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1-9-11 divine mind with frank 83169

Frank: thanks for the opportunity to come on the Divine Mind Call. I’m excited about
the quality of information the group is exchanging. It’s from a genuine perspective that
I’m here to contribute my ideas, but they are not the only ones out there. it’s a benefit to
share my ideas with many and ucadia is an open model. I hope this will be okay to share
some ideas over the first hour and then we will open up with chats and exchange in the
second hour. It gives me a chance in the first hour to get out new information and then
go through that and focus on short answers to questions people have. The key topics I
want to cover is the updates and changes to one-heaven and the refinement of the EDP
process with some astounding research out of the United Kingdom which proves beyond
a shadow of a doubt that slavery is not just alive, but slavery has never been in better
shape than it has been today. We are dealing with a well-oiled system that is called
lawful slavery and I will explain to you how they got away with it and the major of the
world is conned into thinking slavery was abolished. Unlawful slavery was abolished.
Not lawful slavery. Then I want to cover an area I spoke about on Thursday and that is
that is the importance of vows and oaths and the importance of staying in honor, a very
powerful form of remedy in the courts and the law of the guild. There is a continued
promotion where people say to rebel, do not follow through, if you do that you are giving
them fuel and support and that is what the system wants you to do. I also want to talk
about some of the earth changes and this year is scheduled for some massive changes and
I want to put a spiritual perspective on what I know, given what I have learned. Also,
the extraordinary examples of mental illness that we continue to see in the last months of
control of the Khazarian parasites. The madness that they continue to show. Here’s the
address is one-heaaven.org. if you are on the call, I hope you will go to the site and I’ll
explain some of the changes you can see when you get to the home page.

On the home page you will see the box that talks about the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll
(EDP) and the important changes that have occurred in light of lawful slavery. There are
two other boxes as well and I just want to point them out. I’ll go through those after I go
through the EDP. One is a box that states how to succeed at court which is pretty
provocative and one might argue a pretty outlandish statement. It is designed to get
people to look; succeeding at court has nothing to do with winning a court. Winning at
court is the game which they control with the deck of cards they have weighted and the
change of winning at court requires an enormous amount of variables to fall in place.
You will find in a moment when we talk about succeeding in court we talk about the
importance of remaining in honor and the importance of knowing how the court is
structured and what your rights are and they are the key ingredient of success, not going
in as a game with a magic piece of paper as a silver bullet. The other box on the home
page is the great writs of justice which we might have time to go through. If we don’t go
and have a look at that.

The first changes are on the EDP. The first thing you will see if you are looking is the
big orange box which states:
IMPORTANT UPDATE: These pages and the example deeds have been updated
to focus on Ecclesiastical Deeds being served solely through the Registrar(s) of Vital
Statistics, not through Court. This does NOT mean anyone who has previously issued an

Ecclesiastical Deed has made a mistake, nor has such action caused any kind of error,
nor has caused themselves to be exposed to any kind of danger or punitive action. It
merely reflects a clarification that Ecclesiastical Deeds are best considered a separate
process pursued to the Registrar(s) and agents to any remedy sought with current, future
or previous court issues.

Given that we have discovered without a shadow of a doubt that the registrar of
vital statistics is where they may use the titles of births, deaths and marriages, but the
registrar of that particular area is without questions what is known as the custos
rotolorum. That is the keeper of the rolls and when we talk about rolls we are referring to
the lawful slave rolls. Given that is the case, the focus that we have discovered in terms
of these deed polls isn’t to collapse the cestuique vie trust, it is to have yourself removed
from the slave roll before any trust can be collapsed. This comes from an understanding
of exactly what the word, title, means. And this … I will open a new browser and a
redefinition done in positive law on title. It’s article 71 under positive law, title.

III. Rights
3.1 Rights Article 71-Title Canon 1049 A Title is a both a valid
inscription or entry into the Asset Register of a Trust and a certificate or notice of proof
of such entry and therefore claim of Right of Ownership. The word ‘Title’ is derived from
the Latin word titulus meaning ‘inscription, label and notice (of entry) into a tabulae’
with the Latin word ‘tabulae’ literally meaning register. It was most commonly used in
the context of a register of slaves. The Latin word for a registrar is ‘tabularius’.

This is absolutely vital. What we are saying is that the entry at birth into their
register creates title and it’s this title they are claiming against us. More importantly just
as we have been explaining is that canon law of the Roman cult, until contested stood
firm based on the same principle that if one assert their rights they have none. If one
does not contest the canon law of the Roman law then it is the rule of law of the world,
the norm and the standard. If we do not contest their title with superior title then there is
no lawful mechanism to defeat them. The claim of rights will bounce off like sticks
being thrown at the armor of a tank. It will do nothing. Claiming that I am living flesh
does nothing. Ordering them to close the cestuique vies does nothing unless we contest
their title, their title is uncontested. This is a realization that has come as a result of
knowing that we are all treated as lawful slaves. With that in mind, the focus now is on
the registrar first, and not necessarily the court. As far as going to court and using the
EDP, it does not mean that anything anyone has previously done is wrong. Nor does it
mean that any thing anyone has previously done is in error. It simply means that as the
veil has now lifted we are acquiring knowledge at a rate that is daily and weekly and we
are using that knowledge to make it certain that as you follow what is your divine right,
they cannot withstand and prevail.

Article 133: you will see the changes have been made and I’ll read the
EDP and that it is hardened now and we focus clearly now that these people are
outrageously maintaining a lawful slave system under our very noses and that is the
source of their power.

Ecclesiastical Deed Poll
Per Curiam Divina
We, the Divine Immortal Spirit, expressed in Trust, to the circumscribed Living
Flesh known as [first name] [surname], hereby give life and personality to this sacred
irrevocable deed through Our seal in blood and agreement to the conveyance and terms
pronounced herein :

1. While We annex hereto in full Our Live Borne Record to Our Deed as Certificate of
Title from the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven as proof of superior title
against any other claimed title, We bring attention to Our Mistake of fact by failing to
give proper notice of our competent living status and possession of superior title; and

2. As Our actions and this instrument make Our status and superior title clear, We
demand that you immediately remove from your Roll(s) and Register(s) any record(s)
associated with your unlawful and inferior claims over Our property including but not
limited to Our name, flesh, spirit and any non coercive or non punitive beneficial
entitlements; and

3. Furthermore, We demand any and all temporary testamentary trust, cestui que vie
and/or derivative thereof formed upon such errors of presumption as Our abandonment,
loss, death or incompetence must be immediately dissolved, including a full account
provided to Us without delay; and

