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(Text decided by the Board of Directors

of Luxottica Group S.p.A. 31.07.2008)



1. General principles
1.1 Targets
1.2 Commitments of Luxottica
1.3 Obligations for all the employees
1.4 Further obligations for the Persons in charge of the Business Units and Functions
1.5 Validity of the Code towards third parties
1.6 Bodies of reference
1.7 Contractual value of the Code

2 Behaviour in the conduct of business

2.1 Conduct of business in general
2.2 Gifts and other benefits
2.3 Conflict of interest
2.4 Relations with the shareholders
2.5 Relations with the suppliers
2.6 Relations with the customers

3 Relations with the outside

3.1 Relations with Parties, Trade-Unions and Associations
3.2 Relations with Public Institutions
3.3 Relations with the mass media

4 Treatment of privileged information, internal dealing and market announcements

5 Personnel Policies
5.1 Human resource management
5.2 Sexual harassment / Respect for colleagues
5.3 Overindulgence in alcohol and excessive use of drugs
5.4 Smoking

6 Transparency of accounting report and internal controls

6.1 Accounting report
6.2 Internal controls
6.3 Anti-laundering and anti-terrorism

7. Adoption, effectiveness and changes

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The company group comprising Luxottica Group S.p.A. and its subsidiaries (the companies
controlled directly or indirectly by Luxottica Group S.p.A., with the term “control”
meaning what is defined in art. 93 of Lgs.D. 58/1998, hereinafter referred to as “Luxottica
Group”), is an international reality that operates in a variety of institutional, economical,
political, social and cultural contexts in continuous and rapid development.

The mission of the Luxottica Group is to dedicate itself to eye protection and to
improvement of the faces of women and men in the world, producing and marketing
sunglasses and eyeglasses of high technical quality and style in order to maximise
consumer wellbeing and satisfaction.

All the activities of the Luxottica Group must be carried out in compliance with the law, in
fair competition with honesty, integrity, correctness and good faith, observing the lawful
interests of the customers, employees, business and financial partners and of the
community in which the activities of the Luxottica Group are present. All those working
with Luxottica Group, without distinction or exception, are obliged to observe and make
sure that everyone observes these principles within their own functions and
responsibilities. The conviction of acting to the advantage of the Luxottica Group may in
no way justify the adoption of behaviours in contrast with these principles.

Due to the complexity of the situations in which the Luxottica Group operates, it is
important to clearly define all the values that Luxottica Group acknowledges, accepts and
shares, as well as all the responsibilities that the Luxottica Group takes upon itself towards
the inside and the outside. For this reason, this "Code of Ethics" or "Code" has been
prepared. It encompasses a set of principles and rules whose observance by the targets is
very important for the proper operation, the reliability and the reputation of the Luxottica
The Code of Ethics intends to inspire the operations, behaviours and way of working with
correctness, fairness, integrity, loyalty and professional uprightness both in the internal
relations of the Luxottica Group and in the relations with external subjects, by placing the
observance of the laws and regulations of the Countries in which the Luxottica Group
operates as well the observance of business procedures at the centre of attention.
The Board of Directors of Luxottica Group S.p.A., adapting itself to the more advanced
standards of Corporate Governance, adopts this Code of Ethics in order to ratify the
aforesaid principles of ethics and transparency as well as to reconcile the pursue of
competitiveness with the requirements of fair competition.
Luxottica will carefully supervise the observance of the Code of Ethics, preparing
appropriate means of information, prevention and control and assuring the transparency of
the operations and behaviours, intervening with remedial actions, if necessary.
This Code of Ethics is also published on the corporate site, www.luxottica.com, in order to
offer the widest possible disclosure of its contents.

The Organisational Model adopted by the Company according to the provisions of Lgs. D.
231/2001 (administrative liability of the bodies for facts amounting to a crime), of which it
is an integral part, is based on the Code of Ethics. The violation of the principles and rules
contained in it may determine serious consequences for the Company also pursuant to the
said regulation.

