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Heh. That title took almost as long to write as it took to complete the configuration.

I spent some time today preparing the basics for webapp development and runtime. The "basics"
• Apache (2.0.40)
• Tomcat (5.0.18)
• MySQL (4.0.17)
Update (Jan 26, 2005): I've posted some new information related to the tomcat config for
versions higher than 5.0.18.

To make sure I understood the differences across environments, I configured the system in parallel on
both a Linux Red Hat 9 machine and a Windows XP machine. Before I begin with describing the steps
I took to configure it, I want to thank Erik for his help in finding/building the right packages and
distributions, particularly on the Linux side of things. It would have taken a lot longer without it.
So here are the steps I took to get it up and running...
The installation of Apache is pretty straightforward, both for Linux and Windows. Red Hat 9 usually
includes Apache "out of the box" so there's one less step to go through. When in doubt, the Apache
docs usually fill in the picture (documentation for 2.0 has improved a lot with respect to 1.3.x).
Here's where things got interesting. The last time I used Tomcat was when 4.0 was about to be released,
and I had switched over to the dev tree for 4 since 3.x had serious scalability problems. There are tons
of new things in the package, but the basic configuration doesn't need most of them. Installing Tomcat
itself is in fact also quite straightforward (Again, the docs are quite complete), but it's when you want it
to access it through Apache that things get a little more complicated.
Apache + Tomcat: The Fun Begins
To access Tomcat through a Apache you need a connector. Tomcat has connectors for both Apache and
IIS, but the problem is that apache.org doesn't include RPMs (and in some cases) binaries. The
connector that I wanted to use was JK2, but binaries for RH9 where not available (I got the Windows
binaries from there though). So. I first tried downloading the package supplied at JPackage.org (which
is a really handy resource for Java stuff on Linux) but after a few tries (both getting the binaries and
rebuilding from the source RPMS, including having to install most of the dev stuff which still wasn't in
the server) it wasn't working. Most probable reason for this was that these packages are actually being
done for Fedora, not RH9.... it's amazing that Fedora hasn't officially taken over and already we've got
compatibility problems. Finally Erik pointed me to this page at RPM.pbone.net where I could actually
get the binary RPMs directly and install it. So far so good. Now for the configuration.
Configuring the connector is not really that complicated, and it worked on the first try. The steps are as
follows ("APACHE_DIR" is Apache's installation directory, and "TOMCAT_DIR" is Tomcat's install
1. Go to TOMCAT_DIR/conf and edit the file jk2.properties, adding the following line:

(This is just because I chose to use a port other than the default).
2. In the same directory, open server.xml and look for the "non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector".
This is the standard Tomcat-only connector and comment it out since we'll be using Apache for
handling HTTP requests. In the same file, look for a commented line that says "<Context
path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0">". Right after that line, add the following Context path:
<Context path="" docBase="APACHE_DIR/htdocs" debug="0"
reloadable="true" crossContext="true"/>

Btw, htdocs is the standard Apache root document dir, you will need to change that if you have
moved it to another location.
3. Now go to the APACHE_DIR/conf directory. There, create a file workers2.properties, with the
following contents:

# socket channel

# worker for the connector


Note that the port matches that defined in server.xml above for Tomcat.
4. Copy the module file into APACHE_DIR/modules (for Windows this will be something of the
form mod_jk2*.dll and for linux mod_jk2*.so).
5. Edit the file APACHE_DIR/conf/httpd.conf and add the following lines at the end of the list of
modules loaded into Apache:
LoadModule jk2_module modules/MODULE_FILE_NAME

<Location "/*.jsp">
JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009

<Location "/mywebapp">
JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009

The "mywebapp" reference points to a directory that will be handled by Tomcat, you can add as
many mappings/file types as you need to be handled by the connector.
And we're set! You can now drop a simple test.jsp file into the Apache document root, something like
<H1><%= " Tomcat works!" %></h1><%= "at " +
java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime() %>

And then access it simply with


Before moving on to configuring database pools on Tomcat and so on, it's a good idea to test JDBC in
an isolated environment. This is easy. First, get the MySQL Control Center application to create a test
user and database/table to prepare the environment. This app is quite complete, and multiplatform to
boot (Erik also mentioned Navicat as an app with similar functionality but better UI for Mac OS). For
this test I created a a database called testdb and a single table in it, called user. I added three fields to
the table: name (varchar), password (varchar) and id (int). I also created a test user (username=test,
password=testpwd). Note that the user has to be allowed access from the host that you'll be running the
test on, typically localhost, as well as permissions on the database that you'll be using (in this case,
Once the db is ready, you can get MySQL's JDBC driver, Connector/J, from this page. After adding it
to the classpath, you should be able to both compile and run the following simple JDBC test app:
import java.sql.*;

public class TestSQL {

public static void main(String[] s)

try {
Connection conn = null;
String dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/testdb?
//fields are name (String), password (String) and
ID (int)
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl);
String statement = "INSERT INTO user (name,
password, id) VALUES ('usr1', 'pwd1', '1')";
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
boolean res = stmt.execute(statement);