4. To ensure no further mistakes are made by any party, We give further notice that all
acts in commerce or law We engage as surety of Our Trust Number 123456-123456-
123456 and request that all original records previously associated with your claims are
returned to Us canceled and signed as evidence you have complied with Our Deed; and

5. Furthermore, We gratefully decline any offer of coercive or punitive Benefits from any
and all Estates which you and all your agents administer. As a result, any charges sent to
Us by mistake will be duly returned to you for discharge in accordance with the law; and

6. As We have given proper notice that We have ceased any further injury, you
acknowledge that no further demands, debts or actions shall be issued against Us in
claiming injury as surety to the property you administer; and

7. Receipt of this Deed Poll is your acknowledgement and acceptance.

[Thumb print in blood]

To: Registrar
Care of: [address and details of
Vital Statistics/Births, Deaths and Marriages ]

I hope you can see that this has gone from a strong idea to an absolutely sharp and
unmistakable assertion, affirmation of rights by divine right that they cannot wiggle out

of now. Our focus should be on the custos rotolorum, the keeper of the rolls because
when the record is removed, the title is removed because it is inferior, false and a fraud,
all the cestuique vie trusts will be collapsed because they rely on our being lawful slaves
for those trusts to be in place. It is their Achilles heel and it is only when we stand
competent and address to the appropriate authority in their system can we expect there to
be the proper response. I want to read something else because I mention in there the live
born record. A number of you may have looked at that and I’ll call up the PDF of the
record. You can find that in step one in the EDP.

Click on the live borne record and here are the key words. One of the realizations is that
you cannot defeat a title by claiming it is in error. You can only defeat a title once it is
entered into a register by proving the record is in a higher register. This is why little of
anything has succeeded in defeating their slave rolls until now. Here are the three
sections from the live borne record which is a certificate of title.

By the Power and Authority vested in Us by the divine Creator against all other lesser
claims of right, in accord with Article 42 of Pactum De Singularis Caelum We hereby
certify as a First, True and Original Certificate of Title against all other lesser clams of
title from the highest of all The Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven, also
known as the Great Book of Souls, also know as the Great Book of Life, containing the
following entry and inscription of a True Person of a True Trust being:

First middle last

Trust No. 123456 123456 123456
Borne EO: Y0000-AP:S0:M0:d) [M/D/YEAR]

And upon the lawful gift, grant and conveyance of certain Divine Rights of Use, also
known as Divine Property, also known as Divinity by the Divine Creator from a Divine
Trust of the same name into the abovementioned True Trust hereby lawfully possess
immutable and irrevocable Rights over the name granted to them at birth, their flesh,
their energy and labour and their mind and divine spirit with all other claimed prior
rights, liens, surety, cestui que vie trusts, bonds, or other devices or instruments by an
inferior trust, corporation or estate automatically null and void from the beginning.

Receipt of this Live Borne

Record is
Acknowledgement and
Acceptance by the
Holder before all
Heaven and Earth
As witness
To fully abide by the facts and terms herein.

What you see is that this is sealed by the first apostolic prothonotary and the
second apostolic prothonotary that are spiritual things of great historical significance and
not by the flesh. Now this is a classic example of the improvements and inspiration that is
dealing with one-heaven. There is no flesh being including myself that has any claim of
any position of one-heaven. No flesh being whatsoever holds any position under one
heaven. All the positions of one-heaven are spiritual and all key areas of one-heaven are
historical groups of spirits whether it is the Divine Sanhedrin, the prothonotaries or the
Great Spirits—all of these positions are spiritual, so no one on this planet can usurp you
nor the divine. Nor organization, no corruption, no cult, no change in mind, all these
things are being made clear. That change cascades down to the regions, the unions, the
trusts of free society nations, states and provinces through the cascading of right, title,

registration of title so that when the flesh comes together competently and are able to
form their associations competently in light of the deeds and trusts that will granted to
them where they are granted full right that any impediment from any group whether it is
the Venetian Khazars, the Roman cult, anybody, noone can challenge the superior title
that as they come together and collect and reform then the spirits will stand down and the
flesh will take over only when the flesh is competent. There is no need nor shall there be
anyone in this temporal realm who may claim to be superior above you and those elected
to high office are because you have elected them, not because they have presumed their
position. I believe, hope and pray that this is the seed of unity that will bring the groups
with their individual methods and ideas that are able to be conquered together at this
historic moment in spite of the madness that we see. The notes have hardened immensely
and the instructions have never been clearer. Read carefully and go to
university.ucadia.info with questions if you are stuck and share. Please see if you can do
this amongst yourselves. If you are utterly stuck after doing that, then please contact us.
I ask you do all this to keep the emails down. No one will be abandoned. I am excited by
the changes and I think the change of success has increased immeasurably. It hasn’t
simply gone to court to stand and protest and say I am a living being or being
controversial as controversy is not a cure.

Now I will go to another area that is extremely important which is how to succeed in
court and this is still being completed. There are number of incomplete pages and they
will be completed in the next few days. Click on the how to succeed link on the home
page at one-heaven.org. what we mean by succeeding at court is not winning necessarily
in the court because that is something no one can ever promise. What we are saying is
that after all these years of people saying do not feed the beast, ignore the arrest warrant,
dismiss your own case, don’t go for the surety as Strawman, don’t sign when you are put
in jail or prison….all these different things that there is a middle path when you know
exactly who you are and what a court is, how it works and where it comes from, and you
know the origin of the bar and you know how the different layers of law function and you
know exactly what they need from you and how you can deny lawfully to them without
placing yourself in any further danger or jeopardy. I know that is a mouthful and that it is
a lot. I do believe this section will provide those elements to you without it being legal
advice. I’m totally aware that the guild, that this the monopolization and kidnapping of
the law by the bar guilds are paranoid as the Christian churches were paranoid hundreds
of years ago of any one learning spiritual ….interruption….’that’s okay I’ll take that as a
prayer…..when you stand firm and know who you are competently and in honor and do
not give your honor up for some false belief that in rejecting the law that you can receive
remedy in the law. When you stay in honor there is true remedy and success, and this is a
the success that breaks the unlawful grip of the bar, not dishonor. Let me give you an
example. Think about the problems you have all faced by the Bar and all those who
appeared to have success. The common denominator of all those who have been hurt by
the bar is that at some point we have exhibited dishonor in the way the bar has said we
have been rude or we have not followed procedures, or we have not attended when we
have been called to a hearing, and thus an arrest warrant has been issued for us, or we
have created further controversy or we have simply refused to allow procedure to take
place so they have treated us as a delinquent rather than expressing that we comply under

duress and because we comply under duress, nothing we do can be regarded as consent.
So that is the common denominator that we find among most of us in the truth movement
that have been looking for remedy. On the other side we find a few of absolutely clear
examples where a man or a woman remaining in honor but clearly demonstrating that
they do not consent by their voice, by their oath or by their signature to the process they
have been thrust into, have in fact found remedy. This speaks volumes to what has been
going on and the opportunity we have without magic pieces of paper, without an EDP,
without an executor letter, without a motion to dismiss, without any other magic formula,
by simply knowing who we are and what the hell is going on.

