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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the trihute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-146

righteousness transferred to the pure- heart recipient of the covenant of eternal life. So be it given to thee this day to know of
thine election to overcome all things in the name of eternal righteousness. So be it that ye find the favor granted thee to
write the word of righteousness and deliver thee up to an inheritance of greater knowledge to sustain thee in the world of
denigrating dispersion placed upon thy name by those incapable of monitoring the Spirit of eternal righteousness upon then-
own understanding. So be it written to challenge thy heart to accept the comfort given of God this day to overcome all
things in the name of the extended name of holy righteousness. Amen that ye do satisfy thy desire to obtain the measure of
righteousness transfigured upon thee to the knowledge of inheritance in a kingdom of glory denoting the voice and measure
of holiness rising upon thy countenance as holiness unto the Lord. So be it written to grant the peace in the sacred name of
living righteousness. [May 14, 1998 (3)]
May 16, 1998 (1)
May 16, 1998 (1) I have bestowed upon thee the knowledge of the eternal covenant of everlasting lives unto a fullness
brought to thee to fellowship in the name of God with the knowledge of righteousness and the everlasting fellowship of the
word of the Lord. This ordinance is in place upon thee in the fellowship circle of greater awareness of the words of eternal
life. I have come unto thee and lead thee by the hand and do acknowledge thee before the face of God the Eternal Father
where ye stand pure and clean having had given to thee the transfigured knowledge of the pure and holy knowledge of the
Fathership of God wherein ye come to understand the knowledge of the pure and holy- transfigured blood of the Father as
revealed in the time and season of righteousness bestowed to thy broken and contrite- severed heart in the name of the holy
Son of Elohim, the Father of lights and the Father of eternal- life inheritance. This knowledge of thine inheritance granted
unto thee is given to comfort thy heart. [May 16, 1998 (1)]
May IS, 199S (1)
May 18,1998 (1) [Upon awakening from sleep I heard the words:] Knowest thou the way?
May 18, 1998 (2)
May 18, 1998 (2) Write to come to understanding to obtain the confidence before the face of the Lord to speak the words
given of God that ye come to a union of the heart with those who have been commissioned to stand in the circle of the holy
knowledge of God. Be at peace and come forth to greater understanding that ye close thy mind to the adversarial fear which
blocks the forward progression of the new hand of revelatory thought Be at peace and forsake the fear like a plague which
hampers the degree of understanding brought forth to thy mind and heart. So be it given to thee to write and gain the
perspective of the new day of faith arising like a Daystar in thy mind to offset the fear in the world. [May 18,1998 (2)]
May 21, 1998 (1)
May 21, 1998 (1) Be at peace for the word of the Lord is found across thy brow as ye write in the sacred name of the Lord
Jesus Christ. Blessed art thou as ye weather the trial upon thy body and overcome the physical nature with thy degree of
faith in the word of the Lord Jesus Christ. Be at peace. Be at peace. Forsake not thine understanding as ye suffer in the
things ye are called forth to do in the name of the Lord. Be at peace; be at peace, for I have overcome the world for those
who have the word of eternal life flowing across their brow unto a new day of understanding arising in their heart. Be at
peace and forsake not the things of eternal life, for the work of eternal life abideth within thy heart and mind to gain the
understanding of the words of eternal life. [May 21,1998 (1)]
May 21, 1998(2)
May 21, 1998 (2) Blessed art thou for ye shall behold the Lamb of God within thy mind and receive the words of eternal life
in thy heart, even as ye feast upon the living word of Christ to gain understanding in the name of the Lord. So be it written
that ye would abide the knowledge- gathering process in the name of the Lord that ye be comforted in thy path of obedience
which is required of thee that ye obtain the knowledge and birthright inheritance of the things of gift and talent to overcome
the world and find great joy in the words of enlightenment which are the inheritance of the pure heart even the talent of light
and increase in the eternal world even that ye might overcome the world and forsake the traditions of the world which bind
thee to act in righteousness. So be it written that ye might overcome the fear in the world which seeks to dissolve thy faith
placed in the name of Jesus Christ, even that ye would find the words of eternal life and be found holding out thine hand to
obtain a portion of the word to enlighten thy heart with the light of the word of righteousness. Blessed art thou as ye
increase in thy faith monitored upon thy pure heart as ye seek to understand the word of righteousness and the light of
eternal words of clarity as ye ascribe the things of an eternal dominion to thy faith in the name of Jesus Christ found given
unto thee as holiness granted unto the righteous who obtain the mercy of the word of righteousness to declare the lineage
inheritance to be found in the pathway of greater obedience. So be it written that ye would be found hi the preservation of
the word of the Lord in the world that the offering of thy heart might not be destroyed by those who have not the light to
discern the good from that which is not of God, for ye shall preserve the word of righteousness [(*)] given unto thee that ye
might preserve the word of an everlasting dominion granted unto thee in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. So be it written
and granted unto thee to understand the things of an everlasting inheritance which bring forth unto thine understanding the
things of an everlasting righteousness obtained in the pure heart unto righteousness.] [(*) September 9,2002 added words;

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofienewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-146

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