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1 Lacan and the Pre-Socratics Alain Badiow is mays perilous to approach Lacan fom a phi tor he san ant philwophen and ao one cd Considering hin nation othe Pre Socratic ia sil ore sky under aking, Reerenes to thee thinkers in Lacan work are rar, ct ho all meine by something ober han themes. Th irk of osing onc thou sta net conontton between Lacan aad eideger which hall th trations of rhe a sve a perspective onthe scape of Laces ets one soul Sight ofthe fc that i location, he dsitrsted cxamination The etry ower f Lacan's ferences tthe Pre-Scratics i see 1 would almost oy encoded. Thnee thikers are invoked: Exped, Hereltus and Parmenies The avcstion etal aug up in four pee pel problems, The fist can be formulas as [pte of thought psychoanalysis the he? The quaton riches ft yond the pint wherewith Descartes, we enter the modern epoch af the ‘bjt o bat Lacan cilsthe sje of scence OF couse, pyehouralys ul appear only within the element ofthis modi, Bot a = general gure ofthe wlo thought (veneer ienigatcl eas canton {tion with what is moet npnar in our alte Here question of knowing, nha sat sake when we determine te place of pyehoanais in the sty ‘Wester hsiory af thought, in which pyehoaalss mars «rupture, and hich eno a all constituted by but rater, panctuated by piso. The second publem concerns the reltion~ whi fs dees oe Lacan stncen prychoanapis and Plt. Driven mestaton hie ‘eatin f unsuble, Lacan's references to the Pre-Sorscs dary the Principe behind ties The hind problem ofcourse Lacan's elton to Heidegger so Heidegger tat we one the rexcaton af the PreSocratcs the ftgten sore fom whith our dey a fights not a ater he of ‘oping Tan to Heiser” whch would be meaninglas the theme of ngs sone emp uso seas nally he orth problem concera he plemikal amerson of ppcho nals With rept t what primordial vison of thought dss Peo oni hating press i Thre sms dud ht ac ee nk no Spite epi rte ae Trews wook was ne fowndon 4 pt Bat it sao te product sitet not mich to what aly eoltonary in pcos imacy of iouse and he fancon of rene wth proces. (On err ctasons Lacan praes the innocent sub ofthe re ia pris su se Ths, the senna on transrence he wee: Beyond ths hope ein nthe fs php Sale physi of Eling an inte grsp om the ane the urea of Uc, whch sia the How are mecha this ocala balancing of the ‘andi’ and ‘ato You wil ell dha tan oll matenataton tobe the key toy inka ction to the Re He never varied on ths pot Inthe seminee Fino sy io he ight not of ation: Matbentinton sone renova al Without mathematiaton, without thers a the ete prise dear the Rea resins ative to. mde ity en by ante i this to sy tht the De Scape rerain within the bounds cot the mythic marti whch ders the pants ofthe Worl No, for they outline genuine rapture wth taonal know, abet one itnon wah rpid tothe there Their pli eset Lace oc ot conv of the Pre Sorats ss the oundesofa tration or test waton intense A ado Plocing cir trst nthe pe upenyo ou the re Soars had the gndione say to reak wit al tatoos of now. This shyt wing preigtematheratistion hough the ater sot psa is eral fm The promo gs pro imeion the we of post form. ar ror oppo Hei he DreScrt poem to Pat's math, Lact ha the power es ht ay waste ln thing fo utheataton sable the Pre Socratic. Feet form the innocent othe rand, For Laat teen goes beyond the ep cone of aterets because sntiptes the guy of he Imai bo cr he wes SUIS pismo Ober eH a lg an tar fot This tat inded eisers an innocents ac of api Theres ‘oneing une in Farmed popoion on bong inthe ese of gues of pxtc het are bande asf an ncn ining eh Tress thet hatte grasp of thought upon the ea ean be enbid ny by tected power oe eter es forth on ta the Pe Sect shoul be pretty wat ie hough rom ye tht invoisthe ipl ano kn Thy etre hough the ofl a elton of being wren es the fact tics second foundational inmotion ws o pos the power fon tanserence is ofcourse, ou ging