I am going to suggest to all of you that the loudest voice calling us to disobey is in fact
the Bar. Why? Once we give up our dishonor the process is extremely simple. Why?
The argument that is uncontested stands, when we are in dishonor we are delinquent,
when we are delinquent we are therefore incompetent and they can use the fact that we
are on their slave rolls and they have control over our property to run their courts the
claim to use that energy that we have consented by our dishonor. That is what they been
doing this over and over and it’s so easy for them they can do it administratively. So I
put it to all of you, the last thing the Bar and courts wants you to do is approach them in
honor, stand your ground respectively, knowing that you do not have to consent. You
may be forced to comply in an unreasonable and unlawful fashion, but no one, the divine
has never forced you to consent. Now lets look at the power of that and look at the key
concepts. This comes from the history of what is the court that it comes from. in Roman
Times, Greek and Anglo-Saxon law, a man’s oath is his bond. This was the backbone of
life. All that happened is that under the guilds of the Khazarian Venetian Parasites, the
false Meneseh who are come to control the world and are utterly and certifiable insane…
these people are absolutely sociopathic and should not be regarded as evil but in severe
and dire need of mental assistance. I am astounded that anyone follows them; they are in
dire need of medical assistance.

Key Concepts are foundational legal concepts that are vital to comprehend when
considering using the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll. These Key Concepts are reflected within
the body of Divine Canon Law Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum, particularly Positive
Law. Please Read Positive Law further for other Key Concepts not mentioned.
Vow and Oath At the heart of Anglo-Saxon law from the 4th Century is the concept
that “a mans’ oath is his bond” – in other words once a promise is given, it is expected
to be kept. This of course is most often presented in terms of contracts. However, the
foundation of law since these times and up to the present day is still based on oral
testimony taking precedence over written documents (in memoriam). What is an oath
then? In accordance with Canon 1480 of Positive Law: “an oath is is a solemn appeal to
the Divine Creator by invocation and the presence of at least two witnesses that a
pronouncement is true or a promise binding”.

These people are certifiably insane; they are not evil; they are mad and incapable of
understanding what they are doing. They are poisoned, they are not evil. They are mad.
Incapable of sustaining what they are doing. The people that are following them are
affected and are not stopping craziness. What happened was these guilds formed in

Florence, Genoa and Venice, and later London realized that because we are Christian and
honorable or Jewish in our faith and honor our faith, they could monetize our oaths and
convert our oaths into money. That’s the origin of the promissory note and the origin of
the mortgage and why it is so valuable. Because we are promising to keep a 25 to 30
year promise to pay money to a bank that has already fractionalized a 17 times or 30
times profit on the deal based on money we created. We are so loyal and faithful as
slaves that they can bank on a 25 year dutiful payment. In spite of all the foreclosures,
the vast majority of people have been paying their mortgages for the last 100 years. The
vow and the oath is crucial and without it they cannot bond. The word court comes from
cautio which means bond, securitize, and bail oaths and vows; that is the origin of the
word and it was created to commercialize sin. That is the origin of court. There are
many other forms of judicial assembly and this is a unique creation that flourished under
the Roman cult and made it’s away across the world. And, it has nothing to do with the
principles of law, nothing to do with divine and natural law, and everything to do with a
private cabal of organized crime that seeks to profit from crime by commercializing sin
and monetizing sin into money. That doesn’t mean a judge, lawyer or clerk is bad; far
from it. The vase majority of people who are members of the Bar are exceptional people.
I think everyone should say a prayer for the horrible incident the other day in the death of
that judge in Arizona because these people dedicate their lives to the community, to their
family, to the benefit of the community and have no clue about the origins and principles
of the law or positive law, or any of the canons of law presented on one-heave. Instead,
they have been immersed in mind control, lies, beguile, and sucked in through in a
system from the day they entered in college and decided they wanted to be a lawyer and
got sucked into a system that hides the truth under layers and layers of procedure. This
gives them room for plausible deniability. Everything I am saying can be plausibly
denied by some of the most senior legal professors in the world. Because they are the
most senior legal professors, they say this stuff is rubbish holds true. It’s all self-
fulfilling, isolated and inward. It’s all absolute madness. It’s the same madness and
system we find in the Talmud, in psychology and in medicine. It is taking people who
would otherwise be perfectly normal, training them under a system of insanity and
producing an insane outcome with those people thinking it’s perfectly normal. Do we
know that there is a rift in the reality we now know and the imagined reality these judges
and lawyers have. Why? There are an extraordinary number of them that suffer from
alcoholism, drug addiction and early death. This tells me these people have a deep
conscience and cannot find a way out. So the vow and oath that we have when we go to
court is the thing they need to underwrite their bonds. If we deny it then their bonds are

How do we deny our vow and oath? By saying, “ I do not consent.” Or, objection. “I
reserve all my rights in good faith.” If they try to do a deal with you it makes your word
worthless. If they force you into a plea bargain and you go to court and they ask if you
agree to this, you say, “No, I do not consent, it was under duress.” The other part of that
is that they love to gather signatures and they force us to sign. The signature, signed,
sealed, delivered, executed….what is executed? It is the execution the transfer of
executor obligations, the transfer of the surety and the liability from the prosecutor to us.
When we sign we are accepting our role as executor, we are accepting the liability of the

