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Grade 3, First Week Quiz

The Respiratory System 19/ 11/2007

1) Which cell is a type of neuron?

a) Basal cells
b) Brush cells
c) Olfactory cells
d) Sustentacular cells
e) All of the above

2) What type of epithelium lines the trachea?

a) Simple squamous epithelium
b) Simple cuboidal epithelium
D c) Simple columnar epithelium
d) Stratified squamous epithelium
/' e) Pseudostratified epithelium

3) What type of epithelium lines the vestibule?

a) Simple squamous epithelium
b) Simple columnar epithelium
c) Stratified squamous epithelium
/'" d) Ciliated pseudostratified epithelium with goblet cells
e) Transitional epithelium

4) Which of the following is considered True Pathogenic in DR tract:

.-- a) Streptococcus pyogenes (group A)
b) E. coli
p c) P. aeruginosa
d) Staphylococcus epidermidis
e) Streptococcus viridans.

5) Corynebacterium diphtheriae exotoxin is produced by:

-- a) C. diphtheriae strains that showed negative Elek test.
b) All strains of C. diphtheriae
D c) Staphylococcus aureus
d) C. diphtheriae strains infected by lysogenic ~-phage.
e) Non pathogenic Corynebacteria.

6) Antigenic shift phenomenon in Orthomyxoviruses is due to:

a) Major deletion in viral genomic DNA.
b) Minor changes in the RNA genome
c) Mutation in the mRNA gene.
d) Reassortment of the 8 RNA segments.
e) Non of above.

7) The profile of an epidemic influenza virus strain is: AI Shanghai/2/98 (H3N2) ; which means:
a) It has HA-5 antigen
b) It has NA-l surface antigens.
c) It was discovered in 1980
d) Its origin is in Bangkok
-: e) It's an influenza "A" virus.
8) Regarding plural pressure
a) It is a negative pressure
b) Is more negative during inspiration
o c) Is the pressure inside the pleura
d) All of the above
e) Non of the above

9) Regarding mechanics of respiration at resting condition

a) Inspiration is a passive process
b) Expiration is an active process
c) Inspiration is an active process
d) Both inspiration and expiration are active process
/' e) Both inspiration and expiration are passive process

10) Para nasal sinuses functions include:

a) Voice resonance
b) Air humidification
c) Making the weight of the skull lighter.
-: d) All of the above
e) Non of the above

11) Medial end of Eustachian (auditory) tube opens in

a) Oropharynx
b) Nasal cavity
c) Laryngopharynx
d) Soft palate
/ e) Nasopharynx

12) All the following laryngeal cartilages ossify in old age except
a) Thyroid
b) Arytenoids
c / c) Epiglottis
d) Cuneiforms
e) Curniculates

13) Upper respiratory tract URT is limited by area above

a) Pharyngeal tonsils
b) Softpalate
c /' c) True vocal cords(rima glottis)
d) Trachea
e) Esophagus
14) Immunization against C. bacterium diphtheriae is:
a) Obligatory during the first year of life.
b) Protects children from effect of diphtheria exotoxins only.
c) In the form offormol (inactivated) toxoid vaccine.
d) Provides potent humoral immune response.
/' e) All of above are true.
15) Ismuth of fauces (connecting oral cavity with oropharynx) is NOT bounded by:
./ a) Uvula
b) Dorsum of the tongue
c) Palatine tonsils
E d) Palato -glosses and pharynges folds
e) Hard palate

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