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Drunvalo Melchizedek

The Prophecies

RM: Drunvalo Melchizedek has been educating people around the world for decades about the
nature of Geometry as universal principles that support life here on Earth and elsewhere. He did
this through his Flower of Life Workshops. Today, Drunvalo has been called by indigenous elders
from around the world to help them get their true messages out to the world regarding this profound
period of time. They believe it is important that people understand that we can change the outcome
for ourselves through our own consciousness.

RM: So, this time you are off on a real adventure, and this is an adventure that took place over 25
years or so in your newest book, Serpent of Light. Obviously you are not going to slow down for a
long time now because you have stirred a lot of energy up by actually revealing some of the events
that you went through—the initiations throughout the planet. I would like to talk about that book
and then move it forward into what we are looking at in the very near future. Can we talk a little bit
about why you decided to finally reveal all of the things you have been through around the world in
these Earth Rituals with indigenous people? Almost no one has had the invite you have had into the
indigenous circles.

DM: It really was my publisher because when they looked at everything that was possible—there are lots
of books that are possible—that one is so pertinent to this moment, to right now. They were the ones that
asked me to do that [book]. At first I felt a little funny about that because it was very personal. Then they
talked me into it, and I said OK, well alright.
Now that it is done it is changing—the indigenous people have been reading this book. And so, they are
responding to it, and they are responding very positively but with more energy than I have ever seen before.
What has happened since the manuscript for that book has been turned in—it was actually turned in June of
2007; in July of 2007, before it was even published, it started to speed up. And so, it’s good; it is a good
thing. What happens in those worlds is crucial to what happens in our world. People don’t really
understand that. You know I’d like to give a little story to try to explain why the indigenous world is so

RM: Please.

DM: Because, most of the people just say ah, they are just primitive people. They don’t know anything,
and it is obsolete and it doesn’t have any effect on this new technological world. But, that’s not what we
see in the sacred geometrical world, which is the world underlying everything that we are in. Underneath
our world are the geometrical patterns. When you go into the carbon-based life forms and the Geometry
behind that there is something there that is very clear, when a biological life form expands into a higher
level of consciousness, they can’t do it unless they are connected to the past.
You can see it in plant growth. Plants very often use the Fibonacci sequence, which is
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55. . . (add the first two numbers shown, then that total is the next number in
the sequence, that number added to the number just before it is the next number in the sequence). But what
it really is if you take three simple numbers like 3, 5 and 8; it’s just that 5 adds to 3 and makes 8. That’s
how many [plants] grow their leaves. The will start out with one leaf, then one, then two, then three, then
five, then eight. The plant doesn’t know where it is going. It is sitting at five leaves; it looks back at where
its last growth was was three, which is kind of obsolete; it is past that. But then it adds it together and it
knows where to go, which is eight.
The symbolism is exactly the same in human consciousness. If we do not connect with our ancient past
—it is the memories, it is the wisdom of everything that happened, and we don’t add that to our present-day
technological expansion we will be lost. We won’t have any idea where we are going and we won’t be able
to survive this. It is clear we haven’t added that in there and we are killing our planet. We are killing it
fast. But if we were to add that wisdom of understanding like the concept of seven generations—never
doing anything that would effect seven generations down the line—if we understood these kinds of things
and they were incorporated into our way now, then we would know where we are going, we would know
what to do and we would expand in a conscious way that would be safe and usable.

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RM: That’s very true. One interview we did was really surprisingly refreshing. It was with a man
named Shlomo Shoham, who had been in the Israeli Parliament and he, at that time, had an
oversight committee. He has since retired from that position. It was staffed by a lot of young Legal
Beagles. The whole purpose of it was to evaluate every piece of legislation that had to pass through
them as to its effect seven generations out, which is the first time I’ve actually seen that employed in
the modern world, but this is something that is intrinsic to the indigenous cultures. So, this is part of
a—Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphogenic Fields—it is all building on the past.

DM: Yes it is, and we as a planet right now, are ignoring it. It is like Genocide. We are trying to get rid
of it. If we were to get rid of it our life would be over. We would never make it from my way of seeing it;
we would just never be able to make the expansion into the next level of consciousness.

