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U64Emu Readme (Formally KIAME) Version 3.

02 by RCP
U64Emu Platinum Edition 3.11 by Negative64
http://rcp.emuhq.com - RCP news, latest EXE updates, other projects by
the author
http://kiame.emuhq.com - Official U64Emu web site
http://www.metaworx.net - Metaworx Software, home of U64Emu PE.
U64Emu emulates the hardware that Killer Instinct, Killer Instinct 2, and other
games run on. Both Killer Instinct and Killer Instinct 2 are supported.
The first time you run it, it will take min or so to 'boot'... this is
normal. after it boots the first time, it creates a KI.DAT file (512K) which
it will use from then on.
If you had a previous copy of a KIAME beta do this before running U64Emu:
1) Erase KIFastBoot.dat and or KI.dat if you have them.
How to start it:
1) run it... if you see the main window, so far so good ;)
2) select your 'main rom' (this MUST be the v15d), use the Browse
button to be sure
3) select your hard disk image. again, use Browse.
4) you press the 'RESET' button to start the game.
the keys are simple, if not strange.
You can now set the keys for your joystick or keyboard ;
4) F2 toggles frame rate
5) F4 saves game
6) F6 loads game
Change Log:
-Update readme file!
-Enhance display settings, fix frameskip and enable it in options.
-Add a sound settings dialog, Move to OpenAL library for sound.
-Move to OpenGL library for video.
-Implement NetPlay
Change Log:
3.11 12/6/2003
Fixed the sound issues.
HLE is now the ONLY mode available, hence the setting has been removed.
Added 1600x1200 Resolution
Simplified the renderer, should speed things up a bit.
Updated to DirectX 7.0, should further speed things up a bit.
Readded Killer Instinct 2
3.10 12/5/2003
New Overhauled GUI
Several compiler warnings fixed.
3.05 10/13/02
320x240 Resolution has been added. No source update.
3.04 10/08/02
The 'scanline emulation' video mode is now fixed. Sound is enabled
again. No source update.
3.02 10/07/02
There were a couple of small items in the 3.01 release that needed attention.
First, the screen resolution for window mode was broken. Second, there was
a small core bug for the Addiu instruction. I fixed both of these.
3.01 10/03/02 (post-source release)
I've made a few small changes to U64Emu. The two versions of U64Emu
(for KI and KI2) are now combined. The GUI has been reworked and
hopefully it will be easier to use. When you run U64Emu for the first time,
be sure and go through all the setting and make sure they are correct.
Your old settings will probably not be preserved from the previous versions.
Due to numerous requests, there are now options to turn off HLE and to set
the target frame rate. I am sure there are some new bugs here and there,
but I think this release is pretty solid.
Public Beta 1.94a 10/10/01
1) 3D stages were bad, no question. This release fixes that, and probably
many other things as well.
2) The movies appear correct now (and at a different rate). It is possible
that the *4* CPU core bugs that fixed number 1, also fixed this.
3) Several people have said some wild stuff about the intro. My guess is
that their ROM dump doesn't match the HD image. Mine are correct
(obviously), so I can say it works with ROM KI2 L1.1 I have noticed ppl
talking about 1.4 and 1.5, which seem to me to be KI1 ROMs. I have no pity
for them, as it is obvious that don't own the game.
Public Beta 1.94 10/08/01
Since 5 months have gone by and I still have not had a chance to 'fix' the
UI, I have decided to patch it up and release a Beta. The main problem with
the UI is that it only understands and remembers one ROM set (the last one
you used). If you decide to change ROM sets, you have to re-enter all the
information. Thus, now that KI2 is active, you would have to re-enter all
the information each time you switched between games. In addition to this,
the EXE can *ONLY* play KI2. Thus I have changed the EXE name to
U64Emu2.exe. In keeping with the new name, the reg key is different as well
(U64Emu2). Thus you can have the old EXE to play KI and the new EXE to play
KI2. This is a horrible hack and I am sorry that you have to deal with it.
Hopefully, the thrill of re-living KI2 will make up for this.
There are still bugs of course, however it does seem to play a little
better, if a good bit slower. Some day I will get around to optimizing KI2
as I did KI... until then, your best bet would be a faster 'puter.
Please make sure that you use the correct ROM set and hard disk image. If
you mix and match, it will not work. Since you should *own* both of these,
it shouldn't be hard to keep straight. If you leeched them of the 'net and
can't keep it straight, HA, HA, too bad.
I will be fixing some items in KI/KI2 over the next month or so. After
that, the source will be entrusted to another party or parties for future
development. Ports to other platforms, bug fixes, enhancements and such
should follow assuming someone else can figure out just what the hell my
code does (it is not like I can remember ;) )
There is a Arcade platform that has caught my fancy and later this year, or
maybe early next year, I will start this crazy routine again. IMHO, this
platform was produced by the best Arcade R&D group around and has some of
the best software running on it. If you haven't already figured out which
platform it is... eh, well, you will just have to wait. ;)

