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cd Æ Change to new directory

mkdir Æ create new directory
rmdir Æ remove empty directory (remove files first)
mv Æ change name of directory
pwd Æ show current directory
date Æ show date and time
history Æ list of previously executed commands
cal month year Æ Prints a calendar for the specified month of
the specified year.
man Æ show online documentation by program name
w, who Æ who is on the system and what they are doing
who am i Æ who is logged onto this terminal
uptime Æ show one line summary of system status
finger Æ find out info about a user@system
whois Æ look up information in the Stanford Directory
tty Æ know the terminal name.
uname Æ print system information
cat Æ view files
cp Æcopy files
ls Æ list files in a directory and their attributes
mv Æ change file name or directory location
rm Æ remove files
head Æshow first few lines of a file(s)
tail Æshow last few lines of a file; or reverse line order
vi Æ full-featured screen editor for modifying text files
echo $$ Æ process id of current shell.
ps Æ process status
kill Æ kill background job or previous process…

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