RM: It’s true, and it seems as though we are almost on a drunken binge of last minute
consumption from every level trying to stave off the inevitable, which is responsibility for what we
shall inherit in the future.

DM: Yeah, you know “we” the technological world thought this wasn’t going to happen for a long time.
We thought it wasn’t going to happen ‘til we reached about 12 to 14 billion people in the world. It is not
true; it is happening at half that number. Oil just went over $123.00 a barrel and the consequences of where
this is leading are huge. It is absolutely huge.

RM: Yeah.

DM: It wouldn’t have to be this way if we had just lived our lives a little differently. So, right now the
indigenous people are basically using me to get out to the world, to try to get their understanding out
because they realize that it is crucial. Even in the Hopi Prophecy they knew they had to go to the United
Nations and tell them these things, which they did. But it hasn’t changed anything.

RM: Can we talk about the book and just kind of skim through it because it is too much to cover in
this interview and then get on to the next. But, the purpose for writing it the way you did, which I
thought was brilliant of your publishers to suggest, that you go really personal on it. And, it is fun;
it’s a fun, exciting, inspirational journey. So can you give us a little hopscotch through what
originally happened that called you into contact with the indigenous people and pick a starting place?

DM: That’s easy. My last life; I remember every minute of it, every word that was spoken, every action
that took place. I was born to a Taos Pueblo. So when, right before I died in the Taos Pueblo, they left me
a long list—if I wrote it out it would be a couple pages long of things that I had to do when I got here in
this body. And, I had been back to them—this wasn’t even in this book. I went back to them and they
acknowledged this. They knew my name, which was Gioni, they knew everything about me, they told me
our whole stories and I already knew it. Then I had to begin with that list and it took me 14 years going
through that list getting every single thing done, but one. There is one last thing, which won’t happen until
the very end.

RM: Can we start more toward the top of the list?

DM: No, those are personal to the tribe. I mean I even had to burry certain people in the ground, and
things. There was a lot that they knew—this was back in the 1890’s when this list was made. They knew
everything that was coming up in the future.

RM: I see.

DM: Part of that was that I was to assist other indigenous tribes around the world at this time.
So, I kind of don’t have a choice. I have to do this because it is my Dharma; it is what I have to do in my
life. I just have to stay in a certain vibration that they have taught me. As long as I do the tribes will accept

RM: But the calls came in unusual and unexpected ways to you, and then you set out. You listened,
you bought the airline tickets and you showed up.

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DM: Yeah, and that is still going on now, and it has accelerated more. But the story that is behind there,
the movement of the Kundalini (note: as a whole earth energy not as it is associated with the chakras)
from Tibet to Chile and the completion of the grid around the Earth—a lot of people have not talked about
the Kundalini because that was kept very secret. But the grid that is around the Earth, that is in books and a
lot of people are aware of that. By the way, that was born into the world on the day of the Eclipse, January
24th, 25th or 26th of this year. So, the conception of that grid was 13,200 years—the conception of it, and
the birth took about a month. It was between the Lunar Eclipse in January, where the shadow went right
over the Polynesian mountains and there we were in Moorea when this took place, with all the elders there.
And the final edge of the birth was here in Sedona where the shadow went right over Sedona. And, the grid
is now alive and conscious. This changes everything.

RM: Let’s talk about that—what that means, what the implications are.

DM: As big as you can get, just about. The Kundalini had to move first, and it moved and it was in place
in Chile by some time in 2002. It got past Panama in 2001, but it moved all over South America and finally
settled. That’s where these 112 tribes are sitting there in a circle, which they are still there right now; they
are holding that space, because to them this is the most sacred thing in thousands and thousands of years.

RM: Let’s back up a bit before the grid and talk about the Kundalini having been present in Tibet,
and what that has meant throughout history, and now what it means to have it moved half way
around the world.

DM: When it moved into Tibet was 13,000 years ago. And the Necals, which is the High Priesthood out
of Atlantis, part of them went there. The other part of them, by the way, went into the Caribbean along with
the Mayans and went to a little area which is now called Santa Marta, in Columbia.
Those people are called Kogi, Arwako, Weewa and Conquamos. But they are the original Necals out of
Atlantis and they told me so, eyeball to eyeball.

RM: This I found fascinating!

