rea
ching changes that are being brought about.
2.If you care to introspect and meditate with the power of Love awakened by our
Divine Mother you will realize that only your administration responsibilities ha
ve been withdrawn and you have been given opportunity to work as simple Sahaja Y
ogis. Why are you finding it difficult to gracefully accept the position of a Sa
haja Yogi. Why are you still seeking power & control instead of seeking your spi
ritual ascent?
3.Sir C P has acted in most fair & balanced manner, by retiring all his trustees
including his two daughters. Those who are remaining are only to ensure continu
ity for a short period if time. Why are you misleading sahaja yogis by not tell
ing them the whole truth? We have not seen any of you moving out, or propagati
ng sahaja yaga. The vision of our Divine Mother for National Trust was that th
e love we feel in Sahaja Yoga should be taken to the â farthest corner of this ancie
nt countryâ which none of you have done.
4.We would like to ask Shri Rajesh Shah, you are only seen on stage, when some
speech is to be given. What work have you done in last 10 yrs for advancement
of Sahaja Yoga? Put your right hand on your heart and speak the truth.
5.And you, Mr R K Pugalia, what have you done, other than sitting on properties
belonging to Sahaja Yogis, like Ganapatipule, Pune Kothrud Ashram, Music ac
ademy, Bhugaon. And everyone knows your plans to capture these properties. In
what way have you contributed to spreading the Love that we feel in Sahaja Yoga?
6.Mr Nalgirkar & Mr Rajeev Kumar, we wish to humbly state that both of you are
so fond of controlling things, that you are unable to accept the position of a
humble Sahaja Yogi. You now have an opportunity to redeem yourselves instead of
trying to garner sympathy.
7.Mr Parag Raje, & Mr G L Agarwal, we would like to say, that you are in league
with Mr R K Pugalia, for a very long time and taking the shelter of Kalpana Didi
to spread dissension among Sahaja Yogis. Now that you a chance to work for Sah
aja yoga why donâ t you take it and regain your health and happiness. Sometimes the b
itter truth must be accepted gracefully.
8.We all the Sahaja Yogis of India and the World congratulate Sir C P, that in s
pite of his advanced age, he has taken a bold step of reconstituting the Nationa
l Trust with authority which he possesses as per the Trust Deed, so that the tru
st does not go in to the hands of persons with vested interests. More over Sir C
P has decided to make the National Trust more broad based with participation fr
om all states and by participation of established Sahaja Yogis. The Trust will
no doubt be a true nationally representative body taking balanced and impartial
decisions, beneficial for Global advancement of Sahaja Yoga.
We wish to bid you all our very best wishes for your spiritual advancement.
Jai Shri Mataji!

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