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Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE



Códigos das Habilidades Objetos de conhecimentos
(EF09LI11) Utilizar recursos verbais e não verbais para construção
(EF09LI05) da persuasão em textos da esfera publicitária, de forma
(EF09LI01.1MT) adequada ao contexto de circulação (produção e
Identificar recursos de persuasão (escolha e jogo de
palavras, uso de cores e imagens, tamanho de letras),
utilizados nos textos publicitários e de propaganda,
como elementos de convencimento.
Fazer uso da língua inglesa para expor pontos de vista,
argumentos e contra-argumentos, considerando o
contexto e os recursos linguísticos voltados para a
eficácia da comunicação sobre problemas do cotidiano
e como resolvê-los.

Período: ( ) Matutino Turma 9° Ano ___

(1ª aula)
There are many fast food restaurants in my town. Lots of people eat fast food, but I think
itisn´t healthy. They eat this food because it´s tasty, but everybody can have a tasty meal
at home.
The only problem is that buying fresh products and cooking them takes time. And people
prefer to spend time doing other activities such as watching films, meeting friends, walking
in the park. I also like to do these activities, but I am very careful with my diet.
Fresh fruit and vegetables will always give me energy for the day. I like milk, eggs, roast
chicken and mashed potatoes.
Fried potatoes are nice but unhealthy like all fried food my favorite meal is fish and for
dessert I am afraid. I eat many sweet things: chocolate, candies, cake , you know.

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

Vocabulário de apoio
Food – alimento, comida
Spend- passar tempo/ gastar
Healthy – saudável
Careful- cuidadoso
Tasty- saboroso
Also- também
Meal – refeição
Dessert – sobremesa
Everybody – todo mundo
Vegetables- legumes
They – eles (as)
Fish- peixe
Home- lar/ casa
Fried potatoes- batata frita
Such- como
Afraid- medo
Mashed potatoes- purê de batatas
Sweet- doce
Atividades sobre o texto:
1)Retire do texto 04 (four) palavras cognatas;
2)Circule 02 (five) pronomes pessoais (personal pronouns) no texto.
3)Escreva 05 (five) substantivos (nouns);

(2ª aula)

Os adjetivos possessivos (possessive adjectives) são palavras que têm a função de
modificar um substantivo indicando propriedade ou posse. Por exemplo, “This book is her
book” (Este livro é o livro dela) o adjetivo possessivo “her” (dela) está especificando que o
livro pertence a ela. Na Língua Inglesa os adjetivos possessivos são:
• My - meu, meus, minha, minhas
Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

• Your - sua, seu

• His – dele
• Her - dela
• Its - dela, dele (coisas ou animais)
• Our - nosso, nossos
• Your - suas, seus
• Their - delas, deles
Outros exemplos de como usar o adjetivo possessivo:

They don’t want to spend all their money on the project. (Eles não querem gastar todo o
dinheiro deles no projeto)
Are these your shoes? They are beautiful. (Esses são seus sapatos? Eles são bonitos)
These men are my brothers, they are beautiful. (Estes homens são meus irmãos, eles são
Julia lives with her mother. (Julia mora com a mãe dela)
That's my father's cigar. (Aquele charuto é do meu pai)
Os adjetivos possessivos, na língua inglesa, apresentam algumas características quanto
a ao número e gênero:

Os adjetivos possessivos não se diferenciam em número, ou seja, não apresentam plural.

This is our pen. (Esta é nossa caneta)
These are our pens. (Estas são nossas canetas)
That is my magazine. (Aquela revista é minha)
Those are my magazines. (Aquelas são minhas revistas)

E os adjetivos possessivos não se diferenciam em gênero, ou seja, podem ser utilizados

tanto para o masculino quanto para o feminino.
• He hates my sister. (Ele odeia minha irmã)
• He hates my brother. (Ele odeia meu irmão)
• They gave their medals to children. (Eles deram as medalhas deles para as
• The waitresses lost their money. (As garçonetes perderam o dinheiro delas)
Sendo assim, os adjetivos possessivos são usados frente a um substantivo para modifica-
lo, indicando posse ou propriedade e não variam nem gênero e nem em número.

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

(3ª aula) Active

1. Complete as frases com possessive adjectives.

You are Betty. Your bag is green.
a) He is Mike. ______ bike is old.
b) I am Sarah. ______ book is big.
c) They are Mike and Sarah. ______ car is red.
d) She is Carol. _____ hair is short.
e) We are Sophie and Michael. _____ house is nice.
f) It is a giraffe. ______ legs are long.
g) You are Maggie and Antonio. ______ cats are beautiful.

2. Complete as frases com possessive adjectives.

a) James and Alice have got a cat.

_______ cat is small.

b) Edward and I have got bikes.

_______ bikes are red.

c) Frank has got two dogs.

________ dogs are old.

d) I have got a computer.

e) Jenny and Martin have got a car.
_______ car is nice.

f) Amy has got jeans.

_______ jeans are blue.

g) Billy has got a camera.

_______ camera is expensive.

h) Dave and Dora have got a house.

_______ house is big.
i) Fred and I have got an English teacher.
_______ teacher is good.

j) You have got a mobile phone.

________ mobile phone is new.

3. Observe a imagem e complete as frases com his, her ou their.

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

a) __________ shirt is blue.

b) __________ car is red.
c) __________ hair is dark.
d) __________ trainers are green.
e) __________ house is white.
f) __________ shirt is orange.
g) __________ dogs are brown.
h) __________ trousers are blue.
i) __________ trousers are white.
j) __________ hair is long.

(4ª aula)

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

Every 15
Breast cancer affects us all. Mothers and grandmothers. Daughters
and sons. Sisters, brothers, fathers, friends and families. With

breast cancer, every second counts. Every 15 seconds, somewhere
in the world, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. Almost

everyone knows at least one person who has been impacted by
breast cancer - or has heard those words themselves. Breast cancer

in the world,
is the most common cancer in women worldwide and is increasing,
particularly in developing countries where the majority of cases are

a woman is
diagnosed in late stages.2 It is the second most common cancer
overall and impacts a wide range of people regardless of their age,

gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status or lifestyle. Men are
also touched by the disease. In fact, their lifetime risk of getting

with breast
breast cancer is about 1 in 833.
Search: https://www.elcompanies.com/en/our-commitments/the-

cancer. breast- cancer-campaign

Answer the questions about the text.

1- Have you heard about the BCAM- Breast cancer Awareness

Month ? 2- Do you think this campaign is important ?

3- Do you know someone who has been impact by breast

cancer ? 4- In which countries breast cancer is incising ? Why?

5- Did you know that men are also affect by this

disease ? 6- What are the odds of men getting breast

cancer ?

7- Do you think that life style impacts in prevention of breast cancer ?

Why? 8- What should we do to improve health lifestyle?

ATIVIDADE COMPLEMENTAR:Livro English and more! 9º ANO. Leitura e interpretação

do texto: The city We Need( Revolutionnizing mobility.
Páginas: 16. Atividades: 6,7,8e 9 da página 32;

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