DM: The head of the Mayans, Don Alejandro, has also told me, face to face, that they are also from
Atlantis. So are the Hopi. They have said the same thing. So, the history is about to be presented in a new
light of who they are and where they came from. They are all linked together.

RM: Right.

DM: They are about to all come together and meet for the first time ever—well, not ever. They did meet
in Guatemala, but not in a meeting where they actually discuss how they would function together.

RM: OK. There is another stream. We’ll go there in a little bit.

DM: There are a lot of them.

RM: So, Tibet 13,000 years ago?

DM: By the time the Sumerians started, which we consider to be the beginning of modern-day culture,
about 6,000 years ago, the Necals had already been into Western Tibet, and built the Pyramid and were
sitting there waiting for the rest of us to come along. [They were] using that energy to enlighten themselves
with. They eventually became the Tibetans, or what we call the Tibetans. Sure, there were influxes from
India and other places, but the original group was still there.

RM: They held the knowledge for a long time.

DM: They held the knowledge of what was prior to there of our history. Our entire Human History is a
little over 200,000 years; it’s 200,200 something years long, when we were born. That was coming from
Africa through Gondwana Land, through Lemuria over to Atlantis and then to this present world that we
are in now.

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RM: Now with the Kundalini Center—with that energy moving from Tibet—how does this play
into the facts of all of the tragedies that have befallen the Tibetan people?

DM: It is linked. This is what we were hinting at in the book. When the Kundalini began to move, even
before then, the Pachamama in China began to try to break that apart because from a real deep level it now
needs to be stopped and started in a new way. So, even in India right now, if you were to do a little
research you will find out that almost all the Ashrams are being attacked over there right now. They are
trying to split them apart and break them apart. Some of it is coming from government; some of it is
coming from other levels. So, there is an attack on that whole spiritual region. Even in China—you have
the Chinese now going after the Taoists and the Qi Gong Masters and everything else, trying to stop them.

RM: So, is this a natural side effect of that energy having moved, or what is this?

DM: It does appear that way; let’s put it that way. It does appear as though there is a deep resistance to
stop all that over there. On the other side of the world in Chile and Bolivia and Peru and the surrounding
countries around there it’s a whole different side of it. The people now are promoting spirituality and
helping it. Shamans in Peru, even 10 years ago, definitely 15 years ago they had to be secretive; they had
to be very careful because the people wouldn’t allow them to be who they were. That’s all gone now. They
have complete support of everyone. They are told to really go for it.

RM: So as fast as it is closing down in India and Tibet, it is opening there.

DM: It is completely opening there.

RM: OK, so with that movement that really was given birth to, as you say, in late January of this
year—the final formation—let’s about what that means when the grid has been fully formed again.

DM: Now that it has been fully formed and birthed—it is Human Consciousness—it went through
conception; it went through birth, and now it is a baby; it is a living thing; it’s a living field that is around
the Earth. What this means is that people that have been trying to do their work, their Dharma—whatever
it is—whatever they are trying to do, whatever it is—there has been a certain resistance to it because things
weren’t competed. Now they are completed. We might as well be on a different planet because everything
is going to accelerate spiritually very fast. It is just going to keep going up and up, and it is not going to
stop. There is nothing to stop it. The governments have tried to stop it; they have done all kinds of things
to try to stop it before it was birthed. They tried to kill it. They tried to kill this living thing. That’s what
they were doing in French Polynesia some years back, blowing Neutron Bombs up in the ocean there.
They were actually blowing them up right on the axis of the grid, itself, hoping it would destroy the grid.
But, as they found out, no, she just got stronger and more powerful.
So, now it is happening, and now the world has not just an opportunity—it is an opportunity—but
people that are focusing on spiritual life, on their breath and their connection to all life, everywhere, every
time they try to do something in the world it is just going to be supported by the world; it is going to get
stronger and easier, and that side of life is just going to keep growing until it is actually stronger—way
stronger than the governments and the religions and everything else that we have developed before.

RM: Well this is important; this is good; this is very good. Let’s talk about that and talk about
what the Mayan, and what the Hopi and some of the other indigenous people you’ve been meeting
with through the years have to say about this transition period over the next year or two. And, I just
want to add something going back: For those people who have not yet read the book, this adventure
of yours, as I put it—it is actually a spiritual odyssey that really took you to indigenous regions
around the world not even knowing, with groups of people gathering, what you were there for until
you got there, often.

