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* Version 1.0.0 CHANGELOG *

1. Renamed Coolite.Ext.Web project to Ext.Net
2. Renamed Coolite.Examples project to Ext.Net.Examples
3. Renamed Coolite.Ext.UX project to Ext.Net.UX
4. Renamed Coolite.EmbeddedResourceBuilder project to Ext.Net.ERB
5. Renamed Coolite.Utilities project to Ext.Net.Utilities
6. Renamed Coolite.Sandbox project to Ext.Net.Sandbox
7. Renamed Coolite.Toolkit.sln Visual Studio Solution file to
8. Renamed Coolite.Ext.Web Namespace to Ext.Net
9. Renamed Coolite.Utilities Namespace to Ext.Net.Utilities
10. Renamed Coolite.Ext.UX Namespace to Ext.Net.UX
11. Renamed root singleton "Ext" class to "X".
Example (Old)
if (!Ext.IsAjaxRequest) { }
Ext.Msg.Alert("Title", "Message").Show();

Example (New)
if (!X.IsAjaxRequest) { }
X.Msg.Alert("Title", "Message").Show();
12. Added new feature to get server-side Property values from client id
Token strings.
<ext:Window runat="server" Title="#{TextField1.Text}" />
13. Renamed WebControl class to ExtControl. As well, renamed
Coolite.Ext.Web.WebControl.cs file to Ext.Net.ExtControl.cs.
14. Removed <ext:ToolbarButton>. Please use <ext:Button>.
15. Removed <ext:ToolbarSplitButton>. Please use <ext:SplitButton>.
16. Renamed AjaxMethod class to DirectMethod.
17. Renamed AjaxMethodAttribute to DirectMethodAttribute.
Example (Old)
public void DoSomthing() { }
Example (New)
public void DoSomthing() { }
18. Renamed <AjaxEvents> property to <DirectEvents>.
19. Removed <ext:ToolbarSplitButton>. Please use <ext:SplitButton>.
20. Removed Adapter class
21. Removed ColorMenuItem class
22. Removed ComboMenuItem class
23. Removed DateFieldMenuItem class
24. Removed DateMenuItem class
25. Removed EditMenuItem class
26. Renamed ElementMenuItem class to ComponentMenuItem
27. Renamed <ext:Accordion> to <ext:AccordionLayout>
28. Removed DataReader class .ReaderID property.
29. JsonReader: added IDProperty (instead of ReaderID)
30. XmlReader: added IDPath (instead of ReaderID)
31. ArrayReader: added IDProperty and IDIndex (instead of ReaderID)
32. Renamed StoreResponseData class .TotalCount property to .Total.
33. Renamed StoreRefreshDataEventArgs class .TotalCount propterty to
34. Renamed DataSourceProxy class .TotalCount property to .Total.
35. Renamed DataSourceProxy class to PageProxy.
36. Layout collection property is now required in markup if using a
Layout Control within <Content> or <Items>.
37. Removed [XType] Attribute and replaced with XType readonly property.
Example (Old)

Example (New)
protected override string XType
return "window";
38. Removed [InstanceOf] Attribute and replaced with InstanceOf readonly
Example (Old)

Example (New)
public override string InstanceOf
return "Ext.Window";
39. Removed [Layout] Attribute and replaced with new .LayoutType readonly
40. Removed [ClientStyle] and [ClientScripts] Attributes and replaced
with new .Resources property.
41. Renamed AjaxRequestModule to DirectRequestModule
42. Renamed <ext:ScriptManager> to <ext:ResourceManager>
43. Removed <ext:ResourcePlaceHolder> and <ext:StyleContainer> controls.
Please use <ext:ResourcePlaceHolder> with new Mode property which can
determine if .js or .css resources are rendered. The Mode property is
not required and if not defined, both .js and .css resource files are
rendered into the location of the ResourcePlaceHolder.
Example (New)
<ext:ResourcePlaceHolder runat="server" Mode="Script" />
44. Renamed <ext:ViewPort> to <ext:Viewport>. Change to lowercase "p".
45. Renamed <Body> inner property to <Content>.
Affects all ContentPanel type controls including Panel, Window, Viewpor
Renaming to <Content> also solves <Body> rendering bug in VS 2005.
Renaming all <Body> tags in a project to <Content> can be easily
accomplished with a case-sensitive search and replace within Visual
Studio. Please search for the following (remove double quotes) and
ensure you have the "Match case" option checked.
Find what: "Body>"
Replace with: "Content>"
46. Renamed .BodyControls property to .ContentControls.
Affects all ContentPanel type controls including Panel, Window, Viewpor
47. Renamed .BodyContainer property to .ContentContainer.
Affects all ContentPanel type controls including Panel, Window, Viewpor
48. Removed .UpdateBody() Method. Please use .Update().
49. Removed <ext:Window> .ShowOnLoad property.
Please use .Hidden property.
Example (Old)
// Will show Window on initial Page_Load
this.Window1.ShowOnLoad = true;

