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General Chemistry/Table of the Chemical Elements and their Properties 1

General Chemistry/Table of the Chemical

Elements and their Properties
Name Symbol Number Atomic mass Melting point Boiling point Phase * Oxidation **
Density at 20°C
(°C) (°C)

Actinium Ac 89 227.0278 10.07 1047 3197 S +3

Aluminium Al 13 26.982 2.70 660.5 2467 S +3

Americium Am 95 (243) 13.67 994 2607 XS +3 +4 +5 +6

Antimony Sb 51 121.75 6.69 630.7 1750 S -3 +3 +5

Argon Ar 18 39.948 1.66 -189.4 -185.9 G 0

Arsenic As 33 74.92159 5.72 613 (sublimation) 613 S -3 +3 +5

Astatine At 85 209.9871 7 (approx.) 302 337 S +1 +3 (prob.)

Barium Ba 56 137.327 3.65 725 1640 S +2

Berkelium Bk 97 (247) 13.25 986 710 XS +3 +4

Beryllium Be 4 9.012182 1.85 1278 2970 S +2

Bismuth Bi 83 208.98037 9.80 271.4 1560 S +3 +5

Bohrium Bh 107 38 (est.) XS

Boron B 5 10.811 2.46 2300 2550 S +3

Bromine Br 35 79.904 3.14 -7.3 58.8 DL -1 +1 +5

Cadmium Cd 48 112.411 8.64 321 765 S +2

Caesium Cs 55 132.90543 1.90 28.4 690 S +1

Calcium Ca 20 40.078 1.54 839 1487 S +2

Californium Cf 98 (251) 15.1 XS +3

Carbon C 6 12.011 3.51 3550 4827 S -4 +2 +4

Cerium Ce 58 140.115 6.77 798 3257 S +3 +4

Chlorine Cl 17 35.4527 2.95 -101 -34.6 DG -1 +1 +3 +5


Chromium Cr 24 51.9961 7.14 1857 2482 S +2 +3 +6

Cobalt Co 27 58.9332 8.89 1495 2870 S +2 +3

Copper Cu 29 63.546 8.92 1083.5 2595 S +1 +2

Copernicium Cn 112 13.5336 XL

Curium Cm 96 (247) 13.51 1067 3110 XS +3

Darmstadtium Ds 110 21.46 XS

Dubnium Db 105 39 (est.) XS

Dysprosium Dy 66 162.5 8.56 1409 2335 S +3

Einsteinium Es 99 (252) 13.5 (est.) 860 XS

Erbium Er 68 167.26 9.05 1522 2510 S +3

Europium Eu 63 151.965 5.25 822 1597 S +2 +3

Fermium Fm 100 (257) 2781 XS

General Chemistry/Table of the Chemical Elements and their Properties 2

Fluorine F 9 18.9984032 1.58 -219.6 -188.1 DG -1

Francium Fr 87 223.0197 1.87 27 677 S +1

Gadolinium Gd 64 157.25 7.89 1311 3233 S +3

Gallium Ga 31 69.723 5.91 29.8 2403 S +3

Germanium Ge 32 72.61 5.32 937.4 2830 S -4 +2 +4

Gold Au 79 196.96654 19.32 1064.4 2940 S +1 +3

Hafnium Hf 72 178.49 13.31 2150 5400 S +4

Hassium Hs 108 41 (est.) XS

Helium He 2 4.002602 0.17 -273 (n/a) -268.9 G 0

Holmium Ho 67 164.93032 8.78 1470 2720 S +3

Hydrogen H 1 1.00794 0.084 -259.1 -252.9 DG +1 -1

Indium In 49 114.82 7.31 156.2 2080 S +3

Iodine I 53 126.90447 4.94 113.5 184.4 DS -1 +1 +5 +7

Iridium Ir 77 192.22 22.65 2410 4130 S +3 +4

Iron Fe 26 55.847 7.87 1535 2750 S +2 +3

Krypton Kr 36 83.8 3.48 -156.6 -152.3 G 0 +2

Lanthanum La 57 138.9055 6.16 920 3454 S +3

Lawrencium Lr 103 (263) 9.84 2961 XS

Lead Pb 82 207.2 11.34 327.5 1740 S +2 +4

Lithium Li 3 6.941 0.53 180.5 1317 S +1

Lutetium Lu 71 174.967 9.84 1656 3315 S +3

Magnesium Mg 12 24.305 1.74 648.8 1107 S +2

Manganese Mn 25 54.93805 7.44 1244 2097 S +2 +3 +4 +7

Meitnerium Mt 109 35 (est.) XS

Mendelevium Md 101 (258) 1521 XS

Mercury Hg 80 200.59 13.55 -38.9 356.6 L +1 +2

Molybdenum Mo 42 95.94 10.28 2617 5560 S +3 +6

Neodymium Nd 60 144.24 7.00 1010 3127 S +3

Neon Ne 10 20.1797 0.84 -248.7 -246.1 G 0

Neptunium Np 93 (237) 20.48 640 3902 S +3 +4 +5 +6

Nickel Ni 28 58.69 8.91 1453 2732 S +2 +3

Niobium Nb 41 92.90638 8.58 2468 4927 S +3 +5