DM: Many times.

RM: And then the people would show up exactly as told. Then the ceremony and the purpose of
your being there would be revealed. What a beautiful job of listening you did.

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DM: Really, I’m just being used, and it’s OK. That’s what my purpose is—I understand that, and they
understand it. I’m not trying to become part of their tribes or anything else. Sometimes they initiate me
into their tribes, but I know what I am. I a white man; I’m here; I’m doing this. It simply just is what
happened. It isn’t even really intended to be a story. It is just intended to let people understand what is
happening in the world, and that there are really positive things that are going on.

RM: Yes, and you are really ushering it in; you are ushering it in one step of the way, year after

DM: Well, I don’t think of it as me doing it, but. . .

RM: The beings working with you, yeah.

DM: It’s Mother Earth and she selects certain people to do certain things, and that could change
tomorrow. I understand that.

RM: Bringing us then to today, and that’s all I’m going to say about that because everybody can
pick up a copy and see what has already been laid into place, and then it becomes very clear by the
end of this book what we are preparing for. But you’ve been given information by the indigenous
elders, and it has to do with what comes in the next year, to two years. It is not 2012; it is not even
that far out.

DM: No.

RM: Can you begin sharing with us because the viewers that are watching you right now, all of us
are choosing to be part of the solution, and choosing to prepare ourselves.

DM: Yeah, that’s good. Of course. That book was submitted to the publisher in June of 2007; in July of
2007 the head of the Mayan Nation came here to Sedona and asked to have a meeting. Let me explain a
little bit who he is. The Mayans live in three countries: Mexico, Belize and Guatemala. There are 440
tribes, each one of those tribes has an elected Elder, who represents them, and those 440 elders make up a
Council, which is the Mayan Council. Then they elect one of them to be their President, or their Head of
their Council and that is the person of Don Alejandro Cirilo. He is a 13th generation Mayan Shaman and
Priest. It has been in his family for a very, very long time, and he represents Mayan thought and
understanding very well. I can see why they selected him; he is a clear person on those levels.
He came here with his wife, Elizabeth, and they asked for a meeting, so we had a meeting. I had no idea
what he wanted. He said, first of all, that—talking about everything that has been written about them from
all over the world, all the things that we know, the Mayan Calendar included, and everything from Jose
Agualas and many universities, even governments that have written stuff, and all kinds of researchers and
people, but not one word has come from them—they haven’t officially written one word in 526 years.
So everything--even their history in the History books say—they don’t agree with it; they don’t agree with
hardly any of it. They say no, that’s other people’s ideas, but that’s not what we say.
So, he came here and said that their intention is to rewrite their history and their knowledge and
everything that is known about them. But they said that in their calendar it states that when they do this the
world will be watching. So what they asked us to do—I say “us” because it is not [just] me, but it is also
another indigenous 501(c)3 that we work through, which is called ICA, International Cultural Awareness.
There are people there—Adam Yellow Bird and Carmen, and a lot of my people were there; we were all
working together for this. They [Don Alejandro] wanted us to bring 60 people from every continent in the
world—from all over the whole world that would do the ceremonies with them that would begin the whole
thing. Then to sit in a room and watch them as they started redoing their history and their knowledge.
That’s what we did. We started with “0”--the glyph for “0.”

RM: That’s amazing!

DM: That has all been written out. But they were actually saying no, this means that; this means this—
redefining what “0” means from the Mayan point of view. Then they went to the number “1” and we
watched for many hours, about one day basically, as they started this process. This process is going to go
one to maybe even two years as they re-do that. Then there is more to it. That is the mental side.

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The other side of it is the Crystal Skull Ceremony that will be coming up here in September. This is
being headed up, I think, by Hunds Batsman in Mexico, and that ceremony—it is incredible!
Because that—we talked about it in there [the book] how the Grandmothers create these crystals, and the
people go into them and they hold the knowledge and the wisdom and the understanding of a certain
period. Well there is 13 of them from the beginning all the way up until now.

RM: Yes.

