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Nutrition 111AV
Spring 2010
Final Exam
June 5th, 2010



1. Deficiency of Vitamin D is associated with an increased tendency to bleed. (F)

2. Digestion of alpha-amylose occurs more quickly than alpha-amylopectin. (F)

3. Catalase reduces hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water. (T)

4. Current recommendations regarding fat intake suggest a healthy diet should minimize
saturated fat intake. (T)

5. Iron is the final electron acceptor in electron transport and combines with hydrogen to
form water molecules. (F)

6. Monosaccharides are predominantly synthesized in the L-configuration. (F)

7. Biological quality of a protein refers to the number of non-essential amino acids

contained in the protein. (F)

8. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) inhibits the absorption of Fe, Zn, and Cu. (F)

9. Linoleic acid is most likely to remain liquid at room temperature. (T)

10. The majority of beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A prior to absorption. (T)

11. In general, the fat-soluble vitamins are all involved in energy producing processes. (F)


12. The emulsifying action of bile salts allows enzymes such as pancreatic lipase to break
down triglycerides into fatty acids and monoglycerides. (T)

13. Direct calorimetry estimates energy expenditure by analyzing the amount of heat released
from the body over a given time. (T)

14. High levels of LDLs in the blood are associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

15. The majority of fats are stored in the body as cholesterol and phospholipid. (F)

16. Gluconeogensis is the essentially the reverse of glycolysis. (T)

17. Calcium can be absorbed via active transport mechanisms, which are regulated by blood
calcium levels and body stores, as well as by passive diffusion. (T)

18. Vitamin C is primarily stored in the Liver. (F)

19. Long-chain fatty acids are digested in the small intestine. (T)

20. Protein accounts for about 50% of ATP synthesis (energy) in the normally fed adult. (F)

21. The urea cycle occurs in exclusively in the mitochondria. (F)

22. A trace element is defined as a mineral needed in the diet at concentrations greater than
100 mg/d. (F)

23. The condition Kwashiorkor is caused by a deficiency in protein. (T)

24. Sodium does not play a major role in regulating body fluid pH. (T)

25. Having a risk factor for CAD, such as elevated blood triglycerides, does not mean that it
is inevitable that you will get the disease and die of a heart attack. (T)


Multiple Choice

26. Which of the following about iron is CORRECT?

a. Metallothionein assists in the oxidation of iron

b. Metalloporphryin is the main transporter protein for iron
c. Iron is absorbed in two forms, heme and non-heme iron.
d. Only ferric iron can be absorbed by intestinal cells
e. All of the above are INCORRECT.

27. Which of the following is required for fat digestion and absorbion?

a. Lipoproteins
b. Amylase
c. Hydrochloric Acid
d. Bile
e. a and d

28. The consumption of a high salt diet may result in which of the following?

a. excess Na+ excretion in the urine

b. changes to resting membrane potential in muscle cells
c. alterations to nerve conduction
d. a and b
e. all of the above

29. Which of the following are involved in the production of the active form of vitamin D?

a. iron
b. cholesterol
c. liver
d. all of the above
e. b and c only

30. The glucose transporter which is sensitive to insulin is _____.

a. GLUT2
b. GLUT4
c. SGLT1
d. GLUT3
e. none of the above


31. When fatty acids are completely oxidized the end products are:

a. fatty acid and glycerol.

b. carbon dioxide, energy, and water.
c. urea and acetate.
d. carbon, hydrogen, and phosphate.
e. carbon dioxide and glucose

32. Which of the following transports cholesterol from body cells to the liver and participates in
reverse cholesterol transport (i.e. takes cholesterol out of the blood and brings to the

b. LDL
c. HDL
d. Chylomicron
e. Triglyceride

33. Copper is essential for which of the following?

a. vitamin B12 absorption

b. vitamin D synthesis
c. superoxide dismutase activity
d. b and c only
e. all of the above

34. Which of the following might potentially increase the risk of developing heart disease?

a. increase in HDL
b. diet high in total calories (in excess of body needs)
c. diet high in fiber
d. diet high in palmitic and stearic acids
e. b and d

35 Which of the following is reabsorbed from the nephron along with sodium?

a. magnesium
b. phosphorus
c. potassium
d. calcium
e. none of the above


36. The majority of ATP is synthesized in the:

a. cytoplasm
b.endoplasmic reticulum
c. mitochondria
d. golgi complex
e. ribosomes

37. In glucose transport, the Na+/K+/ATP pump is necessary so that:

a. intracellular Na+ levels remain low

b. intracellular Na+ levels remain high.
c. intracellular K+ levels remain low
d. intracellular ATP levels remain high
e. both a and d

38. Which vitamin(s) is/are the cofactors in the electron carriers FAD and NAD?

a. riboflavin
b. niacin
c. biotin
d. thiamin
e. a and b

39. Select the fatty acid that is most likely to remain liquid at room temperature:

a. 16:2
b. 18:2
c. 16:0
d. 18:0
e. 15:0 fatty acid

40. Which of the following is an essential function of Zinc?

a. essential for cholesterol synthesis

b. part of transcription factors that regulate gene expression
c. assists in electron transport(ETC) in the mitochondria
d. b and c only


e.all of the above

41. This organ is the first to receive absorbed amino acids from the diet, and regulates the
distribution of amino acids throughout the body.

a. pancreas
b. kidney
c. small intestine
d. duodenum
e. none of the above

42. Bile is essential for the absorption of which vitamin(s)?

a. vitamin B6
b. vitamin K
c. vitamin D
d. b and c only
e. all of the above

43. A goiter is the enlargement of the thyroid gland. A deficiency in what mineral casuses a

a. Iron
b. Iodine
c. Copper
d. Zinc
e. Sodium

44. __________ causes the removal of glucose from the blood(when glucose levels are
high); __________ causes the liver to release glucose into the blood(when glucose levels
are low).

a. epinephrine; insulin
b. insulin; somatostatin
c. glucagon; insulin
d. insulin:glucagon
e. norepinephrine; epinephrine

45. Insoluble fibers can effect digestion by:

a. decreasing intestinal transit time

b. increasing intestinal transit time
c. slowing gastric emptying
d. increasing stool weight
e. a and d


46. Which vitamin(s) is/are most likely to associate with the energy producing process of
oxidative phosphorylation?

a. vitamin A
b. riboflavin
c. niacin
d. vitamin D
e. b and c

47. An RQ of approximately 0.72 would indicate the metabolism of what macronutrient?

a. Carbohydrate
b. Protein
c. Fat
d. Ketone bodies
e. c and d only

48. Which of the following is an example of a “fully absorbable” carbohydrate (i.e. is

transported across the intestinal epithelium)?

a. glucose
b. galactose
c. fructose
d. a and c
e. all of the above

49. Which of the following are important functions of lipids in the body?

a. energy production
b. nerve conduction
c. cushioning of the joints
d. a and c only
e. all of the above

50. What does the Panda do?

a. eats, shoots and leaves

b. shoots, eats and falls
c. drinks, eats and shoots
d. all of the above


e. why is this on the test?

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