reference hee. Take the lowing Passages Phadras ls that Lvs, the st ofthe god imagined by the (Gove of Parmenides, and which Jean Best in is ook on Parmenides denies more accurately bllee, with ath than with any ther func tea in trail strate," In fc, Lacan eit the Pes Soctais with bing lave to the question ofthe tut int wap ist of al they were able ae tht fovea Lacan isl sy i what brings bing face ofa wth cl hiss expres in Empl descrip som of lve asthe “powt of cbeson or harmony. Secondly ad above al the Pre Sacraics pointed ut that in ve tat theo ules the {gna of the dferene between theses, Love the appearance of non ‘eton, the sexual nomen, tala eo texte that ay spree elation F ponctzed or undone. This puncturing tis undoing ofthe One, wha als love with the question of te tt Theft hat we ae dein hve sth what rings ito Benga nolo in place of ton pect ws ss say hat nome thi pt of tetra which experienced the gute of hte Hate i slong with Jove and ignorance, the mery pasion of ‘he eu, toe extent that t process nomen nagined a elation. Lacan enblematally ascribes to Empodocs ths jer of tah the torsion tat relies ove to Hate Empedocls saw tha the question of our Being and of what can be stated of teat presupposes the vsogition of son-ttion, an orignal ioc. Ione ceases to const econo ‘ome scheme of deta anagonlsms, he lverhte tension ioe of the pore sume ofthis darord Feud, as Lacan emphases, had rcogizd in Empedaces something lose tthe antinomy of dvs. Inthe "Rome Report, Iacan mentions the express ference of [Fouls new conception tothe cnt af the two principles 10 which che alteration of univer Hf wat subjected by Erpedocl of Agrigentum i the ih centary ne” we allow tt hat 3 sae re acest blag inthe shape fa rth, ca sty tit what Empedocker tenis inthe ping of love and ate, pie and mia somthing skint the exces he Psonic, Lacan, one suits teats thi eles such a way as to put increasing empha om acon, on no-ration athe hy to tah, To this ny he Deetingly pair Empedotes and Horacio. Fanpedoces oats the two terns though which the ney of now-titon i ncribd Enpodocer names the fo pasion of tte 1s deployed by stra Herel antsin the primacy acon es the hin of no caon's ‘hvonolopel prot aver ration Tab, for example te ‘ned dee in "Agere In Py mali sal dehiscence that irene period for hi, “ama” Uo tht nals the anton nn of co whe hs Nw ot Sty cones to Hest Inshore the eaneesons ete lve te {thd wld mee sind by Epes a thn raid by Ws tee oc nto of hee i i Iccanequences tt esn be desva fh wring epg Ge Sine ihe Gal Empelns Knows ning of ht and here nating ofthe ‘Mcho Gods acs to th tobe cnesponding rested. Tiree Tie to tne Iles cokes © af whoa wor we Know bot thre lines, b ‘heen Gol wa the mw ret of a fgg End For the sarting consequences that canbe evn fom thee comsiderations of Goat ignorance re the reader to Fangs Repauls marvelous book Pit tee weet weber afl ing Se ei ‘reser wth an inition tha ba ar-seachinginpcatons forthe Feorce tut nent in exon 2 Let ws tur to the pbs of abn the relaonship ecween psycho sna and Patni in Heidegger's sey the Pre Soratis were deployed largely in omer ccomstrce Pat anda ae flc,tople the emergence ofthe en Sf mephysi: Docs tac conduct ular operation? The answer i comple . Tan neve pursies purely pilosophica objectives 1s inten then. ie not to diet Mat athe, Lacan maintains am srbiguous aly wih Plt. lao and pychoualis have alt two concept undertakings in ‘the One. On these wo poi tates. rest dl to Lacan fo ah that what he called the Feta way Iie om the Paton Socratic this aid whe sugling to mark the boundary between ry. anal and Phan. Avd'it lo clr tha the ceed wae itis {sinking of kaowedge and wath, J aca atte 10 Plato + dsr for cing to he completed by knowlege, end therfore an ienifaton (isl ently prod of mastery) of Knowledge wih ruth The Mein lt sense wo bes quel poi hich issimultancosy anon f kaowlge and a ater dre To Len, Soch «pin can onl Be imaginary