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1.1 Targets

The subjects to whom the regulations of this Code of Ethics apply are hereinafter referred
to as "Targets", identified in the Directors and members of the corporate bodies of all the
companies of the Luxottica Group, in all the employees of the companies of the Luxottica
Group and in all those who, directly or indirectly, permanently or temporarily, establish
relations with the Luxottica Group or operate to pursue its aims, in all the Countries where
the Luxottica Group operates.
The activity carried out by the companies of the Luxottica Group is informed with the
principles of correctness and transparency. For this purpose, transactions with related
parties, including infragroup transactions, observe the principles of substantial and
procedural correctness, according to previously established principles of behaviour for
their execution, properly made known to the market.
First of all, it is up to the managers to make the values and principles contained in the
Code practical, making themselves responsible towards the inside and the outside, and
strengthening the faith, cohesiveness and spirit of the Luxottica Group.
The employees of the Luxottica Group, in compliance with the law and regulations in
force, will adjust their actions and behaviours to the principles, aims and commitments
contemplated by the Code.
When fixing the corporate objectives, the members of the Board of Directors draw their
inspiration from the principles contained in the Code.
All the actions, operations and transactions carried out and, in general, the behaviours of
the employees of the Luxottica Group when carrying on the business are inspired by the
maximum uprightness from the point of view of management, by the completeness and
transparency of information, by lawfulness from the formal and substantial side, and by
clarity and truth in auditing according to the regulations in force and internal procedures.
Each employee must provide professional contributions suitable to the assigned
responsibilities and must act in such a way as to protect the prestige and image of the
Luxottica Group.
Each Target is obliged to know the Code of Ethics, actively contribute to its
implementation and report any lacks to the competent functions of reference.
For the full observance of the Code of Ethics, should any employee become acquainted
with situations that may, actually or potentially, represent and important violation of the
Code of Ethics, he/she must immediately inform his/her immediate superior and one of
the Bodies of reference set forth in the following point 1.6.

1.2 Commitments of Luxottica

Luxottica makes also sure through the appointment of specific functions ("Bodies of
reference”) that:
1) the Code is disclosed to the Targets at best;
2) the Code is updated in order to adjust it to the development of civil
sensibility and of the regulations important for the Code itself;
3) each notice of violation of the regulations of the Code is checked;
4) facts are weighed and, in case of ascertained violation, appropriate
sanctions are applied;
5) no one can undergo reprisals of any kind for having given information
on possible violations of the Code or of the regulations of reference.

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1.3 Obligations for all the employees

Each employee must be acquainted with the regulations contained in the Code and with
the regulations of reference that govern the activity carried out within his/her function.
The employees of the Luxottica Group are obliged to:
1) refrain from behaving against such regulations;
2) refer to their superiors or to the Human Resource structure of
reference if explanations are required on their method of application;
3) report immediately to their superiors or to the Human Resource
structure of reference or to the Internal Audit Manager any information, obtained
directly by them or reported by others, on their possible violation as well as any
request to violate them;
4) - in cases of presumed serious violations - send the report directly to
the Internal Audit Manager, according to the methods provided by the Procedure
for the management of reports concerning violations of principles and
regulations defined and/or acknowledged by the Luxottica Group.

1.4 Further obligations for the Persons in charge of the Business Units and Functions

Each person in charge of the Business Unit/Function is obliged to:

1) represent with his/her own behaviour an example for his
collaborators and make them observe the Code and the procedures of reference;
2) explain to his/her collaborators that the observance of the
regulations of the Code as well as of the procedures and safety regulations is an
essential part of the quality of the work done;
3) carefully select, for what is of direct concern, internal and external
collaborators in order not to entrust tasks to persons who do not inspire full
confidence on their own commitment to observe the regulations of the Code and
the procedures;
4) adopt immediate remedial measures when the situation requires it.

1.5 Validity of the Code towards third parties

All the employees of the Luxottica Group, according to their competences, within the
relations with external subjects, towards third-party subjects, must:
1) inform them properly on the commitments and obligations imposed
by the Code;
2) require the respect of the obligations that concern directly their
3) adopt the appropriate internal and, if of direct concern, external
initiatives if the third party fails to fulfil the obligation to comply with the
regulations of the Code.

