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SSIS – Unpack a ZIP file with the Script Task

A while ago I needed to unpack a couple of zip files from SSIS. There is no Microsoft
SSIS task that contains this functionality so I searched the Internet. It seems that there
are quite some third party tools that offer this functionally. It's also possible to download
custom SSIS tasks. I personally always try to avoid third party tools and custom tasks so
I searched on.
It seemed there is a way to unzip files from SSIS with the Script Task. With some Visual
Basic code using the Visual J# Library you can do the job. In this blog post I will use a
Foreach Loop Container to loop through a folder that contains multiple zip files and unzip
them one-by-one.

Make sure you have the Microsoft Visual J# Redistributable Package installed because a
reference to vjslib.dll (Visual J# Library) is needed in the Script Task. Download it here
for free.

Drag and drop a Foreach Loop Container on the Control Flow and create three variables
with scope on the Foreach Loop Container:

Now configure the Foreach Loop Container:

- Enumerator: Foreach File Enumerator
- Files: *.zip
- Retrieve file name: Name and extension

Next click on the + next to Expressions add the following expression to connect the
SourceFolder variable to the Directory property of the Foreach Loop Container:

Now go to the Variable Mappings and select the FileName variable on Index 0. Doing this
we will be able to access the current file name when the Foreach Loop Container
enumerates the zip files.

Now drag and drop a Script Task on the Control Flow, inside the Foreach Loop Container:

Open the Script Task Editor and do the following:

- Set the ScripLanguage on: Microsoft Visual Basic 2008
- Select our three ReadOnlyVariables using the new SSIS2008 Select Variables window:

Now click Edit Script and copy/paste the following script:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Imports java.util.zip
    Public Sub Main()
            Dim strSourceFile As String
            Dim strDestinationDirectory As String
            'MsgBox("Current File: " & Dts.Variables("FileName").Value.ToString)
            strDestinationDirectory = Dts.Variables("DestinationFolder").Value.ToString 
            strSourceFile = Dts.Variables("SourceFolder").Value.ToString &
            Dim oFileInputStream As New java.io.FileInputStream(strSourceFile)
            Dim oZipInputStream As New java.util.zip.ZipInputStream(oFileInputStream)
            Dim bTrue As Boolean = True
            Dim sbBuf(1024) As SByte
            While 1 = 1
                Dim oZipEntry As ZipEntry = oZipInputStream.getNextEntry()
                If oZipEntry Is Nothing Then Exit While
                If oZipEntry.isDirectory Then
                   If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(strDestinationDirectory &
oZipEntry.getName) Then
                        My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(strDestinationDirectory &
                    End If
                    Dim oFileOutputStream As New
java.io.FileOutputStream(strDestinationDirectory.Replace("\", "/") & oZipEntry.getName())
                    While 1 = 1
                        Dim iLen As Integer = oZipInputStream.read(sbBuf)
                        If iLen < 0 Then Exit While
                        oFileOutputStream.write(sbBuf, 0, iLen)
                   End While
               End If
            End While
        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

Now only one thing needs to be done, add a reference to vjslib.dll (Visual J# Library):

Your unzip solution is ready now! For testing purposes you can uncomment the following
line in the script to see the file name of each processed zip file in a message box at

'MsgBox("Current File: " & Dts.Variables("FileName").Value.ToString)

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