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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-I82

Eternal Father in the name of God the eternal Son of God in the name of the Holy Spirit of the righteousness throne-
dominion knowledge and circumference which granteth unto thee an understanding of the dominion associated with the new
word of the face to face transfer of living righteousness, even as the word of the transfer of living righteousness doth awaken
thy mind and heart to the things of a greater functioning in the dominion where there is no fear attached to the mind and
heart which desires to feast in the presence of God. Arise and come forth to the place of faith where ye are accompanied by
the light and countenance of the right hand of the Father that ye would be welcomed into the right- hand dominion of
righteousness even that the right- hand favor of the word of eternal righteousness awakened thy mind and heart to the things
of an everlasting perspective which dominates thee with an enlivened perspective where the things of God are for thy benefit
forever and ever and no more go out of the presence of God for thy mind has been transfigured in the presence of God to be
made aware of the functioning hierarchy which encompasses thy perception in the world unto a greater foundation of the
word of perfect sacrifice of the things of the worldly perspective. Blessed art thou as ye find the word of the transfigured
mindset set upon thy mind unto a greater dominion of perfected harmony with the voice of the face to face instruction which
ye receive in the name of righteousness even that the name of righteousness doth accompany thee into the knowledge of the
order of the Son of God unto an efficacy of the pure blood of the Righteous Father which denotes that ye do accompany the
word of righteousness into the hearts of those who seek to bring forth a newness of life and a desire to be found hi the things
of an everlasting inheritance in the name of the Father who doth seal thee to an understanding of the word of the
righteousness of the place of dwelling in the presence of the throne of God where ye would be found prepared to change thy
dominion to one of service and extended compassion to the children of God who are awakened to the righteousness of the
Son of God. So be it written and given unto thee that ye might be sealed upon with the Holy Spirit of promise which is a
promise of inherited worlds without number and unlimited access to the things of an eternal perspective. So be it written
that ye would remember the mercy of God toward thee as ye are found delivered from the world. So be it written to grant
thee an extended peace in the knowledge of the throne circumference which inhabits an inheritance in the name of Jesus
Christ [6:22 a.m.- 7:25 a.m February 3, 2001 (2)]
February 7, 2001(1)
February 7, 2001 (1) Write that ye might receive a confirmation of the knowledge and light received in thy heart this day as
ye come to an understanding of the things of a greater understanding which would protect thee in the day of tribulation in
the midst of the turmoil and sabotage surrounding the word of the Lord granted to the pure in heart Blessed art thou as ye
find the things of a basket full of the mercy of the love of God that ye might rejoice in the knowledge of the Son of God unto
a knowledge of things of godliness in the presence of God. So be it written that ye might have confirmed unto thee the way
of the path of the light and glory of the things of an added upon countenance which is brightened with the knowledge of the
Son of God who speaks unto the pure heart in the way and pathway of an enlightened countenance which is filled with the
knowledge of the pure blood of the Father unto a restoration granted the children of Israel who are remade in the image of
the Son of God who becomes the Inheritor of the covenant of eternal lives and eternal knowledge adjoined to the hearts of
the pure who see the tribute offering awakening in the heart as a trumpet blows the tribute- welcome anthem of the
knowledge of the arrival of the King of the kingdom of God in the heart. So be it written that ye might abide in the things of
an awakened countenance and abide the enlightened and expanded knowledge of the way of the eternal pattern of
everlasting lives which is awakened in the heart unto a knowledge of the things of a kingdom of righteousness and a
knowledge of a kingdom of grace accompanying a knowledge of a kingdom of the throne of the Everlasting Father found
inhabited by the children of the Father who arrive to partake of an evening meal in the presence of God who adopts the
lineage of the inheritor into the lineage of righteousness and the righteousness of eternal light and knowledge awakens a
standing form and a standing venue to be added upon the grace and instruction of the way of an inhabited dominion and a
grace overcome in the world. So be it written that ye would be enlightened according to the things which bring thee hope
and a further understanding of the grace of an enlightened participation in the knowledge of the righteousness of the Son of
God. So be it written to bring thee peace in the platform of greater inheritance in the kingdom of the Father in the name of
the Son and by the authority and Sonship knowledge of the Inheritor in the sacred dominion of the righteousness of the
Holy Ghost. So be it written to convey to thy countenance a cellular dominion of the character of the righteousness of
eternal lives. So be it given unto thee as ye inherit a greater understanding of the wise use of the law of the things of a
forever knowledge of righteousness. So be it given unto thee. Amen and amen unto a continuing of thy seed in the things of
the mind and heart which is focussed in the way of the word of Jesus Christ. So be it given to distinguish thee according to
thy faithfulness in the knowledge of the Son of Righteousness in the hallowed name of Jesus Christ [February 7,2001 (1)]
February 7, 2001 (2)
February 7,2001 (2) Blessed art thou as ye come forth to gain the knowledge of the first fruits of the sacrifice of the Son
of God that ye might come to the knowledge of the things of a pure dominion of righteousness that ye speak a given
understanding and tell the word upon thy heart as ye receive the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the promised-
circumference inheritance of the name of inheritance that ye come to a greater dominion of righteousness that ye would be

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZJFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. fiiendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-182

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