1.6 Bodies of reference

The bodies of reference for applying the Code are set below:
- the Human Resource Manager, with the task of promoting the knowledge of the
Code within the Luxottica Group and adopting the appropriate sanctions in case
of violations of the Code;
- the Internal Auditing Manager, with the task of checking the information on
possible violations, promoting the most appropriate inquests and inspections

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making use of the competent structures of the Luxottica Group, in particular of
Human Resources, considering and informing the Human Resource Manager or
another competent corporate body for the nature and seriousness of the
violation the results of the inspections for the remedial measures to be taken.

1.7 Contractual value of the Code

The Code is an integral part of the relation between employer and employee. The
observance of the regulations of the Code must be considered as an essential part of the
obligations of the Employees of the Companies of the Luxottica Group.
The violation of the Code regulations may be considered as non-fulfilment of the primary
obligations of the relation between employer and employee or disciplinary offence, with
all law consequences, also in respect of the preservation of the employment and may
imply actions for compensation for damages caused by the violation itself. For non-
employee Targets, the observance of the Code is a requirement for the continuation of
the professional/collaborative relation existing with the Luxottica Group.


2.1 Conduct of business in general

Business relations of the Luxottica Group are based on the principles of loyalty,
correctness, transparency, efficiency and outlet to the market.
The employees of the Luxottica Group and external collaborators who operate in the name
and on behalf of the Luxottica Group, are obliged to have an ethical behaviour and
observant of the laws, marked by utmost transparency, clarity, correctness and efficiency
in business relations in the interest of the Luxottica Group and in relations with the Public
In business or promotional relations, the Targets are also obliged to have a behaviour in
line with business policies of the Luxottica Group, that may never be expressed, even if
aiming at the attainment of the business purpose, in actions contrary to the law, to the
regulations in force or to the business procedures adopted with reference to each function.

2.2 Gifts and other benefits

In relations with Customers, Suppliers and third parties in general, personal offers of
money, gifts or any kind of benefits aimed at obtaining undue material or apparent
advantages of any kind are not allowed (e.g. promises of economic advantages, favours,
recommendations, promises of labour supplies...).
In any case, actions of commercial courtesy are allowed, provided of low value and such as
not to compromise the integrity and reputation and not to influence the independence of
judgement of the Target.
The Target who receives gifts exceeding the normal courtesy relations and not of low value
will have to refuse and immediately inform his/her superior or one of the Bodies of
reference set forth in point 1.6.

2.3 Conflict of interest

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Targets must avoid situations and/or activities that may cause conflicts of interest with
those of the Luxottica Group or that may interfere with their capability of making
impartial decisions, in order to protect its best interest.
Should there be a situation of conflict between the interests of the Target and those of the
Luxottica Group, the Target must immediately inform his/her superior or one of the Bodies
of Reference and refrain from any activity related to the situation source of the conflict.
In the relations between the Luxottica Group and third parties, Targets must act according
to rules of ethics and of law, with the explicit prohibition of resorting to unlawful
favouritisms, collusive and corruption practices or requests for personal advantages for
themselves or for others.
Any information that may presume or foresee a situation of potential conflict of interest
with the Luxottica Group must be immediately reported to one's superior and/or to one of
the Bodies of Reference.
By way of a non-exhaustive example, the following situations may determine conflicts of
1. economic and financial interests (important ownership of shares, professional tasks
etc.), also through family members, with customers, suppliers or competitors;
2. carrying on business, also by family members, with customers, suppliers or
3. accept money, gifts or favours of any kind by persons, companies or bodies that
have or intend to have business relations with the Luxottica Group;
4. use one's own position in the company or the information acquired when working in
such a way as to create a conflict between one's own interests and those of the
5. purchase or sell shares (of companies of the Luxottica Group or outside) when, in
relation to one's work, one is acquainted with important information not yet of
public domain. In any case, dealing in securities of companies of the Luxottica
Group by important persons must always be carried out with absolute transparency
and correctness, and observing the information requirements to the market
provided by the law.