Nitrogen N 7 14.00674 1.17 -209.9 -195.8 DG -3 +3 +5

Nobelium No 102 (259) 1521 XS

Osmium Os 76 190.2 22.61 3045 5027 S +3 +4

Oxygen O 8 15.9994 1.33 -218.4 -182.9 DG -2

Palladium Pd 46 106.42 12.02 1552 3140 S +2 +4

Phosphorus P 15 30.973762 1.82 44 (P4) 280 (P4) S -3 +3 +5

Platinum Pt 78 195.08 21.45 1772 3827 S +2 +4

General Chemistry/Table of the Chemical Elements and their Properties 3

Plutonium Pu 94 (244) 19.74 641 3327 S +3 +4 +5 +6

Polonium Po 84 208.9824 9.20 254 962 S +2 +4

Potassium K 19 39.0983 0.86 63.7 774 S +1

Praseodymium Pr 59 140.90765 6.48 931 3212 S +3

Promethium Pm 61 146.9151 7.22 1080 2730 S +3

Protactinium Pa 91 231.0359 15.37 1554 4030 S +4 +5

Radium Ra 88 226.0254 5.50 700 1140 S +2

Radon Rn 86 222.0176 9.23 -71 -61.8 G 0

Rhenium Re 75 186.207 21.03 3180 5627 S +4 +6 +7

Rhodium Rh 45 102.9055 12.41 1966 3727 S +3

Roentgenium Rg 111 19.282 XS

Rubidium Rb 37 85.4678 1.53 39 688 S +1

Ruthenium Ru 44 101.07 12.45 2310 3900 S +3

Rutherfordium Rf 104 18.1 XS

Samarium Sm 62 150.36 7.54 1072 1778 S +2 +3

Scandium Sc 21 44.95591 2.99 1539 2832 S +3

Seaborgium Sg 106 35 (est.) XS

Selenium Se 34 78.96 4.82 217 685 S -2 +4 +6

Silver Ag 47 107.8682 10.49 961.9 2212 S +1

Silicon Si 14 28.0855 2.33 1410 2355 S -4 +2 +4

Sodium Na 11 22.989768 0.97 97.8 892 S +1

Strontium Sr 38 87.62 2.63 769 1384 S +2

Sulfur S 16 32.066 2.06 113 444.7 S -2 +4 +6

Tantalum Ta 73 180.9479 16.68 2996 5425 S +5

Technetium Tc 43 98.9063 11.49 2172 5030 S +4 +6 +7

Tellurium Te 52 127.6 6.25 449.6 990 S -2 +4 +6

Terbium Tb 65 158.92534 8.25 1360 3041 S +3

Thallium Tl 81 204.3833 11.85 303.6 1457 S +1 +3

Thorium Th 90 232.0381 11.72 1750 4787 S +4

Thulium Tm 69 168.93421 9.32 1545 1727 S +3

Tin Sn 50 118.71 7.29 232 2270 S +2 +4

Titanium Ti 22 47.88 4.51 1660 3260 S +2 +3 +4

Tungsten W 74 183.85 19.26 3407 5927 S +6

Ununhexium Uuh 116 9.32 X

Ununoctium Uuo 118 X

Ununpentium Uup 115 9.807 X

Ununquadium Uuq 114 11.342 X

Ununseptium Uus 117 X

Ununtrium Uut 113 11.85 X

General Chemistry/Table of the Chemical Elements and their Properties 4

Uranium U 92 238.0289 18.97 1132.4 3818 S +3 +4 +5 +6

Vanadium V 23 50.9415 6.09 1890 3380 S +2 +3 +4 +5

Xenon Xe 54 131.29 4.49 -111.9 -107 G 0 +2 +4 +6

Ytterbium Yb 70 173.04 6.97 824 1193 S +2 +3

Yttrium Y 39 88.90585 4.47 1523 3337 S +3

Zinc Zn 30 65.39 7.14 419.6 907 S +2

Zirconium Zr 40 91.224 6.51 1852 4377 S +4

(*) Phase at STP, where S is solid, L is liquid, and G is gas. X is for synthetic (laboratory) elements, and D is for
diatomic elements.
(**) Most common oxidation states, not an exhaustive list.
Atomic weights in parentheses are the atomic weights for the most stable isotope.
Article Sources and Contributors 5

Article Sources and Contributors

General Chemistry/Table of the Chemical Elements and their Properties  Source: http://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?oldid=2006407  Contributors: Jguk, Julians, NipplesMeCool,
Whiteknight, Xania, Zilch, 27 anonymous edits

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
http:/ / creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3. 0/

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