General Beta V1.18 Release Notes

1) Frame Skip should now enable and disable correctly.
2) All around speed up.
3) Scanlines now use a different technique. I like this approach more and it
is only twice as fast as the previous method. There is little to no speed
decrease with this method.
4) There may be yet another timing issue in this release, the AI just seems
really, really good... dunno... try it. :)

Remember, big things comming up in 2001 with U64Emu... so don't do anything

stupid New Year's Eve and get yourself killed... ya don't want to miss what is c

General Beta V1.17

First I'd like to make sure everyone understands that this is
still a beta release. There are quite a few bugs running about,
some of which may cause your computer to have a 'fatal' and thus
lose any unsaved information.
1) Frame Skip is now disabled by default. Enable it if you have a slow
computer. If your computer is medium, you are best _without_ frame skip,
as the overhead for skipping consumes cycles. Thus if you get anything
north of 45Hz without frame skip then leave it off.
2) The Up and Left (or whichever) problems should be fixed with whatever
input devices were causing the problems. I've yet to verify the bug,
so i can't be sure it is fixed, but i did discover a likely problem area.
3) The command line parameter -auto (all lower case) will launch the game
without further ado.
4) There are random crashes and some fatals still don't work.
5) Some new keys are mapped. F7,F8,F9 and F10 are Coin1,Coin2,Coin3 and Coin4.
Someone wanted the coin triggers mapped for some reason... so that is it.
6) The Test Mode button (key '2') has been moved to F11. Hopefully F11 is not
hardwired to something on the HotRod as well. ;)
7) An attempt is made to have DirectDraw create surfaces in 'driver optimal memo
Hopefully, this will result in a speed up on older cards that lack the ability
to transfer quickly to and from video memory. In addition, this could, possibly
fix the full screen problems that some video cards (ATI) have.

General Beta V1.16

1) FMV is much faster, but also synced down to 30fps... this seems to be about r
2) Overall speed increase, this may or may not help sound pops
3) 3D levels are a good bit faster.
4) Some frame skipping is allowed, although it is not that much help
5) Shadows have been fixed.

General Beta V1.14

First I'd like to make sure everyone understands that this is
still a beta release. There are quite a few bugs running about,
some of which may cause your computer to have a 'fatal' and thus
lose any unsaved information. Bear this in mind, and save any
critical work before playing. I had hoped to work these bugs out
for this release, but with Christmas soon to be here, I've much too
much to do. So, here are the known bugs at this point.
1) AI is much too good, this is related to the following bug.
2) Timing is still off. 60Hz is the correct increment rate, however
there are other factors that determine the 'speed' of the game and AI.
3) Audio can have clicks and pops if you crank the volume in the game,
not however, on your amp. Best bet is too keep the volume as is and
crank your amp. This is not perfect, but works pretty good.
4) Shadow and polygon staircase effect. I've got a handle on this, but
don't have the time to finish it at this point.
5) There are random crashes and some fatals still don't work.
1) Sound
2) '-' key or '=' key gets you into volume adjust mode. use the up/down
keys or joystick to adjust. Any key to exit. (FYI, the '-' and '=' keys
are mapped to the cabinet's 'Volume Up' and 'Volume Down' buttons)
3) '2' key enters test mode. Note, this is just the 'TestMode' dipswitch,
so the current game is lost when you press this. Select 'Exit Test Mode'
to return to the attract mode.
4) Scanline support. This works only in fullscreen 640x480. I might redo this
later to use Direct3D and blend the screen with an alpha-map. This will
be a good bit faster, but requires D3D support on your video card.
5) No more pointer and flashing window in fullscreen mode.
6) F5 starts/stops sound. This gives you an easy way to 'mute' the game
if needed. In addition, you can see the performance overhead of the sound.
On my setup, this is less than 5%.
7) FPS indicator is very different. The Hz number should always be about
60Hz. The FPS number is how many actual screens are being displayed per
second. The KI game adjusts this as needed (like frame skipping), however,
this doesn't appear to work... see bug #2
8) You are always locked to 60Hz.

-Fatal bug should be fixed but not sure.
-Added screen so people could choose what keys they wanted. This used DirectInpu
t so joysticks should work too.
-A test mode bug that prevented people changing difficulty has been fixed.

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