DM: All 13 of those crystals, which have been shown to me, they already have them—those crystal
skulls are alive; they have living beings in them, and when that ceremony is done there will be Elders that
come and remember everything—everything will be transmitted to them. So they are going to take all that
ancient knowledge and overlay it with their intellectual knowledge of what they are doing to come up with
who they are and what their purpose is at this time. They know it is about to happen.
He asked us to that, and then also when they are done they are going to write this into a book. I don’t
know what it is going to be called, but it is all around this time of 2012—December 21, 2012. They will
write their knowledge and their message to the world about this period of time into the book. And then all
440 Elders are going to sign this so that the world knows that this is the real thing, and not just somebody
making this up somewhere. That’s going to take a lot of pages just in that, I guess.
He wanted us to come right away, so it was in November when we left and went down there with these
people. And we find out then that the Mayans had tried this twice before, with two other groups, and right
in the middle of it had to stop it and say no, you’re not the people we thought. But it went beyond what
they thought with our group. These people, though they are from all kinds of Races—Japanese, Black and
White and Green and everything else, from everywhere—they were exactly who they thought they were, so
we began with a ceremony that hadn’t been performed, really, for 13,000 years in Lake Atitlan in
Guatemala, and then we went to Tacao.
And then we went inside the Earth to a secret place; this is somewhere no-one knows and I can’t give
you the name, but it is the place where they were born from. I can’t tell you everything right now because I
have to get permission before I go too much further.

RM: I understand.

DM: But we did a ceremony in there and what we understand now is they were waiting to see certain
signs that would happen in that cave. They all happened, evidently, because he then took us deeper into the
cave to what the Hopi call the Sipupu—the Place of Emergence. I don’t thing White Man, or Industrialized
Man it would be better to say, has ever experienced what took place there at that time.
That was amazing!
So, now we are in an agreement with them to support them as all these writings come together. The
Mayans have no money, and not even any buildings. When they get meetings together of their Elders they
have to meet in hotels and things, and it is expensive.

RM: Yeah.

DM: We’re trying to get them a Cultural Center where they can combine everything and do this. That’s
one of the things I am working on now; I think I might have it; I don’t know, yet.

RM: Which country would that be in?

DM: In Guatemala.


DM: Just to show you how things are changing so much—since we had that [ceremony] and the new
President of Guatemala came in—the new President of Guatemala was Don Alejandro’s student. He is part
Mayan, and for the first time ever in Guatemala, Don Alejandro has a position in the government, itself, so
that he can talk. He actually went on national television, and for the first time ever, began to talk to the
Guatemalan people. This has never even been allowed before.

RM: Amazing! All the resistance has fallen away; just what you were talking about earlier.

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DM: Yes it is, everywhere.

RM: A major indication.

DM: Yeah, it is really good. So, that is still going on now; they are in the midst of all of that. We are
waiting for that [rewriting project to be completed]. Now, he [Don Alejandro] did say that this date—
December 21, 2012—is, almost for certain, not the time when the change will take place, even though
everybody says on that day. . . The head of the Mayans say no, we don’t think so. It’s a window of time.
In June he said the window is about to open really soon, and we’re not exactly sure, it depends on certain
factors. And, it will close at a certain time. But, it is about a seven year long window.
One of the people that we invited through the ICA here to come along with us was one of the Elders
from the Hopi Tribe. This is Grandfather Eric. He is the last living member of the Bluebird Clan, and that
Clan was the Historians of the Hopi Tribe. They were the ones that write down and record everything that
takes place there. They put it into songs and rugs, and all kinds of ways that they record their information.
So, I’m sitting on a bus with him, and he is telling me the same thing that the Mayans are telling me. He
said almost everything you’ve heard about us is not from us, it is from other people. They say we came
across the Bering Straight and came down through there—is what history and Archeologists say. But he
says we know that is not true. Where we came from was Guatemala. We used to be Mayan, and the
Mayans knew that. There was a time a long time ago when the decision was made that a group of the
Mayans would head north and would then find a new place. That’s the Hopi. Now, Grandfather Martin,
who is the one who now holds the Hopi Prophecy, and Grandfather Don Alejandro have exchanged their
prophecies and they claim they are identical. There is no difference at all; they are the same prophecy.
What happened in all of that, which was pretty interesting was if you remember--I think it was
October 26th when that comet came through; was it Holmes?

RM: I don’t remember.