ea cor pling the bits Berween Knowle and truth tng 2 falco peace tthe orginal cond Lacan bls tat Pat'standing dis inthe light of Empedel forte or ht between the PreSocats and Pat I's ne ewer ie meaning of being rates, the mennng of nowslin ofthe st ‘ration og nde, what has bent thoughts eno the ‘Onc oul ai ay that een the Pre Socratic and Poa change hes place in the way diference though This fundamental fo aca sine the signer constuted by cence: Empedoces and Healt post tha inthe hing deny sss by rence Assn asa thing xpos wo thought can be ented ony by diference. Pat ou ed have lat sit of his ine of argues snc he removed th by of ening difeence within the Seni ofthe dew We coud sy that te FreSocrats direst ent, while Pato ienies erence This perhaps the sore of Lea's preronce for Hera Tcaling in is ey ist seria, that theron between the concept sath hn found onthe paring enya iterenes Lacan we shins such ht teow ofthe wor never comes ops wie by he same ttn, s pee heae My dione sey surat in he ehing* re we ae ow Lacan conta the eee eateon of Irons acon tothe fied pot ofthe Mea in Plato = wt the sv ferent proces consttateof the thing Wal Te Leeann ction ofthe ration ben ny and iference~ an heforesin iting, betwen the one sd th muti finde oppor ota Pati the nivel mobi of Heals Thiss wht Lan eee with gard tothe Gd of Present Scher in the tx ‘Om Question Prciminary 0 ny Posie Texment of eho or Schebethe Creator “Unig in I Maloy, Mule n ts Unky (uch are he atts eminent of Teri ith whith Seber dates i)" Tn fc whet Herc ove fo think ~and what Pt, o he con trays prkiis the death drive, The Maton efor so dnt iference throug the dea aves no room fry Heracles dca, onthe other anlar very eet In Senna Vil when be dcuss Antigone Ste In ber tb, and our irorance of what happening Ie iStan detec "No bet tae than the aprons of Feces hing thes apborsn he mon ll the one ich ite the a tent the Pallas and dente fwing sing for: ade and Doms ane neath sn’ Te autho dieenes lows Herts to pone, inthe wentty ofthe got of the dead with The god of val ‘Ss the douielvstment ofthe Pallas Os Lacan pts of Bache frocetions “And [Hralus] lade up tothe point where bes tht {Tie werent a reference to Has or 4 teeny of cay it wou be ohing mre han sn odie pale reno Acoding to Lea, the Maton sobordnsion a irene to Hentty Incapable of arvng otto 3 ering to Hsiegger, we shold of cour reall hat Lacan translate his ich deb partir with sacl bbe that thee principal sonnctions can be ran beneeen Lacan ad Heidegr. They involve epson the One and bring fost [ie pour amor. A ee are elie bythe Pre Socrates Tiss Lacan belies ec go 90 far ast say that thre i at Beast similarity betwee the Headian theme of repression and the Heieggein ison of truth and fongeting, i sigaant for Laan that a Hesdgge remark, the mame of here forget, Lethe, can be hearin the word forty ase The hak is made expt nthe ft sen “ rie sitewr paneneas thers amargnoforgetings ete commentary to evry alee Such 2 repreion then, can wih go reson be cal ‘nga Te ergnary arora wth the Sordnon in rn dager ceases logos gts of the re Sort, * Second, Lacan tks ffom Heeger’ commentary on Heraclitus the {ig This for Lac, an eset the wil ate be fut stucrl sin: the aorta there fe semching of Ue) One 7 in dactnson of the Steer cn Lacon conn Hedge’ ening of Herc Commenting on fh la that Sar ony ent hs ene ie lotr bea ts the most intinate part of lina practice ~ tat which dels with poychoss~ that thecarfatory power of Heraclit” phrian supported By Heady, ow resp, nal Lacan believes he cin alo consct the Fewdan concept ofthe death deo Heidegger's extent amas which defines Deno beng fordeath The emblematic gare of Empedaica sey in he ome Report asthe vector for this eannection: “Empedoce, by toning his nto Mount Ea eaves fever peseat inthe memory ot me hi symbol at of You wil not tht in ll thee occurrences of Heeger — rth and or 1gting One and Logos, Being fordeuth~ the Pre