controversy. They want us, they love us, and they demand that we sign. Sign into prison,
sign at the end of the case, sign, sign, sign. Find the link, ‘signing under protest.’ There
are two ideas you might want to consider. If you don’t sign at key points in their process
then they have already built into their system the argument that your noncompliance is an
act of delinquency and therefore, contempt, and therefore, incompetence. Don’t feel that
by not signing you are not consenting. Not signing is different than vocalizing at the
appropriate times during court, “I do not consent,” or “I comply under duress and
therefore, my compliance is not consent and is meaningless. So the way you get around
this when they give us no choice is to use the ancient principle called Vi coactus, by
signing before we sign our names, the initials V.C. and then sign. When you do that you
are stating in latin that you have done this act under constraint. Don’t call attention to it;
there’s no point. It will be available for you to go back later that when you did sign you
stated V. C. which renders your signature worthless. If you are in a situation and they
don’t allow you that right, if they are tearing up your signature and putting more pressure
on you, no one is asking you to put your life in danger. You may use another method
which is the ellipse which is 3 full stops in a row: … and put these first and sign your
name so the 3 … are not obscured. Legally what you are saying is there is a form of
words that I wish to state but am unable to due to some event and that event is 2 sheriffs
hanging behind you with a tazer because they think you are being rude. There is no
reason for us to put ourselves in dishonor. Our greatest strengths in this system is
remaining in honor and not consenting. By not consenting by voice or signature we
render their ability to commercialize our energy worthless. When we do that the trade
guild, the entire function of the court fails and in many cases if they continue to fail, then
they cannot afford to continue to pursue commercially. If there is no money in it and
they are dicing with their careers then at that point your chance for success is extremely

Introduction Everyday around the world, hundreds of thousands of people find

themselves before the jurisdiction of some form of “Court” claiming some form of law.
The reason a person may be before a court are wide and varied – from civil to criminal,
from minor alleged offences such as traffic and not paying fines to major alleged
offences such as murder and fraud. In fact, modern court systems are so widespread and
cover so many issues that even if you have never been to court yourself, chances are you
know at least one person who has experienced “justice” through the courts.
Whether or not you have gone through the experience of wanting or having to go to
court, or someone in your family or friends, there is one almost unanimous agreement by
all who have witnessed firsthand the function of a modern court – it is a mysterious,
unnatural and often intimidating experience, often ending in sadness, bitterness and
Ordinary people who have never been inside an operating court room are not the only
ones who can find the surrounding and process intimidating. Even if a court room is
modern by design, it can still be an intimidating place even for members of the Bar
Societies and Bar Associations. So how might one succeed in a case before such a place
as a Court when even professionals sometimes are intimidated and unsure?
Succeeding at Court No one can guarantee anyone that they can win a case
within a Court without lying. There are simply too many variables to each case to make

such impossible claims. The greatest uncertainty is whether the judge, or tribunal of
judges or magistrates choose to follow their own laws and procedures or not. Sadly,
because the competency of judiciary officials continues to fall while political and special
interest pressures continue to rise, the court system in most countries has become less
reliable in predicting outcomes that conform to any kind of law other than blatant
corruption, cronyism and sheer incompetence.
Nor should anyone ever pretend to be offering legal advice concerning Roman
Western Law unless they are a member of one of the guilds that unlawfully monopolize
access and operation of national, regional and community law throughout the world. The
Bar Guilds have demonstrated a ruthlessness against anyone daring to question their
legal competence for centuries and in most locations have introduced many draconian
statutes akin to the heresy laws of the Middle Ages that forbid ordinary people
discussing, sharing and learning about the law unless they are obedient members of a
Bar Guild.
Yet succeeding at court has little to do with any kind of specific advice relating to a
personal case before a court. Instead, success relates to knowing who and what you
are?, the philosophy of how to conduct yourself in court and remain in honor and the
power you always possess through free will and withdrawing or granting your consent.
Success comes down to the realization that there are no “magic bullet” documents
and that when faced with a system of “courts” controlled by a private guild, occupied by
private guild members that remedy may not be possible in the first instance, or even
under appeal – but that if you remain steadfast in maintaining honor, knowledgeable of
who and what you are- then even the Guilds cannot prevail against the law they usurp
and claim to control.
This is the purpose of these pages. To help any and all who are facing imminent court
cases and concerns to learn more about the history of the courts, what makes them tick?
the origins of the Bar Guilds, the importance and function of honor and behaviour.
No one can guarantee success, only remedy “gurus” and other forms of
disinformation agents. Nor is any of the information contained specific legal advice.
Instead, it is hoped that the information contained within these pages will help you and
anyone you refer to these pages to understand your own way of navigating through the
maze of tricks, lies and procedures of the Bar.

You do not need to rely on a piece of paper as a magic cure so long as you learn the
positive law, if you learn to be competent and you learn the power of being honorable. It
is extraordinary power defeat the darkest of courts.

I want to talk about earth changes. We know that there are extraordinary changes
happening in the world and that the climate changes have been predicted and the level of
change varies from somewhere between a large event, an elle, and nothing happening.
So somewhere between total annihilation and it’s a non-event. Somewhere between there
is the truth. Many are getting anxious and upset and are feeling the worst is coming.
Certainly I would have to say to you that the clinically insane Khazarian false Meneseh
think the worst and that is how they live their lives and the worst becomes true in many
cases. With everything I know I say to you that we are not facing an annihilation of the
earth. One that will destroy civilization as we know it; it is patently false and I will

explain why. There have been many theories and one is that the earth survived as a
lopsided entity with all the land on one side and all the water on the other side. An
extraordinarily stupid idea. Science refuses to allow in its dogma a sensible idea. When
you look at the ocean floor you are seeing the edges of the plates. You see these were
caused by an event where earth was frozen in several extinction events over 4.9 billion
years and when the oceans have frozen, the frozen water has torn the flesh of the earth
much like ice would tear the flesh of your body if it was permitted to be there and change
in form and freeze over. What we have seen in the growth of the plates is the healing
scar tissue of a living entity, a living body, a living thing, not some mechanistic stupid
illogical system. the tearing and changing has produced this and the skin of the earth is
extraordinarily weak. The interaction between the extra-ordinarily strong electro
magnetic fields of the sun and the eternal gyro electro magnetic fields of earth over time
even in a fraction of a section whether it is 500,000 years is such a significant impact on
the degrading of the skin of our mother Earth and if the skin does not shift away by some
degrees one way or the other it will cause catastrophic failure in the skin and cause it to
bleed. So much like farmers knew over the millennia that you couldn’t farm the same
land over and over and over again without turning it ultimately into salt wastelands. You
have to give the land time to heal and the earth operates on the same principles.
Amazingly the earth seems to be more intelligent than us, if we weren’t so arrogant in our
presumptions of disasters.