DM: Holmes, I think it was. On that day—I believe it was October 26 of 2007—it blew up and formed
this huge blue sphere of light in the sky that very rapidly became the biggest thing in the Solar System; it
was actually larger than the Sun. Grandfather Eric is asking me on the bus, do you think that’s the Hopi
Prophecy? You see, because 200 years ago the Hopi gave a prophecy about this time, that a blue star
would appear in the sky, and it would become the beginning of this window that the Mayans talk about.
When he got back the Council met, and they all met and they agreed that this is the Hopi Prophecy of
the Blue Star. They Mayans have now looked back to say OK, October 26—it could be the 4th , 5th, or 6th,
but, I think it is the 26th—from that day is the beginning of the window, which the Mayans call the end of
time. It goes for about seven years, ‘til about 2015, or so.
What the Mayans are saying is that inside this window, which we are now inside of, will come these
changes which they are about to prophecy. I know what part of that is. They are going to prophecy that
there will be a pole shift—a physical one—not just a magnetic pole shift, but a physical pole shift. And
that is a pretty interesting thing. The whole sequence that is happening around this in the world right now
is interesting.
When ever there is a pole shift there is always a magnetic pole shift that happens right prior to it.
This has been recorded going back a long time. They have actually only proven this, that I am aware of, for
the last two times. But, it is a common belief. And the scientists of the world have been watching how for
2,000 years the magnetic field of the Earth has been dropping. Then 500 years ago it started dropping
RM: Right.

DM: Then about 40 years ago the anomalies became great, so great that things were moving all over the
place. About 15 years ago they had to change the maps of the airports because they were so inconsistent.
And now before they land an airplane they have to check immediately before to see if north is really north,
otherwise they will land out in a field.

RM: Right.

DM: About a year and a half ago you had the world’s scientists for 11 days say that the anomalies were
so great that they expect the poles to shift north to south. Now, that doesn’t happen too often. That’s

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something that happens—I don’t really know the statistics, but let’s say at least every 50 million years, or
so—that’s pretty rare. North to south / south to north. They said best we could tell, sometime between now
and the next 25 years. Then they were cut off by the governments of the world; they couldn’t talk. Then
about 6 months ago they [the scientists] got out for five days before they [governments] could cut them off,
and they [scientists] said it is way worse than we ever thought; it is going to happen any minute. That’s
about all they could get out before the governments shut them down and wouldn’t let them talk anymore.

RM: Let’s talk about the link then. What happens after the magnetic shift?

DM: When the magnetic poles shift, scientifically it means that almost for sure you’re going to have a
physical pole shift directly after that, very soon. That is what the Mayans and the Hopi are predicting. I
can’t say the Hopi, yet, because they haven’t physically announced it. But the Mayans have physically
announced it. They came here and they announced it here to this city that this is what is going to happen.


DM: We can go back 13,000 years ago, the other end of the procession of the Equinoxes, and they speak
about it in there. There was a pole shift, a magnetic pole shift. The magnetic poles went all the way to
Hawaii, and then moved around and eventually came back to where they are now. The physical pole they
believe was in Hudson Bay and moved from where it is up to where it is there.

RM: Yes.

DM: That is the best that they can determine at this moment. Then if you go back 26,000 years, which is
exactly where we are right now, or we will be precisely on December 21, 2012—that will be the other end
of that cycle—there was another pole shift, and another magnetic pole shift. So, we know that there have
been two in a row here. Now, from the study, which we have looked at that data, of the pole shifts, we’ve
gone back 250 million years. When you go back through that and look at it you’ll see that the poles will
shift and when they do there is usually about 15 of them in a row, and then it doesn’t shift for maybe
millions of years. Then it will do it again. Based on that science would predict that there would be one
right now. If it did one, two and three, it is probably going to keep going for awhile. That is exactly what
the world’s scientists have just predicted on the History Channel. They said this just about a month ago.
We think that the Earth is probably going to go through a physical pole shift very, very soon.

RM: Since the indigenous Elders have talked about this process, let’s talk about what is the
process? What does this mean?

