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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-28

word of the Lord in attacking the foundation of thy distress— even as listening to the things of the worldly perspective and
valuing the things of the carnal view with greater adherence than the things of the spiritual realm and substance. Peace
abideth in long- suffering as ye overcome thy focus upon the value placed upon thee by the worldly approach; for thy value
is placed upon thy mind even as a child doth reflect the ways of the spiritual parent and believes the value inherent in the
choice phrase: Ye are mine; for I have spiritually begotten thee amidst the carnal ploys of the adversary who doth gnash his
teeth having lost thy value to the things of the redeemed perspective; for thy value is in Christ and ye are perfected in Christ
and ye find thy value hidden among the meek of the sheep who follow the world of followership and discipleship amid a
voice calling thee to forsake thine inheritance. Blessed be the word of the Lord within thy mind. Blessed be thy faith which
has forsaken the instruction of the counterfeit indoctrination. Blessed be the things of the realm of new revelation; for the
word of the Lord has rested upon thee and ye are whole in thy faithful approach to the throne of God. Blessed art thou, my
daughter of the new covenant, for ye shall enter into the circle of redeemed value and cognition placed upon thy mind and
heart of thy dwelling in peace in the covenant of eternal life. So be it written and given unto thee that ye would be
strengthened by the word of the Lord resting upon thy mind to the convincing thy heart of the value given unto thee by God
who doth call thee friend and fellow- servant in the household of faith in the Only Begotten of the Father, even Jesus the
Christ, the Son of the Eternal Father who doth permit thy mind to see and hear things of the renewed perspective; for thou
art blessed beyond measure because of thy faith prevalent which abides within thy mind and thy heart feasts upon the manna
of discipleship in the presence of the Lord. So be it written that as ye are attacked to disbelieve this revelation, ye would
pray for the returning of the faith necessary to garnish a belief in the Son of God who doth protect thee from the adversary,
even by thy desire to teach and train the minds of thy family in the strength of the Lord as given unto thee. So be it written
that ye have called upon thy God for sustenance and have received the strength inherent in the words of eternal life which
beckon thee to believe the Lord and feast upon the eternal manna of revealed religion. Cast away thy fear of man: for what
can man do to thee even as thy spirit has found refuge in the presence of God? So be it written that ye have been
strengthened to overcome the looks of those who would discard thy testimony of the presence of God upon thy brow even
that ye abide in the words of the Lord strewn across thy brow and thy countenance doth reflect the knowledge given thee of
God that ye would not fear thy husband, nor thy children, nor the people of the world who rely upon the world of carnal
perception for their eyes are seeking the knowledge of counterfeit stimulation to lull them into a security believing all is
well; for ye believe not the world nor its precepts of wellness for ye have gained the favor of thy Father who doth deliver
thee from the chains of the carnal reasoning- emotional process. Blessed be thy faith in the God of Israel who doth deliver
his people according to their faith placed in his name. Blessed be thy name as it is written in the Lamb's Book of
Remembrance that ye would have life inherent in thy faith dominant to secure a blessing given even by the hand of the Lord
this day. Write as thou doth hear in thy mind: Blessed art thou for the name placed upon thee is my name, even the name of
thine overcoming the world; for the word of Christ falls upon thy brow; and ye are whole in the application of thy faith
placed in the Holy Messiah who doth prepare thee to be offered as a living sacrifice unto thy family that thy faith would
prepare thee to overcome the cruelty associated with thy mortal surroundings. Feast not on the things of the world, but find
thy sustenance in the things of eternal life. So be it given unto thee to sustain thee in thy hours of trial and fellowship with
thy Lord who doth bring peace unto thy mind and doth cover thy mind with the covering of Spirit to protect thee from the
darts of the adversary which seek to pierce thy heart and drain from thee thy faith in the Only Begotten of the Father who
condescended below all things in the living sacrifice. Praise be unto God for ye find thy rejoicing in Christ for his name
abideth upon thy brow; and ye are called by the name of Christ, even that ye would hearken to the words of the living
sacrifice and find thy peace in the foundation of thy faith placed in the water of eternal living in a mortality element, but
with the water of eternal life flowing unto thee even as ye stand in the presence of holy administrators who seal upon thee
the blessings of the holy priesthood and find thee well and good to partake of the new cup of adversity and testing to
absolve the world from thy garments of white linen which are placed upon thee according to thy faith hi Jesus Christ; for thy
calling and election is made sure unto thee that ye would be found willing to abide by the word of the Lord sealed upon thee
in the name of Christ even as ye are called by the name of Christ and ye have had a new name placed upon thee even the
name of Christ, that ye would abide the law and the rejoicing element in thine adherence to the word of eternal duration.
Blessed art thou; for thine unwavering faith to receive these blessings from the hand of thy Savior and Redeemer; for ye
have partaken of the redemption in thy behalf and have gained admittance into the realm of living friendship and fellowship
with Christ who doth monitor thine understanding and give thee hope unto eternal dwelling with the Gods who protect thee
and care for thine understanding and fellowship thee ih thy mortality. Peace be unto thee this day; and may the assurance
abide with thee that I will speak thy name to the Father; and ye are clean every whit. So be it written that ye might have
confidence in the presence of God this day as ye partake of the strength promised those who adhere to the word of the Lord
and overcome the world of carnal beginnings. So be it written that ye find thy love of the Lord upon thy brow even as ye are
sealed upon by the Holy Spirit of promise to the strengthening of thy faith made perfect even as ye find thy sustenance in the
words of eternal life and eternal duration in the household of faith according to the plan written upon thy heart which

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZBFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, BVC is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-28

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