Here’s another analogy. Try driving down the road in an automatic car at 100 miles an
hour and then shoving it into reverse. Tell me what happens—you will the blow the
transmissions in a pile of smoke and flame. But there is question that you’ll blow the
transmission. Well, the earth is driving down the road and the idea that the earth would
suddenly put itself into reverse for no good reason is the same stupidity as people putting
the car in reverse. I did this as a teenager to one of my parents cars; it screws the car; it
destroys the car. And I destroyed the transmission which I paid for several years after.
So the idea just because someone has observed rocks and concluded in the layering of
rocks that certain magnetized direction that appeared at one time that the flow of electro
magnetics had reversed, they concluded from a small sample and several small samples
that somehow the earth had reversed its poles. This would be an event of insanity for the
earth, equivalent to the earth putting its transmission into reverse as it travels around the
sun. all that the earth needs to do is rest and heal land and allow the fragile skin to go
through a natural and beautiful cycle where the skin and land has a period of spring,
summer, autumn and winter. Just as we have in life a birth, an age, a death, a rebirth, so
too, the skin of the earth, the land of spring, summer autumn and winter. Once there
were huge forests across North Africa and huge, lush rain forests in Arabia. They
became deserts. There were once huge forests in Antarctica. There were once huge ice
packs on top of Australia; everything goes through cycles. The earth loves us so much
and the earth so dearly wants us to grow up and quit acting like the silly little children
sitting on the side of the party because they won’t play; and stopping the mean children
from wrecking it for everyone else. Grow up and realize that the earth loves us and tells
us what it’s going to do.

If you want to know where the skin will move in its change, then look the position that
stabilizes for the magnetic poles. Because our scientists view most of themselves as
gods, the have concluded that the magnetic pole and the true north pole have always been
different. The truth is the difference between the two is an indication of a change that
will realign the skin to a magnetic north and a true north within close proximity to each
other. When the difference widens you are being told that a change in the crust is
imminent. When this happens we are talking about a degree of 11 degrees or less. That
is a significant event but it is not a pole reversal throwing the ‘engine into reverse.’ The
effect of this is to do it as gently as possible. Why? The reason the earth is going thru
the change is not to damage it’s skin but preserve it’s change. Because they believe in
some literal ‘damn the world pole shift.’ The earth is changing because it needs to
change, not because it is whimsical, cruel, or flippant as we can sometimes be. Having
said that, even though we are taught the 3 little pigs as children, as 3 little pigs some of us
have chosen to live in a flood plain that have a once in 30, 40, 50 year chance of flooding
and others of us have chosen to live on major fault lines. Others of us have chosen to live
next to super volcano calderas. Once the shift moves the earth has to put dust and dirt in
the air to stabilize. Before that it needs to heat and it needs to cool. The volcanoes will
erupt and need to erupt so the earth can stabilize. Us like the 3 little pigs who live near
Naples and Yellowstone park, Indonesia, we will be in a slaughter. Does this mean the
entire world is destroyed. I will say one thing: in every major climactic event for the last
several thousand years on all occasions the dark forces have used it as an opportunity to
correct and reset their own rule. And move forward.

I used to believe it was because they were the best at it. When I got to reflect on history
it became embarrassingly apparent that the forces of darkness have rallied at these points
in history is that people who know better have let their egos get in the way. The models
of how we should live our lives were not built. In that absence the alternative negative
models were allowed to exist. To me that is a sobering realization for staying true to
what Ucadia is despite the white noise of people saying this is the new world order. Or
something negative or against my faith. I respect people’s opinions and none of this will
succeed until you take responsibility. It is high time that people who claim to be the
follower of truth, knowledge and ideas stand up and be counted and realize that never
before in history have we had the advance warning to get our act together. we can’t just
simply save we live under slavery and evil and it’s terrible. Those kind of excuses are

Question: I want to know what you mean by stops … are those periods? Frank: yes.

Question: you mentioned cycles that are ending, and age changes that are culminating in
2011. Frank: there is a cycle is 25,780 or 790 years, roughly 26,000 years on the axis on
the way the earth moves around the orbit of the sun. there is a wobble that is detectable
at the equinox and even though the earth rotates on its axis this is a rotation of the axis.
This is 26,000 years and it is evident by the stars movements in the heavens. We see the
stars moving for 26,000 years and then a return to the same point for the processional
equinox. We have cycles within the solar system and the galaxy and in the galactic
rotation of the milky way. We are in a cycle of 176,000 years and also 500,000 years that

corresponds for the necessity of the earth to unlock the natural locks that keep the crust,
not locked permanently to the mantle, but to unlock the skin and shift some degrees to
retain the integrity of the crust and the insulation ability of the crust between the
magnetic fields of the sun and the internal gyro-magnetic fields of the earth. That is the
cycle of 500,000 years and is a 9 to 12 degree change in the position of the crust.

Question: can you ask what if a judge doesn’t want to hear and asks you to get out and
leave the courtroom. Frank: No, because there have been some directions that I have
seen in court that if you follow you are agreeing to dishonor. The most obvious one that
we have spoken about is that the patriotic community has misunderstood and that is when
the judge runs from the court room. There are 2 words that the court uses when the
judge leaves and the matter is not yet resolved. One is recess and the other is adjourned.
They have 2 entirely different meanings. Hundreds of years ago when the major courts
went to a county there was the court of exchequer, the court of common pleas, the court
of chancery, the court of equity in that space. They held court in the same space and just
change the form of court. Until the 19th century they would tell you if they were
changing the form of court. To them the presumption is on us and if you don’t
understand then you must be incompetent. There will be a short recess is an offer and
they mean they have chosen to change the form of the court and are going to operate
under a different law. If you don’t say objection, I do not consent to a recess, then you
have agreed to the change of the form of court and you will be subject. When you
answer a call and there is a single judge you are merely dealing with an administrative
officer who can only negotiate with you under your consent for you to go as surety under
some fine or imprisonment. It’s all commercial and all negotiable. When they leave they
will return with their powers of admiralty. When they use the word recess they are
changing the form of the court. When they say adjourn they are saying the court is
suspended to a later date. I believe that when a judge directs you to do something the
best answer is that I comply and I do not consent. If you are told to leave the court then
you say, Your honor are you saying the matter is dismissed? And ask for information
and always realize that if the judge leaves the court and it’s not clear the matter is
dismissed, then the matter is not dismissed. If you do not hang around, and the judge
returns then your absence from the court means you have abandoned, you are
incompetent and they rule against you every single time.