2.4 Relations with the shareholders

The Luxottica Group pursues the creation of value for the majority of its shareholders,
protecting the interests of the Group itself and of the shareholders as a whole, without any
preference for special groups or categories of shareholders. Any favouritism or preferential
behaviour towards one or more shareholders is not allowed.
Only the functions specifically authorised by the Luxottica Group are entitled to have
relations with the shareholders on behalf of the Luxottica Group.
The Luxottica Group recognises the Shareholders' Meeting as a preferential moment of
communication and exchange of views with the Board of Directors, in compliance with the
right of each shareholder to ask for explanations, information and suggest proposals. For
this purpose, the Luxottica Group promotes the widest participation in the Meeting of its
directors and shareholders and ensures correct and transparent information flows.

2.5 Relations with the Suppliers

The selection of the Suppliers and formulation of the conditions of purchase of goods and
services for the companies of the Luxottica Group is based on values and parameters of
competition, objectiveness, correctness, impartiality, price fairness, quality of the goods
and/or service, weighing carefully the servicing guarantees and the survey of the offers in

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The purchase processes must be based on the research of the maximum competitive
advantage for the Luxottica Group and on the loyalty and impartiality towards each
Supplier in possession of the requirements. Suppliers must also collaborate constantly in
order to make sure that the requirements of the customers of the Luxottica Group are met
in terms of quality and delivery time.
The stipulation of a contract with a Supplier must always be based on extremely clear
relations, avoiding, if possible, the acceptance of contractual obligations implying a
dependent position with contracting Supplier.
However, the need to pursue the maximum competitive advantage for the Luxottica Group
must necessarily make sure that the Luxottica Group and its Suppliers adopt operating
solutions in line with the regulations in force and, more in general, with the principles of
protection of the person, of the worker, of health and safety and of the environment.

2.6 Relations with the Customers

The Luxottica Group continues to be successful on international markets by offering high-

quality products and services under competing conditions and in compliance with the
regulations protecting competition.
Each Target, within the relations with the Customers and in compliance with the internal
procedures, must favour maximum Customer satisfaction, providing, among other things,
full and precise information on products and services supplied to them, in such a way as to
favour conscious choices.
2.7 Proper utilisation of corporate assets

Each Target is responsible for the protection of the resources entrusted to him/her and
must immediately inform the structures in charge of any threats or detrimental events for
the Luxottica Group.
More precisely, each Target must:
- operate with diligence to protect the corporate assets, through responsible
behaviours and in line with the operating procedures prepared for regulating
their utilisation;
- avoid improper utilisations of corporate assets that may cause damages or a
reduction in efficiency, or however in contrast with the interest of the company;
- obtain the required authorisations in case the asset is used out of the company

The growing dependence on information technology requires to guarantee the availability,

safety, integrity and maximum efficiency of this special category of assets.
Each Target must:
- not send threatening and insulting e-mail messages, use a coarse language, make
inappropriate or undesirable comments that may cause offence to the person
and/or damage to the corporate image;
- avoid spamming or chain letters that may create a traffic of
data/information/processes inside the corporate computerised network in such a
way as considerably reduce the efficiency of the network with negative impacts
on productivity;
- not surf on Internet sites with indecent and offensive contents;
- strictly adopt what is provided by the company safety policies in order not to
compromise the functions and the protection of the information systems;

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- avoid loading hired or non-authorised software on company systems, and must
never make unauthorised copies of licence programs for personal, corporate or
third-party use.

In particular, the Luxottica Group does not allow any utilisation of information systems
that may represent a violation of the laws in force, as well as offence on freedom,
integrity and dignity of persons, especially minors. Moreover, the Luxottica Group does not
allow any utilisation of the information systems that may cause unlawful intrusions or
damages to someone else's information systems.

The unintentional utilisation of these assets for any purpose out of the business activity,
may cause serious damages (economic, image, competitiveness etc.) to Luxottica with the
aggravating circumstance that an improper use may imply for it potential penal and
administrative sanctions for any crimes and the need to undertake disciplinary actions
towards the Targets.


3.1 Relations with Parties, Trade-Unions and Associations

The Luxottica Group does not grant direct or indirect contributions to Political Parties both
in Italy and abroad nor to their representatives or candidates.
Each employee must acknowledge that any kind of involvement in political activities
occurs on a personal basis, during one's spare time, at one's own expenses and in
compliance with the laws in force.
Moreover, the Luxottica Group does not grant contributions to organisations with whom a
conflict of interest may be recognised (such as trade-unions, consumers' associations or
environmentalist associations). Cooperation is possible when: the aim is attributable to the
mission of the Luxottica Group or referable to projects of public interest; the destination
of resources is clear and documentable; there is an explicit authorisation by the business
functions in charge.