Example (New)
// Will show Window on initial Page_Load
this.Window.Hidden = false; // 'false' is the default value
50. Renamed the <ext:Window> .CenterOnLoad property to .InitCenter.
Default value is unchanged as "true".
Example (Old)
// Will center Window on initial Page_Load
this.Window1.CenterOnLoad = true;

Example (New)
// Will center Window on initial Page_Load
this.Window.InitCenter = true;
51. Renamed TextMenuItem control to the MenuTextItem
52. GridPanel client API: submitData, getRowsValues has 1 argument only,
config object
53. GenericPlugin: renamed InstanceOf to InstanceName.
54. Renamed TabPanel <Tabs> Collection to <Items>.
Example (Old)
<ext:TabPanel runat="server">
<ext:Tab runat="server" Title="Tab 1" />

Example (New)
<ext:TabPanel runat="server">
<ext:Panel runat="server" Title="Tab 1" />
55. Removed <ext:Tab> Control. Now any Ext.Net.PanelBase Component can be
added to the TabPanel's .Items Collection.
56. XTemplate: renamed Text to Html
57. XTemplate: Html property is required in markup
58. To disable a Field, the .Disabled property should be used instead of
the native ASP.NET .Enabled property.
See http://forums.ext.net/showthread.php?5080#post22850
59. Removed the static Instance method from Ext.Net.MessageBox class. The
MessageBox class was changed from an Singleton to just a standard
(non-singleton) class.
Using the X.Msg Helper is recommended method of instantiating a
MessageBox class.
Be sure to checkout the new X.Msg.Notify Method.
X.Msg.Notify("Alert", "A Message from the Server-Side").Show();
60. Renamed Coolite.Ext.Web.MessageBox.Config to Ext.Net.MessageBoxConfig

61. XmlReader: rename TotalRecords to the TotalProperty

62. Added new .After property to DirectEvents.
The .After handler is called immediately after the DirectEvent is fired
and before the response is returned from the server.
See more, http://forums.ext.net/showthread.php?6600
63. The <ext:TokenScript> component has been renamed to <ext:XScript>
Example (Old)
<ext:TokenScript runat="server" />
Example (New)
<ext:XScript runat="server" />
64. Renamed AjaxEventArgs property to DirectEventArgs
65. Renamed AjaxMethodProxyID property to DirectMethodProxyID
66. Renamed ComboBox and DropDownField .Icon property to .TriggerIcon.
Example (Old)
<ext:DropDownField runat="server" Icon="Search" />
Example (New)
<ext:DropDownField runat="server" TriggerIcon="Search" />
67. The <ext:MultiField> has been replaced with the new
The old inner <Fields> property of <ext:MultiField> should now be
configured in the <Items> property of <ext:CompositeField>.
68. ColumnLayout: FitHeight property is true by default (it was false by
default for the 0.8.2)
69. Tip.cs, changed .MinWidth and .MaxWidth property type from "int" to
"Unit". Default value remains the same at "40".
70. GridPanel, changed .MaxHeight property type from "int" to "Unit".
Default value remains the same at "400".
71. GridPanel, changed .MinColumnWidth property type from "int" to "Unit"
Default value remains the same at "25".
72. The .HiddenId property of ComboBox was renamed to .HiddenID.
Functionality remains the same.
73. Renamed the Field.cs property .IsNull to .IsEmpty.
74. Renamed the Field.cs property .NullValue to .EmptyValue.
75. Renamed the standard first parameter of Component Listener arguments
to "item". Previous parameter name was "el".
The argument "item" is automatically passed as the first argument of
the Listener function Handler.
The scope of "this" is an instance of the Component which fired the
Both "item" and "this" will refer to the same Component instance.
It is recommended that developers refer to the Component instance as
"this", instead of "item", although both will work.
Using "this" instead of "item" will avoid any future breaking
<ext:Panel runat="server" Title="Example">
// Old
<Hide Handler="alert(el);" />
// New
<Hide Handler="alert(item);" />

// Recommended
<Hide Handler="alert(this);" />
76. GroupName property of Radio widget is removed. Please use Name property.
Please note that GroupName property of RadioGroup still exists (RadioGroup'
s GroupName is applied to each child Radio if AutomaticGrouping is true)
77. LowerCase of RendererFormat enum is renamed to Lowercase (to correct name s

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