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Eng 104, J

Poetry Presentation Directions, Assignments, & Dates

Each student will work with a number of other classmates to prepare and give a presentation about a
poet and his or her poetry derived from—even if quite loosely—our attention given to the topic of politics
this semester. The presentation can emerge from any of the related themes, characters, settings, etc.
addressed via Brave New World and/or An American Daughter, which it to say the topic need not be
about politics, specifically. For example, death, hopelessness, truth, duty, perseverance, and control are
all topics that surfaced from our work on the novel and play, in addition to many others. And the group
topic does not have to “exist” in both works, but it must derive from at least one of them.
The following list, then, constitutes the specific content, organization, and procedures by which, both,
the group and individual evaluation will be determined:

The introduction should:

State the topic of analysis and from where/how it emerged.

Briefly explain why the poet under inquiry was selected in relation to the group’s topic.

Provide a brief preview of the presentation’s content and organization.

The body should, by way of credible & scholarly sources:

Offer biographical and bibliographical information about the poet.

By way of research, trace the importance of the poet and his or her work within and since the time
of his or her artistic production & literary grouping, and explain why the poet is grouped within a
certain literary grouping and/or movement.

Analyze three poems by the selected poet, again, speaking to the group topic via at least two
elements of poetry (these can be the same for all of the poems analyzed or they can change from
poem to poem) and explain how each analysis “speaks” to the group topic. Also, make sure to
clearly define and describe the elements of poetry used for analysis.

The conclusion should:

Summarize the development and organization of the presentation.

Offer some sort of cumulative final statement(s), position(s), question(s), etc. regarding the poet’s
handling of the topic in light of the research and analysis.

Other requirements:
Submit to me no later than 24 hours prior to the presentation the final draft of a thorough outline
of the entire presentation that cites in MLA format where research was used, including a works
cited page. Also, each student must use a purposeful audio/visual/etc. aid to, well, aid the talk!
And feel free to be creative with these aids.

Deliver extemporaneously: Do not read the presentation to us; talk to the class in a
conversational manner with sustained eye contact fostered from a brief, keyword outline.

Present as a group, which is to say I don’t want to listen to three asymmetrical talks. There
should be coherence between all speakers’ content (which requires group rehearsal[s]), each
group member should speak for close to an equal amount of time (about 5-7 minutes apiece to
foster a 20-30 minute presentation, approximately, depending on the number of group members),
and EACH member must participate in the analysis of the poems. It is up to the group to
determine how the presentation will flow, but please do make it flow smoothly. Remember, 40 %
of the evaluation for this assignment is determined by the group’s performance as a whole.

If a group collectively feels as if a member is obstructing the progress toward the presentation due
to persistent absenteeism, not doing his or her portion of the work or completing it late, and/or a
poor attitude, the group should let me know. I will then talk with the student at issue, and if she
or he continues such obstructive behavior—or if I am unable to talk with the student, as I will not
track him or her down—the group has the right to expel that member from the group, but only
with my final consent.
If that student can find another group willing to allow her or him into it, that is fine, but the
student cannot pressure another group to do so and no group should feel obligated to make such

Any student who does not participate in the group presentation (due to absence,
unpreparedness, being expelled from a group, etc.) will automatically fail the course.

Groupings and Presentation Schedule:

Group # 1: Amanda K., Leo, Breanna, Steven

Group # 2: Earl, James, Tina, Emily

Group # 3: Jessica, Dan, Chris, Samantha

Group # 4: Matt, Yaddy, Selena, Jorge

Group # 5: Amanda Y., Luke, Jackie

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