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O questionador teve um despertar de dons e habilidades energéticas, onde foi capaz de perceber
facilmente os guias e entrar em contato com as pessoas, mas então começou a experimentar
flutuações em suas habilidades e um desvanecimento da consciência dessas novas conexões.
Sentindo que ele está usando menos de seu potencial.

Questionador: As habilidades aumentam e diminuem?

Bashar: Sim, e sempre há ajustes a serem feitos quando novas energias entram, isso significa
que você está progredindo, se acostumando a um novo nível.
Questionador: Bem, o que eu queria entender era que depois de alguns anos disso,
provavelmente em 2015, eu tinha me conectado a um aspecto dentro de mim que eu chamo de
minha magia, e outro ser chamado de Thoth
Bashar: Tudo bem, na verdade originalmente se pronuncia Tote
Questionador: Ok, obrigado por isso, e me disseram que faria canalizações com ele e outros
Bashar: Tudo bem, você está animado com isso?
Questionador: Extremamente animado
Bashar: Tudo bem, mas quando você vai começar?
Questionador: Bem, parece que a conexão desapareceu
Bashar: Não, não, não, você está interpretando mal, entenda que sempre haverá ciclos para
permitir que você se integre e assimile e absorva e se acostume com a ideia das diferentes
frequências, mas você tem que tomar ações que permitam mais energia de maneiras diferentes,
não vai apenas começar sem que você dê o primeiro passo, e quando você passa por ciclos, não
é só assim:

Mas assim:

Questionador: Certo
Bashar: Você está sempre subindo se essa for sua intenção de expandir, então a ideia é o que
você quer fazer com essa ideia, como você pode usar sua própria imaginação para aplicar a
energia com a qual você relaciona como Tote quando pensa nisto
Questionador: Eu gostaria de compartilhar com as pessoas e ajudar outras pessoas a acenderem
seus dons, que é o que estou fazendo atualmente, no entanto, parece que estou usando menos do
meu potencial do que estava usando em 2012, quando despertei pela primeira vez
Bashar: Mas você está se acostumando a um novo nível
Questionador: Compreendi
Bashar: Não é que você esteja usando menos do seu potencial, você simplesmente não está
acostumado com o que está experimentando agora porque está aprendendo a experimentar e
expressar as coisas de uma maneira diferente
Questionador: Entendido, entendo
Bahar: é como dizer que você era proficiente com um instrumento musical, mas agora está
pegando outro e pode sentir que não é proficiente por um tempo, mas isso é porque está se
acostumando a aprender a tocar um novo instrumento
Questionador: Isso faz sentido

On cycles of integration and getting use to new level


Guest: abilities would go up and down?

Bashar: Yes, and there are always adjustments to be made when new energies come in, it
means you're progressing, getting used to a new level

Guest: well what i wanted to understand was so after a few years of that probably in 2015, I
had connected to an aspect inside of myself that i call my magic, and another being named

Bashar: All right, actually originally pronounced tote

Guest: Tote thank you for that and i was told that i was going to be doing channelings with him
and whatnot

Bashar: Oh all right, are you excited about that?

Guest: Extremely excited

Bashar: Oh all right, but when will you start?

Guest: will it seem to have faded away the connection

Bashar: No, no, no, you are misinterpreting, understand there will always be cycles to allow
you to integrate and assimilate and absorb and get used to the idea of the different
frequencies, but you have to take actions that allow more of the energy to come through in
different ways, it's not just going to start without you taking the first step, and when you do go
through cycles it's not just this, it's this
Guest: Right

Bashar: You're always going up if that's your intention to expand, so the idea is what do you
want to do with that idea, how can you use your own imagination to apply the energy that you
relate to as tote when you think of it

Guest: I would like to share with people and help other people ignite their gifts which is what
i'm currently doing, however it feels like i'm using less of my potential than it than i was using
back in 2012 when it first awakened

Bashar: But you are getting used to a new level

Guest: Got you

Bashar: It's not that you're using less of your potential, you're just not used to what you're
experiencing right now because you're learning to experience and express things in a different

Guest: Understood, understand

Bahar: it's like saying well you were proficient with one musical instrument but now you're
taking another one and so you may feel like you're not proficient for a while but that's just
because you're getting used to learning how to play a new instrument

Guest: That makes sense

On cycles of integration and getting use to new level


Guest: abilities would go up and down?

Bashar: Yes, and there are always adjustments to be made when new energies come in, it
means you're progressing, getting used to a new level

Guest: well what i wanted to understand was so after a few years of that probably in 2015, I
had connected to an aspect inside of myself that i call my magic, and another being named

Bashar: All right, actually originally pronounced tote

Guest: Tote thank you for that and i was told that i was going to be doing channelings with him
and whatnot

Bashar: Oh all right, are you excited about that?

Guest: Extremely excited

Bashar: Oh all right, but when will you start?

Guest: will it seem to have faded away the connection

Bashar: No, no, no, you are misinterpreting, understand there will always be cycles to allow
you to integrate and assimilate and absorb and get used to the idea of the different
frequencies, but you have to take actions that allow more of the energy to come through in
different ways, it's not just going to start without you taking the first step, and when you do go
through cycles it's not just this, it's this

Guest: Right

Bashar: You're always going up if that's your intention to expand, so the idea is what do you
want to do with that idea, how can you use your own imagination to apply the energy that you
relate to as tote when you think of it

Guest: I would like to share with people and help other people ignite their gifts which is what
i'm currently doing, however it feels like i'm using less of my potential than it than i was using
back in 2012 when it first awakened

Bashar: But you are getting used to a new level

Guest: Got you

Bashar: It's not that you're using less of your potential, you're just not used to what you're
experiencing right now because you're learning to experience and express things in a different

Guest: Understood, understand

Bahar: it's like saying well you were proficient with one musical instrument but now you're
taking another one and so you may feel like you're not proficient for a while but that's just
because you're getting used to learning how to play a new instrument

Guest: That makes sense

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