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In this paper, I will demonstrate what schools and education should be providing

students, but are not. Many want to hear that earning an education is beneficial not

only to the individual, but to society for getting an education means a better job

opportunity and more money to spend contributing to the consumerism propaganda. I

agree that getting an education is beneficial for the upper class, paying higher school

taxes and benefiting from school amenities. So for the sake of this paper I will write

exactly what we were made to think school and education provide students if they were

not ³teaching to the test´ and instead teaching other subjects such as ³science and

social studies´(Johnson & Rhodes, 2010, pp.40).

The first reason why it is important to go to school and get an education is that

doing so give students more job opportunities in the area of choice. Even though school

for some maybe not be interesting but staying in school can opens doors providing

students and their families a better lifestyle.

As of 2010, minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, not enough to make a decent living.

Take for instance, an person earning minimum wage and working 40 hours a week, a

merely income of $15,080 a year. Getting a minimal college degree, can provide a

person an estimatedamount of $30,000+ income which is about twice the amount of a

person without a college degree.

Today, dropping out of school is very common. According to_    

    ecoming a Change Agen(2010), The graduation rate of

Native Americans is 19.3 percent, followed by 53.4 percent of African Americans, 57.8



percent of Latinos, 76.2 percent of White¶s, and lastly 80.2 percent of graduating Asian

Americans. The statistics are stacked against those in the minority group which speaks

volumes about our community which is mostly Latino.

Sadly, dropping out can have a huge negative impact on a person¶s life. In which

the percentage of non-graduating students are more than likely to be unemployed, earn

less money when they work, receive public assistance, or be incarcerated. The reasons

students drop out of school are for family issues, poverty or pregnancy. Others drop out

because of poor academic achievements or even of being bullied whatever the reasons,

these students will earn less than those who get a college degree.

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