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Yes, green marketing is a golden goose. As per Mr. J. Polonsky, green marketing can be defined as, "All activities designed to
generate and facilitate any exchange intended to satisfy human needs or wants such that satisfying of these needs and wants occur
with minimal detrimental input on the national environment."

Green marketing involves developing and promoting products and services that satisfy customer's want and need for Quality,
Performance, Affordable Pricing and Convenience without having a detrimental input on the environment.

Evolution of Green Marketing

The green marketing has evolved over a period of time. According to Peattie (2001), the evolution of green marketing has three
phases. First phase was termed as "Ecological" green marketing, and during this period all marketing activities were concerned to
help environment problems and provide remedies for environmental problems. Second phase was "Environmental" green marketing
and the focus shifted on clean technology that involved designing of innovative new products, which take care of pollution and waste
issues. Third phase was "Sustainable" green marketing. It came into prominence in the late 1990s and early 2000.

Why Green Marketing?

As resources are limited and human wants are unlimited, it is important for the marketers to utilize the resources efficiently without
waste as well as to achieve the organization's objective. So green marketing is inevitable.

There is growing interest among the consumers all over the world regarding protection of environment. Worldwide evidence
indicates people are concerned about the environment and are changing their behavior. As a result of this, green marketing has
emerged which speaks for growing market for sustainable and socially responsible products and services.

Benefits of Green Marketing

Companies that develop new and improved products and services with environment inputs in mind give themselves access to new
markets, increase their profit sustainability, and enjoy a competitive advantage over the companies which are not concerned for the

Adoption of Green Marketing

There are basically five reasons for which a marketer should go for the adoption of green marketing. They are -
Opportunities or competitive advantage
Corporate social responsibilities (CSR)
Government pressure
Competitive pressure
Cost or profit issues
Green Marketing Mix
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In recent years the term green or eco marketing have come to prominence and reflect a growing concern at all levels of the impact of the
increased consumption on physical environment. The implications of the destruction of the forests , the appearance of ‘ holes ‘ in the ozone
layer etc were widely published and created a wave concern about the destruction of our natural environment. Therefore many consumers
are in favour of eco-friendly products .This has created some impact on marketing .

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Green marketing refers to the process of selling products or services based on their environmental benefits. Such a product or service may
be environmentally friendly in itself or produced or packaged in an environmentally friendly way.

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Many manufacturers have recognized environmental concerns as a source of competitive advantage and have developed products with a
green image

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Macdonald’s have stopped packaging their hamburgers etc in polystyrene containers and now use cardboards which comes from a
renewable resource and is biodegradable or recyclable .

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The production process is compatible with ecosystem It is compatible with goals of the company It satisfies the consumers REQUIREMENTS

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Eco label is an environmental claim that appears on the packaging of a product .It is awarded to a manufacturer by an appropriate authority.
ISO 14020 is a guide to the award of Eco-labels. The government of India launched an Eco-mark Scheme in 1991 to increase consumer
awareness in respect of environment friendly products.The aim of the scheme is to encourage the customers to purchase those products
which have less harmful environmental impact. ECO LABELLING

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Improvement of image and sales of products Manufacturer’s being more accountable to environmental impacts. Consumer’s awareness that
their choice of product do affect the environment as some products are less damaging to environmental than others Eco labeling leads to


OPERATON OF ECO-MARK SCHEME OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 3 stages led to award of eco-mark in India The Steering Committee of
the MEF determines the product categories for coverage under the scheme and to formulate strategies for implementation and future
developments of the scheme. The second stage is the identification of specific products to be selected and the individual criteria to be
adopted by the Technical Committee of CPCB. In the third stage the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is to certify the product and formulae
contract with the manufacturer allowing the use of eco-mark.

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Products to meet the relevant standards of BIS. Manufacturers to produce documentary evidence in regard to compliance of EPA.Water and
Air Acts and other rules and regulations such as Prevention of Food Adulteration Act and rules made there under. The product to display the
list of critical ingredients in descending order of quantity present. The packaging to display the criteria based on which the product has been
labelled environment friendly. The material used for packaging to be recyclable./ reusable /biodegradable. The products to be accompanied
by detailed instructions for proper use. CRITERIA FOR ECO-MARK

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STATUS FOR ECO-MARK DEVELOPMENT Soaps and detergents Paper Food items Lubricating oils Packaging materials Paints and
powder coatings Batteries Electrical / electronic goods Food addition Wood substitutes Cosmetics Aerosol propellants Plastic product
Textiles Fire extinguisher Leather

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