Soot ate a seed Feference Inde, they ave nesesary to the eaten that oe cannot dei i th Pre Sows a pot of wre, Foto, ec Lc and Heidegger: o onthe contrary, tr Hidger who lows Lacan aces 8 more fundamental concern wi the Pre-Sorati genealogy 0 Pyeho. Sli efron, end twas the second hypothesis + Lacan intends to inscribe paychoanals within destiny ofthe iis determined by opposins and dvions origi afte by the Pesovtates On thi Hew Bere ae Wo eeu oppestons: ne a we Fc sot antag the Pe Socratic ene of dco othe dominance of yn tn Bata ab an opt pes sl vi Parmenides The et ext sin Seminar XS ani fran gt cc by ea sn pica ain oto Pato but to arene tae bode wth the atonal forms ofc Bt arenes isl theone hun the reSocrats beak eth the mh enancito, wth the {radon oft tht adc the iinry ety a the word But on ether a ast one ofthe PreScras founds ation weit which team tum bens he phiosphicl tradition, For Laci an an Sospher This an perp, bowen aready manne, in acta Stn by Herc The puoi Nes hat big ths fr wat of fe duct gaia hr saci meds pts forward the aga ion isa ra Fm nr dima, tana In tes wate eto he psycho sul cedure stb cul Herc hs pt ts plac the jretumion of the maser ofthe orale t Deh, bt slo the peesion the pllosopherw be the one who tens 4 the wc ofthe ig wo Spree tk Ply aca has dal cvendpious eaton to the Pe Soeratic a tedster oping. ee need hy the rea ra rave Sturn pansies coves the aon iitation of poopy, while Herc west “ommpnent of the gnelgy of peas Lacan wll adopt se Procedure wo stabize his reastonsip io Pato dating etre to rope: mn Sort he ee haa nd Pa he core But this dopo sian operation cared out within the sini. Parmenies tog racing! ayy Lacan, Sud we ote ‘oman tats though othe pt fw of poychoun phen Sasa wrong which, within the mae oft ison, noe the lee a sufi contact withthe Rel o then fa to ecg the eaten Schind The re-Sotts,then, who seman or ite more than a serene af rope nae whom ated pre areas sere ca formal cro Thea umes = np Telus, Puen he inst enough eal eight, jo cnogh srs of sian, wlohe Separate oat ra ogee on aly oom thee rs fan psy "cn, The Semin of agus Lacan Bk On Fein rae 19729 wane rae ik Se ok 198) rl ae Phe ein a as aa kV The hf sp of ages, oe 5-88 2 The Omniscient Body Miran Bosovie Ink the majority of Dens Diderot’ most important works — for example iAlembers and he wo pnd noel Le Neve dR Is foi that the works hate main fnous or rn published psthundy,one of the works that aogired certain his ieime bt rately ed toy sonal fame and een toi Inti novel Les Bnet (0788). tha nove the pilsopy expounded by he body thi pil scl fantasy, the boy el hat some to speak. The body hs a speech “han of eo speak thro whe gan tealonaly considered tobe "hs sabmisive the sol oF nd that hough the organ that aso ‘vers the reproducing crs called eupemistialy by Diderot le jou, ‘i jeweL Thee ae pera the only words nthe history of pisophy tt pk by the sul ote mind but bythe oy Tr this reson alone, Tisexerpdonsl document wold descr place in he istry of plsop). he pilosopy expounded by the body efleting upon isl and its sul Tmt, hats toy Der sc pilospy, his work marks ‘he authors transition fromm the dn of the ely Pons plrphiqus {14 tothe aly edged materi of Let sles ave 703) an is tice mors He the, in conserng ow 4 make out the ese fo the nay of ats that Diderot ame up with he ea the speaking Fen rly Bling tat the body Bows more about Uself and sso than he sol knows aboot elf ants bod, Diderot pests the ploophy Thatcralsm the bodys dacoure olen cores o sprain, thee the vous dsinc fom the ody animate, n mates, where ine sol nothing other than ‘the organization an eof the body el, tre encounter a bad that ss own wu. Once the body en the pe [rapeceh, the pilosophy it wil develop sar to be one of aterm, just asthe philosophy embraced by fetous in ater word, erry 0 fi ~ characters reflsting epom ther ow onto Stats within the

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