3.2 Relations with Public Institutions

Relations with Bodies and Public Organisations, necessary to develop the business plans of
the Luxottica Group, are exclusively reserved to the business functions delegated to this.
Relations must be based on utmost transparency, clarity, correctness and such as not to
lead to partial, distorted, ambiguous or misleading interpretations by public institutional
subjects with whom different kinds of relations exist.
Gifts and actions of courtesy and hospitality towards representatives such as public officers
or public utility service officers are allowed when of low value and such that they cannot
be interpreted by a third party as directed towards the attainment of advantages in an
inappropriate way. In any case, this kind of expense must be authorised and supported
adequately by documentary evidence.
In particular, in the relations with Public Subjects for accessing subsidised funds, the
Luxottica Group:
- refuses any behaviour directed to attain the contribution unlawfully, by a trick
or omitting due information;
- does not allow to allocate the contribution received to purposes other than
those for which it was granted.

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3.3 Relations with the mass media

The relations between the Luxottica Group and the mass media pertain to the business
functions specifically appointed and must be carried out consistently with the policy and
the defined means of communication.
Any employee of the Luxottica Group who is requested to give an interview/issue a
statement concerning the Luxottica Group by any newspaper, is obliged to inform
previously the Corporate Communications function.



Pursuant to law provisions in force in Italy, Luxottica adopted on March 27th, 2006, a
specific procedure that regulates the management of confidential information , with a
special reference to those price sensitive, concerning the Luxottica Group in order to avoid
their selective, untimely, incomplete or inadequate disclosure.

In particular, no employee, collaborator or consultant of the Luxottica Group is allowed to:

- carry out operations on financial instruments using privileged information in
his/her possession;
- notify this information to others;
- use this information for purposes outside his/her own office and/or out of the
normal exercise of his/her function;
- disclose false and misleading information fit for causing a considerable change in
the price of financial instruments
- carry out on the financial market simulated or artful operations, in violation of
the regulations laid down by the Supervisory Authorities.

Market announcements of important information is exclusively reserved to the explicitly

commissioned business functions.
Any market announcement must occur in compliance with the principles of correctness,
clarity and equal access to the information as well as according to the methods established
by internal business regulations.

In compliance with the law provisions in force in Italy, the Luxottica Group has also
adopted a procedure on internal dealing whose task is to govern, with legally binding
effectiveness, information obligations and limits pertaining to transactions carried out on
Luxottica shares and on other financial instruments by certain “important” subjects
(including managers, main shareholders of the company and subjects strictly related to

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5.1 Human resource management

Human resources are an essential element for the existence of the company. The
dedication and professionalism of the employees are decisive values and conditions for the
attainment of the objectives of the Luxottica Group.
The Luxottica Group undertakes to develop the capabilities and competences of each
employee so that their energy and creativity is fully expressed in the carrying out and
attainment of the business purpose.
The Luxottica Group offers the same possibilities of professional growth to all of its
employees, in such a way that all may enjoy a fair salary based on meritocratic criterion,
without any discrimination. The competent functions must:
1) adopt strictly professional meritocratic and competence criterions
for any decision concerning an employee;
2) select, hire, train, pay and manage the employees without any
3) create a working environment in which the personal
characteristics cannot give rise to discriminations.
Each Target must actively collaborate to maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect of the
dignity and reputation of each one.
Moreover, the Targets are obliged to treat the personal data with which they come
acquainted with during their work in the most appropriate way in order to protect the
confidentiality, image and dignity of the persons.

The Luxottica Group undertakes to spread and strengthen a safety culture, developing risk
awareness, promoting responsible behaviours by all the collaborators and operating in such
a way as to maintain, especially with preventive actions, the health and safety of the
The activities of the Luxottica Group must be carried out in full compliance with the
regulations in force with regard to prevention and protection; the operational management
must refer to advanced methods of environmental protection and energy efficiency,
pursuing the improvement of the physical conditions and industrial safety. The Luxottica
Group undertakes also to guarantee the protection of the working conditions by protecting
the psychophysical well-being of the worker, respecting his/her moral personality,
preventing him/her from undergoing unlawful conditioning or inconveniences.