Question: can you give a quick outline on the new EDP procedure for canceling the birth
certificate attached to the roll. Frank: your first presentment will be a copy of your
certified birth certificate and if you have a plastic card or a short form this one time you
can make a copy for the purpose of binding to your EDP; with the paper clip you attach
your live borne record (LBR) and that is what you send to them. If you get no
response…you may get a response that is a very carefully worded letter than on first
reading will appear they are denying everything and it will actually be a request for
instruction and on copy of that letter you can send the dishonor because you made clear
the instructions and they are playing games. If you receive no answer then in a few days
you, 7 to 10 days, you can use the LBR and the deed of dishonor and glue those two
together. I won’t go into the further steps. Please go and have a look. That is the change
in the approach dealing with the registrar. If you don’t have a birth certificate that is a

good thing and we will have a separate procedure. If you have never had a birth
certificate then they are in deep, deep trouble and they in fact denied you the beneficial
entitlements of being truly free. There is a separate procedure for that; don’t worry if you
have a child without a birth certificate. I am conscious there are a number. Someone
without a birth certificate was put in prison and held there because they did not have a
birth certificate which is totally against the rules of the Bar, the rules of the temple and
should have caused those sheriffs to be thrown out of their jobs. I am going to show that
those things will not happen if you notify immediately the AG regarding the birth

Question: I’m moving on to step 3 in a court process. Should I stop this and do the vital
records process now? Frank: they are up to the 3rd step. And they still haven’t honored?
I would keep going. They should start the vital records process. No one who has started
the process with the court has done anything wrong. Nor has anyone who has entered the
document into the court put themselves in danger, nor should you feel that anything you
have done is a waste. All that is happened is that we have focused the process to a
sharper process and anyone that has started is perfectly able to continue and anyone
contemplating staring should focus on the vital statistics to the registrar and any court
matters reading the materials on succeeding in court.

Caller: should we read it into the record in the event their might be an appeal? IF you
are up to the 3rd process with the court, the court knows full well what this is. So don’t
stop on the account they are refusing to honor; they know exactly what this is.

Question: where do obtain the trust number? Frank: when you send your material
through post you will have a number whether it is fedex or the post. That’s an example
and that number is whatever you use as the registration and that is what you use on the
draft bill on the registration of the process.

Question: for clarity, on ucadia documents when it says give the live birth name, are we
repeating what is on our birth certificate? Frank: yes, it’s the birth certificate name.
under the LBR, which is a superior record, we are claiming your name is under a higher
title and they have no right whatsoever. Using the birth name they can track it in their
record and presumably remove it.

Question: I sent my EDP and I didn’t send my LBR; I just attached the live birth record.
And I only used my first name; Frank: that’s fine. You will find when you go to one-
heaven.org you will find the artwork that is in photoshop. Caller: it was the one before
the update. Frank: that is fine; if you want to resend you may, but if we waited to get
1005 accuracy of what we knew we wouldn’t have effect. But we are seeing that these
have even and they know it. At the moment they are thinking carefully what they do
next. It’s there and keep gong.

Question: when doing this process should there be other agencies that should be
notified? Frank: are you referring to the process we read tonight? Caller: yes. Frank:
no, everything starts with the registrar of the rolls; it’s up to them to notify the rest.

Question: can you nullify an arrest warrant prior to using this process. Frank: this is a
position of honor. You have put yourself in dishonor, then you have blown your honor
and you need to go hard and quickly on trying to get yourself off the rolls. I would go
down the registrar process immediately. After that the arrest process would be nullified
because they are using the name on the rolls of the cestuique vie slaves.

Question: can we use the ID from Ucadia? Frank: absolutely. Let me give you an
example. I haven’t finished the section on the name game. When they say what is your
name they are asking for the name on the slave roll that proves that they have title and
personal jurisdiction to hear the case. They are given the right to determine property
disputes of property owned by the crown. If you are on the property register they ask
what is your name. now you answer that your name is trust recipient number blah blah
blah, also known by the form June Hannah Doe.

Question: should we write all the first names on the EDP roll? Frank: right the name
your parents registered you under; that gives them notice of the record on their system.
you are claiming with the LBR as being the higher title.

Question: should the name be in lower case on the LBR? Frank: on the live born record
it should be all lower case.

Question: I know about the question from S who asked the question earlier. Let’s say we
remove the birth name from the status rolls. Then any further claims would be in fraud
and would have the status of removal. Frank: the way in which title is contested we are
claiming two things they cannot dispute; we are claiming first title and superior title. In
the removal of the name from their register it does not affect our ability to use the name;
they cannot claim ownership of the name. we are not going after them for fraud; we are
merely stating it is a mistake. The error is in dishonor. In most cases it will go past
mistake to supreme ecclesiastical dishonor. The name is in a higher register. Caller: it
would be retroactive then the error/mistake would have no present standing. Frank:
absolutely. It would be retroactive to the beginning. That is why in the EDP we may the
apologize for not giving notice earlier and we give them an out. People get touchy on
outs. Why do we give the Jesuits a free pass? They are completely in honor. You have to
do this legally. Because we have not given them notice in the past, it is a mistake on our
part. By offering them that, we are not going after punitive damages for a bill up front.
Once they dishonor you can send. S; so the apology is nunc pro tunc. The apology
states that. Frank: look at the words on the EDP and the LBR; it’s clear that is what we
are saying. If you feel there is a catastrophic deficiency we can adjust. You can send this
to me offline and how we would change that in the EDP.

Question: how about people getting pensions, receiving social welfare, having bank
accounts. What happens after the cestuique vie is dissolved. Frank: nothing, they get
conveyed across to your trust. That is why I encourage you to get an EIN, behave as a
trutee and use your trust number. We state very clearly that we are only declining
punitive and coercive benefits and we are not declining nonpunitive and noncoercive

benefits. Caller: you are collecting the benefits of the trust bond without having damages
associated with it.

Question: I was born in Quebec and live in BC; do I send the bill to registrar Quebec.
Frank: if you are over 70 they will reconstruct the cestuique vie in the place you live.
They have to change the way in which they tax. I thing everyone should contribute to
their society as a matter of ethics and principle. The way the current taxes work is that
tax is rent on the property and is extracted from you when you refuse to pay rent as a
tenant on their property, then they tax you as tribute and penalty for being an obstinate,
negative slave. (Later note from Yoda: Our understanding of this is that they move the
CQV or create a new one in the new plantation, it shows up in Naturalization
Certificates, but there is no hard proof on the creation of a new one in 70 years, nor is
there hard proof of the creation of a new one when one changes plantations with a
Naturalization. All we can do is read between the lines and look at the effects of say a
move from UK to USA, and what the docs say and what their effect is. There is a Law
regarding the Bankruptcy of Nations that the longest that the Nation can remain
insolvent is 70 years then they must Re-Constitute the Bankruptcy. Hence 'constitution' of
the US, a constitution is a new business plan for the continuance, including another
method of repaying the debt into the future.)

