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120 The Census rf Canada.

X . - D ' J M I N I O N O F C A N A D A . — C E N S U S , 1871.

Going fo school.— ZTnnb!e to read,- New

Ontario. Quebec Bruns- Ifova
UTile^—deaf and dumb. ticoiia.

Going to school Males 196,281 93,708 20,317 40,7.7)

Femalesl 183,804 91,538 J8.194 37,785
Ti.tal S".~9,588 185,306 38,511 78,488
O rer20 years.—Unable to r e a d . M.iles... 29,406 107,781 10.197 33,719
Females 27,973 84,080 8,805 17,613
Tota' 57,319 191,802 19,002 31,332
Over20 " Unable to write Males... 42,589 123,926 13,215 18 961
Females 60.MI 120.805 14,424 27.561
Total 98,220 244,731 27,669 46,522

Deaf and d u m b Males... 776 863 172 2'ji

Female^ 636 767 134 203
Total 1,412 1,630 306 441

X I I I . — O c c u p a t i o n s by classes.
Agrirultura1 Class 228,708 160,641 40 394 49,769
C"mmerci.U " 29.082 25,507 7,081 13,531
Homeric •* * 26,8'J5 21,186 5.358 0,75.
liKl'stri^l " 9.1,871 65,707 18,683 31,547
Pofessiona1 ** 16,7.59 15,376 2.85S 4,151
N o t c l a s s i f i e d '• 68,199 52,874 12.114 9,4)2
Total , 461,421 811,291 86,488 118,645
X I X . — C h u r o h r s. — C h u r c h of E n g l a n d . 511 17.1 115 142
Mfth- *listn 1,924 131 113 157
1'rci-byi* r i a n > . 69« 94 80 197
K ptits 279 32 226 2*4
R i . " ii C a t h o l i c s 29t 610 103 120
U i h r» 389 28 19 47
'lota 4,093 1,071 656 897

Bui d:ngs c-mneoted with e\urches.

C h u r r h <f E n g l a n d 703 308 150 193
MeihodMs 2,616 188 136 196
P esby t-i lans 986 154 87 222
baptist* • 361 41 238 267
R o m a n Catholic* 461 2 097 161 182
Others • •• 491 40 23 47
5,618 2,831 795 1,107
O r p h a n a g e .—No 9~ 10
llulidii'gs 17 29
Inmates 539 714

U n i v e r s i t i e s a n d c l a s s i c o o l l e g e -.—No. 17 46 5 7
Buildings 61 103 22 13
Inmates 1,014 i,726 235 176

B o T d i n g s c l i o I for y o u n g I n d i e s . — N o . . 33 150 4 5
Uni d i n g s 48 300 9 13
luiuate«i. 1,165 8,308 137 146

Hospitals. — N o 9 17
Bnllil n g s . . . 16 53
I mat s 315 1,343

Lunatic Asj'lums.—No 3 2 1 1
Buildings. 7 20 1 10
Inmates 1,387 932 244 260

Various Asylums.—No 25 33 9 18
Buildines , — 45 70 19 28
Inmates 1,405 1,9 <7 SO 5 658
Penitentiaries a n d Gaols.—No 2-1 1.5 21
Hn'HInR ... 57 40 27 89
Inmates ... 1,321 6c6 180 £33


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