The Luxottica Group opposes any discriminating or prejudicial behaviour or attitude to the
person, to his beliefs and preferences (for example, in case of insults, threats, isolation or
excessive pushiness, professional limits).

The Luxottica Group does its best so that, within its own activities, the rights
contemplated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are guaranteed in the
different Countries where it operates.

The Luxottica Group refuses the exploitation of child labour in all the Countries where it
operates. Apart from the full compliance with the regulations provided in this field in each
Country, Luxottica promotes the protection of the workers' rights, of the freedom to form
or to join a union and of the freedom of association.

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Any violation of the provisions of this article must be immediately notified to the Human
Resource Manager.

5.2 Respect for colleagues

The Luxottica Group does not allow sexual harassment, that is to say: subordinating wage
opportunities or career prospects to the acceptance of sexual favours; proposals of private
interpersonal relationships, carried out notwithstanding an explicit or reasonably evident
non acceptance, that are able to upset, in relation to the specificity of the situation, the
serenity of the person to whom they are directed.

5.3 Overindulgence in alcohol and excessive use of drugs

The Luxottica Group requires that each employee personally contributes towards
maintaining the working environment respectful of other people's sensibility. The following
will be considered as conscious prejudice risk taking of such environmental characteristics,
during the business carried on and in the working places: supply services under the
influence of overindulgence in alcohol, excessive use of drugs or similar substances; use or
give drugs for any reason during work.

5.4 Smoking

The Luxottica Group, considering the regulations in force in this field and the desire to
create a healthy and comfortable environment for its employees and for its visitors, does
not allow to smoke in the working places in general.


6.1 Accounting report

All the activities and actions carried out by the Targets within their own working activity
must be verifiable. Accounting transparency is based on truth, accuracy and completeness,
and reliability of the documents of the operational events and of the related accounting
Each Target is obliged to collaborate so that the operational events are represented
correctly and immediately in accounting.
For each operation, appropriate documents supporting the activity carried out are filed in
such a ways as to facilitate the accounting entry, identify different levels of responsibility
as well as reconstruct the operation accurately.
Each entry must exactly reflect what is shown by the supporting documents.
Targets who become acquainted with omissions, falsifications or negligence of the
informative report and supporting documents are obliged to report the facts to their
superior or to one of the Bodies of reference.

6.2 Internal controls

The Luxottica Group intends to spread a culture aware of the importance of an appropriate
internal control system to all its organisation levels.

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In particular, the internal control system must favour the achievement of business
purposes and must be oriented to the improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of
the production and operational processes.
All the Targets, within the functions carried out, are responsible for the proper operation
of the control system.
Each Target must feel as a guardian in charge of corporate assets, tangible and intangible,
serving as a means to the activity carried out.
Internal Audit and the appointed auditing companies are free to access the data,
documents and information useful for carrying out their activity.

6.3 Anti-laundering and anti-terrorism

The Luxottica Group, in compliance with the regulations in force in this field, does its best
to prevent the utilisation of its own economic and financial system for laundering and
terrorism financing purposes (or any other crime) by its own customers, suppliers,
employees and counterparts with which it relates when carrying out its own activities.
The Luxottica Group checks with the greatest care the information available on business
counterparts, suppliers, partners and consultants, in order to ascertain their respectability
and the lawfulness of their activity before establishing business relations with them. The
Luxottica Group makes also sure that the operations in which it takes part do not present,
even only potentially, the risk of favouring the receipt or replacement or utilisation of
money or goods deriving from crimes.


This Code of Ethics is updated, modified or revised by the Board of Directors of Luxottica
Group S.p.A. at regular intervals, also on proposal of the Board of Auditors and of the
Internal Control Committee.
This Code of Ethics is adopted with resolution of the Board of Directors of Luxottica Group
S.p.A. on 31.07.2008 with immediate effectiveness as from that date.

Luxottica Group S.p.A.

The Board of Directors
Milan 31.07.2008

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