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menampilkan ip suatu network ifconfig eth1 | awk -F ":" '/inet addr/{split($2,

a," ");print a[1]}'

melihat jika ada yang melakukan ping ke komputer kita
sudo tcpdump -i eth0 'proto \icmp'
software BiOS billing warnet linux
refresh your understanding: adalah network, tetapi jika disebutkan atau n
etmask itu menunjukkan bahwa ip tersebut adalah host.
untuk mengganti ip suatu interface (eth0, eth1, dsb) pertama sekali matikan dulu
interface tsb.
sudo ifcofig eth0 down.
suatu network
jika salah satu host (katakanlah ingin berkomunikasi dengan host yang
lain (katakanlah, maka paket akan dikirim langsung dari ke tetapi jika tujuan paket yang dari adalah host yang berada
di luar network maka diperlukan sebuah gateway.
The version of iptables may be checked by iptables -v
iptables contains 3 tables:
- filter table
- nat table
- mangle table
filter table (to filter packets) contains 3 chains:
- INPUT chain : used to filter incoming packets
- OUTPUT chain : used to filter outgoing packets
- FORWARD chain : used to filter forwarded packets (between network cards), in b
oth firections in and out.
nat table contains 3 chains:
- PREROUTING chain : used to change IP before forwarding take place
- POSTROUTING chain : used to change IP after forwarding take place
- OUTPUT chain
mangle table contains 4 chains (kernel 2.4.18 and later):
- INPUT chain
- OUTPUT chain
by default if table name is not specified (for example: with -t nat --> nat tabl
e, -t mangle --> mangle table), so default table which is used is filter table.
Policy --> default target of a chain. All packets that don't match any rule will
then be forced to use the policy of the chain.
Each chain have a default policy. Policy can be ACCEPT or DROP, by default all C
HAIN have ACCEPT policy.
pengertian dari --ctstate options:
- NEW : The connection has not yet been seen.
- RELATED : The connection is new, but is related to another connection
already permitted.
- ESTABLISHED : The connection is already established.
- INVALID : The traffic couldn't be identified for some reason.
pengertian dari beberapa -j (jump) targets:
- ACCEPT : Accept the packet and stop processing rules in this chain.
- REJECT : Reject the packet and notify the sender that we did so, and stop
processing rules in this chain.
- DROP : Silently ignore the packet, and stop processing rules in this ch
- LOG : Log the packet, and continue processing more rules in this chain
. Allows the use of the --log-prefix and --log-level options
- MASQUERADE: This target is only valid in the nat table, in the POSTROUTI
NG chain
- DNAT : Target ini diperlukan jika misalnya suatu web server terkoneski
ke internet lewat firewall/gateway
dan mempunyai IP LAN
Contoh: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j
DNAT --to-destination> public IP,> web server on the LAN
- SNAT : Gunanya hampir sama dengan masquerade. jika masquerade tidak mem
butuhkan --to-source, maka SNAT
Contoh: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source
eth0--> internet connection interface with public IP
Beberapa tips:
-When you design firewall rules to allow access to your machine and block everyt
hing else, take in consideration that traffic goes both ways. If you allow traff
ic on INPUT chain but your OUTPUT chain block everything, your rule will not wor
k. Usualy is a good practice when you protect your machine to allow everything o
n OUTPUT (you want to be able from your machine to do anything), and block every
thing on INPUT (incoming) for connections that are not initiated from your machi
ne. If your machine run public services, like for example a web server, or a mai
l server then you must allow connections from outside on INPUT, only on ports us
ed by those services (for example allow incoming on port 80 - http, port 25 - sm
tp, port 110 - pop3 and 143 -imap, mail services.) So as a conclusion when you d
esign your firewall, setup your default policy on INPUT to drop all packets and
on OUTPUT leave it default (ACCEPT), to allow everything. And then design your f
-If your machine is not only connected to Internet, but is also a router for you
r LAN clients, then you must also filter connections from LAN. It is recommended
to change policy on FORWARD chain to DROP and then allow only IPs you want from
LAN to be able to access Internet. --> INPUT: DROP, OUTPUT: ACCEPT, FORWARD: DR
Untuk mengerti suatu rule iptables bisa dilakukan dengan memberikan pertanyaan-p
ertanyaan berkaitan dengan rule tersebut misalnya:
iptables -A FORWARD -o eth1 -p tcp -j ACCEPT --> artinya paket yang masuk ke cha
in ini adalah khusus paket2 yang diforward. Pertanyaan2-nya misalnya: apakah pak
et masuk melalui eth1? Apakah protokol paket tcp? jika semuanya benar/cocok maka
paket akan dibiarkan lewat.
Sedikit catatan: "The MASQUERADE target is used basically the same as the SNAT t
arget, but it does not require
any --to-source option. The reason for this is that the MASQUER
ADE target was made to work with,
for example, dial-up connections, or DHCP connections, which ge
ts dynamic IP addresses when
connecting to the network in question. This means that you shou
ld only use the MASQUERADE target
with dynamically assigned IP connections, which we don't know t
he actual address of at all
times. If you have a static IP connection, you should instead u
se the SNAT target."
MASQUERADE , this target is only valid in the nat table, in the POSTROUTING ch
misalnya eth1 for LAN dengan network
eth0 for connection to internet dengan network
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE --> jangan biarkan begini saja supa
ya tidak dihack orang dari luar tapi harus dicantumkan juga interface dan juga n
ama network pada interface tsb (untuk membatasi cakupan MAWQUARADE), sehingga me
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
untuk membuat IP tertentu saja yang bisa mengakses internet:
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE
Do NOT make your default policy: MASQUERADING. Otherwise, someone can manipulate
their routing tables to tunnel straight back through your gateway, using it to
masquerade their OWN identity!

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