DM: Well, we know also scientifically by the study of this, what the world knows is that when it does
happen it is like the crack of a whip; it is less than one day. You wake up one morning and everything is
normal; by the time of the next morning the geography of the entire world has been changed. The length of
time is about 20 hours. It is a very fast thing. The last two times there were no civilizations with buildings
and structures all over the world. But, really, I think most scientists would agree with me that if there were
a pole shift that probably hardly any buildings on the planet would be left standing. I doubt it; I can’t
imagine how they would. The Great Pyramid might, and things like it, but. . .

RM: Not the Sears Tower.

DM: Not these kinds of buildings (looking around him). These big high towers are just going to fall
over. Forget about 1 to 10 on your Earthquake Richter scale. This would be like a 20, or something. This
is when whole mountains go up and down, and continents break off in pieces, and everything else. It really
does change everything. And, this was even predicted by Edgar Cayce, if you remember way back in the
30’s he predicted this would happen.

RM: Yes, and we’re seeing all of this anomalous earthquake activity right now.

DM: As of about seven or eight years ago the earthquake activity was over 500% above normal. Not just
earthquakes, but everything, all the various natural phenomena are way over. That data came out of Russia;
they were recording and measuring this very carefully.

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RM: I wonder what they would say now?

DM: It has gone up; it is not going down.

RM: It is going up. Yes.

DM: It is going up higher and higher and higher. This is what the Mayans said to me, that they want to
say to you. Yes, we’re going to go through this. But, they were there in Atlantis 13,000 years ago when
this happened, and they remember what happened. They were also there 26,000 years ago when we went
through it, so they have been through two of these. They know what we are about to go through. What
they are trying to do is really compassion for the world because they know what we are about to go
through. And, it isn’t so much that they want to predict it is going to happen; it is that they want to give us
their wisdom what to do when it happens. Because they said the last time millions and millions of people
died all over the world just because they didn’t know a few simple things.

RM: Can you share those simple things?

DM: No, I can’t. I know a little bit about it, but I don’t know enough. They are going to put it into their
book. But what it is—there are certain things that we need to change within ourselves at which point, if we
do that, we not only won’t die, we will go up in awareness and consciousness.
So, they are doing it for themselves; there is no doubt they are doing it for their own people so that they
are prepared, but they are also doing it for the world so the world will—at least those that want to listen;
you can’t force anybody to listen, but for those that want to listen—there are some changes you can make
inside yourself that will completely change the outcome of what happens during those times.

RM: We should be starting to access some of this information intuitively.

DM: We are; as a planet we are. I think they just want to really define it clearly. A few people are in the
world. With 6½ billion you are talking about, maybe, less than 100 million are actually interested enough
to make these kinds of changes.

RM: I understand. In fact, one of the things I find a little concerning is, not surprisingly, during
this period of time there is a plethora of production that is taking place right now, a lot of it really
trying to squeeze the emotional bodies via disinformation and Shock Films about 2012, and so on and
so forth.

DM: Yeah, there are about 30 books being written, too.

RM: What is your perception of that, because it seems to me it is just either someone exploiting the
subject, or even more so it is an effort to start creating a Fear Scenario, which changes the way we
are able to respond.

DM: The Mayans definitely are not interested in creating the fear; they want us to overcome our fear and
become calm and balanced during these times of what is about to happen. But, it is true that it is just
Human Nature—you put a date into the future like that [2012] and have certain predictions that weren’t
even made really by the Mayans, but by other people, and there are going to be people building up to this.
Most of these people probably won’t have any idea what they are really talking about. But there will be
some that do and I. . .

RM: But it almost all focuses on the horror except for a few conscious productions.

DM: A lot of them. But there are going to be some—one of them that I think is going to be pretty
interesting is Collin Andrews and what he comes up with because of the Mayan Crop Circles that appeared,
and the calendars and what happened over all that.

RM: Oh, right! Could you talk about that a bit?

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DM: Well, I was deeply into Crop Circles for many, many years, and I haven’t been following it a whole
lot now. I actually trust him, because he is a totally honest person and he is a great reporter.

RM: Yeah, I like him.

DM: He is just a reporter; he is just telling it like it is. I know that he and his wife are in the midst of
writing a book around 2012. That is a book I would read. But a lot of them, I know, are just going to be
exploitation—writing on fear. There is nothing we can do. You just have to have discrimination.
They are all talking about the Mayan date; obviously, if the Mayans come have their own book out it is
going to take over.