Caller: how does title and property ownership work? And how do they use it in tax?
Anybody can make a claim? Frank: we are going much further than claim; we realize
how they have been unchallenged. The claim of right has been unchallenged and it says
that if you follow any of these faiths there is a time that the divine says there is a new
covenant that will be put into play. the only people with a problem with that is those who
don’t think their covenant is divine. If it is a divine covenant then it’s the divine already
so there shouldn’t be a problem. the claim of right of one-heaven is that it is the logical,
sensible, spiritual rightful conclusion of the covenants because it is bringing to an end
those things that have been unbalanced in a respectful way without damaging the history
of faith. We discover that the owner of all property cannot be anything other than the
divine. There is no law in physics which we can own anything. I own nothing and I can
use something. Property is only the right of use.

Caller: the queen and pope own no land. frank: no, their claim is not on land, it’s on
property and that is a huge difference. They make us believe that it is claim of
ownership. Caller: what is the foundation of their claim? If I know there is a winning
solution we can be in peace. Frank: we are on the same page and aiming in the same
direction. Do you know of a register higher than the register of heaven? Caller:
absolutely not. But the queen does not have the authority to claim. If we are the true
heirs the trusteeship is over. Frank: I want people focused on what is at hand. Take the
claims and make sure there is a succession of deeds being right of use from one-heaven
down to each property and sealed property. Caller: so you are claiming full use and right
of ingress/egress. Frank: that system stays in place in every community. Caller: I want
to know every trick that sniper has up his sleeve. Frank: secondly, that is registered in
the great register of one heaven, so not only do we have a succession of deeds but those
deeds are registered as title. Caller: if we claim this, that is the ultimate end that we

don’t have kings or queens. Frank: now you can contest any and every title that they
throw at you because their titles cannot win. The deeds are lawful conveyance from the
highest down to every province, state, community, county, nation on the planet. That is
what we are doing. Then you say I don’t care for your title; it is null and void and
completely worthless. As you pursue your title we will do the same thing with the
registrar in the land title. Same thing. Caller: we are hitting them in the feet and toes
and the true law will destroy the system. Frank: yes, done properly. All I want is people
to do this properly and not to do it crazy brave, standing in front of the oncoming tanks. I
just ask people to be a disciplined army of competent men and women that forensically
and consistently follow through what is provided. We are doing registrar on the slave
rolls, we are doing deed titles on the land title and the system is over. Let’s take land for
example; I know a lot of folks are in bad shape in terms when it comes to land. the
registrar as the custos rogulare is the keeper of the slave rolls. They cannot lawfully
dissolve them. You bring them to a halt; you get yourself off the rolls and the cestuique
vie is dead. The same issue with the banks. You get them on the land title and no one
will walk onto your land. Caller: I teach people to go in and come back out so my team
is alive and accomplish the objective and it’s solidified and over with. I have been
waiting to hear from you because life and death is the situation for many people. Frank:
I don’t ask people to be crazy brave. When you collapse the cestuique vie, and if they are
not collapsed by judgment day they will be collapsed…’the dead shall rise on judgement
day (Dec 21, 2011). The same thing is true of deed and title. Never in the history of the
world has the land and chattel been bestowed, gifted, granted in the matter in which it is
given as a promise and not taken by a few for their own benefit. Never. Caller: this is
what the Prime Directive says. Ultimate claim is in their prime directive record.

Frank: all the deeds that grant the conveyance of rights of property and land including the
registration and the lawful registration of those deeds in the title of the great register will
be perfected by March 14, and by then the March 14, the greatest spirits that have walked
the earth as trustees of those trusts will have perfected this for every single man, woman
and animal alive on this planet today. Every single one of them. That is the promise that
has been delivered. That is not a hope but an execution of a promise that is proof of what
this is; perfected title. Now it is up to communities in Virginia, Quebec, Sydney to come
together and show they are competent enough to be elected into positions to abide by the
deed that is perfected and executed. They are competent enough to begin their mission as
proper stewards. Not a single man or woman including myself, is appointed at any level
from the highest trusts of that community until that competent community and other
competent communities are ready to elect on of their own into such a high office.

Caller: the chief in the true tribe doesn’t run for office; he or she is elected on the basis
of their qualifications. That is the ancient methodology the tribes use. If we don’t have
the ability we unchoose ourselves. Frank: here is added promise: if there is one
competent group on the planet then they will be keepers in trust of all these deeds
executed and perfected for all the children and grandchildren for the rest of the planet
until enough competent people are living and breathing on this planet. This is executed
and perfected and does not depend on anything more than a few competent people. It
does not require the world to wake up suddenly; it does not require the revolution. As we

embrace our faith and live by our faith it is true and as we believe in the divine and the
life beyond this; as we were promised for thousands of years it is true. I am here for a
short time to do a job, nothing more, and then I move on. It will be to each and everyone
who listens whether they to bring it true in their lifetime for their states, provinces,
nations. But there are enough competent stewards to keep these for the future. There it

Frank: ucadia is not one man’s vision; it’s not Frank, Gary or Jim’s. I am providing
some tools and doing some things that need to be done. What is exciting is that we take
responsibility and these ideas that became spiritually can not be destroyed. The covenant
of one heaven has already been already been constructed; the idea has been created and
expressed and therefore it exists in the collective awareness, heaven, whatever you want
to say. That cannot be destroyed and you cannot destroy an idea that has already been
expressed. It is imprinted on the memory of the universe and can never die; it will fulfill
itself as it is empowered to do. The only question we have is to those people who are
certifiably insane and desperately need mental health. Will they get help? Will we be
competent enough to stand up and act as stewards. I think the answer to both of those is
yes. I’m optimistic on both of those so it is all good. Caller: we are leaving an
inheritance for the children pursuant to scripture. Frank: we are the prodigal sons and
the ones who used the two talents that were there. we are always taught and can never be
forced to stand up and be counted. We are not asked to stand up and help heal those
people who are mentally ill and help be the stewards we were always supposed to be.
When something is a dream that could never happen we can always say, oh well, I tried
my best. But when something gets handed to you to say it’s not a dream, it’s real,
tangible, touchable, tastable then we have to go through a bit of a change and some will
prevail. Someone will exhibit the mental illness we see in the system. but everyone is
forgiven and no one is left behind. This is not about eternal damnation or glory. We
have a job to do and let’s do it for our children. It’s an exciting message that I didn’t
right; it’s in a book that was written long before I was born. We are just following