String query = "SELECT * FROM user";

ResultSet st = stmt.executeQuery(query);
while (st.next()) {
String name = st.getString("name");
String pwd = st.getString("password");
String id = st.getString("id");
if (stmt != null) {

if (conn != null) {

} catch (Exception e) {

Which, when executed, should print Query result: usr1/pwd1/1.

Using JDBC/MySQL from Tomcat
Once JDBC and MySQL are up and running, we can move to the final step, namelyl, access the
MySQL database through JDBC from Tomcat. For this I used the guide provided here within the
Tomcat docs. For completeness (and to maintain the context of this example), the following are the
steps required to set up the JNDI reference to the connection pool (managed from code built into
Tomcat that uses the Apache Commons Pool library among other things):
1. Copy the JDBC driver JAR file into TOMCAT_DIR/common/lib
2. Edit TOMCAT_DIR/conf/server.xml and after the Context tag for the root dir (added at the
beginning) add the following:
<Context path="/testdb" docBase="APACHE_DIR/htdocs/testd
debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">

<Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogg
prefix="localhost_DBTest_log." suffix=".txt

<Resource name="jdbc/TestDB"

<ResourceParams name="jdbc/TestDB">

<!-- Maximum number of dB connections in pool. Make

sure you
configure your mysqld max_connections large eno
ugh to handle
all of your db connections. Set to 0 for no lim

<!-- Maximum number of idle dB connections to retain

in pool.
Set to 0 for no limit.

<!-- Maximum time to wait for a dB connection to bec

ome available
in ms, in this example 10 seconds. An Exception
is thrown if
this timeout is exceeded. Set to -1 to wait in

<!-- MySQL dB username and password for dB connectio

ns -->

<!-- Class name for mm.mysql JDBC driver -->

<!-- The JDBC connection url for connecting to your
The autoReconnect=true argument to the url make
s sure that the
mm.mysql JDBC Driver will automatically reconne
ct if mysqld closed the
connection. mysqld by default closes idle conn
ections after 8 hours.

This sets up the JNDI resource and paths.

3. Now edit TOMCAT_DIR/conf/web.xml and add the following after the default servlet:
<description>DB Connection</description>

Finally, compile and package into a JAR the following java file (TestSQLLoad.java):
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.sql.*;
import java.sql.*;

public class TestSQLLoad


String user = "Not Connected";

String pwd = "no pwd";
int id = -1;

public void init() {

Context ctx = new InitialContext();
if(ctx == null ) {
throw new Exception("Boom - No Context");

DataSource ds =
if (ds != null) {
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

if(conn != null) {
user = "Got Connection "+conn.toString();
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
String q = "select name, password, id from user";
ResultSet rst = stmt.executeQuery(q);
if(rst.next()) {
id = rst.getInt(3);
}catch(Exception e) {

public String getUser() {

return user;

public String getPassword() {

return pwd;

public int getID()

return id;

4. Once you've got the JAR ready, drop it into TOMCAT_DIR/common/lib as well.
Important note: Normally we would configure the JNDI resources and drop the JAR file into
an independent web application, but I am placing it into the default web app and dropping
everything into common/lib (not a good idea in general, except for the JDBC driver's library) to
simplify the example. Quick and dirty, and yes, maybe a bit too dirty, but it's better not to be
configuring a web app at the same time; all we need to know is that the JDBC driver, the JNDI
reference, and the pool work properly.
5. We're almost ready. Now create a directory testdb under APACHE_DIR/htdocs (or whatever
your Apache document root is) and create a file test-db.jsp with the following contents:
<title>DB Test</title>
TestSQLLoad tst = new TestSQLLoad();

User <%= tst.getUser() %><br/>
Pwd <%= tst.getPassword() %><br/>
Id <%= tst.getID() %>


You should now be able to access it through the following URL:


And that's it! Phew!

Apache, Tomcat and MySQL are ready to go. Hope this helps, and as usual, comments/questions are

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