RM: Take precedence (laughing) if any sanity prevails.

DM: Yeah, you’d read from the people that talked about this. But I think that it is just Human Nature; it
is just where we are right now.

RM: You told me something off camera and I don’t know if you care to talk about it. We can snip
it out if you don’t. But, you mentioned to me on the phone about a week ago we were chatting before
this interview that you had been told simply that if we understood what awaits us after the transition
through, that people would be jumping up and down with joy.

DM: Mmmhmm. This is truly a time of great celebration because we’ve been through the dark part of
the cycle, and now we’re heading into the light part of the cycle. As much as it will be a death of the old
part of the cycle, it is also simultaneously a birth of something that is just super beautiful. This is also what
the Mayans want to talk about, I believe. At least they talk about it with me, so I think they want to talk
about it. But, this new era where, what they talk about is, our quarantine is lifted. We have been locked on
this little planet and we can’t move. We believe there is life out there; it looks like life is all around us with
all these UFO’s and everything, but there has been very little direct connection. There has been some, but it
has been very, very small.
What they are saying is that when we pass through this other level we become more than human—far
more than where we are now—our consciousness rise to another level of existence. At which point we are
no longer quarantined here; we are able to move around the Universe and begin to understand the bigger
family that we live in and live within. I imagine, anyway, that they will talk about this and discuss this.
Even more, though I can only hint at it—that’s all I can do because I have certain promises that have been
made to me that I can’t really talk about it—the Mayans and many, many tribes in South and Central
America and some in North America have decided to have a ceremony here in Arizona in April of 2009,
which is called The Return of the Ancestors. It is a ceremony that will be done by over 100 tribes. As soon
as that ceremony is done then it is possible for our ancestors to truly return. They expect it to happen. Who
they are talking about is the very people that are discussed in the Sumerian records of the
Nephilim from Marduk and from the Sirians, from the Star Sirius. These are our Mother and our Father,
and according to the indigenous people they are here, and lots of them. They are in mountains right now.
In that same year they are predicting that we will hold their hands and look into their eyes and the
transformation will begin. I can’t say much more than that. If it happens, it happens. I don’t know. They
believe totally that it is going to happen. But I don’t know how it is going to happen; I don’t know if this is
something that is a secret event, or if it is a public event. I don’t know that, and I can’t say at this point.

RM: Any final thoughts in terms of your own wisdom from everything you’ve learned throughout
your experience here, beyond what the Maya have to say about this period.

DM: Well, I don’t know if I have any wisdom about this period in the sense of I wasn’t here, and they
have experience in all of this. I have no memory of ever riding out a pole shift before.

RM: Right.

DM: In my training with the Kogi and the Arwakos and the Sierra Nevada people and the Aborigines in
Australia, and especially the Ytaha and ---- in New Zealand and other places, what they talk about is that
this is a return. How do I put this? During Atlantis 13,000 years ago, and even in the Bible they talk about
this “Fall” that took place; that we dropped in consciousness. All that was—even though there are books

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written about it in all kinds of levels and all kinds of ways, and everything else—from the purely
indigenous people, we just moved from our hearts to our heads. It is just that simple. And, now we are
completely in our heads and we’ve forgotten our hearts. So, what happens in this shift is that we move
back from our heads back to our hearts. The only people that survive this, according to these people, are
the people that are in their hearts. More than that, all of them will survive—everyone that is in their heart
will survive. They say that Mother Earth knows the vibration and that she—though we think when chaos is
going on that it is just a bunch of random events—from their point a view there are no random events,
anywhere. Everything is pure consciousness. A rock cannot fall by just a random event, or something or
something else like that. It is literally being controlled by Earth’s consciousness. So, what they say is that
if you are in your heart that is all that is necessary. You don’t need food and water and guns in a hole, or
any kind of protection or anything. You can just stand naked in a field and you will be absolutely fine;
there will be no problems. They believe this all over the world, and I agree with them.

RM: You can purchase a copy of Serpents of Light from any good bookstore or also from our
website. Also, Drunvlao’s website contains a large amount of information regarding the current
times and upcoming events of the Elders. You can find all of that at www.spiritofmaat.com. Until
next time, thanks for watching CMN.

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