Caller: I am native American form the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I believe I know

the caller speaking. I have a lot of questions and I come from a people that have no treaty
with the state or the United States but were pulled into their society. Originally I was on
patents, and there is nothing we can do about it. That was back in the 1700s. I live in the
traditional lands. I hear and respect all religions and have no disrespect for other
religions. We believe in a creator and I don’t believe in death, I believe that you change
your path. I know White Eagle. I meet with people in the ashram. Can I still in because
we have no organized religion. Frank: let me make a suggestion. Have a read of what
we are talking about tonight with one-heaven and then you will see. Caller: my
computer has been fried and I can’t get on the computer. The people up here stay honest
and follow the rules. At different time US government have come into my house even
though I own title to the house. It’s my house that was on patent. Right now my phone is
tapped and the computer is tapped into. Frank: join the club. Frank: let’s see if you can
get a hard copy. I hope you get a hard copy so you can read. I know we will speak
again. Remember this: the healing and I’ll tell you a story. It’s the hardest one to do;

getting indigenous people together to agree on one thing to do. There is a series of song
lines that will be sung next year as the healing in the year of redemption in 2012. there
are a series of song lines sung in the tongues of the native people. And there are great
tones .. it sounds like an impossible dream to do. The healing next year will have the
song line of the druids, the ancient Irish, that must be sung of the native tribes of Canada,
America, Africa, Asia, Australia Aborigines, the Maoris and the Polynesians. That is my
job next year and it will be done and it will be sung. The indigenous are an intrinsic part
of this. Every part is there and there is no part that says I am the one and the only but
there is the unique, the collective awareness.
Caller: Brother White Wolf, in reality you do have the same beliefs that everybody else
does but we might call it Great Spirit, but we come from different vernacular. The ghost
dance is alive. The average Christian do not comprehend everything that we are saying
but we walk in that one spirit. White Wolf: I am the last of the Snake Clan.

Caller: could you translate the word, nakia quan? White wolf: I said hello and I’m
honored to speak with you. It an honor to have someone speak to us; there is no one
better than anyone else. I carry the wampum law. We stood between the wars; we
became warriors because we were forced. (stopped next to vertical line in gray bar)
There are 20,000 of us. Frank: can I intervene? I’m sure you will get some print out
copy of sections of one-heaven. A lot of this is procedure. I want to say the most
important thing to your people in honoring your history; there is a song that needs to be
sung, not first for the living, but for the healing of the land and of the history. It needs to
be performed those who still remember how to honor the land and their ancestors. When
it is sung with the right words at the right time, it is unlocking a connection that has never
died, but it is reopening a closed and in many cases, deliberately obstructed connection.
That will help you to allow them to help you and through that you will see the change
without your even needing to talk to people. But that needs to be sung because all
indigenous people need to sing their particular song as part of this process. That is a
unifying thing and I’m not asking people to believe. I am not intervening other than to
show you frameworks. Gary can show you putting __________ into Gaelic and it
becomes a song. Gary: the ancient tribes are still here….we are waking everybody up
and now is the time for the song to be sung. There will be healing throughout the earth.
We will heal 7 generations in the past and 7 generations in the future. That’s why the
chiefs look to the western sky to give honor.

Frank: you inspire me and what inspires me is people waking up and taking
accountability. It inspires me in the knowledge that as I finish my job it’s time to hand
that over and it keeps me focused on what we need to do. This is a collective effort. I
look forward to sharing with you the architecture of the song lines so they can be
completed by the tribes. I am not presuming anything, but we all have parts to play. I
look forward to sharing the triumphs and I rejoice that we are all alive today. It will be
good for me to come back in February so I have time to get some of these things done.

Question: I don’t know how good an artist you are, but some people learn visually and if
someone could put your information in a visual clip. Frank: I trust any of you that feel
compelled to take the information and package; I don’t have the time to do it.

Gary: someone is putting one-heaven into a downloadable format so people can listen to
it on their I-pod. If you hear something long enough it begins to seep in….we appreciate
your efforts.

Later notes from a chat:

Section 57. Equity Regards the Beneficiary as the Real Owner.---In a Court of law in case of an
express trust, the beneficiary is not recognized, and has no rights the trustee is bound to respect.
On the face of the deed the legal title is in the trustee, and the Courts of law will look no further,
and will hear no proof in behalf of the beneficiary. Indeed, if the beneficiary is in possession the
trustee can reject him by suit in a Court of law. In short, in the eye of the law the beneficiary is
not known."

>>> the legal title is in the trustee, and the Courts of law will look no further

i.e. the LEGAL title it the title recognised by the LEGAL system
[8:33:53 AM] Iris: yes, sorry had to run out
[8:35:10 AM] Iris: and that's how they trick us at closing because it seems on my deed it lists me
as the grantor first, and it makes up appoint a Trustee with a trick of the pen. So we are doomed
from the start
[8:35:37 AM] Iris: with the trick of the pen we go from grantor to borrower
[8:39:22 AM] Iris: So is it an express trust created when we are supposed to be purchasing
[8:59:12 AM] Yoz the Discerning: an express trust is simply a reference to a trust that has been
expressed, in contradistinction to an implied trust or a constructive trust
[8:59:59 AM | Edited 9:01:06 AM] Yoz the Discerning: so one where the Grantor has expressed
the intent and purpose of the trust, the 'res' being conveyed, has effected delivery to the trustee
and has made provision for a beneficiary and has given both directions and determined the law of
the trust, which is the indenture or deed.
[9:01:35 AM] FJ: that is good. that also explains what happens in court
[9:31:16 AM] Iris: actually happens all the time without our knowing what is going on.
[9:32:35 AM] Iris: our title or standing gets switched around with strokes of a pen or in court and
we don't even know.
But, how can the trustee/judge make a Beneficiary pay? Or is he just transfering trusteeship to us
(as Benef)? If so, how? Rather, how can we opt out of that trick?
[9:34:46 AM] Iris: as Frank says from the get go state we do not comply and we only comply out
of stress and duress. Keep bringing up the durress issue.
[9:35:13 AM] Iris: On one-heaven, there is a section about how to respond in court, I have not
read it yet though. But I will


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